KF WTtT w" - fVW1,,,1' 77w!ir .. a XV r 7 , vr i i in ii :" , ( U.JJWi6-imIOimM MAX Mtt-AJB FOB SAX! ' Afc35fiMJfOM3tJli. IIMiiTACTltJU , J . "SffiggA WiU.M ,.. C1TV . . C!T CITY CtTT , PWXSVTVANI rAMujAis:'4 ( i nt-rv -i.-- rr J, v iM' i - - I'MUfSYT.VANrA.HCmtBHAW . rRNNHVLfajyinitflUlAW essr OmCKH. 'BCrllNKSS' ItOOMft; KTQ. "". ', 6mCB8.PHtNl8 KftOMH. KTfT rFn k . W '. lJJ I? ' R'lVil V 0 , Locust miibihiiiu Kam&aararaaMmonsEiBEiio IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2202 De Lancey St. High-class 3-stnry private dwelling. In excellent condition: first mortgage $8300; im per cent 0 years. $8000 CASH TAKES IT 3705 Chestnut St. Three-story, high-class, private dwell. Inn: all up-to-date Improvement!: sepsrata bath on each floor: can be (lied a apartment: flrat mortgega 10700; a yearn SH per cent. 18800 CASH TAKES THIS ONH 3907 Walnut St. Thin It absolutely the most oxeluelve realdentlal "action In Wtt Pblla.; hlih-cl9. thoroughly modern: 3H story dwelling; flrat mortgage JP00O; 8 years at 84 per cent 19000: caih above mortgage: this Is an excep tional bargain. FELT BROTHERS 140 S. 52d Street EBBBinSiJi Centrally Heated 2-Story O'erbrook homes. Marlyn - road, north of Lansdowne ave. ,, Stone construction-; latest Innova tions ; moderate priced. Take elevated to C3d at. Pass north to Lansdowne ave. Walk west 1 block. MOSS & TAYLOR iKnmninaffi 0VERBR00K Columbia avenue near 3d St. De tached and semidetached homes, some with reraie. lin.000 to 133,000. Oxford St.. 0100 block 8 story semidetached homes, perfect -conditions central plant heat- reasonable. Naisau road 3-story semidetached stona home, with double Karaite; In eloaed norch central olant heat. 1100 block N. 83d st. 3-story semi- 4 aciacnea name, -wun incioeeu purtn. reasonably priced for quick sale. Beautiful detached corner property Intersection of 3 main streets; larse lot. Ths Interior rinlsh of this house is unusual. Beveral new 3 story semidetached homes, with narase, on Lebanon ave.. and a few left on Haxlehurst road, with and without Karate. Desirable detached and semide tached homes In ths exclusive section of Overbroolc. McDEVlTT & MULLIN 03D AND LANCASTER AVE. Thone Overbrook 4808, fiisaiMXiiiEMiuiraM Larchwood Ave. Nr. 45 th Owner leavlnc city within the next two weeks wishes to dlspoi of his semide tached home fur. or unfurnished It Is located In the best rectlon of West Phlla , contains 10 rooms, 2 baths, electric llKhts and Is In excellent condition The price is attractive For particulars apply QUICK & BRO. EIQHT SO, 40TH STREET flKnMANTOvVN QKnMANTOWN When you buy a home you want not only value for the money, but a home that, should the occasion arise, you could dispose of at a profit, We offer such a proposition as that In 8281 Archer st.: one of these (tnulne homes that have upheld the j reputation of the West Side of Oermantown as an Ideal residential section, Forty-six In dividual home buyers have substantiated our claims as to the unusual value we hero offer by purchasing homes In this section. A 8 story twin house, with 6 bedrooms and 3 baths, with a frontage of 24 feet, hlth ttr raced front, overlooking- a street that Is planted with beautiful old shade. The In terior Is finished In mahogany and white, which creates a bright and cheerful condition that la greatly augmented by unusually large windows throughout the entire house. Latest effects In papering, with artlstlo lighting fix tures, and a heating plant that la new and guaranteed to heat to 70 degrees In xera weather at the minimum expense for coal, We take vara or financing. Price Is 18730. carrying charges 147.10 per month, plus an additional 113 per month, which Is paying off the second mortgage. Is It not a fallacy to pay rent when you can own your own horn (one that you will be proud of) on a plan cheaper than rent? Only 17 minutes' ride from Uroad St. Station tf Queen Lant Btatlon via P. 7X. R or route No. 83 on 18th st. to ITansbury St.: walk west 2 blocks. Open dally and evenings, 7 to 0 o'clock. RICHARD J, SELTZER. 400 Chestnut st LOOAN lqlO MENTOR ST. Six rooms, bath: hot water heat, electricity; quick posses., I8S00 1404 Louden Six rooms, bath, modern: hard wood floors: excellent location .... S02.V) 88D N. Marvlne Six rooms and bath: ex tras, mod. tnrouxnoui: perreci con., sovuv Others ranging from IS30' lers ranging rrom snsuu uwwaru. ALLISON PARHKH. 4718 N. Uroad St.. 4820 HUTCHINSON; 8 rooms and bath; riwfird built". modeVn: quick pomcs- lfMt,M04. 3 Allison Parker, 4T10 N. Uroad. K,iMmffiraiK3,XiTjn'E!HLijiiilJliiii!l)il'JlillltIlllW! WEST PHILADELPHIA Are You Looking A one and two story building containing 40,000 square feet. Very good condition.- An unusually good power plant; two 100 H. P. engines and four 100 H. P. boilers. Elevator, high ceilings, and sprinkled. . Extremely desirable for dye works and bleachery or heavy manu facturing. The price is far below intrinsic value and we will help finance tho purchaser. CHESTER D. 1421 Chestnut 295 WEST PHILADELPHIA Announcement of opening COBBS CREEK. PARK'S ARTISTIC HOMES ... ELLSWORTH STREET (62d to Cobbs Creek Parkway) Detached and semidetached, two and three story suburban residences of Spanish and Old English architecture. Brick or stone construction with spacious private garages. Lots ranging from 21 ft 6 inches x 110 ft. and upwards. Embodying the most advanced ideas in construction and finish, and completed under prices that existed in early 1919. YOUR INSPECTION INVITED OLER & SHAPIRO Builders and Owners on Premises JOHN F. CARTY. Representative on Premises ffllfflllTOMllirr WM. H. W. QUICK & BR0., INC. 8 SOUTH 40TH STREET OFFER SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE 29 Farragut Terrace A modern 2-story residence wtth O rooms and bath: hot-water heat: electrlo 11 this; vacant, leas than 17000. 5134 Hazel Avenue nullt by Downsbrouch: conveniently located; contains 10 rooms and bath; .K c trie lights. 511 South 49th This Is a. real opportunity: full 3-story and attic semi-detached home; 10 rooms and 2 baths, electric llg-hls: steam heat; open living; hall Price rlsht. 4917 Walnut Street Desirable 3-story twin residences overy modern Improvement, lot 20x115: 10 rooms and 2 baths; unexcelled nelxbor bood 5126 Locust Street Attractive stone front 2-story apart ment house. Live in one apt. and rent from other will practically carry the property. The house Is In excellent rundltlon. MemUers Philadelphia lasTOMiiiigiiminm jprte $9750 Seml-detschfd stone dwelling; 10 rooms and bath, elec; fine condition; porches detached. $13,000 Kml.,lj,n,.hri dwftlllniT. 10 rOOmS, bath Finished In white and mahog any Elec; excellent location; very convenient to Sedgwick station or Otn ave. care, stores, schools, etc, $16,500 Semi-detached atone dwelling, with garage; 12 rooms and 2 baths; eleo.i parquet floors; excellent condition; large lot A most convenient and desirable location DESIRABLE CORNER Detached dwelling, a fine corner property with Karaite Lllng room with open fire, Inclosed porch, dining room, breakfast room, pantry, kit chen; 3 bedrooms. 2 baths on second floor; 3 rooms and bath on third floor; elec; hot-water heat: parquet floors. S. C. T0URIS0N 7014 ROYER ST. Oermantown Phone otn. srtn Otn 4431 SALE OR RENT PELHAM New 8-stnry semidetached stone homes. 1 square from Upsal station1; central he't, 6 bedrooms, 3 baths; marble shower; sun parlor and sleep ing porch, sample house 814 W, llortter St.. open dally, 1 to 6 p. m. Agent on premises, or WALTER V ABHBY 2840 N 29th. Diamond 2448 812! MUSORAVB ST.. IBSOO: twin house y lot 18 8x87 ft. I nice hardwood finish. rom.nd bath. Porch front, electrlo lljhi brch front, electrlo Unfits. r,ex Beaauut u. . tsa j. OF.ItM NTOW S N for a Factory?' ROTTNER Street iiroWMBBMHfflBWIEaiBXm'fflM'- WEST PHILADELPHIA ft 4807 Chester Avenue Opportunity to buy a detached residence on a lot 00x133; space for Karate. House has 10 rooms and 2 baths. Worthy of Investigation. 4613 Spruce Street We are offering this Mstzzer and Field home at a fliruro at which It could not be built today. Contain 12 rooms, a baths and billiard room: hot-water heat and electric lights: exclusive location. H $14,500 Large detached residence on Walnut St. near 41st. Lot SOxHO. Contains 14 large rooms; now vacant. 4017 Baring Street 3 story semi-detached stono and brick residence; with Rarage on Wiota St. Has 10 rooms and 2 baths. $5000 Neighborhood 37th and Walnut Sts. 0 moms and bath; 1st mortgage 12300; enn possession. Real Estate Board LOOAN WE'LL FINANCE Y0U rN THE PURCHASE OF THESE SUPERB HOMES IN THE HEART OF LOGAN 10th Below Wyoming Ave. One block above Roosevelt lloulevnrd; IndMdual features not found elsewhere. SI.EBPINO PORCHES. OARAOES. IN CLOSED POUCHES LEVEL WITH LIVING ROOMS ,4 FRENCH DOORS COMMUNICATING PAR QU E IT lit FLOORS: EHRKT GUARANTEED ROOFS: REAl'TIFUL DECORATIONS AND ARTISTIC FIXTUHE8; RUYERS MAY CHOOSE TO 8UIT INNOVATIONS TO INTEREST YOU- SEE FURNISHED SAMPLE HOUSE; OPEN UNTIL 0 P. M. A Heating Plant Which Will Heat S. C. ABERNETHY 10th and Wyoming or 1328 Chestnut 4U0O IILOCIC MARVINB HT Millet house. , 1238 CARLISLE HT Rsdley house. I 1120 LINDI.EY AVE 11 rooms. 2 baths. I MJ1 UROAD ST. 3-story Millet house. 1MI N 13TII ST Two story, twin. 4 N KITH ST Two story, modern, i W. D. CHAMBERS droMt. SMEDLEY OT 4ono Mock Hwd. floors, hot-water heat elec llrht. garage In reari excellent condition; 1(1500. Immediate pos session. McDevItt A Mullln, O.ld and Lan caster av Phono Oterbrook 4883. OAK LANK AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY to own your I home, a sm-ll amount of cash required to I "tance. property 2070 Mh avo.i modern In I every respect Price and particulars sea 1'AniSER & SPAETH Oak Lane 11 IX 2012 E. Chelten ave. FHANKFOBD Modern English Dwellings IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Pilling st, 2 blocks west of Frankford avo., between Arrott nnd Orthodox. Take car No. 3 on 13th st to Orthodox st (6600 north). Walk next two blocks. Pcrcfl IncIoBure; basement ga rages; 9 rooms and attic; hard wood floors throughout; lots 30x125. DREBY & EVANS 1007 LINCOLN RLDO. ., : '" - v '- . V " H '1 ' & '. OLNKY Bauer-Bilt Homes LOTS 18x112 OARAGE) PRIVILEaEa Absolutely the Best Offer in the. City CAN "JfANCB PuncnABEns ON EAST TERMS AT 6 FLAT WITHOUT PREMIUM, BONUS OR COMMISSION Only a Few Left at Last Year's Prices, $7500 Walter S. Bauer, Builder SAMPLE, 0813 NORTH STII BTRfciCT TIOOA LOOK! 1310 McFerren it., 2 story, 7 rooms, hot water heat, electric Ilirht. hardwood floor, whits plumbing, reception hall, terrace front, porch, garage privileges, screens and awnlnrs Included: prlco, 83830. LA OROSSA, f.Ol Liberty Dldg. LOT OF OROUND. 28,000 square feet: Rising Sun nvr. nnd 10th nt. L. A, WHITB. Ownrr. Mnt N. lath it IIAHC1A1N: 3327 N. Oratx it.: 7 rooms and Imth J. n. Yfnger. H20 Thfstnut st. PENNSYLVANIA SUlll'KIIAN jMnsra oaEiiriiraKarjiiraEii'BHZimTiP'; 0AKLANE S imMmmmmmwiummmmmmmm r Atlrocttve Kngllsh style home having renter hall, living room, billiard nom. dlnlnc room, breakfast room. Second Floor: S chambers. 4 baths: electricity; hot-water heat; hard wood floors. Oaraire. Lot of nearly one acre with beautiful homes and convenient to station. -FAHAvrMrn mj ZWXm ; s , aur, TrrTr o. TPOTin HHiymu - -" wuu. H!S!TIIinKKir OVERBROOK B waiOTiCffiKiiffliaicaiimTis'j'EiiaianDrafflUiim!, All stone residence In excellent location having U chambers. 2 baths; electrlcltv: heat from central plant. Lot 100x280 ft. Convenient to train and trolley. MODERN 0-ronm residence, 2 baths, located In one of Philadelphia's pretltest suburbs: 20 minutes from City Hnll by either train or trolley: large porches flowers, trees. fruit and one of the beit-hullt homes In this section: hot-water heat, gas and electric; select neIghborhoxl; near school, churches, stores, etc; price. S12.000: owner leaving town: 15000 :ash: will finance; this home has never been on the market before and In a real bargain at a pre-war price: oct quick tf you want It: "no agents." Address "Sub urb," C 824, Ledger Ofllc. FOR SALE BY OWNER New 8-room home, opposite 00th and Market sts. terminal: will sacrifice for quick sale) owner leaving city; no agents need apply Telephone Lansdowne 807 J for appointment. E ACRES, suburban dnUllng. garage, fruit; near both ateam and high-speed electrlo; within eaey commuting distance of Phila delphia; fine old shade and a very good looking pronertv. BROWN & CLOUD Succeeded by Clayton L, Drown. Norrls- by Clayton L, town Pa. FORCED BALE HY OWNER 2,1 minutes firm City Hall, unusually attrac tlve DutchtColontal houv: 4 bedrooms, hot. water heat, open fireplace, white enamel wcodwerk. fine old shade trees; lot, 100x1 GO feet; garage; must leave town December 1: wj',1 sacrifice at much less than present cost of construction. Phone Ardmora 780 J, R, T. STERRETT. A REAL BARGAIN Morton: beautiful modern stona houa In feet condition: 8 baths; cholco locationl I22.0OO: this Is 83 per cent below cost of re production and discounts any possible re ductlon In building costs, p 1207. Led. Off. per lonl ARDMORE. PA ; brand-new up-to-date room aweiuns nut-water neatl will for less than can be erected; 23 per cent down and balance asms as rent. Apply John W. llrook. 147 Cricket ave . Ardmore. NEW HOUSES, all conveniences; $8300. $Ofi00 upwards. HARRIS, Real Estate.. Oppoelte Btatlon, Narberth. Pa. $0300. KLKINH PARK ABIIHOURNE ROAD (east of Park ave.) Fine substantia, home. 14 rooms and 8 baths (5 rooms and 2 baths on second floor); exceptional woodwork, hot-water heat. haTd wood floors; large lot. Hi acres; lance rarage: space on second floor for 4 rooms and bath, 8 minutes from train and trolley; truck garden, chleken houses, etc.: will sell riant. JOHN H. SHIELDS. 8800 York road. 1 COLONIAL riWEI.LINO, Just completed! 19 rooms 2 baths, hot-water heat, hard wood floors; convenient to train and trol ley: Immediate possession, MeCormlek A UcCormlck, Lincoln Mdg,. or Elklns Park HIOHLANn PARK MODERN DWELLINO, B minutes from 08lh st. terminal: living room, open fireplace, dining room, kitchen 8 large bedrooms and titd bath, attic, hot-water heat, gas and electrlo light: lot S7HxllS: price $0830, nnanced. OEOROE L. TiARNEB. 1201 Chest nut ! Wtxtaut 088, ;sj4ym;s s s E.A HAVENS CQE iri! "nSn,t LAND TITLE PLOF S UH""" ?:'M rt !-) fn n r'l t'"- :rwfvrm.TM'f fefl meihon TSfezO JlotfieS' $13,000 On Wayne Ave. On Copley Road -Bywood 69StTei'mInal 2 minutes from v '3minute.Walk 6?tbStJerm ina I South from Statioft Unequalled anywhere attho Price. We "only ask thaf you Inspect'theso houses before buying elsewhere fUey Will bear comparison. - Agents on premises daily and Sunday Lower, Mejrion JREALtY COMPANY . BUILDERS & OWNERS 1644 Land Title Building Phons-Locuat 2660 mm nkw jkkhct' snnnRnAN r.tirARToN CAN YOU BEAT IT? Nine beautiful sites, one whole acre for $125.00. Six hundred acres' to be sold in acre tracts. Property of the Lucas Estate, Lucaston, New Jersey. Most desirable loca tion, high elevation, 35 minutes' ride from Philadelphia. On White Horse Pike. Buy now and get your choice. Interest your friends. Buy ten acres special price. Terms cash. This is a bona fide offer from reliable people. All deeds guaranteed.' Sale begins Saturday, October 23, and continues every day, Sundayincluded. How to Get There Toko car rrtnrked Ctcmcnton, Market Street Ferry, Camden. Cars run overy ten minutes. Ride to end of lino, take auto marked Lucas Estates to property. No charge. For further Information call ' LUCASTON COMPANY. GROUND FLOOR 1518 Sansom Street, near 15th, Philadelphia, Pa. r-ESXHVI.VANIA SUUUnHAN JKNKINTOWN Miraiiiffliiirjiia JENKINT0WN LinmritiniiiiiiiiB Attractive brick Colonial homo con-talnlna- center hall. 8 chambers. S baths: electricity: hot-water heat: hardwood floors. l-nrao lot well located between train nnd trolley, l'roperty In excellent condition. MKUtOSE TAKK nraunanaiiiiii MELROSE Exceptional suburban home now be Ins; offered for the first time. Con tains 8 chambers. 4 baths; electri city: hardwood floors. Oarage with inim s quartera. Located on corner lot of nearly 2 acres and surrounded by beautiful homes. Convenient to Onk Lane 8tatlon. wwftnm LAUAVENSCQ LAND TITLE BLOG. TfffflfflWl mmmmm AT MERION Six acres, desirably located In but residential section. Only short distance from station. $30,000 Well financed , Satisfactory arrangement! oan be made. M 006, LEDGER OFFICB. snHHKnni OVKItlllthflK OVERUROOK. 0037 Columbia ave., 2 stories, 7 rooms and bath. Inclosed porches: hot- water heat; elec., hardwood floors and ga- rage; immea. poi. a rercy fox, lis-n atrard NAItniTTII BUNGALOWS FROM J0500 TO J14.B00 J. A. CALDWELL House ph. Nar. 1087. Office ph.. Nar. 1781, EIQHT ROOMS and bath, sleeping porch. not-water neat, eiecino lignt, Inclosed' porch: lot nuxizn: ivsoo. J A. CALDWELL. Narberth P.. House ph., Nar. 1HS7 Office ph.. Nar. 173S SIX ROOMS and bath, electric light, steam neat; i-uu. j. A. CALDWELL. Narberth. Pa. House phone, Narberth 1087 Office phone. Narberth 1733 SEVEN ROOMS and bath, awnings. Inclosed porch screens, shades, linoleums', 4 tons coal: ponsoslon October IB; $8000. J, A. CALDWELL. Narberth, Pa. House phone, Narberth 1087 Office phone. Narberth 1733 BRAND-NEW t rooms and bath, electrlo light, hot-water heat; $0300, J. A CALDWELL. Narberth Pa. House phone, Narberth 1087 Office phone. Narberth 1733 WILLOW flBOVK B-ROOM stucco house; all conveniences: fire' num. lare lot: trolley passes door: bar gain: also oth-r houses: reasonable. CARL QOfcnl1UL.IV liaiporu. i-nunw lutiwro ,u. NKW JKJtHEY SU1UIRIIAN rJiniBli!;i!riI!ll!l!in!MMTllJraKMirani5 M VQNOLIA Six-room house, lot 60x150: garage electricity, plpeless heater: on vtmta no pike '.$2750 OAKLYN fleven-room house, modern; JKOflfl ot 76x200 tpuuui AUDUBON Seven-room bungalow; ga-JrrejA rage, chicken house P uw AiiDnnoN" Wow, m.rcoSv.Cnt,nfSeT.lr$7600 ERNEST U. JENKS 120 W. ATI.ANTIC AVH. AUDyUON, N. J. I Sa HAVENS cai I gnflBR) S UNO TrTLE BL0G Mma S lz m - s wuraranK. r DIIDillllllBBB ond'Fnanccci or You new jr.n?) r. v s pncitn an HTf'AHTON wkw jkrhev sunrnnAN Vacant A Bargain Semidetached, 10 rooms, all modern con veniences: larc lot; call, convince your- .ub'urT Sak'c.l2S5l,,0,if "ffi.'.'6' '" FELIX D. ALOISE 440 BROADWAY, CAMDEN CAMDHN NOTICE V have 8 new houses for sale at a aacrlflce: 10(100: every convenience; terms; unusual olTerlncs In the suburbs of Camden, with ample (round. CRAMER REALTY CO. 807 Market St.. Camden COI.T.lNOSWOOn TWO-STQRY RUNOALOW. Just finished: at less than cost to build: 17000: 0 rooms and bath on first floor: extra construction and finish: all Improvements; lot 48x170: "10 Rlchey ave. (on car line). West Colllngs S? .'Ji.i'AVP'2inDly bulIder nd owner. ,.. . wn-... . .. .mrnei si.. uamqfn.n.J. MOORKSTOWN TRACT OVCR AN ACRE COR. OAK AVE. AND EIJ1I ST.: 3 FRONTS Now with tax exemption for 8 years. It la worth while to build a home, PETERS A 80N. CHS CHESTNUT ST..PHILA. ALSO A TRACT OF 23 ACRES rKNNSVLVANIA FARMS CHOICE STOCK FARM OJ acres, very best soil, meadow and stream of pure water; Colonial stone dr.. 18 rooms, bath. elec. and gas available; in. room tenant house: barn with tle-uo for 00 head full complement of outbuildings, all under alate roof; abundance of old maple shade, spacious lawn, variety of fruit: frontage on 2 macadam highways: of a mile from sta tion on Newtown division of P. and R. R.; 1 mile from trolloy: high school, stores, churches etc.: only 15 miles from City Hall. I'll la.: Inc. atock. crops, tractor, dwelling fully furnished nnd ,mlr. ,,i,.... J. ." opportunity to purchnae n high-grade' farm. W. FORREST MAGEE SOUTHAMPTON. PA. A RARE COMBINATION MrtWio!!.ri MS? walk to station: 15-room dwelling of artlstlo design: old English hall, modern convenience; sppclous lawn with grand old shade and driveway; abundance of perennial shrubbery: clay tennis court: garage and stable; stone farmer's house. 8 rooms and bath: large barn, necessary outbuildings: variety of ir.'atcr?nDcrina-tWir30,,",Urei Very " W. FORREST MAGEE SOUTHAMPTON, PA. HIGrf-GRADE STOCK FARM 128. acres: on Newtown dlv. of P. and n.; right at station: 22 miles from City Hnl pood soil: southern slope: 0 acres old tim ber: stream: 10-ropm stone house, bath, onen ","p I'S 'Sffi'Tri .S.'!!ff hy of outbuilding. In A-l shape: PrlcV $7o!boo! W. FORREST MAGEE SOUTHAMPTON, PA. 184 ACRES good farming section, at main pike and trolley: near steair! i road- fine modern dwelling, substantial stone fnrm.r'. house. 2 barns, etc.; 28 miles Philadelphia City Hall: a gentlemnn's farm at a practical farmer's price. , 'm.hwm BROWN & CLOUD Succeeded by Clayton L. Urown, Norrls town. Ta, FINE LITTLE property for rhlckenss S acres, with frame house and linrn: lo cated less than a mile from good Main Llna station; Msun, J. M. FRONEFIKLD. Wayne. Pa. BEAL ESTATE WANTED WE DESIRE tho specifications of factories sites and warehouses, which we handle ex clusively from an Industrial, engineering and manufacturing standpoint; we are not real estate agents and do not accept exclusive agency. J. ALAN MIDDLETON, 002 Wide ner Pldg. Walnut 2403. J have clients for one hundred houses What Have You to Offer? . -Tt ,rlc, ' J1.""1 jrJJ'.l.''"' results H. E. Smith, 724 W. Erie Ave. WILDWOOD CRE8T Two adjoining ,ots wanted, totaling about 00 by 100; stats exact location: payments to cover twelve months M 8.11. Ledger Office. wsivs LIST your properties with us; large dsmand WM. SADLER'S SONS. 1B28 Columbia. "v LET OIS.SEL YOUR PROPERTY l 4820 N. Uroad st. OKnwvrovTN WANTED To buy horns wlta eonvoteneeti 4 bedrooms; $6000 or lesci Oermantown. rheatnut Hill r vicinity, vltn some ground, not necessarily modern Address, giving lo cation, description and terms, M 214. Ledger ," .Wf4 ' jr AJgsVSs-rrtsfc etc. ""ELESIERTOWNSEND Room 605-A Phono Walnut 1455 Philadelphia APPLY TO sTactoHm. Mnnufuctnrlng Floorsi LET'S TALK 30TH AND WALNUT Now daylight building, 12,000 sq. ft. vaniaJlailrood siding nnd wharfage; largo yard space- under cover REYNOLD H. GREENBERG 1421 CHESTNUT STREET -BEAXi ESTATE SALE OB BENT FOH nENT On FOR SAW! Commercial bulimnir: poaaeailon lit of Noyembert 80x 1001 8 atory and basement! about 2B.O0J auire feet: .team heat, electrlo elevator aooa Unlit, prood ehlppInK facllltlee. MOIIRI3 WKII. rON8, 897-41 N, 8d at. Floor Space CENTHAI, FLOOn SPACE BO0O TO 1B.O0O HQUA11B FEET MYEH8 A 1IA11TH. Ilhlffo ave. and 10th , OFFirES. niT8INKH3 nOOMH. KTC. DESK ROOM or office apace, un to 200 eq. ft.: central location builders and archi tect: Ideal location for rnanufacturerR rer reiivntatlve: uee of telephone. 1011 Sanaora at., third floor. . WF.ST rlllf.ADTn.I'HIA 105 AND 80 Nrw, up-to-date houses, on Florence avo. and B3d at- the $80 houses havi Baraees; hardwood floors, hot-water "".A'.&.fVBON. 8201 Italtlmore ave. TENNSTLVANIA SDUUnnAN I FOR RENT 1 Term Leas, $55 Ter Month 000O block N. 21st st.l 0 rooms and bath $60 Per Month 2000 block Church lane: 0 rooms and bath $85 Per Month 8400 block Ogontx ave.; new; 0 rooms and $100 Per Month 1229 Llndley ave.; corner; 10 rooms an $100 Per Month 7200 Ogontz ave.: 8 rooms and bath; garage ,. $100 Per Month 74th ave. west ot Ogontz ave.; 8 rooms, OAK IiANE REALTY COMPANY Oak Lnne 337 0732 York rd. TORT WASHINGTON MANSION; 20 acres; pointed stone: all con veniences: large garage: 22 rooms:, 2 baths: suit school or sanatorium; near station, and trolley: rent or sell nn easy terms. KENNEDY. 400 S. Van Pelt st. REAL ESTATE FOB BENT CITY MANHATTAN BUILDING- Cor. 4th St Walnut In the heart of the Insurance. Financial and Shipping District. All outside daylight offices. One entire ofllco floor can be leased by responsible Arm. About 3000 aq. feet. Also 1000 square feet. Ilulldlng now being renovated, new elevators, plumbing, etc., nnd generally being put In excellent condition, WM. LIPKIN. 120R Arch Street RASIL S. WALSH. BOO Walnut St. Storage and Manufacturing 8J100 squnre feet: basement 811 to 828 Cherry st: fireproof elevator service and electrlo lights; driveway for big cest trucks; front and rear entrance. WM. LIPKIN. 1208 Arch Street Phono Locust B044 or your own broker RENT Central, 2040. Cherry, 3-story brick (front and bark) dwelling, 10 rooms and bath; Immediate possession. Y 11. u. uuuuu, uaucy uiaff, E. T. LINNARD. 1211 Vine st. RENT. $75: new houses, 4800 block N. 0th St.: 0 rooms and tils bath, hardwood floors. gas and electricity. Inclosed heated porch and garage. Phone Walnut 8488. 2010 N. 82D ST. Cor. property: excellent tnnd. Anply on premises. Ph. Din. B887 J. FOR RENT: 10,000 square feet floor space with power. Inquire O'Neill Ifros., How- ard and Oxford ats. ynrtorlm. Warehouses. Mfg. Floors 128,000 80. IT., sale or rent, 2, 3 and 4-story buildings, concrete and brick con struction; heated, wired, sprinkled: 1330 horsepower, 4 largo filters, sidings nnd dock: site, 4 acres: 8000 ft. riverfront: wo handlo factories, sites nnd warehouses exclusively fAm nn ntrinAArlntf. manufacturing and In dustrial standpoint; plant will be altered to suit tenant or sold on terms to suit. J. ALAN MIDDLETON Factory specialist and production engineer H02 WUlner iilag.. I'nuaueipiiiti. SIX FACTORIES. Kensington: different sizes: suit anv business; list on request. KENNEDY. 400 S. Van Pelt st. Business 1'rOTfrtlen and Stores 1733 CHESTNUT STREET Modern 4-story building, desirable first floor store with mexxanlne: uper floors for offices, shops, npartments, etc. C. F. SIMON. 1 12 South 16th nrrirKS. mmiNiws rooms, kto DESIRABLE OFFICE with reception room: all modern appoint ments; reasonable rent: possession No vember 1. FULLER BLDG., 10S. 18th St. OFFICES for rent, Bhubert Rldg., 250 S. Rroad et.i In suites; excellent light; Im- medlsto possession, OFFICE FOR ni'.NT 808 N. UltOAU HT. OFFICES and rooms; suit light manufao- luring. o, mi Desk Room DESK SPAC to sublet, desirable office. Lflnil mi. ..mi,. ,,,... , j,w,,n um, DESIRADLE desk room; offlco bldg.t Uroad and Chestnut. Phone Walnut 4344. WKST rilllnELl'lllA 20B1 N. 62D Twelva rooms; exclusive neigh borhood: all modern) $85. J. B. PL0TKE & CO. BOO PERRY RLDO. LOCUST B450 WILLOWS AVE., B838 8 story, porch front, 0 bedchambers; near the park: ten nis tlub, churches, schools, ato. 'EMBER TON ESTATES, owners, Harrison llldg.. 4 0, 10th st. Office Spuce For Rent in a modern up -to-data office building, fullyequli. ped 'with all modern im provementa. and convent enccs. Vandaita Building ' N.W. Cor. 10th & Market Limited amount of spac now available for high class office tonaneies. Suites of 1000 square feet to 10,000 square feet For information and rates, gartorlK. Manofoetorlng Flanr. IT OVER 41 STREETS - FOR RENT! on ono floor; dear span. Pcnnsjit OKRMANTOWN PELHAM New 8-story stone dwellings: 1 iqtiara from P. R. R. Upsal station: Im mediate possession; central heat. WALTER V. ASHBY 2040 N. 28TII LOOAN OSS FISHERS AVE., 0 rooms, bath! an modern conveniences: garage Drivtlii! yearly lease. 100 per month. Edward F, 1I8-I 5441 N. 12TIL thoroughly modern slde-ytrl home. 8 rooms, and bath; parage; key tt Diav, Apply in LAiareuv jjiog.. cor. Wk and Chectnut s's. rKNNSYLVANIA BPRTJnnAN PlinHDKllIhllllililflinillllC NEW HOMES 8208 BLOCK N. 8TTI ST. AnOVE DUNCANNON AVH. Terrncs front. Inclosed porch with interchangeable sash.- parquetry floors throughout, hot-water heat, electrlo and gas lights. 0 LARGE ROOMS and bath, built-in tubs, shower, laundry, shed: lots 18x114 feet; rent 170 per month! 0-month leases. SAMPLE HOU8B OPEN See today I wet proposition offered any where. Take No. 47 or 78 car on 8th st. to Duncannon, walk 1 square west. MARTIN & KELLY 2001 W. ALLEGHENY AVE. AQENT ON PREMISES KIM NARRERTn 510 DUDLEY AVE. Nine rooms: modtrai lo 80x125. O. M. RODISON. 004 Walaat bl. j-none walnut imn. NEW JKRBKV BPnPBIlAN CAMDEN NOTicra Wa have two properties for rent, aeitr able neighborhood: conveniences; 130 month ly: also one lor 25. Cramer Realty Co., luiAiarxec st.. camaen. ornrra. iiusiness rooms, etc. WHY PAY tremendous prices for rent when In Camden. N. J. at the foot of the P. R. n. ferry (only a few minutes from Philadelphia. Pa.), you can secure an office. Including tight heat and Janitor service, for as low a rental as 120 per month! Also, an entlro floor, 1300 square feet, for $75 per month. WILLIAM H. ISZARD B33 FEDERAL ST. Camden, N. J. Dell phone, Camden 3137 TOB BENT FTJBNISHED 2047 WALNUT ST. Four-story residence. 13 rooms, 2 tithlS fully furnished; excellent condition. C. F.SIMON, 1I2S. 16THST, OFJtMANTOWN T01B OERMANTOWN AVE. Furnished ms slon, 12 rooms. 2 baths, II. A. hrtt. ele trio: garage; flower garden, fruit, larsv wo. i shade troes; $223. The Land Title and fruit i Co.. Trust Dept., Uroad and Chestnut lis. MORTGAGES WANTFD FIRST MORTGAGES ON PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATH LAROE OR HMALL AMOUNTS IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT FRANK H. MOSS & CO. MR WALNUT ST. $1-00 to $5000 to Loan Real estate owners; nots or mortgage: lmn I dlate settlement If desired: long of short i term or Installments: obligations taken u. AK1HUK J. LhUr'ULU 803 nalley Illdg,. 1218 Chestnut it. MORTOAOE MONEY W- CATED, ANY AMOUNT QUICK ACTION MODERATE PRICE8 JAMES 8. CLARK 180 S. 18TH ST. SrnUCE 5640 t? $.10 NOTE ON MORTOAOB TO Immediate settlements $1000 Unsettled estate loans. Building association funds DEMP8EY ft CO. 57 B 10th st. .....nrt rrn vrncr "HWin'TfUflKS MAURICE rLMATSINGER , REAL ESTATE TRUST HI;""-. Memher of Phlla, Real Ktt. Hord A FEW well-secured first mortgages st im. nnt. LIST YOUR FUNDS WITH ME ir w. RMITH. 724 W. Er!av, SuSS.nnilVrlJ,i2 rlson ill". .- WM CAN PLACE a few flrst-class mortnn lPePrff5W,uao W.lnullk $4000 ON $8500 homes. Willows ave.. BM 'j.i.r .ars. 8 per cent: onirnnlsslon f I nnl liVlf r-1 '""" cn.n ... ,.M. - .I1 iqo.ooo for first and secraia '""Ue-K 'igOM li ft L. funds, lswis j, "'"." t.." TC.tite Trust ntn. Wslnut 11114, .. " "Joni.nt Commonwealth Ring; r:'lt,o-rcorunt!vrc'r ' .......ssiisssissiasssssiaaisissassi- MONEY TOLOAN READY M0NEY- United States Loan Society 117 NOJtni "u",i,1. st. I J 1 MWIII'P ,i' wSSrui u- v , , jo-.w.gfuwit?: bA&dSti.i. Jit, lM? ; vemt,. --.Lrf ..dW ...Lm&xuxa ., ,j. , ...