"' y H, yL t i" Pirn i V(l 1 ! M !' V ""JV n1! , hi Villi' I. Hi vt- ." ' wiAg",W'A!trtD-rltAt.ll' iVTt jAAtKaMAM nl kadi furnlahrt "pTa five wlr who I amblllousl we.hav (or "J. -Tv... whih win heeOmo nerm. M .iSoMltlon on proof et ability Aatell A :.:;i488 Area T. STNrTMArV20 to 2a year of agei must lOui!if rood penman and have good school- Mn.Tvi iiulck at figure. Apply rrarno &. ''Ufa illt Co,. 8108 Hunting Park nve. Oencrat -JJgslcnVICn CO.. 1114 Land Title 'Hrr-? Supervisor. 112.0001 senior publlo .cStVno. general ledger. I240O up. dviurJrvisV' t8ofo-lli.6oo. ... S,lnK9 Milling. .Mpplmr.' gen.. i20-$8Sft SHAFTS Automatlo toofir. ISOOOt mecB., jnl5iaupefvlior of con.lr.. 18000-112.. ? rneeh" malntennc. 11820. ... JLotrroivFIM Insurance, I30-J8B. fiiffFactory maeh, tool. $3f.00-$7200 Mfin't and 'dy.. $80d0-$3000l Ben. store. 2'?1 jr.(ii. i2fl00! high-grade atxe.. " tAW.n .. - pffifl ENOIX. Power plant equip:, $2800-TFNOCJ.-0). MS-MR P. S, (3). 180-133. KSyciu.. mfsr..' 18000-w. Simtkd-Men nnd ladle to learn barber "S;2i , hea.ahorJ owner: make more moneyi Tif'i.Vf day or evening class. Writs Trl. ??,?&? School. 228 N. th at.. Phlla. glphla Po. f tttT AfrlONB WAKTED IXMAIiH I.. n.nhi woman, with daughter at ctirAinir high school, desire po. In small s-jB.'Sii"Scr piain cook: 6 ivrf. oft-: mbd. home, .where careful itl raanamMli fnuNQ MAN. high srhool education, 4 yr.' .'."."nlw connection. Q 40 . O. Pre 8443. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ifrnitNTANT Executive, middle-aged man. miMla nnd corporation cxn., general and ,t ncomo tax procedure, deilre position r. ...iirtant treasurer, auditor or office man '' p O. Ilox OS!" Uppt narby. Pa. mcw Experienced short-order cook want pillion. Call 2228 League at. from 8 a. m. 11 a. m.. iirTORY JIANAOER or production execu tive in small, growing concern by graduate ..lineeri practical manufacturing executive. r. sue, ,"'- -- f.NAaEIt Am desirous of connection In a nfldntlal capacity for larca Intere.ts. -f? or purchasing aat. I have had IB years' ..nVral bus. exp. in mm, inr rar own ar. ffff?'CTmild like Interview; C 22B. 7,ed, Off. gECnBTAIlT.STKNOOnAPHEn, who has Vila very responsible and confidential posl ii.Vi .eeks change: capable assistant to of. frt. of company or other Position of trustt ;. had wide experience In Insurance nub hlng and advertising work also. Address 'iffi T-edifer Office. BEVEnAL excellent rhambermalds. Includlnr B Swedish, Scotch and English: flrst-clnas .itrei. nnrlor maids. laundresse.: 2 Sltreises. Main Line: comp. cooks. Prot. JlorV maid, city: Infant ami child nurses. Aiuffeure, 'couples. Mrs. llogcra. 813 B. SOtta t. EMPLOYMENT AQEN0IE3 vhs. KANE. 511 B. 10th. Boruce 3401 Poiltlons wanted first-class i cooks, butlers. kouwjnen. waitresses, chambermaids, laun SrMs. housework girls: wanted, several Slldnursss. waitresses for Main Line. nt". wM'Qle. OLEN OAK EMP, AOCY.. 2232 W, Oxford p.ft heln. whit, end colored. Pop. (11g WANTED Competent help In every capaoltyj Vtftrrnce required. lHlft ll.lnhrMy t. CaNTED. at office. S12 fl. 12th Competent eMlcs, nurses, waitress., kitchen maids. mpbicaii rwsTBTjaantTa Pianos, Player-Pianos, Victrolas Th. great annual salo of Plan... pianola nines and Vlctrolaa Is held this 'month. ii much n 25 per cont reduction In some feino DtDartments. The uiuolHeppe, guarantee and free sx. change privilege will be In force. AH ussd near like new as pss- I"nos are reuuui I1DII The following I u general summary: 49 Rebuilt Planoa from U33 to 1430, 75 New Pianos, price ranging up to 1830. New Pianola Piano, the largest assort ment for years, gtreral used Player-Plabos at I47B. SS30. SCO New Vlctrolaa. all typos, from 123 to $275. Used Talking Machines, other make. Payment to suit your convenience. Call or wruo lor larao mu.iraieu cai- krut. Heppe!s Uptown Stores COR. SIXTJ! CTJI "AND FOUNDE THOMPSON BTS. DED IflAs. HOWARD -VINCENT PRMOLIDAY PIANO SALE We are offering 20 817B slzo phonographs at 0r each. Including C 10-Inch double-faced rteords, and are displayed In our show win tows. Come and seo them or send for cata lotue. Established 1800. HOWARD. VINCENT 836-838-840-642-844-846 NORTH SIXTH STREET HOWARD VINCENT PRE-H0UDAY PIANO SALE We sro offering for a few days several Baby Grand Planoa far below regular price. 8omt of these Instruments are reduced as much as 23 por cent. Term to suit. Send for oa;aloguo. Open Monday, Wednesday and sTlday evnnlnas until 0 p. m. HOWARD VINCENT h8n-MB-84O-842.B44-840 N. nth. HOWARD" VINCENT PRE-H0LIDAY PIANO SALE A limited numbor of brnnd-new HS-note J fVWiplanos, containing metal tubing and ill tne latest Improvements, nt 1423: savan pianos at J29B each: thaso Instruments nrn fa exhibition In our show windows," with Ufte prlco tag, so, that thera can bo no BliUkej open Saturdays until 0 p. m. HOWARD VINCENT 880-838. 84O-RI2-R41-810 . N. 0T1I ST. HOWARD. VINCENT PRE-H0LIDAY PIANO SALE M li I. m-ww nivuiu fici s'lAUUt l" ciudinr 00 roll muslo ana bench; very cheap. nui. 10 mil. HOWARD VINCENT 836-838-840-842-844-846 NORTH SIXTH STREET HOWARD VINCENT Xii!V, ?.y,raL "k rMV. Including cabl !k:!nl S ln-'nch double-faced records, very P, and aeveral other makes: end for full cnptlve ll.t of these remarkable bur- SHVJ?" oftf.r. 'P ,he ,alB- Kstablfshed 1800. 8a8-8a8.a40-842-844.84n N, 0th t. HOWARD VINCENT Edison Disc Talking Mnchino LAnQB SIZI5 VBUT CHEAP 8a8.8a8.840-842.844.840 N. OTH FOR THE LOVE OF MUSIC BQMEON13 SHOULD IlUT MT SHOEMAKER GOLD-STRING GRAND PIANO' HE HiOHEST CABli OPTKR TAKES rf.' oua mtEBTNUT STREET VlCTRtfLA UC. Includlnr 0 10-lnoh double .".".fMorda (12 select onst. 180.10: this irovem1,n?J..T,snmachJ.ne' with latei lm KS. -,n,,iJi,B0 weekly. D. H. Todd. 1800 KfA and 228 Market st. Open Monday. gjilsy and Saturday evenings. Wl rCiiiVlA..,AV4wlLh 10-"h double-fac f.rrTr"0A0'''? outnt for on. looking SSSjJiPrHay and Saturday evenlnrs U(H)-flQjhnA fins,- -..... ....'i..r. D JgSH flOT -:': JhSlI "IMO 'ween It' ''i "r j-hihm iiiiiinn, umu maoh Hi'lrPiohlnes. new mahogany cass. fc 1? 'toXi" VaK10? 'i00K ta'lT guaranteed iiHil,ToVi1809 Af'h t. Open Monday tryy Snd RstliraJ .rani... " , . T x rscaKi,sXI.'"u6-. . 9.:'.nch. ?oubl-f ac. ir. Hano, iiV.,,t,IB c.lhi 88- K weekly! for mag Wrsiin"1 iUipr.lf;,,rVJ0'.i,"n used decided SfMH.D' rlAU' TODD. Moo Aroh at. Open cisi" iViri: !?".ui'iL'i'B P'ayer: mahogany ttmi. 'rfnnnot J ola from nwj oost l50j asp, op, Moni fl nd Stt I,n fWO-HTOIlv A eLinij1 a . U. '' ' ?HY A CLARK 88-no, pi7er-piano; iie,i ''IJW dispose of SHOEMAKER gold-string ., " rana pl,no ,10u' 038 Chestnu Blfet TIill:BT,5R UWtlOllTi cost J00: guar- iffh- Open Mon., fti. .nd "sat, avinlngs. MJfcW;i'EWAY uprl.htl cost 450 guar. InS ,D'n4'd condition. D. IJ. TodoV. 1804 leek ftJruu?r"u"lSP "'."j. TUUD.i 1000 AU makes phonograph repaired by factor'r iptrta, Holotono Pbon. Co,, 1T2T Cbeatnut, . vhuuiui nnianiian a , u.a. TJ fson 5"nd! guaranteed. Jl. a. PLAJOO Arch. Open ilon., Frl.. Bat, ave $Z00 Fm",,,0', ,,rJ,t.h,r PJL" guaranteed TY splendid condition, n. 11. Todd. 1300 -.Lit, joma ,iun.. vri. inn Nai ahMin. 0K SAXiS HOG ISLAND SALVAGE ?w!ul ".? Interior- nllln.a from tha wood !?& en,l"r of Ublca benchea. locker. f.nL.l)ln,, 3or. aoreena In flnlehed and 5.1. .'!!L,e2 ,eoniJltlonit luet tha materlU to 5ii ,ha flnlehlnir touchea-to that homo you fJJ bulldlnjffwa aluo have aurplua new build. .J.i. mfll. .comprlalni- window ffamn, jaen, ateel aaah and warehouie doora ault Jjl , for tarareai aeveral carload, of hmgle. vf aahboardt. trim and moldlnira, 5S? 5llcH?-.JpJ. brlcka, tc. wa hava alo comtntH!cl the deiinolliihlnar of the third unit 2 "9"1 of BOO roomat wlndowa, doorai, fire i2": Rla,,,r board. Jolet, auddlnc. aheath "l. ", waehbaelna. pipe, nttlnta. radl raenoaelnfl, pipe, ihlp linoleum) act c of n llfetlma to hAttlAahln tlHAUiimi a A !. it . . .' ""...vnini; IlllVirUIIll atUL UUILKIV. aa niT.i .? phanca of a llfetlma to let new ma. av.:- r r. ry low oricra. Pern fl.lv., low price. Penn Saivaae Co, uiin ii, and Tlnlcum ave. AVoodlamf 4103. ;4- ki,?8 Rangcs fjS,. " narjh, of New Tork. and Clad, of I'hlla.: it 8,Sr on ntvr rnioj 3 aecond-hand at 1100 each. Gibbs, Mueller Co.nMdT0 HOOK and ladder fira truck, full city aerv Ice equipment, 184-ft. ladder, all nlsea. two 0'ial, extlnarulehcra, all neceenary bars, hooka, polea and tooti, doubla eet of harncee. front and rear steering- pole, sco J, H. Bwope. Jr.. 122 f. Bth at., Darby. $5 Up Overcoats $5 Up 8000 fine up-to-date overcoats, aomo tailor madel a wonderful assortment to select from. Walter's Loan Office. S. B. cor. 11th ft Arch. Furs-$50,000 Sale nT ?; 818 upj ladles' fur coats. S4B up! latest styles. Walter's Loan Office, cor.llth A Arch Office ' Partition.Railing.Furniture Riore fixtures: we aell, buy nnd exchange 011 Walnut St., Walnut 41AI, Matn B8R0 A. PENNA. QFKICB FUllNITUnE CO. OFFICE FU11NITURE Largo lot of desks, safes, fllei, cabinets and general offlco furniture, store fixtures. We buy. sell and exchange, PATTEN FUllNITUnn CO. LOCUST 4070. 1127 AltCU BT. RACE 2008. 8-PIECE OAK DINING Room sulto In verv good condition; will sell lliOILEItS, stenm, water, all sites, nit makes, sllghttv usod. but In .perfect condition: at a sacrincej i w. inn t. radiators, nlnks. toilets, wash. lands, etc., at reduced prlcos. l'lumlilnir and Heating Ex' change, anMl Haverford ave. Proton '13a2. m a.w rr f .An .i..t. .. .a t...L.- Guns, $7.50 Up JJjrr aT,V. pump guns) all makes and gauges: biggest bargains In town. Walter's 1-oan Ortlce, 8. ft. corner 11th nnd Arch sts, THREE rood seats In orchestra for Phlla. Orchestra concerts: Saturday evenings of February and March, 1021; complete. Ad dress C 322. Ledger Office. DAUB, upright, mahogany case, 1200: a k Clark, oak case. 1200: Chlckcrlng Btory up- right, rosewood case. HBO, nee. iidii. 101B Spring Oarden at. HLHK6B,H WANTEO Jeweler's showcase, table style., witn case, 4 10 in vm.n ii,e. pre ferred. Addreis Mitchell. Jeweler. P. O. Box 714. Wilmington, Del. ONE 40-ft. 200.000 track scale: also lot nf miscellaneous engines. Bee Mr. Cable, 8144 PassyunK ave. (ILA83 show and display cases, oels.ler make, practically new: unusual oppor tunlty. Inquire 10m yjne.inm i OEMooughnut dropper, "(vlth outnt: will ill cheap to quick buyer. 882 Ferry ave.. Camden N. J, fHREE-PlECB mahogany living-room at a nacrlflre by private party: can bo sulto, seen l 4744 N, inn n. 20 4itxBVl-LNUHKBi 4-eyl, (ta an C . n metal motors, Bee' Mr, Cable, 8144 Pass. yunk ave; H HATERS new nnd second-hand. In good order. Makln-Kelsey. 1827 Filbert st. STANDS cabinet tete.: big bargains. Phil- nfleipnia itiih,i. pui'h,, ", ." , SACRIFICE Dining, .bedrnm. parlor furnl. ture: rugs: must sell 1700 W. Venango. I (JOL TAHLES, 2d hand, bought, sold, rent "d, exchanged. Kafr, 320 W, Glrord iwc, WHITE porcelain toilet and tank for sale reasonable. 1'hone Dickinson 0003 W. COMPLETE welding outfit. newr with tank, 800. 2442 W. Qqkdale, STORAGE AND MOVING EPTATILTSHED 1872 RUGS AND CARPETS CLEANED SCOURED STORED STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGp PACKING ted anij Ei.noNB. LOCUST lOtSO SHIP HY TRUCK nTORAOE FREE , ,. STORAQE FREE w.Wi a firt ot 40 Inclosed trucks on nneumatlc tires making dally trips to Sn oolnts within 300 miles, Return load f.i. on furniture. 000 per mile. No Karaa for storage for one month. Take advantage of a return load rate. Also ""HALLTltANSPORTATION CO. no Warren PL. Newark. N. J. Tel. Mkt 0831. 22 Nieht and Sunday phone Market 1409. ONE MONTH KUKtl. ESTAI1LI8HBIK1880. The Exchange Storage Co. 1420 N.' 8TH ST. Wa have a few clean, Meoarate rooms vacant for tho Hinpnao of Vour Household Goods. PH. d"aMOND 2471, PACKINO. MOVINQ r-i t.'am AS 10U11 HOME We make a spe- Qlalty of moving, packing, shipping to all ",'it the worli- storage In separate locked J"'1, local and long distance by Packard fn?- ,stlmates free. Glen wood Storage and Kftmt C leaning. 2000-10 Rldjre ave. l:stab- n?hfd slice 1888. Phono Diamond 4080 or pSk 1181. Logan office. Wyoming 5235. n. i.ork 5.t. .iiii u-AnnitmiRE. 171U Hldm i , j Ti..,..mnrM' ?.. nii oMone dally and evening. Poplar t!nnav Poular 1251. 80110, Dougherty & Sons Storage 1424 N,' HUTU, Dl. o.t nur special rate for moving by our rail abl and careful men. Call Pop. 4505; Key. ffjgg'tjffi 1127! night Phone. Diamond 5852. "VICTORY STORAGE 5200 Filbert. for estimate. Phone Belmont 4070 Pierre-Arrow vnns. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 'u 1811 TO 1811) MARKET ST.' Moving, Long-Distance Hauling H. Turner. 2015 RtDOE AVE. POPLAjlfiani TUB JOHN HHOADS fflMPAMV STORAOE, PACKINO, SIIIPPINQ. MOVINQ 4107-.5H LANCASTER AVE.. WEST PHILa! MONARCH STORAGE CO . 8870 LANCAS- TEH AVE AUTO SERVICE. STORAQE. PACKINO. LONG-DISTANCE MOVINQ. ' WE HAUL goods to AM. City. New York. Al lentown. Quaker City Trans. Co, Wal.BSSO BUSINESS PERS0NAI.8 NECKTIES Tni, ,M ties made Itko new, w nut nn them: they look nifty: 10c a tie: bring In the bunch: mall or phona Walnu 2297: you will lm nleased. Evcluslve Necktie Repair COh 28D N. Olh. MORRIS FOX old hi fruit and produce business. 6001 Chester av.. to Morris Lelbovltx. Creditor apply to. Grossman Pro,, suaa uimru wye., peiore riovemDer 1, I Build a Garage or Kitchen 25 per cent chsapor. Soo my estimates WILLIAM ADAMS. 1441 N. CAMAC ST. DIAMONDS BOUGHT 1IARRT W. SMITH. 717 HANSOM ST. Sample Dresses ZTtW MiV',S!5 Market it., fourth floor, Specialist in Toupee and Wigs FORMERLY WITH UINDERS PKTER COCRAN, 21 N, Juniper, Room 315, ESTIMATES furnished on general building or alteration work to your plana, W will de sign pl'ns free for client. Poplar 1404 W. Olrard Realty ConOng Co . 8220 W. Columbia HAIR TINTING eclalty; scalp 1. Resin A. Shield, 1228 Market t, site elev.. flth floor. HATS remodeled: velvets, felt, beaver and velours, Into th latest stylest men' hat Jnf.lty, IKldner Co., UOH Walnut st, Dn.,nKrirc Automatic. 23 and 82 caliber. KeVOlVerS new, bargains. 1620 Real pt, Tmst 111",. lrim nut, i.iliinu BIS. any slse: plansand estlmatsa .,-.,- . Bnv brincn oi Duiiainr irtri.. KAw. Cunnlnsham, 200 N, 22d st. Race 8110. Viiay HAIR restored to natural color by iiielal method. Kathryn R. Smith, 512 .ffiSl'nMsr. Rell Phone Walnut 0882.' WlIY HAVE falling, fading and thin, hair when l 11 can be cureilrifl treatment by ,.'","n..e olntmentr720 N, 17th at. fiPALP treat., facial massags. all branches. AHirJiSil, lota Spring Oat-den .t- , FTjiirZNTEH Any kind of ., repair worki CKfty ffrds. specialty. Woodland 08?. BLBCTRIC TRBATMBNTi also raanlcurln' 10 to 8. 803 B, 11th St. ASHES' and rubbish removed .from collars; hauling- don. l uuowou. i. . mm MONTH FREE Local and lonc-dfstanca ' moving by padded ?. and earaful exp. men; any 'distance: vTnt fonad.Corepart iSgto to and from New ' S1I UU. IIU1DA1V11 1 JWIBD AtTTOMOBIWS . I I MERCER BEniEs s, 4 PAssGMaan ' , MARM0N 1020, 4 PASSENfJKn ' LOCOMOBILE ' 1017.48 lANDAULBT 7 PAsaENonn LOCOMOBILE COMPANY 23U-2323 jrAltKET ST. Telephone 430 Locutt t amiUM Siitiiti:uniii,aDtjmi;niijnLTrr;raaia!ai:iinjaii;rjii(n;rwrinisuiirT;mmt),q CHANDLER 1920 OlliaiNAI. pXint and tires STANLEY AUTOMOIULH CO. IIIO N. HIIOAD ST. PHONE. POPLAR 7820 Snuiraimi-TMiirimau'iiiiimimajimiinnnn'nniaim.Timjimianrffirnnniitninnriral iMIWJlMM 1919 Studebakcr Tourine for Sato Cheap STANLEY AUTOMOIULH Co. 010 N.Hrond St. Phono .Poplar 7820 CHEVROLET TOURING 1200 Cash A Tenr to Pay th Balance STANLEY AUTOMOHILE CO. Hill N, Ilroad st, Phonn Ponlnr 7820 l!raiii:raiiii'ii;r,iii,i:i1:iiiii!iiiiiiafi,iii!it,i,:iiiii!;iiai,'iiiiiiiii:iiiirj!a'iiiiif AUTO SPRINGS SCHOBER w and OV-UUBLU MARKET STREETS nHHiniNiniiiiiHiasssiHHiiMa.iHiHHi,.M,iami.Bii.B, i.mu.u.. niiiiN'iiiuiuiiii!iii!iiiiruiiiiuii!iiiraimimiuiiuiinii!i:irBiiiraiait WINTON LIMOUSINE XHJARANTEED STANLEY AUTOMOHILE CO. (US). 2.1 N. Ilroad st. Phone Poplar 7820 giiiMmiiiiimaiiiKiaiii'jiiiiiiKiuiaMMiir.iirjjiiiciaiiiiiiiai p,i;mi;Mffl:i'iii:iima!iKKira.iiimirjiiiiiii!r!iiT'i;iiwiiiiiii!:iiiuK- 1920 DODGE COUPE WITH EXTRAS STANLEY AUTOMOHILE CO. (1111 N. Ilroad st. lmnmimnmnnnnRmrnnnrnrnnnmnniirmfiiimnifiJiinnHmninirmncniimiitiininRiSl iiHWiiiinraitiiiiiiiii'liiiiiwffliiiiraBraiiiijiiPiiimiiiiiiii PACKARDS 2-35, 3-35 Oopd n- new. Ouarantocd STANLEY AUTOMOHILE CO. OKI N. nroad st. iraiililllliaiinilllliKllllMmiiilillfflllHillllMraffiillTHillliiliTliiillllHlT; 'tmiuniinnjiiiiamiJiiniiniinminiPiuinninnriiiiAiiininiJiuijnnimnuu.iijuimuutTn ii!!r MARMON TOURING Excellent Condition Ouarantccd STANLEY a AUTOMUHILB CO. ii mil N Ilroad st. jiiiiiiiifiitiMiiiiiii.riiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiraiiffiiiiiiiiM'iiiiiiai'iiiiSi'iiiiMiii DAVIS AND COLE 8 PARTS SCHOBER 84TH AND MARKET STREETS &mlRKn:raPIIlIrlnn!mlm'lffi4llllllmlmlIIlIg!UlIulrlCiaIlaG M Cadillac 57 Victoria IS Muit Be Seen to He Appreciated I . STANLEY 13 AUTOMOHILE CO. S 010 N, Ilroad st. fl yiiiiiiiiiii.iiiitifjiiiiiaii.iiiiniHjiunH'iy'riit'Niiiiiiiiitiiiii'jiiiiiraiiBitiiKraiiiiirCilii wiiiiiiiEiffliiMMiiiiiiiiiBiiiracBiiiiiiwinaii e CADILLAC SEDAN 53 MODEL; SACRIFICE STANLEY . AUTOMORILE CO. 010 N. llrnurt at. FiimimQniimimmiminusiDauiKHrU'iEiiniimiiuiiiiiiiii.iiiiiQiiinuiminiinrnimnniniiiu sDnium?mmtimHnii!irri!iii.'imniininjnnnmjnitiir(i7t?Lr;nfn!ijjr?jji!ri:t.itrrLi:.'iiiij PIERCE-ARROW C-3 C PASS.: GUARANTEED STANLEY AUTOMOBILE CO. 010 N Urond st. runiii l!limilll!IIIllllI!!l!lIB!llll!l!lllllllliriill A REBUILT VIM TRUCK 1107.83 on- delivery Jlalanco a year to pay flebullt, repainted and guaranteed: ne Ires. A body to suit any business. VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. P.ROAD AND lhlNTINODON STS. OVERLANDS, all models, A and 7 passenger touring, 2 and 3 passenger roadsters, 4 passenger chummy roadster, all other makes and models; time payment: open eve nings. Overland.Harper Co., 250 N. Uroad at. 1820 COLUMlfIA U, SPtIRT MODEL: HUN APPROXLMATELY 6000 MILKS: ME CHANICALLY PERITSCT: QOOD RlJnDKR; KXTIIA turn mic. u vl,.l-ULuisi( OF- ymn, CHEVROLET sedan. 400: miles: perfect condition. 1010; run 5000 Hell phono Col- llngswoooaio. SaTTEIUEB, 0 volt, rebuilt ror 110: equal to new. Rattery Specialties Co., IBM Tine t. j STORAOE3 batteries for sale for overy make Of car. 0-volt., I8f 12-volt. S10: positively In good cond. Starr Btornge Bat.. 280 N.lSth. FRANKLIN touring, fin cond.: orlce 1750 Porter at 1B12 Cherry st. rnrucaiH2V. 11UPMOIHLE model M. touring, cheap; ex cellent condition Wyoming 448 W. PAINTING & PAPERHANGINQ LOOK what we can dot. Clean your old wall paper, make It look like new: we wash windows & do nil gen. housecleanlng. 3710 Mantua ne. lien imnne i-rearon mini QUICK SERVICE. Insldo painting nnd paperhanalng. Write or phono. E. Trnsk. J70O Arch st Telephone Locust 8317. SEWING MACHINES SUWINO MACHINES, now. ISO: easy nir. ments: Singer and other makes: like new: I a to 12' f""y guaranteed. 130 N. loth .,. WANTED cast-off clothing Positively superior prices paid for and men's clothing of all description ladles' Write. call or Phono siau uvr oj j. HUPEniOH t:i,umv' -w " -'". . f . FURNITURE, -1.1 nlftiiroa. L'URE, rugs nnu, antiques, old china, cturcs, brle-a-brao of every descrlp f bo anywhere. Qlenwond Furniture tlon. Wo ko anywhere. 2000 Ridge nve. Phono Diamond 4080 nrf'ark UHl, Ixgan office, Wyomlnir 8235. OLD clothing, shoes hats, ladles' & gents' nignes( pru-i-B t,-i.' ,VV vtl -fc or coun try day. evening Write, call or ph. Dick Inion 0155 Friedman Pros.. 1444 South st. WE WANT at onco household furnlturo, storo fixtures, offlco furniture; pay spot cash: honest value, Phono us about It. Lo- nun salt. vju .iiuivi . . ..... Mui, k-iierry. WOULD like to purchase a complete outfit of furnlturo and desks for a sulto of a offices. 29H N. Ilroad st. Looust 21411, WE UUY women's and men's worn clothing & snocs, cnil ur wrtio oat ,i. -liii.-iiar.sta GASOLINE ALLEY It ' 1 ! auiiiiiia LH-U- HU.-Sst llll. JU a-H.ui..n II S IIU I Fit tovr iWto ,r- w.rTW At Took TriAT Tk.P S;VHRt Talxin4 about Osoum ( M.oo for 3aj e ,..' ''"?2 tm rtow. oeu. wo wo gs Auerv. Tmc a a pol 'M A TrilS A.ONTH M " 7 .,r"", 2S- "? W ' C'BL foot.Md- aB Uar I m& , STS. "" -' "CX VV MOINC. TDOkl BILL V -' ' "" '"" "'-'X5 -S-. tfBiygB'nigbRirtfKtTl8 A SOUND andprofllable InvestmeniA" Tety uuu.usi opportunity ror me smii '"."": tor: a company manufacturing and selling products having a world'Wlde market, must Increase It manufacturing facilities! this company has decided to Issue, to small in vestor only, 1100,000 of Its preferred stock, par value 8100, riiaranteed T per cent non. assessable and cumulative: the number of shares mm t, tniiui,4tiai will he llmltcai tho company desires to give to .purchaaeraj the benefit of the large commission usualiyi cnarged by brokers: act quickly, for at ns premium offered this Issue will soon bo sold. Q 107, Ledger offle. GARAGE-NORTH PHILA. Capacity over 100r rent 1225: 4-year 1nsl cJ,yT??aonnble quick action necessary. GWIRTZ & CO o" " . "" w v'v 1R37 ChMtnutjL NEED BUSINESS CAPITAL? W jl present your proposition by letter -or P'OfPcctu so forcefully and convincingly that you'll get quick, certain, positive re. suit, Advertising Service Co.. 002 Park way Illds-,. Spruce 1620. , Have TOU AUIMTT? Can you invest or lnfluencth Investment of 810.000, with "onev, secured? If so. an exceptional op; portunlty is offereil as an executive and director In .a local corporation. Address iwwua, c 830. Lednr Office. LIST YOUR BUSINESS WITH ME !r S"!?"1 ' ,Illve cash buyers: no charge for listing. HAMILTON. 1S07 Arch st. I FARNI '" '! that pays real moneyi iruu' attractive day nnd night courses vulcanltlng and retreading, taught by factory expert with modern nnd up-to-date equip, mont,, Robinson Tire Co.. 140 N. 12th st. WE HAVE buyers for nil kinds of stores with or without property. Lakolt llros.. wholesale confeatlonors and general mer- chandl.e at out prices, 322 Market a, DARRER shop, established, with nxtures A 10-rm. dwelling, $3300; moke offer. Hrown A French. 810 Lincoln llldg. Ph. Filbert 407B, IF YOU want to buy or sell your apartment nouse see A. L. uuuuam. iiu in, .i" ., - STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS', PACKETS. DIME SETS Albums and supplies for stamp collector. PHILA STAMP CO.. 21 8. 17th at. OLD GOLD CASH PAID for old gold, silver and antique clock. Rogers. 4 . ntn. locust ixin BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Pawntickets for Diamonds ROUOHT FROr PRIVATE PEOPLE FULL VALUE PAID: TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Colonial Trust Building N, E. COR, 13TH AND MARKET OFFICE 205. SECOND FLOOR CUSTOM-TAILORED SUITS STOUT PEOPLE ARE OUR SPECtALTT URINQ TOUn OWN CLOTH AND PAY $15.00 Standard Tailoring Co. Vrim. 2d Floor Tailor for Men A Women, Est. 1011 DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for your dia monds, any also, from H to 10 r.arats; none pay higher: also old gold, platln'jm and sliver imucht: estates bought (private): est. 10 yrs. The Diamond Shop 45 N. 10th st. 10th nb. Market Every Woman's Shop IB?w.SSSph'ig.r Wo nlm to assist wemen ot refinement to dlspos of their slightly used wearing ap parel. Nothing but high-grade garments ac centaJ. CaII Room fiol Tmnlro Hide.. 13th & Walnut st nr rh. Wal. 1725 for particulars DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANT SIZE PRICE NO OBJECT Pawn Tickets for Diamonds Ilought KELLY & CO., 1132 CHESTNUT ST. Suit" 21-22, Over Chllds' Restaurant, l'rlv. DIAMONDS BOUGHT A. McCUTCHEN 031 ItEAL E9TATE TRUST RLDrj. BROAD ft CHESTNUT BT9. IIOTH PHONES ItUIinETt OOOD8 of all descriptions repaired Andrew T. Dlrohett. BOS S. 22d t. MACHINEBY AND TOOLS N r-ui Ynrlf 'ty vertical englile, 25.83 CW I OrK . p . 10xl4 In. Oardner Kiiv. Tuj1uernor' O'UO Spreader; double Btecl OVVSley rCiiis. 20 In. wide: takes ma teriil uo to S In. thick; clue pot top and Each 01 aoovo "!rt'""A ", 'i'.'Llss cona. Write to Lester Piano Co.. 1300 Chestnut ., WE MAKE jray iron coating from 1 pound to 1 ton u you viii hi, mai can be ally machined, write us. Itcces stove and sundry Co.. 38 S. 2d St.. Philadelphia. easily Factory. Camden N. J. FOR SALE One electrlo" generator unit 60 K. W.. 220 volts, direct: conm-cted to Watertown engine: can be sepn on foun dation and running. The Cox & Sons Co.. Hrinnoion. ,i. -. HCJHART UR1NDBH. 1 horse. A. c. motor: 30-ln d. c. exhaust fan. 220 V. Adams 4tli and Arch, BLKCTRICALviOTOKI MACHINE TOOL- O'RRIEN MACHINERY CO. 110 N. 3D ST. 11BI.TINO. pulleys, shartlng. haneers. barg. S KtlAL k ROTHMAN. 138 N, 1TII ST. MODERN mach. shop, small or larim nrdi-ra: we do mlllmlg'g. 210 N. Front, afar, 2830. DYNAMOS and motori, bought, rented. Yeirslsy & Co.. 224 N. sold and 3d st. WANTED A 20-Inch Corliss engine. P ledger Office. 142 WATCHES AND CLOCKS EXPERT Swiss watch repairing; rep-ntcrs split seconds, etc. Rogers, watch lnspctor P. and O R It . 43 H. 17th Locust 1210. ROOMS POR RENT ARCH ST,, 2126 LYRIC Single and double housekeeping roon-s: spotless clean! nhons- CHEERFUL, furnished, sunny, front room and bnth of third-floor apt.; convenient to It. Apply 200 S, 00th. 'econdJIgor. DIAMOND. 1907 Desirable furnished" front room, running water, bath,, Bbower, phone; S7CIUIEU1PI1. BPRUCE ST.. 101O Desirable rooms, with board. 11. M. REEVES. ' SPRUCE ST.. 1033 Very desirable rooms; just being opened; ome furnished. SPRUCE ST.. 1010 Extremely des. rooms ai.il suite, hand, turn.: private biths. WALLACE, 1H2U NICELY FURNISHED lt;u.in: r,j,i.uu l.iuiira: 1'HONE. WALNUT 3005 Nicely fprn. aerond-noor room, slec. light, h.-w. heut: board opt. WAYNE AVE., 5348 Two delightful fur nished room and 2 unfurnished. Call, 0-7 evenings. WOODLAWN ST.. ,L. 802 Front furnished room for gentleman. Oermantown 3lfi.iw 11TH. S- t0-18 (near Spruce tt Perrln; attractively and newly furnished suite, nonhousekeeplng. Walnut 78d3 KITH. NORTH. 100. II O T E L R U It I C Reautltully furnished rooms, spotless clrvn, electric throughout: dally and weekly rates, convenient to stations: best accommodations for traveling yr,uri mou, jn nprucn lUQ-t 18T1I. N.. 3548 Desirable 2d-flnor furnished room: buslnees couple pref. Tioga 7525, 20TH ST., S., 225 Largo comf. fum. room, prlv. of cooking hr'kfaat: plenty hot ater. 20TH ST., S,, 121 Desirable vacancies: also nhywlclan's office, locust 840 W. ATTRACTIVE furn. apt. Sherwood Apt. Agency, S some housckpg, :5 S. Uroad st. FURNISHED room, second story, near 44th nnd Pine. Woodland 6128 W. ATLANTIC CITY ROOMS with bath: modern. Santa Maria. 1L H new j,mpainru ve.. cor, muciin av. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Young couple desire room and uoaro in renneu noma in city or suburbs reierences oxuiftngra Washington ave, Plalnfleld, N. J. OUSINEHS woman desires unfurnished room betwoen 62d and 03d, Arch to Walnut. Ad dress Mra. R. P., 0038 Chestnut at. Makes a Lot of Difference BOAXDINO iiOARDINO tor gentlemen, flrst-oUs. table and all home comfort! very reaspnaniei in ulffhoorhood or irranKrorn nve. anu v.uijiuu, and. Kensington Kfl8 W. RODMAN ST., 5048 Room and board In pri vate lamiiyi i pr, du.iup.b mmpw, ,ep, , THfa HICliMAN, 217 N. 83D Two delight. rui rooms, convenient in ,u , , ,,. ,. station, also troll ey line: excel. table,Har.780Q riCNNHVf.VANIA BUnCTtlUN fwo delightful rooms, southern exposure: opposite rennn, 1 , ,,, """" ;' " miiv cars: excellent table board. Thonu Cermantown aunt. OBRMANTOWN The Grctnor, 102 13. Wal. nui lane uQiiKiiiiui :' . V. .. w..., double room: excellent table: Individual serv Ice. Oermantown 0H82. APARTMENTS WANTED R?1 N 10TH ST. APAnTMIT3. FUR- NIHH :D "it UNFUlirJlSHEDi 'MANY TENANTS WAITINO. P1IONB TIOQA 0103 Wi WEEKDAYS ONLY. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS CHOICE Br. apt. elec. light and gaf select n.l.hhnrhnnil. Miller. 1217 N, -!9th st iloUSElCEKPINa A1TH... UNFURN1SHBD. 3C2U a. iiv APARTMENTS MDM'ITOTM H IQfll rhfctnut Street CORNER HOUSEKEEPING APART MENTS: ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS Immediate possession, Modern convenience $1200 TO $2000 PER YEAR Mastbaum Bros. & Fleisher 3Tin m i nu i ri mi n f Liinnn mti ruTi nii n i . nnrn;n !Ti .ii in .n1 ni i m nnHnuunaiini inntuiiiHti no ii2 SPRUCE ST. (Holmehurst Annex) - Three rooms, kitchen and bath, unfurnished, all modern Improvements, hot-water heat, elec tricity, southern exposure: phones. Owner. 1012 Spruce st. AT"WAYNi: 80 mln. out: an npartme'nt Just finished: S large, sunny rooms, bath, mnAnrn kltrh.nl Baraira nnacp on premises: snlect In every detail: 2 minutes to stutlon: Ilia por mopin. i-none wayno mi. AM nAtv TJIMR APA11TM11NT 0750 York road: a second floor apartment of B rooms, bath, porch nnd all modern con veniences; 175 per month. Oak Lane Realty Co., 0752 York rosd. Phone Oak Lane 387, APARTMENTS that nro unique: com. ronv, nnd privacy of lux sub. home, largo, grounds, gar : 18 mln. from Irrond St. Hta, Suites, 2 to 8 rooms. Phone Cynwyd 702 1830 RITTENHOUSH HQ. Apartment. H rooms ami baths: attractively furn.j sub let for one year: can bo seen at anytime. Apply. - AnartmAnra that are unique, comf., conv, rtpitriIllt-1113 and prlv , ,ux BUb j,om. largo ground: gar.; 18 mln, from Ilroad St, Sta, : suites 2 to 8 rooms. Ph. Cynwyd 702. NEW. f room, bnth. closets, unfurnished, rnrner. hnrdwood floors, eleotrlrlty. hot. water heat: Gentiles: 8100. 2520 Diamond. .SECOND-FLOOR rorrh-front corner opnrt- meni. n rooms, main's room nnu nam: m. mediate possession. P 1423, Ledger Office. APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartments a specialty. Sherwood Apartment Agency. 223 B. Proad st 8S23 N. 10TH ST. DESIRAnLE APART- SinNTS, 1'UIlnINIIKU UIl UMIUU N1SHED, PttONE TIOQA 0103 W. IIARINO, 4031. nnd 430 S. 40th st. Apart ments, 1 and 2 rooms and bath: also with kitchen: will furnish. Phono Preston 2270 W. 1821 SPRUCE New 2, 3 and 4 rooms house keeping; hdwd. floors, elec. hot-water heatl yrlv. leases: open for Insp. Th. Walnut 7740. CHESTNUT. 11133 Unfurnished. 2 rooms bath, kitchenette: electricity, vnpor heat very nttroctlve. i, a , X,,,T- nnl'. lTnn,lanmflv furnished housekeeping apartment for rent: all mod ern conveniences 1033 WALNUT ST Two rooms nnd oaths huwa, nrfl , eiec.. n.-w. nctu. tvmnut ,,iu p54"N7'8Tir! Two rooms, hath, kitchenette steam neni. ..mraei nmt PlgfNVI.VAXIA HI'HURHAN ONE new second-storv apartment for rent: 5 rooms, bath and laundry. Address II. U. Wall, 100 Forrest live.. Narberth. Pa. DESIRAHLE housekeeping apartments. Geo. Vaux. Jr.. Oulph road, Rryn Mawr. new jBnsny seashore ATLANTIC CITY DELAIR COURT-r-.Mnss. & Rdwk.. 1. 2 and 8 rooms and bath flats: turn, or-unfurn. Box IS. Dorlnnd Agency Atlnntlc City. N. J. APABTMENT HOTELS Frontenac Apartments HROAD AND OXFORD STS. Two. 3 and 4 room apartments; -tlald servlco and electric lights. THE DELMAR-M0RRIS Amorlcan Plnn CHKLTHN AVi:. AND MOKIXIH ST. germantown . .. 20 MINUTES TO HROAD ST STATION " Fii rnlehed and unfurnlshnl suites THE GLADSTONE 11T11 AND PINV STq ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE LITTLE HOTEL, 225 S. Ilroad t, A good placo to live while In Philadelphia. PURNISHED APARTMENTS 210 W. RITTENHOUSE BQ. Furn opts 'or gentlemen; 2 rooms and b-ith Spruce 1118. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 2225 I.OCU8T ST. Nine good rooms nnd 2 baths; stone front: open fireplace, hard wood floors. Immediate possession JA.MI'-" rt"A.itirfi,y,ia mug. FOR INVESTMENT or speculation Sevth houses. 2400 N. Mole st . renting at $17 and $18: price 11560: 4 rooms and b.ith An. SjHCRMAN SCHNAEDLE aaiil'-vP' 80th CHOICW oi j iniv-ica, noiKnuorhood of llth and Oxford stn:cts: good-sized hous"i snd lots; lenns oasy; posseiwlon nlth set- ?iiment. W. Hruce Harrow. Llii N. lfn." 1821 N. CROSKEY ST. Possession: 7 rooms "bath: A-l condition: near St. EllMbeh? SS?KAV.Bri!g. ItWs.MZ ' "C"N HERE IT fs: that large, comfortable horns- convenient: largo lot; every modern im provementi garage: get the details; ample c....it., .leetrlclty. hardwood flonr. ..-?"''''?. Irms; owner must sell. Owner, P lam 't ff r- incTOf Hi- t-rt.. . J 3105 N. MARSTON ST. Four rooms, bath norch front: possession: or ce $2700 Anni .jigltMAN SCHNAEDLE, 2210NnAjy 1228.30' RACE ST. Three-story 'munuf.ic". turlng building: early possession, rent rea. nnhie. Aurrty Penna, Co . 31TCh..,n:.tnt T8 VAI.U A B L.K acres. Hunting ParlT"iv! mlnal Mar anu ,U7",-'T,:,, ;'". -". iicaaing Ter rKii, ,-iui,jripnia i'i. '.'00(1 N. LAMiilillT ST Three-story brlok' good buv. The Land Tltl nnd Trust Co Rroad and Chestnut st. Mr, Walker. " A CORNER STORE A 3 apt,., on Uroad st.'. In improved neighborhood with a monthly revenuo ot $300. Oulnn. 10111 Columbia. 3D AND ARCH Four-story property, 21 fls 03; elevator: small amount cush: dossV Ion IVKOFF HROS,; 822 Mark"? St. " in M 20,00O financed; electrlo elevator, WKBTNKY. 208 Liberty IfldV. 1'itu.s ' ivo eiury, on water at VACANT See 2742 N Darlen st.; 5 rooms bath: good order: $2000; Immediate possel; Hlon. MACALLISTER. 3400 N 5th """ 18J0 MOOnBOT, Nine rooms, ail convenl" ences. WKST, 1425 Wharton st. tunvenl- 1023 8 HROAD ST. Twelvo rooms; lot 18x ltt ai,i, ii.j narton st 1820 WALLACES ST. Suitable for apts,;"i4 rms , 2 baths: elec, Hamilton. 1807 Aroh rph Wm Sutler's Son. I .. ,,,.o,, 9 i.i.D v.oiumnin ave. 1701 UIIEH ST. H rnj. nnJ Dan ,.,, uui on, ,.dv". v,m.-,.-, ii'io u-Qiumriia a ve . 101(1 N. ALDER ST. Thro sty.. 7r. A bath: llPOO Thone Owner. Locust 2068 W. TWO 4-story dwgs 250-252 NT 5th st.: lot 3(1x00 ft. I A. White, owner. 0007 N. lStn 'KAL isTATB ton BAL CITY A Few Attractive Houses Reasonable Prices , 8000 10? W. Olney ave., 0 rooms and both. 4H00 1H33 is. Airano sc. u rms. nnu umu. 4B00 2030 N. 4th St., 8 rooms and bnth, 4200 304B N, Frankllrt St., 0 rms. and bath I1BII0 834B-B7 Orkney St., 4 rms, and bath. : 1300 1020 N, Ortanna st , 4 rms. and bath. H. E. SMITH 724 W. Erie Ave. Homes! Workingman's Homes! ItEAUTlFUL 0-room porch-front houses: 1 block from Allegheny tue, car line. II, CLEARFIELD AND INDIANA AVE. WM. REEBER. Agent. 230 E. Clearfield st. Samplo houso open between 2 and 4 p. m. every day, H. E. SMITH 724 W. Eric Ave. 721 BUTLER ST. VACANT r"ou.r...,,ec,roorn ""' bath, modern, A-l condition: accessible to car lines and school. H. E. Smith, 724 W. Erie Ave. o-nl f POSSESSION Sv.J Aurnfr,.l rooms; FXc. condition. .13800 751 Sfuvl5rT """": 12200 mortgages 2800 ASsS i. .rnld' """yh- Onnnced 8800 ?..? fIolL"romcryi H rooms: exc. cond. . 4800 1iS&Jr,t,.T JSSP1."i,,l" Onanco 2300 EDW. M. GRAHAM f ur.d, "' Hnrucn 5011 3025 and 3033 N. Judson St. H. E. SMITH 724 W JSHinAVIJ 'Vi.XHAH.V:.ll:KJ r., will finance. 12000 m'ilVi 5" V "orcn- '" finance 3400 'nuKii.1?!"""' "'"' "nance.. ., 1800 034 Hrookln; II rooms, porch 3000 EDW.M.GRAHAM'g SAnarrAIntn3T,n-0,00d nlr'" location: cow f wJi.J? En airard ,ave': bath' ht " f S ? JTr " fonvonlences. new range: l"000. c?nlvP li?nr?Ilin"wnr,i. wl" "f '"' UZlnShrJlT '" c"n: "mmedlato ... WD HAVE several 2-storv homes .'. nnd 0 ..LTnTonS'1 '.VJ'S' Mn "v "mmedlat? pos it T f'1ptV" f K,n,C0.fJJ,t Purchase?. H. J. FASY.l 8th & Thompson St. 022..h2,"yn.T 1T rorch' r""ms and bath: hot-wnter heat, electrlo light, hard wood floors, laundry, Kai kitchen; possession at oncj. Key at 020. Ed. Underbeyer, 30'J Real Estato Trust HMg. $5(10 DOWN. J20 per month will buv a 2 story o-'rnn,h;U.o. nil eonve.: excel, loe. H. J. FASY.l 8th & Thompson St N' Wr.cQ'. 20th and fSnnsom sts -Halt equaro irom . nestnut St.: lot 18,4x77.0: fcXSE .?"- Ll?! cnbe co.rrterted into & '... ."L i "nnriments. etc. WALTER V, ASHHT. 2040 N lo.h ., Iiuii.ui.it to home seeker: offered for sale at J7050; ensv terms; new modern homes open. 5242 N Wnrnock t Phi lp Robin, owner nnd builder, on premUes '"' IT1I J50 IN CASH AND THE JIALANCV ON EASY TERMS w, can sell you h laSfe r.co ?n AT 7n-'.1h'or a,non"! ' on cSttmaS S, ?.t.n?:,l&JVI3,.S,! he.5h car-. i .-,, ij.in st. zunu N. svrn hT six mom-., bath, porch ..'r.0.ntiJr1w?0I- ,,leclrl1: "hts hot-vrater heat: Immediate poSMee.lon. price J0700: snller willing to enve S400H remain Annlv tn HERMAN SCHNAEDLE 221(1 N 'M,'y ,0, 3005 N. 7TH ST. Six rooms nnd hath, mod ern throughout. Including laundry stove: also newly naDpreil: an .y.it.n, iA. ,... early tKissesslnn and In rood condition ' ' It. E. SMITH. 724 W Erl" ave. 1714 PINE ST 14 rms.. 2 bnths. modern, hdwd. floors thtnuchout. elec. llirht, ei order: 20 000: will flnnnce; Immed pos. D. II. Chnmhers. 710 Cnmmerclaf Trust Hldg. WILL FINANCE Immediate possessions 2533 E' Dakota (near Helgrade and York): 0 rooms nnd Imth. nlpless hHter: large lot to rcnr.at.,exc cond. : price J3-H0: very, easy terms Owner, U22 Chestnut, second floor. WILL FINANCE Only I3830: bnrg.: Imm. poss. ; verv ensv terms. 0 rooms and'buth; exc. cond,; ,13'.'."i Atnlr. mr Krankford and AliKiifnv w.w .'.vih-i.i,,. i nHinui.'q tloor. N. E COR. American ond Iruttonwood: 4px 1)U: ivnt S, iirlce I70OO SEIDBL & CO . 4th and Callowhlll. nulldlng Tita. Factory Sites. Etc. 1300 FEET on t'reshclm Valley Drive. 70 ftet wide; tho great, st chanr,- for u. prollt abln building operation In Philadelphia. J., 7020 Oermantown uve. lluslness Prntiertles nnd Store jPMiaiMiw Possession December 1, 1020 K 221 CHESTNUT STREET 5-story modern building fj Lot 22 O liy 123 g TAPLINGER BROS. I 1031 LAND TITLE ULDd. E :imniu!inR!tm?iiraiTvnimirrfiiiiaiaisn iiiiunRiuuiBniixnsinHiisiiiniiriDtiS II!!!II1I!I!IIIIIIII!III'11WI!'i! 2001 N. BROAD ST. a-HTonv unicK iildo. Good location lor automublle &Cfl nory nnop. i'oscsKion rnnft-etl 8ntIsfartorlly. bo ar Lot SOxlOU feet Apply m I ALBERT H. LADNER, Inc. U N. W COR. BTH AND GREEN STS. 0 !;iir;iiii'raiiii!iiiiiiffliiiraTji!,it-iii:!iE:!!:i!!;ii!:t:!:i:i!!,i!i;u!ii!;i:iirJ,!rjTj:E 706-8-10 MARKET ST. FLOOR MODERN CONCRETE. Ht'irDINO: SQ FT POSSESSION. FERDINAND 1 FLKM1NQ. 1884. WALNUT ST. 0303 CORNER 1021) S r.Olh St.: 0 rooms nnd ti: bath, pantry, large shc1. laundry. Inclosed porch; hot-water heat, electric, brick fire place; lurgti snrmre $0300, poSMsston. TENN M. MOONEY 13 N. 50th st nelmont 6304. DESIRAHLE coal Mird properties, with sld Ings: some suitable for factory locations. W. HRUCE nRROW. 130 N. 12th. 237 N. 1STII fllm bus W -Suitable for molng picture Rruc narrow. 130 N. 12th. Fartorlew. AVureliouses. Mfg. Floors FACTORIES AND FACTORY SITES Everywhere In Philadelphia LOUIS S. OINSUURa 1201 Chestnut st. NEW LISTINGS SOLICITED INDUSTRIAL PLANTS, warehouses, rail road and rher frontage JAMES L. STEVENSON & SON d23 Land Title llldg Store and Dwellings 1011 RIDO.E Store. S roams and 2 baths h -w, host, ele light. Oulnn, 1010 Columhlu W EST l'llll.ADELPHIA EIJiIWOOD AVE 0100 block; 8 rooms nnd bath, hardwood Hoars, laundry tubs, front porch, lawn and h'dge. double car line. 13 minutes to City Hall Price $',000 L, Edward Wassormai, 2114 S 03d st Th Wnd, 4184 HOUSEWORK American, Protestant worn- an desires permanent position, plain prl- vate Christian family adults, no apts : city preferred. 120 W. Duval st Oermantown $500 CASH buys a home. 3500 block Race 0 rooms, porch front: price $3050. FRIES & SON. 3420 Market FOR SALE Storo and dwelling. 008 S. 52d -i , KOod business section. Robert Mo Qulnn 4812 Ventnor ave.. Atlantic Clty.N.J. $3900 fai.W"'- SMALL amount cash requlredi 40 and 51 N. Salford, Leonard Fries. 542U Market. By KING feEAT Cons, emus! how CCWLD YOU EVER RUN. LP & Bill Like TUat .JUJT nR. (COKlMfr AKO HEePNG7 BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY J- aiiiraiiHiii,ftii;iiJi)i;:iiiii)i!i:iiiiiirairfl;iiiiiii;i16riK'!ij'wi: IIW 1913 WALNUT STREET ' M In tnnmi rti,lvM l.lneW nf fh ,lfv, nnnneltn Trinity Church and overlooking Blttenhouse Square. Suitable for Isrge wealthy family, club, physician' and lawyers' offices or high-class apartments, FOUR-STORY BR0WNST0NE MANSION Duilt Solid On Lot 25x140 Feet to Moravian St. 22 rooms nnd 5 baths, solid mahogany finish throughout, pure white Italian marblo mantelpieces nnd Imported tapestries, open-paneled mahogany stairway. Inlaid floors throughout, open fireplaces In every room, wonderful large closet, vacuum and hot-water heating aslem Thoroughly modern In every respect. Price much below its real vnlue. Will consider other real estate In part payment, HOU8E CAN HE SEEN 1IY AProtNTMENT H. M. GOSCH, 309 Morris Bldg. Locust 2400 1IR0KERS FULLY PROTECTED MMlllflliCTIB inni!am,iiiiABiiui9iiffiiiami!iia 237 Market St. & 226 Church St. ' Two Fronts Lot MVi x 153 G-sty. Commercial BMg. Including Elect. Elevator & Elect. Lights Total Floor Space, 15,000 Sq. Ft. POSSESSION JANUARY 1ST, 1921 WILL FINANCE RESPONSIBLE PARTIES H. M. GOSCH, 309 Morris Building nrokers 1'ully Protected Locust 2400 giiiiiiimiiiiM wust i'ii i LAnrLPii i a 5300 Block Willows Avenue Delightful 0-room-nnd-bath homes Just being completed; no modern fea ture has been overlooked; a sample house thnt Is tho eseence of perfec tion: convenient transit facilities; finances arranged: we suggest In spection. DALLAS & HARTLEY. INC. 4709 North Broad Street Wyoming 871-872 R. W. HROWN. Agent, on Premises Phone Evenings Tioga 6020 W ONLY $500 CASH HAIjANCE AS RENT. WILL RUY 1447 N. HIRST ? Ha 0 rooms, bath: newly papered and painted, l'rlco (3050. Agent at 1417 N. Allison si., or MARTIN McWILLIAMS SOS ft. w,ii;iiH!!rjifaMiii!;jjniHiKi;raiPii!i!ii!iiiiiiiiiii;i;iiriiirii!iiu'ii'S 4 LARGE BEDROOMS 1328 H. RlfiT STREET Come out and Inspect our newly reno vated homes: electric light. Duller sll er fixture and other modern Im provement. Financed and Immedi ate possession: 0500. Open 2 to 4 KERSHAW ti CROW!., 5215 Chestnut Owner Spent Real Money i make this llttlo home one of the fine fored for the money today PRICE ONLY $3500 Located on ft main street, porch Is In closed electric lights, etc., 2 bedrooms; for purtlLUlarM nnd key seo CAMAO CU, . Wnod'lTl'ndaHVe MHIQIMFJMlllElEEEli! eiiuniimv: s 5745 WALNUT ST. Nino rons, laundry nnd garage; eery modern lmproement. 581 1 HADFIELD ST. FERDIXAND D. FLEMING g 1334 WALNUT ST. W ffliamiiaiMiPiiiiiri 1 $11,000 1 S 501 1 WALNUT STREET Swast Philadelphia's most desirable block'fg 7 story. 10 rooms, 2 baths, hardwoodm Hdoor. hot-water heat, electric and cis.p tiwlll assist financing W I W. D. ARCHIBALD Htmi MARKET ST HELMONT OlKflH imMiiiiiiMiiiMiiiiiiy:ciiggp Immediate Possession 6153 Catharine St. Twn story. 7 rooms and bath: hardwood floors electricity, hot-water heat; occupied by owner slnro built. 3 years ago; all-over screens nnd nw nines, 534 N. 58T1I ST Four larg bedrooms; semldetuched home suitable for refined colored family: Immediate possession can be rcorKClIorton and Vine its.: 3 story. 11 rooms and 2 baths, electrlo light: suitable for apartments or business corner; l-car ..J, excellent condition. garok.0. ltcDEv:TT &-.'.HJLLIN 03d and Lancaster ave. Overbrook 4803 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, BARGAIN Owner leaving city, owing to business changes will Hell his home nenr 53d nnd Tiiiiilrnor ave. and within H square ot sub. stay cars: Immediate possession given, and lOIINM C. ENllUnO 5207 Rsltlmore ave. 60TH & JEFFERSON STS. CORNER STORE AND DWELLINO In an established nnd thickly populated real dentlal section: a good opportunity for any line of business. TAMES N MITCHELL, on Premises, or 4Bth Market sts Hell phone Raring 1400 IF YOU WANT TO OET LOCATED IN A Nil 13 NEIOHHORHOOD GO OUT TO 4UTII AND PINE STS. and take a look uround there before you, come In to seo us iil.out bujlng one of our houses there that ..... ftr offering at such moderate prices 1-j ..- . rv satlsfactorv terms PCMIimt. TON ESTATES. Harrison nidif 4 H 13 that. DESIRABLE HOMES $4000 TO $13,000. FINANCED TO SUIT ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD 52d and Larchwopd qe Woodland 4880 606 MARLYN ROAD Already financed. 0 rooms and bath metal weather stripped including awnings, shades and screvns readv for occupancy. Apply JAMBS N MITCH ELL. 40th and Market ,ta ' IF YOU ARE LOO KINO FOR A HOME CONSULT J. B. PL0TKE & CO. f.OO PERRY IU.no TEL. I OCL'BT 5450 "051 N 02D Twelve rooms exclusive neigh " borhood nil modarn: $831,0 J. B. PL0TKE & CO. 500 PERRY IILDO LOCUST 5450 GOOD opportunity. $1000 cash; Immediate closed porch: Vt block from Cobbs Creek vw-A.ltimi. I .,- II B Bk , nil ,lllt,ru,emnt Park Open dallv andSunday JOS. A. McDEVITT 5213 Chestnut Ilelmont 2430 5011-13 MARKET lluslncss property, be tween 3 theatres J. B. PL0TKE 5c CO. B00 PERRY IILDO PH. LOCUST 543ft 47118 SPRINQFIELD AVE. Large 10-room bouse v baths: best location In city. KEIR REALTY CO., 0U Penn Square llldg. Lo cut 1220 4"D NEAR CHESTER AVE. 1-wo lJ.room houses: must be sold: used as apartmsatl will sacrifice. KEIR RKALTY CO.. 014 Poa fcnusre Hid locust 1220, 3430 HALTIMORE- AVE, Vacant: nrlw $8500. will finance: 8 larg rooms nnd tile bath, hot-water neats electric, hardwood flnura: large lot 10x140 noora. iara PnNN M. MOONEY 13 N 51jth st. Ilelmont 5304 Cyn N" CREIOHTON (52d and Pnrks'id'aJZ Eight rooms nnd tile bath. hnrdood floors throughout: tile kitchen! heated porch, laun dry In busement. will finance closely. $0300. aryl It" COANE 307 Lafayette liinTt ' CUTHUERT ST.. 8708 Near 37th and Mar. kat sts : 7 largo rooms: very large- yard: nice comfortable homo! will sell clear $2000 only 'UI) ,n Cft'h! possession with deed pnrgain 53O0 Hl'HUCE ST. Corner property with ga rage: Idfal for doctor and dentist. OREENWELL A DORNAN 42$ 8 32d st 5010 CEDAR AVE Rest location In West Phlla. : vacant: first-class ooudltlon: price reasonable, llenham 5218 Chestnut. TWO-STORY brick house, porch, lot 25x150: frame stabl In rear: 015V Olrard av,: owner on premise. KAl BBTATg gOK SAI,, CITY wkt rmLADELrniA Wait Till Election? Save $2500 BY PURCHASING NOW 22 ALREADY SOLD HnyplLircr Rr,aJ BOUTJt HETWEEN 0TH AND 01ST STS. 2D ST. NORTH OF COLUMBIA AVE.- 20-ft. fronts. Inclosed and liruted norrhesh 4 bedrooms, and bath, storeroom. bae: merit launary ana toilet: combination "' --"" oricK open nrepiace. eic. Meet the Builder Personally Today SAMPLE HOUSE. 0020. OPEN TH0S. J. McGARVEY llulldor and Owner nn Premises Pass north on 03d street to Columbia ave. aiK easi one diock. Overbrook Homes MODERATE TRICED Only 8 Left OXFORD ST. !, ' The Largest 2-Story House REINO OFFERED AT THIS PRICE! I Four bedroom, all-tile bathroom with stall shower: back stairway: ' Plastered basement laundry, with . toilet: garagr: front Inclosed porches and rear porch, with refrigerator ' room. SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN DAILY AND EVENINGS TILL 9 P. M.. EXCEPT SAT, & SUN. EVOS. 0LER & SHAPIRO UU1LDERS AND OWN'Rnn 9. E CQR. 67TH AND MABTfCR. (pWKIMIJ'imilW Overbrook District MODERN HOMES MODERATE T.RICE3 343 N. Edgewood; lot 110 ft. deep. 127 N. Dewey; near L station: 5011 Summer: excellent condition. 11031 Irvine: convenient location, 1413 N. 30th. good neighborhood. 5420 Merlon ne, ; semidetached. 0712 Media: A-l condition. 15,1 N. Fnrson: 3-story end house, 1742 N Redfleid: thoroughly modern ' 1(130 N. 2d: 4 rooms on 2d floor. 537 I.ansdowne; modern, good value. 1027 N 02d: 4 rooms on 2d -floor. 1047 N Slith, aide yard. oi:4 Lunsoowne ave.: bus. property. 0202 Lansdowne are : store & dwf. 1002 N 58th; cor., with garage. Adolph B. Caspar, Realtor 00T1I AND LANSDOWNE AVE. FLORENCE AVE. ' 57th to 58th Street T. ' ,o,',t' II Nino rooms, laundry and garage; ?1? II every modern Improvement; new op. I I eratlon, ) rn irtr AOENT ON PREillBES ''' rf ii rERDINAND D. FLEMINO. 1831 WALNUT OT. ,-j, i .WMY Why mmmm' 'j mumm a iJHiirinriifffflrajmHiaiTijii.iEE! Walnut Street Mansion Home Between 58th & 59th Streets on tho north slds of Walnut. 10 rooms, gar a go and private driveway AOENT ON PREMISES OR PLEET & B0GATIN 710 PENN SQUARE IILDO. SPRUCE 4734 uonciiiinM THE GARDEN SPOT of West Phlla. LEBANON AVE, EAST OF 03D The Street .with a Center Parkway -xty, xeml-detached 6 Bedrooms: ' laths, Lots 23x200 ft . 17' 7 " betwoei T-xty, derm-detached 6 Bedrooms: 2 Ilaths, Lots 25x200 ft . IV 7 " betwoen iviuita, jc4w ulc f iutt. uuruKes, The Trie. Location and Home la rltrht WILL HNANCE Ramsey & Williams JtfJSS Owner II T. DAVIS. JR. on Premises Pass North on 03d St. to Ibanon Ave. Walk East 1 Hlock. CORNER WITH GARAGE Am going abroad and must sell my home this weuK 1100S. 53DST. Located In the beautiful Sherwood section. It I strictly modern and has been finished In old Ivory and beautifully papered VACANT MOVE IN NOW 8 large bedrooms, with ample clasel room, up-to-date bath, hardwood floors, eletcrlo lights, with latest fix tures, bsssmsnt lauralryi larg living room, dining room, kitcntn and out. side shed. The house must tx seen to be ap preciated, and will be open for your Inspection between 7 and 0 p. in. Owner. THREE-STORY semmetaensa home: unui Jl'Jv uassed location! 12 rms.. 2 baths, hard- wood fls.. si, light: price, (12,000: easy term, -r5 IS West I'hlla, Real fcststs Co.. 3UOO llnltinmr. t W nil) J CALIiOWlIILL Ten rooms ai.1 bath. a larg bedrooms: prlc $8000: only 13 Co casn rttuuirru. .,s jii. MOONEY, 18 N, am 50th st, nelmont mm, 310-23-38 N. 82D ST. Ten rooms and bath, ,aw a largo vsarooms; price tuoooi only '49 ."J .Cab PBNN M.'. MOONKT -j .'i j 13 U. 50th sL . BtlmaaASMM f-' rV . V f v m . V. v & 1 T f ,, -fir IM fci! Jm tiiMl .ra! xpfa ! IB ojot '7 on( Xhoi Uiat 01 -if i tr N r.tlff 4Jlw M 1 Mhd I 1 41) Mir " iu'rt 'Oftt J6 r!ot ' fsldV d 10 , ,'rftiTf f r' Tt nt- wlrtf alofc date ctt Irtir III j"i0 407f Vitt oM tnrft fait Wid ,4 1 irtKt' JJ nsrtr' 1 "V I is'ic: 1 Ofi I Wot I alt J I al iirU tor H iarj m-JM Uct r K- ,srf fx$ t. ism K Jl- i 'l LCJ" 'r "Jl .- -. ,.. . V f s (J .. -f . LS-. . y' , ' t .. 10, K ''''",iMw:tftv' ii f- '-"-Qi&LXL-'Vi:... w. .-..."ft.hvaiCTi-j'K'.., A.r. x-'..-aX