' " V f . -A- n u . 'L r KING CHAMPIONS 4RE SETTING NO lO'BRW MASTER MIND OF SCHOOJL I Central High.Lilcely to Qain Gimbel Cup This Year Meets Gerinantown Eleven Tomorrow' Afternoon It)' HPICK n. MATTHEW C, O'HUIEN, licml 1 the hyleal training department D . r.ntrnt HIkTi rtohool Im thr miracle . .ml Hip tnimter mind ot Plillmiol Cn reaching tly, Crimen and Oold . In J017 nnd linn been on the Job In bh first throe yenr be doTelopcd 1 . iv.i .fln won the Ellin A. Glm- tmhat twice won U cup. nnd unless hls'boys meet with r.r!tg of upsets, they will cnptiye the trophy this iiMBrti. Thereby winning fhrtSTorile-Centra. High tT will come tomorrow nfternoon yhen ikir meet Oermnntown nt Houston ri.M This gninc will be nn good nH arty ShdUBSlc tilt in Philadelphia this en ;,;,! tUII attend the rojitcst. ' im.... -. P.ntrnl Tlltrh linn not Wn fored'upon nnd has won four victoria MJL in Iip ritv. In their opening rime. Or. O'Brlen'n charges clashed th the strons l'enn fihnrter team nnd "on 0 to 0. In their next tattle the victorious over Lower- Merlon High. 28 to 0. Against Uainoiic liigii tc Allotting week, the Centrnl bojH scored Anoints to 'their opponents' nothing. tnd lam went uh-v " ........ High, W to 0. Hue Uno Recortl Tbis is one ofetlie best records thnt nr team has made In its early season times and it is hard to see how Con- trai can oe n,'' ...j.. .. ..v r.ii.t tmnliv nlthoiitrh West I'hllii- V.uMn Ulirh and Northeast always j'ay their best games against! the jouths from llroad und Urandywlnc strectK. Yesterday the Centrnl. High boys norled out in u long signal drill, their list big practice ociore xnc gainu wuii Ufrmaniown. ui, ", ",v pleased with his team bccauso'all of his tfrulars will be in the game. This eleven i! about on a par with' last year's iquad anil that is saying u lot for it was generally nuumivu iuui ui. O'Brien's tenm In 1010 was one of the bet thnt ever donned, the Crimson and Gold uniform. With a team that is ap pirent'y Just as good as last year's aud ISOU 0! tlie oilier eicvcus nuuiunuu. weaker than thev were In 1010. it is n'nt Imrd tn sec liow Central will walk away with the honors this season. Dr. t) Hrien Knows now to mum a football tenm. Ho begins by developing a set of backhVd men that arc versatile. He realizes that the success of any team playing under the present rules depends on their having n real threat. This Is what he has this year and the men who hold the threat are just about the best trio that could be found In scholastic ranks. Bttks Are Fast The haekfleld that will lincun acalnst Germantown consists of Pnvitt, full back; Allowny and Trachtenburg, half lacks, nnd Wells, Quarterback. Any one of the three mm in the backfle'd can tick, pass and run. And tbey can do it well. All of these boys learned to punt when they were young and they can boot the oval now us well as a number of college fiuntcrs that have to do the kicking for .their teams. With a combination of this caliber, Dr. O'Hrien has a team that Is cer tain to do well in all Its gnmei. A col lege eleven is lucky to have 'ono com bination map that can do anything well, but for a team to have, three is remarkable and chows that the coach knows bow to pick them. T THE CUBS AGAIN 'ill Succeed Fred Mitchell at Helm of Chicago Nationals in 1921 Chiraro. Oct. 2fi TMinnv Evers rill succeed Frnl MltMii.ll u mm f the Chicaro NatlnnnlaoVKK,, aanajer wuav0v tlHVIUIIUIilH i"lir ' uas announced today ny'vltem Ems, who is now in Oubu with rag) luiues as a second baseman for Chi to in 1005. He later went to Boston, en to the Phillies and last season wos lth the New York Nationals. LVerS UI1H liArn tn Tvnv V V In n?' !'e Desan his professional career ;u me iroy team tn 11)0. Kvers Is right handed and bats left-handed. iniV''Le "ith tho Cubs from 1005 unt11 luiii the team won four pennants and o world's championships. Evers' was dismissed as tbc Cubs' manager in 1013 nd tbis action by Charles W. Murphy, ba president of the club, resulted in c letter's retirement from bnscbull. .vers was George Stalllngs' right 'and man in 1014 when the Bravew won pennant aud also defeated the Ath iMlcs in the world's series in four . .,ls2LKB,nes- That year Evera was "11 -u((M)U to sign a contract with nuaiua, Later tlin 'TT...U r..u i ... i..A.u w been callod by many baseball men, -Mi iu me 1'iiiiiics wiien managco. ny at Moran and then lost year the new .D I ( . . hu tiivil mnfc Jllll kill. wos manager was with the Giants. Bowling Notes vlIQmr YIvLm t,...ir i. .u ..!. Mum. ,Z'TiZ,J!ZmirSt,"",."" yi."".1"".".' Irnlii.. ' v" uiru'iwi i ilia rrK. renins for the U. Q. I. Wit Philadelphia HH. i I mm found them fallln to Ills tor .v. 'h'! rr,t ame. toppllns them over "t,!1" hlth ecore of 230. K.v.Qe. another ntn rnnnU, ai. ti,M urt "Tiiltdelphla five, waa the only other bowler f 5?ov,r th8 douDle century, with a tosa I r!,' ' '' " H. team gae the Mather nH Tati r warn BHiiivv, wuii rtmo t I H I til IMlh. ... J 1- .LI. 1. . Khft i)kn j'.h,,1 iwinurou ABKii. nun wjs nr "' nllBOKltihlB 1 A aents IVaI tmA Iha tirUW fcli n?K,nil 2l2, "'' Senior led otf with Bi.i..u'!." 'o set over tho 200 mark were V.JJl Bm5'y. Holdemann and Nlcholai. ?' eetern hum up a new elngle same l ? ,ur ine nve men inia aeaeon wneii cored 1042 pine, or air aeraie of 2IIM man. tha had hie weather ey with him thle iVWW inres very ooa totan tor tne HelpMa Electrlo Co'. fla In lh Indue Learue. 'anting department of the Sun Ship ' rtiund It eaey ptrktnir. defeatlpr tho rxpartmrnt three atralaht. tt, of Heterllnne Co., drew a round ieuse when ha dropped the bt boya f and 203 In two nmn avalnet the 'd f. H. Co. squad. May Enter Intercollegiate Leagup roV."!.v,rk' Pet.. 5. Harvard and 8yra nd Sirra- rim tho Interrol- at a meetlnir on novem- iJ'fpia J wade un of Tafa, rrlncetoni J!". rfBrlYala, 'Cerseli r4 Pit- Tne pree- EVERS TO PILO FOOTBALL "- Permanent Possession of HALL Wells Is one of the best nuartcrbacks :i scholastic ranks. He is very fast and runs the team In line shape. He was not In the same nzulnst Frankfort 'ast week but will be in when tbe whistle sounds tomorrow afternoon at 'I '.10 o'clock. In one of the early games WcIIh received the klrkoff aud ran through the entire opposing team, DO nrds, to n touchdown. Wells Well Supported Wells has back of him three men who nre ns fast as he Is. On the ends, Cen tral High has Hess and Lichermnn, two speedy, bard tackling wlngmen that go down under punts wel, play excellently on the defense nnd handle the' forward nnss in n way that innkcic collegians '"ok III. In fact the oritfrc Crimson and Oold eleven handles iUelf well. If any of these liojs go to college their 'oachcr will find that they do not need 'n be drilled In the fundamentals of the game. . They know bow to nln.v foot ball right for the majority 'began It cears ugo. This asset plus the ilnc eoncliing they have received from Dr. O'llrlen has made regular gridiron warriors of these bojs. In the line. Central Is well fortified. Hull. Mt. tackle: Webster, center, nnd Cnptnln Kauffmaiv. right tackle, were ill raemiiers or the regular team Inst vear and they, by the way, arc the only members of the team thnt were. The two guards, Clark nnd XIcAlplne, arc very good men, capable of taking care of their positions against all-comers. The Centrnl High team avernges lGTi pounds. The reports were announced at Cen tmi yesterday, nnd the football players enme through In fine shape. Only two filnyers on the sooi(l squad came under the ban of the faculty. The recent cross-country race wns n disappointment. Oermontown nroved superior, but Centrnl students claim thnt the result would hnve been differ ent if Censer, a star distance runner. and Cnptain Cordon hnd been in the event, iiillmnn ran tor t;entrnl, but wns not in good condition for the race. Mnny School Games Listed Tomorrow's hclioTastic football games arc in all sections. Two Cimbel Cun games will be p'aj'cd. Central nnd Oermnntown ac Houston Field; South Philadelphia s. Northeast, nt Northeast. The big Catholic League game will bring La Sa'le Preps and St. Joseph's Preps together on the Phillies' fie'd. St. Joseph's Preps nre the favorites because of the better showing tbev have made In the games nlayed to dat. In Jersey, Burlincton High plays nt Hndd"n Heights High School, while Co'Mngswood visits. th MWvlllc Hl?h The private schools havo been staging some big battles, and the dust will fly when Germantown Friends' und Ger mantown Academy clash nt Tabor. These two teams arc great rivals. Ger mantown Friends' is exceptionally strong this -jenr, and Germantown Acndcmy also has a fine tcai . Chestnut Hill vies for honors with Penn Charter at Queen Lane. Haverford. Schools plays at Radnor High nnd Episcopal Acndemy visits St. Luke's School. T4ic schedule ; NartNT'h Illch t Ahbctnn. llurllnctnn Illxh ot Haddon IMclitn. Darby Illzh nt Swarthmorr Hlth. Uennantown Friends' at Uernuntcmn Moorr'town Hlh at Krlnd Central. Haverford School at Radnor Htuh. Colllncowood High at Mlllvlllr. South Philadelphia at Northrait Illch. Chettnut Hill at l'enn Charter. Oerman'own lllh it Central IIlcli. Kplacopal at St Luke's School. Ht. Joe vs. La Sail at Phllllea . Phoenlxville a. NoTrlBtown. New Cub Leader JOHNNY EVERS He will manage the Cubs in 1021 MERRILL CLAIMS TITLE Marty Wolfeon'e Nine Want Game for Saturday After a successful season the Merrill A. O. baseball team claims tho cuam plonshlp of Strawberry Mnusion and the northwest. This team' has defeated every tenm in the vicinity. The players have decided to play until the weather forces them to quit tho diamond for tho basketball cage. This club will also have n first-class quintet which will travel this winter. Any tenm who wishes to dispute Mer rill's baseball claim can secure a game for Saturday. The game will be played nn the Merrill grounds at Strawberry Mansion, In Falrmount Park. By calling Marty Wolfson, Diamond 1)502 J, any night between 0 and 0 o'clock, or by writing to 3213 Monu ment avenue, flrst-claBs baseball ana basketball clubs can secure worthy op position. Vesper Oarsmen Honored The Veiptr Doat Club tendered John II. Kelly and I'aurCoetello. the Olympic cham pion!, a banquet atthaBenevue-Blratford feet ntiht. In addition to Captain Moore, of the navy crews! Tom noney. the former national champlonl tha -entire ;St. Louie Snd T'arla elfhts of, the Veeper Iloat Club. .. n.ilnnai ehamn on. were eeatrd at the lnf.JLln.Th uaruteat number XTrew laarvaie wno n liwmi Kl"f (Tvr ,..!-' rm '.ty ji -, iRWifcSanH,5 &&'3uaaaaaai STARS McCarthy kI, 'tt?j ",' 'WW Mc.kenna - ATHLETIC CLUBS FIGHT BLUE LIS James Webb, of ' Bridesburg, Chosen President of Organ- ization to Wage War The nnciileus of it state-wide orgunl zation embodying most of the lending athletic clubs in the state of Pennsyl vania, wns formed lost night with the sole purpose of combating the state Illuc laws of 1704, in so far as they hold jurisdiction over wholesome Suu dav sports. The meeting xyis held in Yeakcl Hnll, Allegheny uveuuc and Gaul street, Richmond, and was attended- by repre sentatives of thirty local athletic or-' ganjzations, who will ask kindred bodies In other large cities throughout the state to organize and combat the sport ing feature of the archaic laws. The name selected was the Allied Athletic Association of Pennsylvania. Virtually every bpealter delivered a tirade against n "small group of citi zens." who. It was said.iwcrc instru mental in stopping many of! the games scheduled for Philadelphia Inst Sunday, nnd sympathy wns expressed for Mayor Moore over the criticism be has received from this group who, the speakers said, did not rcprcscntcthc majority of the citizens of Philadelphia, To show the nouularltv of Sunday sport when conducted nlong proper channels, many petitions were presented at the meeting which bore the signatures of thousands of persons who sec no ob jection ingames played on Sunday. Thousands more signatures were prom ised for the next meeting of the asso ciation, to be held In Nativity Hall, Dclgradc and Madison streets, next Wednesday night. The meeting was the upshot of the stopping last Sunday of many games of soccer, baseball and football at the last moment, causing many thousands of spectotors to travel long distances to find 'the eames had been withdrawn and entailing numerous complexities incidental to the arrangement and man agement of athletic contests. To offset their action it was unani mously decided that all the teams rep resented at the meeting and who havo previously arranged games for next Hundnv will carry out their original schedule, which meant that, despite Interference by others not counccted with civic affairs, many athletic son- tests will be staged in this city next Sunday. "We will play footb'air In Bridesburg next Sunday in spite of ull outside in- fluence," said one sneaker. "Should a group of objectors interfere with our game we will fight tho case to tho finish." Thirty other managers voiced their approval and declared that they are in the fight to the finish. j.ne temporary uiurai. ui 'i were: 1'rcsiaeui. nuu uuuiriuuu. uuuics Webb, Bridesburg, A. A.: vice nrci dent, Phil Haggerty, Nativity: record ing secretary, Frank E. Carroll, Mar shall E. Smith; corresponding secre tary, Charles W. Marvcy, Harry Davis Club, and treasurer, Edward Caskey, Bridesburg. The organizations represented ha,vo a huge patronago In Philadelphia and these patrons next Bundny will be given the opportunity to sign resolutions favoring Sunday sport. The clubs are : Curtis Country Club, Nativity, North Philadelphia, Wert Philadelphia C. C., Bridesburg, Tulpchocken. Marshall E. Smith, Vincome. All-Phlki., Hunting Club, Coopersvillc, Commerce Club, Disston A. A., Joan of Arc. Beach A. A., Gen Social. Hunting Inrk, Key wood. B. C, New York Ship, Hurry Davis Club. Flelsher Yarn. Athletic Stars. Scanlon C. C Kinsley A. A. and others. Ted Lewis Sails for England New York. Oct. 28. Ted (Kid) Ijwl. the Ilrltleh boxer who formerly held the world's wellerwelsht ohamp on-hlp title. wa a naeeena-er on the Mauretanla. aalllna- to day for Enitlarrf. He la to meet .Johnny Itaebam, at Ixmdon. on November 10. After that bout. Lewie plana to return to thli rountry arid eek a match w th Jack Urltton for the welterwelaht champlonehlA QPECIAL HALLOWE'EM 13 CARNIVAL ON SKATES CARNIVAL AT ICE PALACE 45th and Market Sts. Monday Nlaht, NoTrmbei; 1 SPECIAL KI4SCTI0N yitlJIT PI World'a (Irralffit Kntertalu An KTrnina; vi iiir.itp. nnnn.iM nrrs NORVAL BAPTIE Sensational, rioelir. Arrobatle Ire Skater THE MULLERS ALAN MURRAY Wonder Arllelle Flror" Skatrrs IlaMIr, Iho Mntlera and Murray will rive rmple'e k ekatlnr proaram Saturday nlaht. Ort. JO. nnd dnrlna nrek f Nov, 11. 10 to 12, ZlSO to S. SilR to 10M5 Thrr Sl'Minr rteaaiona iraii: Flesh Reduced, Body Building Boxlnp; Tautrht No Punishment Hand Rell Cnurta Private Unon Jlowtit TIIKATMBNTH 0 A M. TO 0 P. M. IIOXINO TOURNAMENT. NOV. 18TH Phila. Jack O'Brien q k, rr. 15th Chea'nut. Wpmee 1P-4t TI1K FIOIITH HATISFY AT THE NATIONAL A. A. SAT. KVKN1NO, OCT, M 1ACK niAMlten vs. TOMJIY SfetlARItinLK jnF"ri!IlTI Ta.niT.T.V AM.KN inijnr khvkh va. ijkw hciitipp Soil jackpon va BAMMV noon flKNK nWAIONT re. JOK TirLlTZ T1CKKT8 AT DONAOHY'8. JS 6. llth BT. FOOTTIATX OAMK St. Joseph's Prep. School va T.m Sall Pren. wi&'jwr. iwt $& - r - - .. " WORLDS AFIRE THESE DAYS WITH THEIR SAFETY MATCHES IN VILLANOVA. LINE "?. 5J5 a- Cqfefc- HERTZLER Dempsoy-Carpentier Botrt Wil Bo to a Finish and Will Be Staged Early Next Year New York, Oct. 28. After n se-'s of conferences and numerous til tl -natums, Mesjrs. Illckard. Cochran and Brady, the triumvirate seeking to pro mote a world's heavyweight champion ship match between Jack Ddmpsey and Georges Carpentler announced last night that ull differences between the pro moters and the boxers had been amicably arranged, that articles of agreement will be signed In a few days and that the battle would be staged in Havana, Cuba, early in 1021. The announcement that the pro moters had decided to stage the bout in Cuba came as a great surprise to the boxing enthusiasts of New fork, as it was the general impression the contest would be decided os close as possible to the bie eastern renters of tronulatiou. It was Intimated by Mr. Rlckard that the Cuban Government has offered financial inducements that the promot ers could not afford to ignore. In addition, the bout could be con tested to a finish In the Cuban capital, although itis generally conceded that o contest between Dcmpsev nnd Cnrpen- tier could not possibly last more than eight nr ten rounds if both were boxing oji their merits. Tin promoters declined to give the exnet amount that the Cuban officials nre willing to contribute for the pleas- ure of seeing the leading 'heavyweights of the world iu the ring, but it must be a tidy sum In view of the foct that the promoters guarantee Dempsey $300,000 and give Caroenticr $200,000. According to Kearns, Messrs Coch- rnn. Brady und nickard were alto- I ECther too hasty in their announcement yesterday, war. ine terms ot tne muicu had been agreed upon nun mat ine articles of agreement would be signed at a meeting to be held at tlie Hotel Claridge yesterday morning. Kearns admits that he and the pro moters bad verbally agreed on condi tions for the match, and that Cochran and bis co-promoters then proceeded to draw up a contract to cover the con test in all its bearings. Hmnrauiiawir 1920 PAIGE LARCHMONT Hun 3800 mllee; equipped with rnrd tlree. bumper, potllcht. Houdallle ehock absorbers front and rear, motor meter und Warner lena; painted Quaker brown .wllh brown upholatery: coat ortclnally 131001 will veil for 2230 guaranteed, MCJELOW.WILLEY MOTOR CO.. S01 N. BROAD ST. gtallllMIIM is all you need to pay to become a member of our Christmas Bicycle Club Now Forming. Select cither an Indian or a Mauro today wo will deliver any date between now and Christ mas. Btautiful Illustrated Catalogue on Uequeat Broadway. Cycle. Co., Inc. The largeit cycle house in the e'aU ' , 617 Market tit.. Phlla.' 1134 tlu-aiVf Are.. PhUa. 1103 llroadway. tCaradrn. Jif, J, .Open Mon., rl.. and Bat. Kvraian BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BIG RING BAnLE GOES TO HAVANA m m T 3S 1 m - UP Havana Is Surprised at News of Big Bout Havana. Oct. 28. Inquiry nmong sportsmen haH failed to disclose the identity of the person or persons who, according to New Tork dis patches, ure said to have made a substantial offer for the Dempscy Carpenticr world's championship battle in Havana. NoVe of tbc men who could bo reached were able to give any in formation on the subject. All of them expressed surprise at the an nouncement from New York. DENIES PITT CHARGES Director of Georgia Tech Says Players Were Eligible Atlanta, Gft., Oct. 28. Director Crenshaw, of Georgia Tech. in a signed statement denies that three mera- hers of the Georda Tech football team 'which played" the University of Pitts burg last Saturday, bad played foot ball more than four years. The state ment was in reply to one issued Sun day by Director Miller, of Pittburgh, announcing that Pittsburgh would play no more games with Georgia Tech. mmmrn m www' CWhats all this talk about Crimping? i 1ST Ji t'l."" EXPECT RECORD CROWD FOR SA TURD A Y'S GAME Anticipate 23,000 Will View Pcnn-Penn State Annual Battle Bezdek and Team Arrive Tomorrow. Heisman Shakes Up Penn Varsity "We will have the largest crowd of the season here on Saturday after noon and probably one of the grcarcbt throngs that ever saw a football game on Franklin Field," said Joe Shechan, the official ticket man at Pennsjlvauln, yesterday afternoon. "I look for n crowd of more than 22,000," he added. In spite of the fact that so great a crowd is expected these Is still nn op portunity to purchase tickets for tlie game. Home't'OOO seats in the eust nnd west stand were placed on snle this morning. Every seat iu the vast am phitheatre is reserved. The big crowd will be treated to Just the kind of football a crowd likes. Penn is comiug along fast, while State needs no Introduction. This afternoon concn Heisman nnd twenty-six of the varsity squad will leave for the Whltemarsh Country Club, where they will remain until Saturday morning. This move is the result of tbc desire of the conches to chanze the scenery and to give the coaches nn opportunity to work the plnycrs out on a f-oft gridiron to pre vent uuy recurrence of injuries. State, according to n wire, received yesterday afternoon, will nrrivc in this city tomorrow morning, nnd nfter breakfasting at the Hotel Walton will motor out to one of the country clubs nround the city where a signal drill will hi held. The arrivnl of the Stnte tent ers Is not looked for until late Friday night. More than 1000 of the loynl sons of the Centre county college will make the trip. A large number afnit,wl fnr thla ,'itv rpxtprHnr nfternonu to muke the trip by automobile, while others started on foot in the hope that they could secure hops (not tne spirit brand) ou the way down . All Stale Keystones It is a singular fact, but every mem ber of the twenty-sMen of the Penn State vnrsity squad tilth their prelim inary football training in tins state. Baer, a tackle substitute from Scott lllffh. Thledo. is tho oulv man from outside tbc Ke stone State. Charlie Way, the flashy halfback, comes from Downlngtown. just outside of this city. Tom McNnmara. who hnd the nlens- ure of scouting State last Saturday. thinks as uigiiiy ot way as uc oiu ot Leech, tho sensntlonal V. M. I. half back. "That fellow Way is a streak when it cornea to open field running, aud it will take the best in the Red and Blue to stop him when he gets started. In ad dition, he line is one of tbc best Penn will have faced this season. They can do almost anything. Getting down the field under punts Is one of their special. 35 1 """"" tun II 1 1 'HII 1 1 III isten, Lester, and you shall hear: There are three ways to roll a cigarette wet it with your tongue, use paste, or crimp it. But Spur is the only cigarette note that word only that has the crimped seam. No moisture as when you roll a cigarette no paste as used by other makers. Crimping makes Spur draw easier, burn slower, taste better. Looking at , Cigarette , f ," " ' im laainirriiiemawi i ii i nt k'tys a" ' '?l,'v ' ties. It In n treat team, but t think we have the old fighting spirit now that will khow the un8taters something. I cannot say that I look for a victory, but there inny ue many surpuscs uctore tnai game Is over Saturday aitcrnoou. (JuartcrbacK uienn itiuuger nnu Clnrcnce Heck, the left tackle, arc Har rUburg boys, while Reddiugcr, who will probably start at quarter Saturday, hnils from Washington, Pa. Haines, the star halfback, votes in lied Lion; Captain Hess is a Monessen product, while Griffiths, the other guard, comes from Bioomsburg. Beck aud Shuster, the latter from Willlamsport, arc the tackles and nre rated on a par witn any of the grent State tackles of the past. The ends, Brown nnd McCullough, hall from Washington and Homestead, respectively. McCullough was a star at Klskimintau before coming to State. The State reserve list is just the kind that' Coach Bezdek bus been nlwn nolntlng for oue thnt can do almost as well as the regulars. Lewis Throw Zbyazko Montreal, Oct. 28. FM ('Htranlr" Lewi i won Inst n'uht from waladelc Zbiko, the I'ollih wrtstler. In on hour nnd lrvrn InnttA Bt the Mount Koyal Arenu lier. Lvwls won on a tnr hold $12.50 CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut Imported Riding Legging for Children ) IIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL crifnped,not II II III Itl 1 1 1 a Spur will give you the idea and smoking one will give you the result. And of course everybody knows that Spurs are blended from choice Turkish, fine Burley and other home grown tobaccos. That's where Spur's good old tobacco taste comes from. There's a lot more to be said but write it yourself after you've enjoyed twenty Spurs from the neat'looking brown and silver package. Liggett 3c Myers Tobacco Co. hLmi aef-..a. j t.,e,lM$ ...?. ..- - ""i i '' -'--' iiiniiii mil MINORS OPPOSED TO LASKER PLAN Assert System Provides for Gov ernment Without Representa tion Fultz Explains Error New York, Oct. 28. The minor leagues will refuse to becomo a party to the reorgnnizntion of bqscbnll under the proposed Lasker plan, unless some rad ical changes are made in the scheme,, it was learned today. Minor league officials, who havo been Investigating the Laskcr plan for the appointment of n nw National Com mission, claim the system provides for government without representation, nnd restoration of the draft which tbc minors have been fishtlng for years. Several conferences have been held In various parts of the country nnd it has Heen informally decided to oppose the plan, unless It Is altered before offered to the minor leagues tit their annual meeting nt Kansas City next month. It li claimed that .under the Lasker system the minor leagues, which control more plnycrs and territory and have ra "lnn,,y invested in baseball than S. majors, are literally without voice In the proposed government of the game, regardless of their apparent right of -enresentntlon on the commission. Tan Willow Calfskin The new light shade, heavy soles, with an ad ded damp proof middle sole. The shoe to select for the double purpose of protection in bad weather and swagger style on pleasant days. pasted V. Al 111 a ,?i m 4i 4 'M vi .' i fl 14 e T M M nt. z , V t etf Id lit I"