i- ' ' ' -i r i' ii i " DEAD SOVEREIGN L 'Alexander's Body at Cathedral. His Last Thought for. . V Widow .,i .. fW. 28. Funeral BcrvicoH jJVhJ te King Alexander, which will Md Friday, will bo attended by the 5Sb nrinco of Sweden, according to Sntwrangcments. Ho Is in this Ji at the present time. Other na tions will probably bo represented by diplomatic officials. " foe entire press of Greece, in com itlng on tho death of King Alcxan der. deplore tho loss of tho young soy J:,L, who, during. a short reign hnd on great popularity. The body of the king was conveyed today from Tatol to the cathedral in JUhtns in his own motorcar, which was driven by liia great friend, Llcutcn ant Stavro Mctaxns. Tho coffin was draped in the royal flag. The improvised hearse was followed hv Ari.,.. .. 1,. M;:2t which w9jSowgr,(Jtee'n Olfa'wklf a lauy m waiting, , wmic in we scc ond was tho widow of the king, Madame Mauds, accompanied by M. Oryparls, granu mnrsiinl or. the court. Tho members of the cabinet Hnd high officials awaited the arrival, of the cor tege at the Cathedral, in. which the body was placed on a catafalque guarded by a special detail of soldiers and officers. Alter dhoi prayers tne mourners withdrew nnd the public was admitted to tho cathedral. The crowd was so dense that It was extremely difficult to maintain order. In medlcAl riffle turn. h nnlnlnn Is expressed that the king's death'was iuc mainiy to hepatization of the lungs, following pulmonary congestion, and an affection of the heart. The blood poi soning perhaps could have been cured, it was said, as frequently occurs. KlngAlcxandcr was kept nllve for days by artificial means. Ho only realized the gravity of his condition the last two days and all his thought were for his wife. At the end Alexander at tempted to embrace her, but breathed his last before he could do so. Dowaecr Queen Olsa arrived tho dav after tho death of the king. There was a pathetic scene between tho 'aged dowager queen and her morganatic granddaughter and the two remained alone in the death chamber a half hour. BVEaOHG VWU8 if! , JSL ." ' 'i"i't"iA' nrnruritr'tr-Mtm:-' IN ITALIA SMENTITQ JK rA- ' -", '. "K, La Potlzione del Oablnetto Raf- forzata pel Declso Atteggia mento del Governo' ii ii iM''i,ij I i 1 T? rnbllthl nl DMrlbntM Unttr Authorised by th ci of Ortebor 0. 101T. on Wo t th rontoflle et Phlla dtlphlt. P, A 8..nunLRSON, Poitmuter Qtntrat, Rom, 27 ottobre Le smenttto si miueguono "una, alle.altre da parte del supposu,; ieaaer- aei preteso colpo ft?a utaerali Glardlaft' e caviglin cue si dlcevano tmpllcatt nella cosplraxlone cd ancbe Gabriels D'Annunxlo hanno sen- Hto H blsojcno dl dlchlararc dl non aver mal comploltato e quest'ultlmo ha dctto pure dl non cssersl mal sognato dl vo tare da Flume a noma per la celebrn xlone dell'anntversarlo dclla vittorla Itallim o dl dOHtilrnre con i due bo- neralt per sbarcare a Trieste e qulndt marclare sii Roma, II glornale "IIdcn Nntlonnle," organo del naxlonaltstl, sta orh cercando dl rltrattarc la nunbllca- stone dell'allarme circa 11 colpo dl stnto preparato in Italia. Mentre la poslxlone del Oablnetto sembrava scossa una setttmana o'r sono, t' ora rafforzata dal rlsoluto attcg glaraento assunto dal Goverrro verso git anarehlcl e dalla sobrla optnlone delta mnriloranza circa una reazlone anche contro le mene del nazlonalistl. La tat Hen ilMl'On. Olollttl c'- ouella dl nc- gulre II .medio corso tra glbestremtstt tanto blanche "cho rossl. " v I 'nazlonalistl vnnno giornalmente proclamando che se per i risultatl dl un dlretto 'nccordo con la Jugoslavia 11 l Vf ttfj.Ji eraewtr' m ib..K JaWkaa iK miM.t.A V ' I nlH' 'Til 'aamamjU Ai4 AmmlragUo Mlllo rfovranao rlflutawi dl muovere. L'On. Olollttl ha chlamato l'ammlraglto Mlllo per domandargll au quaie tcrreno 1 nazionansti nasano ie loro dlchlarazlonl, D'altra parte la strada per 1 negozl atl Italo-jugoslavl ' e' chlara e questl Mtranno Inlzlatl 11 primo povembre id Isola Delia, ovq ognl sforzo posslblle sara' fatto per ragglungere un accordo prima delta rlapertura del Farlamcnto che avra' luogo verso la metq' del detto mesc. " 81 puo' senza dubblo rltencre che II programma dell'Itaua per dettt nego zlatl o' stato gla' tracctato. Flume dovrh' more rlconosciuto tanto dal l'ltalla che dalla Jugoslavia come indl pendente. , L'ltalla porra' como condl zlone "sine qua non" dl ottencre le sue naturall e stratcglche frontlere ori ental!, come stablltte dal patto dl Lon dra, da Flume a Tarvls. La Dalmazla dovra', essere lasclata alia Jugoslavia, provvendendo che Zara, la quale e' com pletamcnte itallana, sla.dlchiarnta cltta' libera. Tanto l'ltalla cho la Jugo Flavin dovranno avcre chlare c drfenito &MHitl al bUocat 4 M- wlaanefo tutte le cause dl futuri attrltl. Nello stcsso tempo i jaeicgati dene uue nazlonl dovranno' dlfcutere la slste maslone delta llnee gcnerall dl un eco nomlco' trattato tra l'ltalla e la Jugo slavia, con la mlfa dl svitupparo in tensamente le loro rclazlonl commer Wall attraverso I'Adrlatlco. Clo' giustl fica la . presenza tra 1 plenlpotcnzlarl del mlnlstro serbo per la flnanza, Sto Janovltch, o dl quello Itallano On. Facta. Swedish Cabinet Forme'd London, Oct. 28. A dispatch to the Times from Stockholm says Daron nrrl Luis de Geer has formed a non party cabinet. The members of the new govertimentvire not members of Parlia ment and were chosen for their technical capabilities. Among the new ministers arc Count Wrangcl, minister ot foreign affairs: Prof. Eksberk, minister of Jus tice; Richard Sandler, minister of finance; M. Tamm, commissioner of public Webts, nnd General Hammarsklld, minister of defense. 4 "Vfc f i : & CUBAH ELECTION TO BE FA President Menoeal Promises HoriHt Vote and Honest Count Havana. Cuba, Oct. 28. (By A. P.) Precautions bavo been taken to in sure an honest vote and an honest count In the Cuban elections to be held, next Monday, President Menoeal said in a statement Issued yesterday. "Nobody will lack the full protection ot the law," the president declared, "and the candidate chosen wjll be the one elected by a majority of the people." Official confirmation was given of re- fiorts, widely circulated In Ifavana, that ntlmldation had been charged by both the large political parties, and that the Liberals, under the leadershlD of Gen eral Jose Miguel Gomez, had complained to the United states Uovernment. The executive committee of the Lib eral cftrty last nlxht voted down a pro posal to withdraw from the presidential contest, a step that has been urged on the ground that the government had failed to guarantee safety for Liberal oupporters at the polls. $iXi MNHiwat T! Syivfa PwHtthtml j.j ."-" ..j. .- .. -:i.',.L.i:.i i Ht'l'MRBarHf wno nii inuim, - October in cnaricfl wun aitetftptw cause sedition in wc nary fir and puDiisning on. issue et, me. aewifi ,'rl naoer. xne vvoraeri- vreaanouiat. tarn, 'vt lot&a 1 tl wr B aaalanaail lJa a .. .TaJaw 't UClUUCf iu( nan pviicu.ci wui; XWf'WWL AMtlia' fiMrtflaAMMaht nt akMlf ' k UlVUilia mi(wiimvM uu vuuiikuuni W UIO UUCItV " (- BOWMQVILTS Made From Feather B JOL'mFg!, 702 aaaaaaBaaDcum Quiltt Rtttvir a it - L. ft ;v; 5 "a f Mm ora JJmi oaJtt wiM Jhina mwl tht dUuvwt www lOlMtk to Bhe J.R.WlLSON&MPANy HvtuA. ,iA ?awa. ) ' ''im.T!- ! . , , Oroad and Girard POPLAR 4549 52nd. and &trjrd BEL.MOHT904-7 VlCTROLAS AND V'CTOR RECORDS ExClUSIVELY Our Smrviem U Ntxt iJaor Co You, No Matfr Whtrm You timm Commercial Stationery DLANK BOOKB Hound and Looao Leaf HTHOOnAPHINO PniNTINO ENCnAVINO omcB Stationery and Supplies VOU will find heTe the largest otock in this city of Commercial Stationery and general oltlco requirements. PenB, pencils, Inks, mucilage, erasers, fountain pens, stick -flies, clips, pins, otc. Our Fountain Pen Department Is at your service for cleaning, repairing nnd filling or nny Information" you desire. When you wont Commercial Stationery, you want it right away-and you'll And everything you want In stock at B3 Market Streot. WILLIAM MANN COMPANY 529 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. New York Offices: 201 Broadway. Founded in 1848 4& J rnm&L TlAHO Supply and Demand There are no seasons for the sale of Steinway pianos. They are staple. An even demand is always consuming the supply. But many insist on delivery of Steinways on fixed dates, ' at short notice, which always can not be done. The social season is opening, holidays are just ahead, some months of winter are to follow, . in all of which piano music has a most promi nent part. If your Steinway order is not booked, it is the part of wisdom to make selection early as possible. Among all Steinway productions, the pianos of 1 920 are notable for breadth and beauty of tone, exquisite casing and fine fipish. Have you received your copy of the book, "Steinways of Today"? Every music lover should have it. Sent free. Steinway pianos may be bought on monthly installments o UR own opinion is that annual repair costs on the Hupmobile are less than those of any other car in the world. It is also -one of the very few cars-out of several hundred-so noted for fine performance and low-cost over a long life that it always commands a high price when re-sold. These are the qualities which make the Hupmobile worth what it costs, and without which no "motor car is ever worth what it costs. THE HATqH MOTORS COMPANY 720-22 N. Bnkd Street Poplar 7670 li r ! ti i u X i t T in $ 41 jf ' iA4 ' .'St s M it m M , & b. a 0 ? VI -.1 )i it rt U H I rf ..1 -t N.5fefson&CoJHIChe5fhuf5f. i ' t V i , ,ii An '.1 ft V..t(f' k.,. fcwA.'4tirtlSBi if-' 5 iJ&ti wvii.-,i V -' .'JT-ti't-Stw.'-iii