7 f '" V, fi .'' v- u V ' X " vv :&' -. uj" 'vff' . r-c v.;- ? TV N H r rffc "V . -i ;iv W I'O' - If '. ' .'.rrf i i II PRETESOCOLPO ITALIA Nonostante lo Smentltd si Dlco ' cKo TDh'o Dipefidora'- Dagfi '.AVvenlmenti ' . Fubllsheri and Distributed Under , PEP.M1T NO. 841. A t , Authorised by. tho act of Octobr,0. 1017. on file at tlio Postoftlce of Phlla Iflphl.., I, A 8inB80Ki Postmaster General, MLIniio, 20 ottobre. Nonostanto lc smentltc da Roma c da Flume, nel clrcolt pcncrnlmcnte bene informatl si sscrlscc che un'colpo tit stato Rla stato prcparnto c che la sua attuazlone dlpcmla itnlcamorite' dal corso dcgli av , Ycnlmcntl. Si inslstc Bill fatto' che nnlma' c protagonlBta del cojpo sla Gabrlelo D'AnnunzIo c si fanno anchc nomtdl deputatt, aenatorl, generall c prlnclpl t quail sarebbcro prontl a collaborarc alia instaurazlonc dl una dlttatura mill tare. I Bornale "La Stampa" dl Torino ' stato It prirno a gettarc rallarmo cd II Riornale ooclnllsta "Avantl" lo ha ronfermato caortnnilo le masse a ribcl larfil a qualslasl tcntatlvo dl dlttatura inilitarCi Lc vocl del colpo dl stato wrebberp In ccrto qual.modo confermate dogll arrestl cscgultl nclle persons dl nationalist! ben notl. Insistcntemcnto si nffcrmn, pol, che la sltuazlone del Govcrno e' nmlferma c che una crlsi mlnlstcrlalc sarebbe ad dirlttura inbvitabile. Washington, D. C, 20 ottobrc. La Lena, dclle Naiclqni, saru' ptobabilmeute rhlamata a docldcrc la questlone dl rtumc c dell'lntlcro prnblcma Adrlatico. Cio' Rccondo itifnrmazlonl giuntc a Washington;, le quail lasciano comprcn rlerc che 'l'ltalla c la Jugoslavia nono plu' cho, mat discord 1 circa la dclhnlta itonc'crcieonfjui.. ' l'urtuttnvla net circoll .diplomatic! si nutre speranza che ! dliettl negoziati tra 1'Italla o la Jugoslavia, in prociuto dl cBscrc riprcsl ad Isole Bella possano portarc al desiderato ccord6. Koma, 20 ottobre. Un importante Consicllo dc! Ministri ha avuto luogo otto la prcsidenza dcll'On. Glollttl. Fu dfciio dl rlprcndcre i ncgozlatl con la Jugoslavia rlguardo la questlone dell'Adrlatico e dLragglungcrc uua con HIsIono, In una la o nell'altrn, prima dclla riapcrtura del Parlamento, 3a quale c' stata iissata per il glorno 10 novembre. Si apprende che i negoziatl saranno rondotti ncll'Isola Belle, una dclle lsole dei Borromco nella boia dl Tosa, cd nvranno duo scopi, cioe' territorialo ed fcouomico. I Dclcgati Italian! che trntteranno le nucstionl territorial! sarannn il Contc Sforza. minlstro per gli altar! ester! , o I'ox-mlnistro dclla Gucrra Bonomi, mentre lc nucstionl economiche saranno trattate dal Senatore Pletro Bertolinl, forsc assistito dal Contc Volpi, che partecipo' n ncgozlatll di pace con la Turehia dopo la gucrra dl Tripoli. L'Ammlragllo Mlllo, comandante dclle forze Itallane a Zara, in Dalmazla, ed il Slndaco Zllliotti til Zara, sono arriratl in Homa. Ess! sono statl chl amatl dall'On. Giolitti per Conferirc riguardo la questlone dclla Dalmazla. CONFESSED KILLING GIRL Fellow Prisoner Testifies Cocchi Told Him (He Slew Ruth Cruger Bologna, Italy, Oct. 27. (By A. P.) Aldo Derossl, a fellow prisoner of Alfredo Cocch!, on trial here chargeJ with the murder of Ruth Cruger in New York city in 1017, testified at today's session of the court that Cocchi declared to him that he had killed Miss Cruger after having mistreated her. KILLS WOMAN AND HIMSELF Michigan Farmhand Seta Fire to Barns Before Suicide Harbor Springs, Mich., Oct. 27. (By A. P.) John Ilarado, a threshing machine hnnd, shot and killed Mrs. Margaret Kennedy at her farm home near here, set fire to the house, then Tcnt to tho barn and committed suicide after setting Are to other farm build ings, according to the testimony of the six-year-old daughter of Mrs. Ken nedy at a coroner's inquest here yes terday. The coroner's jury returned a verdict charging Harado with the crime. Neighbors discovered early yesterday that the Kennedy home and other build ings had been burned during the night. The littlo girl was found wandering along the highway and later led officials in a search of tho ruins of the buildings, which disclosed the bodies of her mother ind Ilarado. LANCASTER WHEAT LEADS County Produces One-ninth of State's 27,000,000 Bushels UarrlHburc. Oct. 27. (Bv A. P.). Lancaster county produced 2.00.",ti(S bushels of wheat this jear and led the Mate of Pennsylvania, whose whent crop was 2il.7ii.7W). accordtne to ilg ures Issued today by the Department 'if Agriculture, r.ric county led with iTie best neracc ncr acre showing 2.'!.1 bushels. Lancaster produced 22.7. The "million bushel counties" are once tnnrc In the south central section, being lierks, Cumberland, Franklin, J-ancas ter uml York. Berks led In oats nroduction with 1. 711),0lf2 bushels or in.1 per ncre, Krio being next with 1,405,000. Berks is nlso the banner county for rye, show ing :il7,020 bushels, Bucks is next with 210,100. MORE HUNTERS THAN BEARS Special Concession In Potter County Avails but Little HarrlRbtirir. Ort. 27. (Hv A. l) Potter cpunty, where vVo bears may 1) killed by each hunter Intitcail of one ns In other counties, Iioh mora litmterH than known for a long time, but owing to the weather coutlltlouK many hnvc been disappointed In not finding bears, State reports t'ell of bear hunting iar ties colnir into the woods In automobiles, One report says a man shot thirty-one times nt a bear without hitting It and the animal ran away. Forester Hm prik, of Couderspori', has reported more winters than bears in some becuoni. N. Y. SUBWAY SETS RECORD i Only Seven Passengers Killed In 4,301,000,000 Carried In 16 Years , New York. Oct. 27. (Hy A. P.) Since New York's first mihwuy trnlu Vn? run. ulvtfMm rnru nirn lodnv. the lnterborough Rapid Transit Co, has 'urritti j,3Ui,ooo,iH)y passengers ap proximately three times tho total popu lation of the world Frank Iledley, President nnd general manager, an nounced today. During that timo thcro have been only seven passengers killed by accident, ne one to t every 014.400.000 persons "tried, according to Mr, lIcdIey'H re Port, jyhlchi.BaldA'tliluJs the. bjghest safety record In the'yjorld." ' 11 I "-- SOVIETS SEI2E LITHUANIA . . i . , Government Displaced by Pro-Bol-shevlk Regime, Kovno Reports London, Oct. 27. (By A. P. ) Ilea- ignatlon of the Lithuanian Government and establishment of a pro-Bolsbvlk regime Is reported In o Central News dispatch from Riga, .Polish troops, have attacKed. positions held hy Lithuanian forces along the railroad near Ornny, according to n, uispatcn irom lvovno. Alter n light lasting for five hours the Lithuanians . Ydit are cordially invited- to EX MEN'S MA' NATIONAL ASSOCI Min Floor Clothes for all "A THIS EXHIBITION WILL BE PREPARED BY LEADING NO ORDERS FOR The proper acctstoriet such at shirts ,V EXHIBITION HELD UNDER THE CASACCIO BROS. 132 S. 17th St. P. N. DEGERBERG 1621 Chcitnat St. W. B. DEVEREAUX 11th & Wtlnot Sti. D1TTRICH & COMPANY 1417 Locuit St. THOMAS FERN 1307 Walnut St. WALDO M. CLAFLIN 1107 Cheitnnt St. Boott and Sboei H A. nciiii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii Parkway, East r ml, , f ' T. Wcro'forced to'retrcat nearly two miles,' ir is num. Parls.Oct. 27. News that military. movements nave been going on for some weeks clandestinely in Kast Prussia, Involving the advance of a consider-ablo-numbcr of German troops, with cannon and machine guns, into Lithu ania, has reached tho foreign office through tho Interallied mission. Tljo, Government of Hast Prussia ex plains that the movements nre normal and without special significance, but the French' authorities arc suspicious that they are being made with n view to. possible support of the Lithuanians against tne l'olcs. , s occasidns as Tli e Style GENTLE VU ROBE" 1VC LUA wllbi snowr. OF UNUS JAL 1 MERCHANT TAILORS i i A i i) f ' ywl V ljt-ji XSfc hucmtio:n r . f. r' i L I ". I x AJ wr, b&tomm&, ivm' ja, r-i h -7rc y KEtoH OF MERCHA "'""'"'''"""fP'W " bellevutrWtfoV. hotel ' RED ROOM October 28th, wtb and 30tn 9 k m. to 9 p. m. 1 '! Ft It 1 M II X. I ItiAtratc lit th iNB VrARD IB Wo. II i il 1NTEF E3 CLOTHES WfllL BE SOLICITED boots and and haberdasht ryha, sand M AUSPICES OF THE FOLLOWING PHILADELPHIA MERCHANT TAILORS: GEO. GANSERT & CO.. 1504 Walont St. K. B. MATHEWS & CO. 1200 Walnut St. LEWIS MOSKO 920 Walnut St. C. C. ORANGERS CO. 915 Walnut St. OSBORN & OSBORN 126 S. 16th St. GEO. E. PAINTER 111 S. 9th St. HOLZHAUER & CO. 1120 Walnut St. HUGHES & MULLER 1527 Walnut St. KENDIG-WHELAN-MASON 131 S. 12th St. JACK.L L1PSHUTZ 908 Walnut St. ACCESSORIES BY MANN & DILKS 1102 Cheitnnt St. Mannfnrturrrg of Shirt, flown. 1'njamn. Ktc. Importer of Undrmrnr, IfMlrrr. Gloira, Cratatn. rdK) lpnnnnriTTnrr H ID1C cvl' hxed liTH AR Any business that requires de livery can use Dodge Brothers Business Car with profit. I Because its operating - economy and maintenance - economy have been universally established THORNTON - FULLER AUTOMOBILE CO. of 18th Street i h, y,i 1 1 -x BOLIVIAN REVOLT QUELLED Twenty-seven Leaders of Unsuc cessful Uprising Executed nncnos' Aires, Oct. 27. (By A. V.) A brief, but unsuccessful, revolution broko out In Bolivia, according to ad vices received here todajr. The movo ment was immediately suppressed and twenty isevcn of Its ringleaders wcro ex Lima, Peru, Oct. 27. (By A. P.) Reports in circulation Here ot a revoiu tlon' In .Bolivia wero officially denied by tne iionvian legation tonay, me ic- CLOTHES : .j NT-TAILORS o AMERICA WalmirScrMt Entnnct Booklet tS THESE MODELS HAVE BEEN ERICA FOR EXHIBITION ONLY shoes and other articles will beKshown.J PYLE, 1NNES-BARBIERI 1115 Walnut St. T. J. STAFFORD & CO. 1302 Arch St. ' ROBERT STEWART 1501 Wilnnt St. PETER THOMSON 12th & Walnut Sti. W1TLIN & GALLAGHER 135 S. 12th St. BLAYL0CK & BLYNN, INC. 1528 Cheitnnt St. Hats and Caps Spruce 1040 gatlon officials asserting that tho ru MpiX probably were, caused by a street demonstration promoted by on army of ficer, Major Qulntanllln, for political purposes. German Nationalists for Monarchy Berlin, Oct. 27. (By A. P.)--Dr, Karl llclffcrlch, former vice chancellor during the imperial' regime, was vigor -oysly applauded yesterday when he as serted tho necessity of re-establishing the monarchy during nn address before tho"NaUpnallst Congress. W. J. STEWART, D. D. S. Removed to 1531 Chestnut St SPECIALIZING. ImartUttc. undetachabte denttntry. Con tour and exprejuton reatoratton aad Im provement, Radical treatment of pyor rhea, tlihtenlng loora teeth. PAINLESS 'Extracting, Orlndlntr, Drilling and Nerva Treatment by a late local denensltlzlnic method which la so unfailingly efflclent In expert hands that all dentleta will aoon bo compelled to learn to ue It. Adtancrd Efficient Itennonnble MAitrtno) . JIILLEH I1BAIIK Married nt nlkton. March 10, 1020, by Rev. W. R Moon, non KRT J, MIM.ER. 8143 N. Camac at. and EMILY A. 1IEARE, 144 W. Allegheny avo. catljs ADAIR In Germany. June 8. 1010. Prl vate AUJERT. aon of lilliabeth J. and lata James Adair. Funeral Frl . 1 p. m from mother's residence. 1145 Durfor at. Int. Femwood Cem. ATKINSON1. October 20, at Chestnut Hill Sanitarium, MAROAHET ATKINSON, atred S3 years. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral at the residence of Thomas Jenkins. ins W. 8th n.ve.. Conshohocken. on Thurs day, Oct. 28, at 2 p. m. Services at home. Interment Jetteraonvllle Cemetery. IlOOTir. Oct. 24. WILLIAM 11.. husband of Josephine Ilooth, aced 28. Relatives and friends, also Oothlo Lodge. No. 010. F. and A, M.: William Cramo Ship and Engine Hide. Co. and alt societies of which he was a membor. Invited to funeral seaylces. Thurs., 2 p. m at late residence. 2023 . Cumberland at. Int. private. North Cedar Hill Cem. Friends may call Wed.. after 7 p. m, ROJLE. Oct. 25. EDWARD P.. aon of Robert J. and Adelaide M, Doyle (neo Dm mell). Funeral Thurs., SJ30 a. m parents' residence, 2430 Master at. Hlsh Mass of Requiem, St. Elizabeth's ,Church, 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross. nYTHEWAY. Oct. 20. WILLIAM, beloved husband of Rose Uytheway (nas Walbel). aired 20. Relatives and friends, members of Reading' Railway Relief Asso. Invited to fu neral. Frl., 8.30 a, m. residence. 021 W. Llndley ave.. Olney. Hlah mass Church of Incarnation 10 a. m. Int. Most Holy Re deemer Cem. CATHER3. Oct. 25. CHARLES "WILMER, husband of Mary M. Donsall Cathers. aced 48. Funeral aervlcei at Kirk & Nice. 0301 Qermantown ave.. Oermantown, Thurs.. S p. m. Int. Hillside Cem. COLES. Wednesday, Oct. 2T. MART COLES, daughter of Edwarff" Coles and Sally Logan Roberts coles. An her Blurt year, uuo notice ot funeral service hereafter. COYLD. Oct. 25, 1020. PATRICK, P. COYLE, husband nt Catharine Coyle (neo Ryan), parish of Famat. County Donegal, Ireland. Relatives and friends. St. Patrick's. Holy Nama Society. Dlv. No. 81. A. O. H.V, Donegal ueneflclal Society and all other so cieties of which he was a member, are In vited to attend funeral. Frl.. 8.30 a. m . from his lata residence 2101 South st. Solemn requiem mass St. Patrick's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross. CR03SLEY. On Oct. 28. 1020. ELKA NOR. wife of the late Samuel Crosaley. Services on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her residence, 5010 Spruce st. Interment private. - DEACON. Near Columbus. N. J. Tenth Month 20th, 1020. MARY II. DEACON (neo Wills), wife of John L. Deacon. sg,-d 7N. Funeral services at the residence of her son, J. lUrbert Deacon, near Columbus N. J., sixth-day, loth 2 p. m. Int. .Mansfield Rurylng Grounds. Autos will meet 11:35 a. in. train from Market at.. Phlta.. at liorden town. N. J. DORELL. Oct. 20. ROSELLA. wife of William H. Dorell. Relatives and friends Invited to services. Trl , 1 p. m.. at 024 Stokes ave.. Colllngswood, N. J. Int. pri vate. Cotestown Cem. DOUGHERTY. Oct. 24. RORRRT J., hus-l-and of Mary Dougherty. Relatives and frlenls also Holy Name Society of Our Mother of Sorrows Parish. White Coach men Ueneflclal Asso nnd Standard Roller Rearing Ueneflclal Society. Invited to fu nenll, Thurs. 8:30 a. m.. from residence ot her son, Robert J. Dougherty Jr.. 3415 Chestnut st. Solemn requiem mass St. James' Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. DWIOHT. .Vfthe Hotel Hamtlton.Phlla delphla. on OctJhor 28. 1OJ0. MARY WOOL- AUTUMN RESORTS ATLANTIC C1TV. N. J. An Announcement flQarlborougliBknbcim, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. begs to announce that during only the months oi November and December" a special tveekly minimum rate of" Eighty-five Dollars for two people for double room with bath and meals on the American Plan has been established. During these two tnontlu the climate oi Atlantic City is the most delightful of the whole year. Both houses will remain open instead of one of them closing at heretofore. Exquisite music a feature. Obstacle Golf on front lawn. Horseback Riding. Golf (2 Championship Courses), Rolling Chairs. Piers, Theatres, Movies, and countless other amusements. OMNKRSIIIP MANAGEMENT JOSIAII WHITE & SONS COMPANY iiiiiiiiiiw ish.3l375 lu-mza J-- BBitB-.aSF' Lovelier Now Than Ever Atlantic Citr ltaa alwaya eojojed charming wsathar during the tnoolha of October and Notsmbar. Juit the aort of climate you would call "Ideal. " Tho air iterup, but not cold, the aua la bright but not hot, aud the aalt aea breaaea mild and haattbfnl. nEbT for Ike tired. STIU'.NGTH-for ths weaV. 1ICALTII for the conaalctrant aad AJ4USEIENT3-far Ih. nullitude. Ito)lfrchalring on mllaa of Iloardwatk, liah. Ing, lloatlng. Motoring, IlortekacL Hiding. Salt Tl ater Poofa. Ilara, Thcatraa, Concarta, Danc ing, Batch riar for tho Utile onaa, ote. THC LCAD1NO HOUSES Uncicelled Cultlne and lloapitalitv. Alwaja Opan. rhsns, Wlro or Write for information. Ilatca, etc Mirlbersttgh-Blsnhiln Hotel Dennis Hotel Strand The Shclburne Hotel St. Charles The Breakers Hotel CheUca Galen Hall Seaside House The Wiltshire Hotel Morton The Holmhurst Cenrealast and comforlabla train tcrrlco. Fhono local tlcLal agantt for tchedulea, ftrot. ate. BTKAMHIHP NOTICES NIPPON YQSENKAISHA sssViaBBBaK i C? Fast ALSO CTIEIOIIT Uls ta tho I"ar East FortnUhtlr. New New Yerk to llrlllsh vnraz?4 ssfTT Vsr Partlcnlars of Passat or Frelsht Apply to Companr'a Offltca. 110 DROADWJY. ? KAiXWATWKefAWOB.-CH10AOa t I nnATitB SBY DWIOHT. daughter of lha lata Wil liam Theodora and Elizabeth Loockerman Jlradfqrd Dwlght. Interment at Ajidover. Mass. EPPLL'Y. Oct. 23, WILLIAM, husband of Annie KOPley (nee Armstrong), Rela tives, friends St. Patrick's I. C H. U,, Voteraos of P. R, II. Rsllef nnd Court Mantua, F. of A., Invited to funeral. Thurs., 80 a. m,. residence, 8312 Ilrandywlne st. Solemn requiem mass St, Agatha's Church 10 a, m. Int. Holy Cross. FITZGERALD Oct 21 Rev MAURICE A, FJ1ZUERAI.D late ot m. StsnlsUus' ( liun.ii. Lansdale. Pa , brother of tho Rev. Wm. Ai Fitzgerald. Rtverend clergy, rela tives and ifrlends Invited to attend funeral, Thurs, morning. Divine oflice at U:30. Sol. emn high requiem mass at 10 a. m. at Church of the Iltessed Virgin Mary. Darby, Pa. Int. New Cathedral Cem. Take sub way car rojte 11, to Darby. Pa. FITZGERALD Oct. 24, PATRICK, hue band of Margaret Fltzcerald (nee Campbell), Relatives and friends, atsrr Division No. IV, A. O. II.: Court Wayno, No. 178. S. of A : employes of the Mldvale Steel Co., Invited to funeral. Thurs . R'JtO a m.. lata residence. 1544 Cayuga st. Solemn high mass of re quiem St. Stephen's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre. FUNIC At Mdorestown. N. J,. Oct. 25. SARAH J., widow of George II. Kunk. Fu neral Thurs . 2:30 p. m.. residence of her son-in-iaw, leiay e; Klotz. 8 E. oak ave., Mooreatown, N. J Int. Colestown Cem." GinnS. Oct. S3, GEORGE II.. husband of Allmora B Glbbs. In his 70th year. Funeral services' Friday, 2 p. m., late residence, 1617 K. Berks st Interment private. GORMAN. Oct. 23. FRANCES J., son of late John and Elizabeth Gorman (nee Dia mond). Relatives and friends Invited to at tend funeral, I'rI.. 8 30 a. m., from reel dence, 2880 Diamond st. Solemn requiem mass at Church of the Most Precious lllood 10 a. in. Int. Cathedral Cem. ORADY. Oct. 23, ELIZABETH, daughter of Joseph V. and Catharine Orady. aged 13. Rolatlves and friends, also Children ot St. Francis of Assist School. Invited to funeral. Thurs., 8'30 a. m.. from tho residence of her grandfather, Patrick Gillespie, 55 E, Garfield st , Germantown. Solemn requiem mass St, Francis of Asslsl Church 10 a. m. Int. 'Holy Sepulchre. GRAFF. Oct. 20. 1020. GEORGE T., be loved husband of Elizabeth Graft. Relatives and friends, also St Paul's Lodge. No. 481, F. and A. M : Palestine Chapter. No. 240, R. A. M. . Kensington- Commandery, No. 54, K. T.. Philanthropic Lodge, No. 10, I. O. O. F. Invited to fumral services. 8at, 2 p. m , zuiu ureer si int. norm ceaar mil (.em. GRAHAM Oct 23. ELLEN GRAHAM (nee Farrlngton). beloved wife of Samuel Graham. Funerol serlres Thurs . 10 a. m , lato residence 1220 Durfor st Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Remains rrfry be viewed Wod. ve. GRIFFIN Oct. 26 DANIEL V.. husband of Mary Grlffln aged 37 Relatives and friends nro invited to attend funeral. Frl , 8.30 a. m , from his lato residence. Lincoln Drive nnd Rlttenhouse st., Oermantown. High mass St, Vincent's Church 10 a. m. Int Holy Prulchre "em. HAMILTON, On October 23, RODERT HAMILTON, ared 01 jears Relative nnd friends nro Invited to the service on Thurs day at 2 "10 p. m. at the Oliver H. llalr Dldr.. 1820 Chestnut St. Interment Fern wood Cemetery, Remain's may bo viewed Wednesday evening, HEINOI.D. Oct. 24. 1020. HUGH, beloved husband of Amanda Hclnold (nee lluchwald), aged U0. Relatlvea and friends, nlso Olmbt-I Bros.' Relief, German Veterans' Post. No. 3. V. K. D. A . and Elntrncht Yearly Den. Soci ety, are Invited to attend funeral services, Thurs., 1 p. m.. late residence. 1021 Pierce st. Int. Fernwood Cem. Friends call Wed., 8 p. m. HOELZLE Oct. 24. LOUIS O . Jr.. be loved son of Louis O. and Lottie Hoelsle (nee Hargeshelmer). In his 21st Jear. Relatives and friends, also members of tho Mervlne Athletic Club, employee of Powers. Weight man. Rosengarten, are Invited to attend fu neral services, Thurs. 2 p. m., at his par ents' residence. 037 N. Randolph st. Int. Mt. Peace Cem. Remains may be vleued Wed eve H6LLADAY. Oct. 20. ELTZADETH wlf ot George 1) Holtadav. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Sat 8:30 a. m., late residence. 751 S 61st st. Solemn mass ot requiem at Church of St. Francis de Sales 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. HOWARTH Oct. 23. 1020. THOMAS, husband of lato Margaret M. Howarth (nre McAleer) and father of Rev. Henry J. Howarth. of York, Pa. Relatives and friends, nlso Holy Name Society, invited to funeral. Thurs . 8'HO a. m.. from his Int residence 142 E Huntingdon st. Solemn re quiem mass nt visitation Church. H. v. M . 10 a. m, precisely. Int. at New Cathedrsl KRIER. Oct. 20 CHARLES R . husband or Etieiinc v Krier,. agei 03, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Komertnn M. E. Church, Frl., 10.30 a. m. Friends may can 1'in.r-.. i no resiaenco. also w. uordon St.. 7 to 0 p m. JEFFRILM. Oct. 20. SAMUEL T.. hus band of Eleanor II. Jeffries (nee English). aged 37. Relatives and friends, also Camp No. 177. P. O. S. of A., of Frankllnvllle. N. J.i employes of American Engineering Co., Invited to funeral. Frl.. 2 p. m. pre clsely. residence. 1710 Meadow st.. Frank ford Int. Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may Le viewea inurs. n id iu p m LUCKM Oct. 20. IDA HERMAN, daugh. ter of Edmund A and late Margaret I.ui-kp Services Sat.. 1 30 P m . late residence, il Donsall ave.. srron Hill. Pa. Int. prl VaMAa LACK. Oct. 25. ANNA P.. wife of unocn .MaiiacK. cervices weo.. 7au p. m , residence ot JessoIt Matlack. 820 Old Lan caster rd.. llryn Mawr. Pa. int. Morris lm.t I'nnr-nixviue. tra , inurs., i m. McCarthy. Oct. 23. CATirnnivj.- - wife of lute Edwnrd McCarthy, formerly of 1812 Stiles at. Relatives and frlenas, alt AUTUMN RKSORTS ATLANTIC TITV. N. J. , ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. I i ArvAmericaix Plaanott2l i fof DislmaioTVwvdltealComtart B Virginia Ai.aM at Boardwalk sa -FIREPROOF ff Ocsaa view roonu Mlh running watac and I M prlralo kataa. InnaTttioa ia Beach Irani VT pricMaU7,Aaitriaanrijj.lrsUlurtMSl SffiS'S? wfi &-?' Bnilih PaMll . sr . a South Carolina near Ileach llnnriln a- & Dt . 'sl'i, fVJ A-)IUSJ. n.l. .. raa. L. P. AllNOLD. OwncrahlD Mina.rem.nt peciai jraii rate. H.Plf1.,,C?bel Mur&h&'S. l cT.i-n, "ui.. rngna AH. A. ifl. SlAKIOj rnroNo mountains Mount I'ufooo. 1'a. The OntWOod Pn " J-ear. elecant location, special fall and winter ra Us. llooklst. I!. L. aV E. V. Artman. HTEAMMIll' NOTICES Palatial Passanfor Sti or 21,000 tons to 'Artsi SsT B S Jrl MsJ v JIAPAN.CI-IINA Wnd MANILA Frnm finattlaa tea Uaaaiaa t. ..:. , jdkj a-... w--...w .w atuiit nuilg IIS ,-vasrC Yokohama. Kobe. Nagasaki. Shanghai and Manila SEBTIOEB Yerk to the Orleat via Fanama Frsaautlj. Inilan Porto Monthlr KKW YORK . M- 4MAWK. &. .H .t... A . I i vuum"?timntiu; san.TTaji T DKATItlf societies of which she was n member. In vited to funeral Thurs , 8 30 a, m , 20J0 Poplar st. Solemn requiem mass. St, Fran cis' Church, 10 a, m. Int Old Cathedral C'mcDONNP.LL Oct 23 1020. ANNA, wife of John J, McDonnell (nee MrOreal. aged 20, Relatives and friends Invited to attend tun. eral, residence, 3133 N. Bth st , Thur 8'30 a. m. Solemn high mass Incarnation Church. 10 a-, m. Int, Holv Cross Cem McMENAMlN. Oct. 23. MARY, widow of John- McMenamln Relatives and friends In vited to funoral Thurs 8 30 a m., son-in-law's residence, Edward Gallagher 3030 llelgrado at High mnsa Nativity II V, M Church. 10 a, m. Int St. Ann's Cem. MIHOH, At the residence nt Ms son In law, Philip D. Marcarum, 1408 N. Cons toga St.. on Oct 24. WILLIAM T MIRtH In his 88d enr. Relatlvps and friends, nlso Apollo- Lodge, No. 200. I, O, O, V ; mem bers of Christ M, E Church, nnd enuloes of William Sellers Co , are Invited to the services, on Wid nve , at 8 o'clock, at tho Oliver H. Ilalr llldg . 1820 Chestnut sr. Interment nt Hickory Grove. Del., on Thurs , 11:30 a, m. MOWJ1RAY. Oct. 25, JOHN W , husband of Mary J. Mowbray. Funeral services Thurs , 2 p m.. 1507 N 01st st Liberty I-odge, No 0, L P. of A., invited. Int. Fernwood Cem. Remains may be viewed Wed. evi.. OURECHT Oct 23, MINNIE, wife of John J, Obrecht (nee Arnold), Relatives and friend, and all .societies of which she was a member. Invited to funeral services, Thurs., 2 p. m lato reaMerve. 4028 N. inn st mt private, i rienus may can Wed, eve. OGDEN. Suddenly, Oct 20, at the resi dence of Ills daughter, Mrs W L Phillips. 78 E Greenwood ave . Lansdowne, GEORGE OGDEN, aged HI. Funeral services. I'rl., 1 p. m , at residence of son, Luther C Og den Cape May, N, J. Please omit flowers. OOILVIE, At Luxemberg, Germany. March 7. 1010, CORPORAL WILLIAM AN THONY, aon of William and Catharine Oxllvlr, aged 30 years. Relatives and rnenas lnvltrrt to funArsl. Thurs.. 7 30 a m.. from his parents' residence, 1812 E. Tusculum st ooiemn mass or riui"m hi me i uurcn oi the Visitation. IJ. V. M.. 0 am. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem OLWEI.I. On Oct. 23. 1020. ELLEN. the daughter of Ellen and the lato Thomas Olwell, In her 23d year. Funeral services. Frl.. 1.-30 p. m precisely, at her mother's residence, 340 8. Lawrenc st Int. fern wood Cem. Remains may b viewed on Thurs ve. PARRY. Oct 24. AMANDA, w dow of John Parry, aged 74 Relatives end triends invited to runerni. Thurs , s p. m., late resi. dence. 3517 N 33th st . Falls of Schuylkill. Int. Mt Pcaca Cem. Freemasonry may call Wed. eve. REED. Oct 20 JOHN REED Funeral -rlrea Frl 2 d. in . residence. 43 E Haines st., Germantown Int prlvnle ROSEMAN Oct. 20. ALFARETTA II.. wife of A. Walter Roseman, nt residence of son. Albert, 4025 Locust St.. Phlla Triends may call Thurs., after 7 p m. Funeral ser vices Frl 1 p. m., 815 Stockton ave , Cape May N. J. Int. prlvato, family vault. Cold Springs nUBIN Oct. 20, MAX. husband of Olga Rubin, aged 60. Relatives and friends. Krakader Chevra. IVNoth Jeshiirun, No 2, U. O. T. 0., Iniltrd to funernt services.. PARK AND QABDEN sKsaaaKBSHsaaB .'iiJSssssssrlsssBsssKI QOBKSMJLf, -, (ftSBBcVsBBBBBBBKst LARGE SHADE TREES At Greatly Reduced Prices October Delivery Shipped only In car-load lots of 100 Trees or more at prices quoted. These trees are 12 and 14 years old. Fine straljbt trunls and well shaped tops offered only until surplus is told. ' NORWAY MAPLE r.rlC 12-14 ft. hlnh, iyi-3 In. diameter $200 00 12-14 ft. high, J -4 In. diameter . 300 00 AMERICAN ELMS 12-14 ft. high, J -3 In. diameter 300 00 12-14 IL high, JyS-4 in. diameter 400.00 Tor loiilltr ilzti and 1110 sencril CiUlocue Keystone Nurseries EDUCATIONAL Roth Seies Course in Higher Accounting TJie Peirce School of Business Administration will in November inaugurate a course in higher accounting, to be given on Tuesday and Friday evenings. The course will be of C. P. A. grade, nnd is intended for those who wish to prepare for the- State examination for the degree, as well as for business executives and others who wish to master accounting in its various phases for use in their own businesses. The course will bo given with the same thoroughness that characterizes the other courses offered by Peirce School. For Further Particular, Communicate With PEIRCE SCHOOL f BUSINESSADMmsmilXW Pine Street West of Broad Philadelphia THE erlitz School' of Languages Uil Chestnut Street Entrance on 10th Street Branches. In over 300 leading cities In America. Europo and Africa Pupils traveling may transfer the value of their let,ons from one city to another with out additional cost. rnrvATK and class lessons wax I OH KVDM.Vfl, IIF.ST OF NATIVE TKACHEItS ( Terms rrnsonable. Tnloloour o nnnlfcatlon. GRAND PRIZHS AT ALIj EXPOSITIONS New Clnsses Constnntl.r Formlns; TRIAL. LESSON FREE $1000 A YEAR AT 16 We nro training largo numbera of boys and girls so that they can start work at salaries of $1000 n year when they reach 16 yeara of age If you have a grammar school educution or better come to our school and let us train you for one of theae positions If you cannot come In the daytime come at night, but start nowl Strayer's Business College 807 Cbeitnut Street Phone, Walnut 384 30-Day Business College New Address STUDENTS CHAPTER DLDC Susquehanna, near Broad tV hats purchased the ubore sultodU bulldlnc as a perraunent home for our ollece. Diamond AIM. NaT time nnd rnoner. and seour th beat position lu the eltr. "Tli aehpol that Is i.ractleallr ufNt and perfrttlr praetleal," Contract or monthlr rat. PALMS BUSINESS COLLEGE 17I1-171S Chestnut Htrrt Best school for bookkceplnr, Bhorthana, secretarial Touch Tvpewrltlnr. Ensllah sta tnalrlflual Instruo. par and Eva. Seaalons. The Tayter School nl!S,V.&'' ,Tho OljllnaajrjlBuslrmsj.'Tralnlng' 8chooU Uicu bii;m- xmTriUIK, ACEba AlSa JT ,, ukatiii Thurs.. 2 r. m Wisely, at Iste retldeAie, 8013 Euclid nve Int Mtj Crro.l Cm. Kindly omit flowers . RYAN. Oct 25. MARY J daughter . of Michael and Catherine- Rvan (net Bamit), aged 8 JtrlntUes .pnd friend Invited ;lo f unqrnl Thurs,. 8 10 n m., 1030 N, IIIMn sti Hlh mnss Ht. Gregory's Church; ,10 a. m. Irt, St. Denis' Cem, SCOTT Oct 20 CALVIN J.. son of Dr. John U nnd I'lorcnre M llcott, In his 4th year Funeral Frl . 1 t m,, from his yarents' residence 014 W, Allegheny avs, nt private Forest Hills Cem. Remains may he iMeucd Thurs after 7 P. m. . SCULLY. Oct, 20. THOMAS J husbsnd of Esther Scully, aged 01 year. Relatives and friends nten I' R. R Relief, Marina Englrreer Asso Arthur Payne llenaflclsl Asso., Invited to funeral services, Frl,, 3 p m.. residency 2180 s. loth at. Int, prU vat I.everlngton Cem, Friends mty call Thurs evening, ' SKINNER Oct 24, JANE, widow nf Theodore Skinner. Funeral Thurs, 2:30 'pY m.. from her late residence, 2213 w. Thomp son st Int private. SMILEY Ort. 25. RBJfJAMIN HUR8T, hueband of Reheccn Smllev. Services Frl., 2 P ti late reildenco, 100 ft. M St.. Col wyn Pn Friends may call Thurs., 'after 7 p. m. Int nrlvate SMITH Oct 24, JOHN T beloved hW band of Samanthla E. Smith, aged 72, Rela tives and friends. Oriental Lodge.,j?o. 888, V. and A M . Fernwood ChaDter0Nn. 141. O. E. S , Invited to services, ThuraT, 2 p. m , cooperiown rn. ana Aionre av., liryn Mawr, Pa. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem SMITHSON. Oct 25 MAROARET. wldov of fiobrt Smlthson aged 78 Funeral serv ices Thurs., 2 p m . at tbo Presbyterian Home, .'.Nth and Oreenway ave, Int. private. Cmlt flowers SMITH. Oct. 25 late of 5327 Hasel ., RICHARD I, . husband of the late Mary Smith Funeral Frl . 2 '30 p, m., funeral parlors of William II. Chow, 8, W,.cor 5th nnd Soruce sts. Int. private. Friends may call Thurs . 8 to 10 p m SPATH. Oct 25. ELIZABETH, wife Of William Spath Funeral services Frl.. 1 n m., late residence, 7 Stamper lane. Int. Eernuood Cem. Remains may be viewed Thurs oe SWEENEY. Oct 20. MARY A., wife o( Edward E Sweeney (nee Lewis). Relative nnd friends InNlted to funeral services. Frl,. 2 p. m . late residence, 1003MV, Cumberland st. Int. Northwood Cem. Friend may call Th"'" v N'rrlstown papers plea rovr. WEAVER. Oct. 20. MARY M. PATTE SON. wife of Ethan Allen Weaver. Funeral service Thurs . 2 .10 p. m lata residence. 201 Hinev st.. Germantown. Int. private, WIEDERSEIM. Suddenly. Oat. 20. KATH L, widow ot William A. Wlederselm. aged 78 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Thurs.. 10-39 a. m.. lata residence, 1RSI0 Spruce st. Int private. UNDERTAKERS FARM AND QABDEN AMERICAN LINDEN rtrl'si, 12-14 ft. high, 3 -3', in. diameter $300 00 12-14 ft. high, 3H-4 in. diameter 400.00 PIN OAKS 12-14 ft. high, 3-in. diameter ... ...... 300.00 other tirletlei its our Mailed (rte on rtmieit. V, DIAMOND B. F. BARR&CO., Box 107, Lancaster, Pa. EDUCATIONAL HothSexes Day School COLLEGE Night School f SALESMANSHIP How to brlni; ii!?a.s sirlr, n, miJ. to mnrl.et Ho to flnd th cus trmr How to anaUze the field How to ohtnln Imcls Iltislness nsy rhoou The in istr of the laws and prlncMles jrovernlne the sue "sifijl rnndurt of every business. ISflO Ullllllll l. I'hllndelphla OVIl (Ill.MH'ATKS rjs DEJIAnS"" Business men know that our courses turn out well-trained oflloa assistants. Btanos raphi BooUUoeplne and Secretarial Coura-a. Day and aven n rln. -.. -.-.,... .W..SM. wu or u ritrt fnp rat.ln VS I'lllI.X. Ill f I.M'SS rnriM. ..- Vfi Co,,r'' f Commerc 1017 Chestnut Mt. I'hlladelohla FRENCH VX.. 'A-N"l'AIIE Hy the Oiirord tJrsirm rsa learn qiiltkb to speak, nn" oersiand, read and wrfta. NAriM! .TKAOIIBRlt l'rlute 4 Cluss lessons. SPANISH i GERMAN ITALIAN MCSICAI, INSTKIff flOV RAG Piano Playiny Taught Beglnnara in 20 Lessons Free DrraonstraUos Adult llralnnera JAZZ Nnrc einitr Adrqnrrd Course If 1 Ynu JSow rla riione Snrtire 0M rnre mKR iiooum't rilltlSILShKN ML'IIODl OKI'OIV MDH10 litit Cliralnut Ht. 11,11 V uuiu.ni, msi i WALTER PFEIFFER Coiuluclnr Munlrlunl Orfh.. Mlldwood, H, JT. Molln holdlst and Inatnirtor 1TIB Chestni-t Ht Than Iorust tins Vf. Phila. Musical Academy Oarmanlnwn Jlranch, SO 15 Walnut Lin. It fcnso- Oin S8S2, Cat, Jos W Clarks, Dlr. mantnwn iirancn, su t. so" Oin 8S2s fiat, Jos LEEFS0N-HILLE nserratt7 of Muale. Ik. lax t:iir."trALiT ht. I'ubllc hchool Musi Huurrtlalaa SSBBBrSBBsWvVsNf n iiwji j.au sis nuurrvisia V I of Uxprasston A litss Art t ti . UIIIXIAB y " ,'J& J'hstjjilHI. Hprura.SlSlA if I1MI1.1'. Bihool liltltsilljl juiuun nn i nesmui riiriprufajusii I I'lllljA. COSSKRVATOIIY Or SllfitTd hi D. It-mlrlk i:;rmn. 11. Ivan dii iirnt M' llii.tnr. Ciirmar w In u,. 1 ntt." tf. Vlllb ". Now nr tIA Ha. 9,U . M"T'" ausers fipi .iitnmmu WvWiTti- ., Mrrrl.l asa.. 'i ifua'MTVXSFm: ?; '; - . ..v - i .. y xiLikyA l1-j Jh V iti JAX.i r, i-''fcVlH'.VS" 1' V-&'.Site'j ii WJ.to.F,