W, PMPII W tppmpPIIJIHHP l v II,. I P P V MMP w1 -TTOfl 't" ' ' J" . V i i fe v I. y i ,. i .j.. wf Jt '-a r M 14 r . ijftj, ,Vf EVENING PUBLIC , !LEDGEBr-PHlLADELPHIA, .TUDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1920 .1 . r-tf. ,is a i INCHES FROM The Goiden-PiatedRule Bg Ullan Paichal Dag r nr " : 4ntiouawd ,4 I toted on primary d7J Vint time. roll were in iioro 8amc, place IW;tw ' ' Didn't feci. bit different. It took me Just three mlnutcm -Knew boforclmnd Jut how VA yote. Voters Werc-70 percent 'women. Our ciric .conscience was -working. Mnr cone withJtheir husbands. No .lftotVV he did, Wuau ,' I asked. eVcfl: They rtkia: "Sh! Do'I nlway do as h"d iayat" And1 their cyea twibkleu. Tally a third had rlo husbands. Bo,I laoith'ed, recalllnrthe antia. A of tbelr direful predictions. Voting would 'uriset'uk. , , Woman' plow was 'In the. home. We'd tote With hubby, double -coat . volllnf place were unlit to- enter, nail looked, exactly an on tax day. . Same cltUtna waroitbare. -, tfothln polluiln happened. Raw no ahort hair nor mannish garb. Oniiold lady ran In bareheaded. Bhe'd left nomctbin-c on tho stove. Bhe toted and hurried right back. Nary a pollute for her. Bald sho hoped B. would get In. lie uas up for councilman again. ntis Streets were cleaner since he at; And u, for representative now. Dubious ducked when queried. Bhe thought ho favored the wets. My land I That apple sauce I Bhe flew. Ah, ha'l Hore'wa the home in peril, Learned later the sauce wa O. K. Ho nndther antl argument died. Women voting doeui't spoil cooking. Nor women nor polling places. Nor' candidates nor laws., ' Then whnt'a left to spoil? ' Xot a thlng-but the antls. And they're already well I I'll bo generous to a fallen foe. But how funny they'll feel in 1024. Thry'll read their aid (tcrapbooks. TIiom- antiquated , antl argument. Tbej will look so foolish. Just like fouryear-old styles. Nothing looks sillier than thooe. The antia will be voting happily. We'll find them in our place. They'll all be antlantls by then. Isn't it odd? Mrs. Partington ntill lives. She still wields her broom. Trying to awcep out the Atlantic. All she gets is cold feet. THE DAILY NOVELETTE - ' ' r Witched Droomttlcka and Plumbtrt' Candlta fly HAZEL OBAV WOOD It Freda Hamlin had not had a well teUbltshed, reputation for being super stitious and bttllovlng Implicitly In oulja fcoards -nrtd rabbltt left hind legs, It Blakeley Wallace had not had a fkit tire, and if tha 'SacUetta hefctlnr arrange mta had not gone awry pn tho ovenlflg they ave their Halloween party,, thla tory would doubtless haya been about a transaction in second-hand automobiles r a deal In real eatata. As It was, the occasion of the Sackottn' party resolved Itself Into a somewhat complicated nttalr, Involving, flrt, a Joke on Freda. then a Joko on the Jokers. and. ftnnlly well, really, about the onlv person the Joke wasn't on, aa you will roadlly see later, waa tha plumber. It all began with Dlakeley'a not tell bir Freda, definitely, aa he usually did. that he would call for her, and tako hop to Maud 8aokotfa. party, to whtoh they were both Invited, Consequently. Freda, ihrouded in her otd rose evening capo, and looking plquaAtly charming: aa sh4 always did, Waited patiently for a half hour or so for Olakeley. Then she tele phoned hi houso and discovered that he had left home a considerable time ago. Perplexed. Freda started for Maud'a by way of tho dilatory atrcet car. and ar rived just in time to see Blakeley alight from hi runabout and turn to assist In her descent pretty llttto Bvclyn Mrvcy, the alrl Blakalov waa auDtxiied to hnv ceased "rushing" when lnrcdn appeared on tha scene. So, at .the very start of the evening, were assembled atl the olementa whtaa matce up a nest sener, a movio thriller, or a play that will run two seasons to a full house that IS. the eternal triangle, with all its possibilities for loye, hatred, jenlousy and compromising Situations. .And, in addition, there was the plumbor. N'pw, when Evtlyn Macy discovered that the Sackettn actually hod doWn In their cellar, on tho 'night of Halloween, a perfectly good plumber, engaged though he .was In discovering n dislocation in a line of steam pipes, aha aaw in tha olroumstance what no one elso did. , To' Mrs. Backett It watf a marvel that they had been able to secure any one at all to work at that time of night to Mr. Saokett It was Just another proof of his luck that he had to havo n 8 lumber after union hours to MauiI ackett It waa an unmitigated nuisance to havo the tap-tap of his tools tra cl ing up along the radiators and disturb ing the Halloween atmosphere she had contrived so skillfully to produce. Dut to Evelyn well, listen as she ex plains to the crowd, carefully choosing a moment when Freda Is In the den talk ing to Mr. Sackett 'Girls and 'everybody listen I When Freda oomes back, let's do that regular stunt of going down cellar with a mirror and a lighted candle to discover the man you're going to marry. We'll send Freda first, and. believe me, Freda's so super stitious she'll believe whatever she tees, which will be the plumber I We'll slip him a quarter to slip up behind and look over her shoulder. What say?" Ij'a scarcely. Important what theyjxU said, , pumco It to mention that nn hour Fl "? Jf,r,Lw"n th Plumber had flni Ished his Job, Freda. unsuspectingi',wai propelled candle and mirror in hand, down the cellar stairs. And, nllhough she wouldn't have eonfeaged It, she was ju.8tJh.!..t,i?,m.b,t excited. Her brain might tell her that signs were nonsense, but something within would always whisper) "Welt Justi suppose " AnvhoW. tha evenlnr hnrf hn o n.,1 feot) ?l?frftt.,' SC-s. Even ' "ht.hafl avoided Blakeley Wallaoe, ahe knew he waa there, , "flhut your eyes and turn around thme tlmejl'; shouUd'Maud aM eeputchrally as her treble voice admitted, "flee In, the mirror the face of your future fate I" giggled ,F.vfyn. vIsum '" Kreda'a gasp of astonishment whet she glimpsed the bored and sleepy cotinV tenonce of tha plumber, whom she had never seen. At that ,lnstant a' little muffled try from bolow etartled the listeners. There followed a silence which lasted, so long that an uneasy stir manifested itself among the crowd "Perhaps we'd better " "You don't suppose the shock T" Quickly, everybody rushed downstairs, curious, frightened. Then, at what thev saw. thv iimvi aghast. Freda In the arms of the plumber, her head, lying quiescently on ins nouiurr, ner iip upturned to hi At their entrance, the couple separated and turned and It wasn't tho plumbor at all I It waa only Blakeley Wallace I Blakaley carried oft the situation vary well. "Been trying all evenlntr to get n chance to explain to Freda how I atorted for her house, but had a blowout an? arrived late, picking up Evelyn at the corner here. Then, 7when ydu planni this little atunt, T saw mv chnnc. and with Mrs Sackott'a contrivance, sllppe away and through tho outside rntrn to the bancmont, whrro I maclo my own terms with the plumber a nice, thr' young chap to tako his place. And here I am " "Isn't It funny," and It was Evelyn's final witticism of tho evening, "gettlni; cngagaa in ine ceuari' Things You'll Love to Make Llnqerle-TapeDoH. JsH 'brll saHsaasaV JtV 1 VsBsslkV jI' IrsklaBam A ew MtaHAr Your Mantel To sum up briefly the art of mnntel decoration: Begin by, studying the mantel Itself, noting Its else, proportions, color, texture and structural . details. Then decide, not how many, but how few ornaments will dreuw It harmoniously. Next make your selection carefully, choosing objecta which- will harmonise with ono anothor and, with the mantel nleco In scale, form .and color; and. .finally, arrange these In such a manner 'as to produce an effect, of perfect bol- Thn observance of these few and simple rules In by no means dimsult, nrwi uin mnke nit ihh difference between ,a genuinely artlatlo'nnd dignified com nonltlnn. nnd a. meaningless hodre- Ipodco unworthy ,qf tho Important office lit fulfills. In November Good House keeping. Any BWt 'Utile bmqua uY china doll j can be made" to serve a good purpose on Jiillada dressing table as a lingerie doll. Dress dolly In a etyle to harmon ise with your room. The little Kate areenaway dress shown Is simple nnd charming. Wind your lingerie tape around the body of the doll. Have a small safety pin attached to the looso end of the ribbon ', It will serve two pur poses. First.', as a bobbin ; second, to keep tho ribbon from unwinding.. This you accomplish by attaching the pin to tne cr.a oi nm riuuuu nuu iiiniiuig it through the Other strands. The dainty little nag that Dolly carries holds thim ble, needle and thread, so as to have them at hand when fixing up your lln. gerle, Whata darling Christmas or hower gift I FLOItA ' "It's Just what you'd expect on Hal loween lf' cried Maud, and every ono laughed and troopod upstairs to witches' enke and elder. "But really It, was fatal" whispered Freda, as ahe and Blakeley aped home ward In the cosy little runabout, and Blakeley, who waa using only on hand to steer with, whlsnered that whatnv.tr the means he was satisfied with tha re- sun- Nobody heard "what tho plumber who, after nil, was only 'a plumber's as sistant said, but considering tha: thn Hncketts pa'd him double time for over time, and Evelyn and the boys pnld hit something more for looking over Freda's shoulder, and Illakoley paid him most of all for disappearing altogether, I THE SNUG WRAPPINESS OF A WARM COAT or LUXURIOUS WRAP that combines utility with style. The smartest models for fall and winter. Fur trimmed Llamettc, Swanskin, Bolivia, Mar vcllo, Veldyne. The values are most un usual. . - Special Priced $85 to $200 TAILLEUR SUITS $75 to measure, 100 values, Guaranteed viiranwn ' Kitnbiuhrd 10 Tears Peon Ladies' Tailoring Co. 1120 Walnut St, in 'Wn The "Convenient Pricings" Vogue In step with foremost vogues, wJiether of fashions or pricings, FreDeMan tells of such manifest popularities. Dresses, 35.00 to 145.00 Hats, 15.00 to 45.00 FURS 1302 Walnut Street mKJBi uS&y ft Tl-e NOW to tkiak ef C1FTS. L If 133011 . Vlatlnnm ree1 Mountta. $100.00 Ml w t?) iH n Buy Jewelry! Oar dollar A werlc rrtxllt term V cwriT .zov noni rV.weric rrmdll trrma bBTlnr rouwnUait, yju. Come In aocl COMrAKK viuari we oner unci re. aaember everv treiiMetlan la kaelted bv ear as-yr. resutatlon. l'lntlnam Hand rierced Hoeelal at $10.00 swesai-ssssr , .: ? jJllJ 7 r U Karat M $100.00 Anaunarlne ninir V Be sure of the Address i) we are on the corner. Operating six bit; stores in various states gives us tre mendous buying power. We get xocK bottom prices ana Bharo the saving with you. Call r write for rree fieta book- ! Monntias at $50.00 assse? r ' hi i i ... ' . & iv jjmvjmvr jiai-aiA.Tj. atftui.aV s4rras:---i--j erADOmVLAIi 2ZWWZiMEViLM. V?. Ne 'yigy -! ff -ii.. i dare say he spent a satisfactory and profitable evening. Next eemplete novelette "It 11m Happened Before" Interesting Women At tho age of fifty-four. Mrs E. L Lyons, of San Dlctro, Calif, is a grtat (rrnndmother. Miss Llna Allender. an artist of Wash ington, D. C, has won marked jucoeHs as n political cartoonist Miss Callle L. Kvnns, whono home Is !n Birmingham. Ala., Is tho first uoman to hold a position as ilcBk clerk In any of tho Denver hotels. , Miss Grace Emily Gardiner, a rein the of the British naval hero, Ixrd Jelllcoe, has Just celebrated her lOSth birthday at her home near Southampton, England Bhe was born In tho year of the battle of Waterloo, H "u.'n-uu-,c-- H ( sa " vmM ,-rMlaaanaaaM nniannimsRBM H t ffffVSrlitfm BAUAiULuiAlUflK v5 OCTOBER PLAYER-PIANO SALE Call Wednesday or Thursday $550 style uied . m 88-note Bench, $5 12 rolls tic delivery $600 style used 88-note Bench, C 15 rolls & delivery GUARANTEED 355 THE BEST USED PLAYER PIANO VALUES WE HAVE EVER OFFERED-ONLY A FEW AT THESE PRICES Although used, these Pianos are in good condition and are real bargains at these prices. It is better to buy a good used piano than a cheap new one, for a good piano is built by experts and contains the finest material and workmanship. Only a limited number on sale. Only a few days more of this October' sale of used instruments. TERMS: AS LOW AS $3.00 PER WEEK .wsfa-a.'-i-te im - mvi a'BtamiB rtv.m.tiBiiim "t- "MiA.KKvmaii-B m-vwf flCgyAvvgiiiAV $-aB (AKCSLWSSlslinic VSLIKO Go. 1857 Open Friday 'Evening Until Est 1105 Chestnut St. Open Friday Evening Until Nine 1105 Chestnut St. Jl I2ieKior mar mm ! ask overflew and mmh trS!jMBWBfSW F sw For Chocolate Connoisseurs Wlto Love the BEST .. . . . v .. , BACHMAN CHOCOLATE MFG. CO WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S Announcing the Opening of Tne Little Phunopaph Shop Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store Featuring a Splendidly Built New- Phonograph L'Artiste at $90 which was specially pnduced, at our suggestion, by one of the best makers of phonographs in America. L'Artiste is of sound, solid construction and the tone quality is exceptionally clear and pure, with none of the disagreeable scratching sounds that are sa an noying. It has an all-wood amplifier, which does away with any metallic reverberation. Another excellent point about L'Artiste is the modulator, which regulates the strength of tone, and, as it is on the outside, it can be adjusted after the lid is down and the playing begun. L'Artiste stands 40 inches high by 19 wide and 21 deep. The sides are solidly constructed and the surfaces are finished with a fine mahogany veneer. Inside there are wooden shelves for records. The price is $90, which is remarkably low for a phonograph of such excellence, and it is payable at the rate of $5 Down and $5 a Month Or, if you prefer, you can take the first $5 out in records. In the Little Phonograph Shop we will feature OKeh Records in which there is an excellent choice of vocal and instrumental numbers double-faced and are $1 each. (Central) Jgfjr? " f" biimtl 681 ,; ;, i Vm - w Wt . I n ''h i i-r V m, mm 1 -" i They are all 1 What a Collection of Smart $8 Hats! Tho newest hats to arrive are the little fur-trimmed toques with gleaming brocaded tops to their crowns! One is shown in the picture. Then there are many of the smart flaring shapes so much in vogue! or hats with brims that roll softly up from the face; in fact, most any shape one could want. Beautiful blue hats, becoming brown hats, bright red hats and navy blue or black hats they're all here and all good to look at. (Market) Women's Winter Suits of Soft Materials $25 to $47.50 include a number of Interesting and becoming models in silvertono and velour. The colorings run principally to navy and Copenhagen blues and tho fashionable browns. Lines are new and smart and many of the jackets have fur collars or pockets and bandings of fur. Excellent choosing at $27.60, $35 and $37.50. Wool Jersey Suits in all the gay and youthful sports models in heather colorings, are $18.60, $23.50, $25 to $36. Tailored Serges and Tricotines in navy blue and black, arc sometimes trimmed with black silk braid. $85, $37.50 to $55. (Market) The Best -Looking Middies and Skirts! The schoolgirls are buying them every day and telling their chums about them such well tailored middies and good-looking skirts! The middy that is sketched is of fine white jean, splendidly tailored, with a collar of navy flannel. Sizes 12 to 20 years, $3.50. Other middies at $3.60 are pf white jean with navy braid, gold stars and gold emblem.. A shirtwaist middy is also of whito jean with a bit of red showing from the inset pocket. $3.50. Tho skirt that is sketched is of navy serge, box-pleated, in lengths from 29 inches to 32. $7.75. New Gingham Dresses are in pretty checks and plaids, sizes 8 to 14 years, at $3.75 and $4.25. A Host of Charming Coats for Junior Girls Theyro of cheviots, polo cloth, velours nnd warm, Winter coatings, made with roll collars that button closely under the chin. Some havo fur collars. Sizes 14 to 17 years, $16.75 to $37.60. (Market) Our Men's Clothing Is Every Bit All-Wool, Well Tailored and Moderately Priced Su its, Special a t $34. 50 and $39 Overcoats, Special at $38.50 (Gallery. Market) Shoes to Interest Men Good-looking cordovan shoes with straight tips and perfora tions are $9.75 a pair. Tan brogue shoes are $8.75 a pair. Heavy outdoor shoes of black or tan leather are special at $4.75 for black and $7 a pair for tan. Good Black and Tan Shoes for Boys Bluchcr cut shoes in sizes 10 to 13 at $5.50 and sizes 1 to 6 at $6.90 a pair. (Oallerr. Mnrket) In Passing Boudoir slippers that arc practical as well as pretty are of softest black or brown leather. $2.40 a pair. Cicat- nut. A little boy or girl would be as warm as as a lamb if he or sho were to put on one of theso thick, warm lamb's-wool polo caps! They are the nat ural creamy color and havo ear tabs that are detachable. Sizes 2 to 5 years, $5.60. Central. Standing frnmes, mostly silver finish, are in various sizes and you will probably find one to fit that picture you have been trying to get fram ed for a long while. 35c to $2. Chestnut. Spats are being worn with both Oxfords and pumps and probably will be worn all through the Winter. There fore, it behooves you to get a pair or two. B!ack spats are $2 and spats in various shades of brown, tan and gray are $2.50 to $3.50 Chestnut. Oval Plaited Rag Rugs Durable and Pretty 18 x 36 inches, $3 30 x 60 mcheu, $7.50 24 x 36 inches, $3.50 36 x 72 Inches, $10.75 27 x 54 inches, $5.75 4x7 feet, $16.50 6x9 feet, $32.50 They are made of gingham rags and are tho heavier weight that wUl Ho perfectly flat. The colorings arc exceptionally pretty and there is a wide assortment of light, medium nnd dark mixtures. Somo of the rugs havo light blue, green, rose or dark bluo borders. Wo know of no better proof of tho durability of these rugs than the fact that wo have had two of them at tho entrances to ''Tho Little Houso of Home Ideas" for over a year and they are still in good condition. Think of how much more trafllc thero is there than in the averago home! (Chentnut) Black Sateen Petticoats, $1 Lustrous and soft and of good quality, thoy havo deop accordion pleated flounces. Practical Knitted Petticoats are ready for colder weathor when women will need them. Gray with colored border? at 85c. ,- Plain light or dork gray are Plain black or navy aro (Central) A Special Group Lily of France Corsets. $4 Half Price They nro unusually good cor sets of plain coutil or pretty fig ured materials in pink or whito. There are topless and low or medium bust models for slight to avaratrm flint'. ' KM . n J hi liu i mr . i, wr 'A fflf ?v "(I " 1 & M k Ri h i m .' a fa. r jt u . m M 1 SB t 1 WL I SB fr Iv lv Al Kb r firs I 'IK, NX Kr :.r. UK rnx : a I 35 'ft ft 1 W, li & J ' far r ' ' trt of IS n ft I '! Wh 1.? I - - Kte It i , &' . .V,.A4- . A?afii.i j.. w,J ,....,,T.., tr . "musmmd' ' -I. ,.lAxAhlUuiiki!il i 2