Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 25, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 7, Image 7

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Bafc ppjBHo'BJs'HNDAY, oarofem' 25,
Band plays at 9, Organ at 11
and 4:50
Chime at Noon
Store Opens at 9
Store Closes at 5
Giving the People ihe Advantage of Every Drop in the Market
Jt y
The .Hohorableness of
This Business
is more to the two men who own it than
everything else .. .
It is pleased to place itself at the
disposal of its clients who choose to have
service, and it agrees to take a small
profit on each transaction, which is quite
possible because of1 its large annual
It is so organized that, from long
connections with the makers of
merchandise, its patrons may be assured
that all its collections aretmade at lowest
costs at source of production and that the
benefits of cash purchases are passed on
promptly to our patrons from day to day,
taking advantage of the state of the
markets day by day as changes occur.
Oct, 25, 1020.
Beautiful Japanese White Silks
Come Down
There are altogether 1860 yards of the finest and heaviest Japanese white habutais,
known as "choice American No. 1," made to our order.
Every yard of the 1860 yards of these'silks has been lowered by $1 a yard, so that
the new prices are $3.50, $2.50, .$'2.25, $2 and $1.75 a yard.
These silks are from 9 to 16 mommc weight, they are in plain white only, and
thus can be used for many purposes and at their new prices are within the reach of
many more people than have ever used them.
(First Floor, Cheitnnt)
Over Two Hundred Splendid New Winter
Coats for Young Women
$32 and $77.50 each
There aro about two hundred and fifty of these excellent coats,,
to be more exact, and they aro the very kinds of coats girls and
oung women iar6 tasking .for coats for school and coats for sports
wear; coats for business; coats for afternoon and better wear.
The Coats at $32
aro trim, well-tailored coats of British wools heather and other
attractive mixtures in dark colorings. They aro plainly tailored,
arc in three-quarter length, arc lined to the waist, havo- big patch
pockets and arc button trimmed.
The Coats at $77.50
include four smart models two coats and two wraps. They are of
fine wool velours and of lustrous cyprus cloth, and one style wrap
and ono style coat aro trimmed with fur nutria or scalene. Somo
havo deep cuffs as well as wide fur collars. All arc lined throughout
with rich, soft silks.
There is one wrap with a cape-back that is unusually handsome,
and ono coat with a wide cape collar is particularly becoming to
younger girls because of its youthful lines.
They como in brown shades, navy blue, reindeer and black.
And all aro in 14 to 20 year sizes.
(Second Floor, Cheitnnt)
HThree- Strand Pearl Bead
I Necklaces Are New and
for the pearls arc excellent imitations and have a charm
ing luster and sheen.
They arc in graduated sizes, two and three strands,
and they arc held by a dainty clasp at the back, set with
nn imitation sapphire.
$15 to $27.
' (Jewelry Store, Olieitnnt and Thirteenth)
Special Purchase of
Parisienne Corsets at $5
Kinds usually much more, as a woman will seo
at once.
They are of pink or whie coutil chiefly, though
there aro also somo fancy Tnaterials in the collec
tion. There aro many Btyles, for many types of
women, they aro all well-made corsets in tho good
styles to be found in the Parisienne, and they arc
uncommonly good for this pi ice.
(XlUrd Floor, Cheitnut)
ong Silk Bloomers
Long" means ankle-length, and tho bloomers aro
made of messalinc, satin and silk jersey, in various dark
Somo of them are finished with pleatings and uro
Pnccd from $3.85 to $11.
"- (Third Floor. Central)
Dedroom Slippers
of Quilted Satin
,, Two styles to chooso from at tho modest prico of
Mo a pair, and each stylo in four colors, pink, bluo, old
too and black.
Ono has soft, padded solo and spring heel and tho
nt n lms leather solo and low heel. Both mado espe
cially for thia.SJore.
.ovely Sable Furs;
When you consldor what a perfect finishthey
make for a tailored costume there is no wonder that
they nro in great request.
Hudson Bay sables, mostly,.tippcd or blended.
Singjo skins, ?10 to $260.
Two skinB or more, $250 to $12q0 -that last
prico being for n stole of twelve Bkins.
Russian sables, very few of these arc tipped;
as a rule they are natural. I
One-skin boas, $250 to $400; the finer they aro
tho darker brown in color.
Two-skin boas arc $640 to $800.
(Second Floor, Cheitnut)
fpur-Trimmed Velour Coats
Are Many Women Js Choice
And li great many women will like some new arrivals
in these coats that aro particularly attractive in style.
They aro made of cashmere velour, almost as soft
and silky as broadcloth, but much heavier and warmer,
and they havo big co'llars of nutria fur with long
pointed ends.
Tho colors aro black, navy bluo, brown and they are
lined throughout with fancy peau do cygne, $88.50.
. (First Floor, Central)
me iew r eiveteens
Special, $3,50 a Yard
Timely, just now, for the many afternoon gowns, tai
lored suits and skirts that are using velveteen for their
material. And they are in the right weight for children's
They havo a fast pile with twill back and nro 30
inches wide. In golden and seal brown, navy and black.
Tho usual prico for this quality is at least a third more.
(Flnt Floor. Cheitnnt)
men's Wrappers of
Fine Flannel
Last year such things wcro out of the question; this
year they aro coming in in a way that reminds us of
old times. Mado with good satin bindings, heavy ropo
girdles and plenty of fullness on tho front shoulders,
they may be had in rose, bluo and pink for $23.
(Third Floor, Central)
1000 Yards of Irish
Dress Linen Special at
$1.25 a Yard
Tliis is so good that a wholesale house offered
to buy tho lot at a trifle moro per yard than our
prico at retail. t
Of pure Irish linen, full bleached, very even in
the thread, well woven and fine in texture and
finish. A beautiful fabric for1 fancy work as well
as for dress purposes.
Tho width is 36 inches. Prico $1.25 a yard.
(FIrtt Floor, Cheitnnt)
omen 's a un o toe turns
-V 9 " .
With Openwork at $3.50
Black silk stockings with openwork clocks nnd open
work ankles, f lrsgrado goods, full fashioned and with
lislo tops and soles.
Ordinarily a dollar more. .,
' (WmI 1UUV
Women's Black
Afternoon Gowns
Somo of them might serve also as semi-evening
Nothing could be moredelightful, enriched as
they arc with jet "nail-heads" nnd bugles, with
bands of white beads, with borders of crystal
beads, or with designs in gunmctal beads.
Ono charmeuso gown has short sleeved bordered
with gray squirrel fur, which is echoed by a gray
crepo lining to the girdle. Another is every atom
black, except for a tiny bright ribbon edge on its
sleeves. Still nnothcr with no beads at all on it is
embroidered with big dots in black and dull blue.
A few of tho dresses have embroidered all-over
designs in silk thread.
Prices aro $105 to $200.
(Flnt Floor, Central)
Teautiful Statuary of Sculp-
-O tured Marble From Italy
It is good to have such a collection of these beautiful
pieces once more. .
For some years past they have been practically out
of the market, but wo secured a new lot in tho Italian
ateliers at the firsts opportunity and now they arc here
to sell at prices almo'st as low as they were in pre-war
All arc exquisitely sculptured by hand and tho choice
of subjects, embracing figures, busts and groups, is
very charming.
The subjects arc mostly of modern inspiration.
Therefore they arc unconventional and for that reason
all the more interesting.
They have been executed with skill and lcveal a
rather fine imaginative sense as well as a sense of reality.
This latest shipment also includes a number of hand
some mnrblo pedestals in green and white, and in several
styles and sizes.
Such things as these arc gifts of a particularly cul
tural kind.
(Fourth Floor, Cheitnnt)
First Since the War
Redleaf Doeskin Gloves
Real English doeskin gloves, of soft and vel
vety feel, of smart cutr and many hand sewn, arc in
this shipment Wo aro particularly glad to get
them, for they aro the first English doeskin since
pre-war days.
They arc in tho natural color and white, and
they aro all washable, which makes them moro
For Women
Ono or two button length gloves, $2.75 a pair.
Five-button-length slip-on gloves, $3 a pair.
Five-button-length hand-sewn gloves, stitched
in black, $3.50 a pair.
Strap-wrist gloves, piquo sewn, $4 a pair.
Foh Men
One-button gloves, in natural color, $3 a pair.
One-button gloves, with ccomination embroidery
nnd touch of black on tho natural color, $3.25 a pair.
Hand-sewn gloves, with spcur points and black
stitching, $3.50 a pair.
(Main Floor, Central)
Children s Knitted
Wool Suits From England
Little English children wear theso knitted suits, and
many American children will like them, too, for they aro
soft and warm and comfortable and in such attractive
Hand-knil suits in all-roso, or in white with rose or
bluo trimmings, havo Httlo bloomcra and square-necked
sweaters. Thoy are dainty and pretty, como in 2 to 5
year sizes and are $22.
Knitted wool suits in another style, with straight
trousers or bloomers, in two shades of bluo o an olive
drab, hayo Jcrsey-Jike sweaters, como hi 2 to 6 year sizes
and are $10,to $18.
.1 Wan..-... V-.. ......
The Charrfi of Willow Furniture
and a 30 Per Cent Saving
Have you ever thought of what a wonderful thing is willow furniture?
Have you not had experience of the peculiarly restful, comforting feeling that a
willow chafr can impart?
The reason is in the pliancy, the subtle resilience, the yielding, yet firmness of the
interwoven rods.
No other furniture possesses this same quality certainly not in the same degree.
That is why willow furniture is so much liked and why it is so much in demand, not
only for sun parlors and enclosed porches where it is simply delightful, but for living
rooms, bedrooms, ante-rooms, dens, every place to which people go for ease and rest.
Will you please think of this in conjunction with the fact that hardly anything that
is as comfortable as a willow chair or rocker costs as little, and that we are now offering
a lot of willow furniture at 30 per cent less than the regular fair prices.
These goods are a recent special purchase.
You may choose individual pieces or complete suits in various enamels and stains.
Chairs, $8.50 to $46. ' Settees, $26 to $58.
Rockers, $9.50 to $31.50. Tables, $8.75 to $105.
(Sixth Floor, Central) v
Pigskin- Wallets-
en s
You Can "Treat
man likes things that will wear, as well as please
Pigskin three-folds, hip books and letter cases
or this head. They arc handsome and they arc
have a fine selection of such goods, all made of
imported pigskin, at $4 to $7.50, with unusually good
choosing nt the first price.
(Main Floor, Cheitnnt)
New Books
"Son of Power," by Will Lcvington Comfort
and Zamin Ki Dost. Price $1.90. A stirring and
unique talc against the background of mysterious
"Gentlemen of the North," by Hugh Pendextcr.
Prico $1.50. Telling of the North and the rivalries
of the great fur companies.
"Jacqueline of Golden Klver," by II. M. Egbert,
Prico $1.50. A mystery story of Quebec and the
North Woods.
"In Chancery," by John Galsworthy. Prico $2.
A poetic study of adolescence.
(Main Floor. Thirteenth)
You Are
Cleaning House
these aro things that como in remarkably handy:
Desolvo, a paint-cleaner of uncommon merit, 75c for
a quart can.
H. H. is a carpet soap which can be used to scour the
finest of floor-coverings, and with very little effort, 25c
a cake.
Indian perfume bricks are said to keep moths out of
wardrobes and trunks, 20c each.
Ppwdered ammonia will go farther than the liquid
kind and will not injure the finest of garments, 15c a
Night lights, which will bum 15 hours, arc 10c each,
and holders for them, 10c each.
Japanese feather dusters arc 10c, 20c and 30c.
Vermin-proof furniture cups, $1 for a set of four.
(Fourth Floor, Central and Market)
Tinen Pillow Cases Extraor--'
dinary at $4.25 a Pair
As goods of this kind are generally valued today,
there is a saving on these of 40 per cent.
They aro made of a fine, closely woven, pure-flax
linen and excellently hemstitched.
All made regulation size 22x36 inches, $4.25 a pair.
(Flrit Floor, Cheitnnt)
All the Materials Wanted
for Making Window
Marquisette, voile and scrim from 45c to $1.25 a yard.
Filet, lever and fancy nets, 45c to $3 a yard.
Irish point laces with double border for panel effect.
18, 24 and 3G inches wide, $2.85 to $4.75 a yard.
And, for over-draperies, plain madras in all the moBt
desirablo colors, $1.05 and $2.25 a yard.
Also light-weight artificial silk, $2.75, $3 and up to
$6.75 a yard.
(11 fth Floor, Market)
the ax.
400 Pieces of Office Furniture
Down 20 to 35 Per Cent
These goods embrace a very interesting variety of chairs, tables and desks of
standard make, all of them belonging to our regular-stock. We have lessened
their prices 20 to 35 per cent, which means a very substantial saving on office fur
niture of a sound, dependable and desirable kind.
Desks, oak and mahogany finish, $50, $60, $70, $75, $85.75 and $92.75.
Chairs, oak and mahogany, $12.75, $15.50, $19.50 and $25. . '
Tables, in oak only, $11.25, $20, $29, $35 and $42.
(Third Floor, Market)
These Gifts in Gold Will
Please a Man
They arc things he can use every day and they
aro gifts that last. All are 14 kt. gold.
Belt buckles $21 to $40
Cigar cutters $12.50 to $18
Key chains $21 to $39
Pocket knives $15 to $21
Cigarette cases $120 to $315
Match boxes $43 to $72
Scarf pins $2.75 to $32
Tic clasps t$4 to $20
Cuff links $9.50 to $45
(Jewelry Store, Cheitnut and Thirteenth)
A Tew Felted Cotton Mattresses
One-Third Lesf
This is the first lot of mattresses of this kind offered
at such a large saving in years.
It is the result of a very fortunate and favorable pur
chase. The mattresses aro already made up to fit bed
steads of all regular sizes.
They"a?F covered with sateen ticking and finished with
n roll edge.
3 feet wide, $14.50 3.6 feet wide, $16 "
3.3 feet wide, $15.25 4 feet wide, $17.50
4.6 feet wide, $18.50
(Sixth Floor, Cheitnut)
Some Splendid Values
in Domestic Rugs
All fine, new rugs, too, in the designs of this '
season and in agreeable colorings.
Wilton Rugs
9x12 ft, $97.50 and $152.50.
8.3x10.6 ft, $95.
Seamless Scotch Axminster
9x12 ft, $95. 10.6x13.6 ft., $127.
9x10.6 ft, $87. 12x15 ft, $157.
(Serenth Floor, Cheitnut)
Zamb's Wool Comforts
i Lessened One-Third
Two groups of excellent comforts, filled with good,
warm lamb's-woo, arc ready for tho cold nights and
their prices arc one-third less than regular markings.
One kind has figured mull tops and borders and
backs of plain mull to match.
These are now marked $14.50 each.
The others are covered with figured cambric and
bordered with plain sateen prico $10.50 each.
(Sixth Floor, Central)
Tiyhite Blankets 150 Pair
Pr at a Saving of 40 Per Cent
They aro now marked $6 a pair, a remarkably low
prico for blankets of this grade.
Made of part-wool, with borders of pink or blue, and
in double-bed size.
(Sixth Floor, Central)
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