,f-l. "i-P- iarnscTTv' VtA ,- v 'a ivS ifi ?,mip- XI 3107; ' vx. Euettlng Jl J ! , k K c fwrV x, t .m i. , .,a.A , , !. ';, j.-i." , ,'y ?. vxv-wk ." irM v 4 -.bbbbby -.-.&& ri r t s. -. . v- vvr .w !-. '. ; o ... ." -y s j. -v S .1 . .? Is j. .d an. . 1 . T - lA ' . I i .-.-... rtW . ' . j 1. S n. t'.. uft .AkuS,. J j"V K f.' 'rWS . i -, f- t H A RING TRACKS. This group of workn en and many others worked all nlpht removing the wveckage from and repairing the Ponnsyhania Main Lino tracks at Radnor, following tlie wreck of Sunday. At noon today No. 1 track was still closed to traffic. j-edsor l'hoto Seruce MBBBBBaivBBBBBBBKi 'I fBBW tl'fi JbPwBBTBBBBBBBM'' ''1:'V :;AIHbbbbbW e(y; W'4i4?BBBBBFK)lBf ? vl ' &"! fs )t"''? MllBik '' Wf& vdK UI'BBBBM BffJvf'BBBHb3B t'fy?4Sg.BTXjHKflH LW'bMIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI BBBWt-'HUIH VfBBBBBBBBBBBH AT THE ROSE TREE HUNT. Mrs. Vincent Lyon (left) and Miss Elizabeth AVnna makcr find good scats on top of automobiles, from where they watch tho doings of Saturday afternoon Ledger riioto service. WRECKED CARS. Pennsylvania R. R. wrecking crews pulled the tangled steel cars from the Main Line tracks at Radnor, setting them over the embankment to get tracks cleared. Ledger Photo Si-ruie , ' -. 5 i.i ji: ' v:. ' ' .t v -vX . o .. .A VwBPbSPPZI T g F fcaagjifcfl ' "l Zests'. eiBK Air' I " '"' 1 tn 1 i;fwMBM ' I H nui OS: w h- r. .i''1 lH iattfl,''VV s J ' 1 ' A PvllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBv'v rv - rm ',?? 9mZttimfBBBtiBK&':SZ 'A Z ' v '(TJBMil: 'tlHBms KMH?;' -l BfiSBBVHV ! 'W.M'"bb wm&m&t )v, tjf'Ji iiMn ' 2-' " ' ?" ?' p j ?1X VtbP? ' M?' f Jit ' 'V K JV 45Sflfck; ir' "'( $ v ' ( 1''iiBHftHBBBBBil f i i' zifyKK? 'v 1-- '' i ''V H ,' r,r " 1 l I ''J,,y,:y' , f " ,H iIIPHBBIBBBH '? W& VbbbbbbbbbbbbHI rtpBgsaiMMBBBBBBBMBBJPJMa1 bbbRIhhRHBbbbIbbI BBbWiIIMi tf BBBl 'Bb! KBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB9SH9BBBBBKMBBBBBBBBKaBBBflBBBl ! v i&tf-tJisr" " fcVW A' .W ". ?!.S& WINNER OP .THIRD RACE. Saumangha, owned by George Brooke, 3d, going over a hedge in the Media plate steeplechase at the Roso Tree Hunt , Ledeer Photo Berlc, BBBBBBBVBVBVJBBAt xv BBBBBVBVBVBVBl BbbbbK: ' IbbbbbbbbbbH EaBBBBHlr9''v (- VbbbbbbbbbbVS WEEFKMifc'yWmmK. Hi' x 'bbbbbbbbI W$ffi7lQMtiteX::n ' IbbbbbbbI Kfc i: ', ' . ' IbbbbbbbB HsS6il$ iMBBBE'-vVvS;. '-, CvAbBBBBBBI BHw7BBBBntaft-Vx v j v9BBvBvBvBvh liKlB'ilSH"'?1 - HbbbbbI M.S&".SvfPK'' ! ,J'"- v ' tTSVABBBBBl MMltSTTIgTfirmTNri LV1 ij.4 . BMMVtffl u BBrCTffoWffBlwWrtr Tt rmBBir i .m i " A . ilmV HbbV-!hav - ? n' '1 y l BAM9Hr '?r,NBBBM,'A , ::';.' AmlLi HbbBV'V' " BBBBBBf si,v JA- .11.- -l IBBteaBBBBl.;' r "f ''Jtll-' iBBMiBBBlV " ' ' ' ' 4 I BBBMifBBBMl',-' - ' '' '. -1 V; bIbbbfAhbbbU 'i n RPiBBBWS f BBBBBRi'. 4 It 5 ! tW:BBYBr M bbbbbbK ''v -" V C ' 4 " IBBvB'sl' ABVBvBvfitJ1? a 1 , s M'BBfeS BBBBBBBB ''.' -" CLAUDIO MUZIO. The soprano of tho Metropolitan Opera House of New York, who has returned from a South American trip Ontrnl News l'hoto. LEATHER WORKERS IN ATHLETIC CONTESTS. Employes of the Robert H. Foerderor Leather Co., Frankford, compete on their own athletic field. II. J. Wagner is winning the 100-yard dash. Miss Catharine Mellon was in the hurl-ball contest Ledger Photo Settle MME. MILLERAND. A new photograph of tha wife of the president of France Koyatoiw View Co. YOUNGEST STUDENT HEADS LINE. Edward Rochie PROTECTION AGAINST DUST. Hardy, Jr., Columbia University's twelve year-old student, Tho speedy races at the Belmont Joins with the freshmen as they liiw up in tug-of-war racetrack on Saturday raised with sopln internal oni plenty of dust. Miss Nan Crowell used a newspaper to protect her clothing Ledger Photo Han lie BBBinBBaHBMBwHBSHKiSSHBB&A fBTOTSlPwBV "i BlBIBIBHBVBEnTBIBBIBIBTBTBIBBBBBH'MBIBlSwKBBIBB bibibbHSbibibbibebibibibbibibkIIbbibPbbVabibi C vBbHbBBBBBBBBBBBb1bBBBJBBBBHBBBBBBBH BIBK BIBIBIBIBIBTBBIBIBWBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBBBIbHbbIbTbIb" 'AalBIBSHIBHlBIBIBIBTBBVnEaUBPiBBIBTjBIBIBIBlF BIBll BLBHallBBBHIIIBBBWHBlBBHBmllBBW ' V K-RHHKbviHHBBBBlBBBBHBBBBBVfl BBflBHBBBBHBRtMBBBBBlBBHBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBKBWI X BVl9wHBaPiKB TWO GOVERNORS MEET. Governor Cox being welcomed into New Jersey by Gov ernor Edwards as the presidential candidate starts his New Jersey campaign wine world Photo Av?RE4T S,AVE The goal-keeper in action is Ha i eaicc, of th Wolfcnden-Shoro soccer team, which played against Bethlehem, in West Philadelphia, yesterday afternoon. Pcarco formerly played third base for the Phillies Ledger Photo Service. OUR CI IT'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO THE BEAUTY CORNER 1 &&& 'f1&? S"rZ ' V " nBBMBBBrTIMI IIP ' bMJ "ikt1 WW i ii tf M . - - , . .. i ii i ' ,'''' V f f ' W WBWBWBWBWBWBWBFMBW WBWBWBBWbM AKjT ' 'tWB "V - - tTtB VMI PBBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBTBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBYB v. "''. , is- . i'-?'v. t -"Sr PtaBBBBBBBBBHJAJiThfr aJbvWVbbVKJ LHHNiiH i ii i ii ,r;Wi??i'' ,. UJaVBYBYBrfTBYBYBYBWIT irmAfmFriHFrll IbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbWB ' " '"bTbTbTbTbTbIbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbI " ..-..--1 1. - OPERATING MIXING MILL. Charles Ross, 2019 East Rittenhousc street, Germantown, U tho operatoi It is from tlu-ho sheets of rubber that inner tubes are made. The photo- SiApk was takna ut the Coiona Rubber Co., 100 Knst Rittenhouso street, Germantown ledger Photo Service CHINESE AVIATRIX KILLED. Miss Fran ces E. Lee, girl student aviator, was killed at Menlo Tark, California, when hie jumped from a falling piano iuuriuci. V BORNEO DEBUTANTE! This maiden of .Sarawak, Borneo, is ono of the beauties of the Dyak tribe. Much brass wftc Is included in bar ivimsat 'Central Newi Photo, i IIARGE D'AFFAIRES OF LUXEMBURG IN WASHINGTON. Baron Raymond de Waha takes pride in the fact that ho Is tho 5 A'onucr, Civil War veteran Central NewgThota. MISS ESTHER SOMEiy 232 Sot th Fi(ty-sixth strjeet, rh'iladclphia , Photo by Olol' biviio- y t ' r 4 h iU rtMi &.. ;.t,f J -.1v ''-! rf.twii A. ,l -.. Waywtfllit.