mmjii'ii-''i.ii'f, Tr'.wiiif - ..-, i;tw Jim . . il -Z" JW '-l-Mfc - 1 '- - " I ' T .. r-" . n y dpi J. in:w-wrTZT,Lr I11. wwireu.ii n iu jamm 1'V'IJ" 5 J M ? . .Hs'F.T' v W . ' - " , i j Euening IJufeltt ffieftt - ,:? , vv?;fFr tf r?nw WiiR"JI WWPFWPPPT ""j IJIijW"'liPiWM!fW1 9 iSl jT f HHb w IH rf v?i. ? KJjjir & JhB ll H ppiEra- i Hi i imw fMW7TMPBMr """. L .'"".. ' )!""' i ' L' - '' - W Jy , at.t. snuTR OF ROMBS. Thl ivn nnrt nf the rrreat ncrlal bomb dlsnlav at the U. S. nrovlnsr wounds,' Aberdeen. Marvlnnrl. Assistant Secretary of War-Crowell watching the bomb drills yesterday. The officer is Major William McDonald.'in charge of the. DEPART FOR ENGLAND. Tho Philadelphia girls' hockey team sailed on -the S. S. Caronia on Thursday. Miss Gertrude Horn (left), manager, and Miss Elizabeth Cheston, captain Miss Cheston is showing the team's "Kcwpie" mascot Central News rhoti- COMING TO A M ERICA. Arturo Toscanini, the Italian conductor, and his daughter. He plans to bring an orchestra of ninety-eight players from Italy to this country CLIMBING OFF. Mrs. Warren G. Harding, wife of Senator Harding, alighting from tho locomotive, at Tcrre Haute, Indiana, in which she and her husband rode for eighteen miles prpving- station Ledger FbototServic 3.. nriii viiEi5,'Ti"S"N; Mt.trm " -g. f ,- . ;ii a W.Vi' &f 'hfc v 5&CiV3i t r p I DR. RUSSELL H. CONWELL discusses our reawakening conscience in an inter view on the editorial page (.Al'TAIN MARTIN L. WELCH, who will sail the Esperanto in the races be tween fishing schooners off Halifax "FATHER NEPTUNE" PRESENT. The formal opening of Charlestown Navy Yard, near Boston, was attended by 40,000 persons. The "honored guest" is being greeted by Captain Kimberley, of the cruiser Galveston Underwood i. Underwood A. MODEL VILLAGE. An aerial photograph of a new section of Perryville, IuarylandS built durinjr the war to house munition workers bv tho U. S. Government. Tr. u nirnntni on the banks of the Susquehanna river. The care taken in laying out the town is plainly Miumi uy wiu jiiuciuamijj jmukugiuim tuncu jcaiauuy aiiernoon irom U10 JLiCQgcr S news- i' piano Ledger Aerial Smlce KILLED BY LOVER. Dr. Ruth Rubin, the New York dentist, who was murdered by a jilted, suitor Van HAS A MUSICAL EAR. "Buster," the lone mascot of the U. S. S. Pennsylvania, listens to the new record bought by a gob while on shore leave in New xork . iniernaiionai s. ";;:yj imi "-to -j-ti t? ji r-''?'-; .. tii M-ni iBin HMM-iiiiiiiiiii TiniiiiiiiiiiirTTir-rnrn fi Tt inifc CLOSELY MATCHED. The footballers of the West Philadelphia Catholic High School and La Salte Prep, failed to score in the contest staged at Cahill field, yesterday afternoon. The photograph indicates the closeness of the play. Tho cheer leader of the West High worked hard, but with less interference than the players Ledger rnoto servico ANOTHER HARD BATTLE. Germantown Academy and tho Chestnut Hill Academy, very much rivals in fobtball, got together ' in a real game yesterday afternoon. The Germantowners won score 10 to 0. Sauers, of Chestnut Hill, is shown fretting away with ' v w.u .. - .., u... ui-vc.i "nwiuuiv, ui. uiu winning team, at tno left Ledger Thoto Series OUR CI TVS "WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO i i i i - LHHHrvy $ hfliivSliiiR ttSR $!K .ffirK&GCQ&BSK&JSyjjHBEvSBfr 40i!f'b3iiaiBiiiiiiiiiiB mF! TfM Bb&SKI Jk v '&ii nH3Hdgi72Irr '4lijjjjjjjjjjjjv-lgijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjl fpjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjB K iijiijiijiijiijiijiijiijBuffiinNiijiijiijiijiijBnAiHVfar KBIinKSHHPUKmlKtOmtMSfSiS wM Kt-4 ,"'f ZX'V VArf ?, , ' RC?' ' '4 K "' . -.V- iVf- V ? , rf ; ..,' ' rHv THE BEAUTY CORNER yTTT-3E33o INSTALLING NEW BATTERIES. E. J. Berrj and H. C. Kent in the operation of placing new batteries in an electric automobile, at the service shop of the Detroit Electric Car Co., 2029 Market street Ledccr I'hoto Service NEILSON "NAT" POE AT PRINCETON. Member of tho famous Poo family, of Princeton football fame, is assisting in V10 coaching of Tigers. Poe played on tho team in 1897 Ledger I'hoto Servlc WASHINGTON DEBU TANTE. Miss May Taylor, daughter of Rear Admiral and Mrs. David W. Taylor, will be soon introduced into society JUrrU ftltfwlna . ' r .' 1-. ' .' V ' -- -... , -. , N , . A . '.... IU"." IIHW uiMiiiiiiiiiiK"e v v . f i .- r : j s v 4ilJilJilJiHMBMm-'K ' ' i . r.t V - ' . ..j K.'iiAf' 4 . a' 3BUiilJilJK OSU. .tvi' , i tHtlDOllHviEijjmiljlHiiijiljiljHiljilj9' i ': if W&f iW Syp nlii ;' are returning from tho island of Majokula, who"" they 'live'd amongntho Collingdalc! Pn. ,Ji cannibals for a time b i,hoi0 by aiob 8tuJJIJ International t r : ,-Or- lli rtfe ittftu LV jiferi y-""ggg --TTTg