n t ' ! f -1 -0 .v, v ' flu V it V., IV t i ! E: r iaienitfg IJuhttc ledger sf' A- - ; ' - -.,; ' J - . PHILADELPHIA, 'THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1920 IHV ., S F A - flkLV '-. 1, ivi '.- l! W mH f jlm mKmKKrLii BBf s .-;''! p-- K7''SBr Btt'V'VsV SSKBSSSBSSSSfl j. Bk,. PBSSSSSSmP UiMHUBBHEEZiiw-'MiiiiiiJi -v::,f - s. ?.' fr. r -M- t$,j-J J?& fn 1 'lli vVKiiBu4lJ':saiiiiiiiiKv J BflKCHHBHflBBBBVsllnBBBBBBBBBBBtIlBBBBBBBBBBBVMBl HHMHHBMRflBBBBVBH&BBBBBBEflBK'uKjBBBBBPpSBBVBBBBHBl KOlBHBBMSB9rBaBBBBaBBBBBBMHBHHKBBB iBg5BHBBBBBBHj5B3BBiiliiiiiiiiB a DANKER AND HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. ' Robert GlendlnnJnjr (left) anJ SEEING 'THINGS FROM AN AUTO. Miss Margaret IN THE SERVICE STEEPLECHASE. Alga&l, owned by Walter M. JcfW UViWIIlU UI1U 1H13B Ul'lHUUi; UtthflUll'l lUUKUll llllU yiu busy ring from their scat at the rear of an automobile i.eduer rnoto service. THESE PHOTOGRAPHS! WERE TAKEN AT THE ROSE TREE MEET YESTERDAY-AFTERNOON Jack Domnsov Jiave an interestlnc chat on the fight game Ledger rhoto Service. ?. won, with Saumnngha, whose owner Is George Brooke, running second. Botli ilUIOUB UIU SIIUWU III. II1U JUUIJ) I1UU1 II1U 1111ID11 LAtlKtT ThotO Sn1e. FOUND A PLACE OF VANTAGE. Mrs. Carter R. Lcidy and Eddio Cassard jumped on the front of the automobile so they could see the doings at Rose Tree Ledger rhoto Service. BMMMteMMMj s xJllVIII ftrXMiljlJjjfjjjJJ &LXvA lililiiiHiililililHiKiilii .sjlHKpjH iBiiiiiiMiiWiiiiiiiHiHBiiiiB'iiliiiiiHfc - 'Sftvll oiiiiiiiiSiiiiiLiiLiiiiiiiiiHH HELPING REPUBLICAN CAUSE AT CINCINNATI. They are Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth and Robert Taft. Both have done much campaign work throughout the country Ke atone View Co, "THE CRANK" IN HIS CELL. The photograph was taken yesterday afternoon in the Montgomery county jail, Norristown, after the confessed kidnapper had been held for action of the grand jury by a magistrate. He is being quizzed by Captain Samuel Gearhart, of the state police, who has obtained much information from Pasquale. since his arrest Ledger Photo Servc. Bfev VI LEWIS J. BALEY, of Georgia, new head of the Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice Central New. Photo. ALEXANDER VAN RENSSELAER discusses the work of the Seamen's Church Institute 'in an interview on the r'Mtnrhl page Phillip.. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO BflMk. f- i ' lv s. iVi,' '-, .-"- .,,.' isv rv. ..y.vLAi ir.w'rTrfliB&:Jir!?'k.v 1 ms&w?i&& wUS "-li i -- , ?'; &' m vbHRU' WS i -;. .. ,7Xt: K&rM tHiltr&M rT AN UUD 1-OLI.OU THROUGH. Miss Louibe Lorimer, of the Philadelphia Cricket Club, finishing swing Iedger Photo Service. uL'i 'Ji. ltui LIN: Mrs. Gu; j'.u 'Whaiton RE'lLTKNS ! tjiu u j iv ii i .11 v w o 'illJ)i,,w,lt JuV ir)i iijuiirj u, Pepper (left), of St. Davids, and Miss E. Suddards, 84. Miss Francos Cross, of Bala, Mounted Patrolman Thomas J. Leopard, of of Overbrook, stop to chat as they wait their turn was tied with Mrs. C. H. Vander- the .New York police force, who married at the second hole beck and Mrs. F. J. Doylo Miss Louiso G Beaver Webb, a society I.edKsr Photo Sen Ice. Ledger Photo Service. Woman. He is nhotosrranhed with "Binpo""' SOME OF THE PLAYERS IN THE TOURNAMENT FOR THE MARY THAYER FARNUM CUP, AT THE PHILA- international. DELPHIA COUNTRY CLUB, YESTERDAY . mKSMW&a- - s'lBKW -v- -Hkv rKKmksstim MBit b 1 i ii I'i ii 1 iiLJL BHfciii'lMfcMBiii BWlltP fi ' Wfc HnBiHHBlPHi . HIPPING CORNELL INTO SHAPE. Gil Dobie working with his men on Cornell's f.e!d at Ithaca, as they prepare for the first big game of thojr schedule. They play Colgate on Saturday i FRENCH GENERAL AND CHILDREN. General Mangin is , plaining some points in the book, which is on the life of General Foch. There are six other children in the Mangin family , i Wldo World Fno'1'' ) '?t . ' 1 , THE BEAUTY CORNER JP V '1 J "1 DRILLING FITTINGS FOR HEATING APPARATUS in tho plant of Frederick Sabln & Co., 287 Bread street. Tho workman is Edward J. Rausch, of 808 Wynncwood avenue, Collingswood, N. J. ledger Photo EtrvJce, GOT AS FAR AS CHICAGO. Two New GETTING READY FOR WINTER'S INDOOR WIMMING. Elizabeth LOOPING THE LOOP. This remark- I 4.1 T"i 1 .. 1 V 1 i i i - i Til H J.ll.l r4S4 n la ri fr r m ii rtl n Ailntnn nUln nkntd hiu .t. ..u Xl u I. Castle (Pennsylvania girls started to seo the country, but became homesick and were caught on way back international, nvnn. thn Philndclohia owlmmer, is doing much practicing ' f - Underwood L Undernood. able photograph waB taken from an army airplane ovor Langloy Field, Virginia International. w MISS CATHERINE EGAN rina n..nimiini nvenUO Phlttdel?hirfWIltcbdliBtttlj V r . " Uv ,.rj- .4: A .. jj u .v,Aj5.U-.. ?."- W . M "gl&iofi