Ht, EVENING PUBBIQ LBOGrjilP-PaiLADEIiPHIA, E&TIRgDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1020 ,w.t;' -I Z& J H Louisiana & Arkansas Ry ht MTGE. 5 BONDS Dated 1982, duo 1927 Direct First Mortgage Socurit U Rale Per Mile Strong Sinking Fund Favorable tarmngs ran ana rrauii To field Over 10 Price and particular on requtit. Martin & Go, (411 Walnut St. Philadelphia Tennessee Power Co. Flral Mortgage Si, 19G2 Portland Rwy., Lt. & Pow. Co. lit & Rof. s Due 1942 DANicnns 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia u,nil" Km Vorfc nml Philadelphia Slock Exchanott Robert M.Coyle&Co.Wnnpt INSURANCE Lawrence E. Brown & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1GJ0 MIA I. ESTATE TIU'HT 111,1,0. Inirx'litite iinil adjust partnership nnd rorporntlnn nreounts. Also prepare V, S. Interne Tn Iteturna. U. - T Stockholders Should Know Their Rights This up-to-date booklet clearly explains many of them; also those of bondholders, etc. It also tells : The General Rules of Trading. How to Give a Broker Instructions. Broker's Commission Charges. How to Indorse a Stock Certificate. How to Use Collateral in Trading. How to Group Invest ments. The Deposit Requirements for Carrying Stocks on Account. Written in simple language and easy examples given. No obligation. Edition Lim ited. Call, 'phone or write at once. Ask for No. T. U.-976 JONES & BAKER Specialists in New York Curb Market Securities Widener BIdg., Phila. Phones: Bell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 2290 Offices in 9 Principal Cities Direct Private Wires Dated July 1, 1910 By Principal and semi-annual interest (January 1st and July 1st) payable in gold at the fiscal agency of the City in New York City, or at the Office of the City Treasurer in San Francisco. Coupon bonds in the denomination of $1,000 with privilege of full registration. Exempt from All Federal Income Taxes Legal Investment for Savings Banks and Trust Funds in NewYork, Massachusetts and Connecticut 505,000 L 505,000 " Kissel, Kinnicutt & Co. 14 Wall Street New York Wo do not guarantee You Can Buy Stocks With Intelligence If you read Dunham's In vestment Digest, published every fortnight. It ana lyzes stocks, gives you the latest nows in regard to them, furnishes a rcsumo of expert opinion that en ables you to determine the trend of stock prices, and it Is free. Send for your copy. Ath for SQ-K. 'Investment Stcuritits 43 Exchange Place New York Vo Tlccommcna for Investment Penna. Water & Power Co. Stock Ono of tlio largest hydro, electric plants In the world. Low operating coato. No coal required nnd minimum of labor. Kurnlahlng Haiti more, Md., nnd LnncnMcr, !... w.u!1 electric enenry. Dividend Increased Oct.. J9H. from 6 to C. Dividend increased Oct., 1920, from 6 to 7. Successfully oporated for more, than 10 yearn. Let us explain tho advantage of hydroelectric securities. JosepKW.Gross &Co. 1421 Chestnut St. Correspondents Aldrcd A Company mpire Tube & Steel Bought, Sold & Quoted Company Statement on Request C. W. Pope & Co. 25 Broad Street, New York City Telcphono Broad 7110 lock Manager New Anto Ilnanre Company needs a Ihc, vlile iiwnlic innu ul.-o thoroughly understand the hundllnc of s.ilrsmen, ndirrtlslnc. circular letters, nnil who luious wliTe iinil how to sell AUTOMt) 1I1I.H J'lNANCK COMPANY preferred Mock. No use to reply unless jiiu ran furnish first-class references Mioulne prcilous successful handling nf thin clns of securities oml state fully past ex perience, when and uhrre, employed und salary or commltthlon expected. Replies contldcnllnl. it ui3, i.i:ix;i:n ornci: BOND SALESMAN To hnndle In spare tlmo small Issue of 8 Preferred Stock on Browing Import nnd 13xport business. II Oil, Ledger Oilier. J. C. Ilcbnkrn & Pntrrwn St. K.v.. 4's Will .MllllOnlllK & Mli-llllluro U. I.t. Co,.5'h lOJO lirttHl fin i.iccinc ixirporntlon. .(I'm 11)15 Cumlierlnnd Val. TrJtrphann Conol. B'h IUOiI (IrorKKi Hy. Kleftrlc Co. Conol..n'H ll)3 Indliinn Northern Trnetlon Co A'n lll.'CI Conneetleiit Itr. i Lighting C0....4V4N nisi Slundnrd (Iiih & Klrrtrle Co O'n lO'jfl Wulrrloo, 1'rdnr 1'nlls Si North. Hj...Vh mm KrneilHe I.licht &. INmrr Co r.'a Knultnhln IllumlnatliiK (ln I.t, Co. ,Bn 1I)2H Ohio Trnetlon Co. Com. X pfil. htk. A'k IOJii riA.llVI.I, IV, I'llIl.l.ll'.'H K IMU,AV MeiubrrN IMiiladrliihla Stork KTchnuiru 807 CHKhTNl'T STKK1ST $2,481,000 San Francisco, California 412 Water FINANCIAL Assessed Valuation Total Bonded Debt Water Debt Net Bonded Debt Population (1920 Census) Includes $234,332,-129 operative property which has not been taxed sinco November 3, 11)10, except for the payment of that portion of the City debt incurred prior to thnt dnto. MATURITIES AND PRICES $181,000 due July 1, 1924 to yield 5 $505,000 due July 1, 1927 to yield 5 TNr 1 1(lOK 5 5 July 1,1926 a Legal opinion of John C. Thomson, Esq., Nciu York City tho above statements and figures, but Pen?tsylvania -R. R. Wo have prepared an up-to- date letter on the most recent happenings In this railroad's affairs. Write or telcphono for a free copy. SMITH, REDPATH & CO. Member Vhlla. Work Kteliango 1SZ4 Walnut St. riinui)iu.riiiA rhoncl Spruce 8880 LI AND Ol kMnHfanlril Open 8:36 A. M. Till Mldnlcht (or Receiving Deposits and ' Cashing Checks Tanlriifiiyust Co. vgn a SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS $5 and Upward Hdelily Trust Company Philadelphia Capital $5,200,000 Suiplm $10,000,000 OTNINTIAI. to tiii: noi.DMts oi' tiik iiimu.p.iiKM City Water Company llrat inortitUKr 0 cold Imndii. This rompany, ImvliiK sold nil Its nrnoeMv to th City of riethlehem, yo'J nr tirrrhv nntined that It has deposited lth thn n V. Wilbur Trust Compnnv of nrthleh'in, Pa., trusten under tho mnrtKnKfl of thn said Hothlehem City Wnter Compnnv. dated Hep. tember I, 1014. securing inld bonds, n sum sntnclent to redeem said bonds now out standing nt lOSr of tho par valu thereof. toKether with said Interest thorenn to dato of delivery. , Tho amount of salfl redemption price to irether with Interest as here and nboe noted, v III be paid t. any nnd nil hobWs nf the said first nortRns-o fi1 Bold Imnda of th said Hthlehm City Water Company, pro viding tho snmp shall be delivered to th 12 V Villuir Trtit Cimriny, of Pethl"hem, l'n for the account cf the said lli'inlct-oro fty Witer Company on or before Novim- IHiTIILElIiat CITT ATKH COMPANY. IT- M P. OUINN. President. Attest: A P MIM.r.n ierretary. Septembr SS 1020. to Tin: pnnrwtitr.n NrnrKiioi.iinm or Tiir. iti;T:ii.i:invM city w at Kit This compnnv, havlnit sold all Its property to the City of nethlehcm you are hereby nntined that it has deposited with the R. P. Wilbur Trust Companj. of Dethlehem Pi trustee, a sum sufficient to redeem 'said pre ferred stock now outstanding nt the par value thereof tnuethor with said Interest thrr-on to date of delivery. Tho amount of sold redemption price, to-ireth-r with Interest ns here nnd nbove noted, will bo paid to tiny nnd nil holders of the raid preferred stock of the said llrthle hrtn City Water Cemuiny. provldln the samo shall bo delivered to the K V Wilbur Trim Cnmpanv, of Iteihiehem, Pi., for the occonut of tho said Hethlehom City Wnter Company on or lieforo Noiember I. lU'ilt. llKTIIl.tillKM CITY WATKR ''O.MPANY M. P. QUINN. Trealdent. 'a"1!'. MII.T.Kn. Secretary. September 2R. 10211. Tho Annual Election of The Southeastern ; Pennsilvnnl.i Chnptrr flf the American ' Nntlonnl Its tl Crtma wilt ! held on October 27. H)tO. nt 318 South Nineteenth Htreet. 1 Plillndelphlu. Polls will be open from 10 A, M. to ! 1. si. ior 1110 election or umcers and Heard nf Directors LIVINGSTON 12. JONHS. Secretary. Dhldends PIIII.1)I'.LPHIA INSt'LATKH WIKE CO. 200 N. 3ril Street At a rcgulnr meeting of the Hoard of Directors held October 20lh, 1020 n semi annual dividend of $3.00 per share on the Capital Stock of the company was drclartd to stockholders on record nt the close nf JuslnoKi, October 30lh. 1020. payablo November nth. 1030.- PHILADELPHIA INSITLATHD Willi! CO, A. A. WIH12HACIC. Treasurer. OITIC'K OI TIIK .1. 1. IIHII.L COMPANY A nuarterly dividend of one nml thrrc unrters prr cent on tho outstanding preferred stock hns been declared payable Noiember 1st. 1020 to stockholders nf r cord nt the close of business, October 23 1020. Transfer books of the preferred stotk will close October 23, 1020 nnd roopen November 1st, 1920 Checks will be mnllrd. B. P RAWLE, Treasurer. Proposals proposals roit Tin: construction of a Lumber Storehouse OIMim of inn Ofllccr In Chargo of Conntructlon, Kronkford Arsenal. Phila.. Pa. Scaled proposals will lie received hero until 2 P. M Nnvrmlirr 2 1020. and then opened for Construction us I stated above Plans and bpecllltatlous on application. Gold Bonds Due STATEMENT 508,410 $819,437,998 52,021,000 16,982,000 $35,039,000 505,000 " July 1, 1928 " 280,000 " July 1, 1929 " Stacy & Braun 5 Nassau Street New York they ora taken from sources which we believe to bo accurate. NEW YORK BOND SALES Summary of Individual Transactions on New York Exchange ' SALES IN 11000) from Opening Until 2:00 p. m. (N, Y. Time) Amer 8moll"s; Brk 11 T el 71 :hlceo 6 Nth West'n 7s 4..,. 103 13.. . 103U It". Da 10 4BU 10 77 10.. .. 4BH 2 78 10 40 V, 2 7K 10 4BU Chlcsao 11 laid B 78 llkyn ltPld T 4i I'ac fd Am T & T ell 7s ct Sts 1 78 (1 41 A Tel & Tel 6s 10 41 3 SOW Hky U 0 1st 11 BOH 1 70 1 81 Ilurfalo IV r A 3..... K0H I'ltt'h 44 Ani r T OS 11 70H B D0T4 Calf U 4 K Bs 03 W miVi oni 0!li r.ofi oi 70 nu; 1 nil'!. 1 87 cnllu Cop'r St 3 t0?i Cen'l of Ua en t 71 B 1)074. 1 80'i 1. ... 71 Ann Arbor 4s Cent 1 Pao 1st Chinese Qovo't 2 B0 2 .... 74' j It-K Its Bs H BO 31 78 1 4314 4 BO C'k It O 4i 4. .. 43 Atch Topeka 4 2 77 Cty New Yolk BFeli C II O o 4 Us 4s of 'BS (1 77W 3 7(tU 1 80 n 77 1 70 "i Cty Now York 0 77S C'k O cv 0s 4Us '00 2 77 10 87 10 01 in 77U 2 87 Cty New York Aich Topeka ft 7 87 4 'in '01 S I'e ov 4s rhlcnxu ll'n 4 10 0(U4 1 081 Qiuncy gm City Purls Ms Ale.h Toneka 4 1 80H 20 04 i H l'e al ChlcAio ll'n 4 2 04 7 2 72 Qulney 4s 1 04'4 7... . 72U 1 00 1 04 1 72 0 not. 2 04 12 72Mi IB 00U 1 01 "Atlanta Knox- 2 .... 00H Colo & B'n 4s villa 4 G Is B... . UO'l 1 83 4 7B 8... 00'i Compul'K T & All C I.tne 4s 2.. . 00'i Hecord'g fls 2 7H4 1 0(1 1 M'i Ml Coast U't 10... . OflH Conn'd Ons 7s rets 7 3.. . W, 2 ... WO'i 1 ... 100 14 Ghlcaito ll'n 4 1.. I).. 2.. 101 8.... lOlti Qulnoy II 4s 2 lOltt 2 81 100", 100H 100H 100S 100 ioo to Ualt 4 O.llo cv Chlengo ll'n 4 74 Qncy ret; 4s 4 74-. B 0V4 1... . 74i Chi 4 Erie 1st ? 2 71 3 82W Cuban C S cv t 01j Den 4, 11 tl fil Halt 4 O.llo 4s Chi 4 Own t 1 74 2 B774 Halt 4 O.llo 3s 8 B7V4 B .... 74 H Chi M 4 Pugt B 74 Sound 4s 1 .... 74h 11 01 Dun & O.llo 0aCJilCBo Mil 4 1 00 HIP 4a '2B 4 00' 10 8H4 B UOU 20 8114 1 0OU 3.... 81 4 II 4 O P I. I! 0 82 4 W Va 4s ft 81 '4 i OS's; ft hi ; 4 08U ft 81 2 .. . B2'4 1 filS',4 3 f2. 10 82 10 .".2 8 . .. B21. Urn 4 II ( Is 1 .... 07'1 2. ... (ITU Den 4 II O fn 1 73K Detroit Unlt'il llwy tVjs 1 ... 00 It 4 O 8 W'n 3 81 '4 Illy 3',4s 3 821, D Con B '21 '.' .. . -.8 10 82. B 7SN. ft 82' 0S UM4 B ' 78 2 8'J'4 I) Can ft 14 '21 nil 4 O Tol 4s dilcaito Mil 4 r. os BtP cv 4'4h D Canada 'SO ft... 7I 8 n. 10 . .. nr-s II . . O.Ms II ..r OS'S. 1.. ft.. 02 . 4.. Bl.. 10.. ft.. ft.. 10.. 74 7fl 71'. 7IT4 7S 7ft'i D Canada "M 1 01 2 110 Dominion He public 8s ft ... 81 10 . 81 'i Brio Gojil Men 1. . II) Rrle II U cv n 1 . 4S. Urle II n cv P 8 ft2 Rrlo ny C 4i ft M 7ft4 7V4 7ft ' 7ft'i 7Si Oileauo Mil 4 StP fd 4V4" 2 . . . . Oft S OftV. Chicago Mil 4 SIP cv Bs 3 74'4 Inventors Manufacturers have Lo3t Fortunes In Miniifiictiirlne Thilr Products hy Antlquutcil. Slow. Hand ProeeSf Cunsult us on your manufacturing prob lems, eliminate hand operations. MACIUNi: A' TOOL HKSIONINO CO. Deslgnen and i:ngiirern 410 W'llnut St., Phila. llrll. Lorn. 070 To Holders of Cities Service ;s Company Convertible Gold Debentures Series C, Seven Per Cent IIolderB of the nbove Del ntures may convert, vn November 1, 1020, or on tho first dav of any month thereafter, ten per centum flOO nf the nseregato principal nmount of Series C Dibrnturus owned by them respectively on October 1. 11)2(1. Conversion must be request- ' ed by such owners prior to November 1, 1 1020, or prior to the llrst day of any month thereafter, and upon dellvory by them on or 1 l.iforo November 1 1020, or on or before the Orst day of any month thereafter, of the Debentures no desired to he converted (prop erly endorsed. If registered) to II, nry L. Dnlierty 4 Company, Fiscal Agcnti, such Debentures will bo converted Into Cities Ser- , vice Company Preferrtd and Common Stocks on the basts set forth In said Debentures, certiorate for which stocks will be Issued nnd transmitted to such owners In tho, amounts respectively due. Henry L. Doherty & Company Fiscal Agents, Cities Service Company 00 Wall Street. Now York Dated, October 20. 1020. as shown below err: u78 5 IB.. .. 30 4 Bll 1 BO'.i II . . . Bll llrll Tel 7 wl 10 ... 100 8 . . 100 .'. ... 100 111 ... 100 10 .. 10l 1 . 100 2 . . 100 0.. . 1110 1 . . 00 20 ... 100 ft .. 100 Bethlo'm Steel Bs of '30 ft . 70Vi Hrkljn It T 7- 10 40 Eldredge & Co. 7 Wall Street New York ft B0U a boh Hen' I Eleo Bt 1 80 Oove'l French llUnhat'n E'd 1 ft . . B. . . 08 V 08 08 4 s ata 7 r,-; 1 B7i 1. ... B8U St Louis 4 S Fran In Itcp rets Mich Ctl d 4s 1. 1. B. 30. 10. 1. 3 30. BS ftft B4, ftft B.I 84 BB 10.. 10.. 10.. IB.. 0.. 0.. ft.. B.. ft.. 1.. 102 4 80N lOi'i 102 102H 102 102 lOi 102H 102 1024 102'4 102V4 102'4 102 V. Mln 4 St Ij Is 0 .... 484 M 4 mi. fd 4s 1 34 Mln Bt P 4 fl te H 4 s 1 81 bi; St I. 4 8 Fran Mo K 4 T 4s Series C 10 80 10.. 02 14 B2K li 02S 02 02 H 02 03 fl'J, 03 03 6.... 3.... 10.... IB,... 20.... 3.,,. 1..., 2.... 81 Louis 4 Bo .1. 3. 1. 12. I. 1. Wesl'n cr. 1 .... 0T 0 OS 2 0B ft 0ft 7..... 05 102 102H io:i O Pwlia'd rets SI Louis ft ri 2.... 101 2 103 1.... 10311 West'n Bs 1 .. . or, 2. B. 03 Seab'd A I, nj Hud 4 Man M M K 4 T n.des t 43 SO.. .. 43 Benb'd A I. fd 2.. .. 03U 1 .... 03 1 03 10 ft2l Mu Pac gm Is 3 f.8 10 B8 1... . 68 28 . 40 Hud 4 Man In 10. .. 14 III Central fd Seaboard A L Station 4s 3 .... ft8 4 .... BIS 2... . SO B'n Pacific fd Mo Pac Bs '21 1 70 1 01 111 Cen'l 4s '.". 1 .... 74 Mont Pow'r 8s 2 8ft I Ctl Bt Ii 4 N 3.. . 84 2 77 3 . . 77 O Jt lids Bs Nat'l nwys of 3 83tt Mexico la B 20'j 10 27 S'n Pac cv 4s Ind'n Steel Bs 4 00 IB . .. 78 1 . .. 70 10 .... 78 8 78 lntnu M 414 s New O's Tex 4 14. 23 4 Moxlco 3a 1 03 1.. 20.. 1.. 4.. 1.. 2ft.. ft.. 10.. 10.. 20.. 1.. ft.. B.. 10.. IB.. 23.. a., ft.. 23 . 1.. 22 82 22 22 22 23 22 S'n Pao cv fts N Y U 4 11 it 10.... 102 IB.... 102 10 .. 101 30. .. 102 31.... 102 10.... 101 n 11 4s 2 81 N Y C 4 a n n R en 4s 1 20 72 N Y C 11 lt 33 21 23',; 24 241,4 21 24 24 81 24 'A 2',4 23 S'n Rallw's 4s n II 4s 3 78 B 0.1 1 03 ft .. . 01 1 03 B . . 03 N Y C'4 11 1. It n 10.. IB.. 20.. 3ft.. 1.. I 03 M li.l B'n Rallw's fts 1.. .. 80 03 Tenn Coal I'n 0.1 03 ij R 11 CO OS I) 00 4. 031 iT.iIrd Avo a) N Y C 4 It 11 3ft Vl lft 30 30 M 30 30 30 Vi 30 30 30 R R ct ft.. 1.. 20.. I.. 20.. 10 1.. 1. 20. . 1.. lft.... 10.' 3 102 1 IU2 10 . 102 N Y Chi 4 Ht Louis d 4i 8 71 3 71 N Yk Llgt II 30 30 30 4 Pow'r 4s 0. !0 1 71 N Yk Light II Third Avo 4s 4... 30... I... I... 80. . . 1. . 1... II... 17..'.' 10... 10... 10 .. 10 .. ft .. 2ft .. . 10 .. S... 4 Pow'r fts 4 83 ft ft ftfti; n.M, SS'i 2 Union Pac cv 3... . 83 Union Pao 4s 3 .... 81 1 81 8 8l'i. New Y N 11 4 llart'd Gs 3 . . 81 ftft New York O 4 ftft nr. .-.0 f.n ftR't ftcllj r,fl B0 Westn 4 s 1. . . 01 N Y IUujh Bs 0 81 1 81 I .. . 0V, N'k 4 W'n 4s 4. ... 7V N'k 4 W cv Us 2ft. .. 101 B ... 101 Union Pac Us 1 100 U K of a Urt 4 I'd 1021 1 08 10 08 8H 08 1 08 0 03 BO'j B0 B0 no?, r.o N'k 4 W Po's Coal Co 4i 10. ... 80 N"n Pacific in s 7R K of O url r,n!J Oreg 4 C.U ft ft"i 10 . . snl It I'd lozn 4 .80 7 '80 1 80 1 80 I... . 08 U K of O Hrt t, I'd 1017 B 88 3... . 88 10 . 8. ft. . 1.. SOV 0 80 no ftfl Orcuoti S L 0s 1 08 4. 30', Pao 11 4 K us 1 M Marino Rs 1 . . 83 ft 82 0 70 Pa lilt gm I 1 83 1.... 83 Den 4 R (J 4s 2. .. 07 Jap Govo't 1st lft 7414 10 . 7iu lft .. . 74H ft .. . 71 20 . 71 . 71 1 83 10. 1. 88 Pa RR 4 '21 2 08 88 88 87 8 08 Pennu II 11 fts 2 .... 01 U Mxlc 4s ft . ... 02 1 ... Ill', I II'! 1 ...: 01 1 01 2 02 1 . . SI'. Ut'd R'ds San Jan Covet 2nd F unci 4s 10 .. 20 B ... 80 3 . .. 74 0 74 10.. .. 741. 10... . 7j ft . . 71 U rf Realty 4 rmiia II I! Impv t 3s ft... . 81 101 lll.'i 101 10 It, 101 111-. 104', 101 101 101 2, .... 74 U Rub'r Bs Jaj Uuvo't l 3.... 77 1 ft 11 r, U S Rub 7s 3... 08 3 ... 08 8 01 3 . 0S 1. .. r.7 Knn C 4 S 3s 10 Knn C 4 3 ft . . . ft .... ftl S Bs U'd 9 Steel Bs 74 71 74 11 .01 -i 32 . . 0.1 4 . 03 lllft Peoples Ons L 4 C Co Bs 1 .. . 70 Utah 4 N'n 4s B 74', 47 K Ilelg 0s '2ft Heading Rv 4. Vlr'n Carolina 1 02 3 . . . . 81 Chim It 1 02 L, Ilelg m 7s 0 84 10 10 ', 3 King' I2lev 1 . 100 . . 10ft Rep Cuba 4s Va Un'lwny 4 ! ... 001 Power fts ft 110 Wes n l!ir ft' 3 04 West'n Ml 4s lft ftO 1 1 r.o Wheeling 4 I Hrlo 4s 10 I'.n 1in Herubllo Cuba I no HUH Bs of '04 3 70i ino Rock If II Ark County d. Is 4 Lu 4 s 1... . 118 I . . . . US 3 0.1 1 Il -.4 I.lg't 4 Myers T Co Ss 3 ... 80 Sun Antonla 4 lis m Co cv Long Isl R fd A P Ry 4 3 02 3 81 ' 1 hft o sr. 7 "-ft'li ft . . 8ft 1. . . 73 Lnrlllard C ft. St L Pn Mt i S'n Illy fts 1 88 2 ... f8 St Louis 4 S Fran a) 2 OS 0 ... 82 La 4 Nnsh 4s ft ... . 83 8 . . S3 l.ou 4 Nash 7 1 . . 101 10 101 Wilson Co 1st K7'i s;4 S7, (N v v .. .... Illsh Low Liberty !l',s .... !lf.H4 !ll!.(it) ! time) U'1.1 a in ll'J.M) 110.00'J IIO.Sll Wl. IS 1111.10 SMUG Liberty 1st , , 110.00 SII.Sl) Liberty I'd -I'is . SII.70 !)..-,:! Libertj ltd I'ih . 111.00 II0.MI Liberty -llh 4i,s . S!)..-S NI.4I1 Virtory Note .'Wis 1111.10 IHi.-lll Victory Note -l:)4s D0.4S '.10.10 BAR SILVER Uar silver was ITsil higher In London loduy tit 53 Utf. Interborn Mel ct 4V4 10 .... 21 10 21 VI 10 21 14 81-4 10 21 1 21 2 21", 3. 00 M'.'.'.Y. 22 10 22 Iniboro It T fd INTERNATIONAL WVriV M IlMlk,VtlllJlMU I va 3 H l - REGULAR SAILINGS Through Bills of Lading Issued PHILADELPHIA to s. s, Munition Lass .. . Ott. 30 PHILADELPHIA to RIO S. S. Kuliatlon I.uss 3" PHILADELPHIA to FRENCH ATLANTIC PORTS S. S. Nrilniuc . Noi, 20 Lafayette Building, Philadelphia .Main 3115 I.oiulmrd 3643 JOHN L. MERRILL, Proi. Route your mettaget "Via All America," which word are trantmitted free by all telegraph companiet. raf(aaHHi! SAHTO. A wKSKi'rmM J Most of our coffee Is shlppe 1 If tStTJvSis j, jrll I from Santos, lirnzll Iiniiurtu II GOSSIP OF THE STREET There wns a eood ileal In tho nlr yes lerdoy In bonking circles about new linnnclng projects of one kind or an other. It wns reported flint both Hrnr.ll nml t'tthn were seekltiR lonns here, the one for $-10,000,0()0 in the IntercBt of coffee nnd tho other $100,000,000 In that of siignr. Nothing tlellnltc about cither fnnic to bond. It Is generally appre ciated that Botnc of the strongest coffee nnd mignr houses hove been hit hard by the recent drastic slump lu these two prominent commodities. There U a story tlmt one prominent noffoo house, which only a few years ngo wns presenting hnndsome bonuses to tho mniingcrs of their branches and whlrh firm only a yrnr ngo tore out the old brick front of their establishment nnd replaced it with white marble, 1h virtually on their knees hoggin for mercy from the bnnk. Many of the larger sugar dealers nrc not much better on, nnil pcrnnps it would be no exag geration to vny tnnt a number oi other big denlers In other commodities have been spending uncomfortable, nights and trying (lays. The delliitlon process linn not been a linpny one, largely because a great mnny foolishly t-nw lit to buck nn nlinost Irre sistible current nnil, its a result, have on their hnnus greatly extended Inven tories nt prices thnt almost spell bnnk ruptcy if forced sales were made nt this time. Much of It. no mutter what else is said, hns been pure and simple greed. A grcnt mnny, apparently, dwelt In a fool's pnradlsc nnd labored under the hallucination thnt the dnys of big profits and big prices were endless. Some blnme hns been placed on the phntilders of the hnnk. A few may have been guilty, but testimony to be obtained almost every day in banking parlors, nhows thnt enrnest effort wns made to save many from just such n po sition In which they now 11ml theins'.-lvrs. Mnny turned a denf ear tn good, soun I business advice nml nre now squealing like stuck pigs at the price they must pay for their indiscretion nnd narrow views. Tcnnsy Shareholders nt High Mark Pennsylvania Railroad shareholders Increased 877 in September, reaching n totnl of 12!),- 10 on October 1. a new high record. During tho pnst twelve months the number of shareholders hns lurrensed 15,8511. The average holding on October 1 was 77. "JO. as compared with ii.iii on f?ctcmuor, nlso a new record. Since the return of the mll roads by the government on March 1 last the number of shareholders has Increased by 70." I. During September women stockholders Increased by 117 to Ol.ROtt As compared with a year ago, thev show nn iucrenve of 011G Of even greater interect is the Increas ing propoition of stock held by women shareholders. In the lost tin oo years the percentnge of Mock held by women hns incrensi'd ns follows : October. 1017. 2S.-1!) per cent: October, 101R. IKI.-in per cent: October. 11)1'). .'lO.l'J per cent, nnd October. 11)20, I'l.O." per cent. In other words, women share holders hnvo increased their Interest in the company in the Inn three years liv $12,800,000 nnd now hold Sl.ri3,2."0.060 of the .f.'OO.OOO.OOO par stock outstand ing. Amount of stock held by foreign holders continues to drc'ine. the per centnge of foreign -held stock on Oc tober 1 being but 1 (' per cent, ns com pared wiin i. iv per cent a year ago. It is also interesting to note the steady concentration of Pennsylvania, shares lu the state of IVnu.sylvnniii. Of the lfi.RTiO new holders ot Pennsylvania shares which were milled to the books during the last twelve months 1 1 .400 of them were residents of the state of I'ennsylvaulu The Trader. RAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN NATION". UAI1.WAY3 lO'.'n lncius Snicmil week Octfilif-r '.' HOI S02 ISH8,91.) From January 1 . 79 HUH s.' s smi ns hTKAMMIII' NdTlt'UH EARN-LINE incorporated 1301 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Stcameri General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia-Manchester SS"Dss Moines Bridge". ..Oct. 25 Philadelphia Havana ! SS "Lake Galera" Loadmi ! S. S. "Lake Fernando" Oct. 25 ' For rates and particulars apply to ' Earn-Line Steamship Co. j 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. NEW YORK to ROTTERDAM Via Plymouth and BouIogne-sur-M:r Rjrndam Oct. 27 Dec. 1 Rotterdam Nov. C.Dec. 11 Noordtm Nov. 17 New Amsterdam Nov. 23. Dec. 28 1'nssrnirrr llllne. 1.131 Walnut St., rhlls. CAUTION NOTICES Marin:!; -I III: CUTAIN nor ourr, of tlm Hucdtsti Steanui Itoileii now IXrr in riillniloluhlu Hill stand responsible far anv debt contruLU'd hv br rrew. noni:itT iinucij. xraster. TJi AsTTVl RIVER PLATE PORTS . S. t'nlull n,, a JANEIRO & SANTOS . s' s' fi'lull Nov -n 170 Broadway, New York Curt In nil UII1 of cortee airqreBatlnB 1.417 - 000,000 pounds, valued ut J31 1,4 77,000. during year rmtnl Juno topa the record mndo In 1017 of 1,322. 000.00J pounrts. valued lit J133 BOO, 000 T'U, nvcrnKO price of coffee received In 1020 una 22 cents a pound nKalnst 13 7 centH n pound in 1919 nnd 11 cents In 1911. ALL AMERICA CABL " hn contributed In the devel opment of trade between the America,'), 3m BTTCAMiHir' NOTICK1 c U M M I N LINES U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA TO ROTfERDAM AND ANTWERP SS "Bonnie Brook" Oct. 25 ROTTERDAM TO PHILADELPHIA SS "Arizpa" Oct. 25 PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG AND BREMEN SS "Gateway City" Loading PHILADELPHIA TO CONSTANTINOPLE AND BLACK SEA PORTS A Steamer as sufficient cargo offers For tpaee and rale apply A. D. CUMMINS & CO., Inc, 139 South 4th St., Phila.. Pn. H. P. Dilkes. Manager Lombard fK"-412S-Htr,7 :: Main ISIS The GHALES I. EfflEGEE CO, Agents for U. S. Shipping Board 100 A-l Sleamers Philadelphia to Scandinavian Ports Christiania, Gothenburg, Copenhagen SS "FORT ARMSTRONG" Loading Oct. 20 SS "ORONOKE" Loading Nov. 15 (Other Scandinavian and Baltic Ports if sufficient cargo offers) Philadelphia to Greek, Adriatic & Black Sea Ports Piraeus, Patras, Salonica, Venice and Trieste A STEAMER Loading Nov. 10 (For Black Sea Ports if sufficient cargo otfers) Loading Berth: Pier 78, South Wharvoi For Rales and Spaco Apply to The CHARLES T. EV3EGEE CO. Drcxcl Building, Philadelphia Lombard 5100-1-2S Main SOB, WiWEobiKrvc the ways of other men. No more t'nlcrcsN"5&2U?S 0 and educational vc European countries. Routt your Carmania . Calabria y Mauretania 5aonia . . Inkula .... Aquitania Norman Monarch ....Philadelphia" Liverpccl Nct. 5 K. A. Victoria New York" Liverpool Nov. C Dec. 4 Jan 1 Columbia New York" Londonderry and Glasgow ...Nov. G Dec. 11 Jan. IS Pannonia New York" Patrai, Dnbrovnik & Trieste Nov. 9 Imperator New York " Cherbourg and Southampton. .Nr.v. 11 Dec. 9 Jan. IS Vasari New York" Liverpool Nov 11 I Caronia New York "Plymouth and Cherbourg. . Nov. 25 Jan. 1 Nsvsrino Philadelphia ' Liverpool Dec. 4 I'usseucrr unit I'rt-lclit Srrilre-.. l"or lutor huIIIiirs atiply lit Peisiienscr Office, 1300 Wrilnut St., Phila. I I . Freight Office. ii ii i in ,, i" tsaaatsszaa IIdeal $ Aboard Trans-Atlantic Liners BWEST IKRIES WINDtVARD .51MDS PAKMSV3A CANAL BI'IXIV Six Criilsrs from New York, W H I f E STAR LI H E Twin Strew Manner MEGANTIC 14.878 Tons Register 20 170 Tons Displnomont AMERICAN LIT!.: Tnln Mrf Mnimrrs NEW YORK ST. PAUL lO.L'oo "luns Hcel--t'r lrt no Tons I splaren.ent JANUARY 12-21-22 FEBRUARY 10-12-21 MARCH 12-23 lS2l INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE CO. CRUISE DEPARTFEHT ....i.hj. ,i..;iil.ulv;,WT.llMlMllJl.viT-vi- ii mmmn,mtj FRENCH LINE CompaRnie Generale Transatlanlique Iniinrd nnil niitwnrd Tnst rrtlcht Strnmirs Regular Service (CARGO ONLY) PHILADELPHIA TO LE HAVRE AND BORDEAUX AND OTHER FRENCH ATLANTIC PORTS SS "NORTHERN" (Br.) 7500 tons stI 100-A-I To Inml plrr 30 .Sjiitli. rjirilnl,,i Joim".. M'TOHi:il -iWl ullll tpsUr AGENTS NEV YORKOCEANIC COMPANY. INC. 1 r l(j(ri nnil Sfmre Annly GEYELIN & COMPANY (Inc.), Philadelphia Representative, 108 SoiUli Fourth Street NAWSCO LINES Freight Service Between PHILADELPHIA and LOS ANGELES IIARROR, SAN FRANCISCO. SEATTLE, TACOMA, PORTLAND West Hound Steamer Eaat UoundtWest Hound Stc-mer East Hound (lit Sinasla Nov. It No.20 , . .llrtibli. . Dec. Artiiras Dec. 1") r...s I., ...I t. ... l ' I'luiimi, oi-.iii it iiiui i iifttni.'l u'llV tPoes not ro North of San Kranc s-oo h'nr Kutett, rtr.. .ppl lu NORTH ATLANTIC Audita I 13(5 S. Fourth St., Phila. Special Yachting Cruise Leaving New York Nov. 6th, Returning Dec. 1st Ni;w iiliiriHii c c FOOT 5. S. FORT TWIN ai'llliW -. w. .w.. , ..Vlx.r !I,I'..( I.MI.NT llio ciuu,' toierlns more than S.OOII mllrs. Is n in-if.ct achlln tilii, ihuMIv in tho lovely I'arlbliean Sea und with Ihu islunds In niklit of .am ii'Iut Tho rtrsi lull Mill ho lit Anirrlru s new Island posssluns, tit Tlivmus Hnd Ht Crlon mlv four diiya from Now Ynik. thence tn 81, Ivlits and Aniiicuu (Ilnitllsh). lluuda Ioum ml Jfartinluuii (Kremhl. Ht l.u, la. ll.ubados. Trinidad. Dumliilea ilSi luiiinl slid Son Juiim. 1'nrto Itu-o lAmerliiui). kii,i, I'sssenirers will hne tlmn to hve the various points of Interest nt all Islnnrfs Th stenmer Is sour hotel mid hns many Uip r ilerk rooms titled with beds and rrlmie batlia, hot und cold runiilnu wuler nnd eli-clrlc funs In ull riwims Lroad nroinensde ileiks, nnil the cuisine Is the ery best. Hates for tho round cruise Inrluil'ne MHternom hertli and meals. I"TS on .n,i linviftrdu. nirnrHlnii In nr-iNimtniiflntlnii f . full t,u p,l...l . ... ...,..,.. . ' ' '" , vr..... . .-.-.-..... ...,,.. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP CO., FimNnBB. WITHY L CO.. LTD.. WTBAMHtllP' TtOTf CTM S c opportunity r men. No more can be found the trip icution can be found than a trip to Sltl t'a Cm ii' d." New York to Liverpool Oct. 23 Nov. 20 Dec. 18 Ne,v York '' Gibraltar, Naples, Patrat, Dubrovnik & Trieste.Oct.23 New York" fhettocrg and Southampton. .Oct 28 . New York" Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg. .Oct. 30 Dec. 3 Philadelphia " London Oct. 30 ..New York Cherbourg and Southampton Nov. 2 Nov. 23 Dec. 14 Bourse lildg., Phila. u-ji.n lUi'smn s- ISES UY AWiEKICM .i.Y sn.i:cTi:i pout', or cw.i. Tho IrlllM", irom -civ urirnns, THE LARGEST STEAMERS TO THE TROPICS 1310 WALNUT ST., PHILA. Knriniifinlil Jan. 5 .Ian 20 Feb. 1 1 Dec. 20 Lelii'trh .' Dec. DO ...West form... 1 r . . n & WESTERN S. S. CO. h '' 11 mill Phones Lombard 501.5; Main 8.13 West Indies VICTORIA AirTODIA r II 000 1IIh . , ...,, ,-r.. ,,, u,l., I, Ui,JT in SI Whitehall Kt New Ynrk ru. nOUflflB DLDO.. I'lllMPBLPHtA. rA. r.ff 0 "VI ' ,. T''i 1 A' 'a t. f. -J K n ? M fil t v tt ' t&t 3 :V ii1". U" r ' K-t