wmmmmmmm .j'lmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmm 3h "v- v" l-mfv-"-7, ,- ' wvv"- .Fr T JsTTTT-Mf-v.-TTYr', -v " CI ' VVf'! II. Y It '' i ' j I 1' l'l " ( -,. ,. " . ' 'T ' . , .V i , '. . ?. " '.". " - ' . A'S, V- ' EVElSriXG PUBLIC LEDCrtilRr-PHILAtoBLPflli DilXJRSnAT, OGTOER 21, lOSO' '.IS ' r- lift h, Ui ft 5S. Servlcn and Stability Our Title Department Is now operating in the addition to our building just completed for its use. The convenience n n d comfort of the new quar ters will ndd to the cfll clcncy of that dcpait ment and enable it to render a scrvlco even more prompt and satis factory than in the past. We will be very glnd to have you call and inspect the improvements which wo have made. Integrity Trust Company Fourth nnd Green Streets MARKET STIL A WAITING MOOD Capital Surplus fi Profit. , . $500,000 .$1,770,000 Wc Offer SEARS ROEBUCK & CO. 7r- serial i()I.l NOTK.S Those notes arc the direct obligation of the Company nnd constitute its only funded debt. PRICES 1921 maturity. 99.20 Yield 7.S."re 1922 maturity, 9S.72 Yield 7.70rr 1923 maturity. 9S.41 Yield 7.G0'f Elkins, Morris & Co. Land Title Hldg Phlla. f f IIHI I IMfcllWHIIKIIIBI I I I III I II I IIIHHWm THE SALARIED MAN'S ' Is the title of a new booklet Just Issusd by our Investment De partment. Written in simple nor), technical language, it outlines the requirements of salaried people and tells how to Invest their savings to the beM advan to Be. Your copy is waiting for you. Write for CIO. GUT. JIM & IMQVERft Members Phlla. Stock Exchange 1130 So. I'enn Si Phila. Spruce 6416 Race 3092 New York 32 Broadway lilll!ililiilii!fjlillllllillill!!llilllllllll!!ij Sears Roebuck & Co. Serial T'c Notes Bethlehem Steel Co. 1 ", Marine Equipments Wisconsin Elec. Power Co. 1st Mort. Gtd. 7jri Bonds Particulars upon requext Reed A. Morgan & Co. Wmt rd Truyi Bda , Vhlln. Members ' ih l'hiu. M.,k Uxh. -.Ulllll I.U.ILmtUiJXi imi I 31 . . 5 Argentine Government 4 Bonds Yield about 10y2 Ttedecmnblp ty larire annual S.nk. Inc Fund p.ivments. Price M25 and interest per JO0 m u nut. i Normally ;'J73) j Circular ov rcquert Fairman & Company Drexel Hldj;., I'hilu. r I-.i-tulillnlird 100 C e rtiiiiiiiiiiini nrmrrn inn irri" riisiMil ii lamsi nlifcimsiiiisiiwiMaii iniMiH mmn an ixroAir. i ON i OUR SYSTEMATIC SAVINGS PLAN Our im i . t Kiur.g fu I ilr ii.s, tojthr with i r I ur Inw.tmwit miii.v h free up n i. -n.'s' Scott & Stump IntrMmrnt Hfrtirltl STOCK h(llMii; IK u. nixo l'hIl.i(Hjlil:i. I'.i. 10 r!rltnni I'lnre Srw York CfmOMlllf tin J rhimtifbiirit, I'a, n 1 1 ii mil i'ir mjtmwjummmnMmBam GHANDLER&GOMPANY ptii Franldin Bank Eldff. Philadelphia Kw Tark nostoo Anclo-South American DAINlU MITEL) Jvw York AKfnrj, 40 llrondwar S3 Unmchcs in South America One Uranch in Mexico 8 Office a in Europe Dlrrrt Pnnrrrtionf With India Obscure Issues Score Notable Gains, While Usual Loaders Hang Fire Now Yorli. Oct. 21. The wnitiiiR ! rhnrnctrr of the current speculation wni innrc clrnriy drlinctl In toilny s stock innrket. Imtiontrd in the further ir- ! rcRitlarlty In price ninvcmeut nnd nlo I in the further contraction of denllcns , nnd nnrrnwlnc of the trndln? opern- 1 tlons. This nppllcil ropeclnlly to tlie more rcpreentatlvr Ismioh of hoth the Imluitrlnl nnd rni.rond dtvinlnni ns the more notnhle movements occurred In th lenser nnd Ronernl obscure shares of the vnrlous proups. Otirinc the best part of the inornlnc the prnernl lNt put n KtroiiR front on apparent continued ' covering of the abort Intereit. but to wnrd mlddny there wn n cenernl In I'linntion sliown to slide off. News recanting the Kngllsh labor situation wna regarded ns more rens siiring mninly In the decision of the 1 rnilrond workers to defer strike action until the lait means hud been exhausted to bring about an adjustment or at lent a conipronilxe In the coal miners controversy. Advices of further curtail ment of Industrial activity especially in t the textile Hues and atniinted Industries ttcrc offset to some extent by the ex i'eeil!ugly fnvornble showing by the Re public Irou and Sttel Co. for the third i quarter. Ilxcept for the abundant sup ply of call funds at 7 per cent, there , was mi essential change in money mar 1 ket conditions. As in the three preenl , Ing days, technical rather than funda 1 mental conditions were the governing factor in shaping the course of Uuetun tions. It was evident, however, from the conduct of the market tlita the more influential traders and larger financial interests woie still strongly disposed to await the outcome of the Kng'ish labor crisis and the meeting of American Irou nnd Steel Institute on Friday before extending activities. This ci iKcquuntly lett tlie market largely in the hands of I the small fry traders and it was their , scalping operations that easily account , for the hesitating and irregular aspect of the general list. . Tlie opening was steady on very light I dealings. Changes: among the us-ual ' leaders were limited to tha smallest ! fractious but cmoug what the street is I prone to call the cats and the drnj-tLere I were much wider movements. tth iu I perceptible increns" of trading the market made further upvvuid progicv during the morning. Oils, tobaccos ami ' utilities continued to stand out. Mcxi jean petroleum. Itojnl dutch, American tobacco "B", retail stoics. United llail I ways preferred anil Brooklyn I'niun gas rose to almost live points. Crucible I steel. Harvester preferred, Miars, Hon j buck, Pittsburgh coul uud obscure rail", I particularly Colorado Southern Chicago, j St. l'aiil. .Minneapolis uud w.uiilm and St. I.ouis Southwestern coiiuii'Mi and preferred gained one to three points but the more representative rails showed little change. Copper and paper is sues were the only heavy shares vhi?h was explainable in the report of further cut In sale prices of the red metal. Sales being reported today at l.'i'j cents. The cheaper rui.s of the western and soiitiiwcst'rn group:, uud local tractions extenib-d their gain at middn.v, but ttculs, equipments, leathers uud tome of the food issues reacted 1 to II points. Beading lid nrefe.'led dropped live i points on comparatively few transac tions. LOCAL DEALINGS j DULL, BUT BROADER I Spirited Rise in Drill of Over 6 Points Utilities in Favor Apart from o few inactive shares the price movement in today's local market were unimportant. While the volume of business was nut large the distribu tion of the dealings was exceptionally good, the entire local list being repre sented, though most of the transactions were made up of small odd lots. The utility group continued to hold foremost attention as the decision of thu Public Sen ice Commission in the Phila delphia Rapid Transit fare case lias served to turn favorable attention to all the other utility companies. While the street was still disposed to suspeud judgment until President Mitten had given his views on the fare ruling, the majority were inclined to take a more fnvoruble interpretation of the increase granted, even though it was recognized as temporary expedient. Dialings in Philadelphia Rapid Tran sit stnek and affiliated itucs fell off materially, but the prices of all the issues were much fiimcr. I'nited (ias Improvement recovered a small frac tional part of yesterday's recessions be cause of the disappointment of the bill calling for the investigation of the local cas Munition. Philadelphia Electric Hinimnii continued to display the fame lemnrkable strength, crossing "It to J.'l The new preferred reieipts were .tlsu a shade higher at -7!,i. It was among the Inactive stocks the vvicle changes occurred. J. ('. Brill made nuother spirited tise of OVi points to !'.. while (Jeueral Asphalt preferred v.a- jjU at i2 on broader trading. Ameri can (ins on small sales lost a point. .Molding to 4U. I.ake Superior was heavv, derlining to 1 1 . Electric Stor age. Penn-ylvnnin Salt, Lehigh Naviga tion and American tSores were steady. Siunll fractional gains were made by the iwo Tonopuh issues. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yotli. Oct. 121. Sharp advances in tin- Brazilian markets promoted a v avi nf ciivnnng nnd new buying at the peniug of tlie local coffee futures mar ket this morning, which resulted in nd Miii' i - of 11 tn 2,'l niiuts on the opening call. December, alter opening nt T.-i 1c. sold u)i 7. ."), or l."0 points above last week's io-e The market continued lt.s advance after the opening mid, at 11 o'clock. 1 prices wer G to 11 points above Initial figures Sentiment wemed to bo con siderably Improved, based upon a be lief that LOinu spec al action would be taken by the Unizlliun government look ing toward nubility In pries of coffee , m the primary markets. , IN T Time) i los Cipn Hum. 1 Ic 1 WtlT &0 7 40'aso 7.S3S35 M.irch .. . ' UUWS 00 s ISffi'O 8.1U .. iii s ao?.s.ai s :,o'i .i-j my . StiOUStfl sMtVnS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Balm 00J 200 0.10 103 too 1100 too too Hi 100 ,100 Ml On) toi 5.10 101 13)1 101 iJO m,i 311 tan io 41) 401.) .190 105) fill ton too 110 200 20 .) 7M ?DI 200 100 ID Mil II 10 .110 1.1)0 1)3 21 II 110 30 J 1 700 3)0 till 311 2)3 soon 101 as in inn too 21 no .1)0 JIM 211) mo 101.1 2 10 H.t id l'J03 11.1.1,1 I) .il) 121 GG0 4,1.1 IS 10 1731 Vtl.1 iroi) 4101 1 II too VT) u,:;oo 100 41(1!) mi.i 4M 21) 40J 10 1 1 100 . no i'ii 100 7'0 ' SIO 100 101 10(1 too 411 r? ii 2)0 2)0 211 .no fill S'JI 300 100 401 100 100 10.) 10)1 1221) 40 10 109 tJI) 7)0 101 11U0 1011 .11) 2S10 10') It ill) 101 S11 2)1 22H0 1201 1810 200 1011 .100 10) 100 too D!v. In t 7 7 1 7 8 7 12 7 80 7 0 r, 3 0 llldh Alaska Gold Mines... 1M Alaska Juneau O M.. Ui Allied Chcm & Dye... 60'i Allied Chem A Dye pf 004 Allls.aialmers MH rtilg-chalmcrs of 7Vi A" Agrlc Chem tOJi Am Can asVi " can pf 87H m Car A Pdv l' Jtn Car & Fdy pf....l08U Am nrUff Sj11 on Am Ii ,i0 A Leather. . 10U " Mine & Lcnthcr pf C" 4 .1 7 in 8 20 50 7 Hli 'Vi 70 li C7 14 ' tK . aV4 , r,7Vi 81 , .t7! . S7t , .100H ..tM' ..tnnri 2!i 4 27 0s .ssjj !S 7 7 3.30 4 8 C 10 120U 41?i 3j f5 123i 12!--. 2 ?: 4T.H 1.20 0 Ant r A"' lernntcorp!!.' Am Linseed a Iroemotlvo .... Am Safety Ha?or . . . " onip s Q0rri Am R,.t & ttef Am Steel Foundries. , Am Sugar lief Am Sumatra Tob..., Am Ta b. n.i Am Tobacco ." Am Tobacco B. jro it- Am Wmi.. ...'. ,. ilnin K Inner PI. : -, -s.niua i.onper oo;ii Asso Dry Goods Asso Oil AJm, Top&'s.'.i-'taF .?n.til n'r Atlantto 10' ' .!. n.tl0. Con. Line. . . 97',5 V... "f.'"1 7 pf...l07 n ? i?nIes Corp S Baldwin LKJcomot.vo ..IU?i g t & Ohio I;;.; liethlehem Motora ... J n! MPiem Steel 8 ptl04i4 nethlohem Steel U.... 72"4 looti, FshcrIe3 ,;j4 r. i yn na,l,, Transit. 13 Hrkyn lit ctfs of dep ir,t2 Jikl.vn Union Cas.. . ti Hume uros .. n7 nutterlck ..','.'. ujj Hutto A Superior Con 1 Cvldo Central O & It 2!l' ii.ornia Fucking ... C2 -nnniiian Pacific Central Leather . Central Leather pf C-entral of .V j Cerro dc Fasco cop. .. ninndler .Motors . . . . Chesapeike & Ohio... fill St B ill Pf ctfs.... hicajfo & i,t U'ci4... ChciKo & Gt Went pf '. lileacii .rn t. n. rJ1!0?,1 M" ft St P'vt. fS'i " "-"'nine tool .. 7s'o (.hlcajjo Northwestern 82' Cbl K I & Pnc 3f).5 Cbi St P. Minn HO... 71 'i C.i P. I fi Pac 0 Pf, 7iii,i r.u , ' ' " Iac ' Pf. Mn copper Clilno Copper Ccca-Cola Col & Southern...'.'.'. Col Graphophone Consolidated Gas , Con Interstate Cal M. Continental Candy . . . Continental Insurance Corn Products Itef ("odrn & Co Crucible steel Cuban Cane Sugar Cuban Cane Sugar pf. Cuban Amer Sugar. . . Denver & nio Grande, Denver & Wo G pf . . . Homo Mines ...... nik Horn Coal Kndicott-Johnson . . . . nncUcott-.Iohnson pf. .. Krle Erie 1st pf .' Krle 2d pf Fi3k Itubber Ooston Wms & Wli. . General Cigar General Klectrlc Genrr.il Motors General Motors pf. . . Gen Motors deb 6 . . . Gen Motors deh 7ei . . Goodrich H P no U 7 Great Northern nt sstj . . Gulf Mobile & Nor. . . lfiij 4 Haskell & Barker Car. C7J . . Hendee ctfs 21 . . Houston Oil Co 1C4 1 Hupp Motor Car i:u; 30 Indlahoma rte 74 7 Illinois Central ; 4 Inspiration Con Cop. . :)? . . Inter Con Corp Jj . . Inter Con Corp pf 17 7 Int Harvester pf toil . . Int Mer Marine 17 fl Int Mer Marine pf 71 7 Int Harvester new... .101) . . International Paper. . 70 0 Inter Paper pf stpd... 71 . . International Nickel.. 17'; . . Invincible, Oil Corp ... 13 . . Island Oil fit,; . . Jewel Tea : 4 . . Kan City Southern... 2i?4 4 Kansas City So pf 504, 4 Kelly-Spg T M . . Kelly-Spg rta Ji iennecou copper.... ss'j Keystone T & U IS U Lackawanna Steel.... cr,yt Lake. Krle & West 21 Lake Krlo & Went pf . . 3s i Lehigh Valley iS'.j Loewe Co 2U la Looso-Wlles Biscuit. . . .'ISj; Lorlllard Tob Ill 1..-.0 4 I 4 2. .10 8 7 7 14 2! 34 R2 301-i , 20 !i tfi'i OS'-j 2',i r"7 130 !i SJ-i 74 41 '? II j 13 84 13i 28 j 20ti 2!-3 C2J! 140 J.5 H 73 IfiW 788 Low m 00 Vi 34 Vi 70',-i 8(1 Vi 334 87' 1? ion 14 04 10 ssV. 72?4 70 Vi n8V4 14 18 B?4 37 Vi 8S ion F6V4 09 54 18314 120?i 7111 47 4!)Ji 4 17 !7Vi SSU 173, 1014 07 Vi 107 5 i3!i 47 J3Ji 4J4 04ii 10H (.'a 3i 10 ;s 1.7 HVi iri 10H 2 K4?l 41 3 C3 Vt 220 :is4 13! ICtj 12::. 12U 1T5 IS1 .8"j 82 Ith 7' 09", 2 h2 3!i 21 U 30 4 34'i 20 fiTh ; 10 U so m 37 l"8ji 3AS ... 1 os vh 314 ll'i I3U 5!i C4 is? 5734 20 li 'toy, l.l4 t3t, 7K 7'JVa Ul 7S 0 87 Vi 10 H .7!4 21 l'S 13 !i 7!,i 114 (i 4a Hi t7S 100 17 70 n 11:0 08 ;, 71 17J5 a on 24 5 0K i2 ?i I ii 4H 21 li 38 Vi ... i 204, 38 H 141 9:80 Nt (NTtm) Chgi. lji 1- 0H- soVi 094 iaV4 tovi- 3J'4- ta4 1 100 v- il 10 - si 88V2 l' 12 H- J 70 Vi- Y fsnjk 14 1V 8?4- :ni- 88 inn 80Vi- IK 100 'if J? 133 Vf 129H l? 12 Vi- - 0i- V 4 Vi! 07Vi IV) Mj'4- Vi 7734- V4 07 Vi- Va 107 8 Vi linvi- IV 47 - J4 83J4 V. 104 Vi" 10- 1H 0Vi Va 185 It) 67 1- 3 1.7 - 1 1414- Vi 1 n Tfc - ion- ivi r.f.?- 1V4 ay,- 1 rnn- H 220 1 :t Va taji- i' '0",i 1 12 Vi i IVA- ' 2f3i 16 4V;- IK ( 2 i i i 7SJS- iVi. 82 - -y. :.7v4- V: 71M lVa K-.I4 ia 12 - tnv-i- ' 0', !a V- 1 2 - 'A I to;i y. 6 li -r Vi I o!-;- 1 37 - 128?i- 34 :r.y4 .. l ?4 , 41)!$ .. I ri 34 1 11 myt ji ' 01 .. j 18'.- A ' '1H- H V0!j !'4 ' 20Vj i fl'i .. 1 :234 V4, lSUVi- 3.; '734- y , 72 'J . . (t;- vi 78 Vi- y, aoa vj Ji- U l34 Ji C7i- Vi 21 - Va 1C4 - 1 13 V 7V- n 4 Ji- Vi 43 - 1, an s5 17 n log 17 - IVi 70H - 34 1U0 2 70 Ji 71 - 34 17J .. 32 - 1J4 - A evi . . 2434- ?4 1 fio4 h H ' iS - 1 j 34 .. I 22 Vi- Jil 14 Vi- 34 Vi- V4 21 Vi- Vi' 38 Vi- H fOVj- vi 203a 3s 3SJi- V 1" Vi! 1100 100 100 29,1 101) 203 181.1 22911 39) 4310 30 J 33110 1410 01)3 7)0 400 100 103 011 290 103 mo 20) 16J0 1311 2900 813 203 3200 230 110 7J0 1303 100 100 100 603 200 310 2J0 309 40)1 003 100 2013 47)) no M 0810 3M 731 1193 4)1 193 10)1 103 113 2.1) 1093 G;io 100 4)1, 80 V) 5.11 on 31a- SS)D too 21)0 3S01 4)0 11410 6213 310 mi 4)1 2.10 14)3 1610 300 001 4901 313 ISO) 101 63 II 4M 103 It .-.'! I ) 900 100 38)0 11) 101 con 17J3 3D 3101 100 211 1411 310 3630 210 100 4 00 911 26 )l 4811 130 209 390 290 2711 339 280 )9 7 JO 2000 4 10 8)0 601 100 I671J 1CJ1 2ir. aioi 24 JO 611 1230 600 1110 201 1300 200 200 3011) 310 2)3 100 Dlv. In t nigh Low 7 Loulsvlllo & Nashvlllol07r 107V. 4 Mnckay Co pf 6H 0J4 7 Manhattan Kiev guar.. 61 61 .. Maxwell Motor 3 -3 .. Maxwell Motor ctfs... 3Va 3Vi .. Max Mot 1st pf ctfs... 834 "Vi B Mny Dept Stor-'s 73 Ji 72 12 Mexican PotioKum. ..19234 188 3 Miami Copper... 1835 1?5 LOO Middle States Corp... 14 14 Vi 4 Mldvalo Steel & Ord.. 38ji 38V1 -Minn & St Louis 20J 10 .. Missouri Pacific...... 28Vi 7 .. Missouri Pacific nf. ... 2Vi 81Vi .. Mo Kansas & Texas.. 4JJ 4 3 Montana Power 66 Ji 66 .. Montgomery Ward ... 25 26 3.50 National Acme 33 33 .. Nnt Aniline & Chem.. 6834 J8Vi 7 Nat An & Chem nf.... IWVa OOVi .. Nat Cloak & Suit 31Vi 3tVi .. National Con A Cable 6'. 6JS 7 National Lend pf 106 ln5 .. Nat It n nf Mex 2d pf. 034 n . . X O Tex & Mex 64 C2V.i 8 New York Central S3V 'V4 . . New York C & St L-. . . f 0 C5 n New York Dock pf.... 46Ji 45 .. New Yorlf N H ft H... at :2 1 New York Ont ft W... 24 rt, 24 ;4 7 Norfolk & Western.... OOVI Wi North American 00 ji CiiV'j 7 Northern Pacific oovi 8iji 2.50 Ohio Body A Illower.. I7i 17' j 2.50 Ohio r-uel Supply 48 48 . . . Orphe4im Circuit .... 6?4 vn-Ji 40 Okla Prod ft Itef 4 3Vi 3 Owens Bottllntr Mach. f3 53 6 Pacific Gas A Klec... 6434 1)5 Paclllc Devel Corp.... 24 24 .. Pac Tel A Tel 44VJ -4P, 0 Pan-Amer Petrol r,034 87)4 0 Pnn-Amer D sr.Vi 3 4 Parish A DlnRham. . .. 20 20 8 Pennsylvania tt. It.... 43J4 4331 .. Peoples Gas Chicago.. 41JJ 41 .. Peoria A Kactern 10Ji 10i .. Pcre Mnrnuettn 2n -'TSi 3 Philadelphia Co 40 .. Plcrce-Arrow Motor... 8634 .. Pierce Oil HVi 3 Pierce Oil pf. 82 6 Pitts Coal C9 0 Pitts Coal pf 80 . . Plttsbursh A W Va... soft 0 Pitts & West Vt pf 79 8 Pressed Steel Car 011W PuPmnn 112 U 1 ii 1 J4 Ji 2 '4 34 . . Punta Aleirro Suit rts. 70 4 Pure Oil Co 31 8 Railway Steel Sprlni?. 07 1 Itay Con Copper 14 4 Heading 7 Jj 2 rteadlnp 1st pf 67 2 K.adlnjr 2d nf 50 .. Hcplo Steel 81 n Ileprbllc Iron A Steet. 7814 . . Itepubllc Motortruck .. 33 5.20 Koynl Dutch N Y..,.. 78J .. St Louis San Kran... Vt ..St Louis San Tran pf. 47J4 .. St Louis Southwest... 30 Vi .. St Louis Southwcstpf IOV4 fi Savaje Arms 2 .. Ssxon Motor 5J4 . . Seaboard Air Line. ... 034 .. Seaboard Air Lino pf. l7"j 8 Sears-Hoebuck ll"',i .. Seneca Cop Corp 5'j .. Shattuclc Arizona s 74 Shell Transport 4834 . . Sinclair Oil 32 n Sluss-Sheff 05 Ji n Southern Pacific 100 20 South Porto Illco Sur.120 . Southern Hall aiaj .- Southern Rail pf 04 'i 0 Standard Mill pr 78Ji 20 Standard Oil of N J.. 040 7 Stand OH of N J pf . . . IrftJi 1 Stewart Warner Sp... 33 4 StromberB Carb 70)i 7 Studebaker 67 jj 2 Superior OH Corp 17V3 .. Tenn Cop A Chem.... U3j 3 Texas Co 50JJ .. Texas A Pacific 22 00 Texas A Pac C A O.. 34 .. Third Avenue 2234 .. Times Square Supply. 1734 0 Tobacco Products UCJ4 .. Transcontinental Oil.. 1134 . . Union Oil .' 28 ' 10 Union Pacific 128 4 Union Pacific pf 6734 4 United Alloy Slcel.... 38i 12 United Fruit 212 .. United Rwy Invest... 1434 . . United Rwy Invest of.. 31 3 United Retail Stores.. 74 Vi 7 United Clf?ar Stores pflo.1 .. USCII" Krlv f?11! r. u s Food Products. 8 U S Ind Alcohol ... BUS Rubber 0 U S Smelt A Ref... 5 U S Steel 7 U S Steel pf 6 Utah Copper . . Utah Sec fl Vanadium Corp . . . . 4 Va-CnroHn r?lim 0 Va Iron Coal A Coke. i Vlvadou Ino . . Wabasn . . Wabash pf A .. Western Maryland. . . West Maryland 5.1 n "j 7 Western Union Tel... hsjj Western Pacific s? 4 Western Pacific pf . ... 71 14 7 WestlnKhousa A BrakelC- 4 Westlnghouso B A JI 4jV". .. Wheeling A L K 15 .. Wick, Spenc StI Corp 2i; 4 White Motor 4r,T- 1 Willys-Overland njj 7 Willys-Overland pf... C2V 6 Wilson A Co 52ii 8 Woolworth F W 107 '" nx-dlvldc-nd. f Ex-rlRhts. .. 4034 .. 84 14 .. 7735 .. 52 Vi . . KUVs ..10034 .. 67 .. 13 Vi . . 4:4 I . 6 Ji 111 15J4 12V4 32 Ji 1534 :r3 35 Ji 14 ti s0!i cs 80 SJ 70 0. Ji 112J4 0034 3834 07 13 C5"3 I! 6G 81 77 T3 71!4 51 54 4CVi 303i 444 24 5 l) 1734 112!i I43 7T3 4754 31 Ji 66 no 120 3'Vi 0335 78 Vi (140 105 32 70!i fCJ'j 17 Vi 49Jj 20 Ji 13 2 IVi 17 Ji (10 1 Vi 27 Vi ItflJi (1534 38J4 21034 14 Ji 20 7234 103 13?4 40 M 3034 52 Vi Wc K874 Ctt'o 13J4 354 50JJ 111 14 34 1134 32 14 'Wi . 7 37 744 102 47'i 1434 2S 45J5 1034 62 Vi 61 107 2:30 Net (NTtm) Chice. 1074 i 6934 3 61 Ji 3 .. nji- V4 8V4- V4 72-2 188 - 3J- 1834 14 3SV4 Ji 4?f 05 25 . 33 - V lta! J- I E0Ji 31 Vi nv, 105 4 634 64 t,2ji- 65 -45-32J4-2434 00 Vi -00 fl',i- n:; 48 -21'34 3::- t:j flJi 24 44J4 -20 -4334 41 4ii 35!i .. MU-- V t.2 1 118 1 80 1 :.oji- 34 70 06Vi Vi tl2'i 0935- 3834 r 07 14 -50 -81 77 -S3 - isKs- 31J4- 474 Ui T8J4 1 48U 4J4 '5J4-0-1734- H2;i- 5;i 8 17-31-65 - 09 34- 120 1 11J4- 64 78J4!i 610 9 10.1 32 70J5 67 - 17-- 50J4 roji- 1 st 2134 17V4 60 .- 1134 28 14 14 30 ".3 103 1 1334- 4U- (.4 - 7035- 52Vi- f8V4- UBJ5- iOJi- IVi I3JS- . (14 - Vi 50Vi- Ji 111 - 1 15Ji 1134 .. 32 14- Ji 25 Ji- 114 t8 1 37 74 J4 102 -f 47 Ji , -4374 11 - 2J4 61 107 CURB OIL SHARES N BRISK DEMAND h IVi Ji to Vi Vi Ji 1V4 134 4 34 Ui Vi V V4 Ui 34 Ji Ui Vi Ji VA " 34 Ji Vi Vi 34 Community Markets firms but covering by shorts absorbed UR' uucrillK. COTTON MARKET New Ycrli. Oit. I'l. The cotton market wa hteady today at 11 ilec'ir.i- of 11 to -in points under the influence of weak mlili'i, uilfavoiuhie private re liorM as to the prospect for a rpiii-k settlement of the British cnnl strike, fresh wi.nkness in the cotton goods mar ket. Liveriiool, local nml southern sell lug. There wn a fair amount of trade bujini; on a scale downward, and also scattered covering. This failed to hold prices, whicli dropjied lllc for December hy the end of the iirst fifteen minutes' trading. Sentiment uppenred to be more bear ish, despite unfavorable southwestern weather. The National Oinners' Association es timated the amount of cotton cinned to O, tober IS nt fi.21M.nnO bales, including li.UDU.OlMI bales fur Texas. jeceinuer was quiet at o.i-' to l, "HI May T' I at the outbet, against .-..'ic at the' close Previous T( ii, her 1 , ,-nil,r Ji iiu,ir M,.r.)i .. .VUv July . N Y. Tim 1 1 :3H 1 .io 1 'nM- wp.-n a m. e m. IW .',0 I'l. in . . .11 .1 1!) 1.1 111 02 111. lrt 111 23 111 07 18 SS IS SS 10 21 IU 10 18 (HI IS III 19 1.1 10 f2 is 70 in nn 111 0.1 18 RH J. P. MAGILL&CO. Investment Bonds LAND TITLE BLDG. Phjla. Spruce 726S Hecker 8c Co. Bankers and Brokers Umber at I'liHuiIrliililii and Nttr Tork Htcu'k Firhnncra X. r. COft. OTH ,1M CIIKHTNDT 8TSI J DIVIDENDS DECLARED J O Ilrlll Co aurUrly of l pur rent On prifiiid. pivab'.o N')Vinjb4r 1 (o Hock or ret ord Ufioivr 23 titAntlaid Milling Co.. quarterly of 2 Dtr cnt on .onimoti anil Hi per cent on prefer, red paya'ii .S'ovemlier 80 to alocli of record Novernti 19 1'io.ter 4 Oninl'U Co.. ounrterly of n per rent on rommon payable November lfi to stock of record 'i.-'oher 21 L'nlon Oil Co of Wlchlin. Kai.. quarterly of 2 per cem on preferred nayahla No-em-b.r 1 to etoek of lecord Ootoher "f.. Columbia (lia c. . quarterly of II 23, tuy. able November 13 to nock of record October 30. Reading Co . quarterly 1 rr cent on firm preferred, payable December 0 to atock ot reeord November 23. Qtlllland Oil Co.. quarterly 2 per cent on preferred, rayuble November IS to stock of rnoril November 1. Warwick Iron and Steel Co. si-mlatmual ?0r payable November IS to atock of record ober SO. GRAIN MARKET New Yorli, Oct. 21. Wheat was ir regular at the opening this morning, with Peremhe" eanier anil March un changed. Trade was mixed. There was scattering selling at tlie opening hut resting onleei to buy were reached nud prices rallied. Small receipts here cauFed a good deal of uneasiness among shorts in Decmher. While dcntlment generally lean.'il to the hear Fide early, there was a disposition to he cautious about pressing selling. December opened nt 2.02''. to .2.0.'t, agalnt S'- 0U&J at the close yesterday, anil, after advancing to $2.01 VL-. reacted ij cent. March started at Sl.O.I to Sl.t)4t4j, against S1.0." at Uie clone yes terdav. Corn alo was easier in the initial dealing. A local hear began Kflling, hut offerings wern taken by a commis sion concern nnd the market Improved. December stnrted nt 81 to 81 ',4c, against 81 Uc nt tlie end yesterday, ami later sold at SI'JkC .Mny opened at BflVj to WHO and later sold at n net ad vance of ''(C nt "'iC, then reacted Vic. riiniiBes in oats were mixed at the start- There was selling mostly of Msy ot the opening by scattered commission ..ruu-iuiij, ."U) upi'licij at .S'C to OS.sC and later sold m a net advance or 'hc ui uj';,e, ICarly car lot estimates were for 20 of wheat, 200 of corn and 100 of outs. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS (lilcaiio. Oct. 21 - CATTl.i; Itecc-lpts. 11.000 heart. Steers unevenly l,luhcr. aver- aiclnu- mostly 23c to 50.- b, tier. Top 1S lit- bj-dt yearllnBa lis. i,uik. K00(1 ,' . '. . ' ahad I.Uher. co mostly , ,", "Sa. bo" locnu bulla Heady. JlJul, 7.', .ulvta barSlC tedy f bull, cholc, vealeri. ili MOU, lop, H.U5; heavy ,n,vt., dull fee.lera mostly 2,1o hlsher. rceeiM vvestern. i asoil head, marKct opti.vd airoriBer IIOOS IlerelptH. 21 oiui head Tueniv. nve cent, to BOc lower than 'ei!.rd.,yWa?er ana, lights off mi St. Ton in -.v bulk IlKht and butchers. $ltt ii.-.t, 'l 1', bulk rack! .SIIKEI -. neeelpts. t;, fi.i,, h-ad. Kat ',m,b;,i teV 5 ,0:?' hlh'' t-u'k vie.lerna Philadelphia Stocks quotablt., nntlvt-H, tlH Tan nnitvUkt f tin. i...it. 911'UlJ. f.it uh . ti (.ic.,1.. ... '"; I'l: bulk native. M 2.1 W.1 Jn. feeders atcady. feeder amis. 112 .1" feed In J year, ling wallers. JU.30. teeoinn ear- I'lltHlnirgli, I'n.. Oct 21 iioos ne. celpts. 1000 head. Lower Heavies ami heavy yorkers. IMontii; I'ght irker IU M.B3: Plus 11.1 7ft n i.i J"'". (14 8HUKI' AND I.AMI1S HecelDts inno head. Steady. CAI.Vrjl' necelnn Top. jn.io. Iit IlntTalo. N Y.. i(. "j patti r Hecelpts. 600 head. Dull """'' o.A".a5r7"T,,,u ""u h""1' 8low-25c H008 Receipts 2400 Actt' inffl"1r lower. Heavy $1301.1 2.1 mixed $Tv yorkors, IM.7B1J IB; llpht yorker" $is.74T ,,a: iS'fj'to "a,'V '"U"3' 301S 50; BHEKP AND I.AMriH He, elpta. iftn. Lambs and vearl nus r,t hlKher Lambs yn2'Sn: y",r.m?e-.'rt8 ': "ethefs"1 Jfl aB0; ewes, SB .10. mined sheep. lo.BO C70. BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE Now Vork. Oet 21 IIUTTKIl. unsettled. Hecelpta, 4214 tubs. Creamery, higher than ex'ras. isij .inn. extra H2 wore) ,1Sc; lira's (S to 111 xrore), 4.1 if,,;, packing ateek. currert make. No 1 3Sc KOOH Irregular Htcelpts, 0.1ST cases. Fresh (TBthered extra firsts, 1170705, do. firsts. U81Pl!6c: slate. J'ennsvlvanla and nearby ve-tern hmnery white, first to evira. 8flcOl 07 do brown extras, 7H S3e; do, gathered brown and mixed colors, first to extra 63872.. 'MIKKBK un-ellled Ilerelpts, S4R boxes. Plate whole-milk Hats lld sneclals, 27W 2Sp, do Averaee run 2 1 C 'fle state, whole, milk flats, current make sperlala. 24 trine, n"n, averae run. 22t2Se state, vvhole-mllk twins, held, specials. ?7027Vics do. vw ate run, 2-1 20:. . 0.1 Am Ktrs.. ,",,"' s 111 Am (Ins.. Il' 2.-15 Ilrlll .1 fl. .-,11 JH KIccStor.lL'l 7K0 (Jen Asjih Pref . . . . !)2 1000t(Jcn Mot. is lOOtluter Con .-,)'. (17.ri I.ake Sup 111, 'IK Ih .Vav. 70 iri I.eh Vol.. 100 Mfg Ituh. lOt.V Y N II & II... .'ISO I'a It It.. l"i I'a .Salt.. 2!)5 I'hlln Ins Wire. . . .r. I'hlln Co. 280 do cum nf :i:t 100 I'hilnKler 2.'i, 282 do ret f p 27 "lir.I'hilaKT l!l. fiO I'hilaTrac .-,11?, mi riiiiu&w 100 Tono Min 100 Tono Uel. 810 Tono Min 150 Hn Trnc. 0.1II IT (J I.. ''.) 's :ii's os HI 1 .ov "'s 42 -i:i 12JI71 110 174 1V4 (i!7's .",:ti 1.30 l. m. :"! Not ihge. I.i 11 .'() 121 1 7 2 II Hi l:'s :i:v. KW, OS 27", M l 0 1 1.'. ITS !I2' 18 11M ;otSi. OS .. n ? r,:t 10 ,'in fil'i-. 0 114 litT ft j vh 1 vs -r- 'M Mi alfe ft "8 8, 1:30 i. m. Net thus, r,r, v. us ii 82'i . lOOfl'tllh Sec I.TiJ l.i War IccS H INet change made by comparison with last sale on New York Slock Kxchange. Hales In llrivt. .?IO0. . "iBh 'Low y-10 Am Gas it F!lec ."Is 70 rn m n 8 0-10 Hell Tel 7s.l00is 100 100 . ." 1 ity -is linn H, :. ,, hju, lOKIec & I'eo t. .... Tr -Is 55 55 4 I.eh Vnl Oh. OS IIS 2 do gen ds. 82',i 82, 1 Lib Ilonds S13h 02.02 02.02 0 (I" 10 8d 44b.... 1)0.08 !Hl (in !in'(inj'n7 8 1-.1 4th 4 V, s. SO.r.n HS nn sn'.it. l".,o 81j Vie .V 4'Vh. 1)0.42 110.20 no!204-'''0 4 2-5 I'hila Klec -t-j aetfis.... Nij K'.y. SIVJ.4. )U 7 United Hwy " ' Invest 5s. 00 00 00 .. Prices Improved on Paris Bourse I'orls. Oct" 21. Prlcea Improved on the Hourse today. Three per cent rentea were, quoted nt 54fr 40o; exchanco on 1 London 63fr 19o; nve per ocnt loan 86fr no. The dollar wan quoted at 15fr 42c. Many of Group Male Good Ad vances Industrials Heavy New Yorlt. Oct. 21. The applica tion of the White Oil for listing on the stock exchnnge was reflected In a .,...-.. , ,11111,1111 ,i,r uiui fjincii mi" illum ing, forcing It nil nhntit 1 point, to -Vj. General Asphalt was the strongest feature, ranging during the forenoon from 57 to BHv4. Many other oils mnde good ndvnnces, nnd the mnrket tone In the petroleum group wnit generally strong. There wiih less nctivity. however, In ndustrinls. Some of these stocks were heavy, among them Hercules l'nper, whicli ranged from 21-V, to 21. Co lumbia Kmerald sold at 7 to 7. United rrotit Sharing was firm, Belling at 2 to !'., mid Sweets Co, moved up from 2 to 2. iNinrsTitiAKs Acme Coal a4 Adirondack Klec Power. . . Itl'.l .uiiuiij.ivk r.iec row prer 71 American t'luar liix Iluhnn.!. A U'll.n. ,... Jlrlt Amer Tolmcco coup. . t2'4 nnrminiM i-nni Columbia Kmerul'd ".'.'.'. i'uponi Uupont nref Knitilr,. -rtilta tleneral Asphalt' '. '.'.'.'.'. '. vjcncrni Aspnait prer. .. UrHSselil Chemical llercules I'apor t'rfrpilnn n-i.. rump Morrhi ..!!!!!!! i-rocior damltlo Ilnvnl Tlnblxe. t ;; '! """' a untifi . . . . i in Hnviil llfiL-lrisT I),.., .t ....t w .Sweets Co 2 Tennessro llvvy 2'i j; n nun upool Too 3U U M 13tenm l; Iivv Last 2U 2'i i.iu ia4, 71 71 1.13 18.1 111.1 10,1 12'i 1214 as aa a.i 7-7. 7 7 217 217 217 1.V4 7.14 7.1J4 1.1 1.114 M4 I Sliij 117 .111 14 HI III) III ' 131 131 1.11 21t 21 21 lis' 1A 1A , 'l H'j R',4 113 113 113 , l'l ,... ,o (2 S" OILS Ttnltstil ti.n oi,..i, ..... u a li ill I niUUIIIH .... ..va United Itet Candy in. INDICPKNOKNT Allied Oil ltOAton WvnmlT.f Carlli Hyn ' i.nsmcers' rotrol . . . Federal Oil Int Petrol (new) Maracalbo Oil Xlerrltt Oil North Amer Oil Omar Oil r.innok OH Producer & Rrllnera . Hny dn J'Yftnce Slmms Pet Hkelly Oil Kpencer Pet tin Texas Oil Victoria Oil new Western States White Oil 14 30 104 1 IS 1ft i IT4 .Hi H fi II', r.'i ii . 2.1?$ MINIMI Alnekn-nrlt Columhlu ... Arizona yilver lllir L,life llostnn & Montuna .. Cnled Mlnlnir Lalumet & J. rnino . . Con V'lrBlnlii Orcsson Oold Divide Kxten'ilon . . . Hureka Crops in Oold Cms Oold Development . . . uoliltluld l'lortrci. ,. Oold Kinvanas Oold Sliver Pick... Oold Zone ljmnm HUVer Hecla Mining Knox Divide M.irxli Mlnlmr Mother I.nde Mother I,Ie (i:i wl Nlplsslnir Mirth Mtnr Onhlr Silver Prlngo Con Illiv Veide Cnp Ito.'hester .Mines P.in Tov S Silver Lend Success Mining Tonotmh Ilelmont Tononah Divide Tonopah Kxtenplon T,inopah-.TIm Ilutler Tonopnh Midway Tnnnpnh MUnnh Tonopuh Montana Tonopuh llcscue Eula . . , I'nited Knstern Veit End C Whlto Cnpa IIDNDS Allied Packers as Amer Tel lis. 11)22 Annronila Copper (ia Armour 7s lleth Steel 7s 1033 Can Nat Hwy 7s Orand Trunk 7a Inter no fran 7n Morris 74 Pan-Amer Pet is Seaboard (Is Senrs lloebuck 7s Sinclair 7'4 Snlvnv 8s Swift Co 7s Texni Cn 7s l'nlon Tank 7s West Electric 7s Wen Va 3t, a chrU'lanhi Ss Leipzig .Is Norwnv Ss Huslan (114 a Zurich IA i 12 1(1 !i n 114 32 ,VA 1(1 4 ir, a 37 4 4 ft 20 ltt 4 r,K 2i;i US Ojj ll'i ll'i ft'. lsi- s 23 IA I 41 11) nJ. l 31 Ill 4 in n 3.1 4 114 12 12 .IS SS r.'4 r.'i (I S'4 4 4 1 '4 'i 1 A 1 A H S n n A A a a ij ii 14 11J 114 14 17 1(1 a n in in R 8 1(1 10 2'i 2U 1 1' H 8 n:M n-.w n.i'.' nnij imi, oil H7'4 II7H 114 '4 114 s nn 'I imi iot mi is 72 71 IIS S7i (I4'4 IU 14 inu no HS14 nsn 2 ftli inn'd ion H7'i H7H us nssj nn 101 ns4 nm 81 81U M'l'i nnv 17 17 lol'i 101 2.1 2.1 inoi niii'ji 31 1" lu'I 20 1 1711 1.', 2", Ml 14'S, i'l 3 ii 4 (i' r.'i. nil iSl ' 4 23S 42 111 l'i 31 m 10 4 ir. n 3H 4 114 r. 12 r.s .174 11 I 1 1. IA R .1 l'i 'I 17 11 in 8 HI 2U 11. 8 111 na'4 117 H II4U Pll'i mil-, 7114 OS 11414 no 't ns'4 H1T4 10n4 07V. nsi 101 Sl'f JIOl 17 101 1 1U() A Question Leading Banks Are Asking One of the largest and most successful banks in the United States has just written the President of Tho American Credit-Indemnity Co., as follows: "No doubt you will be interested to learn that wo have arranged to incorporate into the forms used for securing financial statements this query: "Are your account covered by credit insurance? "I submitted this matter to our officers the other day, at a meeting, and favorable consideration was immediately accorded it." Bankers appreciate that it takes more skill to do business successfully when prices are falling, as now, than when prices were increasing. And they therefore endorse precautions that prevent, else pay, bad debt lossei beyond the normal. A manufacturer or wholesaler carrying the American Company's Credit Insurance is completely fortified against abnormal losses on his sales. If you arc not one of our policy-holders, now, of all times, you should in vestigate this broad, protective service. Write or phone. Payments to Policy-holders about $10,000,000.00 AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CO. Of NEW YORK E. M. TREAT, president ISSUES (TANDAAO UNLIMITED POLICIES W. J. MORPHY, Mnnaitcr J. F. McFADDEN, General Agent Mutual Lifo of New York Bldg. Phone Filbert 5(303 Philadelphia, Pa FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, Oct. 21. Thcro was n firmer tono to the forcltni exchanfro mar ket nt tho oponlnR this mornlnfj with rallies In pterlliirc and francs, nnd lire holding steady. Danish quotations were higher. Quotation!) were: Demand sterling, 3,t.')'i, cahles 3.46; franc cables B.BSli. checks GM'.; lire cahles 3 78 4. checks 3.7S ; marks 1.43; Swiss cahles IK. ST. checks 15.82; 13el trlan cables, G.S!) ',.. checks. 0.88'j. ; peaetns cables 14.25. checks 14.23; .Stockholm cables 1U.70, checks 10.65; Christian!.! cahles 13.115. checks 13.00; Copenhagen cables 14.05, checks 14.00; guilder cables 30J4, checks 301, . rtutPH cased In tho morning. Demand Bterllng was 3.43,. cables 3.1 4 , frnnc cables fi.58. cheeks r, 57 ; llro cahles 3.76W, checks 2.7G ; marks 1.42; Argen tine still low, at 127.10. YESTERDAY'S FIXAI, QUOTATIONS '.T!1.'"5 'nt's Lire Guilders rVmnml M.44". it III n tii an - Cables 3. ll'i II. 4s a7H 30!83 TODAY'S Ol'KVINd Ql'OTATlONS 8.5f!',"B IVuns Lire Guilders DeninnJ H.4.i' H.."!1) 8.7S Rii 7,1 Cables MIH ll.r.'.'ij 3.7S4 80.83 NOON QUOTATIONS Hh'r.!','s K,r,ines I.lre Guilder fable.-) 3.44h II. 47 3.711 30.73 money-lending rates NKW YORK Money on call, hoth classes of collateral, opened today nt 7 per cent for lend'ng and renewing. Urokers reported today a fair supply of call money at 7 per cent, representing the unemployed balance of brokerage Iioum'h, or lechn'cally "house-money." Small amounts of time, funds are drib bling In nt 8 per cent for sixty nnd ninety days nnd that figure Is hid. Tho situation Is unaltered In prime bnnk acceptances and mercantllo paper at recently quoted figures. Mercantile discounts Ftanil at nbout the fixed date collateral loan nominal quotation. IMIH.AIU'.l.rillA Call, 6 per rent' time. 6 per cent; commercial pnptr threo to six months, 6 per cent. (Note These are merely nominal quo tatloiiH, ns tho legal rate of Interest in tho state of Pennsylvania is fixed at 6 per cent. IMub premiums and commis sion, tlma money ior thirty to ninety days Is lonned at 8 to 8 Vi prr cent whllo commercial paper, from threo to six months. Id being offered at 8 to 8 V per cent) Reserve Banks' Discount Rates OffVIM rsllscoupt rates at tlie twelvs Ind eral Ileserve bunks are as follows! T.""'n Mb' r"W'1 "r- .ym, jjuuiin, l-anrr. .lr..int - .... Poston fl '4 N.w York B,i IMlllildelphU ...tU ricivelnnd HI Richmond in Allanti HI ('hlrnua til St. I. lull ni Minneapolis ... Blj Kansas t'lty . .In, Dallas til Ban Francisco. . tl) 5'i Pr cent on rarer secured by fill rrr cent certineates. and 3 per cent on pupir . cured by iu per cent and S per c.nt cortlfl catrs. I Discount rMe rnrresponds vvllh Interest ratu tmr.-e by rertlficatea, pledged as collat eral, with minimum of 5 per cent In the ease of Phlla.Vrhia. Atlanta, Kansas Cit ? arid DalUa, and fi't per rent In the cas? of Clsveland. lllchmond. Chlcaeo and Sin Vrant VHbW, (1 n nil o' X n 8' n 8 il'4 r.ii r.y n fientral Trust & Savings teipasiy OCTOBER 15, 1020. ASSETS Cash on Hand S Cash in Banks U. S. Bonds and Certificates Loans Stocks and Bonds.... Mortgages Real Estate, Furni- . ture and Fixtures. Other Real Estate... Customers' Liability Account of Accept ances Miscellaneous Assets 593.425.7G 1,488,270.34 410,854.25 8,389,135.33 685,050.16 660,131.50 352,300.62 19,500.00 120.419.S1 26,420.30 $12,700,508.07 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 750,000.00 Surplus 700,000.00 Undivided Profits.. 92,217.27 Reserve for Depreciation .... 10,000.00 Deposits 10,421,761.01 Dividends Unpaid.. 11,595,00 Accrued Interest Payable 51,152.91 Bills Payable 525,000.0'i Acceptances Exe cuted for Cus tomers 120,419.81 Miscellaneous Liabilities . 18,302.01 $12,700,508.07 Trust Funds ..$3,180,170.50 DIVIDEND NO. 63 At a meeting of tho Board of Directors, held this day, a quar terly dividend of 1M was declared, payable November 1, 1920, to stockholders of record October 26, 1920. Checks will bo mailed. OFFICERS T. Comly Hunter, President George H. McNecly, Vice-President Fred'k G. Hclmbold, Treasurer Anson B. Evans, Title and Trust Officer Lewi3 Van Court, Asst. Treasurer Clement J. Craft, Vice-President Theodore F. Miller, Vicc-I'rcsiden' Charles K. Lukcns, Secretary Geo. J. Hanhauser, lRf. Title and Trust Officer T. Comly Hunter Gcorgo II. McNcoly Thcodoro F. Miller James F. Hallowell George W. Roydhouso DIRECTORS Frank Schoblo Henry F. Michell F. Lcighton Kramer Francis X. Quinn J. Howard Rhonda Henry Bell Isaac M. Simonin Chas. S. Walton, Jr. C. J. Craft F. G. Helmbold (Southern Pacific System) AMERICAN RAILROAD BONDS ISSUED IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES We have purchased, and offer subject to sale, n substantial amount of CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY European, Loans 4 Bonds, due 1946 These bonds are issued in denominations of 500 francs or 19 15s Sterling, and principal and interest are payable in francs or in sterling. They are secured by pledge of securities of companies whose properties constitute important portions of the Southern Pacific System and payment of Principal and Interest is Guaranteed by the Southern Pacific Company This issue, in our opinion, ranks ns one of the safest of American Steam Railroad Bonds and offers an opportunity for profit through advance in quotations for Foreign Exchange. Price, at market, now about $55 per 500 Franc (19 15s) Bond HARPER & TURNER INVESTMENT BANKERS I00O-IOI2 Stock Exchange, Philadelphia Mi:Ml!i;itS l'llIl.AbKl.l'IIIA HTOCK I'.XCII Avtin Hemline, l' ficrnntnn, I'd. i 1 1812 1920 THE i PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Capital and Surplus - $7,000,000 Member Federal Reserve System linOAI) BTItl'.F.T OFFICK Cucttout nnd Jualuu titr 517 Chestnut Street Philadelphia l Kentucky Tr. Term. 5s, 1951 Bell Tel. 7s, 1945 Sears, Roebuck 7s, 1921-22-23 Wisconsin Elec. Pr. 7l2s, 1945 Standard Gas & Elec. 6s, 1926 MrCOWlt&CCt Locust slot iaa THU BldgM in New York Tel Connection, Canal JSJ1 f L:I. D- C,. R. 1P27 icemen ii.uci. -- n Pub. Ser. Corp. N. J. 7s, W Utah Sec. Co. 6s, 1922 West PennPr. 6s, 1958 West PennPr. 7s, 1946 B0ENNING, GARRISON SCO. STOCK KXCIIANUK I''VvV v.r rl I'rlTBtP Tlrilne lo '" ,', ill.. Members 1'lilU TiE 'a'"' 1 M I 'IW i Ijr i;l. , i v Hm rfti1 itVl..i.-iL iaiS!. Mil && I La