Tf.i. KWriB fftf T ' - " r ' ' T'V . vir," "'iw-r'-v.' t ii.1 i J s .K, Hi .(, '. v. .. ', .ft " ' ! t ll " '"' K i . . 'i (.': . :? 1 tft ' V fr A' 1 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1920 SS' WHEN DEMPSEY WAS INTRODUCED TO MANO'WAR AT MEDIA ONE SAID TO ANOTHER NEIGH, NEIGH! V CATHOLIC LEAGUE WILL GET START la Salle to Meet West Catholic High at Cahill Field St. Joseph's Will Play Villanova - Ity SPICK HALT, TOMORROW nftomoon the openlnR footlmll 'gnmm of tlip Cntholir School LcnRtic Ronxon will lie plnycd. The rontcst of Brontesl Interest will lie the tilt between the West Phllnilelphln Cntlmlle HIrIi School eleven nnd the sound from I-n Snlle Prep. Thin bat tle will begin nt .t:.10 o'eloek nnd will be Ktnped on Cablll Field, Twenty, ninth nnd Clearfield strata. In the other lengue Rntno Vlllnnoyn Prep will meet Rt. Joseph's. Thefifth tenm In the league, Cnthollc IIIrIi Hehool, will be Mle until next Fridny. Aclde from the nntnrnl rivalry exist nc ninnnc the fenms of the lenuii". the West Cntholir-Tn Halle gnmc In of more than pasliiR Interest heentiRe both hnve verv stroiiR teams, nnd tomorroWit elnsh uili prodnee n fnr better lirnnd of foot bull thnn nsiinlh is "pon Uion the nv irage i-olinliftio tennis meet, lloth elev en nre confident of vletory. although inch tenllzes thnt to dofent the oppos ing team o real fight will have to b made. La Snlle, Hcnvlcr La Snlle hns n heavier eleven than WVt Catholic", the former nveraging J,ri0 pounds, nnd the lntter 1415. How eer. the West Philadelphia lioyn nre jiiHt nbout the hpeeillext buni'h of youns athlete thnt hns been banded together on one srhool football team In years, nrol this speed should offset the nilvnn tage that l.n Salle lifiH In weight. WAt Catholic wi'l be soinewhnt handicapped bv the nbenec of their stnr qunrtorbark, jlnnnle Woods. Captain Jim Owning bain, fiillbncls, also may not play. Vo"il lias developed this season into niie of the best quarterbacks In IiIrIi Khonl ranks He Ins nlways been a fine mechanical iNayer. He runs well tilth the ball cither fiom scrimmage or in returning kicks in the defensive back fiold. nnd to these assets he has nddcd gruernlshlp. In the games ngnlnst Chctnut Hill Acadcmv nnd St. I.u1;o"k this scaMin Wood. displayed a rare brand of judgment, proving conclusively that lie known how to inn n team nnd take advantage of any weak spot thnt appears In the opposing eleven. His loss tomorrow villi be keenly felt by West Catholic. Still Mark Cunningham, who will direct the team's Movements ou the Held nt quarterback, Is n capable pln.vcr. nnd while he has not had a muili experience ns Woods at the pilot ttation, he should be nblc to get the best nut of his team. Mark t'uimlnghnm's regular job is halfback. When be goes in nt quarter tomorrow his pine will bo taken by Jiaunv Mullln. the crack basketball .plater. The other hn'fbaek position will be filled by Illll Hlnke. He weighs only 140 pounds, but is one of the fastest men on the tenm nnd Is sure to do good ttork. Line-up Cnrtcclded Coach Lou Little, of the Ln SnlU team, had not decided definitely this inoi nlng whom be would select to open naitivt West Catholic, but it is likely that lie will use the same eleven thnl pntnl Mavp-ford Prep last Friday to n deadlock. If this Is the case (leorge Cnind.ill will run the team ut quarter. In the baekfleld George Hrennan will take enre of the centrnl positions with Jim Sulllvnn nnd Walter HiRjlns at the hnlves. Jimmy Hnney nnd Jim Cnrr ttill take one of the end positions, and if thej do as well ns they did against Havorford Prep even the fast West Catholic backs will have trouble In making ground around them. La Salle's line will nveraRO lfi. pounds and will uc a strong one. with Jnmes Lehmann at center. Johnny Mc(5ovcrn and Frnncls Ilnrrett at guards, and John Carr nnd Lawicncp Larkln plavinR the tackles. Resides these men Ln Salic is well heeled In second-string material. For alternate linemen they have IMIeman, HAVE HARD CONTEST Brldesburg Making Ready for Tilt With Thomas A. C. Mnwigor Dnvld Rristow will have bis entue squad of twenty-five Rridesburg pla.ters on hand at Richmond and Or thodox streets this evening and tomor row night in order to be In the. best Miape for the Sunday Ramo with the Thomas A. C, of Rethlebem. The visiting eleven held tho famous Consliohoekcn aggregation to two field goals last Saturday, and Rridesburg is anions to at least iraike thnt much of 8 totnl. The local eleven hns been ex ceptionally strong on the defense, but K woefully weak on the offense, nnd It ib in (irder to rpincilv this defect thnt the ettrn practice has been arinnged for. Tho addition of Phil Uarry, of State, and Rriy Miller, of Penn, was seen. in the game on Sunday, nnd the followers of the Rridesburg eleven predict that their fnvorltes will go through tho fiiu eon without a defeat, despite the fact that nil tho big elevens nre on the ehedule. CAGE CHAMPS HONORED Members of Kaywood Team Pre sented 'With Emblems The Knytvood Catholic Club bnskct Mil tenm, winners of the. Southern tntholle League championship for lulO-20, were guests of honor last evc mi'S nt n banquet given nt the Walton Hotel The Rev. Kd ward J. Hollahan, the Miirittial director, presented each member of the team with a solid gold r'"S in the shnnn nf n lirmltntlmll. Those to receive the tokens were: Howard (iilHnn tt'llil..... rvvAm tt'tnin... fn Mennmln, Frank Roylc, James Dough I'fty, Joseph Milllgan, James Rynies, V'anlel McC'ausland. Onirics Heffermun, IVfnnk Lane and Michael Kllgallon, launger. Liirlng the remniisvldr of tlu evinlng kH'iiih with enbivcl liv the niciri'ici'.- 11 their ladv friends Annmir tlioso I'eut were : The Rev. John J. Rooney, tOP nf f rioK.lnl'u fliiirnli tlin -V. AllirilRtlln Ki.linlln the RnV. Thomas Hvnn. Phllndolnhln llnxnilnt. lkl Ur. Nlfvoll .lll.lrr... JENNINGS FOR GIANTS Ltest Rumor Has Former Tiger Boss Succeeding McGraw Clilcugo. Oct. 21. Rumor has it in ynlcago baseball circles that Hugh J'nnliigB Is to manage the New York 'lants neit year. The former Tiger 5".t. It Is said, will take tho place of ""jn McOraw, who is to confine him ;'" to running the team off tho field. 5i?raw nml Jennings arp close friends. UlDCH Ant an ltnnl. a Mm dm it'll an ey were members of the famous Haiti ore Orioles, nnd In their "day ro Mfaed as two pf the greatest Inflclders i ,n professional baseball, TOMORROW Probable Linc-Ups of Contending Teams n HAM.r. piibp WrUlit Ilelxht Jamti) Hnner. left nil.... m 8.00 Jehn Cnrr, Ittl tuekte 1R n.oo Jolin JlrfloTrrn, lert (cunrJ. in a.ln Innir Ihmnnn, fenler.... ISA B.OJ rrancl Ilarrrtt. right iniarU 1M ft.lo lAwrnre tirkln. r. tnekls. ISA n.lo lnmp r-trT, rllit end...,. 182 B.01) Oeoritp Crniiltnll, qunrtrrh'k 1SS B.OR Wnllrr Hlmlnn, left Intm'to-rt 0.00 Jnmrs hnllirnn, rUlit linlf'k I4R H.m tleoritp Ilrrnnnn, fiillhnck.. 173 0.01 Avernefl tve'itlit of hokllcld, 157l Ter niro wplght of line, 1S(1 nvernxe ufltlit of tetim, ISO. , WKST CATHOLIC 1IIOH WeUht tlrldit J6sruh Irwin, left end 140 fl.Ofl John Olblln. left imnrd ir0 K.OO IMwnril llnke. left tackle.. IM n.ll Nlrholnn DeNlmone. eeiiter . 1S.1 B.07 IMwln nerlcrry. rlttltt Kunrd. 1B7 15.10 .lamrs Dirillppo, r tnrktr. inn n.oo Panels Neville, rlsht end.. 130 n.flH Mark Cnnnlnitluim. onnrt'k 12R .1.(10 .Inmrs Mntlln. rUlit linlfh'k, 143 (1.10 Wllllnm Dlnke, left hnlfb'k. 140 n.10 .lumps CunnlnRlinin, fullback 148 8.08 Avernit ttptxht of hnrkflelil. 139t nver ite ttrlnht of line, 114 nrernce uelfht of team, 145. OfTclAl HMrree, liberie. Mwfirtb morei umpire. Kckel". W. nnd 4.1 hend I'nesman. Wortlilnctnn. . PJnee. Cnhlll Field. Time, 3:30. Periods, 13 mlnutea, ST. JOSEPH'S Portion Nntno Are Weight Left end. Kane 17 125 l-ft (nrkle. SInlllo I.rfl clinril C'onnnnitliton. 18 148 1R 1A3 180 14 180 130 188 148 IBS .1 18 , . 18 ,. in , . 1H ,. IK ,. 18 .. 10 ,. 1H .. 17 renter, llulier KUht BU-rd, O'Nell.. Uleht taekle JleTnuley flight end llredler 'liiTfrhnek. Merlin T.cft hilfhnck. TornMi nitht hnlfbnck. Ilreelln... . rullbnck. Ilrrlnli VIM.ANOVA Position Name , I.rft end. Knne. ...... . . . Left tnrklr. Mrlluxh Ift Runrd. Snvrr f'rnler. Courtney Illclit Rimrd. IlnrtHnn RlBht tnekle. (Irlfntlm It'rht r"rt. !. Cnnlln Oimrtrrlviek. Qiilnn T,oft hulfnek. Wnrd Rtrht bnirbnek llnhn rullbiek. Hennenherirer. . . e WelRht 17 1RO 15 10 17 17 17 in 17 10 10 1R0 100 130 no 1(18 mo 188 188 t8n 187 Itefrree Villi Princeton. , t'mnlre l.enls (lerraitntown Hlch. I.lnesmnn Mcrrla. Lennhnn. Cnrrlgnn. Kcckner nnd Fee ney. If nny of the Dnckfiold men nre forced out of the game, Little has Spa tola. Keogh, Tegon. Rochford and Unas. Vlllanovu Has Heavy Team The Villanova Prep team seems to have n slight edge on St. Joseph's Prep, due to their superior weight in the bncklleld. The teams nre nbout evenly matched on the line, weighing on nn nvernge of nbout irt) pounds, but the main line team nvernges 102 pounds In the back Held, while St. Joseph's uvernge is only 148. There nre five players of the Villa nova team, thnt will face the Stiles street bojs who were members of last year's eleven. Mennenbcrger, the cap tain nnd fullback; Ward and Jlmmle Quinu, halfbacks, nnd "Courtney nnd Kane, linemen, comprise this quintet. There nretnlso five "vets" on the St. Joseph's) eleven. Kane, an end ; O'Neill, n guard: McCnulcy, a tnckhv nnd Captnln Rrndley. end, nre sensoned linemen, while Ilreslln. who plays half is the only member of the bncklleld who has seen service before this year. lloth these tennis hnd good records last year, the Villanova team winning the majority of Its eight games, while St. Joseph's lost only two. Villanova and St. Joseph's plnycd a scoreless tic Inst season. The Stiles street boys were defeated by LaSallo Prep, i) to 0. nnd lost the tlunl Rnine of the season 27-0, to Rrook lyn "Prep. Roth teams have been victorious to date in their only encounters of the season. Villnnovn defeatinR the National Kami School 7 to (I, while St. Joseph's turned tile track ngnlnst Rrooklyn Prep 111-13. Ricish, n new man, will piny fullback In place of Ruddle W.t nne, who was the star of the Rrooklyn game, as Rrelsh has developed to rapidly that Coach Heinle Miller will give him the first chance at fullback. Wynne, however, mny break Into the line-up before the gnnii! is over. HOLD ANOTHER PRACTICE Miller, Wray, Little and Others to .Be at Phoenlxville Tonight Pliocnixvllle, Oct. 21. It is the urn- bltlon of Lou Little. Lud Wray and Heinle Ml'Ier to put Phoenlxville on the football map, and this trio of for mer Penn stars are working their hard est in order to accomplish their aim. They never miss a practice nnd, with all the other members of the eleven, were on hand last night, when a black board talk was the procedure in the Church Street Grammar Sehohl, which, by the way, had as one of its attend ants in days of yore no less than for mer Governor Samuel W. Penny nncker. Rodie Weldon wired that he had missed connections at F.nstou, but would be on hand tonight, when nrnc ticc is held ou the high school field for Saturday's Rame with the Lancaster All-ColleRlans. This Is the first game of the Phoenlxville Club that will be played at the Stockade grounds In Nor ristown. Many football fnns from Philadelphia have written Manager Kyrieh in regard to reservations for the contest and It Is expected that a large number of persons from the Quaker City will travel to Norrlstown to see the All-American eleven ln ac tion. Championship Game Saturday Tho final sum for tho championship of the Philadelphia .lnnufnctur'rl! Lciikui be tween Smith & Furhush nnd Btokn h Smith Co. will b plnycd Saturday nfxt nt I. and II Field. Seventh and Tabor road. winter- sunny ( Heater problem. GARAGE HEATER WINTMt NBCKsaii Heats your Radiator MotorFlnit. THI2N your Qaraee. lull auccessiui season Approved by lending 1"""! Sria chase with oVunteo L..... , nn renresentea or Iliu.i .. -- -- ... ,-., your Money jieiunuvu. -.,...- in und see one. ROSE MFG. CO. Dept. K, Ilemer uit. 910 Arch aireei I'tiliaariouni jf '"' mKmuti.: "" J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 M .TrJiBliS "EIMhh ViM III I II II I I 1 I rAl-2m shaglTdJI ffii itm 'tj . kr'MtAm Wmr Prepare for Frost 1 MFDon't put up your car this ffiMHBlr-II? fc V winter-and miss an tT L helps solve the coal IBMjglfe v.u.ra,.t wqyvtwuv? heater 1 Mm , Till! WINT1.TI wxrasui ,U YfliHNIjBMIMfT YOUNG GETS LEAD SHORE GOLF Frankford Playor's 84 Low Among Early Finishers at Atlantic City Atlantic City, N. .1., Oct. 21. Jo seph J. Young, of Frankford, medalist In the recent Lu Lit Temple tourney, was leading the field of more thnn 100 golfers enrly this nftcrnoon in the fnll invitation tournament nf the A'-lantlc City Country Club. High scores ruled among the early finishers, only four turning In cords of less thnn 100. Young hnd nn 81. Ills enrd : put .... 7 n 4 a n 4 4 ,t n f in .... n n 8 a n a n t n usi H. J. Reed, Atlnntlc City, had a nil and II. Scott and J. J. Foster, Frank ford, tied nt 05. The course wns In fine shape this morning, ns n large field teed off tinder the competent direction of the veteran starter there, Frcil Sherman. Due to tho slr.e of the field, it wns expected that five sixtcens would qunllfy today. There will bn defeated eights and handicap medal play on Snturdnv for those beaten or wiio fall to qualify today. Maurice Rislcy, nfrcnninl winner of the mednl, was one of the fnvorltes to turn low score today. Tom Wooten nnd other senshore stars also teed off over the rearranged course nnd were conceded n chnnce at the mednl. Par of tho course is now 71. Many Phllndelphinns cntcrojl the play, particularly those who will set the pace In the other sixtcens besides the first flight, though they arc always dan gerous contenders even there. Edward V. O'Hanlon, Frankford: Herbert R. Newton, Whltcmnrsh, nnd several score others played. Eddie Clarcy, Rnla, who woh the tour ney last year, was expected to appear later in the day in nn effort to repent his success of lost yenr. He has won the York road nnd Lu Lu tourneys so far this year. LOCAL RACING DRIVERS IN 100-MILE AUTO RACE Bill Strlckler Will Pilot Milton's Speed Machine at Pottstown Pottstown, Pa., Oct. 21. The first 100-mile automobile race in the his tory of Pottstown, nnd the first in this section of the state since the famous Foirmount Park grounds nttracted the racing kings, will be field over the one mile dirt track at the Pottstown Driv ing Park on Saturday aftprnoon. The race Is limited to twentv-fivp starters. Hill Strlckler, a Philadelphia boy, who is the champion dirt-track driver in this territory, will drive Milton's speed chariot, n Duzenberfy. which broku the 100-mlle record at Phoenix, Ariz., October 10. Otto Locsche, a Frenchman, winner of the Pike's Peak hill climb ou July 4. will drive n Lexington car. Jimmy Knne, another Philadelphia)!.' is the "dark horse" of the race. All drivers arc allowed to withhold the nnmo of their, enr until three hours before race time. Kane intends to use up the trine limit. Rob Patterson, of Mount Holly, will be there in a twelve-cvliilder Packard: Henry Willinms, of Philadelphia, who Is reputed to have the fastest Ford rut In this section ; Jimmy Gieason, in his eight-cylinder enr, nnd Joe Heppy will represent Allentown; Pnt McFudden will be there from Canton ; Ireneii Gor tea. n Rrnzilian, who will take part in his Inst nice before returning to Soutu America, und the Wolfe brothers, Joe nnd Eddie, nnd Hnrry Gordon, of Rrooklyn, will be among those twentv tive starters for that $1000 purse and Lexington trophy, BIKE STAR TO SKATE Clarence Carman Expects to Play Ice Hockey Here Clarence Carman, former American motor-paced cycle champion, who now is ridiiiR in Europe, expects to tukc part in the ice Rame here this year. Carman is n noted speed skater nml hockey plner. Here is part of u note from Carman to George Pawling, of tho Ice Pnlucc: "I expert to be home by December 1. You know I like the Ice gnme nnd will be there strong. Rcfore leaving I promised to play with u Philadelphia hockey team. I was approached by Dluny Scanlon, manager of Hobby Mc Lean, to play with one of the big hockey teams, but I prefer to piny around Phllly." To Play at Holmesburg Penn Awl, Oct. St. The I'lillllpabunr Prnfuslonn were no match for the atroriK I'enn ArKl tram at the alate town th home team winning out by tho acoro of 27 '. , T' vlcloua attack of the l'enn rfty,LMlfklJel11 wa" entirely too stror-j for the l'hllllpabunr lino to withstand, desplttt the fact that they rnadu a game rcalatancn against (Treat odda. Next Saturday Penn Aruyl will havo one of the ureateat testa of lla strength that It ha ever experienced, as the team will go to Philadelphia to meet the noted Holmesburg eleen. Lancaster H. S. Wants Game i Lancaster High football team Is without a game for Saturday, October 23 The man agement would like to arronae for a gams to be played at Lancaster with Home fust high school or pren school team In eastern part of state. Address II. D. Weller. Lan caster, Pa, A Little Ray of Sunshine The Mervlne A. C, of 85.1 North Twelfth street, held a block party Tuesday night on Ileno street between Tenth and Kleventh streets and the proceeds, $00. wns sent to tho Sunshtno Day Nursery. 017 North Eletenth street. No Installs.- I'0" . acquired rnicK Complete Heady for Use FWH UW nlsiiiHf?, IpBIkA Vflnnrfa, 1H(; flHal 1 Others r Special Carries Center Boosters to Cambridge Dnnville, Oct. SI. The special train carrying the Center College football eleven, which will piny Har vard at Cambridge, Saturday, left here early today. Resides twenty -seven players, tho train also carried about 300 boosters, Including college students and Danville citizens. It is scheduled to nrrlvc at Cambridge to morrow afternoon. E E Ban Johnson Decides to Hold Meeting in St. Louis Next Week Chicago, Qct. 21. A meeting of the American League, to bo held In St. Louis next week, hns been called bv President Ran Johnson, and It Is expected that the five club owners who nre standing bv Johnson in the present controversy will attend the conclave. Johnson hns wired to Phil C. Rnll, president of the St. Louis club, tvho is now in Pnsndcnn. urging him to return Immediately'. A member of the Cook countv grand lury. tvhlch is investigating the gambling scandal, let It bo known thnt the mem bers of the Jury strongly fnvor n reor ganization of the Rame, and will recom mend such n move in this report. "The 1010 world series scnndal would liavc been exposed within a week nfter the chompionsltii! had been decided had there been a civilian nt tlfc head of the Natlonnl Commission." he snld. "It is the sentiment of the grand jurv Hiat a reorganization of the National Commission take place immediately. Tills will eliminate the recurrence of nnv more scandals like that of the 11)10 world series. Everybody had the Information; but there wan no one to take it and prosecute the conspirators." WON'T BOX IN ENGLAND Champion Dempsey Will Not Make Trip, Is Declaration New York, Oct. 21. Jack Dempsey, world's heavyweight boxing champion, will not mnke n trip to England to de fend his title ngnlnst nspiring rivnls, no mntter whnt the Inducement. This declaration wns made yesterday by Jack Kcnrns, Dempsey's mniiager, when the prospect of n trip to Europe wns submitted to lilin., The receipt of n cnbiegrnm. containing information nf n rumor through England thnt the chnmpion wns contemplating n trip ncrnss the briny in January, prompted the denial of Manager Kearns. Rrltish promoter nre understood to hnve been in communlontion with Mnn ngcr Kcnrns lu nn effort to induce him to visit England for prospective bouts. Flattering offers have been made, but Manager Kearns has not accepted any of them. TUNING UP FOR PENN Virginia Military Institute Players In Great Shape Li-Uncton, Vn., Oct. 21, The Vir ginia Military Institute cloven, called the Flying Cadets, had n hnrd scrim -innge yesterday in preparing for the contest nt Franklin Field with Pcnnsvl vnnln Saturday. The workout, which lasted for nn hour or longer, hnd the aspect of n real game. Fortunntely no person wns injured. Every man is in the best of condition for the big contest in Philadelphia. Cap tain James Leech, Stuart and Hunting have been given speclol attention in Interference nnd in running the ends. No doubt the Flying Cadets will resort tc open style in view of having so many fast men. The Virginia party will stop nt the Rellevue-Strntford, where a bnnrpict for the tenm, graduates and students will be held Saturday night. RICAN LEAGU HEAD SOUNDS CALL The Most Talked of Men s Good Shoe Values irtPhila. We arc drawing the crowds while other retailers are standing around "hungry" for business. That's the best proof we are selling the Icind of shoes Philadelphia men want and have lowered prices to the ground in these Tremendous Values This Week in Men'sFallShoes PRICED $ 3 to$5 BELOW ACTUAL RETAIL VALUES Shop around among tho Maiket nnd Chestnut Street Shops; see their $10 to $15 shoes, then come hero nnd see tho same quality and better styles on sale here at $6.85 to $9.85. DAY AND NIGHT UP TO SATURDAY NIGHT Master-Made $10 Shoes nrown or innck nnd I'ntent Dance Oxfords. 6 .85 Here HUNDREDS OF NEW Superb $12 Styles Cordo Calf. Cor dnvnn and UUck Calf In every new Fall style. .Tlinr nhnnt 3ft l-IOL Knlnm .. 8.85 Here vT "and -.nan. e biV.t' Value In KYnT nuTlty SRSw'S ?'ou'Wb1ueyreor"noVil!!?6w?CO ,hCBe 0ndtT,Ul nyul &'neU.We? lomBoor Shop Ol'KN IVEIIY NIGHT 35 south FORMERLY LOCATED N. W.COR. mil &, MARKET STS. SCHOOLBOYS AWAIT WEEK-END GAMES 25,000 Rooters Will See Local Grid Teams in Action Tomorrow Some 25,000 school boys In this city nwalt with unusual Interest tle week end football Raines. It hns been many yenrs since tho scholnstlc elevens were so evenly matched in this section. Six gamcsi were deadlocked Inst Fridny nnd many close scores nre expected tomor row, when the crucial league games will be played. , In addition to the Catholic League games which will draw thousands of rooters, there, nre three Rntnes which should bring wit some close footlmll. The Fmnkford Hlgli-Centtnl- High Rnmo nt Centrnl High in the Oinibel Cup series is importnnt and Frnnkford has a team worth watchlnK.j though rmitrnl THirli Is the favorite nnd It would be n big upset If the Crimson, ntul Onld were defented. The Penn Chnrter team trnvcls to St. T.iiltp's nt Wnvne nnd this gnme should be a sttong test for the Interne rlintnntnns. ns the St. Luke's bovs held West t'nt 10 lie to n scoreless no iu"i wnnV I The Camden High Sclinoi will nuil'o Its nci-nml nnncarance nf the season here when It battles the Northeast" TIMi eleven nt the Red nnd Rlnck s ftnld Friends' Centrnl's youthful wnrrlors onened the senson last Friday with Haddonfield and plnv Oermnntown Friends' nt Clark Field. (Icrmantown Friends hns the stronger tenm but Friends' Centrnl showed so much pep Inst week there Is no telling which wav this game w.ill ro. Colllngswood HIrIi Is still in quest of n record score ns well ns the Jersev championship nnd nlnvs RridReton HIrIi nt Colllngswood. The boys are not nt nil plenscd because Hammnnton High canceled the game with CollitiRswood this yenr. Hnmmonton High tied with Colllngs wood Inst tenr nnd Colllngswood hnd a few tricks up their sleeves to let loose in the gnme with the Jersey youngsterR, but It is nil off nnd the Collingswood boys declare that Hnm monton canceled because they feared n sound trouncing. The Friday schedule follows : La Salle ts. West Catholic, at Cahill Field. Tplsconal Arademj", nt Hldlev ParK. Frnnkford Illuh. ut Cerrtrsl IIlRh. St. Joseph's Prep, nt Villanova. Penn Charter, nt St I.uke'v School. Camden llluh, at Northeast IIlKn. Hadnor Illuh at Cheltenham Illrh. Friends' Centrnl nt Oermantown Friends. Oermantonn Acndemv. at Chestnut Hill. IirldBcton Hlsh, nt Cnlllncswooa men. SATL'rtDAY Norrlstown !!lh. nt Ilethlehem Hleh. Wllllnmsnn School, ut Penna. M. C. Cnthollc Hlah, nt Wennnah. On Snturdnv the Roman Cntho'ie High School will travel to Wenondh for n gnme with the Jersey tenm nnd the Purple nnd fiold eleven looks for n hui.l fight. This will be one of n trio of games fnr Saturday. Norrlstown High playing Rethlehem High nt Rethlebem, while Williamson School will tm kle the P. M. C. Reserves nt Chester. SUES RALPH GREENLEAF Complainant Fraud In Con nection With Pocket Billiard Match Saratoga Springs. N. Y.. Oct. 21. Charges of frnttd nnd deceit ngnlnst Ralph Orceiilenf. pocket billiard cham pion, arc mnilo by Robert E. Duval in a Supteine Court action started by him ns u result of n pocket billiard match plavcd between the chnmpion nnd Jo seph Concannon in this city Aitgint 1(1. 17 and IS. Mr. Duval claims thnt nt the time nf the match lie was given to understand by Orecnlcnf that the title wns to be pa.'sed in case of his defeat by Con ennnon, but thnt be Inter learned that the two players agreed between them selves thnt the match should be purely nn exhibition affair. The match wns won by Concannon by n score of d.'O to 120. Mr. Duval seeks to recover S!!II0 pnlil by him to Orecnlcnf following the match. Premier $11 Quality Dnrlc Drown or niiiclt Calfskin. Ilest fall styles. 7 .85 Here FALL STYLES HERE Burt & Packard's 1.85 $15 Quality Cordovans. Tans or marks, top prade Here u r u kuh, -America's llest " tnit i . . lj- ie.arv 13th st. V, I1I.OCK MAJUCET i. - - -5- FOOTBALL Ilnrvnrd will meet Center Col lege Saturday. BOB MAXWELL (YOU KNOW BOD) will Referee this Battle nnd Tell Evening PCTjlic Ludceu Readers About It Monday. ( Princeton nnd Navy Will Clash in Tigcrtown. SPICK HALL will be there to review the fray. EXPERTS Will Describe All Important Eastern Gridiron Games in Eucntng public SEe&ser ROSE TREE RACE ENTRIES Fine List for Hunt Club Meet on Saturday Eutrles for the Rose Tree races on Saturday nre probnbly the best thnt have ever been received for n hunt club meet. As fnr ns the steeplechase nnd cross-country races nre concerned, the entries for Saturday at Rose Tree arc as fine ns would be found nt Snrntoga, Helmont or nny of the big tracks. There are six lint and cross-country races on the program and nil arc well filled. The meet starts at 2 p. in. nnd the races nre he'd nt half-hour inter vals. There should not be nn Idle mo ment all nftcrnoon nnd nnotlier Inrge crowd will, no doubt, be In njtendnncc. Pen Points Pnt Divyer, tho scrub hnlfbnck, performed yesterday like n real varsity star. Ho hit the line, skirted tho ends nnd caught for ward passes like n teternn during tho scrim mage drill. Ho Is built along tho lines of Joo Htraus. Jnke Uernstcln, a freshman halfback, Vho fierformed at Southern Hltth last ear. wns mrt In a ecrlmmniro drill between tho flrat and second frrshmsn elfvens vesterdnv nfrn.. noon. Dr. Light stated that ho badly twisted his nrm. Illll Kelly, nnother freshmtn hnlfbnck, was Injured Into Tuesrin), when the cnrllnR9 scrimmaged tho Wist I'hllndelphln Jtlch School eleven Tho nungnter received n nnsty cut over tho eo that completely closed tho optlo yesterday Kelly halls from Hnr rlsburr nnd plated with the Mlllersvlllo Stnto Normal School Inst season Myron Watklns Is netting energetic Yester. day the big back, who pulled n ligament In his shoulder iigalnst Hwnrthmoro. played center for the second eleten during the sig nal drill. He expect9 to acrimmace next week In whatever shape or size you prefer, begin ningat2for25c. At all stores. ! MANUEL PENN GRIDIRON SQUAD ON WAR SCHEDULE Morning Practice Starting Red and Blue Squad Need More Signal Drills,, Says Heisman "Oh, bow we bate to get up In the I training house, but this number Is added morning!" was tho doughboys' daily wall hi the days of the war. Today the w Mt.t I song hns been added to the songbook of the University of Pennsylvania football team. Reason : Morning practice starts at 7 o'clock until the end of the season. The nthlctcs will have n regular doughboy day from now on. They will hear tho clang of tho morning bell, sub stituting for the bugle, will nrlsc at 0:150 nnd promptly at 7 report on Franklin Field sans their football togs, but in light enough raiment for a signal drill. At 7:15 Coach Heisman sends the squad to the training house and they breakfast A O ,))n t " n'nlltltlf lllttltl At 8 IHO classes start. One o'clock lunch Is served, then bnck to classes at 2. From :$ until fi those gridiron warriors whose clnsses nre finished report on Franklin PlnM. At 5:45 Concll Hels man calls It a day and dinner is served. It inlaht be n day. but the nthlctcs still hnve n half-hour blackboard talk to tinilorffn. After that they study and at 10:30 taps are sounded nnd the day Is really concluded. J the toacn Ilcisman gave me reasons ior morning practice in the iiubk ot yesterday afternoon. c nre forced to devote so mucn lime in me niiernuuns to tnckllnp. correcting mlstnkcs anil scrimmage thnt there Is little time left for slgnnl drills," snid the conch. "You know the modern footbnll player has lots to learn nnd with lute classes, the shortening of the days and bis other duties he has little enough time for football. Thnt Is the reason that I hnve Instituted the morning prncuec drill. The squad needs more slgnnl practice and the only time i nave to give it 10 them is In the morning," added the mentor of the Red nnd Rlue. The p nycrs arc n unit in declaring for the morning practice, ns it gives tlicm an opportunity to drill when they are unhampered by the scrub squad nnd the freshmen, who tnkc up a large part of the field every afternoon, ln nddltion,- the workout gives them a healthy appetite for their breakfast. Coach Heisman yesterday afternoon, in addition to giving out the morning prnctlce information, stated that the team wns coming nioug as well as he has expected, but that Injuries nnd late clnsses have been playing havoc with bis desire for teamwork. T.t.Anev.fniii- men nre nn,i t lUn I -"""' - " " - WSmSMmlS Puts Ss2sRKSiMwJ ' TN the Cigar business there is a floodtide of tobacco buying all at once and little-at-a-time cigar selling to get back the investment. This means Big Cost or Big Credit in a rush in the leaf-buying reason. The Cash Buyer does not depend upon the financial favor of the tobacco-leaf merchants. "Shut your eyes and see what I will give you" is not his idea. Paying cash, he demands and getsthe pick of the market. He is independent. He selects the best wherever it is. This house for many years has been in a position to follow the Cash Course. This is another reason for the unvarying delightfulness of MANUEL its uniform grade its high quality. We get the best leaf always at the right price and pass these advantages on to the smoker. ALLEN R. CRESSMAN'S SONS Cigar Manufacturers Philadelphia Elqr Be at Seven an Innovation for to in tne morning by fifteen additional athletes, who do not live ln the train ing house, but around the campus. With tills number virtually tlircc teams rtiu. through slgnnl drill in the morning. Conch Heisman constantly shifts the varsity tenm nrottnd to give the sub stitutes nn opportunity to learn tho new plnys, Ilermnn Hnrvey. the Mlnersvllle lnd. Is the lntest addition to tho injured srpiud. Since Saturday Harvey ban been suffering from n lamo knee, but until this morning it did not cause him nny real trouble. This afternoon tho knee was swollen considerably, with' the result thnt the hnlfbnck wns forced to take to the dressing room for re pairs. Mike Dee, who pulled Hnrvey through his nttnek of wntcr on tho knee, is looking after him again, nud says that Harvey will be in there ou Saturday. -Mike Whitehl 1 Is still lnid up with bis Injured shoulder'. lVsterdny he donned his football togs nnd rnn around the field for exercise, but he did not Ret into the slgnnl, scrimmage or tack ling drills. Ills shoulder is still so soro thnt he can hardlv rnlse his nrm nK.w i '? (I Tt ,H nnt thought like y that he w I play on Saturday. Wh tehlll's punting will bo sndlv missed, nlthough Rex Wrny nfter ttv.i days on the side lines with nn infejitcsl foot wns out Iwoting the bnll around yesterday afternoon. I.nte In the scrim innge drill, when the players were bniely discernible In the semldnrkness, rny wns sent Into the scrlnnunge drill nnd did well. He stated nfter prac tice thnt while his foot wns still n lit tle tender he expected no more trouble, from it nnd would be In the game ou Saturday. Cnrl Thomas was on the field ves- t,1r.',?,v ,in S b,lt l,p '" WJiitciiHI, did little more thnn exercise. The for mer Central High School bid's c'botv I coming around nicely, buf it Is st'll too sore for him to engnge in nny scrlm mnge drill. He will prnhnblv remain inactive this week, and will start next week to prepare for the Stnte game. It is expected thnt Thomas will stnrt nt center In the Stnte contest, ns the Red nnd Blue is still weak at the pivot posi tion. the passing of the centers not be ing up to the Hcismnn stnndard. In the event thnt Thomas plnys center Coch-' ran will play left guard. Better Vualitv Into a Cigar iM fl 'fl 'A 5 r U I I.? ," v. gWflui: ;i!l: a?,. ."