tjHttt fl .1'! ' V i 11 f ' " V" i- it. r--.i n i4ant VT .1 i ' "' ' ' " . "fc . V fc. V . .EVENING' PUBLi&'LlMER-PHteAImA, TtltJRSDAtf, .OCTOBER 21, ll)20 W it,'. ft 21 5 PER LE TRATTATIVE ITALO-JUGOSLAVE to Rlchlesto dell'ltalia por la Soluziono del Probloma Adrjatico rubllBh'!! Rnrt Dlntrlbiitnl Under PnnMIT NO. 841. Authorised y the net of OetoW 0, 1017. on nle Rt the rostodlce of rhlla delphla. Pa. A g nmuaKWi Postmaitf.- Qcnernl. Koma, 20 ottobrc In scgulto nlla rrom en chc lo truppc jugoslave cva ctwranno 11 dlstretto Klagcnfnrt In Na rlntbla, clcntlnato n risolvore 11 mm fato con tin picblsclto, II Presidents del Con riglio del MInlHtrl, On. Olollttl, parte clpera' nl ncgoziotl per la Ristcinazlon" del problctnn Adrlatlco, nccondo quauto nnnounzia II "Oiornalo (l'ltalla. " Tall negnzlatl nvrnnno lttogo lmmcdiatamcntc OLD PARLOR SUITS JlAnH KQCAT. TO NKWt rUconntruotnl upholstered and pollahed $1 C and I J up Flrst-clas work ruaranteeA. Blip covert mnda to order. Wo carry a larre stock of upholster, materials, selling at wholesale prices. AMERICAN UPHOLSTERY CO. Oldftt and lMit Hone of Its Kins 305 Arch Street K.?r,?ohr cd 11 Prlmo Mlnlstro Vesnltch sara il capo delta Delcgazlone jugoslaVa, 8c gll .Tugoslnvl rlllutcranno dl ac ccttarc Is propostc Itallanc, ngglunge II glornalc, l'ltalla reprendcra' la sua complcta llbcrta' d'ailonc. SI dlchlara chc. l'ltalla domandcra chc lo suo fron tiers slauo ilssato lungo la rresta dcllo Alpi Olulc: chcsla rlconoslcta la Indl pendenrn dl Flume chc dovra' avcro contiuulota' tcrrltorlale con l'ltalla; la llberta' dl Zara cd II possesso dl parccchlu (sole llingo la costa, SI dlco rhe saranno inoltrc rlchitsto garanzlc htratcglchc c dl cultura. Mllano, 20 ottobrc Una vallgla con tento cinque bombe, duo tubl dl psplo slvo c parecchlc Ubbrc dl material? per shrapnel, fu trovata sotto un sctlllo dl tin gtardlno pubbllco vlclno all'IIotol Cavour, ove rcccntcmcnjo . furono itpiose ticiio uomoo mentro 1 tieicgau per II congrcsso della Lega dcllo Nasloul lvl si trovavanu. Noma, 20 oltobrc I rlmarchcvolc cambiamento avvenuto nell'oplnlonc pubblica, la salutare rcazlonc da parte dcllc clonal inedln rontrn in itlilmn urn. "Vocaztonl dcgll cstremlstl o l'unanlmc rlchlenta da parte della Btampa per una magglore energla da parte del Cfovcrno. hanno ludotto Olollttl ad aglrc declsl vamentg contro gll estrcmlstl. Oltrc all'arrcsto del Malatcsta, 11 govcrno ha ordlnato al prcfettl dl tutte le pro- vlnclc dl non tolleraro la propaganda sedlzlosa e scmbra deciso ad aumentare lo forze della Guardla Itcgla. ij'arrcsiu aei .unmicstn era ua lungo tempo rlchlesto per la campagna ln famo cheegll conduceva alio scopo dl lndurrc alia rlvolta contro le Istltuzlonl. II Aipo della pollzla dl Mllano, chq procedc' all'arrcsto del Malatcsta, he dlchlnrato cho'cra impossible tollorare iilu' oltre la scandalosa propaganda chc il capo degll a'narchlcl conduceva spc daimente in qucua citta'. uitro at l'arrcsto dl tutta la rcdazlono del glornalc anarchlco "jUmanlta' Nuova," si c' proccduto nll'nrresto dl varl ex nrdltl. 1 quail costltulvano una Illegal) organlzzazlono mllltarc per scopl nazl onallstl c per combattcro I socialist! antlpatrlottlcl. Cost' II governo ha voluto prendero 11 controllo soprn gll estreinistl tanto rossi, quanta bianchl. TO HOLD ADRIATIC PARLEY Jugo-Slavla Paves Way for Nego tlatlons With Italy Home, Oct. 21.y-(',v ' P.) -Tugo' Hlnvln linn tiromlsed to cvaruntc the ple biscite district of Klagcnfurt, in Cnrln- thin, and as a result Premier (llollttl will participate n negotiations for the settlement of the Adriatic question, says the Oiornalo D'ltnlla, These ne gotiations nro expected to begin Imme diately and Premier ' esnltch will head the Jugo-Blavlan delegation. If the jugo-BiavH rciuse to accept hi. Itnltnn nronosals. tho neVstialier says, Italy will resume her complete liberty of action. It Is declored Italy will anl;'tlmt the frontier be fixed along the crest of the .Ttlllnn Alps, that In dependence be grnnted riuinc, the lib- - erty of Zara and tlto posHessiotTeC ! cverhl Islands along tbn coast, Htfa - ' teglcal and cultural guarantees '''vlll .t ..1.... Kn ilAinntnlnil If Id Clfl 111 I Stationery J For Merchants V BLANK BOOKS Bound and Loose Leaf LiTiioonAriiiNa rniNTiNo ENOnAVINO OKFICB BTATIONEHT AND BUITLIE3 VQUR prido In tho way jour business J- records ore kept and the quality of tho articles used in making these records should equal your prido in the quality of the products you SELL1 And it will deservedly if you aro using Aiann stationery ana supplies i Completo liooso Leaf Ledger Outfits leaves, binders and indexes -blank books, memorandum books, columnar books (2 to 30 columns) pens, pencils, inks, erasers card Index cabinets and filing devices. Immediate delivery on any of tho above, WILLIAM MANN COMPANY 529 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. Veto York Offices: Ml Uroadway. Founded in 1848 Do you know that today you can buy a MERCER for FORMER PRICE $4950 $3950 The price, goes up after January first unless manufacturing costs come down AMERCER. The family car par excellence LOCOMOBILE COMPANY 2314 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA i hu mm i ,! r II atfmmSTItmmiM jMMHmmmmWmmmr,. lJ9mmfWMmm3H WBmflmmiiWi'r-m-$--!mmmi-i w mmWSSVkXWVmmXW jmfmWm ifiBilWiiff I n" m WKjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBtSBBlWSluHBBBBBU t iBBBBBSBBBBm & WlfKKmSmmmmlOlmWHSmmmmmmmmmw tHHsk'X iMWIsHW.WiMPAJiMai mWmWB$&?m WWymmWfmmWmmmW M Ji V mwSmwWtmmmwfim? 1M,fsmw'? t3$mTi & mmwmF mWSmmmMmmmmWmmWf ',K,mmwmwi'V'mmmmmTm9ke. '"" ma mmmmuvf7?mVymmmmmmmmtmmmmmmwt 'JmLmWKmmm f FU tell the world stctf&wr m ' and the blend epin't be copied p C Tip IIIIIIP11 CIIGAIRti IP" III III 'in iii,Mii. Liiiw,i I ill iir mi Hla 'il"1 "II" 0lf9 Ifllll Jill ;;. ii FES tr J. (7TJ6ftVptcCcs i V. s, J . . iLV ' - . - . L.,4r f r. . . . . -,t ? i V . lv 2. V .U,Am ' .i'at.T.,,Y...hiU,r "i ' . 'J.. .At a-i-i.. w 4,VVfcW.X ,.J .U .-J-w ..w... rtsy.fcfriJii? - tu-a1.uvM:," - ' arfti VBiflirtHiliiiyfth 'mnTi" m f nr "wiW Ifve (aptive(ap Wins the Public It has scored an instantaneous success. Its practical and com mon sense features have imme diately appealed to all users of dental creams. This patented cap hereafter will form a permanent part of the Kolynos container a mark of identification as well as refine ment. Be sure when buying your next ' tube of dental cream to specify "Kolynos with the Captive Cap." THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn. U. S. A. KOLYNOS DENTAL CREAM You Can't Losejt 1 Opens t, IK Wa ffRoiyNoflf Ssr:5sl KOLYNOS I dissolves the gelatin ous film which covers the teeth and which U the harboring place of destructive mouth bac teria. It destroys and washes away millions of these dangerous germs wlilch otherwise would work t'icir harm to the teeth and general health. In addition, Kolynos cleanses the whole mouth and the exposed throat membranes, producing a true sani tary condition. Power and Economy in PIERCE-ARROW 2-ton, 3i-tom, 5-ton Dual Valve Trucks Pulling Power equal to any demand Gasoline Economy more miies per gauon Accessibility for quick economical repairs nPIME-SAVING is a main objective -- of Pierce-Arrow designing saving of running time, loading time, shop time every time-expenditure which de lays the truck and keeps it from earn ing money. ADEQUATE power assures superi j ority to all road obstacles hills or rough going, mud-holes or snow block ades. Dual Valves increase power by enlarging the valve area admitting fuller, purer gas charges. Two sparks assure complete combustion and translate all of the gas charge into power. This means surprising gasoline economy. Accessibility of parts reduces repair charges to the minimum. A Q of the FIRST FIFTY trucks still running after 9 years' service. I) Ar leic row Foss-Hughes Company CHASSIS PRICES 2 -ton $3750 3V2-ton 4950 5 -ton 5700 All Trice F.O.B. Buffalo 21st and Market Sts. Philadelphia, Pa. 4 VJ . Bm MjJ i&& 'IBB - J' 9 4, J il j l ri