' , S V : f ' Xi- ii ; ml ibftlO 10 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA", THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21,. 1920 1NC11ES FROM The Golden-Plated Rule Dg Lillian Paschal Day I visited n country mint in August. She lins n rural telephone. It's funny the wny they do. The whole hamlet It on one wire. Kvcry otic hear every one phoning. Hell rings, oil tnle off receiver. Clicks follow nil down the line. Koch family has Its Hlgiml. Two long rlngi, then one short. Three short, one long and ro on. Aunt Mary'n nlvns mixed me up. It was two short, a long, a "lioit. Or else the other waj round. I never roitlil remember whli-h. So I plnjed safe answered all. One hot day it rung. Uing! bing! so fat I lent track. I took the receiver down. Otiicrs were doing the same. I began to count clicks. "Is this ou. V?" said n volte. Now that should limp been enough. There's just one "V" in the place. It is Mrs, Hepp's daughter. Hut only one receiver was icplaced. Not Aunt Mary's, I'm sorry to say. "Hello, mother!" answeted V. The old lady went on: "Can John come for me toda ?" John una daughter's husband. "I suppose so. Coiug blueberrying?" "Yes, if he'll take me in your ear. I know where there's a nice patch. The loveliest big blueberries!" I could almost hear lips smack. Listeners hung silent, breathless. V was all excitement. "Oh, mother! do tell where!" Blueberry Patches Your Soul's in Your Hand Ily 1HV1NCI It. 1JACON The wire was electric indeed. "VI" Mother's voice was dignified. "I'D llATIIRR NOT SAY! I'll tell John where to leave me. He can go on to town. I'll be there when he comes back." I blushed guiltily. Could feel her eyes boring me. Though I was a half mile nway . l!nough said. She hung up. The silence fairly groaned. Discomfited clicks sounded. One after the other retired. Mother's secret was still safe. I hung up and doubled up. Laughed till I ached. Wise, discreet, shrewd mother 1 N'o peace leaks were she President t She trusted her neighbors but She put herself in their place. Knew what she would do. Location of that patch is unknown. Isn't it odd? Some women can keep a secret. Rural telephones can't. Adventures With a Purse I AM not in the least sure that it is wise to tell you about this, for thcie is no certainty that when you go to see about it. there will be any left. So here is what I advise if ou arc com ing In town, todav. phone first when I tell you where this remarkable bar gain is to be had. make sure by calling the shop that the sale is still being held. Hut enough of msterv! I speak of afghans for. cribs and coaches they are soft downy covers stuffed with nn excellent quality of cotton and covered with a, shimmering Japanese silk. Kacli ' IM'I.IiXIllI.K VUNUSIAN A. Tlio ilfittnl Ilnr bound (ho Mount of Venn", the 1 niputlif tic ' qualitlrs of which nrc ftomeivlitit Irttenrd by the Intltilblllly. ! XL The brightness of the Venuslan cannot i be wholly eclipsed even by inflexibility I of hands or Ingers. Neerthelcss there Is a marketl degree of illfterenca In the quality as well us tlcgreo of tho Baet sought after and enjoyed by respective! the llexlbltf end tho Indexible Venulans Tho former are more Inc.T.ed to remain , mod In the fnco of een the most trj -lnc tcmpt.ilionR, whereas the stiff-nn-Kered. stiff-handed Vcnustian yields more readily nnd ma ien beco-re Inclines to seek fo occasions of Indulging l.im clf In Ignoble purnults and enjoyment" Another UlTercnce Is that, whereas tho flexible Venuslan Is rarely ever of a cal culating turn of mind when tho question of helping another is involved, the stlfr handed Venusiin Is often d-af to the appeals of tho helpless The stlff-handcd jvn'lrnonioiis''- i -i iHci-itl i u ' grip In Its cold clutch even so warm and responsive a heart as that of a Venuslan. (TO BE CONTINUED) Willcox & Gibbs ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC Sewing Machine Is rre-Emlnentlv the Machine for the rVunlly Noiseless Durable Efficient Eyery home should enjoy the comfort nnd economy of an ELECTRIC SEWING MA CHINE. LIBERAL allowance for your old machine. Monthly pay ments acceptable. Telephone Spruce 2192 and we would be pleased to send you one of our NEW ELECTRIC MACHINES on TRIAL, free of charge. WILLCOX & GIBBS SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 1709 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. its hns n lovely design In flowers embroid ered on It. Orlgnally the price was ?G, but this special sale makes their price $3.75. Tcy come in pole pink or pale blue. In my ndventuring about town, I have come ncross nil sorts of heavy sports stockings at nil sorts of prices, nnd after n more or less complete search, I have come to the conclusion that those for $2.'J,, n special price, arc nbout the best, Tlfey are a silk nnd cot ton combination, nnd arc heavily rib bed. They come In brown, dark blue and black, nnd are as neat nnd nice looking as you would want tn find. And I doubt whether you could equal them In price anti quality elsewhere. There arc two very telling arguments agninst cnrrjlng money loose In n gold mesh bag. One Is that the money, If it be In coins, Is quite likely to cut and tenr hc ilellcntc mesh. And the other is that if tho money be in hills, it will soil the nhe sparkling mesh mid mtoii make If loci: dull and tnrnislud Hold of which are excellent reasons for you having it little cloth of gold purse. And another tenson Is their own intrinsic beauty. Little oblong purses, thev aie, that fit in cue's bag nr,l look almost like mesh itself. Their price Is $1.30. For nnme of Hlion. nddrea Womnn'n Pae Keillor or nhone Walnut or Main 3000. Things You'll Lovo to Malta Tied-Dvjed Shade V ftH ."-""" m.js vd . - iSfnF I K.Kto If you nro looking tor a stunning. In expensive shado for n single olectrlo light, make this tled-dyed one. Mark a strip of unbleached muslin one-half yard long and seven Inches wide Into scallop. three Inches ncross tho top. Havo the scallops plcoted. Orasp the muslin as Bhown nnd starting two Inches from tho top, closely wind cord nround It cover ing one and one-half Inches. Fasten tho cord. Starting one Inch below that cover three-quarters Inch with cord. Dip the whole thing In cold dyo of the desired color. Tho muslin will remain white wherever tho cord was, nnd take Iho dyo whero It was not covered. Sew up tho ends, finish tho, top with n small head ing and running string, nnd vour shado Is complete. Isn't It splendid! FLOrtA. The Woman's Exchange The Correct Attlro To th Editor of Woman's root: Dear Mhdam Would you tell mo whether with a dressy velvet hat nnd a seal coat, brogues nnd wcoltn stockings would bo practical? Of course, If I first wear woolen stockings 1 will not want to chango to silk ones with high shoes. AUDIIEV. You could wear tho woolen stockings nnd brogues with jour velvet hat nnd iur com in mo morning or for nny in lormni occasion In tho aftei-noon or evening. But It docs not look welt to wear tho sport footgear with a drossy afternoon frock nnd velvet hat or for nn thing very formal. There Is nlwayi me unngcr or cuteli nn cold wiien vou wear silk stockings after wearing E woolen ones, but they are in very much better style with afternoon clothes, anu you can wear r.umpB nnd high spats to keep your ankles warm. Initialed Neckties To t'h Editor of Woman's raoe! Dear Madnm Arc Initialed tics worn by well-dressed young men? Aro thoy considered good taste? It. E. D. Initialed tics nre not considered In tho best taste. It Is better to wear a plain, conservative tlo that Is not conspicuous and at the same time, not too dull. Gift to an Unknown To the Editor of Woman's Paoe: Dear Madam I am coming for ad Vice. For Christmas I wish to give a gift to the wife at thc-superlntendent of the plnco whero I vork. Now. will it b nroner to send It bv mall and to say who It la from, because I don't know hor nnd sho never saw me elther7 WAITING. Wi A(iIlinery importer W. ISI ffifitsn. Seventeen 'Wafnvt w i For the Woman jj M of Ultra Distinction B fxOS. Oi Unusual Interest Is Our Showing of Jffl? jd Fetching New Hats ffy )jM Wonderful brocades, picturesque vel- ((a5 j7 vets, displaying embroidery, paradise, )p$? gjis. ostrich and other rich ornamentation. Js' K The Shop of Becominoncss ill jl, 1227 WALNUT STREET U A Get-Acquainted Millinery Sale 3 FRIDAY and SATURDAY Only Wmr Merely as an introduc- 4H II! My tion wc are offering all of HkT III 2jK3 the season's most stunning jgk III IK hats at actual cost values a&mk. Ill 6-oo JSMSm ANNE L. DEVLIN ONE THIRTY-NINE SO. THIRTEENTH ST. PRESENTS Superb Afternoon and Dinner Gowns featuring an unusually attractive collection of debu tante models, some of which will not be seen elsewhere in Philadelphia this season. I : seen elsewhere in Philadelphia this season. f - : : - ! .NO Ill.TV IIAOS ! M ii 1341 Walnut Street Iiit:-Carlton Two Remarkable Specials in New Fall Frocks for Friday and Saturday Satin Frocks for after-) A 6J.00 noon and street wear. . . ) Valueg $35 Tricotine Dresses of chic) EJfiJ.OO embroidered, beaded JJ and smartly tailored. . . Vol. to 75 jr immm- Jlflh Avenue at 46m Street 7f, Ms C&-- SPMladctohi ONE REASON WHY your Gidding store can offer you such splendid values is because all of the Gidding Stores New York, Philadel phia, Washington, Cincinnati and the northwest unite in making and assem bling their fashions. The -savings thus made possible are shared with Gidding customers. Not only that, bJ: the advantages in procuring Fashions at first hand through their personal rep resentatives in their own bureau at Paris and their own establish ment on Fifth Avenue, New York, designing and making many of their fashions in their own workrooms there, enable them to offer this style without extra cost. Isn't it worth while having the Gidding Label on your Frock, Suit, Coat, Hat or Fur, especially when you can have it at no extra cost? Quality for quality, no house jn America gives the real intrinsic value that the House of Gidding does. I jKIct 0Use f Wenger I I ML 1 229 Walnut St. I Wkim At 13th strect' pp- st Jnmcs Hotcl !4Nra Luxurious Grace Is Distinctive Cloak of ?t 01 Broadtail and Stone jBHSu arc ever characterized j k tSsHMML Chertak Millinery rywO tasto have brought Cher- i J I kv tnk caPcaux t10 aPProval If M PLEASE NOTE: Wc have no connection with $ m any other house bearing the naine "Wenger." ' Vi Under tho circumstances it would be In better tasto not to send any sift, unless ou nre very good friends with the superintendent hlmseir. fn that case send your gift through tho mall, ad dressed to both, with your card Inside. Ifjou know tha man only hm,.,7' would bo better lo send merely Tiiy, ' Christmas card of greeting nmiwu wlshes,inddres8lnp this also to bo,1 man ami his wlfo, nnd wrltlnc ,!h name on the card. wnung your W I 133 Soi3tkSt An Extraordinary Showing Suits and Coats i rVcldfjne Veldgcygne Marvella and Others Some plain others handsomely fur trimmed with Beaver, Mole, Squirrel, Hudson Seal and Opossum. $59.5d t0 $195 The merchandise wc are now offering makes REDUCED PRICE SALES unnecessary, for our prices are so low that you can buy a coat, suit or dross NOW nt a cost that is no more than in some end-of-scason sales. nimiliiiininiuiiiunirrrrj! JlllllimimiMniMiM. ( WE KNOW HOW SINCE 1871 leafier &jwm 1522 CHESTNUT ST. Stunning Lamps and Shades Reduced 10 to 50 A lamp is a veritable genii, a spirit of beauty, depending upon the wis dom of its selection. The right lamp mellows the soul as well as the room with its friendly light. In our shop decora tors, not salesmen, help you select the very lamp that is meant for you and your home. We are showing at unusually low prices a comprehensive assem blage of period and modern furniture for living room JpigsL OJIF Millinery Salons nro featuring hats of distinction, notable for their originality, chic and quality, at prices decidedly within reason. This is in accordance- with our new policy of lower prices. Tho models alluringly combine grace of line with beauty of material and harmony of color. Many of these models aro French designs, others arc inimitable Dann originations mostly in those unsurpassed rich millinery fabrics of the season: duvctyn, panne and Lyons velvet, all of obviously superior quality. 16.50 to 30.00 1506 Chestnut Street as 1312 Walnut Street fit J.C HlrS o ppPPINGATTflE im&B&i-1 juv oiivro THOSE OF YOU WHO ENJOY PAULETTE'S SHOPPING CHATS AND APPRECIATE HER ADVICE WILL RECEIVE SPECIAL COURTESY AT THE SHOPS BY MENTIONING HER NAME. THIS WILL ALSO AID HER IN OBTAINING FOR YOU MANY CHOICE BITS OF SHOPPING INFORMATION RESERVED FOR THE FAVORED. Another luscious silk sale, folks! It's simply not to be missed. It's being held at B. F. Dewees,-U22 Chest nut, iho shop where your own grandmother may have purchased her Sunday meeting frock, boasted to "stand alono." There arc finest quality meteors, 40 ina. wide, in rich street shades, $3.65 a yard, reduced from ?5, and a splendid tricolette, 36 ins. wide, black, navy, white, rosebud nnd light, brown, $2.45 instead of $3.76. Crcpc do chine, n quality which formerly sold at $2.50 a ynrd, is selling at $1.65 a yard, including all shades, including that desirable flesh for lingerie. Softly crisp taffetas of iheavy quality, the best made in America, 1 yard wide, are selling for $2.35 instead of $4.25. And shirtings, my dears, you should see 'em closely woven crepes do chine nnd silk broadcloths, in excellent stripes, to be had for $1.95 a yard, reduced from $4.60. Now is the time to do your"silk shopping and no-mistake! The strictly tailored suit is so difficult to find in its perfection, oven when one pays high for its fashioning. But at one plnco in town it can bo had in all its fault less chic Sterling's, 1210 Walnut strect. There flock fashionable women, women of established social posi tion, who know values and who arc willing to pay fair but never exorbitant prices for value received. A Sterling suit (truly the name is appropriate) is at once recognizable by its grace of line, finest fabric and its lack of superfluous ornament. Sterling suits are created to the individual type of figure, from debutantes to matrons. Mr. Sterling is particularly appreciated for his ability to create slender lines' for stout figures. Sterling has given me a special price for you upon thesu suits, so that the mention of the name "Paulettc" will, for a time, enable you to procure a $100 custom-made suit for only $85 J There nre higher priced suits, too, of course. The rich linings are positively guaranteed for two seasons' wear. The Millinery Salon of Chertak's, in the House of Wenger, is a sartorial treat' indeed. There one can be sure of seeing the latest and best inspirations from Paris, and Chertak's own originations, often created for her individual and devoted patrons. To combine grace with chic, becomingness with the style of the moment is an achievement attnincd only by nn nrtist such ns Chertnk never by mere "milliners." Just now Chertnk has, 1 would say, tho most alluring and exclusive display of millinery in town. Then there nre Mr. Wenger's glorious furs upon the second floor if you love beauty you must not miss those his models arc not only abreast of the times, but more often far in advance of them. By tho wny, I must impress upon you that the House of Wenger is at 1229 Walnut street, directly opposite the St. James, and has no connection with any other house by that name. 'Tis the season of debutantes, blessings on their pretty heads! Send them posies to greet their coming into tho adult world' One must be very sure that tho flower shop will deliver only fresh posies, arranged their prettiest, too. It isn't necessnry to spend heaps of money for something really lovely. There's the ex ceptional London Flower Shop, for example, at 1800 Chestnut street. It has exquisite debutante offerings from $5 up. This low price includes dainty baskets of pink roses with blue delphine, baskets of dahlias, old fashioned lace paper bouquets, ravishing little French ladies of bisque in flower frocks, nt $10 up, nnd dancing girls whoso adorable violet skirts show fascinating glimpses of white carnation petticoats could anything be moio enchanting? You may havo hei for $17.50. There nre little formnl trees, too, fushioncd of rosebuds and set in quaint little pottery pott! They arc priced nt $5, $7.50 and $10. Winter has its emphatic joys. Ono of them dear to the heart of femininity is tho advent of rich furs. "I would rather havo furs than jewels," a woman said to me. There nre beautiful fur garments being shown by that reliable furrier of fnir prices, Theodore Siefert, at 1426 Wnlnut. The fur capes reaching to tho waistline mo tho furs of the moment. Such stunning enpes of nnturnl mink with paws nnd tails sell for $550 up; blended sable capes are $600 up; those of natural sable, $1500 up. Regal mink dolmans can be had at Siefert's for $2500 to $3500, nnd mink dolmans start nt $2350. Full length enpes of silky Hudson senl stnrt nt $900, while- Hudson seal dolmans nro priced at $850 up. Siefert's prices for the stunning new full Ibngth military capes of Hudson senl aro $1000 and $1200. And then there are ever so many fetching small furs beginning at $35. Getting furs at Siefert's is truly shopping economy. i Week of October Eighteenth 5SAz3t:' dining room and bedroom - fry f ik ''inh'XjM-m!i , . . ixs, r,,vVi!feii2 ifcJTtj&' f i&t-Ata-afcck