'A ii I! r-T....-, - x, ,,;-. -bj. v-r ! , ('.-'" '7 i i .'IIK'lftiTfi I ' -' "'. 'i - - fJK" "TvWWBW"' vl IN RUSSIAN CAPITAL iSHw' : liM ' N '.ww kr JaaHF IVJngazine Writor and Socialist Loader Succumbs to At tack of Typhu3 fJATIVE OF PORTLAND, ORE. Hy llio Associated Tress Portland, Ore., Oct. 18. John Rcccl, mUfcnzinc writer," died' 'Sunday, In' Mw row, Russin, of typhus, according to a tetegrnm received hero by Henry G. Ito'fd. a brother, from Louise Bryant, RcfiVn widow. Jlrrd had ninJo several vjslts to Rus sia diirlnB the Soviet regime. Since his latest 'departure from this country latt year rclativcfl hero had received ynrlous conflicting 'report regarding hint. One was1 tn tho effect that he hail been executed in Finland,, aa a SdTict emlssnrjf and another that ho lid been Imprisoned in Russia, John I?ced, for the Inst ten years, Teas prominent ns a writer in magazines' add ns a war correspondent. In addi tion lie wrote n number of books on the worjd war nnd problems arising from that conflict. In 1010 he was in Russia as n So cialist delegate, and utfon his return it wad announced he had been nppointcd Russian consul in New York. He was not accorded rccocnition by tho United States Government, however, arid later dijpatelies from I'etroctrad said his ere ilontlals ns consul had been canceled. Jlcrd's pronounced views on comuiun imi led to bis nrrest on scvcrnl occa sions, nnd it waft charged he rnado bc- ilitfotis utternnccs while- the united States was engaged In tho war. .Charges of sedition brought acainsfc him were dropped, however, in Aprll.'JOlO. Heed salleii for Kussia during the autumn of tho nninc year, and subso qucnt to that time was indicted nt Chl fogo for violaflonoC-thp state syndicnl- ism act. nt jnicr. returned 10 inc 1,'nlted States, nnd 'onctf more went to Europe, it being reported ho had been .found in the cdai.minker of a ?U''i ,-( ii ... ,(4Hll J? rtJit fir. ' '-" '!?..(' v EtrBtt6BrftHirlA OOTpBBif'. 18,;''192P'" '"V,1V,1! ' IV-"- , :. . I -irwiVTiV pJ-M.W - , IS ', ' ' "" " '. " . - I Jf' ' . icr: GLI ESTREMIST L'Anarchlco Enrico Malatesta 0 Compagnl Sono Stati Fi nalmento Arrestatl ranKin no. ai. d by tli ct of October lhibll.hM PB1 Atllhirlctif bv tli rt nl fMAh.. lSlT,,-on ni at the Poatoftlca of Ptitlft- icipnia, r. A. b. nunusnoN. Potmter anraU ,10HN REED American magazine writer and So cialist leader, whoso death in Mos cow, of typhus, Is announced ship In a Finnish port. The State De partment at 'Washington denied ho had an American passport, nnd it wan charged he was traveling with forged papers. , Slnco'rcacnlng Finland Reed has been reported arrested on two occasions, and nt one time it was nnld he hud been executed In that country. On August 28 It was reported ho had been sent to Moscow to represent American' communists. John Reed was born at Tortland, Ore., on October 22, 1887. Ho re ceived tho dcrci of bachelor of arts at Harvard University in 1010, and Im mediately began his career as n writer. He served nt various times on the editorial staffs of prominent mnga- Londrtt, 17 ottobre. Enrico Mala testa, l fnmosd capo degH anarchlcl In Italia 0' stato c-ggi arrestatb sccomlo tin dispaccio glunto da Mllano alia Ex change Telegraph. Iaccusa contro 11 Malatesta 0' quclla dt aver cosplrato contro la sicurczza dcllo Stato. c snrebbe stata clcvata dopo lo notlzio giunte da Verona, ovo gli anarchlcl tcntarono dl far saltare la cascrma dcllo Guardle Regie, in scgulto ad un vlolcnto dlscorso pronunziato dai aiamtesta. "II Mcssaggcro," giornnlo dl Roma, chlcdo in un nuo articolo quando II Governo nl dectdera' a mettcre fine alio Infernal! macchlnazlonl dl un noma cost' tcrribllo cho semlna tnortc ovunquo cgll si rcca. Dlspnccl glttntl sabato da ' Mllano segnalavano cho II giornalo "La Perse vcranza" dava notizia dl un-grande complotto anarchlco scopcrto da quelle autorlta' dl publica sicurczza, in sc gulto al qualo nl procedeva all'arrcsto dell'intcra redazlone del giornalo an archlco "Umanlta Nuova," del quale 0' dlrcttore 11 Malatesta, n si rltcneva immincnts anche l'nrrcsto del Malatesta stcsso. Roma, 17 ottobre. Una nuova sttu aziono politica si c' fapldamento svl luppata, come rlsultato dcllo sciopero ordlnato glovcdl' dol partlto soclallsta, con II prctesto dl slmpatla verso la Russia ed 1 snsseguentl dlsordlnl. Iji classo media o' o'ra profonda- mente Inasnrita e chicdo ad altn voco cho 11 governo cncrglcnmcntb rlaffcrml l'nutorita dl Stato. Scnza che l'On. Glolittl aglsca prontamente, cgll dovrn' cadero sotto l'indlgnazlono pubblica. Si parla anchtf dl affidaro II rlstabilmcnto dcll'ordlno nd nlcunl del ncgllo cono sclutl gcncrall, I quail non hanno paura dl usaro risolutl mezzl. L'attacco Kll utile! del giornalo soclallsta dl Trlmtn n' 11 nrlmo nasso delta classo media risvcgllatasl. Sabato a Bologna, ove I socialist! ab inlstl, durante 11 fuperalo dl una gunrdla bondnno ed In maggloranza sono cstro ucclsn nel dlsordlnl dl glovcdl', avvenpo una patrottlca dimoatrazione 0 conse gucnto battaglla tra nazlonallstl 0 so cialist!, duranto la quale qucst'ultlml furono sevcramento battutl. I - rsBP9i 11 L Bay Good-by With A Coat of Paint all over th boat foro and aft. "Savo tho Surface and . . . vou know the rest Marine paints, varnishes, glues verylhlng for a boat her at headquortors. F.VANDERHERCHEN'SSONS 7 N. witter Htrcet. rmiilpiu U the Blon of h Ball" Mn'i, Wemtn'i, Doji', GUIs' Immenie Stock Moderate Itrntol FISCHER 255 S. 9th rhnnet Walnnt 4903 f.- -' a? HTKAMWIIir NOTICKH DIAMONDS RnilRUT. f BOUGHT. Houte f Eatbll1i4 RelUbmtr HlfhMt PrieM Vain Cuaraala4 finUTFY'S 6 North 11th Sk In the controversy between President WILSON and Senator SPENCER, the authority cited has been Dr. E. J. Dillon's bt THE4NSIDE STOtfY OF THE PEACE CONFERENCE The Book Every One Should Read Now! Here's What the Papers Say ,nW IIWwtpwh swwml I ifti I.. D.'nereer Co., 60 N. 2d-St. italn 0i0. ilartalt. til . Galvanized Boat Pumps' Stationery Printing Engraving lOfficc Furniture Filint; Equipment liooje Leaf Systems and Supplies Solving the Acjcountattfe roimftobleiii It's a mighty important thing for bookkeepers and accountants to know that, we carry a most com plete assortment of forms and rul N ed sheets ready for immediate de livery. In just this way we have "solved the accountant's problem" many, many times. Our printing department is equipped to make for you at short notico, any es pecially ruled sheets or forms that you may require. Our loono leaf cnlalosr No, 62K1 sent free on rmjucst to bookkeepers nnd arcountants. Pomerantz for the office 1525 CHESTNUT ST..PH1LADELPHIA V"N THE 11IAST 01I HllAOtlFHIAX' 1 wmtmmmmmmm Bell phone: Spruco 105 Keystone: Race C60 1 1 Credit is Progressive Local success local reputation creates local credit. As a business ex pands, extending its acquaintance and broadening its market, it gradu ally develops a national character and is entitled to a national credit. The customers of the National Bank of. Commerce in New York are concerns which have built up national and international relations, requiring credit resources propor tionate to their operations. National Bank of Commerce in New ibrk Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over Rftyfivo Million Dollara MRUs WI,f'JA.- " W CS.-". -XWVVW aL.'v 'v v v ' 'v vNi tl am vfc-v- m ott? ilUilf'llll ltUUSg.vvv X ' a ' sxsjyv A ,WJ n"'. ' ''''rnTMTtiwnrartgH V lL:,Vi I.-,.. ',: 'vV;.V.;,:,l,J'aVMm v WE OFFER FOR EXPORT COAL CXF..AI1 Ports STEAM OR GAS AirPooU Spot Future Contract It E. Matthews & Co., Inc. G48 Droxel Building Philadelphia, Pa. Iximbiml (JJS Main S1BI M-htfne- HewVSStV ASVs tn-1 ...v. - i Mi. 5SiS.VI Tbd, I .-,. 6?.' lfrtft.5'nta?"7inut' efissasfjBBssf!: - '-ft MI' "ilV IhV .u BSaffSi'Sira &L r.-Oi. aQ... 4- cr. j . fZ (A J. A,. 'Vw.3 1 "- .' , fx .W . U'A . -n. t-la.-"j, -v ? ViL 'i n- .f ''ft. 't . n. i ' Yf '? 1?S1 A a-aUl . -, w !' ivl 1 r-.vnh - S &&fr .vbA-. C'JV fcW v - "! ; m,o' Ronnumlaos, .- tii '.r.iHi" irJssfonK imp'." iibi- a mi .-. .. na - 5iv inv- i;n m.rirti!OT zixw urot. wizitvz w "-r- li IW'.Jti"0' "-e a ripe applo from an 1 -" ' I illilii lililim imi'i Irfr"-' lx UJwrbr. Dillon.' on page B01 of uli "Inside SRI .v-foA;0- ajWt .. w Har4lng'('tf'' treat for. in'a purported UNITED AMERICAN LINES PtCOnrORATKD JOINT SERVICE WITH HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG S. S. IPSWICH Not. 6 rnnovan nnxa ov unmn via nAMnuRO. ISSUED TO Al.t, Scandnavian and Baltic Ports BATKS AND rtTBTTrFR rABTlCOTAnS ON APTMOATION TO INTERNATIONAL FREIGHTING CORPORATION Lafayette Bldg. Tel.Lombard 3633 UNITED AMERICAN UNES INCXjnrORATED Freight Traffic Department 39 BROADWAY. NEW YORK TELETnONF, WinTKIIAIJ, 1MO 327 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO i t' PRODUCTION ENGINEERS 35 Years' Experience In Labor-Saving Devices & Afcftodf Designers and Builders of' Automatic Machinery, Punches, and Dies and Manuf acturirigv-, Equipment ol Special Character Engineers and MachtnMtt A. NACKE & SON Kb Bell Phone: Walnut IW 23G-242S..9thSUPhiIa. Keiatone 'Phone: Main 3311 STEAMBmr NOTICES STE.MSIIU N0TI0E8 The Ieac Conference," qnotea Mr. "Wilton, as tuln Hho pnmona' "wV plainly untntnr the treat powen, in ' ita proinlie. of awisUnce. Tbe tnnscrlpt published by the.' Tribune eubsthutoo "the United States." SafforiOt Oct. Z-iL Est 1817 HARPER & BROTHERS New York EARN-LINE Incorporated 1SS1 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia-Manchester SS"Des Moines Bridge"... Oct. 25 Philadelphia Havana S S "Lake Galcra" Loading S. S. "Lake Fernando" Oct. 25 For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St PHILADELPHIA, PA. CUMMINC LINE O U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers Regular Service (FREIGHT ONLY) PHILADELPHIA TO ROTTERDAM AND ANTWERP SS "Lake Hamiinia" ,.. . .,. . .,. . .Loading SS "Lake Flag" Loading SS "Bonnie Brook" Oct 25 , ROTTERDAM TO PHILADELPHIA SS "Arizpa" .. . .Oct. 20 PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG AND BREMEN SS "Ctcwy City" Oct. 18 PHILADELPHIA TO CONSTANTINOPLE AND BLACK SEA PORTS A Steamer as sufficient cargo offers For tpaee and rates apply ' A. D. CUMMINS & CO., Inc. 139 South 4th St., Phila.. Pa. H. P. Dilkes. Manager Lombard 4127-4128-5167 :: Main 1348 J iSurii'iiiijiriiiiffliiwnimirmuiuiiwuiftrflOT.fflKTmnDrcnHir IHMHMillHIXltHHIIIKH fiUvOivrtfa HfawvA (Rain Coming!) rmnmmmnwmmmnmwmiBmmmmmiwammm wsmvmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmm Without Regard m to Cost or Former Selling Price We, this day, open to your choosing 5000 (five thousand) quality raincoats at $7.00 apiece . This very low price is less than their wholesale cost, and when we say these rain coats are guaranteed at $7 with Oak Hall's word of warranty in hack of them you may be sure they will sell rapidly. No restrictions will be placed upon dealers and retailers who wish to buy the raincoats for resale. All sales for cash, none sent C. O. D. and none sent on approval. Wanamaker & Brown Market at Sixth for 59 Years. MiiijimpifaiiMA; ' 4 Eiiua'iiiirauiiiituiifiiaiiiiiiiaiiciiijfii'iriiikiiiiMiijjiiiiiiiiii l1ltITIIITIIITTiMII1llillIlil','''iMllillillllJl'ntTlll iv. t. - ' I jj4b vml i .a J "'.'"""'.""'"''.'"""f '"""V . .' i utMmf :,' r i ', j u, -j. n" .- - -. --jr.- . . . a 'J SBliSgli The CHARLES T. MEGEECO. Agents for U. S. Shipping Board 100 A-l Steamers Philadelphia to Scandinavian Ports Christiania, Gothenburg, Copenhagen SS "FORT ARMSTRONG" Loading Oct. 20 SS "ORONOKE" Loading Nov. 15 (Other Scandinavian and Baltic Ports if sufficient cargo offers) Philadelphia to Greek, Adriatic & Black Sea Ports Piraeus, Patras, Salonica, Venice and Trieste A STEAMER Loading Nov. 10 (For Black Sea Ports if sufficient cargo offers) Loading Berth: Pier 78, South Wharvea For Rales and Space Apply to The CHARLES T. flflEGEE CO. Drexel Building, Philadelphia Lombard S100-1-2S Main S06U Ml wl Q IdealTropic Cruises I d Aboard Trans-Atlantic Liners1 WEST INDIES WINDWARD ISLANDS PANAMA CANAL SOUTH AMERICA srr.rLLLY seuccted touts or caix Sir Crular. from New York. Two Crulom from New Ortcaiu. JANUARY 12-21-22 FEBRUARY 10-12-21 MARCH 12-23 1921 WHITE STAR LINE Twin Screw Strnmrr MEGANTIC 14,878 Tons Register 20.470 Tons Dlnplacement AMERICAN LINE Twin Screw Stramrm NEW YORK ST. PAUL 10,200 Tons llcclstcr 10.1'Q Tons Displacement THE LARGEST STEAMERS TO THE TROPICS INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE CO. CRUISE DEPARTMENT 1319 WALNUT ST.. PHILA. ijmmm FRENCH LINE Compngnie Generale Transatlantique Inward nnd Outward Fast Frrlcbt Strnmrr Regular Service (CARGO ONLY) PHILADELPHIA TO LE HAVRE AND BORDEAUX AND OTHER FRENCH ATLANTIC PORTS t ,SS"NOFHERN" (Br.) 7500 ton. .leal lOO-A-l To load pier Bfl tU. lffiluli ty .all (ITTOIibk 28th and n.cnlar ACENTS-NEW YORKWOCEANi COMPANY, INC GEYEUN & COMPANY (Inc.), Philadelphia Representatives 108 South Fourth Street I'honc Tmhnnl )?07 i i a.1 Kt draara Kejrier Hit., Baltimore United States Shipping Board' Passenger Service N. Y. to Rio & Janeiro, MonteriJeo, Daenoj Ajres g. . MAIITIIA 1VASIHNOTON. 15.000 tons (b).Oct. SO S. S. IICIKIN- 17.000 loin (c) Nor. I B. H. AKOMIS. U1.O0O tons (c) Nov. it (hi First anil second class. (c) l'lrst. second and third class. tor rates and particulars apply to any i'aaiengcr Aoencu or to Munson Steamship Line 82-92 Beaver Street, New York Drexel Building, Philadelphia Mobile. AU. Conway Bldr, Coicgo, 111 St Lod'h OL MPIC LARGEST BRITISH STEAMER LONDON mr I M an i aa PAms 1WV. fhJWV. Li. lief. Z jr, 1 1...'. ' " V4J I evAnrtutf m,.....-. ' 'A; CJjwj. DHSURPASSED CUISINE EVERY COMFORT . ' ' i ? sae SPACIOUS CTATEROQMbT C SUITES Dfi Si- -j ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE IN ALL THREE CLASS? WHITE STAR LINEr imMfbr W '.' i r tv 'vty ''-"f -' ,0"" -vTr(r, - . ' ' - !' " rT ". ' ?' 'V rVr. Vriia-f tt-)V-- y ' v w-ir :J W s . .ia. luJUiiSaABML ' '" i v '"i i '" n f" " "' ii 'i iiiiilli ifl K&." - UBBBSB ,Hfc,jk3itjLV-i A,'1- jJMM-BMMaMa