Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 18, 1920, POSTSCRIPT, Page 13, Image 13

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    VV 771
r -yt'iJ.
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K It
- 'A r ,
t i. "S r' . ' "i " i f"""""T""" r m ni'il.i i i ! in i ii ii ii'i i"l i'i in i Hi mil mmiini 11H u i i il i u i ' ' t m i iiiiiniiiii i i i i i ii i i f
vxK "nTis. .tJ
The Golden-Plated Rule
Bu UlHan Paschal pan
1'licro nro tomo licrbcs left.
J know of one.
HoM bo surprised nt the name.
o Is tlio flagman nt n crossing.
It's nt the lower end of our tnwp.
Hundreds of machines pass dally.
jjo guards carefully daytimes.
, lint bis heroism wasn't there.
' lie has a little greenhouso also.
Joins his house across, the track,
Jlls bllrd daughter live? there.
fjhc has been so from birth.
Hhc's a grown young lady now.
Her face fa beautiful,
jjuch peace shines frotn It!
Her old father adore her.
lie has slaved to pay doctors.
Ills hpe s to give hpr sight.
It has cost Imrd-edrped hundreds,
Last winter he Qttfdid lilmraslf.
A great specialist treated her,
How to get so much money?
That botherod night and day.
yioncrs and flagging dqn't pay
Ho the father tended furnaces.
Tivelvo of them two churches.
He roso at 4, home at midnight.
Ills route lay all over town.
Four miles each, trip, twlco dally.
IIoums were widely spattered,
Often tho snow was unbroken.
JIo waded through to his knees.
Only five feet tall ii ho.
And he's not strong, nlthough wiry,
But he la Qrit Incarnate.
Pluck fired by Lovo I
It has. overturned world I
Ho faced Wizards, eighteen below.
Worst wo'd had for years.
Yet he missed onjy oqo day,
During nil that long winter 1
And then ho froso his feet.
Trains wero late, stalled In. snow.
He stayed to guard tho crossing.
Feet and hands grew numb,
Still he guarded the gate.
Tho blind girl fojt her way over.
Coffee shq brought, and leggings.
He 1$$ her put them on him.
Feet were frtcslng then.
And ho nnvpr told her,
She kissed him happily,
Then felt her way back home.
big A"y roupii ijlm and cared for him,
She nover knew about it.
Wo'ro praying she will bo cured.
Isn't it odd?
Wo scq heroes every day,
Wo don't always recognise them.
nr pappy
JUDGK OXVh came tapping nt Peggy'
u Indow very early In tha morning.
"Onntl rtav. Judge owl I" snld Feuvr
linpplng out of her snug bed and peeUi:
t lilm through the window screen.
Qood night I" replied Judge Qw, and
emQorqa wot
nBht was day.
It was rather unusual fqr htm to be,
thtn l'esaif remembered that
was night and night was day
htm day
Abroad at that hour, for the oun was
nrsi ppb-
light, for he couldn't see well In It with
his hlfif
about h
Its first brlsrht rnys over the
and Judre Qw) didn't like sun-
Indeed. In order to net
nd tq woar the dark Kl&ssci
had to woi
I'eggy had given him long ago,
"What brlnro you around so early?"
asked Peggy,
"Early I" exclaimed Judge Owl. "Why,
It Is vary late. I should have been In
bed an hour 0.80- I only stayed awnlco
because I had a vary Important question
to ask you."
"My goodness, what might that ques
tion be?' asked Peggy.
"It might be a lot of things," hooted
Judge Owl tartly. Evidently staying up
lste had the same effect on him It has
on many cmiaren lt miiuc ipm. cross.
"It might bo: 'How old aro you? or
It might ne: 'Will yoj havo an egg for
your lessons for school?'
n. .
or It
might b
t...i n--... . .
nfiyt riimr nwpmu mm wim a merry
..kviu duiie) mill, (fiiu IIIUUO UO OB
sane It:
"What a cross old fowl
Is oirr friend Judgo Owl
When ho stays up after noon.
I'll give him a smile
To mako life worth while
And ha'll nrln until nl.ion
Peggy smiled nt Judge Owl with auoh
a Jolly tinkle In" her eyes that ha
iuuiuu i. imp grinning oacK.
"Well, you'd be cross, too. if v i0,i
stayed up nil night making your rounds
as Head Watchman of Djrdland and
then had found something that puzzled
Su..ri.niuSh you JU8t had t0 Iei oJl
Bbu' It. peforp yqu went to bed."
,.v"-S. JS. f "" II PWllrig ypur
i i Wih0? " h0 ' Why dBes boy who
" .WWrtCU U(J ill
.!ocled UD ln a Jiouse say Whqq-oonl
Whoo-OOD '?" JudtM Otul novL'l l.il.V.'
lng at her. '
Joke." laushcd
lahAVAl It IM T irlA I. .
Li"?,, Who I? locked up a
mt?iT Miv-yui i VY(
in uoi it.h nnirnAi"
Joke. It Is a mystery,
js inaia riddle o
-rxy. "ynioheve
,. ' . i
uiuiur ft riaaio por a
"A myetory! Oh. tell mn about
crlod Peg ay eagerly.
yhooi j aop't K
grumbled Judtro Owl.'
been chasing It nil night
'ffhniilnir Mjhn?'i ln,.M
hoqtec) Judge
Owl. looking very solemn.
ri o
"Wliool I don't know all about im-
-:naV8 why I'o
interrppted Peggy
What 7"
breakfast t1 or It might bo: 'Have you
The Question Corrwr
Today's Inquiries
J. What material is warm and com
fortable for cont linings?
2, How can a water fine, left after
removing n stain, be taken out?
3, Describe n convenient caso that
would make a good prle for a
bridge club. ' .
4, What is the latest fad In, fapcy
corsets? i
5, How should a young girl's visit
ing card read?
0. What is "coq dc rocho"?
Saturday's Aniwcr
1. When door curtains have to be
pulled open and shut very often,
it is best to arrange them on a
line will a pulley so that they
'an be 'pullecj bmoothly by a
2 A dainty dressing table can be
mado by painting n kitchen
tablo, surroupdlpg it with cot
ton roaforial in n protty color,
.mil hauglng a mirror palpted
tho same shade over it.
.'!. 3Iakc n butterfly costume for Hal
loween out of n yellow dress,
by adding a hugo black tulle
bow jn back, which forms
"wings" attached to waistt
wriBts, thoulders and the hem
of tho skirt. Wear a littjo yel
low cap with two atiills.
1. Silk undergarments can ho pre
vented from yellowing for somo
timo if they aro washed in luke
warm soapsuds, wrapped In a
bath towel to get almost dry,
then pressed with a warm iron.
5. It iB not correct to wear n veil with
n latgo hat in the evening un
less it is a flowing lace veil, not
over the face.
0. When Oiera is no time to mako
starch for collars and cuffs that
are washed In a hurry, press
them under a elofh with a very
hot iron when thoy nre almost
dripping wet, to mako them
Htlff enough for one wearing,
r...Jh0.wh.0o"0.2R.1 whoo-oop !" answered
JuJg8 QwJ. "When I first heard It I
couldn't make it out. It sounded 1 ke
an owl With a cold n thq hend and at
.rii.o. ii.uaD umj n itob wim a sore
t Si j? '0JIowe ho soypd to tho yrffe
fRrmhouse Just outsldo tho wooqm. .
man an.d a woman wero Bqttlng ready
to drive away In an auto, anif eforo
!.he?tdJ?V9TawytleJ' ,ocle1 tho house
IIP tight. In that houso was Uio whoo-
-.... ,..... ..,, . A ,,hipicu iv iiiu win
dow and who do you think tho 'whoo
oop 1 whoo.oop' won?"
'I haven't any Idea," answsrod Peggy,
awed by Judge OwI'h manner.
"Whoo I Whoo 1 It wo a llttlq boy
., t. ouH,,MK mi uiuno no was
locked up a prisoner. I think you'd
better come right away and set him froa
row,? mo i")i u wuman get pacK.
Then wo c4n find out why ho says 'whoo
oop 1 whoo-oop' when ho Isn't an pwl "
"III co with you this minute," de
clared Peggy, dressing aa fast as aht
Tomorrow will bo told what they find
Bostonlap Returns BUI to Collector
With Terse Comment
Boston, Oct. lg. "Last year J was
working hut single, so could pay the
tax. This year I nm married, so I nm
These aro tho bold statements in a
letter received by City Tax Collector
Prank B. Delapd, the poll tgjc bill for
$5 being inclosed.
Collector Pcland savs ho does not
ponsldcr marriage a sufficient reason to
exempt a nan from paying bis poll tax.
''Balloons I llalloonsl Duv thn oheoU
dren p. tMloon Oeo-oo-n.y Island ti
balloons i Flftson cepto twq for a quar-
" wpp-oBrpey. island ra3 balloons "
Tho strident oIco roused Amy Whlt-
cpmb, peatod In her brother's, Hrqounlno
parqea on ma outskirts of the fair,
carrjinft 'her5 back to a day-long post.
Strange that tho yell of a hawker could
affect so swf a trapsparjatlop, and be-
tween two such dissimilar" claees. A
country. far In, all its midday garish-,
peas Shelving Hoelt Hunt the night of
the Junior ravels! And It was of Pick
miiqs. (he maddest, merriest of them all,
Plpyfng tha balloon man, that tho vplco
reminded hen
Prom repawn; how inimitably, with
hlu marvelous gift" of mimicry, he had
peddled his bobbing wares, Amy's
thoughts shifted to the cplsoda whlph
had taken place on the cool, ntartlt lawp
at the tag end of the evening. In an
swer to PICK1 plea to marry him, h
had told htm, oh, so Judicially nnd calm
ly, "It would bo a mtstako, Dick. I like
too well a serend, ovenly ordered exist
ence, whllo you why, Pick, ono moment
you wear yourself gpt trying to he tliQ
greatest writer of tho age, tho nut, yoi
fancy yoursolf a second P, T. Ilarnumt"
It had all been true Dlok was a man
of many talents and with tP much
Two Minutes of Optimism
money In tho oiling ovar to develop an:
onn of them. But since thut nlffht muc
had happenad. Dick's father had lost on
cm. tint hi nee tnut night muc
tho exchange, pick had. BQna In work
and Amv had heard or mm since as a
promoter of sorts, an agent in a Broker's
omea, a salesmnn for an export firm.
For some tlma HOW, ehq hftd not heard
at all. She wondered -
"llalloonsl qqo-qq-ney Island gns bal
loon! Him 'em for tha cheeldrenl'
In response o an Impulse whleh Mio
could not havo explained, even to her
self, Amy Vent forward to tho chnufTcur.
It might he -in hour before her brother.
urhn linit laft har with tho CXCUSO that ho
was on tho trail of a thoroughbred Jer
sey calf, returned. "Tell my brother I'll
be bacK presently. .
with tho excuso that ho
car, disappeared In tho circling crowds.
ni-etiAntiv. ir no returns nrst.
Ircclcl nnd. descending from tho
Her wov was temporarily Impeded by
-.- -L- .. ...1.
nn ausorDeu, neccniiuiii iuui wu-iuu
Ing a perspiring boy throw balls nt trian
gular apertures j nn cndfavor.to ' lp
li, mm ri i h i"u'j hi
tp retreat, Amy
,v dolir'T idii
jumped Into
threu straight an
in nn Rirnn in rttinni. Aim
somebody nnd something of curvlm
nfinenH tfiunhed liar cheek. Only a bal-
lnnni.litit. nn nhn lifted lior head to brush
It aside, rtia looked straight Into the
startled ayes of Pek a Pick whp first
paled, then slowly reddened.
Wordless, ho made a path for. hor
har through tha throng and Amy, like 11
puppet qp a string, obediently followed.
T no In hnnk at tha orangeade conces
sion that they found spelt?. And (t was
Amv who spoka. first, .,..,,
"I suppose, of course, pick, that this
Is somo sort of n Joke." She Indicated
with a gesture the bunch of gold and ye
IqW ami purplo spheres still swaying
'from ils shoulder,
. An expression of relief flitted across
Pick's, face.
"You'ro right, Amy If I may still call
ou by your first name. I'm er gather
ing local color for my next book." ho
told her confidentially, "and when tha
old veezer who owns these foil over n
tent rope and laid himself up. I snw my
ohapce to do him n ffooa turn antl Ret
a little fun out of it myself. Never
dreamed Pd run Into Into you. I was
a balloon man ones before tho levcli.
Do you happen to remembor?" Ho rattled
nn In nn AnilAfLvnr to eano tho situation.
Something tugged nt Amy's heart. Hs
was tho same old Dick, nut nho did not
believe 'I'm tno Bircensiui uuiiiur inn
words Implied- No. thero wore lines
about 1)1 eyes, a thinness of tho cheeks,
a look ahut the clothes
"Dick." said Amy gcntlv. "tell me all
about jourself the truth. Thatnlghtjou
asked mo to marry you, I w a cock
sure young girl, dreadfully spoiled. I'm
sure, bv tho triumphs, such as they were,
of my first season. Since then, well, I've
learned "
"Great Scntt. Dick, Vvo hunted the
place over for you. What on earth
Amv !
It was Amy's brother, regarding them
with a profound surprise. "I thought this
telegram might bo Important." ho wan
paying, "and I nearly got hauled In by
tho tnwn police force quite a decent
young follow trying to get licro. Tt was
to DICK ne nanaeu tno yenow cnvciupe,
And while Dick tore It open, Amy's
hrnther. who thounht lie read ncrmlfl
nlon In Dick's eyes, explained how he
had never lost touch wn ijick. ana now
Dlalc, after various unsuccessful nt.
tempts at business, had settled down de
termined to write or starve. And because
ho had no nearly starved, ho had taken
to running country fairs, Itinerant clr-
Window Shades 65c Ji
,' Paint, per gallon 85c
i, Wall Paper, single roll, 8c "i
most snmrNoooNrr. down-town section
Table Jteserratlon rtione locust 481
Music by the Famous Cella Orchestra
Luncheon from 11:30 to 2:30 P. M.
Afternoon Tea Dancing Dinner Concert
Supper Dancing from 10 to 12.30
All diehea aro prepared under personal supervision of Chef Chancv.
formerly with tho Ritz-Carlton, Paris.
Natural Mink
Choker Scarfs.
The Store of Personal Service
1310 Chestnut St.
Stono Marten
Choker Scarfs
100 French1 Hand-embroidered
Ten distinct deHlims in
and white Georgette Crepe.
Many with inserts of Real Filet
Lace; diversified neck and collar
arrangements; short and long
sleeves; sizes 36 to 40.
Each model bears the original
Paris label Idcntjfled as cut
flesh Mi. 1El'V ' Xr
isL Su vv' mr THfcwnim i& ri hi
umu v.vv iu below. k' 'm 7 jHfilirbfPliilf V 3
I MlLiipiiiitffliiiimiiiMiiiimmm 'I'POtf
No Mail Ordr No Approvals None C, O. D. All Sales Final
THE BLUM STORE A New Organisation With an Old Name
of pflcoml".
ior some
a school teachor and ecarc
ork that brpught In mora lnv
WlVjL do you number n certain person among your best Mend J
Because of his sparklinc wit? Because hp tliipks d?os)1y? Because be ba
talent? OrgenlttB?
No I
It is because he It may be she 1b frank, honest, sympathetic simple.
Which aro tho books that arc loved Pad lire?
Tim mpst profound? hp most erudite? Tho most panBopliical?
Hardly I
Tho Bible. Jlobjpsqp Qrusoo, Pilgrim's Progress always the simplest.
Orcatneis is slmnllcitv.
Oroat men, reat books, great principles, great Inventions all that Is great
is simple.
Can a needle bo improved upon7 Or tho pn? Or gravitation? Or the
Scriptures? Or Lincoln? Or a mother's Jove?
You see a woman dressed simply.
No frills PO fol-do-rol' no ponpense just simply.
Could anything bo rnoro charming? Moro feminine? More appealing or
You road a speech. You read an article,
What Improves you? What drives it under your skin?
Its logic? Its consistency? Its Ungual gymnastics? Or its sincerity? Its
unaffectodqesa? Its simplicity?
Gpd fs pimple. His words arc simple. His code is simple. "Honor thy
fpther and thy mother." "Thoy shalt not covot anything that is thoy neigh
bor's" what could bo mqrc Blmplc-rwhat fraught wUh moro meaplng?
Onl Intended map to be simple to cat simply, dresi simply, speak simply,
pot simply-dive smply,
Every tesr that tears a human heart; qvery habit that blighis a life, every
ill to which mankind is heir nnd prey Is simply tho penalty wo pay for vlolatinp
God's law simplicity.
Almost every opo of us staggers beneath a load of artificiality ; of tinsel ond
spouglo nnd keeping up appearances and seeming what we aren't j of pampered,
unwholesome nppetites and unnatural tastes,
.Let's stop it
Jfelcn Kenney had to trlve, up her dream
11 veacnor nl)g Bcuiuit
ir si
mediate returns.
"It'11 funny when you look back on it,"
she says now, 'but that seemed to bo
imiKinnuie. 1 iovcu
a tencner.
for mo to
the ggSt trfp-oly, Imaslnab
children and I wanted to bo
It wasn't -Dosslblo, however.
I.:..-,. '., ',!.., nn....... . , nn.
ml school. I had to help support the
family. So the teacher's career went by
tho boards and now " Mrs Holmes's
Kmlla.r as she glances around her ma-
hofafly-doeked pmce, tells very plainly
tnat spo uiuiKiiiB ui tno conirasi do-
iwec;i fivf fiicpmiy ,ivijuih.?i np iiidso
which would
alio had been
d It
have fallen to her lot If
able to afford tho normal
school (raining.
"I didn't select my rareer,
Ilolules continues. "Necessity nolnte
out to pie, for telephone bperating Is one
of tha shortest of shortcuts to wage
earning. That's the reason I took It. My
first position was right )ier with thl-i
firm, at tpe monlflcont salary or fit a
week. I had mndo up my mind, however,
that I wasn't going to let it stay at that
figure. Ho I overlooked no opportunity
to post myself about the details of the
business. 1 studied wall street methods
I learned tho Jargon pf th street. I
made It a point tp bo extra polite to
nervous investors. andl it wosri'Vlon
roro those who cauea up vpiyntte.
information tnat gnew my rmm
"i.Ityo vy nine my eaiary
creased. First to 116. than to
then to $25 a, week, innally I was1
pointed to n position or connqo;
tne salary rose Willi tne pro
Januurv 1. 1 D ID. I was nett
week nrd, at the end of the ypar,'
It a nolnt to know what I was tAlhtn
hKa... nn.1 .. nnntv .V.a ritAmn TOill It.
uwuv ...I., iv u,,.j ...u iu.uv.a -.u.i. a..
Hlvon a. nartnershln In tha firm.
only reason for It all was because I tmAb
dealing wtlt every one,"
Tomorrow Thre nos Who 7U ,&&
Is" m y V 1 f M ip fWoJL. BMfXfcJtffMTmi ,K mm wm 1 m w 1 mm 11 mi ij s tm"
asco asco ascoI 1 MPImI1 I Ml ASCO ASCO ASCO -,
JiSfc-dWJSdb-aei Hi ii ,Si f i Mmm-mm H mmf5VmVmGZr'mm I - --- -- --- - i iTi ifi iH iti ilfi
1. m 1 r
f ' 1
Let's bq natural, sincere, simple!
We'll nil bo better and better off.
cuses, Luna, Park carnlals, In thn day
time whllo ho continued to wrlto eve
nings. And. as such a business involved
a constantly shifting addreis. Amy's
brother had volunteered to Iqok after his
mall, mostly bulky innnlla onvclopto
Piled with rejected manuscripts. lint
Dick had stipulated that tho girl who
had refused him In tho days of his pros
perity yps nqt tp know of thfl vicissi
tudes through which ho had passed.
Into tho tfxplapatlpn broVq r trans
formed Dick, waving tho telegram about
his head. "Look nt that,' ho cried. "Just
look nt that I" And Amy, her head bont
over tho yejlnw slp. read wondcrlngly:
"You'vp dqna a great piece of work.
Call a ntlf atP dlspuss rpyates and con
tract for output of next five years."
The slgnaiuro was that of a well
known firm of publishers.
Amy looked up (n tlmo to Intercept a
glanco between Dclc apa: her brother
a glance which said so plainly, "Do
Kood snort, old man. and toko yourae.
elsewhere," that Amy blushed, fvn as
l,r- tirntlirr irrlnnrrl unci turned away.
Then. Joyously, sho waited to hear the
words sho know, were trembling op tho
Jlps, of the rnan Vetoro her.
frt complete noveleUe
Jftne's Inditldunl Problem
Making More Money
"The filrl o' fhe Oolden Hole"
mlIAT'8 what thoy call her on Wall
J- ptreet when they're not alluding Co
hr an "the hdrheHt-ealnrlcd woman on
tho street." And she's only twcnty-nlmj
years of age, Is Mrs. Helen. Kenney
Things, payout niwas nroKcn wen ror
I her, either. In fpt, at the age qf sixteen,
Open Saturdays
Until Five
Brilliancy in
Lighting Fixtures
Those in srriart society circles rec
ognize not only the desirable artis- f
tic touch, but the real necessity of
tne iveiv Liighting effects. A com- B
prehensive showing of types that
, are now the vogue.
The Horn & Brannm Mfg. Co.
427-433 North Broad Street
"A Short Walk Along Aiftopiobile Row"
minimi 1 1 numim iini.ii iiiiiiiiiiniiniu'" t
f i
lou ant lose
Captive Cap
THE increased convenience of this
" new Kolynos container is per
fectly apparent.
The ideal package for the busy
man, the traveler and the home.
Keeps Kolynos Dental Cream in
perfect condition to the end saves
timo and irritation!
For sale by all druggists and de
partment store? in your city.
Ym Should Always Use It !
Way safe with anything to be used In the mouth I
The formula of Kolynos ii known to your dentiit.
He will awure you of its Wary, and its off?conoy
at well. Try one tube and find out for yourself
how treat the joy of a truly clean mouth. .
then go ahead!
Wpvthwhile things are not accompliabcd in a "hit or miss" fashion. Men
who have written their names on history's pages have attained their objectives
because they fir3t made nure thoy were rights-then went ahead !
When the grocery stores which were the nuslcus of the present American
Stpres Company were opened; some thirty odd years ago, those proprietors wero
convinced of the need for groceries whore Low Prices and High Quality went
hand in hand with Economic Merchandising. They knew they wero right, so
they went ahead.
Their idea has since grown into our present Producer-to-Consumer Plan,
which is effecting tremendous pavings for the grocery buying public in the four
States where our Stores are located.
What would grocorie8 be costinp to-day were it not for the American Stores Co,?
WBuy Now for
gf Hallowe'en!
Stocks Full and Complete
Fancy Mixed NuU lb 28c
Largo Filbertn lb 20c
Fancy Calif. WalnuU....lb 30c
Fancy Calif. Almond lb 37c
Fresh Pack Currant, ..pkjr 25c
"Ascp" I'ennut Buttr,glapfil2;c
""re Applo Butter can 22c
i "Af" Mince Meat.'. h jic
Bafcor'B Coconut can lc
Fancy Golden Pumpkin.. can 8c
Pure Jelly. jrUwg iBc
Del Monte Peach Jam.,. can 23c
;!' Cake Icinsr Pkjr 20c
m ,Poft& Bn. ..can 12c
Maillard's ChocoJato....cake lie
Assorted, Fruit Jama... far 21c
Fancy Seeded RaiBng,pkg 28c j
" ...
Another Opportunity to Cut Living Costs
SK Tomato Soup 5'
Quality jptt tfopd--ft wJIJ pay you to buy a dozen or two nt;
Kt nuvmifuw rjw vn-c
Wilbur's Ilak. Chocojatc, -ck lie
Fancy Stuffed flDves, bot 28-35c
rancy Queen Olhes, bot 24-33c
' si Sv ,. t PJcbJnB bpt 18c
Prepared Mustard glass 7c
Pure Grape Juice 7b(t 26c
Aristocrat Apple Cider.bot 12 Vie
Princess Salad Dretwiner, bot 29c
" ""' - r i i t . , I
Toco Self.Rlslnir
Pancake and Buckwheat
Flour 9c:T2ccf"
Jmt add weter, mlr batter and In
- tw w,n.'JiM y?u rn m,!
most delightful csltes ru ever itt.
Franklin Golden Syrup can 19c
?"" II'MII II,.,
rine Quality ncd
Tomatoes "
cn chock full qf fine
till ML .9lU
Tlie Answer's in the Cup
Why do th soles of "Aeeo"' B'nd.
fnr exceed all others? The enlwer
Is psy It's Jn the rup.
Tlio dlntlnctUe flavor and fell
heary body of "Asco" Wend Is mak
ing now friends every day. 'Pry H
and learn how food tattoo CAK be.
"Asco" Blend
Coffee ib
the IW59T coffee at AVf jrlc(
"Asco" Blend TEAS it AK
Y Ibphr JS, V4 lb pk-3l XttJP
Four lino dolmr value blends to choose from.
ble r
i . ,.i, ,..
tii ripe tomatoes.
High-grade, sweet, tender
corn at an exceptionally low-price.
Every lnerertlent ntnunrr
In thn paqlcage (except the
water) to msko the Unset
home made reltn you aver ata.
"Awo" Brand
wrte cool m
of Aco" OaT
the spet.
ornlngs, a dish
uit touches
Best Dried Lima
X big bargain la the Uncut
quality boana known. Buy
your winter's supply at (bis
special price.
"Asco" Brand
FLOUR lWiikig
'the best for baking bread,
and all kinds of pastry.
It Stays Fresh Overnight
i .J.Ior "'"1 wore folks are learning that Vlcbnl JJread bought
In the afternoon la Juat, ns freah the net raonilng s If It wro
Jmt boiieht. Ira "keenlnir" nnll,l. mrm ,.,l.7,ol T.. .7....
;ei-,n.r. ...:;::"r...ir.r" -- -"i."v.. .uj ,uia
wftxtiiuun iuf luiuuiiurTd UITtf
The N
I Big I
children thrive on It.
irevrev rneeeexeyeWwyTWVTY
A Splendid Body Builder
ah uio coia wratner apprnpriies, we slioul
good butter, to gle tho body the necexiiary
and energy. Evory ounce of "Louolla" Is jiu
Ing and its flavor is unexcelled.
"TmU HI"
Richland Butter ,b 6S'
Hetou4 only to the tamoun "Louella
Eat Plenty of Them
...fJI,i!TjU.y' or Bny othr bomohold purpose for which eggs
are manlied, these ggs are splendid They are selected for their
alio and quality, and overy ono Hrlelly guaronteeil.
Big, Meaty UftrjC
Selected KWo
"Ka son can be SURG of
Canned Goods
Shoo Peg Com. . . .con 14c
Choice Peas .can 14c
"Asco" Peas... can 20-23c
Fancy Splnim bljr can 23c
Cooked fiout 'lirout.cen 14c
Mixed Vegetables, can lie
Dest Sugar Deets, can 12c
Strlngless Deans, 12cl8c
Lima Deans.., can 18-22c
Cakes & Crackers
Fresh from the Ovens
Fresh Soda CrackerB.il 17c
Trenton Crackers.. lb 18e
Graham Crackers.. lb 2(Jc
Oyutercttea . . . ,pkB 8c
Eagle Dutters. ...lb 19c
Spiced WnferH lb 2Gc
Animal Nlc-Nacs.. .lb 32c
Unity Jumbles lb 32c
"Asco" Pretzels, lb pkg 23c
Oleomargarine 36'
A butter substitute of admlttad merit. Abiolutely pure. In
;;er.IS".pJK:.t,Jii0,,,ri11torSl wbere ou tro. H not handle It.
yoo con oDUlnl" y Ct ,0a tQ 0Ur neBrellt Store whew
"Asco" Prices
Cut Table Costs
3 tinker Jliscuit Flour... pkK lOc
rs. Morrison's IVtddings.pkglOc
"Asco"Baking Powder, cap 5c.9c
"Asco" Corn Starch pkg 9c
Rich, Creamy Cheese ...lb 35c
"Asco" Macaroni pkK lOc
Pure Honey jar 16c
i. ill . i f . . . r IM.,,,,,,,,,, ,
Best Rolled Ontn. lb flc I
-.... '"------ --..t.Jt
Ilcrshcy Cocoa. ...ran 10-19c
New Pack Tunn Fish.can 15c-22c
Finest Pink Salmon. .. .can 18c
Red Aluska Salmon. . can 34c
California Shad can 8c
ri..i.. a..ji
v .iu,vt uuiuuiL-a can uc
Best Head Rice lb lGc
I Cream Mints pkg I2i,c I
.... nm . ...,.mj.
ouoariu snortcnlng, can 26c
Pure Salad Oil bot 12-27c
Taney Prunes lb 24-28c
New Evap. Apricots lb 38c
Cnilf. Evnp. Peaches Jb 29c
Fresh Cracker Dust b l.7c
Amer. Maid Catsup, bot 17c I
.LUI,!..!.!!.!!, ! . , f I ,. ,( 1
These Prices in All Oar 172 Sanitary Meat Markets
Sr Steak ib 40c I gouuTdot Roast lb 40c
g'"lclE"5c&-22c B 12lia 25
Rack Chops,lb 30c Neck lb 15c
Shoulders, ,1b 25c Breast.... lb 10c
Beof lb
AC. Pure
IXV Pork lbflll
Sausage v
Country lb
Rack Chops.lb20c Neck lb 12c
Shoulders.. lb 15c Breast lb 8c
oioic. conveniently located nil over Philadelphia and fn tho principal cities
.J"" .9Z" or renna" pw Jertey. De aware and Maryland
SS,n "". n " 1" 'm "' '" '' " ' '' !' ' I' '1' ' ' ! ' mm.
w-ssswer ;i:
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