"rfHtil'i, V Wi-8 Kjft", ,v c-v ?s tf -H 'V 1 t '4 i' " 5''lsyiIJ, tt V HyH v ,A,v -."?,' ? . , ledger j . i PHILADELPHIA',, SATUKDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1920 W!X ?,!?"ii 2C t XT' v ! f . t s -4 i ' ft m - s ''..,( " ?. 4 ' iVK'tW j- wr'ps ." ??n Ll & Of . M. . VtA iMmmSx iw&RmmjiSfi kOTBr n ? ' F . . "jk. 'ir ' i- z STKggfea&v SSS5 A Haienma JJubttc IHr b.Wr JlIBi I m! , mm &V IBBwHHHiBBBBBBBBBfHH9MB''''' 'm' w;MDBBi'r. . V K'--'immmmmtmmAJ .i s .- :ESfcfr . : ilLi; ft. 'fp.k.. Ar i si)r - r j V. rv-uu. .VI .1 U17 .'.'aB1 'i Bi .V .. jtAj V . ibi. L,,VHKtX 'T - 'V4aF;SAJ'. .L ix " jC'ijt,: - v t ; jsjlfcsr.'JJiAr.ilh'-': PSB S MTl' "M Jr;7T'u t ' ?.', M BPTj -HK 4, . .-IV-' JOfBBa NMjhlnKfHVS -Ktk-.'BIS:' MRS:.?'?' ll25867Hi M?7?.t,WRS,!S51ife F VV ;tTf ?SiBM'.F, AIV w y whet a'-5:m f rnuKi f?mmm-y i7-?4fBi 'Vf!jrj.''IUBBI?2HTSfr).Bn' . Dl 1 ViaHaBHinBnHIF !; Tk3Al . BHiHaV KDMltMHH SW;M?bEBl flBBBKflBKiHSHiB X FA 15Pi.55iTE'BS .T-F BSIST m Vim F9f h , "f. '!."' " 'i " ? & 5& -., ..i f v- rfV v.. f'! v?t urt-L vf.,.,-.f ife'i.&ft .2:... ' sx r.. J Tvf i 5?ft 1- Vi?; f yyv- ' ' ? s'v5sXs-Ms V'v" -s T' '5 ' ". 'V . f m ' . , '. ' . i !sit- s s T ' " WVSU W3r t-AJfrfjf I '- j' fi?'! i?.l vs"; cii sf KVyi! x ii. sa LX l l&1 &M&': i t i i; r i . ; K-t &ry iiMn !J -r .. i M' '' i (- 1 , 'y "? !" -J"): 4 J-M f. A . yvi 7 i its? t s. vs :it v5- ?Ji WANTS TO DE PRIENDLV. President Alvaro Obregon, of ,'tho Jlexican repub1icv on ji recent trip to southern United States. He Is nh'own 'at Forf Bliss. Texas, Svith the mayor of El Paso wuio worM J'hoto. HOME AGAIN'. Man 0' War, the famous racehorse owiied by Samuel D. Riddle, of Glen Riddle, .arrived from Windsor early yesterday. Ho had spent a few days in Canada and while thcro was able to defeat Sir Barton, the widely talked of Canadian steed. Mrs. Riddle took om .photographer out to the stables to photograph the hero horse, and while she gazed at Man 0' War the camera clicked iaUst viioto serWve. 1 ipn te ; 4 ' ' k , J.'K Bk i''. ' JfSK?--!CB fc -!'.' ss&aaj&'&v. '.JBT y THE SMALLEST AUTOMOBILE. Miss Uln Sharon SURE ECCENTRIC. This costume Is being worn u New Tork actress, appears in tho car on Fifth by a chorus girl in a show being played in London. nveiiue. it is u vittniii m mu ,,. u ..u. xu..u, .. i iui.1 uesiKncr InUrnftttanal KaiJoI L llcrht ?) ::J aitotf i-tefoMfi. i '!? -r f . "?.,. - v -1 iv ? . 'r , j-;'i.-v,a V!"v ''wv' -' -?? &&S3. ' . i '' u ' ? Mir KKBL, f' ," ' a mgmh ' iSmMm WILL PILOT TEAM. Miss E. Cheston, IN ACTION. Miss Elizabeth Wiener of Chestnut Hill, who is tho captain of completing the swing following a the hockey players drive that resulted in u goal loiter rtioto Service. U'Jtr l'hulo Service. THE START. This is the way n hockey game starts. Opposing players hold sticks against tho hockey ball until play is called. Miss F. Ross and Mi3s Cheston aro shown Lcilgcr I'huto KcrUeo MEMBERS OF THE PHILADELPHIA WOMEN'S HOCKEY CLUB, WHICH WILL SOON INVADE ENGLAND , W. BRADFORD WILLIAMS discusses war's ciTect on Phila delphia's industry in an interview on the editorial pago Lodger IMioiv Hum i ."?' ,r. .t. .&'''! ' A..V. IRflk '-mm -wL''- 0PP0NEMS IX FINALS lODAV They won their matches h, the .semifinals of the Borthollyn women's golf cup match, over the Huntingdon Valley cour.se yesterday, Miss Alexa Stirling, nutlonnl champion (left) and Mrs. W. A. Gavin. It is not the first time theso two women have met in final matches ijr ihoto sen-icn. RALPH I. LEVERING, of Roxborough, who recently was elected moderator of the Phila delphia Baptist Association Leder Phot- fl nto. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO KRXB silfXi-" '4MjSimM .mt'TrfcSegMiifayaMWBirfJji i asr'l 'aglliBMS JiBCTttBMKMSai S9Kka ?; .lFRwfv4alijISKSaPf HHIMPvw9HHHBKKr''1 111 "WlBlf iiyiBl1!11! I " I"1'1 I I ''.: tU'''"1'' PHTTAk. ij; w '$&&$&' -ff ?. '5 ' 'a, . ,'. r-iWs-v 'fc-"."v!y T af-'i -IfeVV;?' '.A'KIft-iY; mmtiM P VDNOB DEFEATS LAASDOWNE.Theo high school teams played a wonderful game yesterday afternoon. It was Radnor's ball inthe action play shown nboc. At the right is Captain Ferry, of the Radnor team. Ferry's gains did much to assist in tho score made Ledger Thoto betMC- ' v ''. Bkjyi ' . iv I'. f '-"'imrmi' ' '" '.' W&hmfek wtotfMM'i ' BE i HWwlBnlff i iWnTMBnlBrrmaBiill THE BEAUTY CORNER ROMEO GALLANTI, 100D Donnie street, and Frank Todd, 2115 North Lawrencu itreet, operating drill presscri at tho shop of the Broadway Cyclo Company, B27 Mnrket street i5r Photo srvic. AT DEL MON'113. Mrs. Cornelius Yanderbilt, Jr., formerly Miss Rachel Littleton, on her honeymoon, -in California 'S ' tJndtrwoo(l ft Unflerwo, Wir,l, TAflKI.E PRVV TnnAV u .,...! ........... ...... Left to right, Bob'Car; flwo inh TiZ i " ' s " ' ' "HI"! "HHI'll i, iwpi I ' t MISS TESSIE TESSLER James Deibdl, tackle, six feet threo inchw m '! .in.qa Woo Siiaminlinnnn. nvcnuo (Vl Phllnrtnlnhla . uifrj I .- t r J: . , -m i ) 1 '. -,",vMovar'"-$ V Lifti Ute -, v.te y allftftW,.,.." y?Ji4feAv,,vWJ ,H'jT'?an.( .iij '.tj-p-i!-' -V ; 'i fA-f M& if .iYiVOiiii,ii,'rfi.f,t f?i2A,i rf. v