VMr-atmMimiAww nwwnr r"VBaiHninMmnn''TWflPiHHBiBBH'Biv"-n waniBnHnHivimrTrwraHBniHrT wiv" -..t? it , -jj roji i.i'iiMMirw"P?i''. r, irawanraBKHS 'imnnR7 cut itt:nr"iKjm. a 7. . r.' T.i.rmir imiHHiiiimi 'r"f m vi a r bi a t iwi ur i aa ' . aaaaar m . r . - . aaai i aai . i. u bt 7 m.m m - m u v i a . a k , tar s - a m a, m- r. "j. am a t aw n 1 wr - a - . srUv..iJAV ' Jvrja - wj-V--"' " 31 - "T " t,' ... e , , . BEAJi ESTATB gQB BENT BEAL ESTATE TOB BALE aEAt!E8TATE gQR SAtB" hbaxi estate ?ob sale BEAIi ESTATE TOR SAZ.S BSlAl! ESTATE FOB. SALE 'REAL ESTATE VOV. SALE REAL ESTATE VOR SALS , yiWT I'lULADrr.T.PTlIA wkwt pniLAnKT.rniA OKBMANTOWN ,OI,rfKY FRANKFOnb rnANimwn. - yiwT rnii.ADKi.rniA west I'mrPKi.riiiA iBGEB 1 Price $11,500 to $13,500 1 1 New English I 1 Stone Residences I 69th St. Section K At tho End of tlio Elevated . I B One 5-Ccnt Fare I I 16 Minutes to City Hnll 1 "t7J ""' and semidetached homea w m "'", Karngoa. Most convenient loca- H t,.lJn Philadelphia. At the terminal M H of tho elevated nnd 4 car linen. A 91 n location whoro value ar steadily In- W creasing. Aeeeaelblo to anywhere, m Close to S country clubs. Elevated H 5.ralnS on. Market at. to 00th at. every H H ? to 8 minutes, a quick, straUht rtde. U 18 minutes to City Ilall. f 6-cont H rare, no chanEO of cars. Houses aro H complete In every detail. Small Inl- B tlat payment and I will placo your M I mortgage free. ITurnlshed sample KJ f house open. 00th at., opposite Market M I St. Elevated Terminal. R I John H. McClatchy 1 1 BUILDEIt AND OWNER f . Kd ! HIM i - f65 A Month Pays Taxes, Interest .New semidetached suburban typo ? nt hand. Living room 22 feet wide, largo bedrooms, bath, with honor; plenty of closet room; modern up-to-date kitchen every room an outaldo one. Overhill Road, 66th & Market 18 minutes to city hall ono G-cent faro no change of cars. J1000 down and 105 a month pays taxes, water rent and Interest on mort gages. In addition, n monthly payment to reduce your mortgage Representative at furnished house, 22 Overhill road, fluth and Market atrocts. Take Market Htrent Klevated to MUbourno Station. USlb i ana laraet. waik 10 uvuium juu. BEN. L. CARROLL SSilW: k I U- IBBDillllllll Locust St. 54th to 55th St. New Artistic Homes With Garages Twn-itory, 8-room homes, contalnlnB 4 bedrooms, enclosed heated porches, lint-water heat, electricity, hnrdwood fliiors throughout; r.ll-tlled ba,th and hoer I'lenty rloect space. Turnlahed samplo houso. 3130 I.o run tret. , Ol'UN DAILY AND RVKNINUS. LIFTER & KOHN 442 Land Title Bldg. "The Last Word" nniEFI.T DISHCKIDES THE LATEST OJTEKINO TO HOME DUYE113 IN rilllDELPHIA'a l'REMIKIl HU11URU WYNNEFIELD 54th and Gaynor Road IT WOULD BE SUPERFLUOUS for ua to give In detail th'a many features tnt nn nlwum flnds In li-bullt ami cjrefully planned homes, for naturally tney are to be expected. 2-Story Semidetached Homes with -t and n bodrooms and 2 baths, making 2 distinct suites, euch with pri vate bath. Large and heated garage, muld'a room and bath, reaehed by back stairway dl rttt from kitchen, making maid's quar ters illstlncty apart from rest of house. The lighting fixtures are unique, rep relenting udwnced Ideas that aro a new oeparture from any horetoforo offered. Motor via Falrmount Park to 04th and Wynnefteld nve., then south 2 blocks. r pass from "I." north to llala ear on fnii at., direct to C4th and OaynOr road 'or one fare. Furnished eamplo houso open for In rectlon. ' DANIEL E. H0GAN Dutlder, on Premises, or 007 N. 40th st. S Moderate Priced 2-atory Ovcrbrook homos, Mar lyn Road, north of Lansdowno Avenue. Stono construction, central plant heat. Take elevated to 03d street. Pass "orlh to Lansdowno avenue. Walk west 1 block. M0SS& TAYLOR I liOft mr,,i,. B .,'1'1 IV MANTL'A AVE.'-Sr. nnrplil r-ati!!!tie. Orlseoni. 0(1 Catliarlna st. SAtfe!lB .Btedland st TfSo1nV -s.!'ii nnsnrrt jrej""1" "ff? ' I' "Mi dger Office. WMw'TSIr roomat near I.l niw' roof. . i - - - " ""LJji.'LJl R Water Rent," on Mortgages homes; trolley and elevated right SKn & IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2202 De Lancev St. mSn!;!.0.8' 3-n',y Private dwelling. In I?nn?nJiiCon("t,on! flrl mortgage Tv, u7j yer rent o years. SS00O CASH TAKEB IT 3705 Chestnut St. Thrce-atnry, high-class, prlvato dwell. Inff! fill n.ln.,n ,... .. separate bath on each floor: can bo V.KL a! npartment; first mortgage JD7O0; 0 jeara BV4 per cent. J380O CASK TAKES TH1B ONE 3907 Walnut St. Tills Is absolutely the most oxrlusUe residential section In West Phlla.; high-class, thoroughly modern: a',4. story dwelling; first mortgage JOOOO; OH ear 0O00; cash nbovo mort gage; this la an exceptional bargain. I FELT BROTHERS 140 S. 52d Street Su:i i!!m;r. m i;in i n minnn uruu imi n im m.iu; nn:ji nn ;mj n 1 1 1 iminn n umc iinnm ni n nnJ THE HOME AT MODERATE PRICE ' YEWDALL STREET W. OP S4TH. S. OF WOODLAND JNCIXISED POItCH. ELECrrtlCITY WE HAVE FURNISHED A SAMPLE HOUSE WHICH YOU WILL APPRECIATE TE11M3 MADE SO EASY THAT YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO CONTINUE TO PAY RENT ON PMEMISKS OR 1120 CHESTNUT ST. FLORENCE AVE. 57th to 58th Streets Nine rooms, laundry and garago every modem Improvement; new oi iratlon. " AOENT ON PREMISES FERDINAND D. FLEMING 1331 WALNUT .T. 0VERBR00K "SECTION Owner of now operation Just completed 1 willing to rent n few thoroughly modern, stone-front houses with garages; transfer 5758 LARCHW00D AVE. I'ort'h front 0 rooms, nil modern conveni ences; ftrot-class condition. T. r. NEALIS. IIIU K, 12TH ST. VACANT Immediate poMsesslon, 7 roomn bath, electricity, laundry, gu rangt, ln rlostd porch! Sd.ft. usphalt street; financed ItUUO. O.VJ7 Paachnll nve big bargain. " TKAMBIl. (1737 Woodland ave. 5032 HAZEL AVE Modern 3-story semlde- tnched dwelling; lut 20x11(1, 0 rooms, bath hoi-water heat laundry; possession at acttlei inent Anply tn C V. Ilnynes, 17H Hin soni st.. or to -lames J. Hasan, Realtor, 012 L'hrlitlnn st N. W. COR. Market and FoUun (near lllld) One of the best located bus. prop's In this section; close to tronsfer point f f'L"i price within reach. LeRov Worrell , (1(100 Market. 22H N. HOHART Inspect It any time; price 3tl)0; 2-alory brick dwelling; 2 rooms, bain, porch, summer kitchen; possession, I.eROY WORUKLL. (lUOfl Market. 4014 I,VRCHW001) AA'E. 20xlluT'modorn twin dwelling, u rooms, tile buth, base ment laundry, sun porches front, rear; beau- tlfut looaituni iflHi-iiiiiium i 'rice, owner. 421) NEAR CHEHTER AVE. Iwo 12-room houses, must he kolrti used as apnrtmnti will sacrlHce KEIR REALTY CO., W14 Penn Square, Hldg l.ncust 12211, MKVEltAL twin houses fur sale; t bedrooms; neighborhood P'.'J und Ilaltlmora ave, t two of them thoroughly modern; possession on all. flKOmiB A HOlCCltLB. 728 H B2d st. ..vv 11 nun Ml uf. Four story; suit apartment or offlca; financed HAita lath, and Morris (, ?200 WALNUT 8T. New "Sun-lite" Colonial . Stone Homes 'm 111 Community Tennis Courts and Three-Quarter-Acre Playground A placo for tho children to play right in tho rear of your home. They can enjoy tennis nnd all kinds of outdoor sports. Theso homes havo a now heating system that noeds no coal and works automatically; tho now No-Kol Automatic Heater. A largo garage. Every room is full of sunshine, that's why we call them "Sun-lite" homes. Houses set back facing an 80-foot Boule vard. $70 Month Carrying Charge and n small payment each month to reduco your mortgage. Small amount down. Lebanon Avo. at Atwood Road, between 65th and G6th, Overbrook. Samplo Houso furnished open day and evening. John F. McGinty & Son Lebanon Ave. at Atwood Road (Between 65th and 66th Streots) Talto olovned, pnB north on 03d to' Lebanon Ave., walk west two squares to Atwood Road Phone: Overbrook 1990 aaiHiiffli jL Vs NEW CORNER HOMES $iU a Month Pays Taxes, Water , Rent, Interest on Your Mortgage On Atwood Road (06th and Lebanon Ave.), Overbrook sec tion; brand new; corner home; porch front; tile bath, shower, open fireplace, hot-water heat, plenty closet room, every room an outside one. Price, $8500, small initial pay ment and $44 a month pays taxes, water rent, interest on mortgage. In addition, a monthly pnyment must be made to reduce your mortgage. Take Mnrket Street Elovated to C3d St., free pass on G3d .St. north to Lebanon Ave. (1100 north) ; then walk two blocks to G5th nnd Lebanon Ave. One B-ccnt fare. Quick service. Sample house open. JOHN H. McCLATCHY NEWLY COMPLETED MODEL HOMES 59TH STREET 1 HLOCK ABOVE LANSDOWNE AT3. GARAGE THE ACME OP COZ1NESS AND roMI'LETENESH IN A HOME. VISIT FURNISHED SAMPLE HOUSE AND UAIN HOME NEW IDEAS Terms to Suit You ON I'llEMISEH OR 1 1211 CHESTNUT ST. NEW 5933 NASSAU STREET OVERBROOK SECTION EVERY LATE FEATURE. INCLUDING GARAGE HOUSE OPEN FINANCED TO SUIT FURCHASER ON PREMISES OR 1410 CHESTNUT ST. 5300 Block Willows Avenue Delightful (1-room nnd bath homea Just being completed, no modern fea ture has been overlooked: u'aamplo houso that In tho esienee of perfec tion: convenient transit facilities, finances arranged; wo augrfcit lu tpectton. DALLAS & HARTLEY, INC. 4709 North Broad Street Wyoming 871-H72. R W.IIROWN, Agent, on PremlKea Phono Evenings Tioga IUI2U W OWNER MUST SELL AT ONCE flinn Washington ave., beautiful Hlegel built, modem home: U rooms und bath: all convenience!,? no leasonablo offer re fused. Hoi. UUSII, Possession 60 Days 6153 Catharine St. v Two atory, 7 rooms nnd bath, hardwood Moors, electrlolty. hot-Hater heat: occupied by owner since built S yeara asro. PHONE WOODLAND lb-ia W. $7700 MAIN ST., all modern, 0 rooms. 10300 Main street, elec & steam. 8 rma. J.IMio 2000 block fl. Cecil st., 7 rooma. S2IX10 12.12 und l-'.lt S Ruby at., tl rooms. HIHOO 32 N. Dewey st . 7 rooms. Dorch. tiMio .11)37 to .1047 Lincaater avo , 0 rms. William L. Craven's Sons r8ft 890 AND f.OO N. FAKHON ST. Two story. porch 7 rooms I price I3inn each- well (Inanced, EMPIRE TRUST CO.. 4Uh and Lancaster nv. HOW WOULD you like to buy a modern corner home near A. Phlla. High School. furnished, and move right In at onoe? II flOn. ledger Offlc aHT MALCOLM ST. Inc. Dorch. fle. A halh hardwood floors throughout, hot-water h't, gaa and electricity; possession: owner must leave cltv. ik v. jmr.uin.rc. 7.-n n. R2( hOO N. HOLLY: HO feet tin Westminster; 10 rooms, porch: suitable for store al teration: $7000, Keys 11 HJIIAIl' I t imuiuni .. n. Q'J HOME HUYER ATTKNTION Two-story brlclt dwelling, all conveniences, with In closed porch; small amount uf cash necsa earyi no ngenta. II 621 Ledger Office. KOH SALE 4400 block Chestnut st. garage prtv. i y0";, l ', nrfnr umce. 857 N, 41S.T ST. -Ten rooms, 3 hatha: mod. impis. -leromw u. jKroem, loqoijnrianan. in Overbrook mTw- e T I t nn it ii ii . vvls Diamond 4757 Builder & Owner A 4 SOLD LAST WEEK Overbrook Homes IIIOH ELEVATION MODERATELY PRICED OXFORD ST. g?.1S?ih The Largest 2-Story House nEINO OFFERED AT THIS TRICE Four bedrooma. nll-tllo bath, with h,al n?I?.W?r! b?clt ''Airway; plastered frommrnetii.,i.Uindr5r lvlth ,0l,cti carago; viln refrigerator room. SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN DAII Y ftSB.nAYH TILL Ivan p"m EVENINGS 11Y APPOINTMENT OLER & SHAPIRO 11UILDERS AND OWNERS S. E. COR. S7TH AND MASTER pnMRn 5745 WALNUT ST. Nina rooms, laundry and earaga, etery modern Improvement. FERDINAND D. FLEMING . 1334 WALNUT ST. 5758 LARTHWOODAVET l'n r Mi frnnt ft .. ti . . oricc.:nr,t.cla.sndTtlon.U mUCr" CnVe"' i. i . wkai.ih. UIQ H. 12TH ST. Htorew nnd Duelling. 7220-22-24 WOODLAND AVE rtoe front and 3 dwiS?. in lot BOxToo f t " fe0r0,'n.bUetcr",,.erC"": Wl" '"i-' G- A. GAUL WOODLA7. AVE. OKKMANTOWN PELHAM-$I7,500 iS. Co.rc':?r,nned,ah,0eU"p8o.?.Y,1Jn- "' WALTER V. ASHBY "fln xr on llember Phlla. Ilea! Estate Board 108 GOWPN avt DcllKhlful 3-story brick porch residence 12 rnoms; opposlto Mount Airy stiiFnn 1 ,'lucMT"vTIrl,S,'on DONNELLY & SUESS LKIIIUH AND tlERMANTOWN AVEH. An Attractive All-Stone & XF!. enir.c2..g?ir"unl HERKNESS 5c STETSON LAND TITLE I1LDO. ttR linn nuiK a k,. ...... " atone ilwe'lllng. hnvlna n S-T ' jnoern baths, hot-wntir heating!' e?ectH0ln.bni!"' 3 lighting, 2 npin drcplacoa larai lS,nRhn " for Inspection every 'day V wrntt: open SIAUUAN , DORIAN &'"co "' N. E, cor, llrcud and Ch.."'. UIIKENE and Hnnih.riv -.- ' tr- m . detached homes, 4 be.froSmi u'il ffJl1' excellent llnlsh thruughSSt; Baage'nrivlle!: sample house open dally (excopt luMdavV Samuel T. Hall, Inc 7!mr:':r":'---i-rS-ii oui L,irertv m.iff 4...... iti.n tuvunon -i nrefKstorv .,,. , porch house. 10xni lot aTxttfr'. hL.t-"'" office: 12 rooms, 3 bath '" harVv?ood nTnh open flrep ncea; stone garage tlr -i I"' 3 Phone Oermantown 2233 "" tor a Cttr"- 302 CAilPKNTKil LANldTher rrr atone, detached, 11 rooms, a hatha- h w" noora, olectrlo. a open flr.'plac??; 1 "insx 178 f(, Immediate poasejulon: flnanVlrt Phone owner, Hr. (120. r"v" "nanced. u'o?eri"5rT-n,,?i."'"y!t-"in?recT. half, Uledjdtche-n.and Kth? alt C?ft. ftrSl side porchl vaoant. Own.. fi,".v? ' i.r.ol .. , .. ...... r, ,, nnl v . "J11 AVE, NeW a ,torv , roorat M-i; s trl fiMimiiuimMUJiiTmaaininnrmiiirunimiiiummriimmirnnjiiinimrEiiifniiitnjritiiriniiriiir TJAWLEy flAWLE I Offer the following desirable properties for sale; CHESTNUT HILL Rtone house) 3 Uvine rooms. B bedrooraa. i baths: 0-car aarere; 8 bedrooms and hU. . .. , CYNWYD Oentleman'a amall . farm . propertyi , 2 aorea; stone house, hot-water heat, eleo trlo llrhtl Bprlnirfieia water; farmer' house; combination stable and raraca, GERMANTOWN OotmmII Oermantown Cricket Club) 8 bedrooms, 3 baths; 2-car ajarace. Midvalo Ave. & Stokley Sl QUEEN LANE MANOn PIT.ONB OraUtANTOWM MdB When you buy a homo you want not only value for the money, but a home that, should the occasion arise, you could dispose of at a profit. We oner such a proposition na that In . B231 AIlCHEIl ST. On of thoso Rcnulno homes that have upheld tho reputation of tho West Hide of aermantpwn as an Idoal nesldontla flection. 40 INDIVIDirAL. lly.Mi: UUYCIIS have aubatantlated our claims aa to tha un usual value we here orter by purchasing homes In this section. A three-atcry twin house, with six bed rooma and two hatha, with a front a re of 24 feet, high terraced front overlooking a street that ,1a planted with beautiful old shade. Tho Interior la finished In mahosnny and white, .which creates a brlaht and cheerful condition that la greatly augmented ujr unusumiy large winuotvs tnrouanout tna entire houso. latest effects In papering. with artlatlc lighting fixtures, and a heat ing plant that la new and guaranteed to heat to 70 degrcoa In aero weather at the minimum expense, for coal, .-.. I'llICB IS IB7B0 CAnjtTINO CHAJIOE3, 104. BO PEH MONTH, which represents a saving to you of lift per month, which la gradually paying off tho aeoond mortgage. la It not a fallacy to pay rent when vou v&u uwn ygur own noma (one tnat you will bo proud of) on a plan cheaper than rent? . Only 17 minutes' ride from Broad St. Bta. tlon to Queen Lano Htatlon via P. It. n.. or Route No. 03 on 10th street to Hanabury street, walk west two blocks. Open dally and evenings. 7 to 0 o'clock. niCHAnD J. MKI.TZEn. 400 Cheatnut at. -T-T-l-' Admirably situntcd In a beautiful section $7200 to $10,000 PRIVATE GARAGES All modern conveniences 10th & Wyoming Avenue Talco York road or Bth at. car to Wyoming ae. oyMEicr 40 WEST ASHMEAD riACE SOUTH Ona of these delightful homea for aale; 7 nice rooms and tiled bath, hot-water hent, electrlo lights, hardwood, open fireplace. I'hone our ortlco tor terma and appointment. IMF iLEALTOfe; 1218 CHESTNUT ST. 100 BLOCK EAST TULFEHOCKEN We have two houses In this block; 6 rooma nnd bath, each thoroughly mod ern. Including hardwood floors and tiled bathrooms; possession und terms Inter cut. nc. 1218 CHESTNUT ST. 4.18 1-4B30 .WAYNE AVENUE Three-story homos, 10 rooma and bath each; Immediate possession: near Wayuo Junction; Interesting price nnd terms. mm 1218 CHESTNUT ST. 0040 N. 218T ST.; IftOO Two story; thoroughly modern. 0 bright rooms and bath; hot-water heat, electric nnd hardwood; Immcdlato postesslon; e.isy cash payment. 1218 CHESTNUT ST. uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiui'ii i::i!aiiii EXCEPTIONAL VALUES SEDGWICK AT If you are looking for a modern de tached or semidetached duelling In this beautiful section of Herman town, consult us. Send for our re vised Hat before It Is too late. Prices range from 97:10 to SUj 000. S. C. T0URIS0N 7014BoyerSt. Otn 4431 Thono Otn BdT str:Hiii!n!imirjii!iBiiii!KraiJii!!!iia,E!iffl!!,'i;ici:!iiffiii1!iii,iiiii:!ii!ii:(iiKi RENT FREE You can buy a beautiful 3-tory house on Wuyno ave. for a email amount of cash and by renting thn third floor na an apart ment you can obtutn enough revenue to pay your entlro carrying chargea. ftruiKf 5C07 Jtnmarifow Gtn-Av- 6626-6628 GREENE STREET Just south of Lincoln Drive. These I houses ara now being renovated. One la I ready for occupancy. Thev contain- II 1 largo uearooma and 3 batha. Ixita SO feet wide. (1028 la open for Inspection; Tvwu MODERN 1IUNOALOW typn houses, with 8 rooms, hot-water i'.i .''y.'JiS. lll,nt- hardwood floors; 4W0 to ISSOOi terma to suit. ' utailtotiQKf JMnjartiaw C007 Gtn. Av. -'M?'l"KBN:f..Ay';.77inTTh-. yv --'- -.- bwii mum moaern stone dwelling, with 7 chambers, 3 baths, hot water beat, electrlo and was llghta, hard wood floors. 2 open fireplaces: lot BOxlMi, opon for Inspection every day. we will finance JIAUllAN UOIJIAN A CO. N. E. cor, Ilruad and Chestnut TIOOA "SS1..? JKaiten..1!!?.. room. Tf1 t Tilllnlt 1 1 1 Q PViaatmti .a imil . T. "'i."1 -- v"""1"1 viimirt oaoa LOT OF OIIOUND. JD.O00 aquara tiiti Rliln Sun ava. ana 10th at. ' fHK nn mm ffl-JD I lt4llftTM.Nl II ucow uiA I r.nn7 v in --- 1 . umfrtirr ctn. Av. i s ?iinitiiiui I ..IB - - -ig II Hi NEW HOMES 5200 BLOCK N. 6TH ST. (Above Duncannon ara.) . Tarrac front. Inclosed porch, with In terchanceabl sash, parquetry floors throughout, hot-water beat, electrlo and ""k LARGE ROOMS and bath, built-in tub, shower, laun dry, ahdd! lot 16x114 ft.: 10 ft, drlra- ""'GARAGE PRIVILEGE I1B00 cash required: we finance balance! t0.BO par month pays taxes, water rent and Interest on mortjraat). SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN He today: best proposition offered any where : take No. 47 or -70 car on fith at. to Duncannon, walk 1 square west. MARTIN & KELLY AOENTS ON PnEMISEB Bauer-Bilt Homes leOTS 18x112 aAnAQE rnrviLEOES Absolutely the Best Offer in the City CAN FTNANCK PUnCHASEnB ON EAST TEitMfl AT 6 PLAT WITHOUT VJIEMIUM. DONUS OR COMMIU3ION Only a Few Left at Last Year's Prices, $7500 Walter S. Bauer, Builder BAMPLB. B842 KonTit mt STnj:nr 2 10 FIBHBRH AVE. Modern 0-room-nnd-bath home. Inclosed porch; posmnslon: IOdOO, rhone eve. JAJCEY , DAUHEMEIl. Wyo. 1400 W, 3710 ClermnnlowM ave. 407 W. WELLEN8 AVE. a rooms. bathT laundry, atone porch; new paper and paint! quick possession. Phone Wyoming 6808, OAK I, A NIC i:m;i A Colonial Dwelling Thirteen rooms. 3 batha. hot-water heat, electrlo light and (ran- large lot; only a few minutes from train or trolley. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE ni.DO. 3e.i,mnmmirM,iim,iffm(iriitiM,tniii!anii.itr..M......- - niwwrfiiiiuiiiiMmiiMiaiiiiuiainaimyceilllinilllllllllllBIIIFJaiffilllllliliimj DHHlHniin bLAUllrUL UAK LANE Colonial home, near City Una and laiinttln lira t nil -a.u. t r, f 8 baUhi, open nrepUcea. hardwood S?015K,:S ana niecxric: old afiaao; lot Nftirlfln lmmtXllnfM n1alta.ailnns .!. I3B70O0. """ J. T. JACKSON CO. CHESTNUT AT lartr Oak Lane Office oppoelte. ntatlnn C0TH AVE. -All-atone detached dwelllne; Perfect Condltlnn 14 rnnm. 1a. inn-ITfi! T.1 shade: will sell right for aulck aale: ffar'ace; . lAI?V'A,,SE A,YE- eor-' All-atone de tached dwelling: 13 rooms. S baths; hot-water heat: lot 17BxlfiO; garage. 3 cars. 10TH ST. AH-stono Colonial awe.. 18 r.: modern throughout: hot-water heat, hardwood floorA,.,?aJ!.tlf.u!,!,.',.,h ,ot 75x2JH; bargain. JOHN F .SIIIELn.S. 0800 York road. FRANKFoni) FRANKFORD 1001 ARROTT 8T. Beautiful cor.; Ideal for small fam ily; opposite Northwood Park and very convenient to cara nnd train: hot-water heat. dec. hardwood floora; excellent condition- a. very modern home. 58500. 03.1 HERBERT ST. A mistercraft home: ldal loratlcn. between boulevard and Northwood Park; every modern convenience, with tho added comfort of ihe coy flre placo nnd shower; side yard, til, BOO. 1017 HOWARTH STREET Two-aty. modern homo with side yard; In a delightful neighborhood; every modern convenience; $7200. 0LNEY TOR 2D AND SHELDON STS. Attractive 0-ro'im House; stono porch, electricity, good location; Immediate possession: OonO. SCHWEITZER 4113 FRANKPOnD AVE mNKFORD -'810. 1.00 AN NEW LOGAN HOMES WITH GARAGES N S. SOMERVILLE ST. 11TH TO MARVINE ST. Colonial, cement porches. Spanish tile roof, 0 large rooms, tile bath and shower, hardwood lloori throughout $9500 Sample house nearlne completion. Agent on premises. Take 24, ft. 3 or 03 car on York rood. Get oft nt Somervllle ave. (5400 north), walk 2 blocks east. G. HOWARD MOORE 1408 IlelfleUl ave. Wyo. 811.1 032 Commonwealth Tr lllds. Loc. 220 illilJIIIIIIJillllinillllUllKllilillIlliillll'lHI'llilUlllllllllllilliilWWIWlllllOIIIPW 4717 YORK ROAD Nino roonn laundrv tile bath stone porch, unexcelled in appointments and finish J. M. ZANE 1 LAND TITLE DLDQ. F, Sraiwropwiiw DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU SEE NB OF THESE WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1732 Courtlnnd st . corner prop, . . $4600 4144 N. 7th ft , hut water heat . 41)00 4BBH N Camac t . mod make offer 4810 N lllh t nurrllent cond 7.100 4000 N. 13th st vi bluik from cars 7.100 G. HOWARD MOORE 140S lMfleld ave Wyo. 01 Hi Where Are Those New Hamilton Homes? "Thern Is a fine public school, the Julia Ward Howi School, close by! und prlvato schools besides," ' llrlng your wife to see them. IIROAD & SOMERVILLE AVE. ui:uuiitRr.li:ibiiummMiiii:u4!i!Jjtimi:tn3i:iUi,jUt:i:aiii!u.m.i!ui'.!iiuj"4 471 7 YORK ROAD g Mne rooms laundry, tile Lath etoni porch, unexrclled In appoint tiu-nts and flulHli J. M. ZANE i LAND TIT1 f ni'ILUINll " riiii.MiinBraiiiiBiiiiimii 1007 DUNCANNON' AVE h!KhT7o.,7r se-nldetached while and mahogany har,i' wood floors throughout, every modern conl venlrnce; aelect location vacant, niuit iVn sold to aettle ratata '"' b0 WAONElt. 112a W. .Huntingdon ONE pf tha m .at desirable reHldeiulaico7nB1.. in Logan: 4 bedrooma, bath, built-in t,!h Hiid huni-r larce Itundry, inniuvtrv n,.V Imme.llato pot,eesslon prlco $14,500 VUV cor Wyom'ng ave and 0th st iiAmiATN -i.n.iaN "istn sl ."ifiiTITtSF'B "'Jin 'i'nririeJ,ttt.,l'raM!!rT??i.R rnnm flltfllltir Hi rr, it in -.., " ,....,..- ::',' 'i't- luuTTl to occupy FRANK W "'ai. ma . n.k iuu lAiii'M ni-ii rooma nnd bath hardwood floors, electrlo hot-water heat Fear train and trol ey excellent conditio,, OiBO. J. ALLISON rARKElt, 4715 N. Il,l.'!4 ftBu N. HUTCHINSON Six rooms and1 hath I uifamroiwiflniiaiiiniiwimitiroiiiUHuraiHraiHBiimniiBiwmruMMimiiiiiuiiiw The Home You m SMiiiiiiiiiaii T.OOAN WE'LL FINANCE YOU SUPERIOR HOMES IN THE HEART OF LOGAN ssBlSsU jjB RKfRltallfil' ' iHl falsssH S UEDIIOOMS, HAItUWOOD KI.OOIIS THROUGHOUT; E1UIET GUARANTEED nOOFSi LAHOB KITCHEN, I1EAUTIFUL TILED 13ATHS, EXPEN8IVELT EQUirrED. WE'LL FINISH TO SUIT. A Heating Plant Which Will Heat S. C. ABERNETHY Tenth and Wyoming or 1328 Chestnut Ma miMuLlIlr t r-:-j lias .jaftvsj iskaiv-jiiw-.l jaa-.ae 5 . i- New English Stone Homes Roosevelt Boulevard at 7th St. 3-Story Corner H omes 0 and 7 chambers, 2 baths 2-car garage, moat desirable corner on the Boulevard. Note Sucest jour own terms. No commission charged for placing mortgages On Premises or "Phone Vy0mln3 2200 Spruce 2054 LOUIS MARK, Builder and Owner 2zL0GAN--"New Homes" z529 BEST VALUES IN PHILADELPHIA lGth St. and Duncannon Ave, Sydenham St. nnd Lindley Ave, 5200 North 7 noojrs and nATH WITH OR WITHOUT OARAGE ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN TWO SQUARES OF LOO AN STATION Only Two Squares from Three Trolley Linos Direct to Center of I'lty Without Change Near SchnoN and Stores FINANCED WITHOUT COST TO YOU. H. H. Downsbrough huilder On Tremlsea Dally and Sunday. Hell l-none. j'uminB .o SSgronnnnn n nmni iinnrmi t i iin m mumi num n i n mil ni eh nui umii ump uimimtuiunua IDEAL HOMES IDEAL NEIGHBORHOOD 4500 11LK WARNOCK ST. 1 T THE nOULEVARD) IJetween 10th and 11th ta. t'lose to 3 car line (5 & 8 ROOMS, WITH GARAGES ale upen to the public for Inspection prices ur- attractive and financed ' miitmiininiiniAUitmniiniK'Kiwni BUILDER TO HOME BUYER QUALITY-FIRST HOMES REST 1-UY IN CITY 11TH & SOMERVILLE AVE. EAhT SIDE 54UO ELOCIC it., nlw fu.il Onora thruushotit can and eler- trlc lights hot-water heat thut h- cita 0 large romnK and b.itn, ru;ii-in tun witn; ahuwer ..nmpie noue :iim aiwuy open for Inspection ' PRICE. $7650 W. J. BALTZ, Builder or John A McCarron Ut-prtmiitutUe on 1'iMiiisea Wyoming 2023 1000 IIIH'K MAUVINE 8T Mlll.-l hous- 523i CARLlSl.l', HT Uudle houie tloo LINDLEY WE s looms and bath IH24 N ISfH ST Two alory. twin IS42 N. 10TII ST Two story modern. W. D. CHAMBERS $, ST PKNNYLV VNIA srm'ltftAN BIII'aillllllDDUtlPOIIIIIIIllllllVIIIMi!!'!:!!!!'! RYDAL ROAD Near Rydal and Noble Sta. rieuutifully situated resldeme with over 2 acres of ground, overlooking Huntingdon Vulley Country Club, mugnir-cmt old nhade trees stream, opportunltv for snrlng.fed lake nt Brnoll oipenfe. house lias lllng ruoin 15a27 with fireplace dlnln room, 1.1s2.1i billiard mom. 15x2.1, with fireplace, klichtn 7 bedroums, drtsa llvln, room -1 baths living dining and sh-eplns rorchea hp.icIuus irlt,i trrracu and vrigula iiddltlonal land II drsircu. THOMAS K. 0BER. JR. fiUO Cromer nidg., 120 chestnut at. Are Looking For flit.rann ttv iRO.oOo rata Surrounded by IBO.000 .eatatej in ma arisinrrniie rrnwii v FKAHRrUHU liuill or Dioiir nu d.mi.w Semidetached, Incloa.d Porch; lara rooma, ilia both, hardwood. noors tnrouanoui. " n llejca; cement driveway. Arrntr nnrl Oakland BW. I blka. wast of Frankford ava. on ma no. to cr i.mw. "-" east of Uoulevard. Turn eft at, Arrott at. nbovo Hears, MoaotfeK 1 lam. $10,000 UP AGENT ON PIIEMIBE8 C. MfiWART) MOORE . -a I.I rK. Tjui Hk KtJ omniprciaii irun-v, "w "" IOOAN ? Tenth below Wyoming ave, 1 block abovn Roosevelt Boul yard. INDI VIDUAL FEA TURES NOT FOUND IN ANY OTHER OPERA TION. Sleeping porches, garages, enclosed porches level with living rooms. 4 French doors communi cating. "'Uitt.'O.: t&iUArf 1X- 2-Story Stone Homes Spacious rooma. unioua In novations: with private ga raves; only 2 left. PENNSYLVANIA KUnURIIAN rrrTrTrTTTrrrrS NOBLE ReaiiMful Colonial noma overlooking tho grounds of t h e Huntingdon Valley Country Club. One of the moil attractive nuburban homes on the Reading Main Line. Truly Colonial in arranTcment containing llv lne loom, library. Inclosed porch, dining room etc Second fioor. .1 maaterj' chambers. 2 batha Third noor. aarvants' quarters and bath, sewing room. Playroom. Electric light vacuum vapor heat. Lot of - acres, well planted with liruhhrrv and MJ. tree. Hume irsraco for a cara. S'-e photos at our office. WM. H. WILSON 6c CO. a' ' 1 Il'P-Ul-US MORRIS RLDn. .Memoera Phlla R. k. Hoard t4itLi U.ii .1 1 i.iJTTJTirrj(l?9r I -I 1 1 -i-m T-i-r-nTTTTI in.7 pwtw GERMANTOWN LINCOLN DKIVE SECTION '.V;!,"r.'?.Vi- Cul,"1",1 residence Jntalnlng apac oua llvlnr room with fireplace 5 fhllii" r,' 8,b-"t;- "I'Ctrlc uant, hot-watnr heat Kin tilled In whlto throughout Lot nf nearly 1 acre with WM. H. WILSON & CO i-v.ui-113 MORRIS nr.nn .Members Phllu It E. H-d ! MERION Ideal Suburban Homo Two-glory rambling ftyla, In the popular while treat, inent typical Colonial, with center hall, large , living room, with fireplace, n- used porch' with heat. 0 roV''-irJ.'ge.1" WM. H. WILSON & CO. 7no-oi-oa morris ni.ua. Mmbera rhlla, n, K, Hoard rKferil I mj.ji?uTrffiaBC. " i"?arf iTrynfffT Tf"lTrrWTITsTirtsBiHial 1 titwSiaWvf'iiikil iiullflllsusVHillll psRt&Tiii 1 1 1 !n K tl nErol HBUH fl W U jzs TO. :r Kx 1 n i t 'i S3 'A ftj fl )1 ffu 1 ii it l.-A.'WiuTJK,ovrar, 00T K, Iflhtt, .,,. ,.-, wrr - ' I LV . f ji (7 ': I iL, W j. .-,,' kia'Jv.t.Vj ..r'j r .1 t mi"j uts