FW '$' l m ' I l"'1i v At . ov : i w r .Wfc r " :i W.. ji ftv, , &l Air " i .juVv?, T.fc 'i tV'i ' t ?"".. ".?m. -, v-. , ut- ,,, vH, .,r i t.v .- 'v :,i,i:jflci:&..'.'A : '.. s. friiio'"' v. - .-''V (v ,'?y ' ..Cj". ' ... . . . .. ' . !T. itENING PrMilC' r,BDGlBPWfiilJBpmlr feBIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1920 - - ' ".t. i . a r Ir "" ' ... At- i ," .'. 1 1 - ' $5,000,000 . Wisconsin Electric Power Company First Mortgage 7V2 Sinking Fund Gold Bonds, Series A v Dated October IS, 1020 Due October 15, 1945 Principal and Interest Guaranteed by Endorsement by' The Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Company - Principal and intereit payable in New York. with provuiont for registration of principal. Intereit payable April 15 and October IS. CoUDOn bend of $1,000 Total litued $3,000,000. Redeemable at a whole at 110 and interett en any intereit date. The Comninv airm. t nav .! Ifnttail ; Nnmial Inrnma Tw im 9M, If anemntlen il not claimed, and to refund on application, the preent Penmylranta four-mill tax to holder reddent In Penirtyl Tenia who have paid such tax. CENTRAL UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE A smi-annual unking fund will redeem 3 of Series A Bond each year, beginning 1921 either by the purchase in the market at or below 107Jg and interest, or, if not so obtainable, by call by lot at 107 and inter. NEW YORK BOND SALES Summary of Individual Transactions' on New York Exchange 'SALTS IX 11040 Prem Ovenlnc Until 20 p. m. 'CX, V. Tlmr) Alabama, Or I S4. The following information is summarized from a letter from Mr- Chas. 5. Ruffner, President of the Wisconsin Electric Power Company. . t Security These bonds are secured by direct first mortgage lien on the entire property, now owned or hereafter acquired, of the Wisconsin Electric Power Company, which is completing a modem steam-electric power house with 40,000 KW present capacity, operation of which will begin during the latter part of 1920, and which is leased to The Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Company, guarantor of the bonds. The cost of present property, against which these Series A Bonds are issued, is estimated at $6,250,000.c Lease By the terms of the lease, The Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Company operates and maintains the property, paying a rental 'sufficient to provide interest and sinking fund on the First Mortgage Bonds. The lease is pledged as'additional security for the Bonds. Rentals an Operating Expense In accordance with the accounting procedure prescribed by the Wisconsin Railroad Commission, the rentals cpnstHute an operating expense of The Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Company, payable before determination of net earnings applicable to pay ment of that Company's fixed charges. The Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Co. The Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Company, organized in 1896, owns and operates substantially the entire central station electric light and power and street railway business, and a steam heating business in the city of Milwau kee and suburbs. The company has paid full dividends, since issue in 189G, on its 6 preferred stock, $4,600,000 now outstanding, and has paid dividends in excess of 6 per annum since 1903 on its common stock, $9,850;000 now outstanding. The Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Company's revenue and expenses for the three twelve months' periods ended August 31,' 1918, 1919 and 1920 were as follows: ' 1920 1010 1018 Groii Earning. $17,758,740 $13,962,281 $11,405,798 Net Earning after Taxes, available for Intereit, Depreciation Re- erro and Dividend 4,608,697 4,172,799 3,077,668 Intereit on Funded Debt ' 1,609,387 1,478,987 1,268,989 Balance $2,999,340 $2,693,812 $1,808,679 Approximately 64ft of the net earnings for the twelve months ended August 81, 1920, was derived from the electric light and power and heating business. 1 i ire offer theso bonds, when, cs. and if issued, and subject to approval of legality by our counsel and of the wstw of bonds by the Wisconsin Railroad Commission. i Price 99 and Interest flouMYn ii 8.... 104U Alaaka. Gold M Co cv A. 3 18U Amtr'n Asr e Chtm A oi 1..... OX Amrr Bmtll't n's Bi S T7Vi 0 7T'A 4 7TU B 77 8 ,77H 8 77 Am T T clt 8 7744 Am T T Bi 1 to a to 1 sou An T t T II 1 OtH J 00 i Ann Arbor 2 M Artnttn IU- DUbllO Bl t 70U 1 70M Armour Co n Bit Us a tsu Alcli Topika ft r 41 B 771.4 8 7T 8 77W 8 7.7U Atth TPl cv 4i 80 1 17 Ateh Top A 1 71 Atl Coitt Uv rcti 7 l... 101 8.... 101U 1.... 101H A Reek Ml 4i 1 71 But Ohio er S 73U 2 73H . 78Vi . 78tt . 71 . 7flVi . 784 . 74 Bill A O 8KB 8 SB Dlt Ohio 4 3 78, 2 73 U Holt A Ukla Si 1 74H 10 74tt 1 7411 1 74H J 74U 10 7414 8 74W ilml b Ohio 8 ;o mm 0 0014 n a o p i, k W V 41 10 CK D O H YV'n my au o Boll Til " 17 B 2 5 1 19 18 1 B 0 8 8 0 S3.. .. 1 OS 99 'i 8.... no 7 99 !! 99 7 99 ruth mti ti B, H 4 78 BttlY StMl Id 2 88 Bithlt'm ft Ml 81 or '88 a 77 Brk U E'd lit a et Buth BI8( Si 1 71U Ctn'l ot On At B 90U Ctl Lthr Ai 0 90t 4 S0H Cint'l Pto lit 3 74U eti Pkeiflc as 1..... 7U Ctnt'i u n o; J l 6...,. D84 S 9 C'k O 414 1.. 1 77W 2 .... 77H C A O CV 4tti B 70H a 78U 1 7Mi a 78H cu a o cv bi a 88U 8 88U 8 B8V4 7....". tK 2.... SOU Chi A Alton 8i a 49 Ctilcita B'l a Qnev II 8Vji 1 73 Chlcno B'n A Owner 4i 1. CUV a 7. a.. 8.. o a!! 10. i.. 8.. 3.. a.. 9.. l. B.. a.. 20.. 7.. IS.. 4.. 10. 08U 98 98 08 08 H 08 Wm. A. Read & Co. Spencer Trask & Co. The information contained In this advertisement has been obtained from sources which w consider reliable. Whllo not guaranteed, It is accepted by us as accurate. 8. 1. 8. 3. 10. ic'. 1. 1. 8. Specialist in OHIO MOTOR, RUBBER AND STEEL SECURITIES COMPLETE SERVICE In All Formi of Inveitment Main Departments Investment, Brokerage Acceptance, Liberty Bonds Foreign Exchange Statistical, Ohio Securities Extensive Private Wire Connections Members of New York and Other Principal Stock Exchanges- otis & ca I Inveitment Banker! 1 CLEVELAND New York Boston Detroit j Cincinnati Columbus Toledo Akron Youngitown Denver . Colorado Spilng-a &V, ctaMas VSTOCKS'i l&OHDS HOW FAR WILL THE RAILS COME BACK? WILL READING AGAIN BE A MARKET LEADER? IS ANYTHING THE MAT- TER WITH THE MOTORS : We lay no clulm ts power ot cllr vojrance. tint th foreiolnc qnwtlont run Ui iniwertd nllh KrratMt t rrotimate arcumer by th liivnlor y.h" Jii. rt4 our pl! lriter. .' i& comDllnintBPV rAn upon rrianr. "n. R. St.. eomolii f whlrh will bo MM i UarliilaMi tctiHlla tntervattv marulnul tatlt. a spiotallv. lot, oarrfKl goon a da ibw ttewgfa 1622 Chettnut Street ri Bill, nprae IU1MIN ., B(Mtaui. Race It M 14 Brwdww A 4 to (th Am. N. 1. ntemtwi. Csaa. In the Investment of Your Funds it u important to consider the splendid opportunities offered to discerning investors in Preferred StoiAs issued by well-established manufacturing compmifs earnins several times di idend reo- ircments. Predling rates assure you a satisfactory income and your funds arc actively employed in the expansion of our industrial development. We have a Preferred Stock of unusual merit which we can recommend to the most conservative investor. Atk for Folder P.P.L -SSi HollisteiWhite & Go. tuC0ft0ATCD North American Building boston PHILADELPHIA ncw york SPRINGFIELD fROVIDENCr. FITTSriLLD rORTLAKD vi: will buy P. S. Corp. (New'kTerm.) 5, 1955 Lehigh Pr. Sec. 6$, 1927 Amer. Gas & Elcc. Cs, 2014 Phils. Sub. G. & E. 5s, 1960 BOENNINQ, GARRISON & CO. STOCK KXCHANOR ilCIiniNO Dlrtf friTut Telephone to Nrw York Mrmberi riill. HtwU Uxrbinte LIBERTY BONDS Bought, Sold and Quoted Call, Phone or Write lAbeity Bond DepaUment West & Co. 1417 CHESTNUT STREET Mtmbtr Ucll. Sprue iflO I'MlodelDhlu Hto.h Ktdtinri Krili, ni Xt Nw Yttrli HtMk Exchini Wt Aln) liave on lUnil Uit el HUb tird ItoDdi Comipondesci Invlttd WE OFFER FOR SALE 100 Shares Autocar Co. 110 CHARLES FEAR0N & CO. w Income Builders Yielding 5 to 8 Safety it the firit comidera. tion in depoilting or inveitin money. Safe Bond and Stock can now be purchaied in large or mall denominntlom to yield from S to a "5 J. A special list of "Income Builders" mil be mailed upon request. Baker, Ayling & Young JOSF.ru W. nWATN. Jr.. Slimirr Land Title Building Boiton Philadelphia Experienced Bond Salesmen Well-known established ( bond house hus opening for several high-grade, ex perienced bond salesmen in the city of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania. Replies must state fully former experience and ability. Addreit B 52S, Ledger Office 4!3 Wlnu ft Robert M. Coyle & Co. INSURANCE G0.A.HUHN&S0NS WArf7fl 4 f k ftnvviu llK.k . .u. . ...... . . . . lira Tit TlH'i.-" "'ii itll.MI '.".uJ1" I'WIaUtlyhn, end rhlcare Hlek Biinioi New oik Cation Krhnt IV unct ConHnUilon Order Bxteuteit In All the Principal Marlutj UrXLRVCE CODBT 1IX41U. 1418 Witnel . ' , NEW TOIIK oirvIbB 'lit rinr. Nw A Service for Those Who Save ahd Invest The stability of any nation depends on the thrift of its citizens. The United States will benefit in proportion to the number of in vestors who set aside regularly part of their earnings for legitimate investment purchases. We offer every facility and encouragement to those who have mod erate sums available for the purchase of bonds the same kind of service as is ren dered to large investors with years of experi ence. Hemphill, Noyes & Co. Members .Veto I'orfc Stock Exchange Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia J"(T York lioltnn n.... ...... 1... 10... 10 . 78 ti a vrl OStl BU eeu 0B?t 08 '4 D8K 9.1 H 08 Vs 08 V. 08 'A MU 087. 09 0 00 69 08 0RU Oft',. S9H 09 D 00 03 09 0B ns l9 99 ChlCHO IT Jl A Qulr.cv II 4t 2 OOW Cblcuio li'n Illi ct 4i 1. ... 40 1 10U 1 40 S 41 Chi awn 4 1 67 6... . CCU 8 C4 l nn 8 ca -' f B 57 Chlcica Mil A 1 7Ut a 71Vi CMcuo MJ1 A BIP 41 'Si 1 80 U Chkuro Mil BtP td 44a 1 6BU 2... . 0314 1 83H i 3H t eovi Chlearo Mil A XI ra 4Hi 2 79 0 70 Chlcazo llll A tl ev Ba 8 74U Chlcio A Nth Wn Bs '87 1 05 4 SB 3 OS Chlcwo A Nth Wnt'n T 1.... 103U Chlcivo Hall- rva.il Bi 1 C0U Chlcairo n I'd T 0914 8... . C8i Chlcaso n I'd A rao 4i 2 7l'i Chi U Btm 4 83 ClilU Cap'r 81 4 73 Vj 1 T2U Chlna Quvi't imi nri oi 10 43U 1 48U 1 431, 1 48W City or Copn riaren BH 8 77 U Cty Niw TorK 4a ot 'CO 8 88 City N' T 4U NO 'B7 ... 94 n 1'arla . 04U . 09U ... 94U . 94 , 641, .. 04U . . 04U CI'd Cln Chi A St I 4H 2 70U Cont'd Oaa 7a 2.... 100 4.... 100 1.... 100 1.... 100U Corn lroluet n'r Co 4 Via 4 79 tt Caoan U B rv 1 9Ui 1. ... 2 Ol A liud 71 1..., l3Vi di n o w ft S3 Dn A 11 O 4i 1 2 87 D A K O 4Vii TOVi Detroit EBUon CO 81 33 1 87 Datrolt Kdiaon rr fla '49 I.. .. 82'A pi-truit Unit n n' 4V.ii 1 .81 4 1 D Can Bi "21 98U D Canada 'za 1 0l D Canada 'v 3 931 D Canada 'nl 1J BOli Etle Jnl l.lro 8 4044 2.. .. 49 Vi nrii n n cv a 4 i n 45 Erta 11 n iv 9 S 4BVi Erli K n ov y in su 1 02U a DZH boni'l Kleo 8a 1 99ft 9 99 Vi 8 99Vi Govi't Prtncft RC ret 8.. 1.. 6.. 10.. 8.. 10.. B.. 9.. 4. 2.. 27.. B.. 4.. 1. IB. 101U 101U 103 101 101 M 101 Vi lOltt 101 101 V. 102 lOITi 102 161K 101U 101U O Owlls'1 rcti 104 M 1.... 1.... 7.... io-::: Ore.n u 104 104 U 104 101 104 A V nvv A 0 70 Hud A Man (d 8..... o'JVJ 8 83 ll'id at -i In 16 25 a 23 Ml intr1 fd a 70U HI Cant't nm 1 71 W III Cfhl 4a 'Bfl 8 7Hi 1 71 Vi HI Central X.0 DJV SH 5 Intbo M 4Vli 1 21 S 21 13 21 i aivi IE 20 Vi Intarboro Met ct 4ii 29 10U tniboru n T ta Jap Oova't lt 8 74 vi Jap Oovat Und 2 74'A 8 74 Jap aoo't 41 11 07 Vi 8 B7U Kan C Kt 3 M Jly Oi io sou Kan CiDIi 8 73 Kan City lr'l nty 4 2 72V. 2..,.. 72Vi 1..... 78 6... . 74 K. Del C '23 1.. .. 08S i. oavi 0.. . 99 K Uclem 7Hi 1 ... 8V4 2. 90 Vi 6, 90 1. . . 994 1 09U 0.. 99Vi 4.. VftV 1.. . 09Vi S.. . 994 Iuli A N.h Mono 4 8.... 9 Lou A Naah 7f 1....' 103 VI i ... loavi 1 ... 10SV4 Mldv'a Stl A Ordln El 8 77"i Mln A Ht L 4a 20... . 49 10 . .. 49 Mln Ht V, A S Sta it alt 41 2 90 Mo K A T 3nd 1 46V4 10 .... 48 to K A T 4 1 .. . 63 11 IC r T nntel 6 81 Mo I'lo -m 4i Lack Stcl '23 1 2.. 10.. 10.. IE.. 10.. 21.. l'i 10.. 10.. 10.. I 1 i.llt, 10 B8Vi B8U , E8V1 . S8U . SO A N . 77 Tax Popular Bonds 84 Vj 84 V. B4U 84 Vj 04 Vi 64 Vi E4U 84.. 64 Vi 04 V, 6 iv; I- 82 . . OJ ... oavi Lack Steal 'DO 1 80 Lake Bhoro M B'n 4 '28 1 ftSU LeUe Hhori M 4 o: '81 1... . BSVi It Vy en 411 1 BOH 1... . 80V. iT.U't A Mlira T Co El 1.. .. 841i' 1... . 84 Vi ! 1,11' t t: liyri T Co 7a l.... lo.vi 2.... 102 1.. . 103 Vis it III It El IT 1 88V4 4 88 Lo A Naah 4a 1 .. . 6'.'Vi 1 . . 8-"i 8 10... 1. 13 0 . New O 4 Vis 6.. . Naw O Mrxlco 6a 7 61 li N T C A II 11 n n sua a 9 N T C A II K n Tl en 4i 2 71'i 20 711 N T C A II n nnta The fall in commodity prices and the growing demand for conserva tive securities have had a favorable influence on the prices of all sound bonds. Let us present for your consideration some facts about con servative bonds which should increase in popu larity. Write for letter No. 7S.',S Bonbright & Company 437 Cheitnut Street Philadelphia Stw "VorL riilrao Boiton Itrol J. ... 02'4 2 92Vi 2 . .. 92V. 1... . 92Vi . . 93i 10 024 an . . 02 G.. . 02Vi 10.. 02U 10.. . 92H 8.. .. JU 6 92 S 7 O 4 1! n n n ct 7i 2 . 102'', 8 . . 102V. 1.. . 102V4 2.. . 10J 6.... 10JV4 8. . 102V; Louisiana & ArkansasRy. Ill MTQE. 5 I0NDS Ditiiim.tlDellJ DiinI First Mirtrue SMurit Liw Rate Pir Mi!o Sirmi Slaklnt Fm b FayarableEarains Pt and Prmn. To Yield Over 10 Pricm and particulars en requett. H Uw Tim Railreti Unit Wlien the Europeyn war broke out in. 1914 hfr-V long-time railroad bon4a selHng to yield about 4j TI..I. tUnmA itwi flOOd Oi European liquidation an heavy borrowing by our cram Gorernment, with the rewH ing steady decline In ''f?'r bonds to conform to he W; t creasingly higher "'?! rates paid on new tctirtty issues. Hfsh-grade long-time railroad Issues can b p?" chased to yield a return higher than has been obtainable l any previous year for more than a ireneratton. The enact ment of the Tranaportattpn Act of 1920, followed by tho increase in rates granted by the Interstate Commerce Con mission, has greatly clarinet and strengthened the ralirsM situation. Wc recommend to investors the purchase at tM time of long-time railroad; bonds. Complate jeferrnation retiaa Harris. Ftriti ft Ct. rta St. Gee. Wim. mctAnstTBtA amcM Mioimaittiuiiio Contlnuwl n Nnl Pare 1.. 1.. 10... 1... 6J.. 20... 10... 10... 10... 23... a... s... 20... 20... 26... 8... 4... 6... 43... 80... 22.. a... 8... 100.., 23... 101 Vi 10IU 101S 101 i 101 V. 101V4 101 Va 101 Vt 101 Vi 101 101V4 101' 101 101 Vi 101 102 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 V, 101 10J 10J An Ideal short term investment Gas Securities Company 8 io Two Year Secured Gold Notea Price 98 and Interest Yielding over 9 Cireulci oil rfjuraf flB Martin & Ga. 1411 Walnut St. Phnmanti Henry L. Doherty & Company 604 Morris Building Philadelphia, Pa. lelephons: Ixicu.it 1140 'T'rifc. investments on our current list offer attrac five yields at present prices. BOND DEPARTMENT 1429 Walnut St. Longmcre Hojkl Our Stock Department offers every service to those inter ested in Listed Securities. BOARD ROOM 1340 Walnut St. Ritz-Cariton Hotel Moore, Leonard & Lynch CUSHMAN NEWHALL MANAGE PHILADELPHIA New York rtapth llroadtvar BslKlas MUMBEJIS NIW TOHK. VIUIAD&L.PHU. ANO PITT3HURQH 3T0CK EXCHAKOE8 Empire Tube & Steel Bought, $old & Quoted, Cempaay Statmeat oa Reraet C. We Pope & Co. 25 Broad Street, New York Gty Telephone Broad 7110 Stockwell, Wilson & Linvill Certified Public Accountants Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia Bids Wanted 5000 shs. West, Utah Cop. Co. 350 shB.-Odor. Incinerator C. 300 ahs. Carwen Steel Tool WM. H. FAUST Stocks 421 Chentnut Stnet For a Limited Time Only Money at 5 on Stocks and Bonds H. A. HEIBING 1W South Ninth Street B era ul on 4 ARGENTINE GOVERNMENT BONDS Present Pric $215.00 Per Bond of 1001: Payable in Sterling Value per 100S bona with English Exchange at norn.nl und bonds at par. S486.00 i Tluse bonds combine l.ijjH yie'd, safety and chance of great appreciation of capital. further particulars upon requtat All Other Foreign Securities'. E. H. WOLFES, 212 Broadway, New York Attractive Listed Tfnilrn'.id Tlf.nla .4 circular well mrth reading that , .. j.--- -... v,. u request. NEWBURGER, HENDERSON & L0ER Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Eachanaes ' "141ftV nl...4...l na a$2,500,000 Middle West Utilities Company Fifteen Year 8 Secured Gold Notes, Series "A" Dated September 1, 1920 Due September I, 1935 Interest payable semi-annuallj. .March and beptenilici '..st .n Chicago and New York Coupon Notes in Interchangeable denominations ot $1000, $500 and $100, registerablc as to ririninT nt. T .n.M mt.Aneqkl. na . ...t.1. . in ... . nn.. .m nr... Cn- I Ill The Middle CiL Utilities Company through it- -ul)iUiai ounipa:iic" opei tcs in the following- fifteen states: Illinois, Indiana. Kentucky. Maine. Michigan, Misbou, . Nebraska, Xew Hampshire, New York. Oklahoma. Tenne.-see. Texas. "ennont. n ginia and Wisconsin. The Company's subsidiaries erc J()2 communities, having ;. combined estimated population of 1.315.-100. At .lul M. 120. electric cUhtomer, num bered 215.717. gas 54.69). water 24,148. a total of 294. 54 customers fur thc-e bervicc alone. These Notes will be secured by pledge of mort gage bonds on properties of subsidiary companies owned entirely or controlled by the Middle West Utilities Company, the aggregate principal amoiant of bonds so pledged being at least equal to 150 of the principal amount of Sorites "A" Notes at any time outstanding. No Notes of Series "A" may be certified unless Ihe net earnings of each company, mortgage bonds of which aro pledged hereunder, are equal to at least l1 time the annual interest charge on such bonds and all underlying mortgage in. debtednexa. The equity behind these Notes, repress ' by investment in junior securities of the Coh-any and die reserves and surplus earnings retained in the business, aggregatet over $25,000,000. The latest available statement of earning; of the properties on which the pledged bonds are secuivd by mortgage liens shows that the ratio of net earnings to pledged and underlying bond interest io equal to 1.85. The earnings of the Middle West Utilities Com pany for the fucal year ending April 30, 1920, show a net balance of $2,197,617.71 available for the annual interest of $861,110 on $2,500, OOO Fifteen-Year 8 Notes, $9,318,500 Ten Year 6 Collattaal Gold Bonds and $1,700,000 Three-Year 6 Gold Nolcs. 73 of the Com pany's utility earnings in derived from the sale of electricity for light and power. For more complete information ue d'.iect attention to a Ut. of S'ami, .. A n .. , f ,. ,, , pany, fr, a-hick the 5ot, ..,.,, are suuJa o Tf ' , ' U' t w&a XSi WE RECOMMEND THESE NOTES FOR INVESTMENT Price 96 and interest, yielding about 8V2 Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc New York Philadelphia A. B. Leach & Co., !nc New York Philadelphia WiV $ I 1 vW. " ISP" '' 1 Va I I -a J j- a ' -xS . t.; 7? 7 llUV qi, UM11IUV)I1' ,- K i, , ?,. r. . , ji N iilMkM, fc ' u ju!!T) i!?y4liLWtMfh Xfy'tSiSw. iMsa .J.; -", "JAPfcAWififlSi. ..Y . iiWwmmtiAiWu,) ' UHft. W Va. II II . Ll i T"i i ae wh ' i v- -11T?"j' iM. V , "