' j 'O0GS!Vj tf$B& ifl iji -". ' "1r 'A ?! ? "J ( 41 """ . ill i . , i, iii, iiiiiiwwaMMM.B.iin i IH I ' ' if V-m mi i nm ii--hi-iii- "" -""" ' " '" D REVOLUTION w URGED IN GERMANY Russian Radical Appeals to In dependent Socialists to Join With Moscow ' LABOfl UNIONS SCORED IlaHe, Oemumy, Oct. 15. (Dy A. p.) For fully four hours last night JI. Zinovieff, chalrmnn of the executive commlttoe pf the Third Internationale, i find one of the four big chiefs of Soviet Russia, pleaded with tho Independent Socialist!) nt their convention hero to join with Moscow, create h revolution in Germany .and help carry out the pro letarian program' for n world revolution. At the conclusion of we Rusfslnn's addreis tho radicals of the party nnd tho audience In the packed galleries stdod with bared head singing the'-In-ternatlonale, while the conservatives walked slowly out of the hall. A great ovation was then accorded Zlnovleff, with many "Hochs" and cries of "Long live tho Internationale," and the waving of hats. Vote to Bo Taken Today It Is expected tho vote as to whether the independents will ndhcro to the Moscow organization will be taken to day. Throughout his impassioned argument ti Russian orator was tho storm cen ter of cries of approval from tho left nlng in his audience, followed by bit ter words from tho right. At one time he charged tho German labor unions with being "no better than Noske's Vhlto Guards," and that they were tools In the handi of the capitalists. The entire audience hissed its dls approval of thlt declaration and n number of the right wing leaders, shak ing their fists, rushed to tho rostrum, threatening tho speaker and demanding retractions. The Russians are not anxious to be- It's Lbnt Long Trail for Prince of Wales V London, OctNlC (Uy A. P.) Announcement Is mado by thcPrinco' of Wales, who has just returned from a trip to New Zealand, Aus tralia nnf British possessions intho West Indies, that ho hopes to visit South Africa and Kast Africa be fore long. ' como tho central au 'lorltatlvo tribunal of tho third Communist Intornatlonalc and would gladly relinquish the privi lege to somo other country, declared M. Zinovieff. He suggested France as that country. Aid for Germans Promised M,. Zinovieff preceded this statement by announcing that tho central com .?' th rd Internationale hSd asked him to state that It was prepared to enter into negotiations with its trinj;n fcoinrttdos-" ,Thls announce, ment created n RPnanttn- o.,.i i .... lE5?lnM,c&0l''n .'ho convention i V V . . soviet rcprcsenta--.TS.I0 " " Wan Com- - I u, 8 not only will ng but "" uuuurini support. wcro prole- uriOL NALCII T CITmL'llALIA Oil Element! Estremlstl Hanno r ' Provocato Conflitti con la Forza Pubbtica PubllthrA' anfl Dltrlbta Under PERMIT NO. 841. AuthorliKl by tho net of Octobjr, 6, 191T. on flle leipni., -. the Poitottlca of Phils.- A. 8. DUnLBBON. Postmaiter General. reccl i mo Londrn, 1C sone sono rlmaste uccis" e nlolte nitre fcrlto in parecchte cltta' d'ltnlia dif rant uno scloncro ccncralc dl due ore, secondo un dlspacclo glunto da Itoma nl London Time. Npnostnntc la proclnmnzlono del detto sclopero in itamn vuu soiiamo una parciale sospcnslone dl lavoro. I trnmvicri sospescro 11 lavoro, ma lo strade prcsentatvano l'aspetto nprmale. I disordlni in Bologna, dlco il dls pacclo, furono dovuti agll estremlstl jnNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi: 1 -Special Sale Furniture Open Saturday Evenings COATS & SUITS Dolmans and wraps the chic eit garments in town are made right here in our factory. Wo Offer Them at .Wholesale Price Gilda Coat & Suit Co. 121 N. 7th St., 7th Floor w I h HE, you'll like the quality & the "get it when you want it" feature of our printing and ruling service Our plant and office in our building at 1525 Chestnut Street are very convenient 4 Poftieranfz for the office 1525 Chestnut St. Stationery Printing Engraving Office Furniture Wi?rj t. 1J1 T(VlH?fcStrftiTrtTffvrr-- iSfl r-rjifTlTf Wondrrftil -nine In I.tttnit Room Suites, beautifully upholstered In extra qiml Itr tapeetrr of many pat tern, aria pieces! new -t Aniens.. Value $280. inniifncjurers' price....,. $ 170 nan-red of other Mvln Room Bnltes at other price. Also complete, line of Ded and Dining Boom Sol tea. IL Remember, we sell direct to consumer from factory. By so doing we save you over half. Come in; you are under no obllffotlon to buy. .Direct S Factory j Represent ZZ tatlves jFUHNITURE MFR' SHOW ROOMS 138 South 8tH St. illllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllffF Fnreliaslnir Arente' . Ordere Accepted ---- sw-aBWMwaw-ai mmmmmmmmmmm Xevy?- fm PRr w KoVooSr i2KL mr 1 F(W M fiCL'GSl liUtv,xil If Si IS w There is Life in . IPeacock Ginger Ale Peacock Ginger Ale fairly bubbles with sparkle and zest ; and when you get ypur first taste, you too will say that here is a better ginger ale. Pure water, sterilized and twice filtered to profeor your health; Jamaica ginger and fruit flavors in combination with properly carbonated water to give a pleasing thirst-quenching quality that is Pea cock Ginger Ale. You will find Pea cock Ginger Ale a more satisfying and more healthful drink. Do not ask merely for ginger ale say PEACOCK. Your grocer or drug gist sells Peacock Ginger Ale in 15' ounce bottles. Yoar trocar aha ttlls Peacock Root Bejr, Birch Beer, Sana parilla and Lemon Soda. WEISBROD &. HESS, Philadelphia cho altjccarono gll s(entl dl polixfa. X moril In detta cltta' comprendono due fuardlo dlpubbltca slcuro ;a. La cltta' oggl prcscnta l'aspetto normale, ma 11 larord ' stato sospeso in segno dl lutto per quelll cho rlmasero ucclsl durante I dlscrdinl nclle strade. A Ban Giovanni Rotondo undid per bono rlmasero ucclso iluranto un con' ditto .con la. 'forza pubblica cd oltre cento ferlte. Quattro furono 1 mortl In Bologna o 14 1 ferltl. A Milnno un operalo runsio ucclso parccchl ferltl duranto un conflttto tra scioperanti e guardle dl pubblica slcurezza. - ueiio oomDo rurono intto scoppiare Indurre U'Qorerno Itailano a rlcOnoscere 11 Governo Borlet delis ltussla, ottobre. L'AmbaRcTatoro Itailano prpsso II Go reruo degll BUtl Unltl. partlra' In congedo alia volts dell'Italla il 28 otto- Wdilrurton, D. O., 14 bro corrcnte, a bordo lef Sapors "Adrli otic." Fa annunslato rcccntcments cue il Barono Avczzana sarebbe stnto ti-asferlto da Washington, ma oggl aU'AmbaacIata si o dlchldrato cho ncisuna informaziono uSlclale al ri guardo era.stata rlccvuta.- prcsso parcc,cbl Hotels -In Mllano, com ferenta dolla Iega delle Nnzionl. preso rilotoi uavour ovo alloggla is delegazione Ingless giunta per la con Nts- una norsonn rim as e fcrita. Ii'Ufflcio dl un giornala eociallsta c' stato inccndlato. Un dlspacclo qui' rlcevnto annunzla cho i capi del pnrtlto soclatlsta ltalano c quelll delta Confede rations Generate del Lavoro in Itnlla hanno nubbllcato un prociaina nel glor nalo "Avantl," dl Roma, ordinando dimestr'azloni in tutto le cltta' d'ltalla. Lo scopo del movlmento c' quello dl ' i -------.-------------mft SHIPMENTS for PACIFIC CQAST I r gave Money by Shipping via Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Line Chas. Kurz & Co., Inc., Agents Drexel Building, Phila. Lombard 6104 Main 1S20 ' SS "CAPE HENRY" Now Loadtog "This la our third steamer, scheduled to sail OCTOBCIl 18th. Regular sailings thereafter. Goods may b sent to Pier D North. Secure our routing advice for heavy pieces and goods In open cars before sending to dock. Distinctive Dinnerware style, largo and varied atock Inexpensive services. of good ALL "OPEN STOCK" The ever-Increasing demand for our Dinnerware is a fitting tribute to its quality. , Wrigfkt, Tyndale (k? van Roden, Inc. Reputed tho Largest Distributors or High-Urade Dinner-rare 1212 Chestnut Street Peacock Gmqer Ale "1'e'-------5e--w ------. v---r- Foundcd in 1865 The House that Heppe built Inaugurated tho Ono-Price System in 2881 Downtown 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown 6th and Thompson Street Heppe We are now able to offer a genuine Pianola-Piano for the low price of $820. This is a remarkable opportunity to secure a ' genuine Pianola- Genuine Pianolas for Only $820 Piano, with all of the famous Aeolian Pianola patented fea tures. These in struments are guaranteed to be the greatest player-piano value in the city. We will refund your money if you find a better value. Settlement may be ar ranged by cash or charge accountor through the Heppe three-year rental payment plan, which ap plies all rent toward the purchase price. Call, phone, or write at once for cata logues' and. full particulars. Bargains in Used Pianos Every instrument guar anteed for five years and exchangeable without loss any time within one year. Below are listed a few specimen values. Pease $85 Small size, plain case ChHcering . .$130 Full size, plain case Siper $180 Walnut case, large slzo Marcellus . . .$240 Mah6gany case, fine tone Heppe $295 Slightly used, mahogany 0. J. Heppe & Son Downtown 1W-19 Chestnut 8k Uptown Oth tnd Thompson SU. T Gee, it's a winner! Bet you anything you'll like 'em. It's a world-winning taste Turkish blended with Burley and other choice Domestic tobaccos, and blended right. (iiiiiNiDto ' Dwmi No use where else be copied. looking for "satisfy" any--the Chesterfield blend can't o i 'jCt&U&tJVU, lllls yfrvxvC'Go Co- lii llllllllH1 III ..l!!!!ll.. A IHO i Ipblf "liiiiii1 i Mini CIGARETTES III III I leiti di & Kr i v. -'V P f 9rt lit A it lo a lit 4 do at .itr 4 pi l il KT CJP 1 rft an a' lib nt 7 t - - v zxt '.v?W.- '&Kv-.' i -v 1W' t 'H ,r v air ;. a;ki nW&tt'Z?: v, s 'I" "& &' - i ifl l ii it -i i hm.J. - Al-ss-i-. -j .ntJ '. .B-t. --u-i.i-w-..,. ..-iij'j.. f.r-.