SBBSmiryraHRlHMMSif L'- S. S. FREDERICK RETURNS. The ship that SAW HER BOY'S TEAM WIN. Tris Speaker, NEVER SAW FAMOUS SISTER. ;Claes GuBtavo A M AmKK ' C ' -M!mmmMtMs&i fmimB&MmWf:mA-im took the U. S. navy athletes to the Olympic gnmos manager of the Clcvoland baseball team, and Wilhelm Lind, superintendent of a Brooklyn Kk, ti&k ' , JmtfjKjWGM WHTTllHto iTinKMBMBMrWf 1 1 T ticd UP nt tho Philadelphia Navy Yard yesterday. The his mother .at the Cleveland ball park (N. Y.) apartment house, is a brother of the great fc: 3S-JJ&&mKmfiBk &' r BV??iBo7y!TiHBIfffil' naval reserves who manned the vessel will soon bo international. soprano, Jenny Lind. Ho is shown with a photo of HII'v' TN(M(nMM'iiJHHM ; jjtf' MfeBPl!ai'il!BPCT5WPfew.feM discharged Ix-drer rhoto Servlco. his sister International. K!kiiiiijjIIKm&i Z SOME KICK. The London Bids are great football enthusiasts. Hii " Slf VdHW KITTENS SCRAPPING OVER A NAVAL GUN. Two WC , I , Our kicker is a fullback on the Lyons team of UiO( EnKlishcUy ErjfaHSfffi 1 j iflTl f rf J' f p wSIHH ' ' ' & TO V 4i??SPv? t " tCnS'amon thnTscots onu! s" deroVer emrSs' "" It I THE SEARCH FOR THE BODY OF BLAKELY COUGHLIN IS ELEVEN SUBMARINES IN THIS DRYDOCK. There are few busier places in Philadelphia than iio CONVENTION HERE Colono jUc. SBIbI ll9 Iff NOT OVER. The cross indicates the place in the Schuylkill river, large drydock at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, where repairs are being made on eleven of Uncle Sam a Leslie, j""" (left), with Louis Lukes; of PBKIBB!sHBd Kkl near Norristown, where the string and iron mentioned in the con- submarine cralt imager rtioto service. Lancaster, its president for six terms RHi&WOhuVwH W fession of the "Crank" were found iJnr i'hto sen ice. idKer rhoto service. pWBfWtjfW-.M ti ; ' m'ffi -- p - HB . E iff WEST PHILADELPHIA SCALES FAULTY. The department of weights and measures went out to West Philadelphia yesterday to test public weighing machines. Many were found to be weighing from six to eight pounds in excess of actual weight Ledger I'hoto Smlc. A VISITING PLAYER. Mrs. W.. A. Gavin, of the Bollcclair Club, New York, defeated Mrs. A. K. Billstein, of Bala Ledncr I'hoto Sen Ice. OUTPLAYED MRS. CA LEB. FOX. The winner is Miss" Alexa Stirling, the national women's champion. The match was won 7 and 6 ladder I'hoto Scrvloo. AT .THE CLOSE OF THE MATCH. Miss Marion Hollins cleans golf balls as the score keepers, check up her card. She eliminated Miss Cummings, of Chicago Ledger I'hoto Service. IRISH. CONSTABULARY. Sir Hamar Green wood inspects tho rifles of tho Royal Irish Con stabulary at Dublin - Central Newa Photo. IN THE FIRST ROUND AT HUNTINGDON VALLEY YESTERDAY FOR THE BERTHELLYN CUP COLONEL CESARE BAR- C. EMERSON BROWN (lis- DELONI, ,a member of the cusses tho functions of a Italian royal engineer corps, modern zoo in an interview attended tho international on the editorial page communications conference in I-eaeor rhoto Servl"' Washington Central News Photo, OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO THE BEAUTY CORNER! 7 T. J. MOLLOY, 58.'U Catharine street, using a lubricating pump on a truck equipped with high-prossuro MP lubricating system nt the service station of tho Ale mite Lubricating Co. of Pennsylvania, 824 North clld uroaa m U(Utr photo Btry MR. AND MRS. S. E. J. COX. Mrs. Cox did much of tho designing of tho plane entered in the raco by her husband. They are from Now xprx (tnVtAl !" 4IUu BADLY INJURED. Roland Rohlfe, the Amorican airman, was a spec tator at the raco following his crash In practlco Central New Photo. PARTICIPANTS,, JN THE GORDON-BENNETT-'AIRPLANE CLASSIC JN-PARIS AT IT AGAIN. Major R. W. Schrocder, who had a remarkable flve-mil6 fall during an American nltltudo test, was one of tho c'orn- petltors cqtrl.Ntwa Photo. MISS ELVIRA DI FREDERICO 1424 Frnnkford avenuo Philadelphia 'j I ' , i ' i 41 r" "' "f 'Hy K txVt K . s lrA x ... w.'sC' ''.