TW ,, ,('. JB" V Tm''' lTvv- ---V), yrr vf 3 i HA cy, VJ .",', " .'J" 1 1 V EV&?f OCTOBER ll 1&WV & '577 J. s. , y. -i W&Fh .. Normal Truate Named . . t u'.t Cheater Hint Nor- .T Sobool wcro hnpolntod yesterday by Khiultatton with the Rovornor. as J iimg: Kred Tn hot, Miss Imibel Dor (?".tnn Wrt Chester, nnd Chnrlen T. SKnii Whltford, until 1022; Mrs ?tart S. Gnvvtliofp. p. M. Bharplwi "ifl" IJ. Byre, West Chester, until 1023. LOST AND FOUND rTil. Sigma Chi fraternity nln.dla ""Jf "it In plllnum( Initial W. b. C. "H?.v, Jeward. H B80. Ledger Office. Ml unv - - - - - "ttELP WANTED EEJtfAXB nrLL TELEPHONE OPERATORS BE ARE IN DEMAND Enter thl attractive business and recelvo.JM per week while learning with frequent ln.reae thereafter PERMANENT POSITIONS ASSURED F UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS AMONO PLEASANT AB80CIATE8 , g JIIB3 BTEVENSON. 1831 AHCH BT. mjLL TELEPHONE CO. OP PENNA. BOOKKEEPER The Publlo Ledger Co. desire the service ot an experienced book keener to operate a Burroughs poet Ing machine! must come well recom- """aop! 0th and Chestnut ati. Aik for Mr. Welti RnnKXEEPEIt ASSISTANT Young woman 10 assist bookkeepers experience doslrou i.i,t not essentials permanent poeltlon; goort J.i.ry who qualify. Krankel Garment Bhon, iffni and Dauphin ate. CASHIERS .,i t tt'Anamaker's: aood Job. better moiwcIk: this Is the door by which bright, untrained itlrli can become export buslneea women. Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S CHAMllERWOKK WhlUwomani light latin- Jry work: wages US week! location Mt. Alrrf rnono Mies Miller. Chettnut Hill 2098, uien nam, and 5 p. m. CORRESPONDENTS If jou can dictate letter, concise, polite and to the point, or If vou understand the lundllng of form correspondence. Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S CHOCOLATE COATEna. experienced: 44 noun hv wen, h ,w .mi,. iTuin mi jib, tround, Axad Laundry Co., 1224 N. 11th I'rtet. CLERK Olrl past IT years of ate to work in our main ouics; uptmcania musi nave hid 2 years' high school education. Arpply Employment Hureau after 8:30 a. m , riniton Monotype Machine Co.. 24th and iMUItSU CLERKS In our organisation tnero are rlsht nnw KXTIIA ROOD CLERICAL POSITIONH I for Klrla who have had high school educa tion, alio experience In figuring work. UUir. ltlUIlBDAX Mrs. Linda R. Patton CUnTI3 PUBLI3HINO CO. 7th and 6ansom at. DO YOU STILL LOVE TOTS? Hi vou realize that a selling cosltlon In nur I biz, sunny. Interesting toy department I would be congenial as well a paying work I from now until after ChrlitmaaT See Mlit Oarnetl, Employment Office Flrat floor, gallery WANAMAKER'S A OIRL MUST DECIDE I what to do With her brains, hand .Will I Hen her enthuslesm. In the business market. cne can fcarreiv oo nettir man to 3CK AlKH'T BELLING TJIEM TO WANAilAKEIfS I D--lrah1e oDenlntra at aooil nv and hnnra I nnw ejl-t for snleewomen. clerks, cashier land others. Pee Mist Qarnell. Emolovment onieo. first floor, eallerv. WANAMAKEH'S OIULS -- ,....- ... n v, ,,Tn. ,u nu(l in wnii IriP-r manufnrllirtnff nlnnt an1 pAllln t. iMrtment Apnly at once. nEPKKn. SMITH A PAQK. WATEn AND SYNDEH AVE HOmtlTH KEY PUNCHEn Youna woman nltn iniriA tiinnrlanr Irav nuaaki.. rrefrabl the llolerllh svstem. miy secure d-elrjhle position: state He and etprrl. 'nee, Ailrlre-s It L. Cmolell. Atlantlo Ite- "llF ' " .mi j'sesvunK eve. LAUNDRY Whlta wnmn u,n,. , .,.- . I. ek, 1 In fsmllv. Phone Baring TDVW, LIT BROTHERS IRWU1RE PALEBWOMEN IN THE VOL IX)WINO DEPARTMENTS 6ILK3 IIOUSEFUnNISHINaS T0Y8 SWEATERS UJIBRELLAS LAMPS COriSETS UNDERWEAR I.ACE3 TALKING MACHINES Tn. a.n.. .. KuliSmUHi-" klp WE CAN OFFER PEH "BIK9NT rHtT;nNS AND OOOD SAU LI? BROTHERS BURRAI' OP EMPr.nVMir-VP onnnun TLOOn. 7TH VND FILBEItT STS". ARCEr wivpn . . . ' " ThT:l&' ! .T" . --,,.. ,,,jtJ BWIUh i'co'.'.'TC' a'SH". W'tlon. Apply iMiLLiNKits, .: rrr: feOpiSisw & muit Le rJwr or competent child's maid: "mont. l'a ---" usenciet, uox 2311 SALESWOMEN Iftstlgps eflnerl women tine. .nil...... erestlng open- Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S MMMary, .." .J5"5L, Perlencs nut bo ltYmite,.r '!?' trong personam1 wnik in Tif. I'iS '.V B.D0V " ver louble your ininm- a11 at ,ho 'm lime V hsve i,.iV.?.,,'.rl".u,i?l SALESWOMEN Kflunltle, In ihii",i?J,"1 jr".f''"t op. E""'!) Who ailSil-i0.'' i,or hlgh-c ess sales KS'w hiahSP,c.W? Ur9 earning.: mGit ""r I)iri'te.!i Call at 439 ---, ., tf riw4 HELP WANTED FEMALE SiE?.W0MAH. wanted In .notion dparl- Chestnut experiences Apply liin SALESWOMAN wanted In hosiery depart lJ?lU.,.mu,l "Prlenced. Apply 1214 "niut mit ni,iBvvuMN wanted In silk" department! must ba experienced. Apply 1214 Chest. nut at. t miles from Philadelphia) primary and a-rammar room. Arldrest I' loaa. M. Oft, BTENoaiurHEn A mood openlnk for a bright, Intelllaent Itenoarapher, who I tooklnc for a steady position with advancement. Apply Dureau of Employment WANAMAKEIVB flTENOOnAPIIRn, experienced, capable; permanent pleasatit position to rutht party, pply In own handwriting;, statin- partlcu' ar, aalary expected and phone number, If ,ny, V 1020. Irfdatr office. TKLKPHONE OPEKATOIl nrlaht alrl for busy P. II. X. of large mf. concern near nroad and Chettnut! mutt ba. neat, nt pleaelnit personality arid courteous to our customer! siaiv aav. scnoni atienaeo, exu, A minimum taltvy desired. 11 gon, Led Off, TIME ON ,TOUH HANDS? MONET IN YOtltl VOi CK! ET FOP; CliniBTMAfl Vhlch do you prefer? t If the eecond, consult Mies Oarnell, KmplorMent Office, nrtt floor, aallery. a, to the time vou need rive and the money Vou can make by sellln nnw ..,, inspectlnir our purchases or even wrapplnr pacVace for ut. WANAMAKXTVS TYPIBT The Publlo Ledaer Co. ha an nnenlnr fer younu lady tynltti permanent position, Apply to Mr. Flynn, 0th and Chettnut ttt. WOMEN of rtnnement and culture to set a nurset: hurh school education com pulsory: fall clan (till open: salary ISO per month and maintenance from date of acceptance. APPly to Superintendent, Itlver side ItonplHl, Newport Newa. Va. YOUNO LADY to take charge of Inspection and wrapping department In Chettnut at. dry aoodt store: must have up-to-date experi ence: tat salary expected. P 1110. Ledger Office. ... YOUNO WOMAN to, run small switchboard and do tvnlne-1 salary tin. Annfv m , Pierce, manager Connecticut General "Life insurance i-v.. ", utiu nnwrictn iilug -f- WANTED MOO ladles to open n charts ac count at Poller's credit clothing house, t Pth and Market sts.t easy payments. Oenernl nUHINESS SERVICE CO.. llln Ijind. Title BTENOQ8. S20-S2S: CLK8, TYPISTS 118-130 HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN Wanted, experienced man to sell hlxh-clait car on liberal commission basla. M 314. Ledger Office. ItOLTEnS JOINERS RIVETING OANCIS STEADY WORK PLENTY OF PIECEWORK BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION ROOM 801 1321 ARCH ST. SEE MJl. LAMONDA BOOKKEEPER position open with growing Investment banking house to keep books, act aa collateral clerk nnd assist cashier: good opportunity for bright and ambitious young man: give full particulars. Including salary required. P 1100, Lodger Office. BOY. past 1(1 yeais of age; a large corpora tion has a poaltlonln the office of a mem ber of the firm for n bov who Is willing to start ut the bottom ot the ladder to procure a busln-itt training; n graduate of grammar school or on who has had 1 or more oar In high school preferred; a splendid oppor- tunlty for the : riK'ii n boy: In replying give ref- erence and state ulth what salary you would u would Led r ne wining to urcn. Aaares9 v na: Office. BOT WANTED AT ONCE IN NEWSPAPER OF. KICK: l) PEn WEEK TO START: GOOD OPPORTUNITY. SEE Up, JOYCE. TIHhB ffLOOR, PUBLIC LEDOBH. 808 CHEBTNU7 BOY. over It. to feed lob printing press and do general pressroom work! fine oppor tunity for bright boy. See Mr. Read, tilth floor. 800 Cheelnut st. BOY wanted to learn upholstering; paid while learning: must be over 10 years ot age. Apply 280 8. 2d St. B0Y8 FOR PASSINO niVKTS SO CENTS PER HOUR Must be over 10 year of age. Bring birth certificates. Apply at North. Yard Employment Dept. or to our Phlla. Office. 1000 Arch st. Work rain or shine. Phlps built under cover. NEW YORK ,K. SHIPBUILDING CORP. NORTH YARD DEN. NEW JERSEY CAMDE BOYS AND MEN. IS to SIJ, wanted to train tnr nnalttona on the U. 8. Shlnnlnv llnrn vessels; Americans only) training pay, 180 per month. C. B. Moa, enrolling officer, 21 tt. 4ili st,, Philadelphia, Pa. ' vessels; Americans only) training BOYS, over 10, wanted to operate stamp die machine. Brown ft Bailey Co., 410 N. Frsnklln st. CHOCOIATE COATERS, exprlencew: all year-rpunu u,ni juc ,r nour. AStn roun Co., ur. A sti 7817 W Candy Co., 1224 N. 11th. Ponlar in. i-i CLERK Young mo.n with agmo Knowledge or sv.iicnuoru enu row,.r Inttallatlont Ith wholttale electrical for clerical position wli sppply companyi exeep nmninitr t r.vcvuuiiKi upuuriunilV lOr nun who la capable of developing, with refersneei and (alary expected. Ledrer Office. young man Address, wl' P 103 COLLECTORS and trecerifMhorpughly famll. lar wun tne installment nutinei Dusinees: steady Apply Dell Die. work: seourlty nfcessafy. J trlbutlng Co ,41 N, 10th tt DHAt lawAM, nrsi cists, experienced on malntenanoe work and mtohlne tools. Apply by letter only, stating complete ex perience. Cramps' Shipyard. Richmond above Noma st Employment DepnHment. experienced ELECTRICIANS, experienced on power plant work, long Job, good wages. Apply to Eton ft Webster, Beach and Palmer ats. ELEVATOR OPERATOR, while. Apply E. T. Kiiiott, ur; I'nssmut tt ut s LABORERS. JneUe work; 15.10 for B days; Russians I'aies, itumaniant. niavs, Hun- gtriane: unsay wory. li-j vine st. LA1IOUKHB. R0 $0 wrek. white ur colored; gooa poeruiitg nousr. g vine st. .MEN W, ANTED ot our m nhnl&rshlns. entitling vnu to free Inslrnn. tlon In various lines of etedullve work? Trained mm earn tTB-tl50 per week and up. Write Executive Service Bureau, 61 Trans- ptittatlon mag., an a. mm tt. MEN wanted who ha"vS telling ability orwho AH.Aka t-A wlmmmw 1.I..M.H H...II,.. pUBTBa Hi" ..-., WUH,(B- Hone, to connect with a growing organisa tion; salary and commliilon. P tin, Ledger Office. MOLDERS Iron and tleel for Pittsburgh dlstrlcti slsady work guaran I, etd: hlsh rate nnd bohus: pnsltlvelit ni 1ST Oil abor trou jpie ot nny ainiii transpnriaiion re. ' kind! trans A. Trainer, rl'tsv end-la funded. Inquire v 14i N. mill St.. on Thursday. Frl'lty end-laturclay. from I) a. m. to vj noon, ii p. m. to o p. m. anoj 7 p, m. to 0 p. m. TbLEI'llONH. OPERATOntJ Olri. exDert, eneed on telephone, to ssUelt aarertmna; will P'.sejMTjnd beriu! tat eipertenei .HELP WANTED MALE M0LDER3 IN ORAT IRON rOUNDRT roll SIDE FLOOR AND HEAVY WORK HEAVY FLOOR. C0REMAKER8 MALLEABLE IRON FLOOR MOLDKR3 WE CAN OFFER TOU A PER llANENT POSITION IN A LAnOn. WBLL-EQUIPPBD FonNDnV IN I'llUafKJtUUB citt, WHEnB YOU CAN EARN BIO MO LIVE CHEAPER AND flB NltrtRD OF HTEABT Wntllr EI, A8- THIS 18 A REAL OPPORTUNITf. AND IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A..FA?: ITION OUT OF TUB OR Y IT. WILL 1)E TO YOlfit ITAGB TO CALL. JJ1 JINAIli ADVANI WB WANT EXPElilENCED MEN ONLY OPEN BHOP CONDITIONS PEE MRW li. T. MENT7. ROOM lit HEED Ut.DO. 1211 FILBERT ST. MEN wanted for extra work In delivery room. Saturday night only. Apply after A r, m., to foreman of delivery room. Public Ledger Entrance on flth tt. PAPERHANaERS 10 good men: good work; best working cond. Robert Keown.l'.'ill Pine PIANO SALESMAN Men of gelling ability nnd pleating address to call on prospective piano purchasers: those with experience rreferrtd. Apply Depart ment nf Personnel, flour .414, Filbert st. STRAWIHtlDOE CLOTHIER PLASTERERS wanted. Wnlsh, Mltohsll , Co., Dslaware Trutt Co. BIdg., Wilming ton. Del, . . PLAHTIilltEHJs wanted. Walsh Mltlchell Co., Delaware Trust Co. Bldg.. Wilmington, Dl, PORTERS. 4) permanent petition. Apply fourth floor, loot Olenwood ave. Mr. Lallme. PORTERH, oolored Uses, eioa Cheeti wanted. Appiv td air. Chestnut St. SALESMAN to Join a reputable financial or ganisation to sail a high-grade preferred stock with a common tock bonus; prcWnus stock selling eyperlnnre not essential. Hoe Mr. Halpern, 006 Shubert Bldr. SALESMAN , ., ... One who I Intelligent, conscientious and a hard worker, to reoreeent a reliable and well-established company In, PENNSYLVANIA Salary, and bonu with expense advanced: In reply give referenoe. past. ales experl rnce. age and telnhone number to Insure prompt Interview. M Han, Leager imice. SALESMAN wsnted to represent, manufac turer nf lighting fixtures: should be well acquainted with architects In Philadelphia. Aniwer the Anodlon Metal Company. 124 South et.. Baltimore, Md BALESMAN MINISTER . , , , , A large International corporation Is looking for a minister who ha selling ability: a wonderful opportunity for the man we select. call at 2n wiacner niog. inr ini'rrirvr. mi.fqMiv u-aniAd whn In now calling on the paper box and bookblnrtlnr Industry; good opening for right mrtn. P 1120. Ledger Oft'rs. SALESMAN Wnted. young man with sales ability bv well-known concern, either rart or whole time, M 410. Ledger Office. SALESMEN ("SPECIALTY") IF TOU CAN QUALIFY WITH US YOU WILL HAVE NO MORE DULL SEASONS NO MORE RETRENCHMENTS NO MORE "SECURITY" HBLLINO NO MORE HUN'TINO A NEW Jon OtJR MEN DO BUSINESS EVERY DAY AND ARE HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS, AND ARE FIXED FOR LIFE. CAM W. I.. RARNHART, ROOM (104. LINCOLN nUILrtlNO. 1 TO 2. TODAY. SALESMEN Visualize what success you would like to aohleve a a salesman and then a n higher executive and dotermlno If you could make Immediate uso of an opportunity that will net you 1150 or more weekly, provided that under our Instructions you are willing to walk and talk nnd tell the truib, beginning the day you read this ad. Call from 10 to 4. tulte 003. Vandam Bldg.. lUth and Market streets. SALESMEN TO SELL WELL-KNOWN WONOORAPH ON INSTALLMENTS: HOIISE-TO-MOUSE CANVASS: STRAIGHT COMMISSION) ()60D PROPOSITION TO THE RIGHT MEN. APPLY DELL DI3 TItYllUTiNO CO., 41 NV 10TH BT. SALESMEN, rtnek. experienced In selling se curities, automobile nnd othnr finance com panies preforred' men whn possess ability and personality to Intervlrw. substantial ,n estor. Phone Mr. Campbell, Spruce 082", for appointment. SALESMEN Salesmen who have the ability to mannire offices nnd nre nfter large earnings should call at 425 Wldener Bldg. at once for Interview hXlesmen Wanted to sell Industrial securities paying good dividends. Call at 1312 Walnut St., Room 401 Phono Spruce ftTTfl. SECURITY SALESMEN An old-eetabllshoii company wtjh an AA-1 commerclel rating, .manufacturing ngrlcul- tural Implements, whose products are Inter nationally advertised, nnd distributed. marketing a limited tssue of Its capital smrk rxelin provl tea issue or its capital si post-war extension of t.o o proviae or i""'""! esienion or us omeitlo and foreign business: this leiuo is ao be belnfr marketed by the company through direct :I Urinit roiineuiiiMid uniyi inn pilicc a few high-grade, security salesmen in Penn- tylvanle. and New jersey only salesmen Wltn UnqUOBlluiu.uiw citurimviB will OB COTl' sldered; no advances. 1110 Lincoln Uldg,, u to 4. SHIPPING Toung rain, 10, as helper In shipping department; salary to start, $lfl opportunity M advene,. Ouo 4 urn.,, inc.. w-., , ,mi..t ,.. j-niiaueipiin BlilPPINO CLEKIO Apply PuUle Ledger, Btndlcate Suite 701, H08 Chestnut St. FeNOORAPHER Ilcglnner to assist with clerical work and attend telephone ex- Change In off Ice. It. T. Moorehnuso Papir Co., ilrkiue and Thompson sis.. Urldesburg. rhliaaeipnm WANTED 5000 men to open n charge ac count at Dalley's credit clothing house at Olh and aiarwei sis l easy payments WINDOW CLEANERS wanted: experienced: nood wattes; steady position1. The Reliable Window Cleaning Co., 1225 Broadway, Cam- dvi. N. f. YARD CLERK, to assist Willi shipping, re- colvlng and storehouse work It T, Moore. house Paper Co., lljldge nnd Thompson sts . nrioesiiurg, YOUNO MAN to lenrn Investment bond bust lies knowledge of typewriting essmtlaL P 1133 Ledger Office. (JUNO MEN for pruis helpers. superintendent, (ton Chestnut st flcnernl qilSlNESS SERVICE CO., 1114 Land Tills i rex. -Hr. Cost Exuer mi r.xudrt IU3UU-, 30; Cost $25-155. 'nst $1500. "Kl'lt -Acct, $45! Several m DRAFrS Auto, tools. $8000: Mach. $55-1511. ENURS Supervisor of Constr tf.OOO-SfiOHO. Maintenance. $1520: Time atudy. $2000. FOREMAN Small metal parts, $2000 up; Tin shoo and metal 1lqs $11000, MORS Factory a800-72(IOi Plant Fdy. )800O-$500O: iMU' lOOOo; Traltlc $2000 Supervisor Acct. $.1000 up; Storekpr. $2400 HALES Autos 12000: Spec ilflVO i t'nin flaLEM ENOH Power PI. equip. $2OOO.$300C HTENOd (101 $25. $5'.: P. 8. (8) $.10-1411. 3U11' Olass Wtks $500(1- Manufacturing 4 erecting elevstors $1000.$l000j WANTED Men and ladles leum berberlng; he your own bos; big Held; quicklx learneil: day or night class. Write Trl-C'lty llarber School. 228 N. 0th st.. Philadelphia. GASOLINE ALLEY Avery Shows Signs of Life IfCoiH, I EVfc'fi "VavECN UJOri IN ss? ' 7-v' M-'-is . , . ' . s KNEsV THERE lECt: WE ftJCK BOCK THCt? (tEe CMlUWj HEfeCS ' gT OiyAftr Wmop.To 3 f V,fca iT SetMS To ( GdL and STRainN S fO AlANV CCAPCS AND SCE HCW MANY U RECIPE FOR. J- M FIVE Ot.-AP.rS GrW k ME YCJCG IAKin LL ADD I fuPSUvAC - lid a fiiKHF r-L Cups qp suoaHL- -iCkape wine ) v TtiAri, easy . s-; A wondckfvl inici.t ib Tucee cupi ) SBsmaFH Rjam 7T ts J N 7)ioie Ccapcj ail L jutce-V T . "far a , li si , V HELP WANTED MALE OenerM -. . nnEENBWALDS DALES ENGINETOn. p.elal machinery, exp, CLERK with printing office experience. TRAFFIC MOR,, exp,, milk business, $8500. PRIVATE SECY., stenog., man and woman. HEAD BKPR. wllh mfg. experience. SECY, to organise Industrial concerns. BKPR, female, take charge. ENGR., mech, power plant, const, operation, EXECUTIVE, office faotory position only, no enrollment, no registry charge. 230 8. 11th since lllif SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE LADY (English), of refinement wouM tike position as mother' helper to grown chil dren or companion a few hours dally: best of references. P 1181 Ledger Office. Phone I .print O'ido J. NUIIHE. for Infant or child: experienced, refined Protectant detlres rotltlon with family going to Florida. 214 B. SfcCRKTARY desires responsible position) T SMrfenrdt be reference. 1' una. Ledger Office, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CHAUFFEUR, colored, de. pos.: good prl vats ret. 2885 Jefferson st. Pop. TOCO W. EMPLOYMENT AOENOIES COOKS,, waitresses, chambermaids, nurses wanted at Episcopal Office 312 S. 12th. POB SALE HOG ISLAND HOTELS We will start the demolishing of the third unit of hotel, comprising sou room, In a few days, and will have for eate Joitts. stud, ding, sheathing, flooring and plaster board by tiie million of feetl window) frames and doore by the thousands: flredoors, nlsrms and Lose, Royal ventilator, electrical fittings and equipment, toilets, wash basin, toll nips and fitting, black pipe In all sites, radi ators, etc.: w also have a. lot of surplus new material, which Includes several car loads of cedar shingles, 100,000 face bricks, steel ssah and garage doors, firebricks, Penn Salvage Co., 94th and Tlnicum eve., Woodland 4103. Upholstered 3-Piece Living Room Suite Spanish leather, mahogany framed. In good condition; will sacrifice. 1100 CALL 2123 N, WARNOCK BT. OFFICE FURNITURE Large lot of desks, tsfet. filet, cabinet and gtneral office furniture, store future. iXtte& ' 4070. 1 sen anq exenange. FURNITURE CO. ell and exchange. P. 1127 Aroh St. .njifcB M), LOCUST Uince Partition, Railing, furniture S'oro fixtures; we sell, buy end exchange 011 Wslnut st. Walnut 4IH. Main BBS A PBNNA.. OFFICE FURNITURE CO. 8WEET CIDER direct from the" pres7"40c. per gallon at present time; made on Fri day of each week: bring containers. WM. R. CALVERT Ntwtown Square. Pa, Phone SO M. $250.00 LIVING ROOM SUITE High-grade velour, overttufted, fl reside, loots cuthlon nnd springs; massive; new; value 1500. DRESNER'S LOAN OFFICE 44 N. 11th at. $5.00 UP OVERCOATS All sixes, somo custom made DRESNER'S LOAN OFFICE 44 N. 11th et. $15.00 &'Up Gents' Fur-Lined OVERCOATS; WONDERFUL VALUES DRESNER'S LOAN OFFICE 44 N. 11th st. $5 Up Overcoats $5 Up 8000 fine up-to-date overoont. some tailor mads, a wonderful assortment to solect from. Wnlter' l,oan Office. 8. H. cor. 11th ft Arch, fitine fc7 If! I Jr. B0 single and double uuns, ifc.DU up tarr gun, rlfl Sump guns, all makes and pauges, MJot argalna In town. Walter Loan Office. 8. K. cor. 11th and Arch tts. FURS FURS FURS SCARFS. $10 UP COATS. $50 IIP DRESNER'S LOAN OFFICE 44 N. 11th st. $225.00 SEAL COAT Trimmed with skunk collar and curls; valu J6O0: extraordinary value, DRESNER'S LOAN OFFICE, 44 N. liyj . FurS-$50.000 Sale S S1l ,,n, lla f,,v ,n.l. tit .. ...... -". -i..-T.-"- i. - -11--- Sift ,in, 1.1.., styles. wauer i.onn urr rs Loan Office, cor. 11th ft Archf Typewriters A" m, J20 up; year jjimiiv.10 guarantee: S daye' trial. Ilundy Typewriter Co.. 100.1 Chestnutat. UILLIARD and pool table, ntandard 'eiieT",, terchaneahl rail: nrst-clas condition; nil cccessorles. 2228 Oeorges lane, Wynnefleld. I'nnn uvernrnnK 4114 DAVENPORT rocker, table and chairs, leather upholstered, $05; maho. bvdrm. suit, kitchen cnblnet, ladles' desk. Uer- mantown 5405 11. UARY COACH FOR SALE Excellent coridT tlon; new tlree and cushions; price $20. Ad drcrs M 333. Ledger Office, giving plion. number. SAMPLE ULOfHKH from mfg. nt saving ot $10 to $15. men and young men. Room Uextei- Ulut Room .15. 1414 a. Penn snn.r" CAItlT.MTKH anil jouninw shop: eacrinoe 1584-30 Fawn at. Appointment, c. B. J. 5720 Torredae ave.. Philadelphia. woon Ixig cut In lengths to ordr; delivered by trucklosds Call Poplnr 1075 W. SAMPLE CLOTHES from mfg, at saving of $10 to MR. men and young men. Room 35. llaxter Uldg.. 1414 H Tcnn snuare LIHltARY furniture and rugs. 6243 Wash- Ineton ave. i-none wooaiaim ,-in37 POOL TA1ILEB. 2d hand, bnught, sjhi, rnT. erl erchsnired Keafer, $20 w Olrem aVe. STANDS, cabinets, etc.; big bargains. Thlla Printers' Supply. 14 S. 5th it. WANTED OLD CLOTHES WANTED- Wo buy ladles' and gentlemen's clothes of all descriptions; full value paid: we call nnywhore at any time. Write call 0r phone Filbert 2171 Filbert 2 172 HELiaaOUN CLOTHINO CO.. 540N. Slh st OLD clothing, ehoee. hats, ladles' &"g.nTa'"' .. highest Prices palAiW. call city or coup-' Inson 0155, r''H'""S: '."i".'. '"". VT. RP- ."'ok- r ..-m.i..... utu, . ,1-1 HOUth mt aieia V? m f uneiA 1ssm. .Tj I j. w ,v .-, v7" i"jup-,ioia lurmtur. store fixtures, orflc furniture: pay spot cosh. n..n'.v?.,Hi!;.rnon9 H "bm,t ". Le einl 4214. Old Church ror. 12th end Ch.rT Antioues turnUu"10' " 'nds, gold, sir Mlliqucs r. platinum. Dnualasj inn Chestnut st second Oonr. Locust aj'si DOUULK WAHDHODE dark ftnT WH Jiuv women s ana m-n's wrrn clothing " """ - - -" .". im.AU.- 2440 0c PER 10U Its. newspaper, tied up; ,nd t.oHlul Pustoftlce Pox 35Q, Plillajeinhi" PAINTING PAPERHAUOTWn 1'AieN i i?u you wou ( ke it dont won.1 m iim."i , fiiuiit i, t a Lou a ar.. inii ,.! ...". N J Call Uelmont 7801 W ' ,v,m" FOR OOOD PAINTINO and reasoniThbTTrr. call Kaplan. 2120 N. 0th. Diamond P"tH3 SEWIWQ MAOHINJCS SKWINO MACHINES, new. 3ol e,,, p.r ineiits: Singer and othur, miikes: "i g'; R to 12i fully guaranteed lit N loth it' STAMPS AND COINH STAMPS. PACKETS. DIME SETS Albsri.TA,8rypnrh''yt.Br WATCHES AND OLOOKB i..M'i.iw swm aicn r.pairlng rupeuturs, nut -UIIIU! .is. Hoger. watch lnnr..inf II. and O H. R 45 S. 17th. locust 121U, parurumi". ,i- vuitiitiB. or exchsnirn a quartered ink sideboard, 1B35 JM I7tl? at HFBT prices lnM (or nil uked"furnlturerM' Ootdberg. 41 N, rtOth st. Uelmont, 8172 -i-. in . MUSICAL INSTBTJMENTB Pianos, PIayerP;anos, Victrolas The great ant.uat tale nf pianos. Pianola Piano and Victrolas I hsld this month. A much a 'It per rent reductions In aoin Piano Department. The utual Heppe guarantees anfl free ex- Jbange prlvllegee will be In force. All used 'lanos are rebuilt ae near llkt ntw a pculbla. The following I a renernl sumtnaryt 45 Rebuilt Planna.trom 1125 tn 1450. 73 New Plane, price ranging up tn I860, Now Pianola piano, the Itrgttt assort ment tor year. . Severs! uted Player-Piano at $478, 1560, 1850, tOO New Victrolas. all types, from $2E to $275. .. ... Ured Talking Machines, othir makes, very low price. Payment to suit your convenience. Cil or write for large Illustrated cata logues, Hcppe's Uptown Stores COR. SIXTH AND THOMPSON BT3. . FOUNDED 180r HOWARD VINCENT SPECIAL PIANO SALE iieautlful BS-note mahogany upright Ilk Rew. Iirtfl; ask for piano, No. 140Im1, Mai. ol',v"''',1,,n,- muslo and bnch, ISflO, Handsome apartment, upright, walnut en. Jlk new. 1147) ak for piano. No. 107800, These piano are (lightly ussd but In good condition. HOWARD VINCENT 836-838-840-842-844-846 N. 6th Est. 1800. Open Mon.. Wed. and Frl. Evenings Until B P. M. HOWARD VINCENT SPECIAL PIANO SALE lBiT!je-,rifrln.5-,t.'!?,-1,l? ,I Ponograph! ilAl2 .'iehi "is'od'ng "ve. 10-lneh double- kX. v-"'u". "" e aispiayea in our fohr0,c.rrE?,0.'b.hen fgSothem r "nd HOWARD VINCENT 836-838-840-842-844-846 NORTH SIXTH STREET HOWARD VINCENT SPECIAL PIANO SALE a?S"xrr-""'"to--i5""0-s all the latest Improvements, at 1805! : seven SJrnn'VshlhT.U2!0 'chi.,h(" InstrumentS pre on exhibition In our show wlndowa with, mr.V.u,c ,ft,S' ."V1"" there can be "S """"HOWARD' VINckNT m" ct NORTH SIXTH STREET HOWARD VINCENT SPECIAL PIANO SALE ..rul'-.""i. "Fri?.ht .".!Uhil eftge. tSSj .. Medium-el je upright. $135: ask tnr ntann ki, r8gnodho,n,d,nno8 " ""' "- HOWARD VINCENT 836-838-840-842-844-846 N. 6th Est. ISOOjOpn Jlcn.Wedand Frl. HOWARD VINCENT Vlctrola. several like new. Including cabl rets and 0 ten-lnch double-faced records )'eFr" 5i"n?:..'eVef.Bl 0,h" makes: send f6i hn'iVaWl"'.1"? L '""V femarkabli 188$ ,a '' Et"'"neil n.10.R1S-IO.S42.Ml.nn NORTH SIXTH STREET -" ee itu ftu OtUOef, VICTROLAMX. Includlnir n 10-lneh double s). $80.10: this vlth latest tm- face records (is sections Is a handsome machine, wl prnvementsi si.ou weekly. B. 11. TODD iouu Arcn st. ana 223 Market at finer, Monday. Friday nnd Satiirrlev .v.nin.Pptn VIPTOnT.l ft . ...-.w n ... ...uiuuinir o lo-inori unuble- face record (12 selections). $4&10; this Is a handsome machine, with latest tm piovements: $' wwkv. h. n TODn innri Arch t. and 22R Market it. Open Monday Friday and Satury evenlnan "'ununy. $150 HANDSOME Leiter mahogaru- uo n.rJ?n,,.wrm"n.d:,uWan,d: coat $5nn n ug TvenVn" Dn Fridxy an" Sa"rdiV $400 KNAI1E ANQELUS PLATER, mahog- n?,ny .'""" canl b". ,olrt f""h new; ensj $050; terms arrsngeil. ji. n Todd tiiM Arch et Open Friday nnd Bai..S.,J'.JA0fl PIANO. $100: Slelnwav uorlxht: c,,. s1f. gu.irameea; sniendid condition n n idd. 1800 Arch. Oiim I'B'..?',"' Toc urrtsv nvenlngs. 360 STORY A CLARK player nlano R nl! J" aolendl.l condition: llttlj usrrt- coet $700 Kuaranteed. II, ijvtoViVi isnJ A-rh. Onen ICrlHv A Q....1 .. ?.a- .0 i ; ; i..... ...mnm, eveningw. ALL make 1 makV Phonograph repaired by factor pert. Solotone Plion Co.. 1727 Chs'imP STORAGE AND MOVING rugFandTarPets CLEAcbVfBTArED STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING Household fcoods nnd personal effects nacli.rt .uS ."'IHOEMu'JV8 kF . I,?U'T DY TnifCK 31UH.1UI'. ' VL.i cllfirge for storage for one month Tk a.lvhntako of n return lend ra," Vis, coniinercial hauling. " ' HALL TRANSPORTATION CO 22 W"en r'a Newark.NJ -rii i,u, .,,, Nlunt ana auncny phone Mnrk.7 t-ifff. ' ONE MONTH FREE. ESTAm,Is7(EDTn" ine exenange atorage Co ... . 2 N, TH ST. We have a few clean, s-ns-rate rooms vaesnt for the !n... of your,. '"h-".'.""" PH OND 2471. PACKISrrVn,.,... -J. ,.u ONE MONTH FREE. ESI AIILISHED 1.nh The Exchange Stornrre Co i-w ... n 1 11 m. We have a few clean separate room vacant for the Storage of Jour Household ClooS. Pit diamond ini. PAcii'(i;'0al;;,rvn Dougherty & Sons Storacc 1424 N. SOTH ST. B Oet rur specUl late for moving by our . able and careful men. Ca 1 l0n J?.r .' Jure. PaA 11271 nlgnt phine "fr.t3,1"; ' OUARANTEE aturae Co.. eet"abis7, Exnert furniture handler: w. n,,.. l3TT .ett. move, etore rurniturv. rn. ' en, ohlne, etc: beat -;ry,c- low rotes: i -. , . tidaii a.irvip A.a. . - fiaiim ?inS,I,lT,ta'ncor PhonV K,7,..p,,,S,.!mI ! '". -t u. 1317 liTUWii "ii VICTORY STORAGE"" " HOO Filbert. Phone n,imont 4iira lor e'..mate. 1'lerce-Arro.y .;-"- Moving, Long-Distance Haulirm Turner 20115 HIDOE AVE. POPrn jnj WANTIVr;A l0r.i'i0 I'," YorVcdn-scIa reasonable fll at one- .Vorih.-n" Storage 1814 N 11th. Dlcklnsin Ai'. Bgl.t i.'nne ami Sunday. ni.iSntgf 'Sntfft "T.'t.l J9!Ai,.WAOA.P7r05rPANV- mNSTER-AE"'wiH MuyTAilLlLSTOhAQE C.J., By'rMMJXtf ?mdnjjf&ttiwuydsmfia Wtl TfATTIj eOOa tO All. I'ltir M v . .. town Quaker Cltr Trana.jj.'i,? 'n' WE HAUL roods to All. City. New Torkt. lentown, tjuaker City Trans Co Wai I nflVd OLD GOLD CASH PAID for o,j gnlil, iher a!Tdmiqu"e clocks Rogers 45 S. 17th. Locust 1"10. ETOnAnr t-tn.n we nnve n neet of 40 trinbsert i,,.!!"1' on pneumatic tires making "dally tiir... all pplnty within K0U miles. R.t,,n ,J2 rto on furniture. u -.,."' f" '""d TJBED ATJTOMOBILES ;;wa! WnM1IMr ALL CARS ' FALL CLEARING SALE STANLEY Am0M0BIE COMPANY, Inc. 619-21-3-25 North Broad St. Ued Autos We give yrfu a guarantee with the car you get not an elastlc-don't-rriean-a-thing guarantee, but one which says satisfaction or no sale. Comef in look around ask questions. You will not bo asked to buy. We want to know you and want you to know us ! EACH GUARANTEED ALL MODELS 1920-19-18-17-16 Twin 6 Packard 1920 Chandler Pierce Arrow Marmon Touring 1920 Buick Roadster; new; run 68 miles Cadillac Victoria Coupe Cadillac Sedan Cole Aero 8, Touring Cadilla'c Speedster Haynes Touring Velie Touring 1919 Studebaker Touring Time Payment PHONE POPLAR 7B20-7B21 BTO3BMI11IW3M LOCOMOBILE 1017. 4S. 7-PASSENaElt LANDAULET MARMON 1020, 4 PASSF.-NOER STUTZ 101'J. II PASHENOER Locomobile Company 2314-2322 Market St. Telephone, 450 Locust Rush, Metz Parts SCH0BER S4TH AND MARKET "MOTORS, $20 UP SCH0BER 34TH AND . MAHKKT STREETS PACKARD. 1U20 Ilmousliw; eaulpped with Westlnxhouse iilr springs; this car has had the beet of care by the former owner nnd has been run nbcut 3()ii0 miles: prac tically new throughout; no dealers. P 1121. Imager uir.rr. OVERLANDS, all model. A and T passenger touring. 2 and S passenger roadsters, 4 pssienger chummy roadstsri all other nakes and mod Is; time paymsnt; open v Ings, (ierlnnd Harper Co.. 250 N. tlroad st FIRST $225 takes my Ford touring; A-l condition A O. Widener. private owrrer Aehlaiiil. N. J FIRST $225 taken mv Ford touring: A-l condition. A O. Wldener. private owner. Ashland. N. J. DODUE. lulli. touring; excellent mechani cal mndltlon cord tires, spotlight snuh bers. transmission, locks (liiroge, 408 W. Cou ter St.. (iermantonn 1020 HUDSON" (or sal Seven-pnssenger touring csr, fully -aulpped nrst-alnss con dition $1000 cash Phone Tioga 2400. BPSINSSS OPBOItT UNITIES GARAGE8FCARS" loPrlr,n. eT.irflra filled ; llnnncfl, 6 APARTMENTS 2 STORES 12J0-.1I-.13 P.EI.MONT AVE. REINHART. 1 420 Chestnut St. CENTRAL RESTAURANT Wonderful opportunity business $12,000 monthly; 3-vear 'as", nrlnn -.'5 QUO. F. H. TRIBETT Liberty Truet nidg tt Arrh sts. RESTAURANT Old established, closerl .Sundays ano evenlngsi rmt Wit. r'wclllrp J'l -,rli-n 4Q'0. F. H. TRIBETT Liberty Trusi UMt Uroad A Arch ats. NEED BUSINESS CAPITAL? We'll present your proposition by lettsr tt prnspectus so forcefully and oonvlnetngiy that you'll get oulck, certsln, posltlva ra suits. Advertising S.rvlco Co., 902 Par. wav Ttldr.. 3nrur lB?o - LEARN a trnde that pavs monev: at "'" "irnrtlve dn and nliilit courses In vulcanising and retrcadlnir, tuuaht bv factnrv esrerts with modern and uD-tn-ilate enulo ment Write r; call tndav 140 N 12th el LIST YOUR BUSINESS WITH ME for quick salo; have cash bin ere; no charge for listing Hamilton, 1807 Arch st. GRAY HAIR-reetored to natural color by special nmlii'd Katliryu R Smith, 512 Empire lllilj lJy.ll phon. Walnut 11882. SALE nf 5c and 10r bus.n-'es. nrlci- $20,000- $10 00(1 cash required rare onnortunlty for live nvm P 11M l.e.l.r Office. "ty '"r APART. hSUSE Poplar near Uroad, is rooms, 2 hatha, sleuantly furn.i elec ; bar- gain for quick sale. Hamilton, 18U7 Arch DELICATESSEN store, cor prnporty. 0 mis' A bath A grrge, stock A fixtures; Illness .u of sell'g. llaber Co , 2840 Columbia nv RESTAU'RANT, Columbia ae nr. 13th: toon w.kj2H?u l""g leuse Hamilton, 1807 Arch CAPITAL anfed for new huslness: excel. lntorportunty 11 517 Ledger Office, HAT cleaning and aim., shine business: busy corner. Camden. Hamilton, 1807 Aichst 201u rihOWN- -l'o " etor. .sullfthie for any business, g.-ind location Apply premises. By KING TJBED AUTOirtdBILEa infflffflBltrnMroWlMffllfuB REDUCED Saxon Touring Oldsmobile Coupe Moline Knight Chummy Roadster Franklin Touring 1918 Winton Limousine Stutz Tourings and Road sters Reo Touring Chevrolet, Dodges, Max wells, Overland Touring and Roadsters, Buicks, Fords ; all models. Arranged tp Sufi AGENTS WANTED Automobile Painting The Martin-Alexander way of reftnl.hin. automobile ha proved the most economical. There Is no Question about th. i,niM. beauty of the finish by the baking process ! rrom the naitit of durability, preserving the deep, lustrou flnlh. The abidance of cracking for an Indefinite period iustlfloa the increased coat of flrat-clasa work. W keep o-ar promise aa to delivery; our facilities in sure prompt service. It will prove an hour wol! spent to per sonally Inspect out work. Martin-Alexander Co. AUTOMORILE RBFINISHERS Dickinson 2201 Mn 170 F THE NEW 0 TRAFFIC RULES Rare su-h that I will have to give up Jho pleasure of motor- ',nX' Wll,t am I offered for D1020 model. with new rubber "U"1 traT Hlghelt cash offer take D Al N, AUdrelj4I8, Ledger Office A REBUILT VIM TRUCK $107.83 on delivery r, . ... Balance a year to pay tl.U"," r?7ln,.,d aPa tuefantced; new tires. A body to suit i ,.in-.. VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. RROAD AND HUNTINODON T FOR SALE- n-...'i'ETi'.,il:kf! 1..on,l H tons; Jemon- ment. reasonable. Apply E J Wu tci- N llrourt si "vviy &. J Waltx. f, STORAOE batfrle for .ale n.,.m. volt $10, poslthc'y in good con'tlon Starr Storage Mattery. 2H( N. Inth' iJi?Xl 3f,r BATTERIES, n volt rebuilt f- i"Tn. ;.l 12- to new. Oattcry Soerlaitio. ,- ' Vin! Vloe t. -" " roll SALE liupmobll roadateri new Fwrftfnr," 127 ,:on110"i Pr'co ,873 tires: Phone ' I'nVwA"AiWCh,lPn!)n- W1- Pmctlrniiy new j. Si'n Phone Overt. ro.k 4740 W BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Pawntickets for Diamonds It'lUaHT PROM PRIVATE PEOPLE FULL VALUE PAID TRANsYcTIOVa STP.I'-TI.V CONFIDENTIAL Colonial Trust Bidding NJF... con 1ST!1 AD MARKET OFPI I'E 205 HE(1NU Ky J-l DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for your Al.. monds any site frcm H to ill carats- non. gnV,.fr.1(S?praVen,Wro''S? Tlie Diamond Shop ,flh h"j?. & DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANT SIZE PRICE ND OrtjrCT teVTV T't,"lA. tor Dlamends Rougbt. KBLLT A CO., 052 CHESTNUT T mO-ll-l. Over Chllrt.-JrwanT. P,U DIAMONDS BOUGHT A MdMTr,irir,vf Ml nrtl, PR TATE Tlti'sT III on riROAD AND CHEHTNfT STS. n M. T ST n'iL-1"..' v "."nee. ( i 1 I I liAlK UlNilNlj? "Poclaltj, )C,lliht hot-water heat. $71 per 1110 Albert M. tii . t-hlelds. 1228 .Ifarket st Tai.e ,,?'iYh lloo- nWLEWnJl. "'". ..!! to Play 7B remain will, new company Juai fornilnV li Ply-by. 1. tier Ilox ljaillackttood N j . . . . . r-T-rTir-rN TZ.' ' ' ' f" --. ... l'C4lllin Ml IIV1I ' lOITlB u.tll UrrlJLjlt.KC.lJ HKhh Jl7r'r uuwuilbULU 1 1 irSCri-MtLt, uing room sun t'panlsh leather llnmlrv InR 1S1 V 1S,K 'rner. $03; -- ' ' - -' - -- -.-.. a, t n,,;u o n, v.. t uu.iu u uuiugi; ur Piiicncn 25 rer c nt cheaner, p-e my .nine.,.. WILLIAM ADAMH.' 1411 W CaligS' EHTIMATER furnlhhe,! on general huii,n-' alteration work to your pluns w. n,nr sign plans free for clients. Ponlae ijAv ?.?" Olrard Really Coning Oo . 82J0 W rt. " J Columbia HATS remndeleil. velvet, velours, Into the latest style rrtrnV .l,"d specialty lleldner Co i.e'gvfl y1,' jtt" ens 1, DIAMONDS BOUGHT NTlWl'i:ri. mahos ny costlv e..i. MODELS In 3H . 38. 40 suits for m.'iT:- men at manufacturer' cost offic. tin., nidg . Room 35. 1414 H Penn ....' "xter MODELS in 0 .18.40 suits for nTeT I joung rrn nt marrifacturer' cost rt.n grr dg l1"n)klI!Af"lln fi0u'.r. CARPETS cieahed by vaouum onTnTfloor if yon want the work done right. ohoE. Hii' ivi?xUi. mo niemnn,, ;r nter In adult begin' "ehnrr 1245 N 15th" r'nl.e liii'XR- PIANO Inter Mrs Wueet. ELECTRIC trealment an V trealment and manlcurlnJ-iiT tA,J '. "'1 ft'"vl2!!nj0rm & rarsnncurTiSt., 10 05, Head ELECTRIC 10 to 8. (TRIP TilKATM t ArillEM and rubbish 1HE1 and rubbish removed from Ti haullnrt done. i Hulten,nni0in...c"1.1erf, j ; ,,, ,r , ":; "' -it- palr.d Andrew T nircnHt"o8tH'0i; ,J" MACHINERY AND TOOLR OD. machine shop, sma I or lar.e nVT.. w. do millwrlhtVliH ti yra'y. orTer, ,, OTORH 5 quarter horse rnge 1 a'hiiri, Dhase. 12U0 sn..d. v 1 .?'"' ',"r"l 2 MOTOl Phase, 12U0 speed, w. A Arch st Adams, 4th and HARRY W. gMITIf. 717 sio;, ,. ORAT HAin r. stored to nsturm , '"T J special method Katliryn It fSm?ior $v Bmi.lre Uldg Hejljnhonu,SmJ!('!; 512 CARPET CLEANING RUOS and carpet thoroughly cleaned with out damage; color restored: vacuum clean, beat, scour, store and Insure; we call, dellvei within 24 to 45 hour. Hell phone. Market 1010. Price reaeonable. Olrard Carpet Cleaning Co., 310 N. 0th at. 1 ,' ... M ROOMS FOB KENT ARCH ST., 2125 LYRIC Single and double) housekeeping toons; spotless clean) phoney CHESTNUT BT , 2030 Newly furn. rooms) single beds; private baths; prof, offices. PINE ST 1500 Deslrablo furnished room. mjltnhle rnr 2 peoplei also table board. lQCUSl e7. PINE ST.. 1H10 Nicely furnished light housekeeping apartment. HANSOM. 4R34 Two front Tm.. nicely furn.l 2d and. 5d floors; cony, to L: gontlcmcrs, SPRUCE 8T 10.15 Very desirable room I ust being opened; some furnlsliefl,. SPRUCE ST., 1035 Very deslrablo room! just being opened; ome furnished. SPRUCE ST.. 1010 Extremely des. room and suites, hand, furn.i private bathe, . 11TH, H., 805 Furrrlshed 2d front! suit able for couple or several gents. lfiTII N. 1507 on furn. room, all con veniencra. ror gentleman: enjoining nair ibtii voiiTit ia iioTBt. n it n i (. Ileautjfuily furnished room, spotless cleanv electric throughout: dally and weekly rateei convenient to stations: best accommodation for traveling people: moa, rn. spruce lfO. 10TH. N, 1401 Four room fumlshedj unfurnlshen, heat, gas, free ror light iervtc. Apply. SOTH. S., 115 Room with private bath for gentleman: maid servlcu nnd electricity) neeiranie bacneior nouee. 84TH. N 818- Two rooms; l furnished) t unfurnlsped. 60TH, N., 1807 Two nicely furnished rms.j electric, hot-water heat) all convenience. rtetmont n5S0 J . LARGE furnished room; buines woman or man; kitchenette rdjacenti central) $50 monthly. Ilox P 111 . 133 8 23D Denlrablo well furnished roomsi centra) locatim. ATTRACTIVE furn. opt., some housskpg. Sherwood Apt. Agency, 225 B. Rrnad st. ATT.ANT1Q CIT1 ROOM1 with bath! modern. Santa Maria, II S. New Hsmnsblro av. cor. Knclld mwn. APARTMENTS 222 S. 39TH ST. Unfurnished apt, of 1 room and bath and 2 room and bath: beautlfuly laid out. Location I unexcelled and easily accessible! can bo seen only by appointment, J. O. O'CALLAOIIAN . 020 Chestnut at. FOR RENT APARTMENT 1085 Chestnut. 3 room nnd bath. JBJ. 1085 Chestnut. 4 room and bath, $85. For inspection Apply on premises. 32 N. 62d 0 rooms and bath. $00 020 S. OOth, 5 room and bBth, ICO. KERSHAW & CROWL S215 Chestnut it. N. E. COR lfltli and Jefferson st. Two rooms and bath, also 3 rooms and bath: 1 furnished, spacious room, open fireplace, electricity, hot-water heat, shower bath: garage facilities: beautiful residential sec tion: $125 and $150 per month. Inquire 00. premise after 2 f m or windemere -pari- ment Agency. L'n H. Rrond. THE LANSD0WNE 4 1ST AND PARKHIDE AVE Modern apartments, facing Fnlrmount Park! select clientele, yearly lease, ds vacancy.. N. W COR. 10TH AND PINE STS . five, rooms and bath, centrally located all modern Improvements, night nnd day eleva tor service; $75 per month. Albert M. Oreea field U Co.. 15ih and Chestnut st. ATTRACTIVE room and suites with privet baths In Hotel Camden. Just opened. 2d and Penn s'.s.. Camden. N J Telephone Camden 1550 Dally, weekly or mo. rates. FOR RENT 1528 N Rroail; entire second floor, 5 rooms; entire third floor. 0 room. Apply Alfred S. Miller. 1420 Chestnut St. Spruce 2714 CENTRAL unfurnluhed anartment. 2 bed- 3 rooms and bath, dining room, kitchenette) elevator eervlce; $140 per month. I OIRARD TRUST TO . nrotd nnd Chestnut. S82S N. 10TH ST. DESIRAELE APART- ME.NTH, I'UUXIHIII.U nil UPlFUli NISHED PHONE TIOQA 0103 W. WEE1C DAYS ONLY. HOUSEKEEPING APT., S. E. ror. 50th nnfl 1 Walnut, 5 rms and bath, $100, Mr. Hob hlns Walnut 1017. 11.1 H. 20TH 8T Very deelr nncheinr apts ' In bJt downtown sec . ninld a-rvlce and eifc 1 room and hath and 2 rms A bath. FURNISHED APARTMENT 2 rooms end bath, 18.1th and flnrucn $121 .1 month. Pembertnn Es'etes. Harrison Bldg aeia CHESTNUT tT. Uachnlor apartmentsl 2 room and bath; atlractltely furnished! , elevstor . j APARTMENTHEADQUARTERS Apartment Agency. 225 S Rroad St. 20ls"rHE8TVUT ST -Hachelor HPa.tment. , 2 room, und bath, attrartuely furiufhod; ' elevator 1MUKA1NE, 10th and Spruce sis Apart ment to uhlet Apnly rfflce of Touralne. NEW. 5 roomi and bath, unfurnished, cor-n-r, lenee 22n W. Pl'imoml st APARTMENT LEADERS Apts. for rent. New Era Realty Co. Bia Liberty Uldg. ATLANTIC CITY FOL'K roi.inii bth arrt porch, unfurn apart ment Wlllem Kennard 401 Chestnut. ROOMS WANTETJ WANTED A large front parlor or parlor and dlnba rom 1 lu-stnut st between 17th and 20th sts . mule price nml con- dltlon tut 0 momlis M 41 1 LedKer Office. TWO VOi'NCl LAniKl4 2 furnished room for light bousikeenlny, central location! ttn-j-15 month. P 855. Ledrer Office. BOARDING J1ST. N bnird .1422 Nb ! furnished room and Tl 'a a.'ill I'lWN.sVLV N1A -M'lintnAN TWO delightful riims. miuthrfrn exposure, opposite Penna It It elation cniitenient tn troll. -y cars ,-xcel.cnt table board Phone Oermtntmvti 5582 APARTMENTS WANTHfl SSJa N 1II1H ST - APAR I MEN TH. 1'Uh- NlrillED OH rNFUHNIHHIlD. MANY ThNANTH WAITLM1 PHONE TIOOA II ljl.1 w WPI'MMYK f'NLT WANTED -Purn hkpg "nptrtment. 2 bed roms In Otn . for a mnnihs 1 51M Led O. HOUSEKEEPING AP ARTMEN T8 I HOl-SEKEEPINQ si.ts . 5 rocnii. hnth. nlsht , Rnj jA. elevator erMvo, gas and electrlo it. in per 1110 Albert 1 15th and Chettnut at. ' n..nlU1,l M, ' ZLZ. APARTMENT HOTELS I H"TEI. CAiU'EN 2d st at Penn." Camden. ' N J . lut opened a truly llru-olass hotel tth 130 toimi and 70 baths, convenient ' ? "iT"r laniuen inuuairiai nnn enipinuiuing i pionts. to seaibor railroad olat'ons an3 easily acceea bit- to Philadelphia a financial. business in.l vhupnlnn ceniei cbiliv weekly and monlhll rates Wh) not try l.vlng In the IIIITEI. i'.jni'K- nirer-iiy racing on neauti ful Cooper Square' Tb- rates ave aitrartlte and the s-rvlr and conduct of the hotel quite In kiepltig with the must rxsctlnir de mands a restaurnnt 'ltli real home conking l conducted Prufissinnal offices nnd store , In building for mil Telet.hnn.- Camden 1550. Ilrtermtlnn may be made throimh HiierooI I Apartment .Henf) 2.'5 S H.uml st Phijaj THE DELMAR-MOKRIS Amerlcsn Plan CHELTEN AVE AND MORRIS ST. GERMANT0WN 20 MINUTES TO UROAD KT. BTATION Furnished and unfurnished suites "THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND I'tNE STfl ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE LITTLE HOTEL 225 H Urosd at A good place to live while In Philadelphia. BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITV N K t'OU 16TH Houth Wonderful loca tloii fur any business, deep lot. modern bulletin.-, WHU.I.Y 45JH 61th. st. 111 H KRoNT. 5 story on Water s , 120.0001 WEHTNBY. 08 J.lbery Dldg, FIVK-htShY iTUri.DTNO, e'lectrlc eltvYtorT steam he-it and el clrlc light Apply 111'IIEVITZ. 0th and Olru J nvvir 6755 N TH 8T 0 rontns end LatTiTporcTi front. eiK'trlc light steam heat, Immpoas. Open Hunilay. after 1 p. m ' HOUSE ft rooms and 'jiairT'elerTrVo llahT and hot-water heaterrowner, price $S20A .oil, V. C1n,anlln. at. -wv, unncr, ,... .., -... ;-. . 1120 UXKOHD HT $401)0, 12 room, no.,.' 'gAH'KBn.TW "JrSMil"SS..u")na H TWl -11 e.ainry dwg , 350-j51n'. oil. ., . i-l a.0 f V A-'. White, owiier.tliof p,iiX 100 MONUJlwtr A v jo. two story. (I rma A hsihi vacant Fasy. ISth t, .- 1' x , n M i A M v'Ji t ! ri v IJWi "ita.vxfAd,ir 'ha; HTT, houee. Or. b bath; prlo $2aS 0 onljr a 1x1 idvu si an ..v. -, jin A Jhtmtufu .a. U r 1 .i Ifv XidlMil& UmamMUiity'' .", i"iv(-" .1''' ' 4