w M.te$8ith- ?' M s. 1 5 $, r o y . tCy ' mw'w ' i.v; V?'' ,;"V;T Iwft nii i r ', w l ; V WfSt'nf ., ifstr j'St fa A t? w-y l I 1' ! ! ft I m :! i ' ft It my x ' if 1; WA 1 ' fr Euent tig Bithttt lesagr mtifiMHax? ''BttMSix. ooa?oBEB 7, .1020. l?&MBfeSl life CWWHPwflM4tSMBtfiBPMWMBMI A CHAT ON GROUND RULES. In the roip nro Umpire Connolly, Manager Robinson, of YESTERDAY WAS HIS JOYFUL DAY. Brooklyn; Wheat, captain of Brooklyn: Umpire O'Day, Manaper Speaker, of Cleveland; We would have you meet Eddie Brinnell, Umpire Klem and Umpire Dinecn, left to right. I'nul Thonipiuli. WINNERS. Bdth men have turned in victories in the world series being stagred at Ebbcts Field, Brooklyn. At the left Is Stanley Coveleskie, of Sha mokin, Pa., who won for Cleveland on Tuesday. At tho right, Burleich Grimes, of Brooklyn, who refused to allow, an Indian to cross over the homo pan In yesterday's combat , iaui Thompnon. ' A' .jBMljjIMBMJmI.I tnnspnt nf flio RrnnVlvn DodlTCrS He knows who is going to win the scries . -,' -f-3?. A.' x"T?r. Nf TWi'B C iiSA51 :::: fi.. t SK Kktt i iT- . v '-: 1 iWm. .lM - v;". -i'fH "V -1 )HH ' ":l sAsrv, WA-- J yiA,j -vt ' T. -. vTL; 2S ?W 'UttU !iW W&vzi$n$ iU' 's i - 'TJ'v' . ;y -- -- iii-n 1 - ii ....t v:.- , , ONE OF THE VISITORS. Lu Lu Temple entertained READY FOR INITIATION. Lnnka llko n Hno.im fnr flin ,lnnol,nr tickets at a world series baseball game, but it isn't. These men were hundreds of out-of-town shrine members last night, among last night initiated into the tcrics of f'e Lu Lu Temple, of Mystic them being many from the Almas Shrino Band, of Washing- onrme, ai tne meiropoman upcra nouse ton. iiere we nave tne leader, Henry u. acnmiut Irtdter Thoto Servlct. ix-dscr l'linto acrvlcf. A. CLAM DIGGER. She's very PRESIDENT OF FRANCE. Alexandre ' well dressed to be working, but Millerand, new head of the French Gov the happy Japanese girl has the ernment N clam-dfgging outfit with her Keystone View Co. International. mt W i ? K. . Jy & s ; ,SW.X11. -tftrsaA WV '. f . -r tffA 4 j'-i.ty jt "kv- nr; i .. W.'M iWm A Wwt Mtfi '':, WH . ; B ?fl A::.a ft .(.! ifLwr'? vt; f kJKKMH Wili f- - ' y fflH FEENCH WOMEN IN ATHLETICS. , Tho war problems, havo resulted in bringing,French women Into many types of outdoor athletic work. We introduce a' French shotputtcr., , Kyton vuw co. LIVE LETTER BLOCKS. These eight girls will take part in tho Y. W. C. A. production of "Fi-FI of the Toy Shop" at the Metropolitan Opera , House next week THE THEATRICAL EXCURSION. Scores of theatrical folk, connected with AT HOT SPRINGS. Miss Lois FIVE CIVIL WAR VETERANS. This quintet, SHORTEST AND TALLEST. The Rev. HOST TO SYNOD. The Rev. MRS. HENRY C.'BOYER discusses the Harding and Coolidge Theatrical League, went by special train to greet Smith, of New York, among the members of tho East Pennsylvania Synod of the Robert L. Musenheldor (left) and tho Rev. Jerome M. Guss, pastor of Muhlcn- the readjustments in the life of tng Senator Harding at Marion. 0. Among those in the group are Leo Carillo, large number of society people United Lutheran Church, are attending the seventy- S. S. Diehl, attending tho Lutheran conven- berg Lutheran Church, Thirteenth ex-service man in an interview 0 AI Jolson and Eugene O'Brien enjoying me resort ninin luinuui cunvenuon in inis ciuy. j.ncy iuu, iuii hi iion ncre anu uuscomo streets, wnero con- tne editorial page Bolist, T. C. Billheimer nnd H. C. Cook lillr I'biitu Mrtl'(, Oapltol I'hoto Service. l.nUur Thoto Service. vention is beincr held Uiluer t'noto Hervlic. . w t UUKCllY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEYDO mT? THE BEAUTY CORNER RATING t tho Wicsco am, AUTOMATIC FINISHING SCREW MACHINE that completes 3000 screws a day FINLAND'S "SUlfSSTJS atreeU. Thcoerato Georgo Warner gOKBR S'SSa?. 9Wb Wiy(X ?IW1 Jml ?"S ..?HLIK ..?. .pMPS0N, . who MISS ETHEL PARKER. 0727 Leeds st.. Phil. "4r, ."""s ,,",o;W"'-r. "WH1,"Ji "" "r " v " "r,vu,Hw "- s"" .,uns?5, ?r jp. ine ePal A.id 'ihot0 by a.ob. sm routing, Finland's moon shiners lUrrl. t EwlnK. tho Chamber of Commerce Ltdtfur I'hoto Btrvice, Bureau. She will look after women appli- s bedfer Tboto Service, N 1 J - . , r .Z' S 1 n. - t