?M . V I, ' a.- , r: J?l'r BEaQK PU6I0 hEDGBR-PrrmAT.mrrA, , ' 'ifl'V 'H..Y' '.fr - 4l wy .' i .'V The Second Honeymoon By RUBY M. AYRES Author of "The Woman Hater" and "The Black Sheep" 7 .1..IHT8 the sTonf jiJmV Challoner. club man, depend- "w t.,ti trstn an elder brother, rton"",.i in Vlove with Cynthia " 'J0 actress. She breaks her en- fl Hflllio but cannot bear to be Wrt tt r dPriHo, rwhes fW lCr6MM Watt. AC for yml..,teart. In a moment o ssisi y '""". sjst ,! tfiSe. he'lovei ? Christine. Bang. Hit ( jimmy's, teeing Chris- "&."? port ten, Jm"?K .'""' Kb f'p!( engagement." wl?lVJ this ixincturo Christine's J''kM suddenly. The iccdding U flJE alaecatoMe. Two days before it '& fixed, CvntMa begt Jimmy to $i finback, but Jimmy resolves to Jr! -i ithe motherless girl. Ijj marri'd WWW Vf 5'ft 1 id the bride, which proves !?! J Cin'Mrt uto, finding she '" m 'net vti suade Jimmy to re covid,n her writes Christine a d ll''llo her acquaintance AmZ.It's a pretty bad mtxup, mUAyimmv. FBnxlna and plead- TTP e. "I round itti.kr.ti ? 1 X07.Try it there's-a "'Ann Yott-you were so decent to sit a sort o way that Mould stood at the window, frowning Into tho street. ""Vii-imu Iwilnff coaxing ana jji !,Vaallwith Christine, m W ' ?.. ? ih M uoeul tale. 'T "Ji,?.1 ujnu that haven't, rv H ?1WM' M ' . .m finvptVr VH in probably won't boo mo if I do." "Sho will. She's Hick of tho sight "'sin'ttter smiled In sptto of himself, lis got up. ftretchlns his arms ; ho shook Mi held at Jimmy. "Oh I know h.it you're thlnklnp," ' i.. itn.if T iwiinr In IV ud Jimmy BaaBj'. "" " r'u that It's not my fault this timo. any. w i "wear t0 ou v rvo dono my belt. I- '- Tm not doubling It." said Sangstcr drrlr. He fetched his hat and coat from I wtn adjoining, and they went out S! h'e?outt0tIeiunch," dJtamy ..rrouily. "TaHo n(!r ior aa,kw'1 ho Mtk-try to rouse her a bit: but to. Ciwn's eaVe. don't talk about mo." i- L.v nnxlnun and worried: ho no vvn, . ,. rt,n ally was very upaei. o"i- " " y" r'oui oJ an enormous senBo of relief as K 5d Ssngster parted at the street .i. a noun us Sangster wan vm, If iljht he hailed a taxi and told tho "in to drlvo him to his club. Ho, or Jered a stiff brandy and soda and imma Into one of the deep leathern ' t chalrB with a sluh. He had boen sirrled only threo days, nnd nlready It wised like three years. Of course, he i m not blaming Christine, poor llttlo j!rt! but oh, If only sho hadn't been , -jtltt inch a child ! ,,,,,,, H lifted the glass and looked at Its nntrnts with lugubrious eyes. "Well, here's to a brighter future," Mil Jimmy Challoner drearily ; but he filled heavily as ho tossed off the Iranly and eoda. ! &mjter felt decidedly nervous when i hj reached the hotel where Jimmy and t'l nlfe were staying. Ho had no faith In Ms own powers, though apparently ' jimmy had plenty for him; ho was in. Iiillea' man; he had never troubled 1 about a woman In his life, probably became none had ever troubled about him. Ho asked punctiliously for Jimmy ; It wai only when told that Mr. Chal lmr was out that ho asked for Chris tina A little gleam of something like sym ritijr ihot Into tho man's oyes. The 'twbermald who waited on Christine u olublo and a friend of his ; and he 'id heard a groat deal from her that wi untruo mixed up with a smattering f (ruth He ilia that ho wns sure Mrs Cluu ncr &i In; ho sent a pago boy up rlfi Sangnter's card. It wemed a long time before tho reply 'ami. Mrs Challoner would be pleased o ree Mr. Sangster ; would he go up to "w ilUbg room? sangiter obeyed reluctantly; he 'rtaded tears; ho dreaded to seo grief .nl disillusionment In the beauti u. ")e which he could only remember as bippy and trusting. Ho waited nerv wily till she came to him. Ho looked iOtitil the room apprehennlvcly: It had in empty, unlled-tn look about It, hough there wero vailoui possessions of 'Imray'a scattered about it a pipe, lewjjapers nrd a large box of clga eltM There was a small pair of 'hrlitlne a slippers, too, with high heelw. PJ)nter looked nt 1hpm wttli nvn Twhlrh he lid not know wero tender. They ntmti to appeal to him somehow ; there aa uch a solitary look about them, Handing there In a corner by them- HITtS Then tho door opened nnd sho umio in; a little pale ghost of the girl whom 1" had Inst seen, with iiuivering lips inat tried to smile, and shadows beneath , t eea It wns an effort to Sangster to greet Mr as If he were unconscious of tho iraredv n her facs; he took her hand a a close grip. " am m glad you allowed rao to '.Hp: I didn't want to Intrude; "Hid for Jimmy, but they told me he fu out, and so I wonderod If you would "'me Just for n moment." ," m ety R'nrt von cnrnM I" hi1 J1"! L'T"1 an'1 nn' Jimmy will bk"lf ? lunch," she said. ..SSi "i ,SanBstt'r tiled to speak naturally; he laushed "Then will you ??f f ! llmc!l wlth mo7 Jimmy ont mind, and " m?i',.Si;i.'!'n,m5r won,t mind." There ? mic-.bl.,.terPM? ,n ller volce 'hat fr ?h. lvnt, " .Hl!.cltc'1 hlm into silence; "jfJ"d 'ii hlm wllh burning eyes Jimmy ouMn t ,nin,i .v. we f'l13 a,,most nB lf the words n'W from lur nrolnst her will mirr rS.a,nsB,er' wny did jou let him Jlmm :.ou mual naN0 known feht'VVu F W " for mo "re was a trat-l nr.i . . r" " ""Wi; pause bfokiiW. ""! Just looke.1 at him with Sho did i , v i ana junr Irokfn.hearted ey .f -'t say that." ehV, X" J'anda"11 "'Id U clumsily iur woras naa neen iiw . " '" n """ renroaoh Was he to blame? he tuny and y done? Christine he yet fikfd ii..?. nHB ne to bian nM r;v"" 'b noner eh trH to . ,."ai! belle"u hlm had '"" ,nrmi,'lB,,e.snl11 """V- "It's trut " n ih,nS?i5..1 hen,t K0t S;?it; "rythlng ! ,,avo a "ttle patlei.w Muw of It COmo out rlBhti ne ?lUoU8KhhttS1;"l,0,nkhernctt' no,w why It Htef nown ! I can't think 'Id how lesslv "iifW fuesaed," she J sTnowny','VI ,ho ot,,er wo"on I am" vn aTe o much better thar. "Oh, for lh.at'"' he bmwaven?' J01", don't sa !;,.ntnia nnd h.r fr 'Z.a no contrasted 1'r in ",er friends with this girl irV11 "edn," he wont on "en youv. ,r yth ng seems wrong S' w,h m.?"?... rY' you cVmS ! alr beaut I 'unv .rBJn,?r" now and f'r a walk myVI,".' J., 'resh. irm iongii,fc looming yVe'i h5 b0n Wtlng all SS,,r "d walk i ave sorie ,u"ch to. , rtall wr. walK w the park afterward, -t v.fftsn.ife butl2j.a "t her eyes, we".-.m,'"'Vs silence. "Infernal young fool I" ha said sav agely, after a moment j but whether he referred to a youth who Was just -at that moment passing or to Jimmy Chat loner seemed uncertain. Sangster took Christine to a llttlo out-of-the-way restaurant, where he knew thero would not bo many people. He carofully avoided referring again to Jimmy; ho talked of anything and everything under tha sun to trv to din. tract her attention. Sho had declared that sho was not hungry ; but, to his de light, he ato quite a good lunch. She liked tho restaurant ; she had never been In Bohemia before. She was much In terested In nn old table Sangster showed her. which was carved nil over with thn signatures of well-known patrono of tho house. A llttlo flush crept Into her palo cheeks; presently sho waa smiling. Sangster was cheered; he -told himself mac biio only needed understanding. Ho believed that If Jimmy chose ho could convince) her that everything wns going to be all right In the futuro ; ho believed that with a llttlo tact and patience Jim my could entirely regain her lost confl uence, uui patience ana Jimmy seemed somehow irreconcilable; Jimmy waa too young too selfish. He sighed Involun tarily ob ho looked at Christine. When they had left the restaurant again, and wero walking toward the park, ho deliberately began to talk about Jimmy. "I euppoio Jimmy never told you how ho and I first met, did ho?" he asked. "No," Her-sensltlvo llttlo faco flushed. She lookod up at him eagerly. "It isn't a bit romantic really," ho said. "At least, not from my point of view; but I daro Bay you would bo In terested, becauso It shows what a fine chap Jimmy really Is." Ho took It for granted inai sne was listening. Ho went on; "It was some years ago now, of course five years, I think; and I wan broke broke to the wide, if you know wnai mat means I" ho glanced down at her wnlllngly. "I'm by the way of being a struggling journalist, you know," ho explained. "More of the struggling than tho Journalist. I'm not a bit of good at the job, to bo qulto can did; but it's a llfo I like and latoly I've managed to scrape along qulto de cently. Anyhow, at thn thru T mil Jimmy I was down and out. Fleet street would havo none of me, and a vrn nau .o pawn my waicn. "Oh!" said ChriBtlnn with soft sym pathy. Sangster laughed. . "That's nothing; Ii'h been pawned fifty times slnco It first camo Into my possession, I should think. D6n't think I m asking for sympathy I'm not. It's mo sort or life that buUb me, nnd I wouldn't change It for another oven If I had tho ohanco. But tho night I ran across Jimmy I was fairly up against It I hadn't had a square meal for a weok, nnd I wns 111, to odd to the troublo. Jimmy waa coming along Pall Mall In evening dress. He was smoking a cigar that smollcd good, nnd I won dered as he passed me, If I dared go up and nsk him for a shilling." "Oh, Mr. Sangster 1" Ho looked down hearing the d'stress In her voice. "Don't look bo sorry!" ho said vory gently. "It's all In a day's march for mo. I've had my good times, and I'vo had my bad ; and when I como to wrlto the story of my life when I'm a bloat ed millionaire, that Is I" ho added In laughing parenthesis "it will mako flno reading to know that I waa onco so hard up. that I cadged a Bhllllng off a swell n ovenlng dross I" But Christine did not laugh; her eyes were almost traglo as she looked up wondering at Sangstcr'B honest faco. "And and did you ask him?" eho questioned. "Did I not!" said Sangster heartily. "I went up to him Jimmy Btopped dead. I bellevo ho thought I was going to pinch his watch and I said, 'Will you be a sport nnd lend mo a bob?" Not a bit romantic, you seo I" Christine caught her breath. "And did he did her' she asked eagerly. Sang3ter laughed romlnlscent- iy. "You'll never guoss what ho said.. He asked no questions, ho took tho cigar from hla lips and looked at me, and he said. 'I haven't got a bob In the world till my brother, tho Great Horatio, sends my monthly allowanco along; but If ii 11 como as far as tho next street, I know a chirp I can borrow a sovereign rom.' wasn't mat lust Jlmmv nil oor?" ChriBtlno was laughing, too. now. 'Oli, I can just Jiear him saying It! un Just see him!" Bho cried. "And lien what did you do?" "Well, wo wont along to this pal of 'Immy'u, and Jimmy borrowed a fiver. o gao mo throe pounds, and took mo ilong to have a dinner. And well, we've oen pais over since. A bit of luck for no, wasn't It?" "I was thinking," said llttlo Chrlstlno xcry earnestly, "that It wus a bit of luck or Jimmy." Sangstor grew furiously rod. For a moment he could think of nothing to "ay; ho had only told tho story In order to soften her toward Jimmy, and In a mensure ho had succeeded. Christine walked besdo him without speaking for somo time ; her brown eyes were vory thoughtful. Sangster talked no more of Jimmy ; hu was too tactful to overdo things Jimmy was not mentioned between them 'gain till he took her back to the hotel. Then: "I don't know how to thank you for bclncr so kind to me." shb Hnld onrnAlv. Her brown eyes were lifted confidingly to his face. "But I've been happier th s afternoon than than I'vo aver been ilnco my mother died." Sangster gripped her hand hard for a moment "And you will bo happy alwuyti If you're just a llttlo patient," ho said rather huskily. "Jimmy's a spoiled boy, and and It a tho women who hnvn m dhow nil of us oh? It's the women who ire our guardian angels; remember that I" Ho hated himself for having had to blame her, oven mildly, when the fault waa so utterly and entirely Jimmy's It seemed a monstrous, thing that Chrls rlmi should havo to teach Jimmy un lelflshncBa; ho hoped ho had not said too muclL But Christine was really much hap pier, had he known It. She went up to her room and changed hor frock for one of tho few simple ones she had had new when sho waa married. She did her hair In a wny sho thought Jimmy would llko ; she sent one of the servants out for flowers to brighten the llttlo sitting room: sho timidly ordered what she thought would be nn xtra nice dinner o please him. The waiter lookod at her luestlonlngly. "For for two, madam?" ho asked hesitatingly. "Yes, pleaso. Mr. Challoner nnd I will Jlno up hero this evening." Ah a rule, Jimmy dined downstairs alone, and Christine had something sent JP to her. Sho was vaguely beginning o realize now how foolish sho had been, Tho little time she had spent with Sang stor had been like the opening of a door .i) her poor llttlo heart, letting In fresh air and common sense. Aftor all, how could. she hopo to win Jimmy by tears and recriminations? She had heard tho doctrlno of "forgive and forget" preach ed so frequently: uurelv this wa tlm moment In which to apply It to herself aim mm. Her hoart beat a little fast m thn thought. She SDOke nrnln tn thn vrnilta. ns he turned to leave the room. "And and will you find out what mnu mt. unauoncr nas witn his dinner, as a rule; and and serve tho same this fiVflninor?,i The man hosltated, then : 'Mr. Challoner told me ho should not be dining In this evening, madam," he said reluctantly. "Ho came In about :Llfe? o dock and went out again; I think there woo a messago for htm. He told mo to tell you If you came In." Ho averted his .eyes from Christine's blanching face as her spoke. "I am sure that Is what Mr. Challoner said, ma "aBl. '10 repeated awkwardly. ,, .0h' .mery ..wll" Christine Btood quite still in the empty room when ho had gone ; It seemed all the more lonely and empty now that once again sho had boen robbed of her tager hopes. Jimmy waa not coming home. Jimmy round her wj dull und uninteresting that he was only too glo,d of an excuse to TBEGUMPS-On the Links at Chapel Hill THUB&DAY. OCTOBER 7, 190 '' I -TV -2 H- Jot A Mmyxe ttM 10)-WA tj MXt YfcO46 voUr HVt tUf Uff H? SHOW VOU WOW YO tRWfc ' " . n . . i ,, m.,,' j : : ? RnOJiic'fajfi'.iv, 1 .. V ' 1 ' J ' ' 'II I ii I I i II ' ''V V TAHt THl WAV WCCCW y f' I J I rt Mtt k HEr J0MN I tHCv)UW SVM I z-v J ' Jsi r t.i .i . . .a x v uiTf u vt-itcs rvrurr -a- i .fu m "?-t - r . . V ? ALWAX? t.l YOUR I """ V",T"',',r.r mr i ftft Y . S tM.U Jl V EWOOT k f -rfS.' ? mK ut W $fm -rf Sm MliJM I I - - smntfSMfiiy.. ! SOMEBODY'S STENOG-A Visit to an Exclusive Shop Cui.WI3n IUDC f IAADEMO5El.Le r SIR ' 9 ? i ftofi i-thi is owine: ( ' riwARPpFA;nAJARi L PRICED"? - ef?- A 1 1 V7da?s IJ rv-..-r "Z.....L VT " ' x-T A 1 DOAlT - V- -VmN rreiv.tl wes r r&Xt 'A UNOERSTAWNt.' ftjtv v j utT) '" r:sSwmm . Atw BE AROUStD BV THOSE 1 CSOOD5 Bot- X Thought ft a&oorsEAisE i&Ar?oosctJT OHIX THX -uiQHT AJib X. VIUU AADEMOlSELCJEs 'KE MY EXTEAlSIVC rtnnt QCICC . -UKV.nti& WHERE UAryr OF VALOESMifiHT NaJ, IHOUUTEDjJL BID pi Copyrlsht, 1020. by Publlo lAT Ce. I rvs i 4 A TrtS . mT t jwu aoop-! HDAY fib onfxbui UITLE FRENCH FLIPPY .' I Utk '', r V. J Wklh Zl v d f tzir By Haywari ' ! I lllll M ?, -TUC JtKT tirttm OCS5 1 6RAMD STATEMENT OF Cam's FlMAMCES 2"i Re,vmo FRoM Bss - i - - -ooH vi w "witir TAKIH6 MAW DOObUSTb UUAlCrl Charity ,"rvi UVtUU Shoes, Slowes. OU40Y LOAAI6D "vewus" ETC. uwmhuti0uab1-s -'Gome Somewhere." Coo t'OO 2.00 7.8 iVE-MAYwil 0 The Young Lady Across tho Way THE POWERFUL KATR1NKA By FONTAINE FOX Tho young lady across the way says alio has no uso for an obsti nate person, anil there's no sense In rcgaidiog one's opinion o.b lm mutnblc ns tho lows of tho Medes and Parisians. frtSTEAD OP FUSSIHG AoUKD WITH A LADDER AND A JioT OF ROPES AHD THlKGS, PAW SClFRT HAS THE ?ovitRft)U KATRINKA come over? and ML? HIM WHITEWASH THE TOP PART Op HIS SILO v r)?ryi A - ?. lip j i SCHOOL DAYS Bu DWIO WW. Jo$r AHiweft mo one QoesToH- y tl TBuTWff WeJ m?" ineT" Ti Mao. waxrAoo. Josr mswa wS s rx JL.SS. J, 5 fflw TATR KtKM PeWOH.1 TJ DRHH. e H PETEYIn a Hole, But, Oh My! - r wgECs: Ha ha-ha . FUWMN How VJC: SUJoV JLAP.5TCK 5"T0PP UKRlHlS P IT HAPPEMS "TO The oThep. Fellow- I i)i) - mam rt Yy - THIM65 A1?E.CE7TIMC A 31 THKI. .VA0WDEJ2- tf- The little gov NtCr;' HE OUCHttvi J ME up &v mow is There a Doctor IW The house .' mim .i u i. -- fflyyy' I - " LT t 5y C. A. FotoM t LO rPi i e-ocLi i HlC-r- SHAV. 1SH SHrJLLAeS lHE "BE5HT I lMTT) M r lEfl gnand r sy "C-4P" STUBBS Don't Worry About Sammy gracious, rn oifvp A i never jiream U DIDN'T FORGET TO ajuv sorne CANDY . FOPTHE CHILDREN OP TAMIMf. fAMnV TtorE to SArtnVi i think ire;- ,EKTBAVACrANri vsror:HNf I 1 V Z (r 'TT ADHERE'? th ) w( ny. VJHV HELLO SfthfY! COne R(rHT in! nnvc, iuu attrv tuuq MOTHER 'ti ( iJinESsunf W e got s WrnL' - Hfl 2?f Edwin & " 1 I, M ml T tH mvj WjkzCS V L f w r ' M . i a BIH7 Wi. nuii. v"c"iiie out e .. ...r ".- ai"'"d. "" "c wit) (COIWUIi!D TOMOHHOW) y w dress, and Sangster (Oopyrigl jco, tv Dell Syndicate) T" r!