'-'if,, ,l.- a ?HV Hi 5 i VI '71( ' i - ; fA ' J ,k y .v. l fl i , k's r IT N 'Ml a" "i jMAI, ESTATE FOB SALE CITY TAfpntv-ninrrt Street. IS... J ' . North, 2309-11-13-15 MODERN STORES AND DWELLINGS ..j FERDINAND D. FLEMING 1384 WALNUT ST. aMiM t IMMEDIATE POSSESSION '32 N. 10th at, 2 atory. semidetached: , e rooms and bathf dec. and gas, 'perch! modern; very fine condition. 8814 N. 7tlT,t. 0 roam and bath: 2 atory porch, gas aud cleo. modern! 3 run, , 8804 N. Uth Bt. 3-story. 11 rooms and ' bathl porch: sua and elec ! modern. 2033 N. Orlanna it. 4 rooms nnd shed. S12 E. Wlshart it. n rooms and bath. Apply: Wm. G. Friedgen Wat Pulnkl ne.. istn st. 8432 INOEHSOLL. n rms.. will nnnnce. 12000 104M f?leurneM. tMirrh. mmH . financed 3KIII) 1518 llouvler: 7 rooms financed. 27'0 , 303H N. aisti 7 roomii. porch. . 300O 2304 Turner! 0 rooms: excellent rnnd . 3R00 1227 Firth; 7 rooms, $20i)il mortgage . 2400 JK43 Hudson. 7 rooms, will finance.... 2000 4.100 Illcka. (I rooms, porch 3400 vj21 llucknell, 7 rooms. 32200 mtge . 2000 2318 Seytvrt. 7 rooms! financed 2000 2B34 Fawn. 7 rooms, financed 2300 J32R Jlouvler. 7 rooms: mil nnnnee. 2.VI0 210 Ilnncroft; 7 rooms, financed . . 2S0U grtw M. Owlllnm. 32 w. Hrnnil. wprucp win. Rented $5 1 6 Year Price $4350 SfOn E, Norrli st. and rear 104 K. Hemes st TUese properties are within 1 block of a station on the Frnnkford elevated, and Will undoubtedly rapidly Increase In value s su"n as the cars are tunning: terms to EcRSIIAW & CIIOWL. 5215 Chestnut st, or arconnK AI.IMCH'S SONS, 1044 N. Front. .'227 N. 13TH ST. store and dwg. .. .$18,000 1418 Jtnetnr st . suit apartments 12.000 14SD N. Oth St 4,200 1741 N. lMth ut tu date 12.000 IMfl Slxty-el th ne nl.OOO 201H Park av 7..100 B12 IxKUitt st 10.000 8&31 X, lRlh st 7 000 914.1 Nnvklrk st .1.200 ynit. SADLEffS SONS. Ifi20 Columbia aye f20 I'EItKlOMEN ST . 7 rooms nnd b.lSOOO S12B N. 13th st , in rooms and bath.. 4700 21(13 X. jltth st , H rooms ami hath... 4300 1708 ltouvler st . R rooms and bath... 4000 2181 Lambert st , 0 rooms and bath.. 3400 240,1 Nicholas st 1 rooms and bath.. 3000 Htm N. 22d st s rooms and bath.... 2800 HUGH F. QUINN Hell ph.Poplar 206 111,1 W LKHIOH AVE. Desirable for a professional man or fir htah-class apart- Mienrri 3-story, side yard, 12 rooms and 2 baths: Immediate possession WM. LINDER, 1828 Chestnut st. 1838 I'mtlSH 3 sty., with 2-sty house In rear m Reno st. (1343). 2 fronts, valuable for auto thnn or araraae: J07.1O. bnraaln. STANTON 023 Wllherspoon nidit. COIXNEIl property vacant! lntn nnd Fishers ve.! snraco trlvlletre: porch: price 17000: .sr- terms E F. McPeak 2024 Frank. ford ffVr. 1881(1 SPllUCE ST Four-story, brownstone front dwelllnc. 14 rooms 2 baths; imme 4I1 possession, only 11000 cash required, .Kstate of DAVID M, IIESS. 004 Walnut st 4304-f, 10TH ST. Three storv. porch front. ." ll'Tooms and balh. hot-wnter heat, wash ,tryA cniil ranae jsono easy terms; empty. Phone chestnut mil sin W. tJOItNEIl PROPERTY; acant: 10th and ' Fishers ave.: garage privilege; porchi price 17800 easy terms, E. F. MePEAK 2024 Frankford ave. Home and investment properties Noet Phlla and Germantown; send foi list. WALTER V. ASIH1Y 2(140 N 29th t.:, memner rnna eni Kstate iionrtT lIP-TO-UATE corner, 7-room duelling;, with ' brick Karaae; qu'ck possession. " lli.MM. shoo . Ulh st. WOO N. 20TH ST. Immediate possession: rooms wun an improvements. NAHil. 437Bfl Olrard ave S2M "N. NEWKIRK ST. Elcht rooms and . bath, electricity, hot-wnter heat Inc. och. joss, at settlement NAHM. 2730 Olrard ave. 134.1 -N. 2DTH ST 3 story. 10 rooms and baths, h.-w heat cleo.. hardwood floors .the best houso In the row Nnhm 2730 Olrard W808, SPRINOKIELD AVE. Semidetached ' res'denco, possession nnnACB II KRIT7. 713 Walnut st. 112 N 3D rnur-tory property, elevator: k - neas'kslon at settlem-nt: J200( cash. jJgKOFF 1IROS.. 322 M-irket. Roth phones. JS2aN. 34TK ST Nine rms A balh; n bar. ( gain. 2.-i0 DBRMODY. Rroker. 704 N 22d iRvo 4-story dwes 2S0-232 N nth st.; lot i aOxOT ft. L. A. White, owner W107 N. 13th ?107 JIONUMENT AVE 2 stv ,',r & hath; 3' all -onvs f poss Ftsv IMh and Stllos. 132S TO JR1B S RTH ST MRS CLAI IIORNE. )520 Snyder ate. ITartorlos. Wnrehonses. Mnnnfacturtnr Floors Industrial Plants, Warehouses j Factory and Floor Space Sites J. LEE PATTON. 404 LINCOLN DLDO Factories and Warehouses Walnut K03 TOMI.INSON Lincoln Rldi, 'Industrial plants, warehouses. i road and river frontaee. JAMES L. STEVENSON & SON. 822 Land Title Bide. Huwlni's, PropertlM and store CITT It M.I. PLAZA 31x0 last orlRlnal hnldlna nppnslte Cliv Hall and llroad St. Btatlnn. II H FRITZ. 713 Walnut st. VinKEY ST cor It 4th st 'TltOO so ft."; ?nost strateulc E Market t cor nnd only or. nw obtainable II II Frlti 713 Valnut '. Stores nnd DwelJInit COHNEIl store and dnell'nir. S" W 0th nnd Tork; 10 lant- rnomi and bath; In nood condition. Immedlnle nosseselon: prlee 7000. . act quick. L'L'OII IUcIko and Olrard aves i FACTOHT floller, nnnlne shaftlnE eleva tor, steam heat llsht on 3 sides, strongly Wilt! 3IH80. 3 story, lot 311x110. 1 mile from i City Hall: rstlrliia. bargain. P u.12. Ledcor OfTkie COrtNErt STORE and dwelling 10 larire rooms and bath in aood condition linme tlUts possession prlco 370HO act quick. I Kt'ClH nidge ave and Olrard WKST PllILADELI'IIIX 401S-20 LANCASTER AVE Three story 22.3 ft front an Lincoln Hlirhwny ill tarra rooms bath la- ntor wnnderful In vestment uppor'unlty price rleht for qul.k settlement WAl.TIIII 4,'.tn iinesster s,e ISSOu JU1.I y " f'rd st 2-ntory dnoll. Inv: all conveniences, occupied hv owner for sale at a low price Philip N Arnold 1201 Chestnut st -I HOUSES uk'mvny .STYLES AND PRICES at 40th and Pin. sta 40th nnd Greenway avet and at .ixth and Wlloa uvo , ull cf thoae houses are Mnanred and rfuly to be occupied, PEM11EHTON ESTATES I H lBth at, On reuueat a list of our houses will rw. mailed. A few of them might bo rented HV), to 1150. 0lt REGENT ST Owner leuvlng Phi h must aacrlflco house 0 rooms and bath, cloctrlc, hardvood floora, pr'co reaauuablrt tana car No, 13 on Walnut at., stop ut fluth nnd Cheater ave ,, BPRUCK HT 0-00 block Very desirable 7- room house, hardwood Hoora, hot-wuter boat. Inclosed heated porch, half block from narlf- tmmedlatrt possession, prim IbSuii Can tTKell by. mldresalng P U31, Ledger Oftlcu 402.' CHESTNUT ST7 Twelve room. Including i baths, lot 23x220 to. Hansom at . ppaaetaiou w W. IIA..W, iv 40th and Lancaster ave. ivrn'SALE S-room house .1710 Spruce; t trio ilght, ejeam heat price $8000 Apt J. KALTCTL 18 N Uth Walnut 123 lee- Apply effi'ril ST. SECTION 'l,irg.iln. new 2-aty, tone- hardwood floora. h w. heat, alo ..;,.'lm paas.ssion I'll Owner. Har fC), iIEDIATK possession 1 rooma nnd hath, house In excellent location In W Phlla . ood rendition. 148U0 MARS! i?A?.n. H s nyd st, " 4708 SPRINOKIELD MARSHALL & WAlr 4708 SPRINOKIELD AVL y mrtr lU-room nouse - u.iiiii uv.i lucituon in cltV. KE1II HKAljTY CO U14 Perm unuVr. Illdr Locust 1220 tV?ksTOR8 1408.10 12-14 H Hanson ave, ureVl bargain at $17.10 each, white ten ..?,. win finance on I30D ensh per houao MW'JSWARTLEY. B214 Chestnut WtMEDIATE POSsT:5SION bToo block 5Wetater at 0 rooma ud bath, brick i.imdrrt newly papered throughout, painted lS2?v and tnlhugany, Dutch hall; electric lf.ht. 1IENJAM1N Ji LEITERMAN. 221 ygfo.4 Hide. tWal 11711, Woodland 71101 W. T'O AMD CHESTER AVE. Ten rooma. 2 hthi $1000 caah required, lmmedlutu poa. "." ' .JElli III'AI.TY CO.. U14 rnn M.sioii. .!"";;,-; ...on KEIR ZT-i.rm nidg. Locust , H ""B7TH ST.. II rooma, bath, moderni iKintt mint will aacrlllcai A-l condl- t(on. Call ltelmont 1147, erTvO-STOrY brlok houae. porch, lot 2 C frimiV-W In rear, 6131) Olrard rch. lot 2.1x180; frame ave,! fVN ST. Ttir atory, porch front. k" aaland batn; immeoiat poaaeaaion. BPROCE ST .120., MK-vTry -ieTl-,.l,e I Uh..l and "' "ft fJ'Vr any" llA." of t'rortm house hnr.lnoo.1 floor hot-w it-r I ' , ,l ',wiT V MTI'I'U .,, hatl Inclosed heated porch half b'olt f-. m 1 u'n-as ,',,,',, uriit alii llefl tihonn park; Imm .Itn.e pomeeslon orlo- Ji.lun . , I nMiiWM r I tn ami ai.irKit si" lieu phono h seen M mlilr salng owner P 100S Lulu-r l'arlng UJ l.nie I i' w4'' -a'h na -"no ' BEAL ESTATE FOB SATiE WEST PHILADELPHIA iisbiim 4033 DROWK BT : prlco $0000! 2 story brick, porchfront, l rooms, bath, 2 .porches, hot-water heat, elec tric llirht. hardwood floors; lot 15 by 1)0 feet, possession. 10 S R4T1I ST i price $33,10! 2 story, brick, porchfront, 0 rooms, bath. 2 toilets. IB. S TnWDEMj PT (S4th and . Market ata.). price I430O. 2 story, brick shed, ft bedrooma. 2 toltta. 012 UNION ST. (west of 39th st . aboe llaverford nc.)i 3 story, brick, porchfront, 0 rooms, bath, brink sheds & bedrooms 2 toilets: prlco 14500. 8188 OODEN ST.! 2 story, brick. porchfront. 0 rooms, bath, laundry, price 13000 631-333 N. DOUGLASS ST (west of 32d above Drandywlne): S story, brick, 0 rooms and bath! prlco 12300 each; all financed. JAMES F. COX & CO. 130,1 Itdl Estate Trurtt Hide. I Ifroad and 'Chestnut sts. I Phone Walnut 1001 I wn i Overbrook Ho mes WITH IllOlf ELEVATION MODERATELY TRICED OXFORD ST. ( Between 00th ii nist sts. The Largest 2-Story House I1EINO OrFEHED TODAY Four bedrooms, all-tile bath with stall shower: back stairway; front Inclosed porch and rear porch ulth refrigerator room: plastered basement luundry with toilet! Prlvatn Karaite, SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN DAILY AKD'SUNDAYS TILL 3 .10 P. M. EVENINGS I1Y APPOINTMENT QLER & SHAPIRO tlUILDERS AND OWNERS 8. E. COR. 87T1I AND MASTER rjiiiEi!L'ii,;irji!i;a'iiiiiiiii!;Dj:i.iiii!;n!fflBiiiiiii:!i;!!,!iii,i;ii!iii:ii!ii:i:hiiii;iiiiiiiO SAI.E WEST PHILADELPHIA FLORENCE AVENUE 57TH TO 58TH STREET 0 ROOMS LAUNDRY AND OARAGE EVERY MODERN IMPROVEMENT trice $11 noo AOENT ON PREMISES FROM 1 TO 0 P. M. FERDINAND D. FLEMING 1334 WALNUT ST. iiinnirannnin;incnm;um!niirinnniirimni!riiiimi!!!i!iiiinimi!ini!iji:iiiii $1000 CASH Balance In mortcaires, placed for you free, will buy homes In the beautiful Overbrook section Marlyn Road 1200 Block Hot-water heat, electric llcht hard wood floors throughout; tiled bath, breakfast room. Karnffe: wide street, parkway In Center. Sample houso. No. 1200. W. J. Cameron, Owner On premises, or H23 N. 04th st, Dell Phone llelmont 7000 W. ONLY $500 CASH , Ra'an-" ns Rent, 1447 N. HIRST will buy 02,1 nnd Media Has (1 rooms, bath, newly papered and painted Price S3030 Asent at 1447 N Allison st. or Martin McWilHams SS 5l Near 44th & Lancaster Av. Opportunity for doctor to buy nn at tractlv 3-story corner property with southern exposure nnd oorUMnlnu "4 fee frontaKB on llelmont ue. , price reduced Quick & Bro.,Inc.,8 S. 40th kwraini'i 'ik in!w w 'nLwMi.Tiirarai widibk 5745 WALNUT STREET 0 rooms lfunJry nnd carnce; every modern Hnpro rnenl Imtnedtate poa seialon 3 fiihNsM.d d rr-nsriNa 3 131 WALNUT ST. iliiiMiiiniimiw iiiiviiii'iiKismwraiiiiiiMraiiiraiiiiBiiiiiiiiii. OWNER LEAVING CITY Will " II m di rn 2 stor home In exelti slve restrl't d Overbrook district: at tractive prli.' tu humD buer for Imme diate, sale rusm s"lon b lease upon pa munt of sjbstantlal deposit Adolph B. Caspar, Realtor nont AND LANSDOWNE AVE iiviiii'iniimiiiiffliiniii'iiinn.iinii'iiiHiiiiiiiili'illilillUilllllllillHIiin1; 4 LAKUh BLDKUUlVto H 132S S 513T ST rom out and Inspect our newly rcno. H vnt.dlnmes electr e iiuht Ilutler sll- S r fixture and other miwlern lm- S nr m m nts rinnnced and Immedl ite H jsissesslnn $0100 i pui Sunday J to I M i imiiiaU A i RWI.. r,2in Chentnut 4iHniHViuTiftrtmi'iiiinhat'iuitiiinfiii.ii-HiinHiuuminiHiiTiiiunmi!nu'JifHJiiriiin.u 60 fH & JEFFERSON STREET ( m r Ktur rnl iiwriunr, in an tntal. 606 MARLYN ROAD Already flnan I 0 rormn and bith nietil wiailier s'rppel Inrluillng nwnlnKB. Khiul a and aemnM, i a Iv fur oicupancj Applj JAM1.H N MIT' HELL, t S. 1-arrngut st hTtJllL r.ir. K i,oth st tilt noth ' bt ' Ketlmi south nl igi to drjw frnn AND DWELLINGS ii j-siory atort pioperty In ,l el sest to thn restrtrt, il uthirino at , largo patron- modern impr.ncments. at IraitlM sior. fnn.t possession. Jl.ltnu, 3 nur wilt flu iii MU'HAI.l, MALONIJY 1.121 h tluth st CHOICE CORNER Hllh and iSprlntf OunU'n Sta N W Cor huitablt for apt proffHsionnl or prhate fHinUy 3"rt - l,a .IlMIt rnndttinn I nnutf.rn txposurt w anion, vara go iri. 15 m,n- to ,VvJ,l"v" rrtnv. l mrt LaniiTiti. nidg EXCELLENT INVESTMENT " Thren-ator dv Mink ..in. lining .1 apart ments, currlng chirg.M utul rent freH. alsu return of 17u mouth mi in. stTntnt, prlti I 10UU0. well fln.ini.eil hou 1 lucatlon NtbllOLAS A THOMAS 012 Land Title Hlilu t pruco 10.1S i.rilTHKH OK AlANi OTYI .N .SU PRICES In nnr nice III lllhlorliniiila t Tilth and willows ae and loth and Pln sta Slieclul trm of sale can tu urranu'i 1 with us II H we own tnese rniuw. niiuiuKr.ipnie oooaiet of aomo of them mailed on request PEM 1IERTON ESTATES. 813 Harrison llldg 'Vi nnd Market sts $0300 LOT 15x116 ft 7-roum home hot water heat, gaa and tlmtilut) buti-mi nt laundry, ahed, etc . unusual opportunity, Ideal location: beautiful terraced front and lard SHORTLIDOE 311 S BUth st Del- mont 77 IMMEDIATE IOSSEHS10N 34(10 block Wtb Bter st , II rooms uiul baih brick IhuihI y, newly papered throughout, painted lory and mahogany Dutch lull: elertru i- t lll-N-JAM1N 11 LEITERMAN, 2J1 IVnllild llldg Walnut 70, Woodland 7004 W 341B 8P GARDEN ST. 8.atory. 1) rooma", a) d yard, n -w. neai, eiec ugm pusa. EnplreTrust Co . 44th and Iancaat ave nBOO IIL llA'CE ST. $500 caah to purchase muln at home. 0 rooma. LEONARD riUES tJSON. S420 Marktt. ISOOO VACANT, cor. Dearborn Race. 0 rooms, porch front home: amall amount of roi.h Frlea a ron. i,u omnnn mi. 67TH BT haitntv nirtirrt ave.. U-itorr dwelt '" "' , .,. I j n41 A,ini aaait-lu .. . a Bi-uimB nun uaiu m-,sjum iiuvi a vatiii "-SJ-' """r- Chagfut at- IvifVNT 1222 N. 47th, B, rooma, Rorchl 1Vo. Etniii Triut Co-.fQl Lanca,.t.r. j 'MffllB'j EVENING TUBLIO REAL ESTATE FOB SALE I.OOAN painttBiiinun NEW ENGLISH STONE HOMES WITH GARAGE ON THE N. E. BOULEVARD AT 7TH ST. $13,500 ' . $1000 Cash WheYo clso can you buy a home of thin value with so nmnll nn amount of cash. Further, I will plnco a J10.000 ftTBtnortirnBo nnd a 2C00 n. & L. Association Rcoond morttrneo for jrti. This means low monthly charges to you. Theso residences contnln every modern convenience and Innovation to make a comfortablo unique htine. By auto over the Northeast Houlevard, onvof the most beautiful driveways or the clty enjoyed by thousands of motorists dl'.y. Near trolleys, inspection of 702 Northeast Doulevard Invited. Open dally, Sundays and evenings. ONE CORNER HOME HAS A 2-CAR GARAGE LOUIS MARK,. Builder and Owner ON PIIKMISKS PHONE WYOMING 2260 OR SPUUC13 OI.NBY STORCH'S MODEL HOMES HSHER AVENUE, THIRD TO FOURTH STREETS (4 Squares North Roosevelt Boulevard) Car Routes 75 and 47 (5300 North) Six rooms, tiled bath,, enclosed porch, outside shed with toilet. Garage, laundry, hardwood floors throughout, etc. PRICE $8750-CASH $1000. Monthly Expenses, $54 Including saving in B. & L., water rent, taxes, interest, etc. Few for Rent Est. Frederick V. Storch, dee'd. HENRY O. SINEX, Executor 1G16 W. Pnssyunk Ave. Member Philadelphia Real Estate Board WEST PHILADELPHIA Price $12,000 to $13,500 New English Stone Residences 69th St. Section At theml of the Elevated One 5-pent Fare 16 Minutes to City Ho'l New Hlnglo and semi-detached homes with garners. Most comunfent location In Phila delphia, nt the Term'nal of the Elevated nnd four car lines. A location where values nro steadily lncrea,sln(r. Accessi ble to nnywhere. : Close to two country clubs. Itlavated trains on Market Htrcet to' 60th street every 2 to 3 minutes, a quids, strnlcht rid". 10 minutes to city hull one R-cnt fare, no ehnnco cf enrs Houses are completo In every detail Small In'tlal pay ment nnd I wilt place your mor Kiges free Furnished cample hou-e onn. fiDth street, opposite Marltet Ftreet Elevated Terminal John H. McCIatchy BUILDER AND OWNER aniriifflii liuIiiiiwh n miiiiiiiiiiii'M.'iiiiiiaiiirai "HOME BUYERS If ou are wise sou will buy a house now; wo luiNH an unusuilly Inreo lintlnK of will Hnnn.i lu.m.M ami win render you every , service In ni.kJnif 5 our selection. Hero are a. few well moriBaecai 42 N Robinson st 5'SnX 3"i 1 N IloMnwn st ? "" -IV HirH vt ti.OOO r.i v- wa t T.tiiiu .',37 N U.ld st i! 'joo B'l'JI Callowhlll Ht ., a'"uu Many moro ler your aeieciion. LINSLEY & ADAMS ."iiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiiiii'iriiiiiniiii.iniitiiiii'iiiiiiiimililllinnmiiK'l $30U CAbH IIALANCE AS RENT Iluys 14.li N Vocdes st. (SJth nnd Mnsteri r larse rooms and b-ith. beiunlfulv p.ilnted and pnpered pot sisulnn in pivment of donuslt, unn r T DICKSON s. CO. ill Q r.LM at. 'llIll'll!lillllll!ll!HJI!;!!;i;L!tlilO'llllUiil!!l!l!i:lliil'llil! VICINITY OP 4HTII AND CHESTNUT STREETS Mud rn 3-st in porch-front house hard wood floors, elettrlclty 2 bnthrooma, Dutch hull, modern throughout, poaaea alon within 30 daa. owner obliged to Ibiiao town Is rninpelled to ell FRAZIER & FRAZIER 10 1 WEiriHTMAN IILDO (.ERMANTOWN BCfJffllBI5B'iFIJIBTII!IM n SEDGWICK. H aura to examine theao propertlei now. If you are looking, for a hpuai In the fall they am modern, well la cated nnd financed J07BO Semidetached atone dwelling C bedrooms and bath, electricity. (13 UU.i Six bedrooraa and bath. hardwood floora. electricity; epc for garage, . ,,, J12.B0OSemldetached dwelling. e ntiirooma ana oam. ... ISn noil .Uelaehed dweltlnir. n hitd. rooma ana ;i oains. oiotiiiww, h' electricity, uuiiid siaa s - ;- ardwood floora, hot-water neat corner property, with garage. (in I10O Semidetached atone dwell ing, with carage: 8 bedrooma and 2 hatha. electricity. hardwood floors . ,,, 131.000 Tetached etpne dwelling, with garage; 1 bedrooma and a hatha, ileetrlclty. hardwood floora. hot-water heat: largo lot, with old ahade S. C. Tourison 7014BOYERST. TEL GTN BOO OR 4431 tomffli 225 EAST UPSAL ST. The last house In this operation, espe cially priced at $.1,100 2-story bjngaloy typo; l rooms and bath thoroughly mod ern. Ino'udlnB open fireplace; Immediate poaaeaalon. easy terms, 1218 CHICSTNUT BT. ,na 8TENTON AVEj above Chelten ave.l g.ya Pifl ....... Iftn nf Ihla ILitnn. nnr.h ,S O lage rooma and .bath, hot-water home; . mm K.iTi perfect condition! aooo ensht houst SnVn dally. ..,-, .... $ CMA.S, X. WAKEFIELD. 1218 Chestnut atkr' ;LElteERPHIi;ABEI)l?klAf -TOTKSDA: REAL ESTATE JOB SALE LOHAN. !9E4 m or,NRY HKItMANTIHVN miiinmiiiiniiii DESIRABLE RESIDENCE AT SEDGWICK Modern 3-story semidetached dwell Inc. Just offered for sale: first floor hss larrfe llvlnc room, finished In white, with Colonial stairway; dlnlnu room In white, kitchen and laundr Three rooms nnd bath on second floor; 3 rooms and storeroom on third floor Electricity steam heat, new decora tions nnd nalntlnB throughout. Exnrcllnicly desirable location. Con venient to trnln or Germnntown ave. See this property at once. It Is x icptlonn! value. S. C: Tourison 7014 I.OYER ST. TIIONE QERMANTOWN 800 Fii'i'iff.iiiiiaiiEiiiiii'JiiaiiiEiiiiiiii'ixiiiainiMii.'iCiiiiaiiiiiii'i'iiiai'Erjiiiii; I.OOAN PBC0E orf ONE LOOK MEANS A LOT 4800 Block. NINTH STREET 8 rooma and bath, 0 rooms and bath, OnllAUES Hot-water hca. electricity, hardwood floora throughout, automatic gaa water heater ahower, built-in tuba, tiled hatha, deep lotB. W. FISCHER'S S(5NS HUII.DERS N W COIl. 8T1I and ROCKLAND STS. S. W COR SHARPNACK AND llOHDAN STS . NO. 70 Nino rooma and bath, porch: very reasonable, will llnanee. APOl'H- AKER & IlltOWN, 333 Walnut at. Lombard 3.3S SJ1 W SHARPNACK oT ElKht rooma and bath, porch front, price 1.1710 each, will finance AI'OTHAKER ft HROWN, 333 Walnut nt. Lombard 3738 MODERN 8-story house, utile exposure: 1 block from Henry School and Vnnc ave. trolley; near Upaal Station, poaaeaalon within month. Apply to On nor. 750 W. Carpenter lane. Phono Germantow n 8388 M. COR WAYNE AVE. AND COULTER ST. Two atory and mansiril, 11 rooma and 2 baths, hot-water heat, elec : large porch: lot 4.1x133: ilea, home for phslclan: vacant; open' evenings I1ROQAN. 771 N. 25th at. 41143 N. WARNOCK Six rooms bath, mod ern: owner lcnvlnur city, nosseaslon; no reasonable offer refused; will llnanee. LOT of ground. 20,00(1 na ft . Rising Sun ave. and 10th at. L. A. White, owner, 0007 N. 18th at. , OLNEt MOVE IN TODAY Olney, 203 E Wyoming au , j atory, 4 large bedrooms, porch front el ctrlc and gaa, hot water hoar, largo yard, beautirul neighbor hood; price only $7,100. $1.1011 r-inh all neiea. EDMONDSON & I.EHR Maseher and Wyoming ae Wyn 2081 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Ojney5 inrge rooma and bath, extra large lot: S437 Palethorpe at , beat of cond'tlon: Drlce $4000 only SMOO cash, price .tu EDM0SDHON 4 i.nilR Maseher and Wyoming ne Hell Wvo 2084. QK LANE OAK LANE MELROSE special orrERS real rargains BOTH AVE. nil-atone, det dwg , perfect condition: 14 rms.: lot 100x170; old shado will sell right for aulck sale; garage real bargain, no war price. OAK LANE AVE (cor ): all-atone det. daw. I 13 rma. (2 b.l. h -w. heat, lot 178x100: naraM (8 cara) leavlny- city must sell, 10TII ST.: all-stone Colonial lg : 13 rma; modern 'throughout, h -w. heat, hardwood floora beauttlul bath lot 7Bx 220 bargain; old ahade chicken homes. 1117 STRATFORD AVE. twin dwg.: 11 rma., h.-w. heat: lot 86x145 beautiful grounda. bet. tr. A trol . poslthe bargain. 0700 11LOCK CARLISLE ST (new): 10 rms.: twin; 4 bedrma . white and mahog- 0THy&,8INDEPENDENCE atone det dwg. I 13 rma., 2 hatha, h.-w. heat: all atone; lot 75x130. $22 00,0. 0300 N 12TH ST 0 rma.. h -w heat, white and mahogany, open fireplace: $12,000. 07TH AVE.,: aemldet . 10 rms , 2 hatha, white and mahogany; lot 40x140 $13,000. OMTN . OBTH AVE.: new 2 Bty . 7r., porch front, h.-w. heat easily financed, S0800. .ir11N H SHIELDS HKOO YORK ROAD WiWENER PLACE B900 OLD TOHK ItOAD Modern oolonlal ptone anrt atucco new homea. emldelacnea; n rooms tiled bath and abovwri lncIoed, hatPd porch, laundry and ttariHio in rrr u $w vutu rt'uucoa 10 the Dolnt of acrincp YOIUC ROAD AND XX)(jpi:N " rKXNHYLVWrA HVIirKHAN $800 CASH SUni'RIlAN HOME. WITH OARAOE 100 LEWIS AVE . FUST LANHIKVNE. Pa : Dutch hall, dining room kitchen. S bedroom' and tnth, hot-Mater heat, eleo trlclty; lot 85x75: 1 square to cars and atorea, a romfortable home at n fair price, easy terms Apply at once tn A. STANLEY JCZEIClEL, REALTOR. B037 Chestnut at. llelmont 0743. HOUSE, 10 rooms and bath, ateam heat; mea. shade, large lot: J7SO0. UrTck, 0 rooms and bath, hot-water heat; fine location nut nnancu uuuu, J 2 ruoma ann nam convenient; near train anil trnllev. 37500. It. II ALLEN, BUI Prospect ave.. Moore, Pa. nulldlng Lota two lots, 50x150 each, with ahade and fruit trees, urookhurat nve, nejr Mont. gomery road. Nafberth. Apply Malloy, 1218 fcheitnut U ' ' .v. REAL ESTAT3 3?6r SALE NEWJEnSEY SKARHOItE HEAril HAVEN 200 Lots at Beach Haven, RJ. NOW FOR SALE AT ONE-QUARTER OF THEIR REAL VALUE. REASON SETTLING OF JOSEPH TAYLOR ESTATE Buy Now and Have Your Own Home at the Seashore Next Summer Bench Haven Is a real resort, 18 miles above; Atlantic City, six miles at sen. Our lots are In tlio very heart of Dcach Haven. It Is a beautiful resort, on a perfect Inlarid. Ocean on one nldo slx-mllc-wldo bay on the other. Splendid bathing, sailing, fishing and gunning, too. Good hotels, large and mall,' new boardwalks, theatre, churches, nntl modern stores. Go to Ueacn Haven as our Quest. f Telephone us Walnut 4120 or mall coupon and our salesmen will meet you at Market 8L Ferries, rhlladolphla side, any day by appointment. Or If you desire, to auto to Deach Haven tho roads nro flne let us tell you the way LOTS $99 UP; $10 DOWN, $4 MONTHLY A BUNGALOW FOR $50 TO $1 00 DOWN MAIL THIS J. V. HOLLOWAY CO. 801-?02 Real Hstnto Trust Bids., Broad and Chestnut, Philadelphia Send me your Beach Haven literature describing the resort and plan whereby I may own a lot and bungnlow for convenient payments. No obligation on my part. I Namo Ledger Address fKNNBYI.VANlA HlIIH'nil N 2APD17C STONE HOt'SE ALKC.O TEN ROOMS I.lvinK room 1Gi30: lamo fireplace- electric lighting, etc.! stable and unrnuc: 2 poultry houaem old nhads: fruit: cloio to station on concrete road! Media section PETEHR & .HON, IIIIH CHESTNUT HT..P1I1LA MEJllON Stone hpuie, beaut, loo., N. aide: 0 bedrme., S hatha! lm. pots.: 12.1. 000: nee. mtgo. money up. Q, M. Itandle. Ill 3. 12th. II A I.A errnnrnnsiinninmiainuiinii mmnnniuni cum i miiin n i nn mitinmnmiTi u n'lrnun imn New Colonial ltouae. Thla dealra blo cornor ready for Immediate occu pancy. 12 rooms. 3 bntha. 0 bed rooms, larao lot. convenient to ata. tlon A achoot. can bo Inauccted dally. Residence and Karaite. An excep tional wcll-conatructed house, erected by the owner. 12 rooms 2 hatha. 0 bedrooms, hardwood doors, larae lot with ahado nnd shrubbery. This prop erty can be purchased for $23,000. Corner brlclc and atone, excellent hlKh location, convenient to trollty. O rooms nnd bath: Immediate ooa aeaalon, 111.000. ... . Bala Excellent location with large lot: southern exnosurc. 8 rooms and bath, hot-water heat. 18.100. 1 James E. Dolan & Company 123 llala ave.. Cvnwvd. l'a. Phone: Overbrook 43S1. Cvnwid 752. B?rinnnTniiinr mmnni maninm mm i minn 1 1 iminm 1 1 r 'iPTiTrrt; n ni mrHiinninnnirm t; imoouyiNE 214 STORY, 0 rooma. tiled bath, gas ana elect.: h.-w. heat, slato roof, lot I00xl2r, feet: garden, fruit, ahruhbery: 6 mln. 00th St Term.. P. & W II. II.. Heechwood Sta. tlon. 422 Knthmero Road. Rrookllne, Del. Co. Phono Llanerch 301 J. CYNWYI) auniiBiiitiiu CYNWYD AtirafivA dAtnrhed residence In ex cellent location, contains center en- trnnco hall, 7 chamlicra. B uain;. .i.ataiA iih, hnt.M.ntar hent, nnro- wood floora: narnge: beautiful crounda: near station, well niiuncau and mutt he sold nt once. llliIIIB; CYNWYD Stone Colonial house, center hall, aouthern expoaure, exceptional ahruh bery, corner lot. billiard room. 3 batba. 8 bedrooma. 8 porchea; atone 2-car garage; one of tho moat charm ing properties In the market KERSHAW & CR0WL B21f. CHESTNUT ST jllllllillilfflllllllilirilllllllllillllJIIJIIllllJIIKIIilllllllliililllllLllllirJItlllltlHllKlllll! 1)EI.WARE COUNTY FISHING ROATINO nATHINQ $1 DOWN To Stavt Your Home at PROSPECT TERRACE Fronting Cheater pike. Lincoln ave. nnd Darby criek on n Blngle faro from every direction. Some bonthouaee for sale. To reach property tiiko No 11 car to Darby, then Chester plko trolley and get off at Chester pike and Lincoln ave. Acent nt ground office Sat. and Sun. from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. only. Plan S T" BARRY & BARRY noom 723. 1011 Chestnut at Phlla.. Pa. ELK1NB PARK COLONIAL DWELLINO. lust completed: 10 rooms i 2 hatha, hot-water heut. hardwood flaori- convenient to train and trolley: Im mediate no.aeaalon. MCCORMICK &MCCOR yi"i? Lincoln llldg or Elhliis Park. Fn D -1. Dcalraale home site near hlKlIlS rarK train and trolley; every ad vantage and Improvement; size 61x130; $1550 for quick sale. P. O. Rox 121 Elktna Park. 1 1 1 (1III.AND PAR K POSSESSION Modern dwellings. 8 rooms $D50U upward, will finance OEOROE U BARNES 1201 Chestnut Bt. " Walnut 408,1 L.NSHnWNK 118 500 rOR A HEAUTIFUL detached mod ern home. Just completed, delightfully lo cated: Ideal In appointment nnd closo to train and trolley; comenlent to atorea school and ohurchea; will finance to a reasonable amount for a responalble purchaser V II JOHN SON, J' . 75 E Oreenwood ave., Lana down's, Pa. " ' LI.ANEItCH MODERN, semidetached house hollow tile and atucco. 0 rooms and tiled bath: ga rage: I700O. terms 7 Townshln line MITRION iutiii uiicJi-irimm.ttifuminnnumiiiitiimirnuHiiiuiiiiiniSiiiiitinjiuiit'triiiiiitiLuiitiuj AT MERI0N Six acres, desirably located In best esldentlal section. Only short distance from station $30,000 Well financed Satisfactory arrangements can be made. M 000. LEDGER OFFICE. ImifflM NABIIEKTIl EIOHT ROOMS and bath; sleeping porohj hot-water I eat electric light: Inclosed norchl lot. ".0x125 IHPOO. P J. A. CALDWELL. Narborth. Ta. House phone, Narberth 10S7 -.!, ya .iimiiF, ...iiniiiiiiaa BUNGALOWS FROM 0500 TO 114,500 J A. CALDWELL House nho.. Nar, 10S7. Olflce ph , Nar. 1788 1JRAND new 0 rooms snd bath, electric light, hot-water heat: 1 0500. J A. CALDWELL, Nurberth, Pa. Houao phono Narberth 107. OKIco phone, Narberth 1733. ) ROOMS and bath, eluctrle light, steam h"j! A CALDWELL Narberth, Pa, Houso phone, Narberth 10S7, Oft'ce phqpe. Narberth 1783 iBVEN ROOMS and hath garage; lot, 50x 185: 18500 J. A. CALDWELL, Narberth, Pa. Houso phone. Narberth I0S7 Olflce phnna, Narberth 1783 SlEW HOUSES, all conveniences) 10300, 18500, 10300 upwarda HARRIS. Real Estate. Opposite Station Narberth. Pa. NARUERTH Welltbullt house: Urge lott old trees; reaaonaoi vt kiub usinioi ti4,puu. IL C- TtWVOlt tfat ataie. w aiustia. "- ImiBB! I up Sblog1 1 mmm l?lll,llllllllllIUUI'lllllBlllIW,a'IMi3llllll OCTOEtF1 BEAT. ESTATE TOR SALE NK1T JKItflET SEASntmE nRACH nAVEN TODAT- I'KNNSYf.VANlA Sl'lHinilAN Mooitn HOUSE, 10 rooma nml ha'h ateam heat, fruit, shade- largo lot: $7800. nrlck, D rooma and bath, hot-water heat! flno location; will finance: $0000. 12 rnomaand barh: conicnlent, near trnlr and trolley: $7B(m . K. ALLEN , 810 Prosnect ave , Moore, Pa. Ridley Tark 411 W ovEnnnooK TWO-STORT end house, 2 bedrooms, ahower, aun parlor, hot-water heat, electricity, ga- rage. 0027 Hnzlehurat road. Delmont 4600 J. 1'KNM.YN PEN LL YN Attractive brick bungalow, Hvlng and d rung rooma: 14x20 each; open flreplaco. Kit.iheni..ranVr'"lu!:'!r"'' btdrooma. bath, attic, hardwood throughout: hot water heat, electric lights, etc.: lot con ,?.,n., 3t ncrei hrlck garage, stable, chicken houao. 00 fruit trees, beautiful grounds: no dealers apply. E. ROUERTS. Nrrjstown. Pa., R. D. No. 3. Ambler WAYNE NEAR station: very desirable houso of 0 rooma and bath, In perfect condition; ateam heat, gaa and electricity; Immedlato posses sion; prlco $0000. CHAS. M. DAVIS WAYNE. PA, WYNNErTELP niKiM WYNNEFIELD Rullt by owner: atone detached house. 0 bedrooma. 3 baths, attic, aun parlor honted. large living room, central U?irno1natV8,l04T.ln"": rm- k,,chn- .t jii mm . r in mu muni inui h triirnaimmHruinnmiimi rnu mun a nnpjjjjH una introuuTH! MATNI.INE NEAR station, old atone houae, 2 large llvlne mirni with r.M n-nnlK '-T.i .fco ll7.,.n . . V. . Mi.iii.wo mm oeautnui mantels, dining room, kitchen and ahed: B bedrooma. bath, hot-air heat: gaa llchi. sprlnsneld water: lot, 100x200 ft.: $BO0O- ...... ......... ... ., ,-.ui.ri(,uo( vayne, new jerhky srnunnAN AU11UI10N filMEDIATE posaeaaton: O rooma and bath, hot-water heat: lot 100x300 feet: old shade, fruit, garage, chicken houaes. 428 W Oralaberry ave.. Audubon. N. J. rOI.UNflhWOOD C0LLINGSW00D Contains 8 rooma and hath: all conveni ences: garnet; large lot: beautiful ehrubbery, wlntor coal In cellar: Immedlato posaeaalon. 117 CRE3TM0NT TERRACE HOUSE, brick 0 rooms, bam. with all con- v."l,encea- Immedlato possession. 10 W. Knight aie.. Colllngswool, N. J. KIVKETON 14-ROOM house, steam heat, electricity, gaa, largo brick fireplace. 2 bathrooms 1 tiled, with ahower, and other conveniences, making inn Ji "ry attractive home; corner lot 80i 100 ft. well located, near Oolf Club; early poasesslon, PETERS ft 8ON.008 CHESTNUT ST..PHILA MKItfllANTVILLK REQUIRES ONLY $1 DOWN To Start Your Home at HEMPSTEAD SLIADToffT7,,HW3JgB&i,??,gg COME DUHINO THE WEEK COME SUNDAY Take Merchantvlllo or .Moorestown car. get off at 4'-d Bt.. look for sign nnd office on grounds marked "IIEJirSTEAD Office Open Dally and Sunday from 11 a. m. to 4 n. m. Wce BARRY & BARRY Room 728. 1011 Chestnut st,. Phlla.. Pa. MOORKSTOWN MOORESTOWN N. J. Five acres: 7 rooma bath, hot-water heat, laundrv tubs, fenii Incubator houae, Incubatora, 2000 capacity: lirniAa tlt-lfl lei Un V. ...... i.a .... ' '"' '" ti'iuni'H, LiXliiM 10.911 wuiiuuo, iMiiii iwuiw una cniCKonq; owner leavtnff Btute renson for nulling, F H. Howard. Box 14Q, Lenola rond. Moorei toftti N. J. 13-ROOMt houae; new Spenoer h.-w. heater and other modern Improvementa: In beat condition; atable, hennery: lot 130x240; fruit shade In abundance; location the beat: photo" PETERS & SON, IIOS CHESTNUT ST Pflll.A NEW JPJtSBT SEASHOnr. OCEAN CITV 14-ROOM manalon house, with spacious grounds, for sale, at 6th and Wesley ave . Ocean City. N J : JlO.000. HAFLEIfJlt American and Cambria. i NEW JKUSEY FARMS Tho reapone of home-aeekera to our newest offering Richland Garden Farnis Ext. was tmmr.'Jlates over 1000 ncrea already aold; get your 6-acre farm at the Introductory price; fruitful soil, fine water, climate, roads, transportation and markets: Ideal for fruit and poultry the big money-makera of today. Sen for free map and booklet. Price $250. only 11 n week. OILRERT A O'CALLAOIIAN. 703 Walnut at. Phlla. EIOHTEEN MILKS from Phlla ; 370 acres of land, with 3 Beta of bulldlnga: will di vide: price on p.r ncre. Ealato of David M. Hess. 004 Walnut at. IlEAL ESTATE HALE OB BENT FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Commercial building) poasesslon first of November; 10 by 100) 8 stories and basement) about 25,00 square feet, steam heat, electric elevator, good light. grq shipping facllltlrs.'-MORRIs WEIL SONb, B37-41 N. 8d at. MANSION. 20 ncrea, pointed atone, all con venlences, largo garage, 22 rooma, 2 hatha, suit frhiii or Banltarlum: nenr station and trolley: rent or sell on eaay terms. KENNEDY. 400 8. Van Pelt at. MANSION. 20 acren pointed atone, all con veniences; largo garage: 22 rooms, 2 baths; suit achool or Banltarlum; near station and trolley: rent or aell on eaay terms, KENNEDY. 400 8 Van Pelt Bt. BEAL ESTATE WANTED I HAVE numeroua Inquiries for properties In North Phlla and Oermantown nnd solicit- tho listing of your property for sale with my uiiiuq WALTER V. ASIIRY 2010 N "Olh Member Philadelphia Real Estate Hoard SPACE In warehouio for atorago of heavy machinery; approximately 1300 square reel. v u emri.ui aiaiiuik;uy CO. 1600 Morris nidg. WILHWOUU L.H1SBT two adjoining lota wanieo, uuniiiiK uuuu; nuxiuii, aiate exact location) paymenla to cover twelve months. M HH1 L'dter Office, ' ' WANTED Industrial planta, wareTRouaea, faetorr Bltea and floor aoaee. J, LE PATTON. 404 Lincoln Rld. fIST your oropertlay with ua. Wm. Sadler's Su..XM Columbia, ave. XaVdtaaad! "r.f BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT CITY mmmmmmmmm RENT DESIRABLE STORE AND BASEMENT 1214 ARCH STREET 10,000 square feet, suitable, for any rc'tatt or wholesalo business, Iteasonablo rent, ALBERT M. GREENFIELD & CO. Fifteenth and Chestnut Streets i MMllitl orgicEfl. nrsiNEHW roiims. etc. itlSllk lllW11'"' i i fMll.i ' L' SBWliu '(lliyililJlaB 'J. lafi it 9 .n Mill 'j .: ,ilrS ni3V5TjffTiT APPLY TO H. LESTER T0WNSEND Room 605-A Phone Walnut 1455 Philadelphia BEAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT a 0 or 7 room porch-front hou! prlco not over $3300: give location and price. B 110. Ledger Office. WANT TO PURCHASE detached house In Merlon, Cynwyo, wynnowooa or, ui" brook: modern with about 4 steeping rooms and caraae: possession December 1; state particulars and price. WILLIAM T. DICK SON 201 S, 02d Bt, TOUNO MAN would like to Inveat In nn es. tnbtlshed real cstato business: have the abllltv and experlenco and can furnish beat of reference, n 220. Ledger Office. OiatMANTOvTN WANTED To bur home with conveniences 4 bedrooma, fSOOO or leas: Oermantown. Chestnut Hill or vicinity, with some ground not necessarily modern. Address, gl ring lo cation, descrlptljn and terms. M 214. Ledgei Office. BEAL ESTATE JOB BENT HTY OCTOBER OCCUPANCY Twelve- houses can bo completed Annual leases to select tenanta Arrange at once for gag and elrctrlo eervlcs $75 Monthly WM. H. LIEBRICH Uulldsr and owner Sth av North, and Woodstock bL Phone Oak Lane 200 Transfer line on Chelten avo. to Lime kiln plko from York road. Oermantown avs and block 75. mj,n r, nn fn. ,., ..m ... O Tl nn & lB.UUU i?W ' , BMIO III .CI,., . u nxu a atory buildings, concrete and . brick con structions heited. wired, sprinkled: ta.iu hn.nnw 1 lnrtre Altera, aldlnaa and dock Bite 4 acrra: 800 ft. riverfront: we handle factories, sites and warchousea exclusively from an engineering, manufacturing and In duitrlal standpoint: plant will be. 'altered to Bull tenani or fomi un inmi m bu, J, Al.APi JllUlll.t.lUtl Factory apeclallat nnd producing engineer. 002 W Wldener llldg . Philadelphia AN INVESTOR will rent 4 houaes. luat pur- cnaaea; iUk.-iui-iu-ii.uto ubwh b... .i Kensington ave. and Luzerne at.: nil mod ern: never occupied: on tho Frnnkfora ele cted. No. 3 car on 18lh at. to door: rent JOO per month: satisfactory lesB. A. F. Rlaeh 422 Land Title llldg. Ph Sirruce, 1403. 7U 000 SQ. FT.. or over on 1st floor, with high celling, In modern concrete building, with railroad siding; most deslrablo proposition you may consider today within Philadelphia, J LEE PATTON. 4114 Lincoln mug. WE HAVE several beautiful modern homes. 0 rooms and bath, and can gle a six months' lease: 7S per month. EDMOND SON Si LEIIR, Maseher and Wyoming nve. ttAM H-inmlnff ?nH4. ' 1"14 ARCH ST Two modern floors, each containing 5000 square feet. ALBERT M OREENFIELD & CO. 15th inrt Chestnut at SIX-ROOM porch houao, $05 monthly; yearly le.se. Key 2030 N. 28th at. SIX FACTORIES. Kensington: different nisei: suit anv business: list on requost. I.TVS'EnY 400 S Vnn Pelt st SUHLEASE third floor Market at. front. Denckln nidg., corner of 11th st. Poa. aoBBlon at once. OFFICES. IIUHINES3 BOOMS. ETC. RENT CORNER OFFICE 1200 SQ FT. 12 WINDOWS DENCKLA BUILDING 11th & Market Streets APPLY HEYMANN & BR0. WIDENER IILDO. RENT OFFICE SPACE 2000 SQUARE rEET Reyburn-Bailey Bldg. 1211 Chestnut Street APPLY HEYMANN & BRO. WIDENER IILDO. LOCUST 5025 RACE 807 1713 WALNUT ST. Entire Becond floor, 4 rooms, 2 bntha; suit able for offices or apartments: aim g rooms and bath, thlrd-flior front; thla building hun Just been remodeled und tho rooma offered are moat attractive; prices reaaonable; n. apectlons arranged by YARROW & VAN PELT PENNSYLVANIA ULDU, VICTORY BUILDING 1001-13 Chestnut St. Several desirable ofllcce for reRt Albert Mt Greenfield & Co. 15th nnd Chestnut ata Columbia Building Opposite Columbia Statibn B. E. COR 10TII AND COLUMBIA AVE, Several desirable, large, light nfflcea, rea aonable See janitor or II hJ. Ilorgeu, 400l rhestnut at OFFICE bPACE fir rent, aecond floori good locntlnn for professional purpurea D, I' ItYAm. OUUP PIBrHSI, JU1TE '.' front offleea. llrmiil and Chestnut ata.. furnished or unfurmnhul; Immediate p0,,n'i.ri if deBlred.. Locust 5011 1. FINE sOFFICE "in .central jocatloni" good UhC Apply JloomiOl, Si U. 17tfa ac -e BEAL ESTATE EOB -BENT CITY OFFICER. miPlNKHS nOQMH. TTfl. VANDAM BUILDING N. W. Cor. lOthfic Market after cxtenslvo alterations and installation of all mod ern improvements, is Now Ready for Occupancy liimitcd amount of space available for high-class ofneo tenancies. Suites of 1000 square feet to 10,000 square feet. For information and rates, etc. OFFICES nnd rooms, suit light manuf... turlng. 220 B. 4th at. ' STORE nnd bualnesa rooms; finest location UNUSUALLY dealrablo business space, IBS? Locust st. Apply dally 2 until 4. ' Professional Offices FRONT PARLORS, well oaulpped for Bar. alclan: hot and cold water, e.ectrlo lltkin tucellent aervlce. 2018 Cl.eatnut at. ' LARGE 1100228 In corner milldlng for rent: suitable for office, bustneaa or profeeatoau purpoajea. 14117 Spruce at. WKST rillLAIHTLPniA p.iniiiiiii'ir.iiH 5914 & 5916 SPRINGFIELD oten-jc Two desirable dwellings g rooma and bath: each hot-water heat, electric and porch front: convenient location; 570 month; each to desirable tenant. Levick & Woldow 707 Walnut St. imnBfflBiiim'BDimiMiMiHimErana 221 S. 52D ST. Upper floors, 8 rooms and bath: suit able for professional offices or apart ment. Albert M. Greenfield & Co. 18th and Chestnut Sta. WE HAVE several houses In good locations, ready nnd finished, for Immediate occu pancy; aome of these houses we can rent to dealrabte. tenanta nt ISO to 1S0 momhlr. PEMBERTON ESTATES. Harrison Bldg. It la much less expensive to purchase a houat than It Is to rent one. flERMANTOWN GERMANT0WN VERY ATTRACTIVH NEW HOUSES on Errlnger Place, opposite Cricket Club, be tween Manhelm nnd Clapler sta.; beautiful outlook over targe estate; Park st.; 0 bed rooma. 2 baths: garage: near Queen Lane Station: take 63 car on 13th at.: 110,000; necessary mortgage money supplied. O M RANDLE, 21 3, 12TH. GARAGE : SALE OR RENT B213 OERMANTOWN-AVE.. REAR. POSS. AT ONCE: 05x103 FT.; SUIT MFCI A. R. FRASER. 101 B Sansom. ,8pruoe ai83, 0123' MUHORAVE ST.. IB.1O0: twin houii: lot 18 8x07 ft.; nice hardwood finish, 7 rooms and bath, porch front, electric lljbti. near Reading R. R. Oermantown 1305 J, LOG iN 10 REDUCTICN Now houses, 4800" block N. Uth at,, Q rooms and tile bath, hard wood floora, gaa and elec: Inclosed, heated porch and garage. Phone Walnut 6158. FRANKFORT) UUNOALOWS. all rooma on first floor) tattit Improvementa) garageai large lawna: btau tlful neghborhood. DUFF. 1100 Arrott at. CAMDEN Store STORES and business rooma In the Hotel Camden Uulldlng. 2d and Penn ate.. Cam den. N. J.; nn excellent locution: near Victor nnd other planta Phone Camden 1530 NARIlERTn YEARLY LEASE ' $125 PER MONTH A 13room 3-story modern detached house, lot 50x100; electrlo light, atenm beat, bard wood throughout; IB minutes from Droad 8t. Station: near Bchool and atatlon) bargain; Immediate poaaeaalon; will aU for $11,300; Addreaa owner, J. C. HOLME. 218 Wayne ave., Narberth, Pa. Phone Narberth 1273 It. MOBTGAQES For Sale First Mortgages CITY REAL ESTATE 6 NO EXPENStu CENTRAL TRUST CO. REAL ESTATE DBPT. MARKET AND 4 HI WANTED FIRST MORTGAGES ON PHILADELPHIA REAL EOTATB LAROE OR SMALL AMOUNTS IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT FRANK H. MOSS & CO. 518 WALNUT ST. TUND3 FOR FIRST MORTGAGES MAURICE II. MATSINOER REAL ESTATE TRUST BLDO. Wo liavo funds for mortgages and will asalat home buyera on our rental purchaee plan by personal applica tion to MAURICE LICHTMAN llroad and Louden sts. 150 NOTE ON MORTOAOB TO Immediate settlements 11000 Unastted estate, loans Uulldlng association funds DEMTSEY & CO. 27 H. mill at. HUILDINO AND, LOAN ASSO. money for mortgagee; applications desired, u. " BCHWERIN A CO., 420 Walnut st. 1UO.0OO TOR FIRST nnd aecond mortiar"! a ao II & L. loana. ,Lewla J. Orubb 1001 Real Eatatp Trust UUg. Walnut 1011. MONEY TO LOAN YOU NEED MONEY " We loan on furniture, pianos, vlotrolj autom.-wles, etc. Call, writ or phone for ,u" PpROVibENT LOAN CO. 1038 Cheatnut at. Walnut 80H3. 702 Watklne WW Race 3003 -READY M0NEY- United States Loan Society 117 VfORTH DROAD . - 230 Market. 2543 UerraantjiwB aya. I 1 I I I ' jr v IV ! , I ' VW "!&'. . Jl 1 a-'vwkW;. , (N, ?&& All , vsiLii& lJ.i i!1