"T5WE V i At ' '' il1.t.-li. ;"'!' ,, ,r -,- fr .' W i, Ml if- 'j ft, y. '-. ., ' ? 'A-tJ ' TO r f .i W '7 F v v- V v" v- - . ATESllfi-21 , j- r, i-amILY HOTEL ot.lWGTOM MieHIOAH AVC.NCAR BEACH m 1 1 i- -- TTi:SfOP,TINENTAL .. Alway ready. Term mod Jtlit , , ""Kentucky nvVnrT Bcb. Eler. Westminster to.-";. C'- Vis -..T7tKentucky vf .. f'Mm. Hold Boscouci not! "W"11:'1.'-! ASIH'Rrll'A-ilLNs-i r- "irii; N. 4,. ALL YEAR Br.xonT fifiVCS1 'riTY INFORMATION BUREAU Vila!" 1T --; - MpiHJi! i. "MUBEL HOUSE , IAKW""' ,j;t eTflii'trc Lnkeiiood Itnlfl W""1 i,ni'. .Tt aoif c'uriio In tin., World t'":"!.! k Si I ' Only 02 miles from ' J",1,1?,', nnd vet truly n resort. EnH.y M.uari. tml i nnn yei ....r i,i.nrinm n4 J ;h"d. ,8," art of ". times". . At Mrr., rnrnvo MnrNTAiSH llnutit roeonn. I'm... pocow MOUNTAIN 1IOUBK l'ornno, Pa. Cap 300 J II MET r-syto&MffJfa EDWIN J.SCifOTTIGQt " toB(M58SMeWITmjraS 533jOJ7LTIll.Yf OXJHJiUi PHXJA.. OCEAN TRIPS TO BOSTON, Tuot., 5 P. M. Snt., 2 P. M. KSfSWitLE f T-....BP.M. urAis N" MiriTHD Nt'MBnn of Merchant! & Miner Trnns. Co. PIER 18 5. DELA'WARF AVE. Telcntmnn Lrtnlmnl 11100 FAIICEL T0CJT CORKS & CALLUSES Remored In FIVE DAYS ARHOTT'S PLASTER i...if ro Inconvrnlcncs. No trouble to Vr rnoV wnlle u.lnu. Only 0 days nVeSd e.y thin medicated pm-ter. I rlc. tot .:" A1 m ue stores or hy Mall. finil, ini.l (ilnnl r. I'M! ilelnliln DOCTOR lllfvli rlFnita Wntrl. Xtii'llpii Irlnc (lur Ntir- ricfere rltltr. rroinpt errlr. After Sltlf"Unn fiunr. ut KepsnnaMe Tnt A. E. MOSS, 33 S. 9th St. atjmutzsmsDKSi: Cut Glass! Sjrtm Jug with p -tent A spring top, which Is rr A inov b'e. wn that Jarj i.nn be usrd tis rreum v piicirri n-iii'iM-i' i-li piiclty: cut with popu-t lar pom- nn seltla lie- ""9lT sign . JXto Cut Glass Exclusively Sntl .fiction (iiinrnutrcU or Munry Refunded 12,009 Reclaimed FLANNEL BLANKETS 144i70 INCHES WIDTH AIX COLORS) Jut Purchased From Government Special Price, S2 Worth $5.00 MARINE BLANKETS All-Wool A-l Condition, $4.00 Reclaimed Army Coats ' Marino stylo. All-wool. Ideal for out door woik Bov Scout troops supplied. Spec'al rntes. Excellent winter coat. Medium sizes only. MORRIS AXELROD Army and Navy Goods . 719-723 SOUTH 12TH ST. Walnut 3917 " ' nnco 1037 mpnid t ,noy Orders PromDtlv Filled. I n el Tost, 10c Extra. ew Pianos, $270 to $950 New Players, $390 to $1725 SpecialPianoSale le ., "2,"" n,,,r of this gigantic "I'tMu MannlllTVVn-" "".'r 0lle li'uidred ."Hi iif ,'"' is rr "lnnl" n"11 l'u' "flow ii dl . i.nt f'dleiiliiiislv low nrlcra. 5 Lester uprights 3 Knabe uprights 5 Heppe uprights 3 Emerjon 88-note Players ; nabe 88-note Players Hlasws uprights wowfeupriirhts Jweberfield 88-note Players iinnlngnam Uprights tuckering uprights n ?fy "Prights J aleinway uprights J Jfomacker upright! hickerinp-88-note Players n 6 Howard Vincent j,1""". rmti'S:"," "'In flrslIi., con. .?' Pr,co .frn"1 M. ui'. """'."Wlillrg? "' a to-yeftr ex. C" "l .".'.Th!i """""'"l ""ns. , iCo -CTi M" EVCS' HOWAnn rMnr.w iJKTH SIXTH stbpi't TRAYMORE ATLAHnCCITT W .IMt.. AJ" ' OF SWATCHES vr?ai. jmvn m liEYsmfkPnl i'iai:N.ioikSt.Lril'cJ, n Sim wit jj - ' 'si l 111 ytt-aaar B saUU a DB ttubllshed I6C0 -fig This ys-wAH ! Beautiful ttSCSi b 8P8;Nole Jmssssm ycr w PERSONALS WlLL JOHN BTAKFORDTwiio 'left home l year ago, pnrcr.ln' names Joseph and Mary, Bet In touch with Mr. John fUMTora. in 1 H r,on st Rlehmond. Va. LOST AND FOUND l!AaIostl $20 reward! at Onrrlck Then tre Saturday night, October 2. blade vol vet bag return to theatre, whero reward will lio glvn. UAll PIN Lost, n platinum bar pin with nig SSStV""""'1- H- Klnd 8on'- IIAND1IAU Lost. Wnlneariav ..... black Tenllnld linndbng at fit. Martin Station, on I'hrstnut If lit train nrlirond Street Ration: It found return 15 M?. D.U Clnik, Wyndmoor aye.. Chegtnut Hill NRCKl'l lien LonOmall brown" fur"TierT. Piece Wednesday afternoon br.ftvn ium rtlttenhouso square and lth ami WulTuit tonhoUno n,uare. HELP WANTED FEMALE EOOKKEKl'EU ASS1HTANT Youne woman to aanliit bookkoeperi experience dcilrou but not easontlal, permanent position; good ealary who nullify. Trunkal (lattn(nt tiimn I Front and Dau.ihln t. ANY YOUNO WOMAN Looking for Intcrentlnir. permanont work In picasani surrnunainss will nnd It In liniJi THLKPHONrj, OPKHATINO THE HOUnS AIIR HHOTIT misai.3 Ann FimNiHiiPu at cost aunitouNDiNaa auk dui.icihtfi;.. Bco MISS STRVHNSON, 1031 AnCIt 0T. IinLL TJn.UlIIONE CO. OP rENNA. A amr, who can sr.i.r., noons or withes to lenrn to sell thim should s'lio the opportunity to work to tho tni of hr profcailpn In tho Breatest retail , selllnn oruan-. lzatlon In the world. Reasonable hours, sub stantiai pay Apply Bureau of Employment Tlrst Floor Oallery WANAMAKER'8 ALTERATION HANDS Wo requlro tho services of a li flrst-c ass nlterntlon women on Bowns. Apply sixth floor. nONWIT. TELLER ft CO. 130U Chostnut st. BOOKKEEPER, young lady with exp ; Pros estnntl law stenoiirapliy. P 1012 Led Off. COOK for Elklns Tark: whlto woman; must bo good plain family cool;. 3 In famhv. 3 In service; no laundry; reference required: w.igen Ml. Apply by telephone. Melrose 540. or wrlto to Ilox 1)3, Ashbourne. IVt, COOK and downstairs work; Ardmorc; $30 per month. C. N. Thorpe. 232 Church rd , Ardmorc. Phnnn Ardmure 013. UIRL Cooltlni anj downstairs Blrl wanted. small family, no washing! good waxes. Mrs. M. Hi n- 2112 N. Park nvc. COOK, white; experienced; wagas $14. Phone Uryn Mawr 7T or uourosa r. u. uox in. jiryn Miwr. OIIIL wanted for counter work; hours S to 1, is S. 5th; 3 days. OIRI.S 1(1 YEARS Or AOE OR OVER TO WORK IN WALL PAPER MANIIFArTtTRINO PLANT AND ROLLINO DEPARTMENT. APPLY AT ONCE. HECKER, SMITH & PAUE. WATER AND SNYDER AVE. UOVEUNlCtiS. English not over 30 sears of ago; references required; residence In sub urbs and charge of girl 0 yeuru of age. M 31.1. Ledger Offlep. HOUSE CLEANERS, white, wanted by the dij. Apply Otflce Building No. 8. Olrard College, HOUSEUEEPEft, while, unencumbered, who wl 1 work nnd can cook, wnnted by n fam ily of 2, where thero la no washing nnd no children: to a woman who can measuro up to requirements thero la a very real home with persons who are not too exacting and who will pay fair wages. 500.1 Walnut t. Phone. Belmont B377 J. HOUSEWORK Now. Bmall home, 7 rooms, fl'Jth at.! nn v ashing' nkslst In care of 5-year-old boy; reference required: good salary to right woman. Call 0 a. m. or 8 p. m., 038 Ileal Estate Trust Building. LAUNDRY Whlto woman wanted 1 day a . week: 2 In family. Phone Raring 711.1 W. MARCEL WAVER, experienced, can secure permanent, good.paylng position. Marl- nello Shop. 1422 Walnut NURSE' or mother's helper; P'roteatnnt: for child of IS; ono who can give whole time or afternoon or evening when, required. Phone Overbrook 2030 W. OPERATORS Operators on ovorlock machines; operators, on douhle-nccdlo machines. Apply Bureau of Employment, WANAMAKEU'S SALAD MAKER FOIt TEA ROOM Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S SALESLADIES, traveling among country dept. stores to sell beaded bags. Apply Room 214. Fuller Bldg.. 10 8. lMh st. SALESWOMEN Saleswomen Interesting opportunities for women of personality. Intelligence and re finement, experienced In Belling finer lines of wnmi-n'n uowns. coats, skirts and suits. See ) Miss Qarncll, Employment Bureau, first floor Kuuarr WANAMAKER'S SALESWOMEN Wn have a wonderful opportunity for real ualrswotnen oer 30 yearn of ago who rnn furnish best of referenced; giod pay to those who can qualify: personal Interview between 1(1 a. m. and 2 P. m. Mr. Buck. 423-23 IVIdener Hldg. sTENoanAniER A good opening for a bright. Intelligent stenographer who Is looking for a steady po sltton with advancement. Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S STENOGRAPHER Bright girl for pleasant .i i n..i n.i.itln with InrirA mnnu- facturlng concern centrally locllt?J,lule'';!'" as sn to age. sciiuoiiiiK, iini.v"- " lary desired. P. t). nx 731, I'hlla. TELEPHONE OPF.UAT01u;--llrij. 'jwrj; enced 0(1 telephone, to solicit advertising, will pav snlari nnd bonus: state experience and salnrv desired telephone numDcr. If any. M 221. Ledger Office. , WANTED The most beautiful girl In Plillndolnhla for ileslialilo nosU tlon with D, W. Qrlfflth's "WAY DOWN EAST." Apply n person Friday morning. 11 o'clock, nt the Chestnut Street' Opera House. WOMEN of refinement and cutturo to act as nursos; hlh uchool education corn pulsory; fall claw still open; salary $20 per month and maintenance from date of acceptance. AppIv to Superintendent. River side Hospital. N'WP-rt N'eww Va u WANTED Would you like one of our wagoeamera scholarships entitling you to fne Instruction In virluus lines of executive workj Trained women cam $40 to $75 per week and up. Wrlto Executive Servke Bureau, No. 51, Transportation iiiogL WOMEN of refinement and culture to act as nurses! man scnoui euuvawui. wimiii.Ui fall class' etlll open: salary $.'0 per month and maintenance from date of acceptance. Apply to superintendent, Riverside Hospital, Newport News. Vft. YOUNO OIRL FOR ADDINO-MACHINR WOIIK IN riENERAL OFFICE! PRKVI- OUS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY; &'ife? AlciCM.1 AWtfF U' "0TnARDART BAKINO CO. YOUNO OIRU whit, to assist In housoworki no cooking: no experience necessity; wages $12. Apply between 0 ,. m and S u. m . oi Land Title Bldg.. ellttth or, B. W, cor. Broad md Chestnut t,. ESfftTd- PUBMO t LfiD&Eh--itHILADliJLl)tllt tfntJft&DAY, HELP WANTED FEMALE YOUNO WOMEN Past 20 years of are to act as tracers In our llureau of Adjmtment. Apply Em" ployment llureau, fourth noor, oiMunt. unoTiinnu HELP WANTED MALE IJAKim wanted!, comptenti cood salary" and ( tKmrd. Address Hotel La Fay, tto. Wash- noi.TRRR HOLTEIta WK WANT AT ONCn 100 (lANOq OF N. 12TH HT..PH1LA.. Oil i:.Ml'I.OyMKNT DEPAKTMBNT, sun sint'inm.DiNo co . CIIUSTKU. l'A. BOX Kl'ItlNU MAKLlItS Permanent posl- tlons, with hishest pay; healthy and plcarant surroundlncs; opou shop; American flan. II. D. Dougherty A Co.. l'th and milium. Te. hoy WANTED AT ONCn IN NEWSPAPHn OF. Ftn:i n pr.n wnnii To a taut; ooon OPPOnTUNlTY. SHF. MR. JOYl.'n, THIlllJ FLOOlt PUHLIC LUDOtm, U00 ClinSTNUT Br. TOP AY. HOY Hxcellcnt chanco for brlRht boy ovur Wl irs of iir IMi 1 1 fe niiniifriiirn ccneern; near Uruad nnd Uheitnut; no office experience necessary, but should be it lcaB. a Krilmmar school Krnduato and write LT.od hnnd: details as to age, schooling. experience Jf any and minimum salary de sired. I O. Ilox 731. Philadelphia, ROY wanted for general offce work; muit bo 111 yearn of age; opportunity for advance ment; rcfKrcnr-fs desired.' P 10UO, Lcrtgr-r Off boys Excellent opportunity for boys. 10 years of ago, to act as messengers In our merchan dise nnd clerical departments. SEARS. nOEDUCK & CO. Sth and Chestnut sts. Press Itldg., second floor. HOYS, aged 10. for office position. U. O I. Emn'oyment Dpt.. 24 N. 22rt at. iif!S.PY wanted; hours 7.30-4. 32 S. fith. 3 days; ' CHAUFFEUR to drive alt makes of trucks, must be thoroughly competent; married man preferred, pply 7:110 v m.. 1220 N 28tli st. . COLLECTOR Wanted good, capable man with knowledge of bookkeeping, nblo to nd Just accounts, correspond with customers and collect overdue accounts; good opportunity If satisfactory. P 024. Ledger Office. COt PLE. butler and conic; 40 minutes from Ornnd Central Station; quarters large double room with rrlvutu bath: ntale salary required and give refcrencas nnd full par tlculnrs. Address Box 3, Ardslcy-on-Hud. nn. N Y. decora- :ons First class. Como ready for work. BLAIINF.R'S' 833 MARKET .ST. ELECTRIC TRUCK MECHANICS: must huvo experience. Apply American Railway Express Co.. gnrage. 22d nnd Ludlow sts. ELEVATOR OPERATOR Prank & Seder require the services of a thoroughly experienced elevator operator, li censed, over 25 years- good salary. Apply at once. Employnnt Office slr.th iloor, FRANK ft SEDER. 11th und Mnrket sts. ELEVATOR OPERATORS Reliable, fteady (colored) men to net as clo atnr operators. TILAUNEn'S 833 .MARKET ST, ELEVATOR OPERATOR, colored: must be experienced in running electric passenger olevator. Apply sixth Poor. BONWIT, TELLER ft CO. 1300 Chi-sinut st. E EVATOR HOY wanted, white. Elliott. 1112 Chestnut at. n. j. ENGINEER wnnted; steam-road rollers: mac adam work. Walter 1-'. French. Moores town, N. J. MCiORBTTOWN 172. , HELP HELP IIELr Wnnted. experienced DENTAL FORC15P MAKERS DENTAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS Call THE S. 8 WHITE DENTAL MPO. CO. 4545 Tri:,VW.NNA ST. 1'RANKFORD OR 211 S. 12TII ST., P1I1LA. LABORERS, $5 50 day, 7 days; $38.50 week; s'ntii road. 72H Vine st. MAN wanted to hnvo charge of adjustment nml maintenance of wlro-stltchlnc ma chines. Brown & Halloy Co., 410 N. Tronic lln st. MArfflNlSTS, bollcrmakers, pIpeDlters. blacksmiths, with locomotive experience: also car repairmen nnd mnldcrs. Apply Baltlmoro and Ohio Railroad. 21th and Chest- nut Ms., between 7:3) and 12 noon. MAN not over 30. as collector and annrnlser: must have good appearanco and fair educa tion1 excel'ent chance for advancement. Apply al'ARANTEED I)AN CO. 2700 Germantown me. MEN Packers and craters, shippers and markers, wrappers nnd sheet wrlturs and other rpen Ings In connection with the sending out of goods. Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S MEN wanted, iargo corporation will have vecancles for several cl"an-nit men who hno nmblt'on, ii'tearlty and character silei experlencn preferred, but not necessary: with good pay and advancement will bo lim ited inly by your ability; iipplUunt inut stand closo Investigations. Phono or cull after 10 n. m. R om 3HS. 250 S. Broad pt I'hom T.ncmt 07115 OPTICAL bench workman wanted: a first- cuss ono who can do lino work; steady work for good man. salary $40 per wieft Arthur C. Whltakor, bO uujt commerce st., Urldgeton, . i. . PAPERHANOER AddW Wall Paper Deiartmnt. fifth floor APPiy " QlilJJKI- BROTHERS GASOLINE ALLEY On tMmimrfim!lWvis Men oo4iK ffltiro. she w'itt ?ASMi!vJ&VM,- - 7mMm&k ravTj-ar- -r..L-- ". w.i l,. ...... ,... inr . . mtttc jrji to. ,.- iijyA?i.,-srtv jxx.i?s& nn rmiot, m i i7'i'5--:fi'Ai"'iri TW ties. cuxrw'ymS -0 '",f"5--? m 5tf ow -"ei Sr7 ' P0HT wwa w " "e3 ,'apiajM W sues ky57 W E orre urns WA JLS ,M IlK LfO.fi aiu i i? My'v I IPSfe0""17' $ UuXf HELP WANTED MALE .MEN WANTED Vould you like ono of our wore earners' scholarships, entitling you to f.-co Instruc fens In variods linen of executive work? Trn'nert men earn $7.V$ir0 per week and up. Write. Exerutlvo Sorvlco llureau, SI Trans portatlon llldg. M0LDE113 t IN OllAY inON rOUNDUY KOP. SIDE FLOOn AND HEAVY WOnic" ' HEAVY FLOOlt COtlEMAKEnS malleadij: IKON FLOOlt molders wn tan orpt:n you a ter- MANENT POSITION IN A I.AROIJ. WELIEQUIPPEI) KOUNDIIY IN a pitosi'EiiouH city, wtir.nn YOU CAN EA11K UK) MONEY. LIVE CHBAPEIl AND HE AS BUItED OF STEADY WOIIK TIIIH IS A ItEAL OPPOnTUNlTY. AND IF YOU ARE LOOKINO FOR A POSITION OUT OF THE OR DINARY IT WILL HE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE TO WHITE. OPEN SHOP CONDITION STATE AOE AND KVt'i-rir. ENCK. AS WE WANT EXPERI- EN .NUlvD .UL. U.M.I. ADDRESS M 325. LEDGER OrFlCE I'APEItllANOEItS. ilrat-elais men: cood' work moro essential than efeed; mn whoso work will stand Investigation. Anply 4k27 Mulberry st. Franliford. PAPEHHANUERS F fteen flrst-clasi men; steady work; 81.25 Ixr hour; conio ready to "ork or call Cynwyd WIS. Martin & Henry. Cyn yd, 1'a, PASTRY (.'HEP wantd, comn"t"nt good' sa!ar and Iward AdJress Holel Lar.i yett. Washlhgton, 1). :. PORTERS, colored, wanted Hans. CflO tiestnut St. ppiy to Mr hALESMAN- POLISH Have you ambition to make blj mmi'y? If sn com in and let's In.k it o,'i- (all nt 421-2.1 Wld"ner Illdg. for pirsonal Interview. SALESMAN wunteil to eill on retail gro cery trade 'n Pntladelpbla ,th an article of merit; glvo age, exp-rlenrn and salary yxpectcd In first lottel M .'UK. ledger Off. SALESMEN Top, rides nnd bottim of this "ad," you'll find other "arts" irmpctlng for your atten tion; this "ad." however. Is distinctively attractive nnd worthy of your consideration because It offor'j ft weekly nverngo of $150 a wieK or more, conditional elmpiy upon your ability to WALK AND TALK AND TELL THE TRUTH, an unusual orfer. sou'll agree, both by vlrtuo of tho opportunity it repre sents and by reason of this organization's l.ttlo short of phcnnnunnl sale accomplish ments. Suite 0U5, Van Dam Bldg., l'Jth and Maikelsta. , SALESMEN I.nrgo International corporation opening Phtlidelph'n branch, looking for hleh-clasa s.il liiuen who huvo managerial ability ; good pij tn tliosi. wo nccept, only murrled iti.ii, oer 30 years, who can furnish bi st retor mees und bond, need apply; personal Inter l iv between 10 n. m. and 2 p. m. Mr. Buck, l-M-2.-. IVItlener Bldg. SALESMEN I con ujo 8 high ct'.l.bre salaimen. age 80 to 4.": men who feel cnpablo of taming $35(,0 to $.louo per yecr. Jf you are looking for a rial opportunity nnd u permanent connec tion call Walnut 3044. SHIRTS Murke; man wnntod to tuke charge of cutting joum und full detail. Address Pox-Moore Co.. Pine Prove. Pa. blliHT CUTTER, for out-of-town factory In Pinnj.; miinty on work shirts, practical man to mark nnd handle cutting machine; sfite full particulars and salary. M 322. Li i-''riinice1 STEvMI'lTTEH wanted, nek. r 3'J5S N. 5lh St. Apply Ottu Stein- nTViC.RAPllF.R IF YOU ARE LOOK INO FOR A PO31TI0N WITH A FUTURE, WITH CONGENIAL WORKINO CONDI TIONS. AND HAVE SOME 1'RACTICAU EXPERIENCE. AND IF VuU ARE DESIR OUS OF MAKING A CONNECTION WITH A V1LW lO PERMANENCY. WITH A MODI RATI. UA III IU DRESS M E27. LEDQER OFFICE. TIN ROOFER and heater anie range Jobbct wnnted. Apply to T. T. Rockett. 020 N. 10th. RAVELING SALESMAN wnnted to sell a line of package macnronl to the groceis trade In Pennsylvania: must be acquainted with retail nnd Jobbing tinde; state age. ex perience and salary expected. M 317, Lidgcr Off ce. .TWO YEARS' STEADY WORK FOR THE FOLLOWING SHIPYARD WORKERS BOLTERS BOLTERS HELPERS REAMERS REAMERS HELPERS SHIP JOINERS BETHLEHEM SHIP BLDO. CORP. ROOM 301, 1321 Ancn ST. EE MR. LAMONDA WALL SCRAPERS Those who have had ex perience wfth wnll-paper work and who would like to learn papi rhunglng work. Ap ply 4X27 Mulberry st.. Trnnkford. WATCH REPAIRER Clerk experienced tn clvlng estimates. Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'8 WELDER Wanted. 1 llrst-clasa all-around welder; good opportunity for tho right -win M 3211 Ledger Office. YOI'NO MEN for press helpers sunirlntendnt iinn Chestnut st Apply lie iithi BUSINESS "SERVICE CO., lilt Iand Till". ACCT. Supervising ioi.t ft rnl under 8H years o age. SJflUH-IhOnO. ''PFPERS Mf ft , n $1.1(10-$1800. CLERKS Credit und collection. $l(Hi)-$11iio I' . ,v ,UI i i " - I) . 11 ENQR. Cons ft arch., under 38. $300ii SiiOO MUU Asst larre Ben s'oie. mm i Islntf. HALES & SALES E.VORS Autos. .'2000 UP. HTK.NOOM. &PS Expcrl nied. $.'.'. in SITUATIONS WANTED - FEMALE STENCX1RAPHER. Uiokkeiper. expel ifii el inuii sitiool Rrnduate desires iosltiou. P 10211 Leilgi r OH Inn, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BUUKKEl-PEH-ACCOUNTANT opn " for part-tlmu rngagemuuts. II 214, Ledger Off PAINTING. & FAPERHANQINO HOUSE tainting In all branches done rear n ami Albort Alt, 321 N. Sth. Market T233. the Way Home FOR SALE OFFICE Pt'lNITUnn LarKP lot of doslis", cfe riles rahlnets nd ncnersl orf'ce lurnjlur. tor.' rtrtures. We litiVi s"l nnd ..tcranire PA'rrUN Ft'HNITI'HIJ ro,. flCUST 4070. .1127 Arc'i S'. UACE 0i) Uiice Partition, Railing, Furniture J'.'?r?..n',ir",i w" iell. I w n id oxihnnue $250.00 LIVING ROOM SUITE IIIxh-Rradn velour oers'uffed lli'plde loom cushions, all sprlncs, innnrli', new. va.ue 00. Drcnerra Loan OITlce, 41 N. lllb t uuns, q.3U up,,,aml gmm rinei! pump Biins. nit maki and b.iurib, blgget bargains in lon Walters Lmm Office. S. E. cor. 11th nnd Areh st. $225.00 SEAL COAT Trimmed with skunk, collars nnd cuffs; alu f.'iOU. DUKSNWB'W LOAN OF'fE 1 1 j; tHhst CO.MPUT1NO idles; tbr llniMn Fom-utln scalo Is tho only Ineln.cd scale In the Worldi llliernl nllnwanr.s mul" for old corn put, mc scales; new and d ( ilea sulj on enay terms. 'Davton Mm -.! lit Seal Co.. 13'JH AtMi et, Lneunt M"i Hire 220, HTEEI. roLIJINCI OH i, U r,0 EACH. Woolfn blnrkeln. JL'.Mfi nh. Also cnokltir it' nsl s pun asoil from U. S. (Jo.c ri.ni. iff tamp. A real bargain roLDINd AND INVALID CHAIRS FOR HALE AND TO HIRE Thnatrn chair, movln-iilr! m.iriilnis. etc.! selionl desks clmreh p.'Ws and pulpit chairs. ril MR EXfllANUE !l E cor nth ft. Vine. $5 Up Overcoats $5 Up 8Q0() flpo un-to-dnte nt.rrnnts a-Me tailor maile. n wonderful atBiritn n. to s'.(.ct from. Wnlters Iinn Ofllce, S E cor 11 Hi ft Arch, Furs $50,000 Salr- 'AW. $1S up IndleV fur en i , $1," op; latet styles. Walters' Loan CMce. cor. 11th and Arch. FURS FURS-FURS Scarfs. HO up, co-' $50 up. DRES.VERS I.d OFFICE II N I1TH ST. $5.00 UP OVERCOATS All s!7s. Rami oust' ip made, Dresner's ixian onii,e, 44 n. nth i FOR SALE Onj rtmii ' Imwllng alley, com- pleto wlih nil in" Hnrl-H, made bv Ilrunswlck-Bulk" r'nll. d.r en : ud several jarrt. but Is In Or' I uh condition. Ad- dr.ss H It. Shulleu' -in i Hainbii-g. Pa. . SLICINU JIACI11N1.S li'vton meat sllcers are now rcognlz d n . (lie best: all kind of men' sllcrs r. ;ni .-. I anl exchanged. Dnyton S'lcli b Ma-"iln. Co , 132!) Arch nt. Locust 4111(1 Rate 22S5. t75 Of) I-nd.'K En nc h abl cont: a bar '-,uuciilii Die in i 'a Loan Ortlco. 4 N. 11 til Rt. HOUSEHOLD gnodi f .r sii-n; Acorn cnblnet rntige. Stroller nirrligc new kitchen oil cloth screen doors baby crlh, new Iron cot, 2 kitchen tables. J123 N. Wnrnock st.; nn dcaieis. FOR SALE Tnre"Mr( brmrauernsey bulls, registered, with i.up.rs, one 3 jcars old. two 2 w iro old. Appl to Tlmmiis Langc, Itlinn, Pa. BICYCLE, le-onfo r ,1 rrui.ic, with acces sories, perf.ct caadltliii ErLtllne. 1820 Pirl nyi . RESTAURANT anl li"r cream chairs and tables, new and uii-d. low Drlce. CHAIR EXCHANGE S E l ir (Ith nn 1 Vine . FOUR IlrunBwlck-Hn.k.' pool tables; (rood condition. $75 'irh CHAIR EXCHANGE. S E. cor nth nml In.-, sis. lti.1 RIOERAl'ORS und fixtures for grocers and meit markets terms if desired. RANDALL iCO . 331 N. 2d at. CARPENTf It nril jnitm-,- shop; sacrifice": 1334-30 Pa en st. Annolntmeiit. C. E. J.. 572H Torn sd i'.- a- e Phlladelplila. rOWEnS, 0A oiiiil.i, In good condition; very reas 731 W nut st , Camden. N. J. STANDS, cab m ii et big barirnln. lhlln j'rinters i-u"ii. 1 I S nth t BALING PItr- for 10(1 pound bnles, cheap. 105 N. 3d st POOL tnbles, 2d-h ind bought, sold, rented, exchanged Kenfrr 32!l W. Qlrnru ave. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Pawntickets for Diamonds BOUGHT PROM PRIVATE PEOPLE FULL VALVE PAID, TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Colonial Trust Building N. E COR. 13TH AND M VRKKT OFFICE 203. SECOND FLOOR DIAMONDS BOUGHT1 rosltlvelv highest cash ,rl.rM fur your dln tnoiida, uny a.za f-oin !,i t" 10 cinitu; norirt Iay higher, also oltl K"M, rlaiinuin und slhnr houeht; Pdtat a bouulu (,)rlat), M. 1U yrn. Tlie Diamond Shop luih.iMarut DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO ORJECT Pawn Tickets- for Diamonds Bought. KELLY ft CO.. 032 CHESTNUT ST. Suite 21-2J Over Chllds' Xeaiiinrant. Prlv LATHE SHAPER nnd milling machine wlrk wanted, we solli It tlm bulMIng of special machinery, p eniy of floor snee, ACME MACHINE CO. 310 TO 320 N 17TH ST. DIAMONDS B0UGGHT A. MrCUTCHFV 031 REAL ESTATE TRI'ST DLDG. BRfiAD AND RHESfNUT STS Jlnih phones. CREDITOR NOTICE Jacob. P M.lfer sold Ills clear store, lo.atid nt 1 tm N Cinihe st to M. 11. Gordon. All ereillinrs of the mid Jacob F. Mil er apply for payment not lit. r than OetoN-r 7. ESTIMATES turnlshfd en if in ral bldr. or alteration work to lour plans, we will de- s'i:n plini fieo tn clUnts P i 'nr Into W, Cllrard Realty Cont. Co.. 3220 V Cn'umbls. HATS remodeled: velvets, felts, hi.i.r and velours. Into the latest stv'n.- town's hats a spe. lariv. Heldner Co 1 'in,. v i Inut st. Anh'rmec furniture of ail Und- Zold TT "luulu ver, plntlnum. D.uilmi 1017 Chestnut st . s. cond lloor. I.m n-t 3131 HAIR TINTING r,. v. - ..p- 122S Mnrket st. Take elevator bWUi Hour. DIAMONDS BOUGHT IARRYJWITH.7.1 7SANSOM ST. CARPETS cleaned by"vnc'uum on'the floor. If yon wnnt the work done rlc'it , 'wno Dla- mond 8!I0 HI v. ara' oxn. l.'iiu D'nui.'ncl st GRAY HAIR restored to t ir i ' I dor bv sndil pieth"..!. K-ithi n It in. 51J Empire nidg. Hell phone Wi'iiut 0SM IS ILL OIVI. a good price for film tore or rues or sell on a commits. mi fur you 1" re Dlelilnaiirr 28(1.1 J FPUS rmnlrid ut n lannnblo pric I, f! Staunton, 1325 Areh st Mr. El ECTRIC TREATMENT in lo. H 301 S. 11th st ulsn inunleurlng. A-lli:s and lul.hlah removed fm'n eelliTs" li.vu'lng done SIS Hiimoiv-ii, Vkt 4U1 CARPI' NTERAnv kind rf r'iriVrC ivll'd w enilw it wp el. f. VV, I ., .s-' BEGINNERS in cepled for st i . train t,,"niiiy iir.'il guar. Mr. Ill'ftler 1511 N n.iuil.-r III') MKP, OOODrf n n i n mi n, t f , ' I i , . ii'-. i. -ii-i i .t t WATCHES AND CLOCKS EXPERT Sivlss natch repnlrln.:, iepi.it, rs split seconds, etc. Rnreri ntcli insveel tor II. ft O. It. R.. 45 S. 17th la., ust 1JI0 PAINTING ft PAPEUHANGING 1 M'ERHANOINa. prices reasonable. N 32d st. a I i oik Miirnnteed Call Bilinont IHO'J. is STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS, PACKETS DIMP SFTS " " Albums and supnlle for st imp collectors ri'H 1 STVMP CO 21 s 17th nt. SEWING MACHINES SEWING MACHINES, ni 33. ca iy lay- nenu. Singer nnd othei mile- like luw, $8 to $12; fully guaranteed 130 N. 10th t. OCTOBER 7, ' 1920 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY SACRIFICE Miehlnw shop located In Phllade Mdn fully ('ii)lpp(d nnd opcrntluii for manufnoiurlng if siiecl.ilt.ts, production or Jobbing machine Sork; also mnclrtne produ'ts. mulpixd with rown tt Sharp ft Cloteland mitamatla screw machines. A VOL Ledccr Office. CAItrENTER AND JORHINr SHOP 1C3I-S0 FAWN HT. Account of death 1 will saerlftce tools, lacks benches and some material; eon transfer kaso, rent $10 month. cMnbllshed III icars. Appointment c I:. .1 r.?"i iv,r. 'nsjalo nvc. GARAGE .SALE RENT"- CHEAP DI7E TO OWNER LEA VINO ToVvN, CAVIRTZ in.i7 ('iioiifiiiif . Room 107. Loi uit 3S33. VUT,yn W,1J ,m" Kn '11"" In the rS?Ji';ny. .f "ecirtury, tr.n-urer nt-compti-oiler of seinrnl ci.rp.nll n. during i 'P.Ji1'".'.!." y"ftl" u,,lr'" " " me Tsso elated with compnnj or Indlvliiuni r-qulrltig the services of nn expert i-n't nceniintant. combined with the ar...M, f. lal p sltions- NEED BUSINESS" CAPITAL?" TVe'II present voup nentmhiMn i,. -. prospectus so forciful v nnd convincing; ir,f(l. H '.' ' .""'el:, certain. p.,itw. ri. ult.. Advertising Sorilco Co.. U2 Purl wsv fltdif Snrin-n 1020 rur- WE OFFER nn tii-tn-thr.inltiutn V, erv BUSINESS !",'" .wanted us partn-r to food nrnit,,,.. J0n,lA1 ,'".?:.'"..."" ' eMabUjjlrm.'-Ilamll.o,1 " snV T'.V mi?r.AV '.n"!.t 11-wlr'' Chrmian. mi., with nS?1P" ,0 ",ve" w,lh 'd - -n-v propisl !?. '(nV"?".-' nn' "frltorv. M- y4 V," 1 '' ' '" '-' i m . i:i;s i h i.nn t ,n, j .i "j. "(vStVl, ,fenern;n;700,Vmo?; 1J!n',l;;V"',,.?nif,ri;,"'r""'r '"" ArchTiear 20li Hi rooms, a iMtha- 3 , r gnrite In connection: reas. HanilK,.,,. IK07 Arch at" LIST VOUR HL'SINT-IH WITH MP for quick sale: have cash liiiv,.ri n, chi for Jlstlnr. .Hamilton D,(i7 rc" nt irgo wa.NTI.B-To ii immnnli ,. i qualnie.l with mm-ifi.turlrni ronfi-ctlon. (.rs of p.il ndelihli. M.lll I.r .ig. r otfic Ill m ,n nc ..... ..i .lucncy h..,.: - i-i. ...'.' " uiiKnuaue nt a .. .. -. . . . t,Z?-.' t! "iiuyiKi'i e untv Pi ; no triners. Ilonrv ltr t . P.its';v Pa. "OOMINO houso (2s rnmsl buulness "for .- .....iv ur H II .. II.M i: Loc 4283 UARllAI.N for qTll ii Uner r i luront doing 'i '" 1' 3 Vine. . unnil (ins-iepw t i unt MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Pianos. Player-Pianos, Victrolas The great i ni.uiii v' t f, ,,. piainda Planus and yietrolas Is h-ld this month. As P.. -". ?,'' 2 p r rp" r"l''tlons In some I'lur.o Dipartments. ino usual II. rpe cuaranteesund free ex change prlvliegi I b In f irVi All uced i aiuiH uro rebuilt as n-ar Ilka new as Iis'lDle Te",rn,"';;'.,n.'; H a general summary; "IS Rebuilt P.nnos f: om S 1 2.1 to $130. li .N i'ni"s I. rnrgln? up in $850 ..cw Plan 'a P inn, ibt Hrrakt aoort- mem tor venrs SnSlo' U"?d I'1"ll'r-1'laos "t $47.1. $350, 31to'V2--VIC!r("n"' "" tJ'1"'"- frorn '-"' Urcd Tiiklng MnehlnoH, other makes. very low prices Payments to ,ji JOur convnntenee. logiics r "r llrBf' "lustI"a'ed cnta- H?ppri's Uptown Stores COR. SIXTH AND THOMPSON STS. FOUNDED imi.-, HO WARD 1NCENt SPEC'AL PIANO SALE ne!v?1s,.,5'o"1 niVTiV fiS&rj? KM1 1V5! hagam i.l iv. r plniio. muale and I. -rich.- $2H5. ri.i . t ("' r ;uk f"' r'ft" No bO.HU. iii?J . ""' .irjn-im nt uprl xJt. w-iinut case, Ilk" new- $l., UH( for piano, ,N... ,18115)1. conditloi,'"1'"' '"u ulixMly iK-J.uut in good HOWARD VINCENT 88G-838-P40-8.12-844-84G N1. 6th E800vOnen Mon . W,.,. f nnd Prl. HOWARD VINCENT SPECIAL PIANO SALE nsk''Ur,,.;lp?,!,,,"t,ln,!'rutlful ca' f83' but lV Vnfti eTh!1,Tf:,Un" "ro "lly uacd. HOWARD VINCENT 836-838-840-842-844-846 N. 6th Est. 18U0. Opn Mon., Wed. nnd Frl, Lvenlnrv uiiill I) p. m. HOWARD VINCENT SPECIAL PIANO SALE A Ilm IT-.l numb r of brand-new SS-note Player-, in is. i.i.tilning me'.al tuhn.t und nil inn i' ht Imirov.-ni nts. at $31)0: live now pianos nt S.Til each iheso Instruments are on exliibu i n In our sho.v windows, with large prb e t i so -hat there can be no mlstuki i ' ' i v. ti n n -n HOWARD VINCENT 'P.i' v '1.SI0 S42 8'4.(in Ncin II MATH 'ITREKT HOWARD VINCENT SPECIAL PIANO SALE Wo are off -In r ton $18.1 nizo nhono. 5I!,"e,lt ,$'" '?'' lnt'.!ul " 10-lneh double-faced , ids, nnd aro dlspl.ivt.l In nur show C'rno nnd see them or send for en . EKtnbllehed 1SO0. HOWARD VINCENT 836-838-840-842-844-846 NORTH SIXTH STREET HOWARD VINCENT Victrolas. several llli nets and u top-In I new., i-icludlng cnW Inuble-riieeil ..n V.TV cli nn Oil r 1 r niiik., .n,l e..M ,..i descriptive rt of these rem-i-kablo bargalni wo offei in tl . . 1 stiilillniud lbllO r-.1i. MMii.m l. in NOP.. II vT'I .STREET VICTItor-V VI. ' . Hint 0 lo Inch double face iian-il .)J I .tlons) $40.10' th's Is a hairdsm . n'nlilim ulih latest Im. I rovem'ints, 1 . .Iv II. B To.ld jniid Arch st, nnd : -S Miuk-t it. Oivn Monday I ilduy. Satin 1. ' legs . ' VICrilOLA IV m iii ling (i 10-lnc'h doubled ii.i'u irniei. .,. p I't-iiuiiNf, )u 111 tllsl Ii ii hands, in in n Ii tie with latest. in. I'l'iMltienls. t .In ui 1,1 II. J) TODIi ' Uliil Are- art 2.. Market st. tiu'ri' .Miinilny Priil nl itnrdny evenings I ?1BM h np nir sfiuli its mil ir ii lt"tor niiirme.i iiv , . . ": ...-T"-'. UUs I iriiu ri i in p,- !- - j i,iini jtMfll ruild lJ'id r. i Ureti Stlturdnv .. sjuiiinnu, V'lHl it(IMI n. ji. II)0"T-NAHE .iVlELUS PLAYERTnmhcT .nny cusi can t be told from new cost $1)50; terms ai ringed. B. B. Todd. 1300 Arehiit. iyn hoturdiveve 350 hfoilY"T"'M .ARK p'a'ycr piano. "8S noie: In spb r-.l .1 nmdltlon; little used post $700 vuiinin e. d II. II, Todd. 130(1 Areh. On 'n.Kiipir.l eyr PlANff. M'tjo) S..'"nmy upright: coaTTl.ltP guitrm red; m ' ndld conditions. n ii' Todit. Uiiill Arch op. n Saturday cvn. ' P.. n n r1 ,r, ,. L V, piano polish for furniture, nnd nutomoblles. siv. pr rirv 3 cnii f r XI. prepaid. HOWARD VIN' ENT jy4-H3iNS.V)N flt)l. TWO" I'l.NI V ' l.lNh. $31" und $"t"l i:,V. lews, l.'l w La nv st ii, nr Wamo Jinejhin t'i J1 p,JI1ip.r'.lr,irTy nviiiio, AI.I MMil p . inok-iiph rcimlr.d bv tie. ioryixi' .- ' t I'l1;C.J7.'7Chestnut. HV; .-i.'i'"1. 'i 'lh,',".A '-' "motors In stock". ADAM.' It'i nnd Arch. KlJ KING mi USED AUTOMOBILES Automobile Painting Tho Martin-Alexander Way of reflnlshln automobiles has proved the most economical, Thero Is no question about the superior beauty of the finish by tho baklnR process from tho point of durability, preserving th'o deep, lustrous finish. The nvoldanc of cracklnir for an Indefinite period Justifies the Increased cost of first-class work. Wo keep oir promise as to delivery; our facilities in suro prompt service. It will prove nn hour welt spent to per sonally Inspect oui work. Martin-Alexander Co. AUTOMOniLE 11EFINISHERS 120.128.130 Reed st. Dtcklnson 2201 Main 17 A REBUILT VIM TRUCK ?107.83 on delivery Balance n year to pay nebullt. repainted and guaranteed; new tires. A body to suit any business. VIM MOTOR TRUK r0. HHOiD AND HCNTINGDON ST3. I OPECIAL new nv time paymen" ptan New and used ens and trucks, nil standard makes and inodi'H 'stak . express, dump bodies Installed t suit any business require ments; buy direct through rellnbln finance company; nave exorbitant prices nnd chargou; Srompt Inqulrhs ess ntlul. ommerei- Muto - Vehicle Co., 2010-11 N; JUh . PULLMAN AND SAXON PARTS PHORFR 1ITH AND Ol-nUUL,I MARKET STS. TRUCK, a. M. C a B-ton truck, platform stake body; good condition, good tiro. Orleb&ThomaSjJInc.. 30(1 N.Jjroad hL LATE STYLE 0-evllnder Oldsoblle. In wly painted new cord tlrum Hurley Motor Co , Hmiiil nnd Race ats. STORAGE batteries for rule for every make of ear, 0-volt. S8. 12-vn!t. 110: positively In good cond. Starr atorngo )it. .20O N. 15th. BATTERIES", 0 volt rebuilt for t10; equal to new. Battery Specialties Co., 1504 Vin. st. BUICK" tourings, "nil 'model's" all guii.-nnteed Open eves, and Sunday. Stanley Auto Co., fllli N,. Brnad st Phono Poplar 7820. DODGE sedan, like new perfect cnndltfon; guaranteed, Open even, and Sundiys Sinn ley Auto Co,, 01" N.l!nind st. Poplar "S20. kCTid touring cir HUU for sve; self. s(irt'r demi"nt r'ms Apply 251 S 4th NATIONAL touring, can be bought very reas.; small pnimcnt down, bnlanco on time. Open evenings and Sund-iy. Stnnley Auto Co., 010 N. Broad at. Punlar 7820. PACKARDS. 3-2.. 3-31, current models, like new. upen eves, ana nunaay. nianiny Auto, Co., 010 N. Broad Phone Poplar 7S20 STUDEUAKER. lata model, llko new. rin be bought cheap: tlino arranged: will d'mon ntrnte. Open eves, nnd Sunday. Stanley Auto Co.. till) N. Broad st. Poplar 7820. HRISCOE tourlng-dctnonntiator at n greatly reduced llgure: llneit mechanical condition. Orleb ft Tlimnas, lnc . 3(l'l N. ll.nid "t. COLE, 7 pnsscnger. good slinpe 1'7- will si II for ."1000 also hv Vim truck 1913. A-l condition, tell for $700. B 122, Ledaor Office. VANI'ED one winter tuo for IIju model M-00. 1IU7: stnto pr'io nnd wh.re can be se. n M 3J1. Ledn-r Office. 11K ntWKLIN timing, g. od londldon; price 113UU. vv j uean. U12'4 W. Le- hWli. lllnmnnd 130)1 J FORD SEDAN. IU2. "white wire wlfeels good paint and rubiier, pi. nty of extras What em I n"j,' M U'O l.rt.-r Office OIIANT tourlng-demonstrator nt a greatly reuuc".i ugure, nni'ii iinenn-iir.u conuilloil. Orleb ft Thomas, lnc , 300 N Broad sL OVEIILANDS. ad mcl.-N 1 and T passenter touring. 2 and 3 passenger remittors, ( pastenger chummy roadster, ull other makes and mod Is. tlm nav.nent, open eve ning sOieriindl j larpv'o 250 N Broad st FOR SALE 1010 Ovrlurd i Hiring car; In good rnnnlrg order and g. od tlr.a: best oih offer ac. ptd Cnr nn be seen at 410 Moinstery nve , Roxlmrou ih. NI.W c intn"rc al cir, Lulge pnn"I body; never rurf guar mt-" bv minufacturer; will se'l In-low pojetj. 120 i Dajen sL Poll BALE Iluomob'Ie roadster; now tires: motor In gi.'d condl lui, price $373. Phono 1-rnnkford 127. COI.E 20 llnrln- STORAGE AND MOVING ESTABLISHED 1872 CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING Househo'd goods and personal effects packed and slilri" d tn nnv part of the world. TELEPHONE LOCUbT 1000 SHIP BY TRUCK STORAOE FREE STORAGE FREE. Wo bun a fleet uf 40 In. losed trucks on pneumntlc tires making dilly trips to n'l points wlihln 300 mdes. Retiirr? IotiI rate on furnltur- Cidc per mile. No charge for storage for on month. Take advantage or n return load rate Also commercial hau Ing. HALL TRANSPORTATION CO. 22 K'nrr-n I'l'i", N"nrk, N. J. Tel Marl -t OO.'II N'loht ard Su-l .y phone Mnrket 140D, CLEAN nn your homo; we make n specialty of moving, backing, shinning to all parts of tho vorld storage 'n rnparrte looked rooms, local and lonf .llstnne,, by Packard vans . -.tmnte, freo (Ilenwood Stomgo nnd Cprp t 'l in'n,' 2U00.1I1 Rilge nve.; . stab llshed elnce 18SS Ph. Diamond JUKI or Park 11S1. LoganjoHke.Wyomlnir5235. LANDE STORAGE CO. 101(1 RIDOE AVE. Local and U n,r dlntunrg moving by careful and exp r;en. .'-i.V nl"' fl 'm New York for $30 M'i ''.'J, '' "'" "Ptclultles are Bfcltlmote. Waai ngtnn. Boston and all In. lermedtnte poln' . Bell Phone. Pcplarj m64 The Exchange Storage Co. ll.'il N 8T11 ST. W hav. a few clean. sonarnt. i.ninp n -mt fQr (,,, rack. move. '"'..''",'"" rugs, nno. china e'c. - - '" ,';! ami 1317 prnwn Ht . Dougherty & Sons Storage 1424 N. S0T1I ST Get rur specl-il t.it f rmnlt,, by nur A-oVVp'lrK'I. "....'.. Ph-ln K.T. VICTORY STORAGE""" r;00 Filhrt. Ph'ini. Relmnnt IflTn fnr estlnnta PI. rce-Arrow va n . FIDELITY FIP..I'noni- W.R-en0tTSr 1H1) TO lr-10 MARKET ST. " "" the foTiN"ilHorVs criiipvr Flcrnge Psek nc Minn; Cnrnet 'Jiennms 4 157-50 I -ANC ASTER WE WEST PIHLA MONARCH TiHH"ni: en 3STO lancXi. TF.R AVE AITO i:itVIC3 FfrriRvaK Piriivo ! no i"n"i: MnviNfi WE HAUL go. Is to Ml Citv. N y. Aiiin" town Qiiik.-r Cltv Trans. Co. Walnut nw" Untiling Moving Long-Distance Hauling II Till ti ' i.'pok llli'. it ii ii i ou.-y r.xpress I...4 Cul. low hill Lo. ust r.H.'ti. Light, heavy liuuiinj WANTED ""OLD CLOTHES" WANTED W. buv 1 idl.s and ijentb men's clothes of all (lscnpti.m full valm. paid we c.ill nnv. wlieic nt nn'- time. Write, rill ,,r ph inn Filbert 2171 Filbert 2171 BALED WASTE PAPER" and n. siipers bought; highest prl, r .mid- ii. .2.".. "- -.". y i,i. tun 1 ri'RNiTl'KE " rugs nnd" iintiques.olirchlna I o'd pictures brlc-a-limc of every descrln foil v,a bo anyvvner iiicnnood Fumlture i o., 20ml Rtdgrt live Phono Diamond Ills!) or i uiiv. -"... rvj? "iimiK n.iin. 'V.i. .M u on- .limn Iil d "tiTiTiuuTe. tor llxtures nftie.. furrdture; pKy n.it 1 h, hones' valii". Phmm us about It t 0. 1. 1 4214 O'd Church cor. 12ih and Cherr'v i ,M.wi'ari.iv.i. i .in ner i.i.i ins , maea. j zln.'n, nwtalj rugs, carpet nnd all kinds i oi lu'Miiui.. . - . ....- iiigiiihi prici Call in i mil 5010, ur and postal, loot XV. , 11)1 IV si CI OTIIES cast-off shii & haiH boueht Send instil Sneldman. D22Pnnlar P.., 711110 w WE Hl'V womena nun mi . o n clothing f, sh . CH or wr t.. N!I7 N4'h Ml,t V44.M $1 PFJt UK) I.US n.wspap.-rs t, .1 up send P e I V O lx S'l.li, Phil.d"lnhla GENTLEMEN'S cast-off clothing- highest prresml Hlm.Ma 241 N 0th Illlwrt 527H CASH l'MD Im oil gold silver and unt'ime 1 lo ks Rugei'W, 1 5 It 17th I.( r-uit l"li I nr pii-is inn ror hi used fiirnlturo. M Ooldben? dl N HOth st. lllniont 3172, ROOMS WANTED TYJ2..',SHSlS?.1"' 'u.'.'h.!'r'm.or Ptor"i--e of ii in Il'ueeholil Goods riTrlAM'2r!71 . rAtli0.MOVl.vrj GPARANlEi: St t:i Co estab."TS72" Fxr(rt turnuure inuui-rn: 'u buy ll lift pr month, i p B35, ldr Oaico. T VKU MACHINERY AND TOOLS Npvv Ynrt afety vertical engine, 31 new lOrKi. '. L-iind.. in.ia in. Aflinm'ntir hfttlaontnl englnej cyllni Tntrlfv ua spreader) double steel ruths,, lUWSiey 2fl .n, W,jei take material to n In, thlcki glue pot top and bottomi MM i height nt machine BO In. ; E'ach of above machines In first-class cor,, W rite to Lester Piano Co., 180(1 Cheetnut jft h vVE MAKE gray Iron casting fiuui una puMj .J1. to one ton. If you want casting that asa ', rw itsllir tnehln.il. rrl(A Hf. ItieVH flteSJil -- and Foundry Co., 33 S. 2d at.. PnllldlpMw v n u nury enmnen , N. J. e.. HORIZONTAL return tubular boiler, Iff ..p . 125 lbs. pressure; good condition! Imi qiatn nellv. Reliance Eng. Co., 1S34 cnewi UI.KCl III ' MOTriRH MACHINB POWER ROUIPilKNT O'DniEN MACHINERY CO.. UP N. 8D DYNAMOS AND MOTORS, all slice In YEARS LEY CO. 22 1 N. 3d at. RLECIHIC motors sn:d. rented and up to .'in up j w. Adams. 130 N. 11H MODERN much, shop, small or large ordsrsr we do mlilwrlahfR. 210 N.Front. Mar. 2IB ROOMS POIt RENT ARCH ST.. 212.1 (LYRIC Newly ran.. up-to-date single ft double rms.jcleanllnest) uns'irnnsd: n Ist-elass house; rent.. raeU SPRUCE ST , 1035 Very desirable roorna ,'ust being op"nd; some furnished. ioth NortTir trn hotel nunio Beautifully furnished rooms, snotlepa eleaa: electric throughout: dally and weekly ratMt convenient to statlnnsi best aceommodatloit for traveling people; mod. Ph. Spruce 19M, f7TII ST. "4331 N Large 2d-floor room! furni 1 or 2 gentlemen. Ph. Wyom. 3BS J. fRTlT'ST . '3148 N. Desirable aeconftsSoflT room; furnlshd. Tioga 7525. HANDSOMELY furnfshed room, all OSfs venlences. with private fsmtly of 3( client location! 12 minute from City Halll tentiemnn only. P POO, ledger Offlo. TWO well-furnlshed. communicating room. private, modern home: owner: near ira rir.e ni2 Lirehwnnd nve. 4ACHEI.OR SUITE 2 rooms and bath! rot, nlshed prlvnto family; reference, Phon llnmnnd 1388 SANSOM. 4')?4 2 front rms.s nlctly furn.l 2.l nnd 3d floor; conv. to "L"; gentlemen.' BROAD ST". S.. 004 Second-floor furnish room for men: private family. " KJTit" ST N 1401 Two roo. bath. kitchenette turn ; single rmi., 8 pp. BPHl'c'n HT . if.io -Extremelv d-s room and suites, hand, turn : nrlvate bath. . ATTRACTIVE turn, apt., some housekB. Sherwood Apt. Airvncy 22.1 S. Broad t; TWO n'nn'nnt rooms for gentlemen: cleas) tnM.li "L " Call Baring 1B41 W. . npOAli-?? , 3103 rurnlshed hskpg.. 2 rra. 2d flnorj next to hath- adults, Owner, , UTH".ST.,"Nr 075 Neatly furnished reemf, xn renf second nnd third floor; no chlld'n, PINE ST". 1810 Nicely furnished single roems PARK AVE.. 214.- Inrge turn, roorat woH able for 2 gentlemen: separate bed. 31TII ST . N , 313 Two unfurnished room) f o r n ciretsker: part rent free. - . 34THST.. N., 313 Two single rooms, on) iiirnisnen nnq one unrurnisnen, KKW .nKltT.V SEASntlHti A-n.ANTip, crrt rtcoMH with bath: modem. Santa Maria, h N.n- Hn-ipshlre nve cor Kuriii BOARD-' NO ITH ST.. 824 N. Meals at $3 week. T d-H room $3 nr-nth' Indv. No. 5. rear. OKRMANTOWN TWO deivhtful rooms, southern exposure, vf poslte Penna R It. station, convenience to trolley cars: excellent table board. Plum Qermar-to'vn 5382 lERMANTOWN nurse will board elderjir nnd nervous patient. P 1002, Ledger Of nee. PENNSYLVANIA BmCItnAN T BEST HOME COOKING, private famllyl houso conveniently located to train ana trolley, In excluslvo section of Chestnut Hill! reference exchanged. Phone Chestnut Kill 1210 W, APARTMENTS WILL LEASE second-floor apartment to modern apartment house, located Mlaet O-rmantowti section, near Llncon drlr. t aln and trolley; 8 large rooms. 3 baths) well furnished with modern -xjulBnvnt. In cluding plnvor-plano; good Janitor (rrtM nwunimnce ncm ana ngi water; reference ra riillr.il P OSO imriT (inicr. Jt ATTRACTIVE rooms and suites with prhrkM baths In Hotel Camden; Just opened; 2d ana Prnn sts., Camden, N, J. Phone Camdea 1 510 Dillv. weekly nr monthly rate., DESIRABLE APARTMENTS, single or a suite; hot-water heat, electricity, rui ra nlshed or unfurnished. Apply 1507 TcwtMt st,. between 2 and 4 p. ro. BnOAD, 3044 N. Attractive apartment for rent: housekeeping: electrlo light. hAt.- I water heatL or suitable, for bachelor salt. ivV-l Phono Tioga 5004 J. . C tl 3823 N. 10TH ST. DESIRABLE APAHT MENTa. FURNISHED OH UNFUR NISHED PHONE TIOGA 0183 W. WEEK DAYS ONLY. 1IARINO 4031, nn4 430 S. 40th t. Apart"" ments, 1 and 2 rooms nnd bath: also with kitchen, will furnish. Phone Preston 2279 W 2uln LHt.aT.NfT ST. Bachelor apartment! 2 rooms und bath; attractively furnished- elevat ii . APARTMENT HEADQUAIITERB Central apartments a speclat'Y. Sherwood Apirtment Agency. 223 8. Broad at. GERMANTOWN APT.. 3 "room and bath! price $110 per month; ref, exchanged. Box P 1031, Ledger Offlco. oO'IH ST. N.. 18 Unfurnished apartment. . rtnn iv natn, n.-w-. neat: eiec. Itgnt. Mil-1 1-HI,.MKI.1'I1M QUICK ACTION NECESSARY IDEAL 0 AND 0 ROOMS AND BATH. DUPLEX APARTMENTS SHERWOOD SECTION RENTALS M03-15 A M NTH JAMES S. CLARK ISO . 10TH ST. Sl'RL'lU 5040 FIVE ROOMS and bath. 1st floor. $103 DM. I (1 rma and bath, 2d ft 3d floor. $115 mo. Euo'neJ.. Townsend, 40th ft Baltimore ara. C ROOMS nnd bath". Istlloor. 1103 month) '. rooms and bath, 2d ft 3d floor, $115 month. Eugene L. Townsend. 411th ft Baltimore aw. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN SWARTHM0RE APARTMEiYrS 22nd & Walnut Sts Absolutely fireproof Southern western exposure. Several apartment ready for occupancy Suite of 1 room and b:ith to 8 rooms with 0 bath. Furnished or unfurnished Restau rant a la carte. Can be seen by ap pointment. Call Locust 3182 for full details 1 CYNWYD H0USEA'.7.rtf1 st nau, 'nn In I Vamb l nndesJloca.Mon"; nr eta. Cynwyd Voa, OKUMAXTOWN THE W1SSAHICKON opposite Qusen Lana' station Six room and 2 baths, carauttry floors Inrgo porch, finest in Otrmantowo. APARTMENTS WANTED I !"(( or I rooi'S. prlv. bath, noussksestnat apaiim. nt with elec. B 123. -. ...f -. .. ,NA . -A-f- Ledger. OS. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FURN. APTS central loci by week If de. w run 1 V t .yg-ncy, 223 h. Uroad at. 22H ft Dl' I.VNCEY PLACE Attract, suit of 2 largo rooms, bath, etc, ; entire second floor. She. wood Apt. Agency, 225 S. Broad. APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL CAMDEN 2d st at I'enn, Camden, N J . lust opened; a truly flrat-clas hots) , with ISO rooms and 70 baths; convenient to largo Camden Industrial and shipbuilding! Plants to seashore, railroad station anl easily accessible to Philadelphia's financial, business und shopping center daily, weekly nnd monthlv rn'os Why not try living In thi HOTEL CAMDEN, directly facing on butC I'ul Cooper Square? The rates are attractive, and Urn service and conduct of the hotel quito In keeping with the most exacting de mands A restaurant with real home oooktnc Is cunducted Professional offices and iter) In building for rent Telephone Camdtn IBM. Res. rvutlons muv bo inada through Hhsrwoel Apartment Ag. ncy 225 8. Broad t. PhllaT THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS UT. GERMANTOWN 20 MINUTES TO BROAD ST, STATIM Furnished and unfurnished suite . THE GLADSTONiT' 11TH AND PINE HTB. ABSOLUfELY FIREPROOP - PELHAM COUilT ANNEX 7 Carpenter Btatlon. Oermantown Flvo rooms and bath and 1 liousekeeatnst flermantown 4800" THE LITTLE HOTKU 225 H. Broad 'rtX-1 nnnrl n nfA rt Hun n.t.11. 1 a7sV . w. . . m.w ...w w ,,w ttihw in a'miaoi HOUSEKEEPINQ ATAHTMTmi Housekeeping V fi 4 W 4 I M V 1; S It fl t;-i A it ra 3 a a m ri ,fi 11 . .f iP. 'rti ' w-.W.1 r -t .... V. .-'-M r. tn -.. . t 1. 15-. ' igffii& 15