ftfZT"- fc. m u- rif lV 1 ' 4 n if.i ii r ia? :V ft frfc: 1BL H ' 7 iW A v a if "X & f.tt" iv" 'Or EVMiifc PUBLIC IEB-PHIAlA.if mTOTO , 1 ''" "" ' S':'.- ; '', TfLrr: BALANCE SHEET, 16th SEPT., 1920 The Rittenhouse Trust Co. 1512 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA ASSETS: Cash on Hnnd $112,920.79 Duo from Federal Reserve Itynk 232,080.84 Due from other uanks i44,'J3b.uti U. S. War SavinRS nnd Thrift Stamps $300.00 U. St Revenue Stamps C0.00 $.189,937.31 350.00 Loans: Oomarfd with Collateral $1,381,462.24 Timo with collateral 142,385.00 Commercial Paper, Street 90,875.03 Commercial Paper, Customers.... 577,997.40 Judgments 505.00 Bonds and Stocks Owned (Ledger Values): Railroad Bonds 55,445.84 Public Utility Bonds 71,943.75 Industrial Bonds 51,190.83 U. S. Government and Municipal Bonds 75,850.97 Federal Reserve Bank Stock (50 per cent paid) 9,000.00 Other Bank Stocks 109.452.50 Miscellaneous Stocks 43,809.77 $41f..759.fi6 Mortgages , 113,550.00 Building Improvements. Vaults and Furniture.... Accrued Interest Receivable Suspense .' Over and Shorts 2,199,224.73 Deposits: Regular (net $1,530.89) . Savings Certificates of Deposit LIABILITIES: of 11 overdrafts, 530,309 0(5 70.484.00 14.484.43 10,133.05 5.00 $3,314,929.38 $l,943.?0tnr, 413 797.02 08,321.57 Duo to U. R. Liberty Loan Subscribers. Certified Checks Treasurpr'q ThrVs Unpaid Dividends Bi'N Pflvnblc VHnrnl Poservp Bank... Rediscounts. Fedc-nl Tlnep-vp Bank.... Interest Accp""? fry Depositors Income Tax Withheld ' CAPITAL AND SUPM; Capital Sfock SFno noo 00 Rnrnliio 1 nn nni no Undivided Profits C0.891.85 $2,425 H.04 3 oso no 7,481.17 80 75 ljnnnrnn 70 no 00 0.5" or, 55.80 S2.C54.037 5i Now York Bonds Contlnnril from l'rerrdlnc 1'nee 4 It I'd 103! 1 78 0, .. IH'i a .... 88 2 S 1.. . 04W 12 HUH U a nub'r 7s Vft Ilallw'a Bs 1 88 ft tl74 2 . 8J I 1 '88U 2 0T. Wea'n Illec fts 3 88 US Hub 1,r II . 03V, , 1 R8Mi 1 08 Wes'n l'ac 1st I ft. ... ti8't 10 IUi 3 ... M' V Mexico H 12 07 1.. "tVi 1 ... 33T4 10 07 a.. . "i U H Mexico As H 07"i 1. .. ' ft 43 1 OS W Union 4'a I ... I.1H1 3 OH 1 " UM Hwyn In't 1 117 Whrelltnr k I Comp'y Sa 3 ON llrlo 4W 3 07 ft 07T4 1 0'4 J f 8 Itealty i, a m Wilson Co cv imp i us a uh a pi 4 SOT, tj'l a Steel As 3 8l. n 80 o 04V o HIS 2 80', 2 1)1 3 II H. t; 8 tluu'r . 1 78U HIrIi Low Liberty 3'js 1112.711 92.(10 J.lliTty 2d 4m SS.W) ss.M) ' Liberty 1st 1,1h. .. &0.40 S',1.20 ! Liberty 2d 4V,m... 811.30 MUM) Ubcrty .'Id 4V,m... 110.(10 tlO.JW 1 Liberty -ltli -I M . . - M).!U) 81UID Vic Notes 3 s... !)(l.(ll) ..) ! Vie Notes -ls... Ud.Ol 1)0.411 Y. time) 1 13 1. in. 1)2.(10 NN.S0 SO. 10 bO.OS 1)0.30 St). 14 111!. 01) 110.01 Continued Decline In Sugar New York, Oct. 7. A new low r'ecoril for the yenr was mad? In tlie local rub.u nmrket when the, Fcdcrnl Sugar ItellnlliK Co reduced the prlco of rellned HtiRar 1 cent a pound, to 11 centH. ThlH In within two cents of the prlc- prevnlllnK when the Industry wns under control of the government. Ilnw sUKur old lit So. duty paid. Snn l'runrliro, Oct. 7. Following a 'lrop of $1 BO In the local price of re fined cane KUgnr on Tuesday, the local -ugiir refineries have announced anothei lecllne of 80 c nts per 100 pounds. Ueet unar was reduced In proportion, with 12 quoted for enno and $11.80 for beei. Hull T.nlte City. I'lnli. Oct. 7 The L'tnh-Idaho Suirnr Co. hus announced a eduetlon In tho wh levali price of rudi sugar of 60 c nts per 100 iwumls l rliiclng tho Utah price to S1S.82 and 'le San Franclnco Seaboard price t1 !13 n'i. I'lnntnn, Oct. 7 The llevere Sugar !t. fining Co. today reduced Its price for Tr.mulated sugar to 11 Vi cents, less 2 per nt for cash. ' G60.Rni.85 $3,314 09.38 P'lllniiolnhln. 30th Sptember Ifizo. Wo hnvp examined the A"t nnd AccountB of Te Tl'ttenhnuse Trust Pompinv. nnd we rrttfv that the' foreco'ng Hnlanee Sheet, suhleet to nllownncn for depreeintlnn of neciirl"ii ownd nnd for suspense Itemi In our opinion, rnrreeilv nets forth the true flnanrlnl condition of the Compnnv on K.ih Sop'emlHT, 1020. Our exnrr'nntlon omhrncd tho r'fl-itlon of the Pnsh, Loans. Collaterals Mortgage. Bonrts nnd Stocks owned, verification of the trial bMnncei of the (lnoqtor" ledrers toitlnir of the correetnes of a numhr of denosltnrs' tinlnneoM hy corresiiondence. ronflrmatlon of the bill pnvnhlo and rotllsroiintn with the Federal Reserve Bank and verlflraMon "f tlie lpo"mo nnd Ftpenfo Aerount." Tho nccountn nod records were found to he In good order. LYBHAND. ROSS HUtiS. & MOVTOOMBIIY. Aceountaiits and Auditors. Prices Weak on Paris Bourse Purli. Oct. 7. Prices were weak on V Bourse today. Three per cent rentes er quoted at 53 francs 80 centimes: xc'unge on London, C2 francs 43 enilniei! B per cent loan, SB francs 9S " nttmes The dollar was quoted at 14 'anrs VOX. centimes. GAIN iN TRADE MORTALITY September Failures Twice Those of Juno This Year An Increase. In failures during Sep tember Is reported by Bradtstrccfs, the move along this lino liavlns been In evi dence slnco July of last year, when fall urea touched their low point. The Sep tember failures nhow n, heavy Increase In Iliibllltles as compared with August, IkIiik two unn onc-hnlf times grentet, nnd twice thoso o( June. Bradstrect'fl snys : 'There were 661 failures recorded In September, which .marks nn Increase of only twenty-five, or 3,9 per cent, over August, but of 238, or 50.2 per cent, over tho totnl In September a year ngo, while as compared with September, 1018, the Increase Is only four failures, or lest, thnn 1 per cut. September failures. ri fact, Rre the most numerous reponcu slnco October, 1918, but nre, niter all. trilling In number when compared with such years of stress u 1914 to 1917, and far below those of years back to mrly 1907 or 1900, when folluris were down to n minimum. Liabilities for September of 70,503, G9C were unques tionably very heavy, being two mid u half times thoso of August, as Mh. stnted, nnd, In fact, were only twlco ex e eded In past months back to 1892, these months being October, 1907, nnd I, ilt. 10(14 "froubleH among tho trust companies of Boston stand out a conspicuous con tributors to tho volume of liabilities, nearly three-fifths of nil the months liabilities. In fact, being due to this cause. Hero it might be notfd Hint these trust company suspensions are, for statistical purposes, classed hero ns failures. The wearing nppnrel trades woolens, silks, furs nnd cottons have a No contributed heavily to the liabili ties, as hnvo Importers nnd exporters and sugnr and other brokers, mostly at New York, nnd manufacturers of ma chinery specialties, In nil, some thirty live suspensions nccount for over $00, 000.000 of tho J70.000.000 of liabilities iir that month." (yy ( ;i92o V,'fr-i , ft Financial Briefs I The nvcrnge price of twenty nctlvo Industrial stocks advanced .04 per cent to 85.60 yesterday, while twenty rail roads gained .45 per cent to 84.26, Tho New York Subtrcnsury gained 1381,000 from the banks yesterday, re ducing tho cash net loss slnco Friday to $11,659,000. Howard F. Hnnscll, Jr., has rcslgnea as a director of the Mutual Trust Co. nnd Bnrtley J, Doyle, president of tho Keystone Publishing Co., was elected to Mil his unexpired term. Subsidiaries of the Amerlcnn (Ins Co. report thnt, for tho first seven months of 1920, sales of gas Increased 11.9 per cent, whllo snlcs of electric current IncrensiJ 34.7 per' cent. For tho month of July, snles of gas Increased 14.7 per cent, nnd sales of electric current 29 per cent. For the first seven months of 1920, 78 per cent of net earnings of nil subsldlnry properties was derived from electric light nntV power. Auk .on .10 .12" 11 .12 ,0T .Oft .at it ill .20 -1 T '. 1 ......... ., i i .iimi . ' ' y ffTKAJtamr WPTn-isg I I ' 1 immmm0mmmmmmmm llll j K JLL LONDON STOCK MARKET Undertone Weaker and Trading Was Narrow Ralls Flat London. Oct. 7. Preparations for a new Wrlllsh Government loan ilepresheu gllt-ulged Issues on the stock exchange trdnv Home mils were affected sym pathetically nnd were flat. Fresh anxiety nbout the coal labor situation caused Industrials to waver. Hudson's Bay was 6$i. Dollar recurl tles were llnliby. Mexican loans wcr ilrni. Hubber shares were In supply. lienewed liquidation from Paris nnd mstcrdam unsettled oils nnd Kalllrs Shell Transport wns 7- nnd Mexican Kngle lt. G nernlly, tho undertone of the mar kets was weaker nnd trudlng was nnrrow. A Question Leading Banks Are Asking One of the larRcst and most successful banks in the United States has just written the President of The American Credit-Indemnity Co., as follows: "No doubt you will be interested to learn that we have arranged to incorporate into the forms used for securing financial statements this query: "Are your insurance? accounts covered by credit "I submitted this matter to our officers the other day, at a meeting, and favorable consideration was immediately accorded it." Bankers appreciate that it'takes more skill to do business successfully when prices are falling, as now, than when prices were increasing. And they therefore endorse precautions that prevent, else pay, bad debt losses beyond the normal. A manufacturer or wholesaler carrying the American Company's Credit Insurance is completely fortified agr.inst abnormal losses on his sales. If you are not one of our policy-holders, non of all times, you should in vestigate this broad, protective service. Write or phone. Foments ts Pohn-holdrn about $10,000,000.00 :& AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CO. or NEW YORK E.M. TREAT, president ISSUES 6TAN0AR.D UNLIMITED POLICIES W. J. MORPHY, Manager J. F. MacFADDEN, General Agent Mutual Life of New York Bldg. Phone Filbert5503 Philadelphia, Pa. The Electrification of Industry And Its Relation to Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company Devebpment in the elec- i . - . on oi American- enterprise has itself in dis- trificnti busine manifested tinct cjcles Tho first period covered the growth irl telegraphy following the Civil War the second, the introduction of electric lichls and arc limps third, the e velopment of telephone ccm munication fourtlf, tho electri fication of city and suburban railways fiftn, the transforma tion during the past ten years from steam to electric power in operation of industrial plants; leading up to tho sixth and pres ent stage the electrification of steam railroads, now in its infancy, but undoubtedly des tined to take its place among the great progressive move ments of the age. of electric locomotives places Westinghouse in a position that should enable it to play a great part in this development, and tho pioposed new financing of Westinghouse is undoubtedly in anticipation of this and other great expansions in the use of electrical apparatus for business purposes. The Westinghouse-B a 1 d w i n agreement for the manufacture The current number of our Mar ket Review contains a thorough analysis of the business, earn ings and financial conditions and plans of Westinghouse, with especial reference to its com mercial future. Seiif on request for 1,-308 Hughes & Dier irhllu. Stork KrlintiKo ritlnhinrli Murk I'.xrhfliiRr rliliiiKH llmnl of Trnili New Virk Troilnm lAilinno 1435 Wa!nut Street Philadelphia Tflrplionfn LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOI'Alt STOCKH niii CnMi Hoy , 07 Km llutlrr II MacNnmarn A Nunui-R Crticent 'n Midway .on .Mi.li.ili Extension to Montana 07 North Ptar 04 IlMCUO EiSIr Id Tonoimli'KxtcriBlon Hi West Hnd I'i West Tonupuh 10 DIVIDE STOCKS Allied Divide 02 Alto Divide 07 Uclcher 04 lMcher Kxtennlon 07 lien Hur Ill llrnuich Divide -0 Divide Kxteimlon , .'."i Divide Kyndlcato ' .01 'Ml. Con :! DHIdcnd (I." r...ti Divide 04 . llnrmllt 'J.'i Hnrurouck Dlvlda 01 llmh Divide It Heert Divide 07 H no Dlvldo 01 Koi-etto lit S'lver Klnc 0.1 Tiinopah Dlvldo W Tonopah lliitbrouck OS Victory Dlvldo 07 Verde Dhldo 07 Zono 3D OOLDFifilD STOCKS .01 .01 .OS .u; ', Attantn blue Dull i".h C O D Lumb Prnc ' Tkrlrk Dlamt U II Daisy ..t-nce f Irtfletd Con Ooldneld Merger i .1 D"Vi nip Great llend ji.mjo Extension Ktnanna Lone Star Oro lied Hill Silver Tick Hpcarhcad MISCELLANEOUS Amparo 1.40 Vrlr. United 10 Eden A Mitncr Mnlo ' Novuda lllll O'J Nevada Hand 10 Wllbort Nevada Wonder 10 Ttcnpa MlnlnE 07 White Cape 07 .14 .IIS 1 .03 J .07 .03 .01 .01 .03 .03 .OS .01) .(111 .02 .-.I .31 .02 03 .30 .03 .02 .OS .02 .02 .03 lit .07 .00 ,0S .33 .02 .02 .05 .01 .03 .07 .01 .01 .in .00 .01 .03 .01 .on .05. .on .01 3 .Oil .03 1.00 .13 .04 .20 .03 .15 .01) .03 Spruce 843 New York, rittsliiirgli. It ii re 1KU.1 t'letrl.iiid NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New York, Oct. 7. December was again under pressure from Wall utrcet longs at the opening of the local coffee futures nmrket this innrnliiR mul, coupled with scattered trade nnd Kuro lienn offeritiBH. first prices were 4 to i points lower, tlie decline again bringing tho market into new low ground. Arrnrrtlnir to a recent copy of tlie Bra zilian Review, that publication estimates tho present Santos crop nt 8,057,600 i,.ii a iinv Vrancp. publication Days thlH estimate Is too pessimistic, and tha French paper ndheres to Its earlier estl mnln nt fnlli- 9.000.000 bans. Prlco obntiKen In the local market were, unimportant up to midday, trading was qutet aim vaiuen nei tmao iu imum timiron Knntos lontlnucs to show a dis position to unload coffee, which is piling j the Up at tuO pons llieru, mm into tun- cessions oro being made almost dally, without, however, attracting any great amount of baying from American Im porters . m , The local Mot demand continues fair. (N. Y. time) Yet clono Onen 11 a.m. December ....7 373 7 30W32 .... .Tiinuirr . .. 7 SIW.M4 ... March 7HHfM) 7 H3S(1 . .. Mnv h OSSfoii SO'JWOl . .. ju'v 6.28W20 S.L'3fl:.1 8.21 Hid Everybody Is Reading This New Booklet! Traders have found it interesting and helpful. Even libraries and uni versities have sent for it. The third edition is now ready. Get jjotir free copy at once. The General Rules of Trading. How to Given Broker Instructions. Broker's Commission Charges. How to Indorse a Stock Certificate. How to Uso Collateral in Trading. How to Group Invest ments. The Do p o s 1 1 Require ments for C a r r y i n k Stocks on Account. The Riphts of Stock and Bond Holders, etc. Edition limited. Call, phone or write at once. Ask for No. T. U.-967 JONES & BAKER Specialists in New York Curb Market Securities Widcner Bldg., Phlla. Phones: Bell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 2290 Offices in 9 Principal Cities direct Private Wires , rffttfrtEftit I'nltrd tliiH & i:irrtrlr ( ori. ("a I'ref. Thomas Iron Uemlnuroii rin.uoBr.ipli Newton Coal I'ref. . Common i'ndilo Central Oil A lief. 0'. 1030 Northampton Trortlon ldt B'a 1033 Kelkce Coke o" 10.10 Amrr. ltd I'ref. Cleveland Krle lty. lnt IS' 1020 O. B. LANSINGER & CO. 1S24 CHUSTNUT Hr. SI'KUCi: 2810 riNANCIAI. TO Till. I'lll'I'l-KIIKI) STIH'Klini.nKRS or Tiir. iii;tiii.i:iii:m city watkic COMl'ANV. Thin Company hnlnir mid all ltn property to the City of Hethlehem, ou ore hereby not I Mul that It has deposited with the IS. 1'. Wilbur Trout Comnanv. of Hethlehem. 1'a., Trustee, a num nuttlc'lent to redeem enld pre ferred atock now outstanding at the par value thereof, tnRothcr ulth said Interest thereon to dato of dellery. The amount of sjld redemption price, to gether vlth" Interest as here and aboe noted, will bo paid to any and all holders of the said preferred stock of the said lletlile hem City Water Company, provldlmr the same shall he delivered to the K 1'. Wilbur Trust Company, of Hethlehem, Ta . for the account of the said Hethlehem City Water Company on or before Notemlier 1st. 1020. riKTHLEHEM CITY WAT13H COMl'ANV Attest A. T. MILI.nn. Secv. M. P. QL'INN. Trcs. Sept. 29, IOL'0. Bank of England Statement London, Oct. 7 The weekly statement of tho Bnnlt of Knglaml shows tho fol lowing changes Total re-servo de creased 232.000; circulation Increased 313,000; bullion Increased 80.379; other Recur ties decreased 13,204,000; public depoaltH Increased 510,000; other deposits! IncrenhCd 23,730,000; notes re sorve decreased 213.000; government wcurltleH Increased 11,901,000, Tho pro portion of tlm biink'H reberve lo liabil ity Is 8.87 wr cent; hist week It was 11.07. Itato of discount 7 per cent. -1 iininmnmiUfji'""".'.'.1"" '.'u.i int. in Mini huh i iiii i i in miiiiiiiii GIRARD TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus, $10,000,000 vM- 3! Bii: M-WiT mmm m MANUFACTURERS Why be at the merer of uncertain labor? We will dcslerr Ltbor-SiTinr, Dcvicci and Mtcbinerr to replace hand processes Consult ui on our manufncturlnir tirr.htems. ' SLrilI'R -t TOOL DKMtiNiNu CO. Deslrnrrs end Knclnerrs 410 Wnlnut M., I'hll.i. Call Lorn. 079 GIRAKD I'OINT .TOKAr.r, COJU'ANY Nliiknie Fund N'otlcJ Realed proposals for the sale to Tflrleilt Trust Company, trustee under the mortcau of the Olrard Point Storage Company, dated April 1. 1R00. of a autllclent number of Donas issuea unuer miu moriicaRe io invest the sum of I20.03H.BII. will b receded jit the oftlce of said trustee. Nos. a2-3:il Chestnut street. Philadelphia, until l'rlday. (Irtobrr 10. juju nt is o'clock noon. The right Is reserved to retect anv nnd all bids. FIDELITY TIU'ST COMP4NY Trustee. WM P. OEST President. Philadelphia. Septemher SO 1020 m U M M I N LINE . U. S. Shipping Board oteol steamers Regular Service PHILADELPHIA TOlOTTERDAM AND ANTWERP SS "Lake Harminia" .Loading; SS "Lake Flag" Oct. 9 A Steamer Oct 20 ROTTERDAM TO PHILADELPHIA SS "Arizpa" Oct. 12 PHIA DELPHIA TO HAMBURG AND BREMEN A Sleamcr Oct IB PHILADELPHIA- CONSTANTINOPLE AND BLACK SEA PORTS A Steamer as sufficient cargo offers For tpaee and ratet apply A. D. CUMMINS & CO., Inc. H. P. Dllkcs, Manajjcr : Main JS18 139 South 4th St., Phila., Pa. Lombard 4127-4 m-5tM LUCKENBACH LINES m Philadelphia to Hamburg SS KATRINA LUCKENBACH October 11 Philadelphia to Rotterdam Amsterdam SS HOMESTEAD (U. S. S. Board) .October 28 Rotterdam Philadelphia SS HOMESTEAD (U. S. S. Board) October 9 Philadelphia San Diego Los Angeles San Francisco SS PLEIADES Sailed SS HATTIE LUCKENBACH October 18 SS FRED'K LUCKENBACH October 30 San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego rPhiladclphia 3 S LAV ADA (U. S. S. Board) October 12 SS SHORTSV1LLE (U. S. S. Board) October 20 SS HANNAWA (U. . S. Board) November 1 LUCKENBACH STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC. 328 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia LOMItAltn 2340 Fall and Winter in tlit Xnuih nt curovt in prance, iitiiv eir hni, in., --. -t their charms, nrmr nl th.-i m-ti )..,. ..v.i... .. , ... is ogam easy to get there. Travel on one of our steamers indyow .. Philadelphia to Liverpool Ocl. 9 . . . Philidelpbia " Briitol tAvonmouta) Oct 9 . ....New York" Liverpool Oct. Nor. 6 Dec. New York" Londonderry and Claijow. ..Oct. 9 Nov. 6 Die. 11 New York" Liverpool Oct 11 Navarino Vardnlia K. A. Victoria Colombia .... Veilrii .- Aquitania Sprrlal Mfftlncs ....'. New York" Cherbourg and Southampton .Oct. 12 Nov. 2 Nov.H Inkula Philadelphia" London Ocl.20 Cronia NewYork" Plymouth and Cherbourt. . . .0ct.21 Nov.2S Jin. 1 Carmania NewYork" Liverpool Oct. 23 Nov. 20 Dec. II CUbria NewYork" Patrai, Dubrovnik & Trieite.Oct.23 ( Manretania NewYork" Cherbourg and Southampton. .Oct 28 Saxonia NewYork" Plymoulh, Cherbourg and Hamburj..Oct.30 Dec. J Norman Monarch ....Philadelphia" Liverpool Nov. 5 Pannonia New York " Pstrm, Dubrovnik & Triejte Nov. 9 " Imperator New York" Cherbourg and Southampton. .Nov. 11 Dec. 9 Jan. IS I I'ussenirrr uml rrclslit Sen Ires. Kor Inter sulllnKs npply ot Passenger Office, 1300 Walnut St., Phila. Freight Office, Boufe Bldg., 1'hila. ! NOTirK: A HPIXIAI. MKKTINO Olr TIIK HlocUholitfrs of tho HriiNlnston lljcrln Irp Company will be lislfl at tin Company's of fice. Trenton nvi-nui nnd Huntingdon at . nn Tuesday, October 12th, ID'JU, at 4 o'clock P St. The object of tho moctlnK Is th nom ination of officers for th cnsulns: yesr. Rnd tho nppolntmcnt of nn Audltlnc Committee. HtocUhu'.ders arc renuestid to l- present. A. n. nr.CHTin. Hevretnry. Annual llei tings T1IE convenient location of the ClrArd Trust Company is n point to be considered hardly second to Its financial standing. It's proximity to the City's railway stotlons, rei dentlal and shopping districts is b distinct convenience to our clients. HKOAD & CHESTNUT STS. Philadelphia Chartered 1836 -Tii; INTERNATIONAL ipiEIGLHTINGL CORPORATION REGULAR SAILINGS Through Bills of Lading Issued PHILADELPHIA to RIVER PLATE PORTS ' "pLADELPHIA'to RIO JANEIRO & SANTOS " . IW J'RfcTo.i.A A'fWnqVn'RlifeNOS AIRES' ttllLAMtwnin i -. .---,,. T0 H. H. .Norkuni 10 in Itefrleer-tnr . .Wept. 30 PHILADELPHIA to FRENCH ATLANTIC PORTS a u Kulvullon l.uss " Lafytttei Buildins;, Philadelphia Main 8115 Lombard 3033 H. t. Se.illl.ir. way. Ne Cortlnml 0(1? iiii. 30 40 '"'aarMlF. 1 ' "ill i !' mi"' n,,i"'"'"77i7YT" ""' 1 1 mi AW iTmrnTTiMH 1 1 11 i'i'i 1 1 1 1 m'i 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 "i HHTiTTnir 8 xi n iP w 22Sa&i u u I n ai T Jfjil il MHSSiiM URUGUAY XCVSHwiTBl Trt to J4.877.412 n, lan h,., VrfTSS-ff 'TPrts fr"'n tho United VI fil VSjr oli10" amounted to J50.483 - j IssaTB !i-"i r nn Incronpo In ten sanss3 years of over 1000. JOHN L. MERRILL, Prtft. ALL AMERICA CABLES Route your messages "Via liaa nldod In thu development All America," which words 'f trndo between tho Amer. ,- ,o,rT..nif free by all 1(,aH ln nffordlng n rellnbl- are transmittea 'ree "" menns of eiulclt oommui.le:.. H telegraph companies. ,lr,p II American Dredging Co. RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS 308 Chestnut Street Philadelphii NOKTIIKKN PACIFIC It.AII.ltOAI) CO. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meotlnK of tho stockholders of the Northern Pacific llallrouil Comtmtiy. will bo held on Thursday. Ortolier SI. 1120. nt 12 o'clock noon, nt 34 Nassau htreet. New York City, for the purposes ot electing thirteen Direc tors oc inu uomiiiny 10 servo lur one year and until their successors nro elected ant tor tho transportation of any business thai may lawfully be brought before the meetlnc H. A. GAT. Secretary. Nw York. Heptember II in'JO tiTk annual mkktino of thu htock. holders of tho Citizens Hank. Philadelphia, n, for the election of Directors and such other business ns inpy properly rome beforo Ihn meetlnif. will be held at the Hanking House. 22-J4 South Third Street. Phlladl. phla, Pa., on TueMlny. Notrnilier 2il, 11)20, b-'T.een the hours of 12 nnd 2 P, M. J H UAYI.KY, Cushler. DlildrmlH CITIES SERVICE COMPANY BANKERS SHARES Monlhly Distribution No. 20 Henry 1. Uoherty & Company announce that li.n Ttteniifiii Monthly Distribution on Cities Kerlon Hunkers Shares, payablo on November 1st 1II2H. to Hankers Shares of Itecord October lr.th. lirjo, v. t,o 41. no rents on each Hankera Share American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Centrifugal Pumps ItKAI. ASTATIC TIU'ST 111.1)0, licit Telephone IValnut 2030 For AH Purposes MORRIS MACHINE WORKS A dividend of tho ilollirs per charn will n nam on i riu.ii. ucioner is, iuo. to stockholders of record at the clone of bust ,c3 on Monday, September 2n. inso. O D MH.Ni; Treasurer. Propowulu PItOPOSAI.S FOB rilAVATS (IIFICK OF the Depot Quartermaster. II. H, Army. Philadelphia, Pa Sealed proponals will be received here until 11 u m October IS, 1U20. for all or any part of 7nn,nni) cravats black silk Information upon application. FRENCH LINE Compagnie Gcnerale Transatlantique Innrd nnd Outward Fast rrelcut Steamer Regular Monthly Service PHILADELPHIA TO LE HAVRE AND BORDEAUX ANH OTHPR PRFNCH ATLANTIC PORTS SS "NORTHERN" (Br.) 7500 tons steel I00.A-1 To load Pier SB South. fieliedn,l snM OCTOnF.n 25th nnd llrialar Mllln.4 Tht.reiffer. AGENTS NEW YORK OCEANIC COMPANY, INC. For Hates and Space Apply GEYEL1N & C0MPAWY, Inc., Philadelphia Representative! 108 South Fourth Street I'linnr Tinmhnril 4207 MARINE TR ANSPORTCORPORATION THE SERVICE LINE NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA nnd Points South TERMINALS BALTIMORE Philadelphia .Pier 9, North Wharvei Phono Market 4419 Daltimore Pier 5, Pratt St Phono St. Paul 0 J5 New York Inland Waterways. S. S. Corp. Pier Foot Roosevelt St. Brooklyn Bridge, East Rivor.. Phono Beekman 2400 FREIGHT RECEIVED DAILY AT EACH PIER KKSQHTH STKAMMIIPN KKHOIITS STI'.AMMIll'S Prominent New York and Philadelphia stock ex change Hrm desires applica tions for position of man ager of branch oilices in nearby cities. Box B 226, Ledger Oliice. George K: Watson & Co. Certified Public Accountants Federal Tax Consultants Real Estate Trust Bldg. Philadelphia FOR SALE BIG STOCK OF ELECTRICAL MATERIAL IMMEDIATE DEUVKBV ATTHACT1VI3 1'ItlCK.H New Stock Best Manufacturers Wire anil Cable. rialn nnd Lend Coeredi Transformers, 2200 110 to 140i role tine Hardware, Crose Arms nnd Insulatorsi Interior Wlrlnit Mulerlul, Including I'orrelalnsi Interior ond KKrrlor I.ltlitlnK Equipment) Iluod LUIitsi Motorsi Eleclrle Drills) lndlctlii nd Cur,e.I)roln Meiers, tie. Detailed lists will be sent on request, PHILADELPHIA ENGINEERING & SALES CORP. UtnckU Hid.. rlilUdelpulu. 1'a. inone Wslnut Dili Special Yachting Cruise To WEST INDIES Leaving New York Nov. 6th, Returning Dec 1st NKV HIUTISIl TWIN UCllUW Embraces English, French and American Possessions Old-World Scenes in A Setting of Azure Seas S. S. FORT VICTORIA &, ulll make one of the most attractive and delightful cruises ever planned calllne first at America's new Island possessions, Ht. Thomas and St. Croix, only four days from New York, thencu to lit. Kltts and Antigua (Knsllsh), Guadeloupe, and Martinique (French). Ht. I.ucla. r.arbados, Trinidad, Dominica. (Ungliilw and ban Juan. 1'urto ItUo (American). These Islands uressnt variegated scenery, full Hotel Rates the most esqulslte, iilcturesquo and of lllfilnrv anri rtnmnnen an.i in;.. r." tustoins of Ulfferent nationalities. The cruise, covering mors Ihrin fi find mllm I n nurtn naArillnn ai .1 . r w xtwss ., wwv ititiusj, in n t'H trv ,1 .Mlllsj IIUt III UI I IV In lha lovely Tarlbtoan Sea and with the Islands In sight of each other. Passengers will have, time to sue the various points f Intore.t at all islands. Including tho wonderful Asphalt The steamer Is your hotel and has many upper deck rooms fitted with beds and private baths, hot and cold running water and clectrlo fani In all rooms, and the cuisine Is the very best. The promenade decks -are unusually spacious. ., uccas- llates for the round 1273.00 and upwards. cruise, including stateroom, according to accommodation. berth and meals. Early application is desirable to aecure choice accommodation. For further particulars apply to , QUEBEC STEAMSHIP CO., l Whitehall Ml., New VorU Clt. rUKNKHH, WITHY & CO., I.til., Hoarse nidg., Iloston EARN-LINE Incorporated IB!) I U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia-Manchester SS"Des Moines Bridge". ..Oct. 25 Philadelphia Havana S S "Lake Galera" Oct. 15 SS"Coquina" Oct.25 For rates and particulars apply to Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Atlantic-Gulf and Pacific Lines Freight Service Only PHILADELPHIA to LOS ANGELES (Harbor) SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND and SEATTLE U IU MtC.L II, .....ill l.V'. .!v A H'rimer H S Cane Itninnln" f IIAk.. Ivlllt'7. JL I II I.... iirrxei mug,, s-unaueipiiia Imbsr 81UI .10 in s in Nov. 2(1 ilueuu I'a. ....u,,, ,n-, VIOIlUllct, .About Nov .tnuiii PHILADELPHIA to Scandinavian Ports Christiania Gothenburg, Copenhagen Regular Service O. 8. Shipping Hoard Mcrl StearosM S. S. "Fort Armstrong" Loading, Oct. 15th (From Pier 78. South Wharvei) The Chorlea T. Megee Co. Agents for U. S. Shipping Hoard Drexel Building PHILADELPHIA .. Lombard S10D. Matn SOB Holland-America LINE , NEW YORK to R0HERDAM Vl Plvmnnth nnd Boulogne-iur-Md Oct.I3Nlt.t',i Ryndam Rottcrdim ,. ... nooruaia ,.,,,.. ; il New Am.l.rJ.m Oct. 19,B' J .,,., ......- , a. I "J ....att.iiw 'm ....Nor. 6.D-.HJ - " aI.. IIII VValnilt DM .i,l .. - 1 h4 $ti an !, ;- : it2iti&&ukd . , .'f.:elu MalnlJtB