-r A' r V i. ,'i r 21 -jL- - y ' feXQBr FAILED TO MAG THE) A . if iiir. !, FINDING THE BROOKLYN FLOCK TO BE TOUGH' BIRM t -"( ROBMS It ', ANOTHER ESTERVAAG REPORTS AT PENN fourth Member of Famous Team Phil Harvey Out of -Danger. Ward Stars i PrVN has another EstervnnR, tho . .i - i.t famous North Da- fourth Of Hint Ja'n0" i." TTt I?" .u. ii ,llv: to enter tho Unt Vntn football family, W enter ui um- iota io"i" . . . . ro. k Mltv "fack Is lils name and he ro Ter!"' 'Mnnilnv afternoon nil drossoil Rrwin nb tow. Pr. Charles H ted on " ... K Infra W. '"..B." I.VS : nTor hnarlne the ..Sato's nuiV, took him to one side ind after a short chat Kent him Into & dressing room to don n red nnd blue fVscy and report with tho vnrMty can- 2535m" Yesterday nek. was In .tow Sf Bob Torrey, the fnmotis center In JheTearly part of this century, and TorW Pave him pointers, that hould fo.nlra the youth to mighty efforts. It K expected that he will be made . .ml as there is n real dearth of Z "end material, denpltc the she of fhesauad. Ycxtcrday Estcrvnag romped wound the field, catching forward passes v ,1th all the grace ond case o a vet- ran. ... - -.i nuek" Wharton holds out great hones for tho youth, whom ho nys hns Sll the earmarks of a star P"formcr. It M due to the coaching of Whar ou kick In 11)10 that made Jacks brother dock in j" Bptnetlon tint year. Ke older tad I reported (or the Pcnn ' Lm without, any previous experience. , leara "".' . in,m,intclv Won rcrog-I , but he ,n,m0,.Kimm',!"i S l.U notions nltion from the coaches by his n."101 nn tho field. A big raw-boncil youui, no toon picked up the ruuimcms ui .v rarae. and it was not long before he wnd Shwed "n tho varsity team. The rcc Srdi of 1010 will show him to be ono Jf the best linemen In the country tlmt year. Several selected him for All American honors. The t-riund received n ,''0? ?;"""; Then It became known that Phil Harvey lo holds the distinction of having wa,!c ono of the two touchdowns ngalust the varsltv this jenr wns In the Unlver- tr Hopital buffering from concussion f,V. i.it r.nti, 'I'liesdav afternoon Harvey was bumped in the head during il. Jlminnro drill, bllt tllOUght. MOtll- the scrimmage drill, but thought, l !.7r fnllnB that he had n'slight?? '"'"; 'ni and that they both Vialled befldarhe. Ho went into the arcssuiK I ,om later than "sua.nnrt was among the last getlltlR iniu mi duvv .- Hardly hnd he started dressing wiicn U suddenly toppled over. Several of tho nlors lifted him to a bench, where It was found that he was unconscious. Doctor Light the team physlciun was tent for and had him removed to tho I'niverslty Hospital, where it wns found that he Buffered a slight concussiou of the brain. An X-Ray tnken late Tues day night developed no other complica tions and it is expected that the lad 111 be able to leave tnc nospuni ucioru Ilia find nf tlin WOplc.tj Harvey, who is from Moore, Penn sylvania.' about fifteen miles down to ward Chester, will be out of the guiuu for the Mason. This statement was Bade yesterday afternoon by Doctor Mtht. Phil is no relation to Herman Harvey, the Minorsvillo lad. who is playlnt regularly in the backfield. Tna Promotions Coach Heistnan mnde two promotions to the varsity bound yesterday after noon when lie ordered the ussittuinv rnanaRer to rig out Townsend and Happy Day with varsity regalia. It hns on? been expected that Day would male the varsity squad. Up nt George flehool during the preliminary practice drill the happy person played a bangtin game. It was only during, the last week that he was uncovered nnd sent into the game against the varsity. Ho nlajed such a fine brand of bootball on Monday and Tuesday that Coach Heis tnan lost no time yesterday in getting thn on the regular siiuad. The first demotion of the yenr came yeterdav. when Humes was ordered to the scrubs after having been on tho vnr lty for two weeks. Humes received a bad cut on the lip about two weeks ago nd failed to report on tho field dally. r.s Is the custom, even with Injured players. He was officially charged with being A. AV. 0. Ij. When he returned yesterday he was placed on tho scrub eleven. Humes, who looked like an end of considerable ability at tho start, fhouM hao little trouble winning back Ms Hod and Hlue jersey. The varsity yesterday wns a mixed tip combination of first nnd second tenm men, Coach Hcjsman giving several of the resulnrs n rest, notablv Herman Ilanpy, Joe Straus and Pos Miller. Miller entered the scrimmage for a few minutes before tho players were sent to the dressing room. Th t andty combination mnnaged to tcoro twine on the scrub-", who, how ever, prciented themselves from suffer jnir a shutout by making a safety. The hitter was the first of the year on Franklin Field, nnd wns made by n Jlgilnnt scrub player, who hopped on n Jumbled ball behind his own goal line. Ilex Wrny made the fumble on nn at tempted smash through center. Shortly nfter the safety tho varsity fcored the first touchdown on a forward pass. Hex Wrnv to Fritz Straus, goo 1 for 10 jnnh. Mike Whltehill made the fiecond score, when ho intercepted n for ward pass ami dashed 70 yards through the entire scrub team and planted the call behind the goal posts. Whltchll' yesterday carried the ball In scrimmago for the first time this fear, nnd ho gavo every indication of Dng a star. Ho rnn tho ends and mashed through the line with cm flderuble speed and dash. His nuntln-r n the few occasions he was called on lva? ,Vttcr tlmn n"' of the other Itcd W ''hie punters have been nble to do. After the prnctico Whitehall stnted thnt ne was now In shape, nnd that he hoped tne Jinx thnt has been hovering over Mm since the start of preliminary prac tice at deorgc School has flown nwnv .? n,1prbiblllty tho former Ttutgcrs "." will l'lny ot one of tho halves, along .if ,MPrmiln Harvey, with Joe Strnn (I i nil aDd ro,i Millcr cnlllnB lho Word Plays Well .ij ', Wnrl ho has come in for con "Merable unwarranted criticism of late wcause nf his play on Saturday played a bangim euino yesterday. He was used a defensive guard backing up tho tn . i ?ge Vno whcn tlln Scrubs carried inu ball and not oueo iihi iir. i nnf II- --,, "'" " ""to utu tney gei pasi nun. hrank. tin renins -nu T.,f i.Vfn t'ii. lin S V, ":cl"cr, won seiu into ,"', !inc . t hold, down the hole mnde UJ Urir rlrn.,.t l..i. , ,. . rnmVU..,r "'"s uutH, uuu mo new Kntlon Vork.el t0 I"fection. Ward to Ion,. I?nilcr Jho, linleap of huving XI nl"..nu .cnt "ly new system nftc? he 8taKrtihie atl "P ,lno n,"y 'er since toWhliS 1' ,,gJ' ,el'001- According Ijftein ' h,e ,s,ast Earning the Pcntl ia out. tt "" bcforo tI,e B(;a8on lSenten'n(,!,nri'd nt ccnt yterdny yanked u,fCrJmrane,e tlrlll but wns t ,!,,ln!ltcs nftcr p,ay Frank in ?i-i Ci lira,.,k wns se"t ' May hit J m?a lls n,Dkl 0, tho last CH Thnrnw Mr,0U8,fr "'hnni nnd top Ian wtVm', t,,B, Punrls with Vn tSLKl V..ar,,91 'Thurman were " rclftveii i,J t? lu"; Ulu "lttcr l,e Grave ,eVb,y D?y. later on. Ull "iw aV-Ihe'1,,?-"",1, Family Out for Gridiron Colder and playing n hangup game dur tog tlic latter part of the drill, Miilllvm, !... onnrtn.l n vnraltv oro Ktllllviiti who unorted n varsity Jersey yesterday has' all the earmarks of Htar dom. He Is playing football for the 11 rut time In li's life nnd is making the otlicf end cmidldateH hustle to uecp their join. Last spring Hulllvun played nee end liiiKo and captained the freshmen buM'hall tinm. Ilo comes from llllon, Y Penn Points Walter Grrennmilt, iho rormer York ItUh School lad who subbed -nt end last week, In in bad shnpe lth holla on Ills neck. Ho has ueen ordered to keep out of uniform until ha Is entirety cured, Mike Deo and ollly Morris pro looking utter him. Tom McNnmaru, who Is looking after the destinies at tho scrub teams there days, stated jesterduy thiU he had scheduled a Kama -with Mercershurg Academy and the. Ilrst scrub eleven for this Saturday. Tho Kama will be pltyid at MerrersburK. The scrub team to bo selected must win an elimination contest from tho other three scrub teams. Fred Ashbr. who formerlv sinrtrxi th STffi. wund-. jworted ft colors of Ames College, Iowa, and who holla for tho team esterdny. He o wresmne title ut ins Jvu nsslgned to, thn scrub squad until he ,'""'? tho slunals. It would not be at all 'surprising to nnd h m on tho vurslty squad in a short time. toacli KeoRh's freshman eleven has a pamo ycheduled for this Haturday. M.anaitef JJaly Is waltlnn for the final word from "o Tomo School manaucment at Port De posit. In the event that the schoolboys S.re.Juni,ble ,0 m1o lho trip to Kranklln Field, nn army tcum from Camp Dlx will meet tho yearilnes. t'lildtr hurt his shoulder sesterday after- ..vn uurinK n scrimmage, onu was lorceo I to Icayo tho game. His Injury Is sdKht. and ..- ..... ... ull lliuuduflll) hl'l IIIIU tll workout this afternoon. Joe Hamilton, who foimorly played in Washington, was also Injured slightly yesterday. Ho Injured his leg. Hulily Keuney and Tom McNanmru hod a tote fest yesterday afternoon, 'I hey ills. COered that lit nne limn thnv hn,1 nlnvail recuiar quarterback on tho freHlimnn team tSSul' JX, looklnir lad. lie la un leld runner, uccuidlnjr to rveosn. bo confident Is Hud Hopper that ho will be In the gnmo analnst I.afajette that Joslerday he nid a wnger wltn unc of the players that ha would see action In that game. Dud comes In for considerable rallery from his teummatcs becauue uf thu utl Job ho tins. PROMINENT GOLFERS ENTER CORNISH PLAY Entry List of Seventy Expected to Compete at Tor- resdale Some of tho most prominent golfers of Philadelphia w'll ploy today In the second an nual competition for the H. If. Cornish memorial plaque nt the Torresdale Golf Club. Included Irt tho number are J. Wood Piatt, tho local champion and the player who elim inated the national champion, Davidson Iter ron. in the Inst national championship, Nor man If, Maxwell, .former North afiri Houth champion; Ktlward C. ClHrey. winner of the Old York Iload and lUtu tournaments; Kred W. Knight. th Wh'temarsh Mnr.' and Walter II. Reynolds, wlnn -' the tlelst Cun lust yenr. P fty-slx are entered and tho pot entries oro expected to bring the number up to sev enty or more In addition to the sllter medals .tarded fur tho best gross and thn lo- net scorn the Torresdale Golf Club has offered n special prlre for the best urcu V"': Jh course, which was laid out by Donald Itoss. Is one of tho best In tho Phila delphia dlstr'ct and han two or three of the finest golf holes In the United States. FITZGERALD IS VICTOR Whltey Defeats Young Robldeau In Camden Bout "Whltey Fitzgerald defeated Young Itobldeau in the mnin bout nt the Broad way A. C. Camden, last night. The contest wnH n slugging match. Fitrger nid tipped thu scales nt 134. while his opponent balanced tlicmit 12S. 'he somiwlnil-up Joe Kurtz. 150, defeated John Murphy,. lKt. Willie Trailer, 140, knocked out Hobbv llnr rett In less than a minute in the first round. Eddie Dempsey defeated Young Cornell. MAN 0' WAR LEAVES Riddle's Colt on Way to Kenllworth for Big Race New York, Oct. 7. Samuel Riddle's Mau-o'-War has iind his final work out for his match race with Sir Barton. The big sou of Fair Play stepped tbe one nud one-nunrtcr miles nt Ilelmont Park in J:0:i H-fi. At no stage of the journey wns he urged to do his best, bu(; was allowed to race along as he de sired. Tho colt hus left here for Kenll worth, Canada, where he will have his fitiui truiuiug for tho rnco on October 12. Named Athletic Director I'rlncetoii, Oct. 7. Thomas J, Dronne, of the University of North Carolina, haw been appointed hy the honrd of trueteeo to -.lm pout of assistant athletic director at Prince ton, to succeed Professor W. F. Louhrlntr, who hus left to accept his new position us head of physical education and athletics at tho University of Nebraska. Want Boxing Commission ' Allenton, Oct. 7. Hacked by over 1000 ' lovers of boxiuer. an ordinance was Introduced In City Council creatine a. boxing commis sion tn rcguluto the sport In this city. Tho petition, as well as the ordinance, was re ferred to the mayor and city solicitor. The measure In Its regulatory features closely follows the law of the ntato nf New York, and Is designed to put the boxlne earns in Allctilown upon tho lilelio.it footlne. c BASEBALL L Phillies Park Today, 3 P. M. O Droad and Huntingdon R E Hilldale vs. c Babe Ruth and a Carl Mays' All-Stars n Oct. 0 Farkesburir. Dobson & Hilldale, i Hto World's Herles on rhiHIti Score a bonrd 8KB HONK8T-TO-O00DNESH UOUT8 AT THE NATIONAL A. A. HATUIHIAY KVH.. OCT, 0 8 hick Lawrence vs. Kid Wagner us Franchett! vs. Danny Korers Jimmy Jordan s. Jack Itnsso llughey llutrhlsnii s. Joe Nelson Young Hiimmr Handow vs. Mirty Collins TIf'KlCTH AT DONAUimS. S3 8. 11TII HT. Gcrmantown Sportsmen's Club Friday, October 8 Jimmy Murphy vs. Tommy MeCnnn 4 OTIIEIl CUACKEBJACK BOUI8 4 BROOKLYN GIRARD ATHLETES Collegians Defeat W. P. H. S. in Opening Soccer Con test, 2 to 1 Glrnrtl College, nlwnys noted for the strength of their soccer tennis, ushered in the scholastic season with n hard tussle, the strong West Philadelphia High School nggregntion. In tho first half West Philadelphia excelled, Town send tallying n gonl which caused (?i rnrtl considerable worry. Tn the linnl half, however. CJlrard upheld their rep utation by winning when Woolford's gonl tied the score nt)d Frank Kelfcr tallied the winning goal. Oirnrd 2-to-1 victory was well I rarned. West Philadelphia, with such players ns Oakley, l.lnglebnck, blliott, Wnsch. Itcevcs, Snnsenig, Abrams, Townsend. Cresse. Dougherty nnd Cnp tniu SViiltli. put up n stiff battle. On the Oirnrd team were such stnrs as MncCnuloy, Stewart, Meyers, Nccly, Price. Jones. Kramer, McCnbe. Mur ray, AVoolford and Scott. Miller Mey eis and Frank Kelfcr who tallied the winning goal, were the leaders In jrs terday's contest. Northeast High School opens thi football season tomorrow. The North east snuad hns been showing plenty of pep, but duo to Injuries nnd whnt not tin- final selection for the game with Williamson School tuts not yet been WIN FIRST GAME Composite Box Score of First Two Series Games CLEVELAND Field. Bat. g ab r h 2b Hb hr th sh sl avg po n e nvg Evans, If 2 L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 10 0 .000 Jainieson, If. ... 1! 6 0 10 0OIO0 1.000 200 .'J00 Wnmbsganss, 2b. 'Jt 000000000 1.000 .$ 2 0 .000 Speaker, cf 2 702100. 10 0 1.000 0 0 0 .2S0 Hums, lb 2 3 110 0 0 10 0 1.000 0 10 .333 E. Smith; rf. ..2 500000000 1.000 3 0 0 .000 Gardner. 3b. ... 2 7 0 2 100300 1.000 250 .280 Wood, rf 1 2 2 1100200 1.000 400 .500 W. Johnston, lb. 2 50000 0 00 0 1.000 3 10 .000 Sewell, ss 2 7 0 10 0 0 10 0 1.000 4 5 0 .143 O'Neill, c 2 7 0 3 2 0 0 5 0 0 1.000 10 2 0 .120 Covcleskie, p. .. 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,7."0 2 11 .000 Jlafby, p 1 20000000 0 1.000 2 2 0 .000 Uhle, p 1 00 0000 0 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 .000 Luntc, 2b 1 0 0 0 0 0000 01.000 000 .000 L. t.raney 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 .000 Nunemaker ..1 10100010 0 1.000 0 0 0 1.00Q Totnls 03 3 12 5 "o "o 17 00 ' CI 22 1 .100 nitOOKLYN Fldg. Bat. ., g nb r It 2b 3b hr tb sh sb avg po a e avg 9l65n,- s - 7 13 0 0 0 3 1 0 1.000 3 5 0 .420 J. Johnston, 3b. 2 7 110 0 0 111 1.000 14 0 .143 (Jrilfith, rf 2 8 0 3 10 0 4 0 0 1.000 4 0 0 .375 heat, If 2 7 12 2 0 0 4 0 0 1.000 7 0 0 .143 Myers, cf 2 7 0 1 .0 0 0 I 0 0 1.000 3 0 0 .000 Konctchy. lb.... 2 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 22 " 2 I .000 Kildiiff, 2b 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 3 0 0 .000 Krueger, c 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 7 10 .000 Marquard, p. ..1 100000 0 00 1.000 0 0 0 .000 Laimf 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0. 01.000 000 .000 Mamaux, p. ...1 000000000 1.000 0 10 .000 tVifchell 1 101000 10 0 1.000 0 0 0 1.000 Cadoro 1 0 00 000 0 0 0 1.000 0 10 .000 tNels 1 00000000 0 1.000 0 0 0 .000 Grimes, p 1 311000100 1.000 14 0 .333 Miller, c 1 300000000 1.000 3 1 0 .000 Totals 00 4 12 3 0 0 14 2 1 54 25 1 .200 Batted for Marquard In first game. tBatted for Mamaux in first game. titan for Mitchell in first gome. JBatted for Bngby in secoud game. xBattcd for Uhlc in Bccond game. Hits apportion Covelesklc, 5 in nine innings; off Marquard, 5 in th innings j off Mamaux, 0 in two innings; off Cndore, 0 in ono inning; off Bagby, 7 in six innings ; off L'hle, 0 in two innings ; off Grimes, 7 In nine Innings. Struck out By Inrquard. Speaker, Wamby, Burns, Wood ; by Mamaux, Sewell, O'Neill, Coveleekie; by Covelcskie, J. Johnson, Kllduff. Konctchy; by Grimes, 2; by C'hle, 3. First base on balls Off Marquard, 2; Covelcskie, 1; Grimes, 4; Bagby, 1. Doublo plays Konetchy, Komeger, J. Johnson (first game) ; Gardner, O'Neill, W. Johnston, O'Nell (second game). Left on bases Cleveland, 13; Brooklyn, 0. Umpires Klein, Con nolly, O'Day and Dlncen. The more a man knows nkmit shoemnkinsr. tho easily he sees the true economy of Boot Shop shoeo and Boot Shop priceo. teicroridaft n S 'JiOOl oiop UZO Chosinut St WW Only Be,t u Uood wl DODGERS TIE WORLD SERIES Scholastic Athletic Schedule for Today ' rOOTHAM. I'rnnkford II lull m. (lerinantown Arnd rmy nt Tulwr. Neutli I'lilliiilolphla s. lirrmiinlown IIIkIi ut Oermantown. fiWCKK I'rnn Trcnhnien . Northeast ut Nortlicnst. made. Coach Snyder has been shifting his players nnd the strength of North east is nn unknown factor' in sx'hohistn. circles. Coach KUwood Ocigcs's Frankford High School players have secured n placn on the Penn Clint tor School schedule. Frankford Is the only school in addition tu Ceutrnl which has been placed on the Quakers' 1H20 list. The gnm will he played nt Queen I,:im on November 4, nud it should be well worth seeing, for both teams nre strong, nnd It will be the second test between the High School League mid Inter academic League elevens. Haddon Heights High School is icady for tho football game with Colllngswood High tomorrow nt Colllngswood. Tho Haddott Heights boys did tiot closo their eyes to Colllngswood High's big victory over (ilouccster. Haddon Heights has eight veterans, nnd Captain Fnllln is tonfident that his team will show up well. King Out for Navy Eleven Annapolis. .Mtl., Oct. 7, King, reuutar rmnt tacKie or tne team last year anil etroKo of the navy's Omplo crew, has reported. He did some klrklng, but did not scrimmage, nnd Is not expected tn stnrt mtnlnst Uifa yetto Haturday. The first team was larsely nn the defenslvo durlnir the scrimmage and no substnntlalKalns were mnde bv the scrubs. Th regulars wero successful In stoDDlnu forward rnss plais more n'l I if l I TR P TO ENGLAND roRiMAN CHAMP Miss Stirling Expected td Play in British Tourney Meets Miss Cummings Today Cleveland. ()., Oct. 7. Mls Atcxn Stirling will go to England next year to piny in the British women's cham pionship, provided she retains her title as American champion. At this writing it appears tlmt Miss Stirling will retain the title, although some mighty fine players still stand be tween her and the championship the most formidable being Mrs. C. II. 'Nan derbeck, Miss Marion Hollins nud Mrs. Qucntin Feitner. MNs Stirling met Mis Edith Cum mings, of Chicago, today in the third round and wns picked to win, nlthougli MNs Cummings has been shooting well and is one of the best of the Chicago women golfers. She won a secoim round match by tho wide margin of 11 and 5 from Mrs. W. A. Gavin, of New York, runner up for the 1010 title. MIhh Stirling had her hands full In beating Miss Elaine Rosenthal, 2 and 1. When Miss llosenthnl had kit her tee shot to the short seventeenth it looked as if the match would be scptared, ai Miss llosenthnl placed her ball seven feet from thu pin und was but 1 down ut the time. It was then up to Miss Stirling and if over n champion mndo a champion shot It wns the Atlanta girl. She cracked the bull high with her spoon, it landed n foot short of the pin and oiled four feet beyond. Miss Rosenthal took two putts and Miss Stirling took but one, winning the mntch right there. Miss Stirling had nn 84 nnd Miss Itosenthul an SS, ns they played out the bye hole. Miss Cummings played very fine golf, being but 41 out and having reasonable figures for the five bye holes which wero not played, to have scored an 80. Mrs. Quentin Feitner gau the vet eran Mrs. Barlow a terrific beating. Mrs. Barlow was weak with her ap proach shots nil day. und Mrs. Feitner was nlavinc exceedingly well, belnc eood enough to have finished in the low SO's hnd tho women played the bye holes. Smlth-Furbush Wins Tltlo The Sinltn-Fiirbush nine broke tho tie In tin, plnoft gnme for the llc of the second half of the Manufacturers" league by de feating Proctor A Schwartz jistrrday before a larco crowd ot Seventh strict ar.d Tabor load. The score wns 7 to .1. Chilly Mornings vs. Warm Sweaters Cotton-Wool Mixed Cardigan Weave Coat Stule Shaker Knit With or Without Cntlnr: nntn V Necks UP Heavy Rope Stile $lQ.5u All Pure nooi f n Angora Coat Sweater.$ J.5() Style 1 L Travel o Coats Pure Wool '$13.50 Worsted Jackets Styles, Weaves, Colors & Pi ices 1235 Market St. 1 S. 13th t. Flesh Reducing Body Building Boxing taught No punishment PHILA. JACK O'BRIEN H. K. Cor. lSlh & Chestnut. Npruro 10 ID Shibe Park IJASEIIAM. TODAY 8S0 P. M. Bacharach Giants vs. Rube Foster's American Giants, for, World's Col. Championship OLD GRIMES" ALIVE TRIS SPEAKER FINDS Pitching of the Brooklyn Ace Starts Indians on Trail of the Poet Who Said He Was a Dead One. Puts Spell on Cleveland Ily OKANTLAND 11ICE r,ew xorli, uct. 7. At the moment of going to press a group of infuriated Cleveland ball players are looking for wic sap-iienaed ourd who dashed off this ancient lyric with all the atmosphere of truth ; , Old Grimes Is dead, that good old man: He ne er shall sen him more. He tired to wear a long black coat All buttoned up before. I He once had something on tho ball, Hu now hi withered lng I.les underneath the cortln ltd 1 Heyond Its nnal fling. I So old Grimes is dead, is ho? Yes, about as dead us Bnbc Uuth, Man o' Wur. Jack Dempsey nnd the home brew kick. In the presence of 21,000 astonished rooters the Old Corpse tossed off his winding sheet yesterday nnd turned back the powerful Cleveland attack into n shllt-oufrout. Either some poet hns been lying for it number of yenrs or the world's greatest miracle has de veloped. In cither case, some ono should page Sir Oliver Lodge and verify the matter at once. Enough to Startle 'Urn Believing that Old Grimes was not only dead, but buried, no wonder the Clovelond Indians were startled when he began to break n scries of fast bnlls and hauling curves over the Inside nnd outside comers of the plate. Who wouldn't be? If you were batting nnd n bloke thought to he dead for thirty seven years suddenly began hnuzing fast ones around your neck wouldn't you be startled, too? With Old Grimes safely back on tills side of the Styx the aroused Dodgcrn played like champions, drove Jim Bng by off the reservation and moved up on even terms with the Indlaus, win) never had n chance. In only one inning could Cleveland bunch us many ns two safe hits. In the seventh Gardner and O'Neill singled, but when Sneaker rushed Grancy up ns a pinch-uitter Old Grimes struck him out. In the eighth Urlmcs doled out three passes, but even with these lavish gifts to work on the Cleveland attack was so powerless before his fancy pitching that not a run resulted. When a bull club can gather three passes in one round nnu tncti can t drive n run across jou may get some Idea of how badly its attack was broken. On the other side of the argument, J. The Hasty oAge THESE are "Good Enough" times. There is a spirit of "Do-It-In-A-Hurry" abroad. Scarcely a trade, craft or business but reflecps it. Cigar makers, being human like all the rest of us 1920 people, are inclined to be less careful. Toxkeep up "esprit de corps" pride in the work old-fashioned skill and artistry This is one of our Big Jobs. , We've a fine lot of men and women in our fac tories. We give them clean, light, modern work rooms, the best treatment we know how, and the best pay-envelope recognition of their services. So, somehow, we're keeping MANUEL'S craft manshipits appearance, texture, body, color and blend up to the standard we set a long time ago. The enormous increase in sales proves that smokers appreciate a Big Job well handled. "" SSS"SSS1 "SSSMSS , "SSISBSlsaBBSs,,,",SSSSl I 2 for 25c mifsTFStfSfm 1 In whatever shape or size you prefer, beginning at 2 for 25c. At all stores. t I l&tMMXtsXSWa&rMJi B ALLEN R. CRESSMAN'S SONS Cigar Manufacturers Philadelphia Ilrooklyn found Jim llngby it much t-ofter proposition than Stanley Cove lcskie hnd been the day before. Ilagby was good enough to win thlrty-ouo ball games through the jcar, the only pitcher in cither league who reached the thirty mark. Hut he still looked to bo n bit weary nfter the heavy burden he had carried all year, nnd only n pnir of lucky turns saved htm from bigger rout. Through the first three innings the Ilrooklyn nttack lilt him with savage nnrnoitttiocu hut linn drives were mis placed or double plays yanked him out of greater trouble just as he seemed to bo sinking for tho third nud last time. Grimes's Support .FauUlws Hagby drew the same brilliant sup port from Trls Spenkcr that Covcleskie did. but even the Texan's speetneuiar catches were not enough to save JiH 1,1,1a Mnontrnr. tn nilllltlnll to killing off n brace of doubles, Interpolated single nnd n double of his own, proon bly enraged nt the duplicity Involved in the rumor of Old Grimes's demNe. But it wasn't enough. Vov In nddltlou to iiplnim'ii flno tiUi'lilnc IiIm sumiort. ieil hy Tommy Griffith, Znch Whent nnd l'ctc Kllduff, built up n wnll thnt was not to be broken through. Griffith, In right, kept tearing bnck ngainst the fence for long blows, nnd on one oecn slon ills stocky frame came near bound Ing back to the infield in the wake of a running catch. . And Griffith did something more than Mtpport Old Grimes. He drove in two ,,f llrnnklvn's three runs with a double in the third nnd u single In the fifth. He, was tho boy in the pinch. At tho sain"! tlmo it took the finet play of the game to keep him from scoring. . In the second Grimes singled nnd Olwin wntt afe on Bneby's low throw tn second. Johnston fouled out and Griffith's double scored Grimes. With Olson on third ind Griffith on second Wheat wns purposely pnssed. Myeri then tanned to third nnd 01nn wns forced nt home. O'Neill attempted a i double play at lirst, nut tnc oaii striicit Myers under the collar. Griffith, round ing third, saw his chance and dashed for home. He arrived there at top speed two strides ahead of the ball, but the bril liant O'Neill whirled, blocked him off the plato and then turned in time to Flor De liaiidle'-.Tolinston's throw from first. Onlf it great catcher could have completed melt u play, for It was n piny that culled for brawn, brain nnd gnraenos,. A lighter man would have been swept , from his feet by Griffith's rushing on slnitght, whereas O'Neill wns a croSejf between Hlr Khodcrick Dhu and Henr,1!1 J. Gibraltar when tho crash took place,'' . Droolilyn Shows Fight The Biookljn club gave fair warning in the second gnme that it hns only be gun to fight. Your Uncle Wllbcrt llob" itisoti, with nil tint elements of fine leadership, has built up n machine thnt may be outplujcd, but one that isn't' going to crnclt. Did ou know that nil through tho jenr Ilrooklyn only droppd below first or second plnce but once, and thnt fdr a brief period lasting only a few days? This is proof enough of tho club's stendiness. nnd steadiness linked with' n great pitching stuff is a mighty factor. As the case standi now, Speaker haii only broken even with his two star pitchers on the job. And Hobby hn1 broken even with Khcrrod Smith nnd Jeff I'fcfTcr in the stable nnd with Jin' ninujc nnd Cndore ns fresh as ever, Dinner and Purse for Moaktcy Ithnru, N. V., Oct 7 foscli John V, Mosklev. of Cornell I'nlvrrsltv. who nrsm head coach of the Amnrlcsn Olympic track teams, wns nlven a wclcomo home dinner last night by his unherslty associates and citizens or Ithaca. i;oncn .Monkley wns pre sented with a purse of IT.7r ss a cltt from the city anil university communities. Here Is a Shirt Thnt Men llnvc Been Lookinp; For "Windbreaker" . Famous Signal Brand moleskin Winter shirts .00 Sizes 14 to 18 Union Made Coat Style Il.irlr fnlfrr. tun nrwUi. fltnt mlnr. firu-vclalit innlfMkln. Kiiiirantrrd wind "rtnf. rurm mul kprlcrublt. l'urcrl laL "rrtiilfl; I'lilluuripluu's Crentrst Worklnimen's More Wo speelallin In Kiieepsttln Clothlnf. OPEN EVENINGS ity jlj ( j2 i m mm III HI L.l2Vim 3i ma8iseci u 8"dH PK3B.1.I i V M .i tfi 51 Pi ! 1 1 M tl ri q rU T ti (5 Ai A ti J 'U N 3 M r , X. IS "Fl- '-? . Jh a., r,i..,ei.'Wiff i1 -v vj ' y. " ,i Uy.' HV W