u " . . Z1 i 1. i T nrr.A v . ' H ' r.''.r i ;' v - ,. ,. ' ; y "VJ ,-v- 4 vt::h a- -r- .. " j t-il .t ' l i iA, ''! J I : .h, . '' lA'i- V Kuenmg puwtc PHItAEKPlEI, SATURDA.T, OCTOBER 2, "1920 --. , a J ft! Krt?F T ,- h t . 1. .jt, 4it e : : i , t ; - i i j . - t Mps . jlii- '"nSgg WW v ImWMM WPa ' feten nIBdHKMir' Ell SJSBi ym MiUI d"r i ' J I '1 11 I '& v r 1 -t '. t vm ?. ft: "tB: IHK- I BIrH' , It. 4?f s ;f HiB Era rail HB AMONG THOSE PRESENT. A group of the younger' set snapped ns they sat at the "WOMEfrf FOLK WATCH, WHILE MEN CHAT. The weather ringside. They are, left to right, Amelia Leipdr, Margaret Curtis, Margaret Shoemaker, forced both men and women'to getout their heavy coats and wear Florence Crozer and Joan Peterson LeJitrr l'hoto Service, them, at. the horse show ItJr Photo Pervieo A. CHAT OVER THE FENCE. Mrs. C. Howard Clark, on tho lift, and Mrs. Isaac H. Clotluor, Jr., at the Ilryn Mawr Horse .idKfr l'hoto Mrm t Snow f 1 i. HFHnvBilASBb QHKicLcfrHB4T9H 3feHwj!IHHr JkH' ?S .H?! &m,s'$HI &Hraa' if PALS. Lvdia M. Clothier with one of tho horses that she h showing at the horse show. This is one of the most beautiful animals of the Clothier stable ""' -, j lSirer Thoto Sen!c '1ACKLING THE MAN WITH THE IJALL. This t lay Is part of the game staged yesterday afternoon MISS LOULIE THOMSON watched the events between the first and second teams of the Central High School on Houston Field LeJirer Fliuto Service of the horse show from Box 26 Leiltrir rhoto tfcrvlcp DR. J. H. WINSLOW, Vineland, N. J., in action at the Quaker City Gun Club- shoot at Maple Grove yesterday. The event was given in honor of Fred Stone I.fdtfcr Thoto Serviio 1 . ITCH'S t v Bvf l 1 ' itS(j5 rf 4?"mBlHP9uS THREE GOLFERS IN THE TRISTATE TOURNAMENT. Led to right, Jesse Guilford, of Boston; Francis Ouimet, of Boston and Peter Harman, of New York Ieflcer Photo 8cnlce ' nmwnn ipii p in , n'' HiPwpp-i--l ' WORK FOR THE AGED. The autumn day ,Home lor Aged Couples and Aged Men (right) was in charge. Autoists were 3to much in evidence fete, held yesterday at Bala, for tho Presbyterian WESTERN ELECTRIC ATHLETE. Miss Edith Hoffman clearing TWO OLYMPIC SWIMMERS. Miss Eleanor ' M. Uhl WOMAN IN LEGATION. Miss WILLIAM A. LAW, who dU- .proved a nuge success, airs, winiam J. XNicholson me oar m nign jumii uunuB u mta w we vmuic huiwio w um- uk) uu u kii auui iwi, uuuuimu, it-anor waiKor, of uopen- cusses nrico trends in an inter- nned by groups of fund collectors, their stop signs being engo n frw days ago pnotograpned at miss uni s nome in Lansaowue. miss hagen. Denmark, has taken view on tho editorial page jiuernaiionaw Moses win remain nere ior. several days over tho nublicitv dutlpq n- tho rtiiuip. 1 dicr Pnoto Hsnlca. LedBtr Photo Service. nublinitv fliiMoa nt thn Danish Legation in Washington jeiurui isews l'noto. ' QUR clTy'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO fJl ligMJ4 ?-'f VfiWiM WMW I THE BEAUTY CORNER j -,..,.. r, w,mTrr t.-i... i,. .,.i .. n..k . . ti. iirrstt RfiHOOL COACH AND CAPTAIN. Dr, finish on sashes' for porch inclosurcs at the Thomas J. Malia factory, 232 Mentor street. Matthew O'Brien and Captain Kauff man, of Con Ono hundred and fifty to .200 are completed each day by tho metal arm driven by dec trnl High, worked their men out i grand stylo trity, to wnicn sandpaper uisks are niiacnen " V , h Houston 'Field vesterdav afternoon BOY SCOUTS AND CITY HALL PIGEONS. George SOME TWIRLER. She 'is Lillian Schuauer and Theodore Zartman. of York, Pa., bought Hudson, and is the big reason for the yvwHu-o . paw vioiorious eitorts of the o ovnnth floor tdr Photo Utrvict. MISS MILDRED MOORE, 1530 Marston Street, Philadelphia toam of the Gennrnl ITlntrln rL. Lelr Photo Sfrvlr. looser Photo Servlo. k . riff ) - - 1 " - 4 " M pany this "aeasbn, ijir Photo service.1 Ux & t ,? A I t flBJl -. t tlM . l.i. .. C.i 54.t,i.Vibi!iLaiiiiiifA:1. ' .ft?iSLjiii KitAj "i &.)&& -V -