way--' M 'Uv' a Mt J EVENING TUBKTO; ifiS M "4vi IU !. .' v-V J r m m r'''aLoaV' a'laH"' V., bbbbI' EH BBBBBTC 3iT taBBB' ' K'bbbbbbbV'' mi FVffi UM ,M "tAtl! 0 SALE rr.NNWYl.TAMA SUBURBAN Build "Your Home at JV(anoa Meights tiie Ideal Suburb MANOA HEIGHTS is one of the most beau tiful suburban sites in this Vicinity, subdi vided into Large Choice Lots 50x150 ft. Springfield Water, Gas, Electricity, Cement Walks, Macadamized Streets Come out and see for yoursolf what a wonderful location this is all high ground. -Select a Modern Home Site at a moderate price and on convenient terms. It will be a GOOD INVESTMENT, even though you are not ready to build now. Agent on Premises Dailu and Sunday Ch as -NV- Miller . 1201 Commonwealth Building Phone -Walnut -529 MANOA HEIGHTS IVCSTCHCrCK. riH.C HIOM - SPCEO LfVE ISM IN TO GOth CACLC STATION P. 1. LAWLER'S New Homes All Stone BYW00D MANOR 22 MINUTES. FROM CITY HAl.l, Rrtcht and rheerfut homea In dlstlnriue locations In the vicinity of Philadelphia. Efficient inechods achieved by Ions experlenco and constant personal attention have produced these superior homes at low cost.' SINGLE I, u Inn Room. 22 (1x13.2 Dlnlnic Room. 13.0x14 4. llrrakfust Room. Kitchen Itefrtcerator Room. Strictly modern In every detail ; elcht minutes' walk from r.'itli and Market Street Terminal Building, via Garrett Road ui ; mlnutea by trolley to Bywood station. THREE LOCATIONS Pennsylvania Ave. Pcnnock Ave.- P. J. LAWLER TERMINAL APARTMENT DLDO C0TH & MARKfcT ALSO OFFICE ON PREMISES SAMPLE OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS EVENING BY OVratJIROOK 0VERBR00K A beautiful home on a choice corner In best res dentlal aectlon. Contain. Inr 8 chambers. 3 baths, electric llahts. ateam heat from central plant, aarace Property In excellent con dition, with every modern appointment. (I r o u n d s beautifully planted. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700.01-02 MORRIS RLDU Members Phlto Real Estate lioara At Rydal. In the beautiful Hum ingdon Valle, with 10 , acrea. large garage new buildings unusual conatructlon. 2 atreet fronla entirely surrounded bv large estates, a. real homo at the right prlco and terms. Immediate possession. J. T. JACKSON CO. SrRIINOFIKI.n urai:aii'3iKiiiiiiitiiiii!;i!!;iifiii!it,K,ji.,,iiJ SPRINGFIELD ATTRACTIVE HOMES With or Without GARAGES $15,500 to $25,000 INew Houses nelng Finished Built by LAROE LOTS SUPERIOR rx)OATIONR OLD BTONK FARMHOUSE BNTIRELY REMODELED WITH STONE UARAOE AND 2H ACRES OF OROUND FRUIT AND OLD SHADE $18,000 D. B. CHAMBERS 710 Commercial Trust Building Tsltphona Spruce 3150 and 8PRINOFIELD. PA TJBLV BWARTHSIORE 1004 ITsuiesr I'Mlo, Heal JUtatt Hoard '- ' ' ROSF.MONT ROSEMONT $22,500 15 W Stone house, contalnlnir 15 rooms, Q r H 2 baths. 7 chambers hot-water VJ H heat. Kraue :or 3 cars, heatod y W lot consists of about 1 acre, im- M r mediate possession. r 11 Vi HIKil & 1VICIV1ULUI1 r-f 1 VX wrsT ESB TRUST BLDO jT 7 i xw y i -vt -r i - r s . t ( I !t J PKI.IIAM g I jjf PELHAM I r 1 ffl Moderate size stone dwell- J t 4U in contalnlnir on the sec 'n C W i. irl ond floor 3 chambers, bath Jf g f id and sleeplnit porch. Central Ht g f W plant heat ond electric IE M k in lights. Hardwood floors on H . t fej Jf3 nrst and second tloora Im nr , g V? In mediate possession can be Ht ' S t AH had. Price 118.500 ht g WM. H. WILSON & CO. U ! I 3 700-01-02 MORRIS HI.DO 'if l r, RlX. iIember" PnllH H"al E,tBt8 ySld I 'r HVUAI. . I I v STONE COLONIAL I if I! HOME jji i ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Pennsylvania. tununnAN 3m ST- TERMINAL ELEVATED ST. lb MINUTES TO CITY HALL nna of the nioet beautiful and HOMES Four IVedroome on 2d floor An Ideal Bathroom. Htall Shower. Finished Third Floor. With or without sararts. -Hazel Ave. APPOINTMENT PENFIEMl llulldlnt Ixils LOT 75x125. Penfleld. Pa . alao ten lota In Pleasantvllle Terrace. N. .J. J. II. C. SHACK. Drexel Hill. I.snsdowne 1250 W HECANK Beautiful Suburban Home Twenty acres mudern atone house, shade, stream WM. C. BENKERT 1421 CHESTNUT ST SEI.I.K.R8VI1.LK IDEAL POULTRY FARM. 2 up-to-date, 3-aty houses built of stone and brick, hot and cold runnlna- water, bxth, electric llxht. hot. water heat. farm, aaraae and chicken house: 5 acres of around crlcu I16.U00 D. S. zefliiv, ail w Tabor rd Olnev SHARON HILT. SHARON HILL Elm en-room dwelltne: aood location rear train and trollev .1 F WINNER phone Woodland 3243 W fitlLTH ARDMOUB THREE-STORY brick twin house. 4 bed rooms, splendid condition, near churches, high school, stntlon and stores; (food value at III7HO Dal office at station. MARTINS i:a.MiiiJsiiiiiii!r,,iii;i:iiiHi,!ki!i!f;ii;iii,iii;ffliiiiiiff,iiii!i!iiiiiiiiMiCi,Jiifii!i1Fii';; ST. MARTINS W. SPRINGHELD AVENUE ROAD THAT LEADS TO VALLEY GREEN On square from Si Martins station. P R R and Germantown ae trolleys (7000 north) I'olonlal houses of stone on lots 40x135 ft . 7 bedrooms and 3 baths, pantr sleeping porch and heated sun porch $22,500 SAMPLE HOUSE 122 W SPRINGFIELD AVE. (TWO UNSOLD) I ' 1 I J M ZANE LAND TITLE IlLDO y WAY.NF. WAYNE Detached English - style house, containing central hall, library dining room, H chambers, electrlo light, 3 open nreplacea: garage with man'a room: 2W acres or grouna witn beautiful oio snane; gooq location, aur rounded by large country estates, excollent views: price moderate, early pos session WM. H. WILSON & CO, T0U-01-O. MORRIS DUILDINO Members PhiladelDhla Real -.state lioara WWhrffi WAYNE $18,000 Residence, garage and lot IOO1SOO11 beautiful old shsde, 5 m.nsta. tlon, house contains 14 rooms- baths; 7 .nsmocr.i . l-"""i L. --4 niruti ninira iiibil call's vwi, .. immediate poajesslon can bM arranged. ...,,, -. rM & MCMULLI t'ERT KND TRUST BLD" . v EAX ESTATE TOR SALS rKNBxvANiA wununnAN iSlezO Jtomes- $13,000 On Wayne Ave. -By wood 2 minutes from 69tb5tJerminal Unequalled anywhere at trroPrico. We only ask that you inspect these houses before buying elsewhere tiqy uOiirbonr comparison. (Agents on premises daily and Sunday Lower, Meriokt jrealty company BUILDERS & OWNERS 1644 Land Title Building Phona -Locust 2680 , IMP ilKV JKnsr.V 1F.AHHORK nKACII IIAT Buv Now and Have a At the Seashore Next Summer 200 Lots at Beach Haven, NL JL NOW FOR SALE AT ONE-QUARTER OF THEIR REAL VALUE. REASON SETTLING OF JOSEPH TAYLOR ESTATE Bench Haven Is a real resort 18 miles above Atlantic City, six miles nt wa. Our lots are In the very heart of Bench Haven It Is a beautiful resort, on a perfect Island Ocean on onn side slx-mlle-wldo bny on the other. Splendid bathing, sailing, fishing and gunning, too, Good hotels, large and small: new boardwalks, theatre, churches, and modern stores. Qo to Beach Haven as our Guest. Telephone us Walnut 4123 or mall coupon and our salesmen will meet you at Market St. Ftrrles, Philadelphia side, any day by appointment. Or If you desire to auto to Beach Haven the roads are fine let us tell you the way LOTS $99 UP; $10 DOWN, $4 MONTHLY A BUNGALOW FOR $50 TO $100 DOWN MAIL THIS TODAY, J. W. HOLLOWAY CO. 801-502 Real Estate Trust Bldg., Broad and Chestnut, Philadelphia Send me your Bench Haven literature describing the resort and plan whereby I may own a lot and bungalow for convenient payments. No obligation on my part. Name ... - ledger Address WILI.OW PROVE MODERN brick bunitnlnw, on York road: large lot fKAOO: at'O tjrnlture and nuto. Schumacher. Welsh road. Willow (lroe. DESIRAIfLE bungalows and houses, large lots: all coma. : near train and trollev Carl OolMlcr. Hatlwro. Thone Hatboro 10 WYNNEFIKLBj , JWIMPJBMOiMI! WYNNEFIELD I $25,000 Modern residence and garlge 8 bed rooms, 2 baths; large lot. will lesse to (i responsible tenant; J175 per month. I. E. D0LAN & CO. If 123 Hala nr Cynwjd, Pa. g Ph Cn 752 or Over. 4383 &i;iiii,iiiiiii;it,iiMiiii!i!i:ii!jiMi!irji:iiiiiiriiiii:iii:i!iriiiii!JfflB!iiiiii3!iiii!E ni'.w .ii.ksev smu:unAX AflHIRON fiiiiiiiimraiiMiiiijraafflffliaiiiiraKraiHiiiioiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi'ro;? u Bungalow 5 rooms, bath. . il .is, elrctrtcltj tlnlshed attlo 4250 and bas-m-nt lot 40x160... "; tl rooms, twin house; brick $3750 modern .., IlungfUnw modern, all Im- provements. best buy In SKKOO Auduban AND OTHERS.. v"" ERNEST U. JENKS Phono Haddon Heights 37 It 120 W ATLANTIC Ali. AUDUBON. N J. BraiiBipjMWKmiaiiiimiiiiiiB CAMDEN fc Your Home Is Ready Today at Five Bungalow Type toChoose From. If You Must Have a Home Tomorrow See Us Today IMMEDIATE POSSESSION TO FIRST PURCHASERS All commences, 80-ft bouWvard, ervlce. of course, near fine on an trolley If we could build you a home with 3 rooms on a nice plot of ground, total cost $2000, with only $500 cash required, would you buy it? See agent nt Westfield for details Take Trenton. Pnaukrn or West field trolleys to Thirty-fourth street right to the property. FOR SALE New 2-story bungalow, 5 rooms and bath on flrat lloor: open fireplace, gaa and electricity, large lotl part rashi mort gage paid ort monthly as rent. Apply owner and builder. 044 Atlanta ave.. Colllnga wood, N. J NEW hollow-tlla house, 7 roonis. batbj I a site; splendid location. Ida Km avjs il Take Trenton, pensauken or West- Cramer Realty Co. 307 MARKET ST CAMDEN t 1 I M WWWmWlmw &$av&tewmihK2V!ZiX3 SStfr VilA'L.fSiac-rsSrr, KMT. -d - ' - BRICK "llCUSB FOR S,AIjS-,.ai. Elaht rooms nil conveniences; Immedlato ioaieVslcTn 12350. will tako first rnrlM. Inquire at 1030 N H2d st , or 1417 Park Boulevard. Camden. N. J roi.i.iNfinwonn KISAL ESTATE FOR BALB rgNNBiXVANIA SUBURBAN . and'FYnanced ySrYou On Copley Road 69ttSt.Terminal .3 minute walk South from Station NEW JKRSKY SKASnORK . DF-VCII nVKS Home of Your Own NKW JF.RSF.Y Ht'lirilRAN MKRTIIANTVILI.E MKHLHANTVILI.E. N. J. New 7-room bungalow, ornter of town: 1 minute from tiollcy. s minutes from train: lot 35x70; large living room, larva dining room, kitchen, pantry, 3 bedrooms, bath, hot and cold water, pas, electric lights. Improved pipe less heater open fireplace, cement cellar; terma easy, teller will asalat In financing. Apply HENRY C PERKINS. 20 N. Water at.. Philadelphia. MOORKSTOWN Main St., Moorestown, N. J. Colonial dwelllmc 7 rooms, all con ((.nlcnces: fruit nnd shade ln abundance, WALTER S. FRENCH 22fl W Main t ; Moorestown. N. J Trr-ST coi.LiNflswoon 1 aAi.rj ai i.uai j i nun neauiilui home, on I car line; U rooms and br.ih, construction i excellent: finished extra fln LMIIder nnd owner, w r.. a.iuu.m .j.'ti larket at, Camden. Phone. NEW JFJtSF.T HEXSIIOKK OCEAN CITY 14-ROOM mansion houso, with spacious grounds, for sale, at Ath and Wesley ave.. Ocean City, N. J.; 110, 00O HAFLEIGli. American and Cambria. WILDWOOD 210 DAVIS AVE. Near beach. 24 rooms, elec. lights, mod heat Worrell, 5,15 N.17th SOUTH CAROLINA Pine Heights, North Augusta,S.C. Situate 17',s miles from Aiken, s C. on same range of hills, and 24 miles from Augusta, Us.; overlooking flavannuh valley; 5 acres of land, large plno grove. 2 modern buildings connected by sun parlor. ,17 rooms suitable for seminary, prliate residence or sanatorium: climate unexcelled, dry and ex hilarating; fine neighborhood, great bargain. For particulars address MRS W JI DOrOHTY, H22 Qreene st . Auguta, Oa WKST VIH (1 1 N I A 2500 ACRES of timber, WORRELL'S. 555 N. near Capon Spring. 17th. FF.SX.sri.VAXIA FARMS SOME VERY ATTRACTIVE OAINS FARM BAR- I 51 acres, 3 acres of meadon balance tillable best kind of soil for general farming, 10- room stone mansion house, 6-room tenant house goad barn, all outbuildings; ulrntv (if Hater, this Is an Ideal farm, prlco $7500. 1 130-ocre farm. 4 mllea from New Hot Pa the Tronton nnd New Hops St Railway runs through the farm, It has 20 m rvs of Delaware river frontage; beautiful sites for I bnugulows; this Is a choice farm with 2 ' houses and all necessary outbuildings for , farming purposes, the location can't be beat. j 112.000. I lOH-acro farm now, modern barn stabling for 30 head; good house and all outbuildings in good repair; tlno meadow , never-foiling atrenm; easy soil to work and very pro- Iductlve, located near stato hlghwa right price, tU-urre farm, good houa. new barn, all out buildings, splendid meadow, very produc ts land; price IU500, this Is surely a bar gain. 100-acre farm, large new modern barn. tabling fur 32 head, good house, nil out lulldlngs, In good repair, must be seen to be apprtclr.led 5-acro Itt, with R-room stone house, good barn, nil outbuildings god land located near Ullage, price S33U0, this Is a good, cheap house. 27 ncrcs, 7-room house, all outbuildings, best of land for senerul farming or thicken farm, prlco 13300. , Hotel nroperty In the borough of Now Hope, j a , .i iuuiii., .il winvii ,v. .it-., mi-go warn, ' and known as the Logan Inn. located at the I Junction of 2 state roads; this Is an Ideal , property, and nil that Is nredtd Is i. live person to handle It, an attractive prlco will be given CHARLES S RORERTS Ileal Katate New Hope, Pa BUCKS COUNTY FARMS nnraaln. must aelt at once. 53 teres. 7. room atone hiuse. all outbuildings In beat cnndl lion; nppie oruimru, iuu arnuvu trees, crops, machinery. 3 cows, horse and other stock in eluded: near train and school, $12,000. 82 acres, 0-rootn house bath, H mile train, at National Farm School; 1 mile Doyles. town, for quick sale $3500, II () LIOHT- CAP. ltfl West st., Doylestown 64 ACRES, with stone house, standing amidst beautiful old trees, 12 rooms, 3 baths, hot.water heat. barn, orchard, stream; $16,000. I have afarm for every buyar. ' i. M. FJIONKFIELD Wayne, 1'a, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PENNSYLVANIA FARMS SHEEP CATTLE DAIRY FARM 115 acres; tlO.000: cannot duplicate It for '. .moijy 6 minutes' walk Locksley Bta.. MedLa A,Vl 18 n,lle Phlla. t near Hone roads; one-half can remain n ner. rant .mutt n- Toom atone house, double-decker atone barn. oo neaa; outbuildings, aprlnghouse. 1IBALH RON. Wtil Cheater. Pa. 80 ACHES, adjoining the borough of Pnrkes- burg. Cheater county! Main, tine of 1 it. til'. C atone house; open flreplaceas spring dance v.i ur sravuyi irmi. oia enaae In nhlin. 5.J31.m.l!n"n" vlw o' Cheater Valley. John vv. uiioorc, Ardmore. pa. in miles from Philadelphia STB acree of !i wun a aeia or ouiunia will divide: jrlce Ifesa, inn a mtM Batata of David M. BOt Walnut a't. jivxe jkrskv fahms COliUMlIUH 150-acrs highly productive al- peach orchard, nosd buildings: city "convs.; on macadam road; In town: near atatlon; 10 rnlleajTrjntpn; Immediate possession. al,i.iii uukmhish, llurnnglon, N. J I?0 ACRRR. 12-rcom houae. outbulldlnRa, ....2Sil',lni" " railroad! 12 mllea out. HUTKTT. 058 Federal at.. Comdon. R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE OENTLEMAN'S country place. 125 acree. main houie, 12 rooma, 2 bathe, h.-w. heats fitrmer'a house, etc., 10 mln. to Paoll: poea.f alue 155,000. Wm. C. CUihorn. llalloy Illde ? REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE 0VNEn WIUi BXCHANOK 15400 , EijurrT in 8 new 2-stohy pwkll- 1NQ8 FOn CI.KAll IIUKINKSR OR APARTJIENT PROPERTY. OR OTIIKIl REAL ESTATE. WHAT HAVE YOU? OWNER. 001 I1UI.I.ETIN IILDO. SPRUCE 1208 REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Commercial building; poaaeiaton drat of November; 10 by 100; S atorlea and batement; about 25,000 quare feet, ateam heat, electrlo elevator, rood UshUcrM ahlpplni facllltlea. MORRIS WEIL t BONb. 887-el N. 8d at. . Fttftorlfa.Warehouaea, Mannfaftnrlng Woora KnKHirjpimmfininraGLnuReHiitynieriirTnumrtnniiinnnriiiiiiintiiRrainiG'.mTimTTS FACTORIES, WAREHOUSES, ETC. SALE OR RENT HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE IJLDQ. 5liiaiiii!iaii!iiiiHii;EHiri!ii:3ii!iiii!!iiiiia;rjiiii!;ii!ii!oiLrJiTJii!!iniiraiiiaKoS CHESTNUT HIM. ATTRACTIVE STONE HOUSE 13 ROOMS. 8 BATHS 1 4-10 ACRES, OR 2W ACRES, AS DE SIRED) IIIOH OROUND: ATTRACTIVE NEIUIIKORIIOODilFOR PRICE, PLANS, PHOTOORAPHS AND ANY FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLY TO MEARS 8c BROWN 202 S. 15TH ST. J VTRY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES FTmjMSHED OR TINFtTRNTSIT: JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. CHESTNUT HILL. PHILA. m.nmilHIH 1837 fhrstnut HI II205T REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE numerous Inquiries tor properties in North Phlla. and Ocrmantown and so licit the listing of your property for salo with my ofllce. WAI.TEII V. AMlllir, 2040 N. 20th st. Member Philadelphia Real Estate Poard. WANTED Factories. warehouses, floors, MAR0NEY & DILLON Locust 201 B Flanders nulldlm WILDWOOD CREST Two adjoining lots wsnted. totaling about (10x100: state exact location; payments to cover twelve months. M H3I. l.enger wmce HAVE buyer to occupy for own business property 10th. 17th or 18th St.. Market to Walnut. Frank J. Fobtr, 1120 Chestnut. Spruce 5527, WANTED Farn buyers waiting. at.. Doylestown. listings, 5 to 100 acres; II. G. Llghtcap. 120 West HAVE buyer for Arch at. 2000 or 2100 block. FRANK J. FADER, 1120 Chestnut. Spiuce 5527. WE HAVE purchasers What havo you for sale? Write particulars. FRANKLIN II, STITZER 'CO.. 1300 Venango, EUMANTOYN WANTEDnTo buy home wlthconvenlences, 4 bedrooms, 500O o' less: Germantown. Chestnut Hill or vicinity, with some ground: not necessarily modern. Address, gl Mn lo cation, description and terms. M 214, Ledger Office. . PENNSVI.VAXIA- -sriirniiAN BBltl'RHAN HOME desired up to 117.500, . ...... .Ama frraMnn. I' 74 lrlfrK fl.M-. with some ground, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY OCTOBER OCCUPANCY Twelve houses can be completed Annual leases to select tenants Arrange at once for gaa and electric service $75 Monthly WM. H. LIEBRICH Builder and owner 5l h avt,, North, and Woodstock at. Phono Oak Lane 2H0 Transfer line on thelten ave. to Lime kiln nlke from York road. Uermnntown ave and block .5, FOR RENT i Northwest Corner 13 th & Market NATIONAL DRUG BLDG. T.rS FOURTH FLOOR BASEMENT Harry C. Lieberman & Co. "Central Leatltift a Sncclnfu" 1237 MARKET STREET Ii.ll. . Kev stone Locust 404 41)5 Race aillfl NEW AIRLITE HOUSES Seven rooms, hot-wator heat, electric light hardwood floors, Ardlelgh or Sulll van at . 1 block south of 1100 E. Chillcn ave . $70 per month Geo. H. McCracken 2528 W lUll.h live 1713 WALNUT ST tcntire necond floor: 4 rooms. 2 bathe .n. able for offices or apartments; nlsn icums and bath, third-floor front: this building has Just been remodeled and the rooms offered are nun uuianv, imt,.. itasuiiauie. in epcctiuns arranged bv v YARROW A VAN PELT PENNSYLVANIA BLDU. 1703 WALNUT STREET Portion flrat dressmaker. floor, third floor 3 rooms women's ond children's' parei. etc. C. F.SIMON, 112S. 16th Street 2856 N. 26TH St Three story. 10 rooms, hot-water heat, elec trlo lights, rent $75. WALTER V. ASIIBY, 2040 N. 20th. Pitt. 2445 BUNGALOW, partly furnfshed. 4 rooms and bath, lartfe garden and truck patch; train nnd trolley to door, car No, 50 to 5700 Rising Bun ave., rental, $50 per munth. Owner on premises. WE HAVE several beautiful, modern homes, 0 rooms and bath, and can give a six months' lease; $75 per month monins BUMOjjD80N A LEHIl. Masrhor and Wyoming ave. Hell Wyo. 20H4. PIJSASANT 8-room cottage for refined adult family; no apartments. A 010, Ledger Off, Boslnees Properties apd Store DlnlHAIll.rj uuiuc -v ... iwwi ot oij rean. rem. um. k .,-.m. v. ..ayu miyw 000-2Ar",?r,,n..V1 ttvci. , w. cor. Bell, Danjond.:rr 1 4 & L'SKi,1 re"al estate eor rent CITY nnslneaa. rropertlea nJ Htarea FIRST aOOR BANKING OFFICES ADOUT 2500 SQUARE FEET ( EXCELLENT LOCATION IN UPTTJWJ FINANCIAL DISTRICT, WILL SHORTLT BE AVAILABLB FOR RENT APPLY TO MEARS & BROWN ' 202 S. 16T1I ST. WAREHOUSE Front near market throuah to Water at,. 4 atorlea, basement, electrlo elevator, 'heavy construction; Immediate possession. 1HHLMAIER, 400 Bulletin llldg. WILL ERECT butldlna-. 30,000 to 100,000 so. ft. DIETERICH, 787 Walnut 'at. . Factories. Warehouse. Manufactnrlnt Floors ata or rent." 2. 8 and 4 atory bulldlnga, concrete and brick eon. atructlon; heated, 'wired, aprlnkled; 1850 horsepower. A large filters, sldlnas and dock; alte i acres; 800 ft. riverfront; we handle factories, altta and warehouses exclusively from an engineering, manufacturing and in dustrial standpoint; plant will b altered to suit tenant or sold on terma to suit. J. ALAN MIDDLETON Faatory specialist and production engineer D02 Wldener Sililr.. Philadelphia , FLOORS AND FACTORIES NICHOLAS & THOMAS 912 LAND TITLE 1ILDO. SIX FACTORIES. Kensington: different sites: suit any business; list on request. KENNEDY. 400 8. Van Pelt St. OFFIOF.R. nCBINKSS ROOMS, KTR. . Miniiiiiranm LARGE OFFICE Oround floor: centrnt location: espe cially suitable for broker's office. EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT ST. aiiiiMiiiiifriiiiiiiiiiiiETiiiiiiiiisraiiiicriiiiciiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii'iiiiK i?iianMinaramomiiiraiDiamini;niiinmiLffiaxDiDraimc.iirairitrxmK Physician's or Dentist's offices In Professional Uulldlng; 2 suites; will dUldo to suit: class building in overy respect. J. T. Jackson Co. r.'t."1 MilllillWltE'llllllllllllillEraMraMimilllHIIlliCMffillfilllllSIW iiiHiiraciiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiBiiPjiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiBaifiiiiiMB Mastbaum Bros. & Fleisher EMPIRE BUILDING 13th & Walnut Streets Several Single Offices, Immediate Possession, tiiiiiicmiaiiBiiiBiiii'JiiiiiiJiiiiiiiriiJiiCiiiiirauiiiijiffiiiiiiiiiiiiffiiiMiiii OFFICIOS and storage room, tirat ami mo nnd flonra. rear outlet, at 218 S, 4th at. William west. DESK ROOM ln high-class office nt Broad and Chestnut sts. : telephone and stenn graphlo service Incl uded. P 320, Ledger Off. FURN. OFFICE for tent: use of reception room. Room 203, Colonial Trust Bldg. OFFICES for bus. lists. Cooper Hq. or aultahla doctors, den Apt, llldg,, 2dA Penn. OlliniLK I1LDO., 1708-10 Chestnut Deslr. studios rent. J. B, Jardella. 1535 Christian STORE nnd business rooms, finest location. Apply second floor 247 3. 15th. rrofeaslennl Offices PHYSICIAN will share with another physi cian handaomo aulto of offices; morning or afternoon hrs. ; services of secretary shared; tens, rental; central; select Locust st. loca tlon. Address P. O. Box 2054. Plllad'lphtn. FRONT. PARLORS, well equipped for ony alclan: hot and cold water, e.ectrlo lights: excellent aervlce. 201 B Chestnut st. . LARdE ROO?!8 In corner nutldlng for rent: suitable for office, business or professions! purposes. 1437 Snruce st. Store 3D & MARKET STS. NEW STORES JUST COMPLETED Adjoining United Cigar Stores Co. Term leases to desirable tenants Mastbaum Bros. & Fleisher 3 2752 GERMANTOWN AVE. Best bitstnesi locution on Germantown ave. ; Immediate pofiiesslon, DONNELLY & SUESS Lehigh nnd Germantown aves, 4404 FnANKFOHD AVENUE One of ttv. very best business locations In Frankford. DONNELLY & SUESS, T.ehlgh and Ocrmantown WKST rillLAllKLrillA WE HAVE SEVERAL BOUSES IN GOOD LOCATIONS, rendy and finished, for Im mediate occupancy; some of these houses we can rent toMeslrable tenants nt JHll to $1511 monthly. PEMBERTON ESTATES, Hurrlaon Bldg, It Is mucn leas expensive to purcnasj a house than It la to rent one. (Irnrrnl riMniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUffiiuuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiPiiiiiiiuiii: West Phila. Stores We have a number of very desirable stores for rent In the best sections of 52d and Market ata, and 00th and Market sts , Ing term lenBes to respons Bible tenants Mastbaum Bros. & Fleisher iiFwixxTowy ONE new 2-story home; garage; 7 rooms, porch, ppen fireplace, marble tiled bath, large lott 73. CARSON BROS.. Agents. Locust ave. below Chew at . I square west of Chelten ave. to Chew st Phone Oer mantown 45C0. ( OI.NF.T NEW HOMES Just completed; ready to move In: Wjomlng nve. east f 2d st ; a limited number fur rent. 175 nor month: take No. 50 or 75 car; somplo house, ISO Wyoming ave. j representative on premises. LOON We have a number of modern homes for rent. For particulars make appll cation to MAURICE LICHTMAN BROAD AND LOUDEN STS. lSS REDUCTION New houses. 4S00 block wood floors, gas and clec.; Inclosed, heated nnrch and garage. Phone Wulnut J 150 l'KXNSVI.VANI WUIUTRRAN RADNOR Twelve roJtns, 4 baths, $155; electrlo Hani: epnnn wniur arm garage. COUNTRY RESIDENCF:. furnished, 15 rms.. a s-bv.. alootrlft 11-rht Rnrlntr unin- unhL H uuiii wiv...w ....---, -r-.-.r, .,u.. , atum,i garage, with 5-room apartment: $250 LAROE TRACT, with Improvements; ault country or golf club; close to station. n ! VilSnn HKAI.TY CO.. "n fnn.'l T IIT H7W..w - - ... 1 ..A. .h nn.1 l.l ..n., a.n -ba SUM housifti, rorcji a h and aid o yard. $40. $50. $54; elec. Iiorr;. Sr., .. ...-m,, nyf, NAItBl'.HTII (100 MONTH, yearly lease, new detached house, all lmn,r,.y,,,,m!'",l B"d location. near atatlon. ROBERT J. NASH, mill Chestnut st.. Ph'la.. or phone Narberth 1103. NKW JF.RSr.Y SUBURBAN ' Ai'nt'iinx ivimimiuuiiui n uiiuniuunuu i ni un uuii u m 1 1 r tau u im:i iuui i hii n ixij u i j i uuu tf h h u t u u td SEVBN.ROOM HOUSE, modern: garaga; finished complete; 2 blocka from train and trolley; $100 per month. ERNEST U. JENKS Phone Hnddon Heights 037 R 120 W. ATLANTIC AVE. AUDUBON. N J. aiiniifflM rOLI.INflSWOOD COLUNOSWOOD. N J For rent. 10 rms beautiful grounds; garage: hot-water heat' -.. Hr.nlar.! nv.PV full. hl . 'L?1, conv 0 rr-In to train or trolley; rent 1120 per menu. P. 82. liar MH)cs, REAL ESTATE gQR RENT " CITY ' CITY - 12TH& CHESTNUT BUILDING ' (Formerly Acker's) Building being altered for offices, or the renting of entire floors. Particularly adapted for Corporations, Law Firms, Bankers, 'etc. First-class elevator service. Modern up-to-date appointments throughout. Agent on Premises ""' y Or Through Your Broker , VON H. HERR ., ' Phone Walnut 4979 WIIDIIMIIM HWMMnniKnanmmi 242-4446-48 NORTH BROAD STREET A splendid location "in the heart of Automobile Row, for auto showroom, accessory or tire company. Store 21x89 and 18,000 sq. ft. floor space; daylight second floor. Possession Februaiy 1st, 1921. MASTBAUM BROTHERS & FLEISHER iiimirainisiH EOR RENT FURNISHED CITY VERY DESIRABLE furnished residence In central residential section for winter sea son of 1020-1021: private famlllea only, JOHN B. MAGEE REAL ESTATE TRUST BLDQ. FURNISHED HOUSE, electric light, ateam heat, 2-year lease; no children: rent, $53 per month. Apply Fox.' 1202 .1. 2(lth st. r rilF.STNtlT IHT.l, Bli;!!lllOI!!Ilii:illHll!illMrai!l!llIlll!!lffillli;illllB!iii!lllllll1iraillii:K OCTOBER TO APRIL OR LONGER TERM Fine Modern Country House WITH EVERY CONVENIENCE IN BEST OF CHESTNUT HILL LO CATIONS. MEARS & BROWN 202 8. 1STH ST Si:ui'Ui:ii:ii;t:i:n(imi;!Ui:i; uimiiiiiiimnru!!!ffiii;iii!:!:i:iii:i;!miiin;;mLun;n CHIMTMIT 1111.7. Very Attractive Furnished House Possession Nov. 1st Situated In the most desirable section of Chestnut Hill; 3 minutes' walk from Highland atatlon. P. R. It.; hall with open fireplace; large living room with open fireplace, dining room with open fireplace, pantry, kitchen and laundry; 4 master bedrooms, 2 bath rooms, servants' quarters In rear; gas and electricity, Rental $200 Per Month Jos. M. Jennings Co. CHESTNUT HILL. PA. Chestnut Hill 1337 Chestnut Hill 2037 PF.NNSYLVANIA SUnURIlA RENT FURNISHED Attractive detached stone residence, large living hall, living mom, dining room, etc.; 7 chambers nnd 8 baths, hot-vvnter heat' ga inge; high location over looking I.lieln Drive and convenient tu Penna, R. R. WM. H. WILSON & CO Morris Bldg Phlla Ileal Estate noard I I.I ILLLLTTTT Modern Country- Seat Htnno Colonial houe (separate serv ants' wing, 3 rooms nnd bath), 4 baths, 7 master bedrooms; 3-car garage, hot-water heat, gas, electric light; grounds of 2 acres are attrac tive: high elevat'on fine view, shade; half hour from Philadelphia fay train or motor; convenient to Golf Club; good schools; short or long leaso; prop erty In excellent condition HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE IlLDO. MODERN COUNTRY SEAT Stone Colonial hnuae, 12 rooms, 4 baths (7 bedrooms), 3-car garago, hot water heat, gas, electrlo light, (rounds of 2 acres nre attractive; high elevation, tine view, shade; one. half hour from Philadelphia by train or motor; convenient to ol( club; good schools; short or long leaso; property In excellent condition HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLOQ. MIILKR is.ROOM HOUSE, h.-w." heat. gas. elec.! garage, for winter mnntha or vearly lease, $150 per month. A SIO, Ledger Office, AUCTION SALES oh Tjn.T. -com n mT iirAi'ni,'ii wi,TaT. cum m nrp Tir.iLTmnn . bh ri nt j ooaaj naiijw jj ja.?a.a.E4 vv&aiaxjIJ 1 or S I - high- ft! VU A Il I h 1 I A plot of ground between 6u,uuu and 80,000 sq. ft., railroad I siding desired but not necessary. ill HERKNESS & STETSON j-anu line uunuing I . ' I ' w B f JE 700-01 ?SS Members N&33EX ,1111 faY NEW JERSEY ESTATE FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1920, AT 10 O'CLOCK A.M. (EASTERN STANDARD TIME) This estate, located at Luwrencevllle. near Tnntnn, ; 50 miles from New York and 84 miles from Philadelphia, 435 acrea of the most fertile land east of the Alleghanlcs, ALSO -....PV! WA'RV J."u,e' con'"" For descriptive circular giving full details, also terma and conditions of salt, adarM LEANDER F. HERRICK . SALES MANAGER 405 MAIN STREET. WORCESTER, MASS. REAL ESTATE TOR REifT FOR RENT FURNISHED PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN ST. DAVIDS ipiiiiniiM , Attractive Modern House 1' A nnAirn m . mtrn Sl ELECTRIC LIGHT. INDIRECT S 2. CAR OAltAOB HIGH OROUND, WELL WOOBBD CONVENIENT TO OOLF LINKS AND R. r.. STATION MEARS & BROWN 201 S. 15TH ST. raiiirjiiii3iy!iHiiiTi;iciaiimiiiim;:i,TJi!MiiiirjiiTOi!ii;iiiCT!ocM-. MAIN LINK MAIN LINE Gentleman's country home, furnished: melt attractive; rent, season or year. L. iL HUDNUT. 324 heal Eatato Trust Bldg MORTGAGES WANTED FIRST MORTGAGES ON PHILADELPHIA REAL KSTATB LAROE OR SMALL AMOUNTS IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT FRANK H. MOSS & CO. 318 WALNUT ST. FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR FIRST MORTGAGES BURTON C. SIMON 20tR & Passyunk. Ave. FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR FIRST MORTGAGES BURTON C. SIMON 20th & Passyunk Ave. FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAGES UAURICE H. MATSINOER RAL ESTATE TRUST BLDG. We havo funds for mortgages and will assist home huyera on our rental purchase plan by personal nppllcu tlon to MAURICE LICHTMAN Broad nnd Louden sts. FUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES JAMES D. WINCHELL 1 17TH AND HANSOM KTH $60 NOTE ON MORTOAOB 'ill immediate aeltlomenta Unsetted estate loans $1000 BulldlnT association funds uiiarrniiY & CO. 27 3. 10th at. FOR SAI.p Mortgages on new hlgh-cltff houses on Broad st.; 2 or 3 venr term: Interest and premium reprepent 7 per cent Robert D. Hamilton. Rrnad and Bommercllle nv. Call Wvnmblf 11333, WE ItEPRKKENT u of tne largest nulldlag ; iiu mnti .n.uLinuuiti uim aesirs applies- Ions for first, second and split morlgafit In anv section of the city or suburbs. WILLIAM JAMES KEOQl. Land Tills hlilr, ' I HAVE considerable functa to Invest In both first and second mortgages. ERNEST BERRY. H1II8 Ridge ave. Roxboroush ISO. 31)0.000 FOR FIRST and second mortgages: also 11. and L. loans. Lowla J, Orubb. 1001 , Reel F'tste Trut Rldir Walnut 1014 . . 7 BASIS 5 mtgos., tvOO ea an houies j otslitnil tit -'Willi n tr,li-n.. U.attrtn iuiuis s iuu .ss I s$llilUIi DURUM) 112 8. 10th St. WANTI res.; :D $1)000 1st mtge, on 20,010 df. Interest 7 heals. A 815 Ixd. Off jnoilO TO INVEST, V., Globe Hotel. 1st mtge. inth and What bonusT Montgomery. W. II. I1AI.1. t(l 438 LAND TITLF BLP" MONEY TO LOAN -READY M0NEY- United States Loan Society 117 NORTH BROAD 230 Market. 2548 Ocrmantown ave ntlMONnS. WATCHES A JEWELRY AUCTION SALES '. J on the Lincoln Highway, comprises threa farms, toUlln ' Hoises. Slules, Cattle, Bwlno, Maclilmr.' r TV - ! . ,v- ..f.."j.J-femt(... i&&a&& ua uj('i.w : Efii-fTJ'.'A" i BW t ty. ttn." ' a t rv a-1-i-i-Bi.-i-i-i-i-. I's-JIm