ZTJBHsnHnSKa wmQwoRww mhMp Fju"J r W,mwmVSWiEI4 !WWp$ T , -W--.f r ., ,",-.,- "! ' 0ST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Talks of Some Debutante Affairs Next Week She Sees a Smart Frock Mrs. Mclvcr Here for Visit WASN'T It cneottraBlns for the Ilorsa Kliow. when the suti actually came oat j-cstordny after n inoruiui? t linnl ruin? For, nftcr nil. thr horse show In id. iwlnl thins of this week and It U ,1lapiioInrliiR when It rains. I have an Ich'A It will be very gny today, lieoniKu. fo ninny havo taken lwi.es ond tlier are cw.il'm.'in' dcliiilnti parties and af fairs generally ronnectod with the fhow this eek to make It very successful. A.Vt) next eck wc will bo raelns nhout frantically to one tea after another. There will he Helen SeweH'o tea on Monday nfternoon. given by her parent. Mr. and Mrv Hob Sewcll. and Dorothy Stevens and her cousin. Apnea Slinlirr." will 1"' Introduced that fame nfternnnn by Mr. and Mrs. Conyngliam Stieii". OX TITSDAY Kmlly Clothier and I'red Strfiwhridge nre to be married pilt in Radnor. The Sewell nnd Steven' teas were first Miodtllod for Ttii-Jdnv. but T understand the date whs (hsnsed because of Kinlly Plotlilcr's uiddlnp. On Wednesdny there will not ho a debutante ten. but on ThurBdny Until Packard is to be Introduced by hor parents. Dr. nnd Mrs. Oeorge Packard, of Vlllanova. BY THK way, while on the subject of debutantes n great many people have told me thnt Elcnnor Dunning would make her debut this year, but he is not coming out. She hnn nnothnr te.ir at school, nnd will make her for mol debut next' season when I'llen Moyd. Ellon MeMirhocI and Alberta Iteath are nil to come out. You know theie girls ore studying abroad, ond 1'leanor Is nt boarding school ut Stam ford, Conn. WELL, when the sun came out nt noon jesterday as I remarked be fore. T was glnd. but really as It stayed out all afternoon nnd was ns "hot ns eotton," I was not so glad Inter. How erer. wc should worry, in less time than It takes to tell it almost, it will ho cold and we will be wearing furs for reasonable reasons, nnd everything will be lovely. Speaking of furs makes mo think of pretty ciotjies nnd re minds me that I saw Mnt. Stanley I'laig. Jr.. In the street yesterday looking awfully well in n black silk freek. The skirt was accordion pleated in a fan shape and the bodice wu inade in a surplice effect with short vleevei. She wore no white nuil her fair hair nnd complexion made n -t-iUiiift contrast. Her lint wns n small io,iie turned up in front : It wns of Mack raffia untrlmmed, but the ma terial was extremely smart and ndded neatly to the costume. One of those Iooe French vciln of binds net unci . mhroidcry wns attached to the chu 'iau. DID you know that .Tan Manic Mclver end her husband, who Is Lieutenant 'Iter, of the t". S. X., nre on here roni tiie West nnd nre visiting Mr. il Mrs. Mnule. June's parents, nt ' i'ir home. 2217 Wttenliouse street, i ip wns married last Juno nnd made no of the very prettiest brides of the i iv I thought. Do you remember the eh jnco tiaras bhc wore on her il? Mrs. Philip Tlarkson. of Tdgewoter 'irk. will give n card party this after 'nnii in honor of Mrs. Maule and Jane, t her pretty home on the Delaware. TdH was six year old the other day 1 nnd when he came in from school ho tiny before his anniversary, lie ip- arked. "o school tomorrow. Ills "iu!. being of an Inquiring dlspo iou. thought it best to telephone Mis to see if this bit of news was no, nnd thev found that there was I'o hnlldnv. They suspected the icason. 'lit Too did not give himself nwny until tl.e net dnv when bin sKter said some thing nhout it's being Mr. mid Mrs. (' 's we.Mins anniversary. Then said .Too, "Did they have to go to R'hool on their niiniversnrj ?" xaxcy wyxxi:. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr nnd Mrs Charles F. Coxe and P.trm Mnlvtin, havo Isued limitations mi s ti'i on Katiiiday. Octouer id, irom t until 7 o'clock. At tho wedding of Miss Virginia Rob ens il.tui.hter of Mr and Mrs George W B Roberts, of 1S08 Do L.tncey street, and Mr II Perclval Olcndlnning, which will t.nUe plsce ( n Hnturrttv. October !), at I'j o'eloik, nt St Paul's Chinch, "he.iiiiit Hill Mrs John Adams Apple 'on will itt us matron of honor nnl Mis '.n'l I Keniiedv. maid of honor The lirldotn.iiti, will bo Miss Edith L Rob erto Mi- Jean Thompson Thayer, Miss Riht.it t; Thomson. Miss Ellen Gleu 'lini'lnc. MI.'H Theodore K Llllle and Miss Mar tllcndlnnlng Mr Sydney I'h tor Jr. will attend Mr Glendlnnlng a l st m. n, nnd the ushers will Include Mr Ilenty L Oi'ellu. Mr Perslfor liair .'d Mr Reginald Jacobs. Mr. Hi ille C Ucjelln, Mr John Adams Ap p'i'oii Mr UoboitC Clay Mr Logan M Bulliti Mr J Whitburn. Mr R Hrminan 'S'.itit 2d Mr Robert E Olcndlnning, Tr Mr ilni ii.fti Finzler. Jr. and Mr Itnlieit w I)i p A small leceptlon will I w the i eieiiii.iiy at tlu- hotnn of tha iirdts patents in Chestnut Hill Miss P.' It rts win i-iir i, iiimier 111 honor of hr In Iili'smalds on Wednesday, October I .it thf. lintviA uf Mi iinri Mrq Theodore W Riath, 111 St Davids and Ml Glen 'l nnimr will enieitaln his best man and u, ' at dinner the same night Ninons the ladle who will asulst Mis 'itorge Calvert Caller uf Bryn Mawr, ""'I Mrs Edwin N Benson ,it the tea "lil li the will giw on October o, nt 1 nm-wnctl tho estate of Mis. Benson, at ' 1 -Mint Hill, to Introduce to society Vl s Virginia Benson Caiter, will bo M'- Edwin N Benson. Jr. Mrs. It. 1 wrinco Benson, Mrs Jav Cooko, Mrs. 1 "hi II I'tckard Id. and Miss Anna M Wri Tli dobulanu-s leielvfni; will bo 1 Ann 'Dillon. Miss Sarah Rairln P, Mih L 'hi th riovd, Miss Jnue Gop 1 l n Coe, Miss Vtloo Downs, Miss Eliza 1 b F1.17I1T Miss Maiy Orlscom, Mlssj '"i n r Oumnie Miss Augusta Hnrrl 1 Mi.s Mnrgarettn Hunison, Miss THREADS for every kind of art needlework . llu from in the direct Importers at u rlccltliil Nilii(T in nrlre Any 'liuntlty mailed free anywhere. "'liM Siv ramme 'P'clal iMlM&ttiiJSyM "hit rnallty. MSr?ffM or ecru. In nil Vfr?VWy Sfl0 t"Ui 'rom 3 i&ufS'ktlr box of 10 to 15m StUO lul)ll Art .o 131 It l vert important fo note thnt W (' Crochet Cotton averages '. 'mr ns iikiiii yardj to a ooll u "if ltirr(oi mutton. George Allen, Inc. '-It Clu-ittniit Nt.. I'lilluilrlplilu Importers NttaliVilictl 11V D. si, cj, cooWot l'r8 oa Rwjuet for ntta Hccknelitr, Miss Ellznhetli Jeane.s. vJ..i, .Ad?!?l,le. Ion"'' Mls" Katlmrln-i Knlnht. MIm Mnry Law, Miss Nancy McKpp.ii, Miss tluth Pncknrd. Miss Helen Sow el, Miss Annnbella Wood, Miss iinrinuo ninrr, .mish nommbnil Htew nrdson. Miss Anita StrnwbrldKC. MIk, .y ,,'.ThRer. M'" Mnrv 9ltcr Klolae Wnrrltier nnd Miss Henrietta Wll-i son. . , Mr. and Mrs, .Ionics Francis HiilllviiiJ or the Woods, Radnor will Introduce to society their tlnUKlitcr. Miss Klatno Sul livan, nt a tea wlileli they will give tlio Intter part of October. Thorn will li "ny eptert.tlnmrnts R'ven In honor uf Miss Sulllvnii In this city nnd New York. Mrs. Albert Hey, of New York, who has been the irucst for a wcok of her mother. Mrs. William S. Wnkotey, rnter taloed at a dinner party at Mrn. Dlnke ley's home, at Twentieth street nnd Providence avenue, Chester, on Monday evening. In honor of Miss T'lcasanco J.n'jlun Ktncwr, of Chester, and Mr. Wil liam Smith Plclsrell. Jr., of Phoenix, Arl., wlirso mnrrlagn will tnUe nlnco tomorrow venlnjT Her Kiicsts Included Mlsr Ell7.il niakelev Damon. Miss Katharine Powel, Miss Delphcne Stearns, Mr. nnd Mrs. David S. H. Chew, Jr., Mr William Hob ert Provost. Mr. Arthur C. Jack, Mr. J. Wilson Stocver nnd Mr. William a. Illakeley, Jr. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Fales linker nre occupying their country place, and later In the autumn will open their apartments nt tho Uellevuc-Stratford. A meeting of tho C1ener.il Dabncy H. Maury Chapter of the Daughters of tho Confederacy will be hold at 172S lllttcn house street on Tuesday, October 5, nt a o'clock, Mrs. S Noudaln Duer. who h been visiting her mother, Mrs John Poc, In Florldn. will return home tomorrow. Mr nid Mrs. David S D. Chew, of South Twenty-first street, have returned and havo opened their town house. Later they will spend tho winter at the Belle-vue-Stratford. Midshipman Claude Bennett, Jr., who has been visiting his family In Over brook, has returned to Annapolis, Md. Mr. nnd Mrs. Michael Doyle, who havo been spending tho summer at Chelsea, will return to the Hcllevue-Stratford tomorrow, wh,cre they -will spend the winter. Madame Rlgueur and Mademoiselle Rlgueur have given up their home, 2006 Pino street, and nre spending the winter at Morscmcre-on-thc-Hudson. Miss Anna Barnard, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Wilson Barnard, of Bryn Mawr, hns been visiting Miss Dllza Bell at Bav Side, L. I , for the last two weeks. Miss Bell has Just returned from Europe, where she attended the world conference. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kaln. of Lln wood avenue, Bryn Mawr, who nave been spending some weeks at Wood stock. N. H , havo returned to their nomc. Mr. and Mrs. William Fritz, of Ber wyn, have returned to their home fiom a trip to New Hampshire. Mrs. Florence H. Peck, after spending the summer in Asbury Park, N J , bus returned to her homo In Lnusdouno. ALONG THE READING Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Monlot nnd their daughter. Miss Felicia Monlot, of 4610 North Twelfth street, returned last week to their home in Logan, after spending the season at the Gwynhurst, In Qwyn edd valley. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets, of Oak Lane, have returned from Ocean City, whore they spent the summer nnd early autumn. Amonp the Interesting autumn wed dings will bo that of Miss Reglna Loew, sister of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mur ray, of 702 Oak Lane avenue, Oak Iano, and Mr. Georce K. Roberts, son of Mrs. Edwin P Roberts, of G321 North Thir teenth street, which will take place on Saturday at noon In tho Holv Trinity i-resnyierian unurcn, ixiffan. The hruie will be attended by Mrs Russell C. Barttnan, of Roycrsford, Pa., and Dr. Norman Roberts, cousin 'of the bride Broom, will be the best man. GERMANTOWN Mrs Bvron S. Walton and Mrs. Pnul M. Hesser, Jr , entertained at a Hiir nrlso kitchen and grocery shower at atfl West Duval street csterday afternoon In honor of Miss Elsie C Turner, daugh ter of Mis William Turner, of 222 Enst Upsal street, whose m.trrlaRe to Mr. Theodore M. Hesser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M Hesser, Sr . will take placo in the Second Presbyterian Church on Saturday evening Tho marriage of Miss Irma Margaret Kraemer. daughter of Mr. Thomas Krnemcr. of SO-'H Newhall street, to Mr. German Lutheran Church, Sixteenth nnd Tioga streets, on Satin day after noon, October 0, at I o'clock. Thero will be an Informal reception at tho church Immediately after tho ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Schanf will me In the Philip pine Islands, where Mr. bchaaf will be stationed Mr and Mrs. Herbert Mann, of 122 Tulpehocken street, will entertain nt dinner tomorrow In honor of their sis ter. Miss Retta S. Deutsch. and Mr. Harold Bornsteln, who will be married on October C. Other guests will Include Mr and Mrs Cyrus Trompetter, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob J Mann and Mr. and Mrs. Jeromo Mncus. , Mr, and Mrs Charles F. Hoefelman, of 1909 East Chclten avenue, gave an Informal muslcalo nt their home on Sunday evening Mr. Frank Plegge Miss Ethel Deeg and Miss Florence Hoefolman entei mined The. gu.'sts In cluded Mis Mlnnlo Deeg, Miss Dorothy Deeg, Mrs Caroline Hoefelman, Miss Helen Hocfelmnii, Mrs. Sophia Goctz nnd Mr H. Lester Smith. Mr. D.tvld Hurwltz, of East Wnsh- incton lane and Chew street, and his daughtcis, Miss Enium Hurwltz, Miss Mae HurwIU and Miss Idclla II. Hur wltz, were the guests of honor at a sur prlso party given nt their homo by mem bers of tho family. The guests In cluded Mr nnd Mrs. Meyer Teltclman. For those occasions when you need a pretty slipper we suggest this La France Sailor Tie of Sterling Patent Colt. Light and flexible, it clings snugly to the foot a feature which makes it an ideal slipper for dancing. Tis a Feat to Fit Feet EVENING ' PUBLIC DEDGER-PHrCADELTHIA, WEDNESDAY, ' Mrs. I'. S. Grunt .Megnrgfe, with Mr. nnd Mis. J. Grass, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ccvln. of Parksldo, N J. ; Mr. nnd Mrs Morris Pollvlnlck, Mr. and Mrs. Joajph Vcdcrman, Mrs. Sadlo Es kln. Mr nnd Mrs. Samuel Teltclman. Mr, nnd Mrs. Harry Jacobson, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dorfman, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wesscl, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grass, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goldberg, of Mer chantvlllc. N. J. : Mr. and Mrs Emanuel Teltelman. Miss Paula Teltclman, Miss Clara Pollvlnlck. Miss Bella PollvlnlcK, Miss Edith Pollvlnlck. Miss Emma Po llvlnlck, Miss Edna Levin, Miss Eliza beth Levin. Mr Abraham Rosenthal, Mr. Herbert Toltelman and Mr. Leon ard Teltclman. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. William S. Apple, of 2858 North Fifth street, will leavo on October 1 for seeral weeks' stav in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Greenwood, who hno been staying In Ocean City during the summer anil early autumn, have returned to their winter home, 1243 West Lehigh avenue Mr. nnd Mrs. William Dietrich nre spending several weeks at Milton, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Huss hae re turned from their wedding trip and are at home at 1010 North Sixteenth street, The bride was Miss Hattlo Baum, daugh ter of Mr Kmma Baum, of 2912 North Twenty-si'xth street. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kelly have returned from the Blue Rldgo moun tains and are at nome at 0023 oxford street. Overbrook. The bride was Miss Ann McMahon, daughter of Mr. Francis J. McMahon. of 221 North Camac street. Mr. Kelly scred fifteen months over seas with the 315th Infantry during the late war. Mr. and Mrs Robert Barlow have returned from a summer's stay at Wlln w ood. Mr. and Mrs. George Haertrlck are oc cupying their new home on Marlyn road, Overbrook. . Among the Interesting weddings to take place in October Is that of Miss Mildred R. Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Brown, of 193G Dia mond street, tuid Mr. John G. Gehrls, of Melrose Park. Mrs. Marie Louise Wallace, of 1405 North Fifteenth street, announces the marrluge of her daughter. Miss Florence Louise Wallace, to Mr. Rudolph Wolf Adler. of Cleveland, O. Mrs. Samuel Klhd. of 1901 North Broad street, has returned from Atlan tic City. Mr and Mrs. Charles Edwin Fox hae returned to their home at 1506 North Sixteenth street, after some time at Kennebec Lodge, Me. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. George M. Miller, of 902 N'orth Sixty-fourth street, announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Grace Is m L rf J ntV. A30JgntH pv Advance Showing of Fall Millinery Importations as well as original creations designed especially for those of discriminating taste and with an appreciation for true beauty of line and texture. We are also showing this charming style in Black vGlazed Kid either at a price which makes them extremely economical. J$&Jtomet her ..niifsliter, .Mi-s. Frederick ('. Nclll, nnd of Indian Queen lane, Gcrmitntown M. Miller, nnd Mr Rowland H, Erllng, of 1712 North F'fty-elghth street, Wednes day Inst, In thin city. MrB. Paulino Pearson Butterworth has returned from Atlantic City, where sho has been stopping since June 1, and has opened her house at 3167 Chestnut street. Miss Anna Zlon, or 6119 Carpenter street, was the guest of honor at a birth day p.arty on Saturday night. Among the guests were MIbs Beatrice Coldren, MUa Ethel Litton-, Mls.i Lillian Yolen chlk, Miss Irene Mnndelstaln. Miss Clair Sturz, Miss Ida Klingci'. Miss Minnie Scnnenfeld, Mr. Ralph Bloomberg. Mr. Joseph Ltpman, Mr. Bcujamln Slgel bauui. Mr Max Levin. Mr. Maur'ce Bockcl, .Mr. Herbert Kauffman, Mr. Ed. ward Omlnsky. Mr. Jesse Frank, Mr. Frederick Feigcnbcrg nnd Mr. Capel man. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Cummlngs have returned to their home. 1533 Pino street, after spending th summer at their cottnge In Asbury Park, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Hess, ot Sixteenth and Spruce streets, will occupy their apartment In tho Essex Apart ments. Thirty-fourth and Chestnut streets, th's week. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. William Smith has returned from a lslt to the Grand Lakes, where she has been spending the last four months, and is now visiting her mother. Mrs James Alkens. 2221 South Fifteenth street. Mrs. Smith will be remembered aa Miss Mao Alkens Mrs. II M Currlc, of 2331 South P. N. Degerberg 162 1 Chestnut Street Imported Sc.tcK TvJeed SUITS, TOP COATS, CAPES and SKIRTS $65 up for WOMEN and MISSES n4i f0UTH- STREET. 1204-06-08 Market St. AwjAere3er,rI cy 1'lln' i li l'h.,11.4'- i, her grnnilioii, .Master .Iiitk Xrlll, Eloeiitli street, will leavo nc.t week for Niagara Falls, and after spending some tlmo in Buffnlo will visit Mbtiny on her way home Announcement Is mado of the wedding of Miss Florence Skelly, formerly of South Philadelphia, and Mr. Joeph Collins, of 2535 South Chadwlck street, on Wednesday nfternoon at 1 o'clock at St. Monica's Catholic Church, Seven teenth and Rltnor streets. Mr. and Mrs Collins left for their wedding trip to Niagara Falls nnd will be at homo after October 15 at Colllngswood, N. J. The Atdentcu Club itcld a g.Miiiinsium nnd swlmin'ntf party Thursday ecuin nt the M. C. A. The club members present were Mr. Abo Ncff. president; Mr 1' Sllowltz, vice piesldeut , Mr Sid ney Miller, treasurer; Mr. Maui lie Sny der, sicretaiy. Mr Harry Ginsberg, scigcant nt arms, and Mr Joseph NetT A wilcome-honu party was given In honor of Mr. Hrrrj GlnsberG. who nr lived from Chicago The guests In cluded Miss M Cnnlan, Mlbs II Green. Miss Ea Wclbl.ttt. Miss Krasacii ' stein and Miss B. Sllowltz. :Chargc Accounts Solicited: Mav?son & Deviair9 12 15 Chestnut Street Furs and Millinery Special Value! New Velvet Hats In the Most Wanted Colors PHEASANT BROWN NA VYBLACKGRA Y $g.50 no Values $12.50 to $20.00 Tho most bucoming Hats of tho enson are these now soft draped Velvet Hnts, Soft Crushables, OfT-thc-Facc and Holled Sailor Hats. They arc becoming to 'most every typo of feature, and the vast selection of styles that we have for your selection in far beyond description. An Extraordinary Offer! :Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted: fdfHJfRJRJraJRJfirHJraiRjRjRirarreJfzI J bI YB A'sl&SV '" 1516 GiGstautSt PHILADELPHIA BLANKETS Blade of pure, undyed caniors hair, these blankets have all the silky softness and warmth-giving properties peculiar to this product. They are warm without weight, warmer than most any two quilts and their durability is infinite, ln medium and heavy weights and four sizes'. Priced from $26 to $50. Jaeger patented SLEEPING BAGS, made of these same blankets, are ideal for outdoors. It is interesting to note that Jaeger goods were part of the equipment of tuch Arctic expeditions ns Dr. Nanjcn, 1803: Wellman, 1907; Stofnnsbon, 1912; Sir Ernest Shackloton, 1014, nnd used in Africa by Roosevelt. U U mail villi equal mtinfactwn if you order from our cntulog. Dr. Jaegers Co. simmmmpmm SEPTEMBER 29, MISS ANNA E. STEIN WEDS DR. J. CAMERON Marriago of Miss Mina Waldnor and Mr. Louis Hutlin E. An attractive wedding will take placo nt Trinity Lutheran Church. Somerset. Pa, at S o'clock this evening when Miss Anna Elizabeth Stein, daughter of Mr nnd Mrs. Oeorgj P. Stoln will become the brldo of Dr. James Tt. Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cameron, of Wellington. New Zealand, the Rev I. Hens Wagner officiating. The bride will wear a gown of white duchess sntln with court train, nnd tulip veil caught with orango blossoms, and will carry white calla lilies. Sho will be Blvon In mar riage by her father. Mrs. S. Newllu Lowry. of Somerset, who will wear a gown of gold cloth, will attend as matron of honor, and Mls Helen G. Blake, of rH..i,,,,.i, ...tin will wear an orchid .a . 1 ..... 'Olincl dtesM will act as maiu oi huhui -.-. will both carrv arm bououets of cltrys-j nnthemums Tho two niuo V" ',, wra-WsjNr and they will wear white o ;rBnndle frocks and carry white trays laden with sweet peas. The four bridesmaids, .In fosses or enrnrKHrH ersert!gn.W with tulle, nnd they w carr wim.j t, 1 , rSiiMont of thlo city, will be ben Robert Clement, or 11113'. R 1 W" r lv 11. and Mr H. New In Lowr of ,? k'iXl" ?,, o.V,rleMS Vought. of New . ..-r. 1.1. ,11rt linwH 111 tuiuii- w. r?"1'",;.: . n,.i.u nf While Plains. v y'- Dr W Taggart, of this city, and ti- inhn W Stein? the brides brother a reeentlon will follow at the Vauncar ! it-5-w'" ' ' , TTr.nti the r return HornSomeertbeh.return from a weaintiB " arn aiiici Cameron will live at 22.2 urcen street, this city. HUTLIN WALDNER The marriage ol 'Miss Mlna aVTald ner daughter of Mr. Charles waiancr, ot 1 I C.ieaxes street, Gcrniantown to Mr Lois Albert Hutlin. son of Mrs Louise lutlln of 037 West Johnson street? took place nt the. homo of tho bride's- father, on Saturduy afternoon, at 4 o'clock Mr. Waldner gave his daughter In marrlnge and the Rev Clrtr es F Albany, of the Roxborough MehodlHt Cmirc . performed th .-er.-mony iussSt" Ho Hutlin. a sister of tiie bridegroom, attended the bride as brides maid, ami Mr Joseph Hutlin acted as best man for hlii brother. A small recep Ion for tho immedlato families fo lowed be ceremony Mr nnd Mrs Hu'Hn aro spending some time at tlie Cor.ntb a... Allan Ic City, N. J After October 1 they m LiJ CNONOUNCrO B Uf) TAY"GER YAY-GER 100 VIRGIN WOOL $22'50 gJoMI 11$ fsAJrs 1920 wilt be nt home nt 13 Greaves sttect, Oermantown. McGREADY O'BRIEN The wedding of Miss Catherine V O'Brien, of 5R1S Catharine street, and Mr John J McOrcndy, of 180'3 North Fifteenth streel, took place nt the Chinch of tho Tinnsflguratlon, Fifty-fifth street utul Cedar nveiiuc, this morning nt 'J o'clock, tho Rev, Father Thompson otll clntliiiT. A wedding breakfast followed Immcdlntcly aftir tho ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. Miss May Thomas acted as maid of honor and Mr. Jo:rph McGrendy, brother of the bride groom, acted ns best man After an cx tensive wedding trip, Mr, and Mrs Mc Oready will llvo at D021 North Broad street. LANSDOWNE Mrs. Mary (larrctson Cook entertained at luncheon at her home on Mondny Tho Twentieth Century Club Is plan ning a large bazaar to be held at the clubhouse on Thursday nnd Friday nftemoons ond e.venlngs of next week. Beside a great aricty of booths, thero will bo a cafeteria, where a delicious supper may he had. On both evenings an attractive fashion show will be given, followed by dancing. Thursday nfter noon tho Rainbow Girls will kIno an entertainment and Friday ahornoon there wilt be dancing and games. Mr Charles J Pilling entertained at ftlnnni nt tti r)Viltn,l,1il,lt, Prtiiwtv flnh . . . '. . . on naiurunv evening in nonor oi .miss Katherlne Burgess, daughter of the Rev '".V" rirrneri ray Burn, oi rnn- luirifiiiiii. wiiuho inurriHp iu .ur. i.i.trii'3 J. Pilling, Jr.. took place last evening at the Mutchmoro Memorial Church. KENSINGTON Tho Kaffee Klatch, of which Mrs J. H Broadtleld, of 3131 Frankford ave nue, Is a member, will be entertained on Thursday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Krumm. of 2530 North Fifth street The following ladles will bn present: Mrs I R Sclp, Mrs. C Sep, Mrs. K Schumm, 1 Mrs. F. A Ludwlg Mrs A MKlroiv, Mrs M Htephclis. Mrs. Ayres and Mrs M E. Mitchell. Mrs tl.trtriitii .1 llunninEtnii nnd liei daughter, of Allegheny and Frankford avenues. hao returned from Ocean City, where they spent the summer. ... .... ,. .. .. .. . Mr nnd Mrs. John Connor nnd their family have returned to their home at 3008 Frankford avenue from Wlldwood, N. J., where they spent tho season. Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Sclp, of Coral and York streets, are spending several weeks In St Louis, where Mr. Selp Is attending the druggists' convention, which Is being held there. PHILADELPHIA'S LEADING THEATRES Direction o' Mmm, LEE & J. J HIIUUERT sasi cur innDT uvas. 8:oo H, -i wuiix 1 MATS. .00 turiKin riiia promptly rso one Rented during llrnt crne. i. 1.60 MAT. TODAY 'Hcore hit crowded with ft"" cldltlna nnd eparkllni; with Klrls." - I'resH GIGANTIC Winter Garden MChlCAI. HHOtV CINDERELLA on BROADWAY with MARIE DRESSLER COMPANY Oi-' U.0 I'llC-W.Ul PHIcnS NItiHTS. EXCEPT SAT , 2 f.O LYRIC EVOS AT fi IB. POP MAT TODAY REST SEATS 1 00 "Tli" i horun of liejutlfnl clrla tan lag i.nd ilaiH'o well." N. Amer. A Musical Party in Two Acta THE GIRL IN THE PRIVATE T y. -i Heoki and Lsrlcn hy EdAArd Clark Mule hv I.leiit GIU KUU1V1 Hire With h Hrilllant Comrn or MaMer -omic A Fizzy Wend of mils, Mcioay and an Entichp Eiiscmblc of Gorgeous Girls NUhts at 8 10 ADELPH1 MTfi Tin rts. e. sr 11 WOOD1" I're.-nt Th. Drnm.itli- eniiHilnn rf the Yt.ir iHMSft IX PERSON m i irr : a 1 IN MAT. TOMORROW AT 2:20 CHESTNUT ST. 'T!:ra inn m; LAST 2 WEEKS. 2:15, S:15 D. V. GRIFFITH rvi.r or i o i: and iorns WAY DOWN EAST1 Mi li JLWVI-I Jii i.J i. MAT. DAILY t $0o mitk rnln uttr iMlun nmr w ilf hnn at Umh thin tlrt-i i.tnh ihettie prli n ACADEMY MI' Last 4 Days Daily Mat. at 2:13 Evrs., 74 Ji 1TADV r7TT''vrfc7" lVlr I I M HJ IK I 1 i unit i i.d thi:m in IIKIt I.AU'ST WD i.UI'.ATCsT PRICES SUDS i.v r.n, Mils "if ,t .-.II, incMidlni .r Tax rnn.iitnv nin vin at aii iu use Hill Si'ilt n Ali iii ''. A- .1.1 S'unillnj mi l.lni. nt ll-i'l" a 1111' i'lwKinut Si und al ttio Ai.i.lrmj i.f Muhl. It .. unkf -- D. W. GRIFFITH'S MAHTKMTI. ritOIH-CTIUN THE LOVE FLOWER" ire ciniio riitjui nun i t iiirniv u rectrd hv U W I.IIIITITM MKTituroi.tr s iiiiit.v holm: Thursday Eveninc. Sept. 30 jiiint nt:''i r i. Y S A Y E rh Mil Ids loin UiMur nJ MIROVITCH Hnatlrtnnl Kuropmp IMnnNt rain's -jl1 .'.ii in i mi s-i vi s.iin, W'lTM 'NS 1 1"S iHINJXIT UMM'rT PHILADELPHIA' ORCHESTRA LAST UllNii: Id sr. riti: s,'iiv TifKins roit st i:m: u i'h.ni rriT Desirable seats in lower part of I i .mi -i t c . r house still available ror bat. hve. , Ki:hll.N .SAI.i; I'Ml.s Ti'JKiKH. IIVL- nino at hi:itb i in hibstm't EITH'S LILLIAN SHAW Prertilw Vortl lllnlr.'i I'omMitnno FAY MARBE Proniility HontM hii l),in. Ilrrj lloliimn fo "lorn I'cirlcolii A A.l. Mi'ln JUihoii, 1 1 m i r y J (.onicy i-o . Others HRPHFI !M iiiiitn.itit..n .'. ciiuiim t t.llllfl1 Tomoriow, i'v St ."i0o Mnc Desmond '" ''"- m:i I'IMI.IAN CJ.i .OTIILS srT wbi:k a widow nv rnoxr ' DUMONT'S -NI-NTI1 ANU A'lc,'t "s, yUWUI1 "' MATINUB TODAY, 2. IS Tji.t Week it Camden Prrhlhlm Prnhlhlll T GOBEfi x "i-vc; 'V'f 0 y MARKCT ST AtlOVC IftTII Td,, cisie rerguson rMmmTKit" KVUV.V ATTRACTION FIIIHT rillOWlNO HAROLD LLO.YD In "Oi:T OUT AHD OCT UNDStl" , PA I AtT 12H MAIlKKT HTUnBT JL.L.tWtLi 10 IB, 12, 1 140, 0130, B.' 11,40. fisiB, lor.'M. THI8 WUHK ONLY TUB MOST AraaAle, 'rt PHOTOPLAY EVER CIIBATEU IN 41 HUMORESQUE" Ilv TANNIE ltUHHT, NO ADVANt'13 IN 1'IUOBB A R C A Pkl A Chestnut Ht. IJ1. iOth riLJl 10 A. M.. IS, 3, 8l4. r. m:., 7:4r, n:no P. U. THIItrj AND FINAL WEEK THOMAS MEIGHAN In a t'leturlzatlon of Ply , "CIVILIAN CLOTHES" HTAriTINO MONDAY NEXT CECIL B. DcMlLLE'S "SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT , ,,A PARAMOUNT PICTUIIE .NoUhlt (Just liicludi., UlorU Hwtnion, Llliutt Ucxxtr, una Tluudbre lUjlxtl" If,T'OD I A -Mrket Klret Ab. Mb V i I Jlt n a M, lollllSP-M. EUGENE 0-BRIENMaMSk. ADDED ATTIIAOTION PAT1IE PrMnt4l HAROLD LLOYD 5 "PET OUT AND PET UNDER" f A PTTVM 724 MARKET BTRBOT V--JT 1 1 UL DOROTHY DALTON In "UUILTY OF LOVB" RPP.CMT M-rket St llel. nth viiviiii i g ortrir. wai.sh in "THE DEADLINE" fl OD17 MARKET STHEET J.IJDIL. AT JL'.N'IPEIt j It A. M. TO U P. VL CON'TINUOUS VAUDEVILLE p'm" "IN THE LIGHT rrtED. i.onrtAiNE; qtheiis CROSS KEYS 00TH tAnKET sfa. 1J 2:.10, (1MB ft OP, IC ANDREW MACK 4 S5?WAY D.BBro,rP.As: THE "KILTIES" rPLB ' ANITA STEWART PHILADELPHIA'S I'OREMOHT TI1EAtTE8 BROAD poP- M. Today ANOTHER SAM H. HARRK SUCCESS ; GRANT MITCHELL ?' Itepoam His 'TAILOn-MADE-MAN" ' SUCCESS IN THE CHAMPION t By THOMAS E LOl'DEN A A E. THOMAS Staged by SAM FORREST A COMEDY TRIUMPH! THE CRtTtriK M1V "LniiKhnblv to a. hlKh ilcerpe " "Audlriit-v mail nlili dolieht ' Preai. -I.ed.ter. iiroii nv onutuiilanm ' N Amerlout. Frequent A enrnest uiiplaufe Inquirer, tsr " Record .. v. . ,ii'i niimuuiiei! tatixil' "Er-r.-i urrlnc mpiiUuih- ami rurtiln llillH "Etc. T-.l.r repeated l-lne niufts uf mined) ' Bulletin. i FORREST Mat. TodJy LAST 4 NIUHTS LAST MAT SATUnDA,T CHARLES DILLINGHAM Preient. ; ' FRPn QTHNFt- . i v - x- uiuii is-- in "TIP-TOP" ' NEXT WEEK SEATS TOMORROW C'IMHLEH DILLIMIHIM I re cuw li JOSEPH CAWTHORN IN A NTW MfSICAL PLAY ' '! Writlen li WILLIAM I RAIION MualL Iv VICTOR .IACOR1 "THE HALF MOONf .oseph vrucAn SaW l i hAWYEH MA THOMPSON Mum other, and a Kull Chorux tupe-l l,y HtEU il LATHAM MiiMMlNuinhfiH liy ALLAN K EObTEB GarHck PP- Mat. Today GEO. M. COHAN'S - COMEDIANS TSVT TT X GRAND OT D NAMDT --B;iS Th !!,, ti,r i.v.i,rtion I'r-fenl SEASON OF GRAND OPERA Oienll.K NlBht TlliT- l-i- Etenlnv, Oct. t r s i.-, o ci ocu A I D A M.ri.s'f.r. s-TfiinA .i 'T 0 T U' l) 1'I.llCli CARMEN ritii i:-i .-. i t i no !-"- '"" -ami.- ii Wi'Mi.inii'j uo8 'h""n"' "' M-tr.flH in Iinto ii Ticket FAYS KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE nih A Murk! Mi Ciinttnunim from 12 ."ION. Mj'n.Ih.I Sii'hiB ir. L'-. K.V Plm Tax) 'I hi' Knrle Willinms "Th" Turplo I'ltihiT "IDEAL fhiiniiton I ml uinimir iin1 rol atli liner of tli World lx '"..ntrHv - Path itf Bryn Mawr Horse Show, ' , Rryn Mawr, Pa. ' rv'.iss rnnv ixn i hvtivi-bb rvTii. svTtunvv ixri rmvn Mornings and Afiernoona 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. Daily I a!, a ; uml SI mi un bale At Hippi . 1M7 I'ltrrlnut hi and bot offu t on irroiiixlii Aiurli.i4 a iiu'bl Monilfifiil niii.w horaea in r''.piiilr rvnt i THE "WORLD'S MOsT'llKMARK ABLE & UNUSUAL EXHIBITION Till! OLD CONVICT SHIR "SUCCESS" :.uv ai ruui wr itinKivci til. ciwn to u i-ui.mp From n m to io p. u. ..OBTISS02 SCHOOL 4 DANCING LESSONS5 Kijo i h. mim i i ruiij up. n ii iv & Night Tl- rh.M in ii i' in i mm I'l'rii' K OIJ SWEET SWEETIES iJXJ Willi un All-Blar Ct n4 FHiiioimlViH'ork Alley Chortm Peopl UchIiikioii An k t'limlxrlaiU Mlirn.- Dulll !! The Jack Sing'-'r Show With IIAKIir LANDt:it : r Wnlnul ,b 8lh Mat. Todaor Mil: r.VBH.I'OI'ULAR Golden Crook .dblllU v"w"v . JOCauciO, ...,., ki Mat. I.lly m .M133 X f f iwufu mna tovw .n x AM ths i V' -.m't!&r.ii hV.V. ki&, - Jl" pyttiLVv-- -, " i'ii bP.-je