, ZXE,;;vvyS KhUWMl-W VIMMPW 'TWWWWp 'id t i' v. EVENINGS PUBLIC LEDGEJPHILADELPHIA, -WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1920 THE GUMPS ks Lucky Tliey Didttt Clean House By Sidney gntltlik The Second Honeymoon By RUBY M. AYRES Author of "The Woman Hater" and "The Black Sheep" F'Vt-Mirx'itJrl ... t uA la m m tA a ii r:nni oncf to muuuu w iru ClnJhto borrow, oil actrtti. "ifVZteUio break off the enuagement, v ..it Jimmy poor, unt yciuuac 0W """,'': -rf nwl hi Ml. ."..:. flfc hod supposed Aim 0B'J m.m (. a ecene . in make-up giaa. '"'. fhtatre. JImmv meele Me && eweelhca.rt, Ohrlettne Wyatt. XiZrVeelvet n letter '""" vminia re Bliiher intention to cancel the en- J" IJZtat JImmv no " 0rc f ''jiiiimctedlii he en U on cim Wctl?!!: f laoether and meet tlTTitortlake. a "more for. Zvift" lover. He would thow Cunthla. i"1'f JZiiAonlu rav her out." JImmv ".i.a letter from Ms brother aH V'ii the rumor of hit entapement to M v ."..., nttd thai he tihall and his Tiirt 61 cable. "Conounrfed old Xktad." he oi.gu... ...nif was nusneci, J .pirkletl. Ho ran hi. lingers through m hair, malting n bw" i fS rtrldw ho felt bettor. Ho wont tec" to the armchair and took up his Wh ould he not havo given now .. hTnblo to cablo back: WK right; alio Is my wife." T. .. It WOJI u.tfi .hinlt what ho HUes. I don't W'""L-.. .!, thnllirhl In J mm) (MeananB. v.. - "Sjf "lh2r" with his chin droop,.. Jhta brenit. lost In unhappy thought. " ?'!-..,; vm two days Blnco Cyn- ttl" had sent him away; It scorned an Tdom.,shlmatan?D.dflhoover J5f on. hour out of tho happy Past? &mhow he did not think so. Much ns R'had Towd her. Jimmy Challorer nau iVy knowns hra to no me son ui i.u. ?, that lived solely for the present; lfd i If sho wanted him. she had only SS to 'send to telephone. He loolcod gjoii at "he receive? standing Idle on l'?.e.. .1..,.. oV. Vi,l ninr him un: bO " u. v,o,i vn.nr1 hr nrnttv o many (" .......-.- . . Vaiee aeross the wire: IS that you. Jimmy boy 7" He would never hear It again. Sho did not want him any more. He was urlv word Jilted t . Jimmy writhed In hla chair. That any womin should daro to so treat him. The hot blood surged Into his faco. It was a good sign this sudden anger had he but known It. When a mi... can be angry with a woman ho has mm locd ho Is already beginning to toe her less; already beginning to eco her as less perfect. Some one tapped at hla door; his man ' Coetln was another bone of contention between Jimmy and tho Great Horatio. I never naa a vaiei wnen juui Ut, SO nis oroinor ocuuuw. nu.v m the wide world you need a valet for Is past my comprehension." Jimmy had felt strongly Inclined to uuner that most things were past his cemprehenslon, but thought better 01 n, he could not, at any rate. Imagine his life without Costln. Ho knew In his hart that ho had no least Intention of sacKlng cjosiin, anu uosim smycu. "If you please, sir," ho began now. coming forward, "Mr. Sangutcr would Ilks to seo you." "Show him ud." said Jimmy. Ho roso to his feet nnd stood gnawing his lowu. lip agitatedly. How much did gangster know, he wondered, about Cynthia? Ho woum tiae liked to refus6 to seo him, but well, they would hao to meet sooner or Liter, nnd. after all. Songster had been a good friend to him In moio nttb than one. Jmmv sad: "He o. oia cnapr witn rather forced affability when Songster tntfrcd. Tlio two men shook hands. Sansstcr glancsd at tho breakfast tabic. vim rather nn early Mfltor, en? ''."o. Oh, no. Sit down Hao a C'garrtte?" rNo, tnanKs.'' . Tliero was a little bllence. Jimmy eed his friend with u sort of suspicion. Eangster Had Heard eometmng. bang iter nroboblv knew all there was to know Ho BhufTlcd his feet nen-oualy. iangster was the sort of a man at whom a woman llko Cynthia Furrow nould never have given a second glanco, If, Indeed, fiho thought him worthy of a fl;l He wao short and squarely built; his hair was undeniably red nnd rngged, his features were blunt, but he had a nice f.mlle, and his small, nondescript ejes wero kind. lie eat down In the chair Jimmy had vacated and looked un at him aulz- iicaiiy. "Well." ho eald, bluntly, "Is It truer Jimmy llushod. True! What the " The other man ntonned him with a future "Don't bo an ass, Jimmy: I haven't known you all theso years for nothing Is It true that Cynthia's chucked jou?" '"Ves." Jlmmv'u voIca wan honl. He 'tared up at the celling under scowllnjf brows Sansster Bald "Humph !" with a sort f tow1. He scratched his chin re- secmeiy. "Well. I enn't kxv Vm norrv." lift rnllrl ffler a moment. 'It's the best thing fiats ever happened to you, my hon." Jimmy's eves traveled down from the Mlllng slowly; perhaps It was oolncl OMiee that they rested on the placo on the mantelshelf where Cynthia's por trait used to stand. "Think so?" he oald gruffly. iou wer liked hor." i aid but not an your wiro She's much moro suited to Henson Mort- lak T nUunvu Minuuht an. He'll keen htr In ordr! vnu.vnii nnver Miuld liae done," Jimmy had been standing with hla elbow on tho mantelpiece ; he swung round eharply. "MortUlte; what's ho got to do win. t?' ho niked fiercely. "Whnt tho deuce w you mean by dragging him In? It as nothing to do with Mortlake that the jhe Hammer wiu lnnklnir nt him curl- ,oualy. "Oh' I understood what was the ,won, then?" he osked. Jimmy turned away. He found tho i ot,,T man's oyen somehow disconcerting, ,,." marnea already,- no saiu in u Mined voice, "I I always knew sho nad teen married, of course Sho made jo secret of it. He tho biute left her J, ago; but last week well, he '"rnfd up ngaln. she we wo "ad always believed he was dead" rnere waB a little Bllence. SaiiH"U-i wano longer looking at Jimmy; he wan iarlng into tho fire. Presently lie be on hi whlatle m'"' Jimmy rounded n, shut up!" ho said Irritably U ITHier R nnna a, rtnnn AftAW n '"Bineni ,.l'n3. the er husband !" he submit ' oriy. "You've you've seen him. of imiFB. n , - "Vn T 1 i ... ... ... IIM iV. . ,' "en i. jr i uio u i niu, lenaa', .. ' "uiio in ilia uiiviimi .t' vaBD. Bain .TltTimir hohunah .1a (nflMl j,i' "tared down nt hla friend with .. Vyca " spolie. Tv?,""'er eald "Humph '" again. Then as nn thfJ'ea as good fish In the sen ch.. " ;'.,ul were caugnt," lie bain leon" i...,. -.- Ilmmy kicked a footBtool out of his lift U'nlWfvl nuAM 4n (Via u'lnilnw turn.'i00! for II moment with his back turned Presently: r-i "Jf!..th'm the- truth." he said Jerkily lak7. l tnem tnln, tlml l,rute Moi t- tynbX off lr i " om ,ne truth," said t'nngster. ITlBoroiiBiy " over tna nrc' PKI" ll niv?11!?1 n.re J'ou doing tonight. Jim- fl.nn.jr turnen. -" treil?Mta.,,,ne 80m" peopla to the thea ehii'1 ..'fiends ! Mot them quite by hearrt "" 0,1,er night. Haven't you lSL" We nnlr nf ,l,lm (1,. Wuntlir1 noki; ? . e" yfl" Sangster dropped tho Upton 1urncemonlously. "l'eople from ,.1'ion liou You u,a to b fun 41? ' ftrflt knew you. nnd that's 4h.mTLy. ye1rB Jimmy" , snirit.ii u ""' Knows: saiu jimmy piir'lr.?'yy "Woll. Pve got a box for eohie nv.. .n,fif,,t' 11 afl them to me'mWr ?-in? B dond MU,a n thcalrcs- "'ntmber Ch i.7.nU.,. of your., waaa't ene?" '.TVhen we wero ltlds." "Oh, like that, Is It? Well, ask me to come along, too.'' "My dear fellow come by all means." -.iimmy.Sil8.ratn,,r Pleased at the sug 8tllln,.i. YJU ll..llko Mra- Wyatt shoe ono of the best," "And Christine?" Mi0h?,,.?.'B r'fhl: but she's only a, 2ii f,Bti",'ii 8ald Jlmmy Challoner with years. y BUpcrlorltr of ha" a d"n intllJ." '"'.'i a.na '"imy were cnliaren together." said Arthur Sangster. Slfl, ana, tho lights turned up sud- in-i '"H theatre had rovealcd Chris- drcamy ' R 1Utl nusheU ond JlmmS'&A i?,k.dtftt "er smilingly. haTl.h.n.dlC.alle(, her child j but lie he hm.lh.,d how ,BWeet ft chlld h wn dalm J tt, M hJ ey" retd on he aamty pronio and parted lips. the mfn55let'.f'ako.,rom l"mlng at llttlB tihd -ofi .hlB LC0' Sne 8"ttV "YMSh;.fLnd. e,an?.d.,bH0l n ho? chair. irnth.J ..S" sald Wo ual to play to- 'htriwhen. wo Waro children." nrsti'r a h'Si' lon,llTO ?o," said earnest mockingly, lalf in one nodded seriously. si inffH,7,.Bra?l!a .w"..rt said ,-ii.i Z"?y r"l ' to wnero Jmmv ma n 't ;V. "c,r..'no. "':.. "e might hav Mr Rrii ' " 'nought W Stl carughStaT ,r,,.w"?-fcvoff."k !- "J.y M to.3' me s'ouch atTt events ii.r ht P'"ed her, at all Sangster laughed. flnl0l.,l.a" nbout uPton House, and the i.?JaUBhed' t00' now. wV Ji y step .ajld came to the eate " to rwJCOrsoundd wl8'fu'- "Jimmy used -"S'i wr""" """" Hlio lookod rather puzrlcd. nroTou-;'flevS,,,n(a,L8,,;M8'tcd- r nLt.,s.Vddc.ny ashamed. .I amToVi'' r0,rssM;n2 "" haven't imown him as long' as 'viSSS. ' "uw, '"? sho asked. " ?w.ii,a.d.e a "uJe calculation, atjn'g-th.' " ?r,yfrS"s!8?ir0 of nkfo'mlbury.''" m unfa9hIo"blo part ;.Voar Jimmy?" , No !i( Jimmy lives In thof JTomple." .r!,'AtntlTTdo ?'ou know bis brother the K "fhnlt0.11!07 Bh0 n8keJ JAighlngly! v.. had the honor of moetlng-lilm oncoi" h ..SnB?rfd wUh mock BraVlty? "Vm-v" lryea ag0- Isn't ho funny?" ;ry. Songster agreed. He thoucht icribeWfi?lli,? W?'rd ,"'th .which toe. serine Horatio Kcrdlnand; ho pitied wff'iow"'-' "talSf'bJKS ''Wo went to see Cynthia Farrow the lovoTyr-61"' CI,r,8tl" MW- "Isn't sh! "l supposo sho li!" i,?.7RpoHe ' ' ,rilnK "he's tho most beautiful unman 1 i,av ..... ,, Christine declared vehemently. "Jlmin'y h Y'B ?" &ayu-" Sh0 turned hor "Yea si Bhtlv." "You don't sound ns If you llko her." llA linM NIllnMa. Ho laughed In i,plto of himself. Perhaps becauso she doebn't like mo.1 ho answered "isjcsn't she?" Chrlatlno's grac oyea searched his face. "I llko you, anyway," .. ""'"'"r 'u not iook at ner, but a Utile flush rose to his brow. "Thnnk you," ho said, and hU volco nuunui'u, sonienow, quite changed. As tho curtain fell on the second act, he roso quietly from his seat and went round to where Jimmy stood. Take my place," he said in an un- ucnone. Jimmy lookod 111). Hn hn,l nnl hnn following tho play; ho had been think ing unmans always of the samo thing, always of the last few weeks, and tho onocn ot tneir ending, He rose to his foet rather reluctantly Santcr" sat down besldo Mrs. Wyatt. once or twioe he looked across to i;nrietino. sue nnd Jimmy were not talking very much, but there was a llttlo smile on Christine's face, and eno iookcu nt Jimmy cry often. Jimmy sut with his rhln In the palm of hln hand, staring before htm with moodv oes Sangster felt n sort of unnauence. wnat the deuce could thu feliowv ever have seen In C'jnlhla Far row? he nsk'd himself. W.ib ho blind, that he could not penetrate her shal lowncss, and see the small selflBhnoss of her nature? A pretty face nnd laugh, and an un doubted knowlcdgo of men lliey were all tho assets she posseesed ; nnd Sang ster knew It. But to Jimmy Snngstcr metaphorically shrugged Ills shoulders as ho looked at his friend's moody faco. How could he sit thero next to that child and not renlizo that In his longing he waB only grasping at a shadow? What was ho made of that he saw more beauty In Cynthia Farrow's blue eyes than In the sweet face of his bo hood's lovo? Sangster was glad when tho play was over; tlioatres ;iluaH bored him. H did not qulto know why he had Invited himself to Jimmy's box tonight When thfv rose to Icavo he mllcd indulgently at Christine's rant fnco. "You liao enjojed II." ho said "Yes cer so much Hut I liked Mlas Farrow uud the play sho was In bet tor" Jimmy turned sharply away; nobody aiiRw cred. "We'ie going on to Mnrnlo's to sup per." Jimmy snld as they crossed the fover. "Christine has never boen there." Sho looked u- Instantly. "No, I haen't " "It's tho place to see stage favorites," SangBter told her. In his heart ho was surprised that Jimmy should choone to go then Ho thought It extremely probable that Cyn thia Farrow and Home of her numerous admlreis would put In an appearance; but It was not his business, and he raised no objection. When they entered the long room he cast a swift glance round She was not hero et. nt all events; ono could only hope that sho would not come at all, i:erythlng was new nnd wonderful to ChrlBtlne. She was like a child In her delight. She sat In a corner of one of the great, softly cushioned sofas, ana looked about her with wide eyes. Jimmy sat btsldo her. Sangster had maneuvered that he should Ho nnd Mrs. Wyatt wcio opposite. Tho orchestra was plujlng a dreamy wnltz. The long room was niiiunntiy lighted nnd decorated with pink fiowirs Christine leaned across nnd squeezed mi. isn't it lust too lovely?" aho said. . . , Mrs. Wyatt laughed. ,,v,A.. .1,111 turn rMirlntln a head. Jim mv." h1i said to Challoner "She will rind Upton House dull after all this Jimmy was slightly bored It was no novelty to him Ho had spent so many .., i.. ',n.,ini, umt uimnlnir In t nces aim. ar to Marnlo'B. All the waiters knew him. Ho wondered If tnev were hut prlBsd to seo him without Cynthia Far low For weeks past he and she had been everywhere, together. He mot Sang; ".; ...,i., 1,1 Jvra' lm rnllNOil himself wiii. an effort: ho turned to Christina and began to talk. , . . He told ner who buiho ui 'T'!"3 were at the other tables. He pointed out a famous conductor, and Tendons most popular comodlnn. Christine was uiterested In every one and everything. Her eyes sparkled and her usually inlo face wns flushed Sho was pretty to night. If sho had never boen, pretty be- "I suppose yon comn hero often?" she B.id She looked up Into Jimmy s bored young face. "I ; ' not ftt a" new or wonderful to your He smiled, (CONTINUED TOMOimOW) conrlaht, int. birvW iat qe. ' SOMEBODY'S STENOG Here's Somebody's Guiding Hand -, . ti CopyrUht, 1P20. by Public Ledcer Co, By Hay ward . Vi.vs.,ftvo.t..o-i ut.r- -n.r... im&WZZZEmES3 el ?&i?x moift..HlsVS PontilLi-r piiut1 l&lXM2iam8. mmmmm. iPToomciiMTT sss34rss3ui PLP.AS&. T5mrjiKm zi -r'jir?k OFFICE . JAj0mM "Or rr izZ ,rT WVH. .vyV?' M A AO-t irrfrCl t II h ' To SOMEBODYS STEUO& I AM OULY A filRU OP (6 AHO HOPE SOU WILL PAY ATTENTION TO THIS UETT&RAS I DO JOT HAVE MUCH TIME. TO WRITE LETTERS AS X AM WORK ING ALL DAYAMt AllGHT.. MH DEAR ELAIM Lookout Girlie! Put oh Your ch aius ORfauU. SKIOJ GEE 1 KUOVM TWO BUCKS PER AIMT EAJOlGH To KEEP A LADV IN HOSE inu uu unt vtK iani, :'"-' ' --i- . . . -L- A. WEPf BUT AAW AAOTHER OAILV 6WES MB. -&2..00 A VJeEK TO 5PEM0. DO YOU THIMK THAT 16 RIGHT ? I VAS fiOlUG TO RU AVWAV AMO GET MARRIED I HAVE A SAILOR FRIEA4D ViHOAA, X SO OUT VilTH SUMbAYS BUT MOTHER. DOEa-yoT Wow rr but Some times VIHEN X AM OUT VIITH HirA he Gets a LrrTLe PResH, I OFTEN GET ADVICE FROAA Other People ohix mv MOTHER. VA1EL.L.I GOE&S I VJILL CLOSE- AlOVW A3 THS is ALL- t HAVE TO ASK YOU. ELAIAJ. K- OF "THE Poor CamYBALLSI THEYHAVEWT stociai EITHER AM'THe OAiLY CHOCOLATE THEY GoT IS Their Color J at that TUO A WEEK AT 15 SUMMERS IS BCTTER THAM RlDlAl'lW A LIMYZIWE VWITH WINTER IW YOU ft. HEART. VIITH lo ADVICE AT HOME AAl' A Sailor For sumqays tednz BETvWEEM THE DEVIL A' TtiE DEEP SEA, AIMT YoU DEARIE ! BUT IT VJOM'T BE A CEAfTURy Til Ybu Cam Go Dandy lion PICKING ALL ALONEY SO YOU'LL BE GLAD THEN You kPT A STIFF UPPER TOOTH. Oan'1 PILE OP RHGRETS. DEAR.E. Piiyou YhUR CHAINS A.H throttle bcuu . Ca c'?Jht.9t. . Some want my hair 1 n D45TRlCT ATToRrteYS I . I DIFFERENT - MOST OFh OFFICE ? - S'S-H : - -H 'M LIKE ME AS X AM- LISTED -I1HWK TriEfteS ' I'M 3LAD. ABOUT A pJ ANOTHER FIFTY PERwB la ooiJ- tuHTk?? SCHEME BeiM WORKED J AAARRY THE DOSS I , ntotr r- H . ON-EE.-MAGm!j HERE 7?71M LJIIz -m.eHttAuRcT' The Young Lady Across the Way Rare Presence ot Mind of the Anti-ProhibltionUt Iiy Fontaine Fox The young lady acronw the way cays sho isn't sleeping nt all well and, while phe's tried almost every thing, doesn't sem able to flud any filmpln remedy that will induce insomnia. iH DAY SMASHED THAT BoTTkE ON HIP. : Ai.fMjr . AvrT w J- HIS s vvvi VL u sy ( u"A 'I I "Wn i - -4i mT f- r l - SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG MCi J?SM, ftM"" (( "M --.-. j, -VJ H .. jT-Cr TieeJ -VX v i'f 'ffl" 'Z ,'' t "" ,' 4'w&r irs rit I MJJ ! foorpRmrs w &as Koiveft 5eos mrA fe 55 OF I 1 l-J I PET EY If s Always Open Season for Collar Buttons X - NAiHAT At?C yoV -DOIVJC Auwnc By C. A. Voight : . . jk v -. i I S . UlKJ v i f . - voijvr . ct2r9&s2K57C'H sz vzmzezr,s' tm. -nahcreis he u . . OVJ &r wm S y 1 Gouc ! T -WEVER up lipv.p ' fW LJ I ib7J ti" (I ! .r- jKuEWHE McetsavnthiucLv mWi. Sp3 Q R? - 1 hopj (, ' JTi1 ' ct "CAP" STUBBSAw, Gee! By Edwina VJHrST VNILL rOTHen EVER 03O WHtW new LXTTLC BOV OETb TOO TO v 7 : I HOLTJ STtU- WON'T ) . ll LFT ME SEE- y?I1?H-iF ton a j aa a Jvsr as i 5r AIW JP.u"iS5?s Zffl&ix BIO- tw wt w nm i.nr, l . inuw"T"- .i 5Kmi -r?S. vLi U WKy-l r :-- . S A BLACK HEATJ WOUUDW'T lirXveTf? wl jlOJ id A V z r I 1H 1 vl M 5 'i ,i I v.V, , Mf ,w-Mjtiiiiiiai