Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 25, 1920, POSTSCRIPT CLOSING STOCK PRICES, Page 7, Image 7

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Band AtJ&l Organ at 11 and 4.56
Store Closes at 5
cmmes ai noon
jJiswwrvnTrr Ji .. r.r .,,-. .7 ,; ;v-v u.v '-,v - '. . , , t , ; , " z 'm
No Man or Woman Is Ever
Finished With Learning
r" Sir Isaac Newton, the great student of na'ture
and philosopher, who discovered gravitation by the
fall of an apple, said of himself, n his after life,
that he felt himself to be a child' on theseashore,
learning from the shells and pebbles, arid that the
great ocean of Nature's facts was still lying before
him waiting to be discovered. t .
Stop and think of the wondrous inventions m
the successful enginery of the air and the thousand
little things like air guns, telephones, improved
typewriters, kitchen and housekeeping utensils and
the Edison discoveries in the application of
electricity what will the next six thousand years
This store is stiH a wonder to some of the people
in it& bigness and completeness to visitors who come
every day.
September 25, 10S0.
Tickets for the Police Athletic Carnival
on sole at Concert Bureau, Main Floor, next to Juniper Street
955 It is Btated that this police carnival, to be held October 9, is the main
support of the Police Pension Fund. If the solo of tickets for the carnival
fails, the Pension Fund will be exhausted early next year.
Nearly eve.ry one will- want to help Philadelphia's faithful
The Handsomest
This Season
Each one is different, each one is
itself. There is only one feature in
these gowns arc of tricotine.
In lines, some hint at the Moyen
Age, the long, straight waist;
6ome have fetching little rippled
basques. There are flying panels
and tunics and, of course, the
graceful, loose chemise styles.
One very new model is in princess
style, draped to one side.
The trimmings, too, are equally
original the new appliqued mo-
(! FlOOr,
Do Look at These
Wonderful New Fur Coats!
One of the smartest new
short coats is of taupe caracul
with a large, 'attractive collar
of taupe-dyed squirrel. The
:uffs are of the same squirrel.
And the price is $600.
For the wojnan who likes natural
squirrel, there is a new, full-length
dolman of soft, lovely skins at f 1200.
Real Alaska sealskin, lustrous and
beautiful, is in a now, full-length
coat with a deep collar. It is $1800.
Another dolman, and this is a much
liked style this season, is of Kolinsky
dyed squirrel with a deep fur collar.
A perfect beauty is a mink dolman.
The skins are the rich dark brown of
the natural mink, perfectly matched.
The dolman is generously cut and
richly lined. $3S00.
Of regal loveliness is a looso wrap
of snowy ermine with a great, crush
able collar, large sleeves and deep
cuffs. ThiB is shown in the picture.
A brood band of tailless ermlno ex
tends all the way round, the middle
is finished with a row of little black
tail nt th hnitam. This is $6000.
(Hecond floor,
New and Distinctive Winter Suits
for Young Women
These are the fine, one-of-tho-kind suits that young women want
who wear their own furs and preier
They are of beautiful fabrics
like soft silvortone velours, the ,
pretty veldyne, duvet de laine and
plain velours. Their tailoring is
worthy pf admirable comment and
the linings are soft, lovely silks.
Stitching and braid are two of
the most-used trimmings. The
(Second floor, Cheitnnt)
Children's Coats Are Here
Before Jack Frost
And sensible mothers like to get the children's coats before the
actual need is here:
The new coats are irt pretty colorings, and just as pretty styjes,
of all-wool materials. Soft, lustrous broadcloths, silvertone velours,
sturdy chinchillas and rich velvets make the new coats which are in
French blue, brown shades, new greens and tahB.
They are all warmly lined and many are fur trimmed.
$21 to $72 and 2 to 5 year
Tricotine Gowns
for Women
a new and delightful fashion unto
common, and that is that all of
tiVes of the same or a different
fabric, iridescent bugles, eyelet
work, hand embroidery and bright
colored and tinsel stitching. ' Even
cire braid used in new ways.
these are the gbwns, above all
others, for the women who dress
differently and who like the new
est of fashions. $110 to $275 are
the prfces,
, Central)
simple, wen-iauorea moaeiB.
coats are in short and longer
lengths, and most of them haVe
collars which button mgn.
Chinese blues and the new
Winter browns predominate
among the colorings.
The prices begin at $45 and
go to $at.
Toilet Goods
in a Special Disposal
For months 'we have been
getting ready for this sale, and
this list ihcludes most of the
things practically every family
needs and uses". They are all
good qualities andevory item
represents a saving."
Imitation Ivory Toilet
Though "seconds" it will bo diffi
cult to find the flawd in these pieces
and the prices more than compensato
for any Imperfections.
There are mirrors, hair brushes,
combs, puff boxes, hair receivers,
cloth brushes and pin boxes and
prices go from 25c for a comb to
4.V5 for a mirror.
We will mark any of these pieces
in any of the ten styles you select
'for 60c' cfich, which is much below
the regular .price. (
Toilet Soaps and Other
Wifnamakor pet'oxide bath soap,
15c a cake. $1.05 a doien.
Vegetable oil soap, 12V4c a cake,
$1.50 a dozen.
Queen Mary bath tablets, rose nnd
(Sold cream, 10c a cake, ?i.iu a aozen.
Toilet soap, 12c a cake, $1.35, a
Shaving cream, 25c.
Tooth brushes, 20c each.
Hair brushes, $1.50 to $3.75 each.
Metal hot-water bottles, 95c each.
Bath sprays, 85c.
Roso-and-Almond cream, 27c a jar.
Benzoin, glycerine and rosewater,
25c a fcottlo.
Cocoa butter cream, 80c a jar.
Peroxide cream, 25c a jar.
Honfleur and Other Toilet
Honfleur toilet water, 60c and $1 a
bottle; extract, 60c a bottle; talcum,
15c a box; face powder, 40c a box;
sachet, 36c
Skin cream, 40c a jar.
Youth and Beauty Srcaffl. 40c a jar.
Cleansing dream, 40c a jar.
Vegetal in lilac nnd wistaria, 85c.
Bay rum, 60c, $1.10 and $2
Witch hazel, 45c a pint, 75c a
quart, $2.05 a gallon.
'Violet ammonia, 25c "and 45c a
Bath crystals, 60c and $1 a bottle,
in violet, rose and verbena.
Face powdrr and cream, 60c for
the two; usually as much strain.
Cocoanut oil shampoo. 15c.
Cocoanut oil and tar Shampoo, 45c.
(Main Floor, Chestnut)
Two New Hand-Made
Blouses, $5.50 '.
are of soft, sheer batiste in snowy
white. In addition to being hand
made they have hand hemstitch
ing and drawnwork for trimming,
and one style has a frill down the
Other hand-made blouses, $6.75
to $12. Some of these are hand
embroidered and sometimes trim
med with real lace.
(Third Floor, Central)
New Long Washable
Capeskin Gloves
.50 a Pair
Made right here in America,
these gloves are a product of
which American &love makers
may well be proud,. for they are
very well made.
They are of excellent quality
Suth African capeskin and are
all washable, twelve - button
length, and come in brown, tan
and- beaver shade, mpusquetaire
style, pique sewn with Paris
point embroidery.
"Another style glove of the same
skins in the same length is pique
sewn with very broad embroidery
in contrasting color. $9.50 a pair.
(Main Floor, Crntral)
When the Baby
to short dresses his mother will
want to put him in just such
dainty, snowy white frocks as
They are all brand-new and all
soft white batistes and nainsooks.
Some are entirely hand made and
hand embroidered, though not all
are hand made. Some have em
broidery in white, some have
touches of colored embroidery,
some ire tucked and some are
lace trimmed.
$8 to $10 each, and 6 months to
2 year sizes.
(Third Floor, Chcitnut)
Wool-Filled Quilts
$20 Each
Covered in satin with floral de
sign fin top, bordered with plain
satin and backed with plain
sateen, making them durable and
serviceable as well as beautiful
to look at.
All desirable color.
tMxth ! Contrtli
Page of Wanamaker News
1000 Yards of Blue
Serge Again at $2
a Yard
By a stroke of great good for
tune, we were able to get more of
this fine all ,wool blue dress serge
to sell at the special price of $2 a
yard. Orio day was about all the
other shipment lasted.
In only the one Bhade, a dark
navy blue, 43 to 44 inches wide,
and the fine French weave that is
so much desired for women's and
children's dresses or for pleated
(Vit Aide)
Down-to Pre-War
Women's Silk Stockings, $150
Infants' Socks, 25c
Men's Cotton Half Hose, 35c
Men's Silk Half Hose, 50c
The prices placed on theso stock
ings are two'tnlrds, one-half and one
third of the prices at which they
were selling a few weeks ago.
We do not know of a stronger
statement to make than to say that
we will sell them at pre-war prices.
Wo do not.believo you will see mer
chandise of this character at these
little prices for a long time to come.
The disposal will be staged on the
West Aisld.
For women bla'ck and cordovan
full-fashioned silk stockings at $1.50.
For children full-fashioned open
work cotton socks, in black, white
and all the wanted shades in all
sizes at 25c.
For men full-fashioned black and
navy cotton half hose at 35c, 3 for $1.
'Seamless silk socks, black and
colors, "seconds," at 50c.
(Wit AUIt)
Have Your Old
Umbrella Re-covered
for $1.65
The Umbrella Shop will cover
your, old umbrella and put on a
sturdy one of good black cotton
for this special price.
We will do "women's or men's'
The covers will give good serv
ice and they are a good fast black.
(Mtln Floor, Market) ,
Everybody Knows ,
What Paris Thinks of
Velvet This Year
And now the first shipment of,
the new colored Velvets has come!.
They are chiffon weave, ex
quisitely soft and drapable and
exactly the kinds that will be used
in the most fashionable gowns for
day and evening and for wraps
and skirts.
So far there 'are blue, brown,
henna, taupe and American
Beauty, all 40 inches wide and
$11 a yard.
Black chiffon velvets of the
same fine beautiful quality and
the same width are $9.50 a yard.
(Flrat Floor, Cheitnut)
. 600 Yards Imported Black Satin
to Sell at $2 a Yard
Another Rood instance of a fine fashionable silk, comlnc- in to sell at a
smaller price, for exactly this same quality black satin has been selling all
alonff for $1 a yard more.
. .," 'a 40 inches wide, of bright luster, light weight and soft, and is espe
cially suitable for dresses, foundations nnd linings.
(Weit Alale and Flrat Floor, Cheatnnt)
New Socks for the Man Who Wears
Low Shoes Well Into Winter
We had them shipped by parcel post to saVe 6me.
From France come two lines of exquisite novelty lisle Eocks that
only France seems to know how to produce.
Accordion-ribbed black, shot white, blue and red at $8 and silk
vertical Btripcd with various colored grounds at $8.50. '
From England the home of the woolen hosiery industry
Beautiful cashmere and mercerized mixed socks with hand clocks
in blues, grays, browns and other colors at $2.75. '
Ribbed fine wool in heather and gray mixtures at $4.
America has been minus these fine socks, for some years and these
parcel post shipments are snapped up almost as fast as they arrive.
(Alain Floor, Market)
New Winter Millinery
for the Children
Scores of new Winter hats are
here furry beavers, lustrous
velvets, practical serge flats and
leather sailor hats.
There are mushroom hats,
there are pokes with long stream
ers, there are turn-up and turn
down styles and there are all the
kinds h which are most practical
and becoming for small girls and
boys of 2 to 6 years.
Black, brown and blue are the
colors and the prices go from $3
to $12. '
yChlrd Floor, Cbaotaul) v JiT
The New Kind of Furniture
' Movement Will Make a New
Beginning on Monday
COMPLETE suits fbr dining rooms, bedrooms, libraries and living rooms are the
mainstay of this unexpected event. .
These are marked at the lowest prices quoted on such a variety of suits in
years, the savings ranging1 from 80 to 50 per cent. There are many individual pieces
at half-price that seem to go out as if they had wings. These are worth coming far to
see, but the sooner one comes the better, because the variety of them cannot be kept up
.indefinitely at such .extraordinary savings. '
The matched suits are of beautiful and dependable quality in a notable variety of
styles, all worthy interpretations of recognized period types. For many homes thatr
means an opportunity such as has not been presented in years.
(Fifth, Sixth snd Seventh Floor)
Switzerland Sends Fine
Witness some new ruffled
flouncings for children dresses
and petticoats. They are 'on
Swiss and the embroidery is very
fine and dainty, 25 inches wide,
$2.25 to $2.75 a.yard.
And in the same importation
are ruffled edges of cambric and
nainsook, embroidered, 75c to
$2.75 a yard, to trim dresses
and undermuslins. 1V to 9
inches wide.
(Flr Floor, Cheatnnt)
You'd Hardly Find
Prettier Black Net
Flouncings ,
And we are quite sure, not at
this price of $4.85 a yard. They
are very new and made of black
silk net with most effective de
signs in silk embroidery.
They make charming evening
dresses and can be used as
flounces or tunics, being as much
as 40 inches wide. There are a
number of patterns.
(Main Floor, Central)
Tble Linen and
Of Irish double damask, heavy
full-bleached satin finished and in
a choice of five circular and oval
patterns, Exceptionally good
merchandise, imported from the
looms jn Belfast to sell at prices
that are very moderate, in view
of conditions.
(Flrat Floor, rheatnut)
Look at the Calendar September and the
Housefurnishings Sale Ends Next Thursday
Choose housefurnishings at September Sale prices while you may.
You have time enough, but norte to spare.
No time like the present times now is the
time to act. Now is the time to choose from over
76,000 housefurnishings and utensils of the finest
quality at savings of 10 to 40 per cent. This
"The Trumpeter
A New Book By
Temple Bailey
A charming atory of love and gal
lantry, of roies and candlelight, of old
southern customa and courtesy.
Ready this morning In the Book
Price 2.
(Main Floor, Central)
The Lamp Sale Glows Brightly
But Will Soon Go Out
Four more days of the sale remaining.
It will be a bright, shining sale of opportunity every day Until th
close, on Friday evening. , ,
Beautiful and ingenious lamps, beautiful shades', fine fixtures, all
are still shown in large variety at savings of 33 1-3 per cent.
Now is the time to secure the lamps and lighting fixtures you will
need to cheer the long nights of Winter just ahead.
After next Friday you will be too late. -
(Fourth Floor, Central)
The China Sale Nears
the End
And Going Ahead Wonderfully
This has been a go-ahead China sale from the beginning. There
are many reasons for this, but there is one above all others we offer
the finest kind of China and Glassware in splendid assortment at sub
stantial savings. On that basis it will be a go-ahead sale every day to
the end, but the end of it is near.
- Friday of this week will be the last day and your last opportunity
to choose from such a large and fine assortment of wares at September
(Tourth Floor, Cheatnnt) '
Men's Fine New Low Shoes
Are $7.75 a Pair
This is a new purchase of 2000 pair of brogue Oxfords in tans
and black calfskin. c
And at $7.75 a pair they are just a little over half the price
that the manufacturer intended them to sell for.
They are unmatched in Philadelphia at the price.
They are especially suited for young men, for they have the
long, decorated wing tips, ornamental perforations around the
vamp and on the heel foxing.
(Main Floor, Market)
Many Women Will Buy Their
New Curtains at Once
There are still several thousand pair of the good scrim, muslin
and lace curtains in the special sale at 30 per cent below regular.
Choose from the following:
$2.25 n pair for scrim curtains, 2Vt
yards long; they are plain or with lace
edges; aluo fancy net curtains.
$3 a pair for scrim curtnins, 2V6
yards long, with Insertions nnd edged;
and fancy net curtains.
$4.35 a pair for scrims nnd fancy nets,
2V4 yards long, in various fine, desirable
qualities. Also Mario Antoinette cur
tains. $6 a pair for Irish point, Mario
Antoinette and cluny laco curtains, 2
yards long.
(Fourth l'loor. Market)
9 -Kt.
New Books '
"Trails to Two 'Moona," by- Itobert
Welles nitchle J1.7B
"A World to Mend," by Margnrel
Sherwood 12.
;Toor Man' nock," by Hertrand W.
Sinclair, author of "North F1fty-Thre."
"In the Onyx I.obby," by Carolyn
Wells $1.90
"In the Mountain." a delightful atory
by an unknown author. $1.00.
(Main Floor, Thirteenth)
$8 a pair for Irish point, cluny lace,
Mario Antoinette and point d'Jean
$10 a pair for Irish point, point d'Jean
nnd cluny lace curtains, 2xh and 3 yards
And $16 to $75 a pair for a great vnri
ety of fine lace curtains in 2, 3 and
3V& yard lengths a choice from nearly
the whole variety of Wanamaker stocks,
offering such values as Philadelphia has
not known in years.
Floor, Market)
applies to a whole world of wares from broopis,
buckets, dust cloths and scrubbing brushes all
the wny up to sewing machines.
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