wy2 1 v rii. -;'! H 1 'S " v , " ' tENIKGtlBBlCf 05EDGEKPHrt3AiEHll, EfiDAT, SEftCBMBfiB-1 24, 1920 27. jfU ,41 mm WANTElV--MALli PSED ATJTQKOBILES TJBBD AUTOMOBILES RBAIi ESTATE 3TOR SALE RKAL ESTATE TOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALS T ,H p,MiENSl6ck salesmen, able lo or CITY CITY "... .man coiny..".". wm. vuhhcli w in In which la being used auccesafully mm ffiMI'Wttl'lSta -L r,a. I SnPBUPBBlTKNDBNT wanted who hull K.J experience In sheet-metal shspers and KBisS I I 827. LEDGER OFFICE. IrRMoanAPHESn, competent nnrl expert l.nr in central reaf ,"'', offlcJ' on .ivl iciiowledg" of. bookkeeping' preferred: KJ3 ..urv. P 681 1 Ledger Office. irPienirTTENDENT wanttd to take entire .Saras of throwing piani in i-ennsyivani iiAtwooa mechlMryi etele .f.spjrlfnce ai il and tirr wanted, luawatna twit -miiis, inlnmnx'f'. P- Inc. ANTED Men and ladles learn barberlmrt m your own bosit bit flaldi nulckly .1.1? .v nr nleht class. Writ Trl-CIt IJiSr Bewool. 38" N. Hth m Philadelphia. rraKMEN Wanted, first-class eleetrlo Tinmen familiar wllh conduit and knob .Je work! also several armature winders .SlUr with C. and . rj. winding. 1(1111 let e, .,.,-, am Hi M IfaDt -.. !) (Y T - . ... f I la statists' wlsai h a. am. m ind holidays: minimum rate 8TMr cnti aaV " -a kfflb v res """" MfalfllrnT. "" reanae mat amDition; wo Kiln our eaisemen in our own aononi una Etrtntre them to sell before wo allow thorn "'...... itvn th bun nH Of II III! If I.Ailitd. Ui. Atttll A Joma. 2021 U Mr. nomwy. llnrol IVrkh ln oyor IT for oootM mll wry. jell (IBS monthi Mmlntlono October: - KltV J. Jfin"rJ'..fl??m''I,.5:lv" J5.rvfi Kx. Klfltr. C8: Kgultublo nidir . Wmhlnnton. IMTTTATIONB WAWTED-lffAIJ8 ACCOUNTANT. m tinrlnc4 coountnt with llB.n R WO to lnvn urired to Join a pa Bio of competent onclneara amut to r ACCOUNTANT i.noo to partner Fa ftrtrAff ui v .....,----- - - - . .. - .""""" ik munuraciuro ot micninorr. ill 12s. Wftr Ofnco. HiniTiaUS., rnerretlc and healthv man. I ift vara fllllV MB. In nleiimjlhflhln anil Kn builnin method, alio jtoatetelnir a n. Kowltdne of real titato mnthoda and eolleo loni, lotemer wuii '"""'""i execuiiva billy 01 uriitww itiiTu ii ui.nrintena i. ...iv.m nf a fare! oftlce bide, deairea n B n.ni.r --.ll.' . MhA . i. 7 T- YH-fiM" poillion. A 820, Ledirer Offlto. lUTLEn plain . cook. aoneral bnuanwnrk: will-experienced younK Jao withes ateady iilllon: take entire charira of amu.ll family caretaker ot gentlenwn'a npta.i honett br. wllllnir: beet ref.i wllllnr fo so to an her eltyt aleep In or out. ll.Natb.SOH N.IKIh iiiiFKEUIt. marrtod dealrea noaltlon with hA.ti on oremlaeal expert mnrhlnlai nnrf ethinloi tood, careful driven 12 veara' ex. MADCe ana ot ui roiorrncenj i-aoHarn or ha Mth.rrartA cara Dreferredi ffoarf wb paired A 428. Ledger Ofnce. tfAUUB AlAINAUI-K .i.m. ! manaaer with tlft.nAfl. tn t9K . 0 to Inveet la urced to j-ln a partnerahlo competent enalneera about to cnaage In i manufacture ot machinery. M lp, ilir Ofnee. h.ev.AnitAPUIT.n. MfflMlftil. rtalr nn it'iAn nreferably In N. 13. aectlon. to iiac. live of manufacturing corporation: under anda executive detail worlc thorouchly. DUU. leuaer uilidi. lIUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE tCCUTlVIS or publicity eooretary: younat iromtn wnn ouiinava ana sociaieorvice ilnlnr and experience wlehea a noaltlon an rector or aeeletxnt to director of an ortant tlnn A SOT. lrtrer Offloe. aTROLI. CLKniC and 1 ivnlet. wllllnr nnd lintrittlo: waaee 1221 chance for advance- hi. a 333, meager utneo. BOUNO LADY. exp.. of raRnement. dealrea eltrlcal poiltlons knowledca of bookkeeplnir a trpewrltlna;; aalary not leaa than 2 hx to atari; private otiice prcrerred. A 1 Ledcer Office, BDBINESS 0PP0HTTJNITIE3 INVESTORS III you Inveet SCO and tlS per month for i momne ir i can anow you a return on ur money with aafetv better than inn or. kelvlnr now? Tbla la not nil. n frnt.rlrh. lick echeme or mlnea. Your lawyer or Inkir will etamp thla with hla approval. 'inn a na. hfarir umce. ANTED A live man of proven ability to llll a tttt.edDA nrfirr(1 atnplf In P.nm tranla: tbla la a real money maker and mi up unaer any inveaugation: a liberal ituiuioii ouerea 10 u man oc cnaracten dtr.c. Write, clvlnr at. and in. met, to A 320, Ledger Office. NEED BUSINESS CAPITAL? I'll preient ynur proooeltlon by latter or oipectui to foroefully and convincingly tft ou II get quick, certain, poaltlvn ro- ii. Aaverueing uervlce CO.. 802 Park- r Pldg. Spruce 1620. .CGLLENT oniinlnr In r!tahl hl.Fh.n wutneii for man with 13000 caah; muet i.i v.cvuuvo aoiiiiy ana laKe active In- i i once; auracuvo returna: aetaua ot 1QU1 at IntAFVlAW nnlV. Iimtlltnt nnnn. fJly for right man. Addreaa A 421, Ledger KCJEPTIONAL opportunity to buy a clay iBvftetunnct hollow tile or nny red wara ruuvni iuu-ioo. Biruciurai iron uuiidinv; r-IOfit frima Imllrl Intel .tearing 1,11- I lllmtntlai Knrnleiai tfllne JK ...- a . V"V ", mniiu mjiro tieai, Ctta, PftlSE.NTATIVKB BtMe BKtnol'ta are mn few ia naA4a ..-.jaki-il . . T.ai g lt jiarinnor, 1'rrKaaie, ra. "" tijY i'iuuuti( uieaiaur; excellent ur with permftnant lncom from repeat - nV mvnnim niuvi nnY8 hdoui odu. 'ere noorfj 1B24 Tteal Eatnte Trnat llldg. 'OCIRT.STOnE n auburban towni doing ..v. .kv.uuii uiuiuniiyi uig opporiunuy. r lull partloulara oall on or addreaa I, T. icrlptlofia for limited amount of Its capl- tOO If I ftaTOfln. hu ITlAn In mAnanam.nli h--- ---- - VwV 9tm iiiwiiieaiviiim l i rtturnM ftfjitirari. A a!9A T-Altae rm WANTED iWSPAPERS S!'"1""- rag., iron. v'Jfey,pai: b.:mo.t KitalirffiSSi In'Sty.'-'ira Snjr!0ih"b!w Uttr- uou'"ty ftViTtmn ... . .e . Ti If T '.u'in aiR uniiqueii. old chlnn . jn iTm:V ..V""ilt ""li??u -urniture k iiiii tV.:I ' ,"ono "'amond 4080 or RFETS, furniture. entlra ,n..i,'i. rSira! Tn'i VIZ .vou J5.HE "w?. Prlcei.caU . Bio r VA.h ":. S"ri"RM5.nJW'. NTLEMEN'8 eaat-oft olothlne- hlahiTi krlcei , paid, simon, S41 N. Otb at. ' V'i. I liny .- t iho.. n. ii " " ,n? I?;n w0,n c Olh ng F""". Call or write 837 N.4th.Mkt.2448. BUSlNEbS PEngOMAT.aa 1AM0NDS Pay J B0 to S1S00 eaoh. A place for r.fln.fl n.nn ?ie wna HJGHT k ".vz niamona ney wish to turn Into i..."-- ---r.w .. I! n WATE . -m ..i . .tA.;.,:nl nffl.J'B'.u. '.'&". . itivii,iwi iteai jaiaio Truet 13 dg., Uioad and Cheatput Big. Hell pha. DIAMnNn; RnunuT (rvt tu " fit. illy .ri;,frnVbUPr.'Ce!nf0r """ dl I Wlher ali? Jj m ,i l? 1 rala; norm WM e.l'el.rh..? f!?1?' ?l"iuni and a Iver '.,l,, bought (prlvate)l eat. 10 yra. LLiamond Shop ,. n. 10th st. r i r 10'h above Market uiAMUNDS BOUGHT ODJKCT TNUT BT. KScV '&.?" p4.iBr -f. em. poultry r.11 fJv"0. b. ? Lyotton ..t. ' ""' "" iuarKoi. Alain 'Wiry bJi.V.14t,A,rnx?,"i ,1B.' ola "la I'Huit.i.i'.i1' A. Markov ta. Cred-I-iiHLraber'oV. aboVB areai before Slon- . 4 bJKPSHS bought .In. !. Gmlth. 812 Lmi r Ynlnut 0881 jrrr., i "" wainut ogni. eJ. M b iik""." ' manicuring! 1 .--- .. iim h. KHTlliH'W'nif, detailing and plat- HORSES Rr rife.fLa condition! reaeon for Ptf leu?t Co li2t?mo)J," Ap,,i,, WNfcitt-.0. .- Alter at,, near 24 SJTRUCKS A Rebuilt Vim Truck Inbuilt, Rfcpalntod and Gunrnntccd. Open Express and Panel Bodies. Now Tires, $197.83 on Deliver? The balance by small A Year VIM-MOTOR .BROAD AND HUNTINGDON STE mm J. WM. M. OnHEN. JR. Mr. Uid Car Dept. MOTOR sJHUUtt STUTZ ACT QUICK Wo have a few exception ally fine Stutz Cars all thor oughly overhauled arid ready for immediate delivery. GUARANTEED ANDREFINISHED 1920 STUTZ Bear Cat 1020 STUTZ C-paBSengor 1920 STUTZ 4-passcngor , 1020 STUTZ Roadster 1919 STUTZ O-passonger 1919 STUTZ 4-passenRer 1918 STUTZ Roadster 1918 STUTZ 4-passongor 1917 STUTZ 4-pasionger 1920 HAYNES Touring 191.8 CHEVROLET 8 cyl. Tour- 1917 CHALMERS Touring Above Cars can bo bought on monthly payments . Stutz Agency CLARKE D. HUNTER Mar. Exchanged' Car Sept. , 669 N. BROAD rhone Poplar 892 LKX1NUTON, 4 paaaenxer, aport model, very nnnnnvt nn.n .m.. an.4 HtiA4aa qILkUh rn rtlfi XT TivnikA .. T....I.. tn . .... .. hi "''. w.. i ui'ini mm MOL.1NE-KNIOI1T chummy roadater. 1300 coah, bal, term. Open evea. and Sundays. Stanley Co . Illtl N. llroad at. I'nplar 7H20 OLDSMOliILH. 1020; run 2000 mllear aver , aide cord.tlreai In perfect condition; Iota of extraa. apare cord Urea never uaedl oheap; no dealera. Can be aeen at Qeorg Dutter- wimn oun. nnn uprmaniqwn ave, X'AUKAltl). model 3-23. tourlna;: llko new car. Open eVenlnga and rTundaya. Stan- iy kjq , nut .-n. iironn au i opiar 7Bx, SIMPLEX roadeter, faat and powerful! would maka excellent eervlcA oar a.iI n. exchange fbr B-paaaenger car. 1318 nidge avenue. aTUTZ lDia touring, perfect; It you want a Stuta aee thla one. Diamond 3022. COYNI3 24th and Lehigh FOB BALE Uik j.1 jaJ: i'4-s uK ' ' tf WINTER BLANKETS! Oet jour btanketa now and be ready for cold" nlghta Vlalt thla daylight atora and aee the aplen- did ble; aeaortment. all priced much leaa than you would expect for euch big, warm. cozy blanketa. Blankets From $2.95 to $19.00 a pair, with plenty of In-between prlcca to ault any puree, and alt at prloea making It worth vaur while to buy your blanketa here. Unmatchablo White Bedepreada $2.50 to $10.75 Each W. H. SMITH &.S0NS DRY GOODS AT A BAVINO 914 Walnuf Street, Phila. Office Furniture Big Selection Steel filing cablrreta, all atrea: eec. bookoaeea . for law. and library. NATIONAL FURNITURE CO. Main B8B6 000 WALNUT BT. Walnut 2923 FURS FURS FURS Coata and ecarfa at very low prlcea. It will pay you to coma In and look. DnESNEIVS LOAN OFIMGH 44 N. 11TH BT. OFFICE FURNITURE . . Large lot ot deaka, aafea. fllea, cablneta and general office furniture, atora futuree. We buv, aell nnd exchange. PATTEN FimMTUriE CO.. IOCUST 4070. 1127 Aroh Bt. RACE BBQQ. 0-lice Partition, Railing, Furniture Store fixtures: wo Ball, buy and exohange. 'IT valnut at. wni, lini. Alain uou PENNA. OFFICE FUnNITDltD CO, bllY Q00D8. mill enda. remnanta and tull plecea, percaiea .KinanamB. muajiui ana itlng annelei aulkTnitltuilona and aewtng aocletlea: priced very low, W. U. Smith A Bona, an wainut at.. SAVE coal! equip your premleea with roetal weather atrlpat keep out coldt coal, bill half; wlndowa and aoora nttea airua-nr. WalaciMetat Weather Ktrlp Co.. 40i Wal- lace at. Preeton B47SW. $5 Ud Overcoats $5 Ud 3000 fins un-to-date overcoats! some tailor- made; a wonderful assortment to aalect from, Walter'a Loan Office. B. B. cor, 11th St Arch Guns. $7.50 Up ?, ll.- Bump (runs, all makes and gauges: biggest argalns in town. Walter's Loan Office, B, E. cor. 11th and Arrh sta. ctAfi CORNET and caae, allver ahd gold- $123. IJIll'.aiNt.HD uiAn uiitw, a n, 11th at. DAVENPORT, china closet, table, ohalrs, upright piano, gas lange, coach, ma hogany dressing table, hall rack, bookcase, rolltop desk, etc.! no dealers. 4230 Lancaster avenue ttX! Diamond ring, Pure white and per- "J feet; value $110. DRE'SNER'S- iAJAr. nrrniv. .- nm , 4HxB' Ingeraoll-Rnnd air compresser A tank) gal. Hauck oil torch burner! 1 hand- .. nlna.li.nil1. mmti. An nifl niittAnWAAit powe t1 1 fl VICTROLA No. XI and IB double P I I vr face records! value $170, Dresner's Ioan ornoe, 44 w. inn. UEFniOERAlORS and fixtures for grocers ana meat marKeiai terms 11 aasirea. llANDALL ti CO,. 831 ?!.?", si. WALLPAPER Do your own paparHanglngl wholesale pricesi ivio up. iiura.iua a. otn, CAIUNKTH and standsi big bargains. Phlla qsipnia l-rinters- pupf.iv t;o t n o. otn sn1 POOL TABLES, 2d hand, bought, aold. rent ed exchanged Keafer, 820 W. fllrard ave FOR SALE Iron safe. 30x60 Inchea, Apply 1403 mm. '.ma mag. "DlNlNO-ROOM furniture, framed m Heo Br. apt., 1003 B,46th, Wood. 6807 J, Wnnlntor aala, log and atovaIengthj de. WVJUU nv'd by trucltlosd. Pli Pop.1078 W BTAMPft AOT) COIN - STAMPS, rACICETa. DlilM SETS. Albums and suprlles for sMmp eojlrot PHILA. BTAMP CO.. 31 fl. 17th st TALKING MACHINES RECORDS OVER 10.000 records listed at $1 each, to be'sofd at Boot tslglnir maehlnos and ac cesaorlss. wholeal4 and retail. Central Sullo Store. 121 N. UU. above.Areh, monthly installments. to Pay TRUCK CO. MOTOR JRUCKS. "fc. " BPNwA.'n 1.'. "" tlmt-payment plan New and uaed cara and trnrkx .n ...,t. hodiIia in,.iVuJno.Iel" flflk9- "Praia, dump. SP-rJl8-.!1!!'11"??... t0 ..""It nny hualneaa re" SuLt'WeD!?.LH' direct ny nualnMii re. rlnanp. Sm.!!: 0,rect """ough reliable 5ha?aPrlrT,r;V i,tv"! f"rnltnt rejecs and enPJJ.AW!l,33E.t Jnaulrlea eeaent al. coMXiEncto motou vkhiclb co.. j!lin.2114 N. 6th at. AUTO SPRINGS SCHOBER 34TH AND MAIIKLT BTfl. iai.Vin.nV0' J", modela. 0 and 7 paaa. tima 5v5J5!-a,,menl bflna every day lima Daymenta: open evenlnga. Over.and liarper Co.. 8B0 N. ftrnad Hi. imtBDiATn ncuvERi .. ., ---w ...va, rum neunn ...h.Hf""? M'ri uaed'OOOO mllea: J030 K." no "'" ''hone nelmont 7063 W. after 0 p. m or write noas r;h..tn..t P'SLS.V'af A' w'. fir w.fTnSs; S vV- o l'':aA.ii?"i "! J P?'vejy n .w ..w m.i oiwrixe JJait ZBO ry. IBtn, Aiuor blLmL mv Rfu.t..!... -....- - .i.?al&'.l2-l0Sl!.n,5 b"ore Saturday; kavlni " """ - al. KlNaSESBINO OA11AOE. O.-.th and Woodland eaSXf'ri:?..0 10i ood condltlon?pnc BATTEniEH. 0 volt, rebuilt for 10: equal to new. Battery Speclaltlea Co., 1604 " " APPRniinM iun mh.i ...... ..... A9 SOi .owner will eacrlflce 80 per cent. Call mmr lUi AUHUItN 4'paaeenegr 120 model aporteter, a mOnthtt nlnf narf... Mnnl.nn. wn. v.n ?Sl'J.,,1Jer' It"5.81 Continental motor: coat I2J0O newi lltoo. .Owner. 008 Atwood road. . nunc urgrnruDK ittj. UUICK8 -We are overatocked on Uuickel larire dlecount thla week. Open evea. and nu, nmiii.v aiiiii t.o . nio N. Ilronrt at, UMANDUEll lnin: dtatance run 3000 mllea: Jr.. ,u" tru "r". iota or extraa; perroct condition; cheap; no dealera. Can be aeen at deorgo Ilutterworth & Son, 1018 Qer- iii.nmwn aye. C1IANDLKH. 1H20. tburlnai' Ilk, a.32?P m.""'-. Or-n evenlnga and Sundaya. Btanley Co., 010 N, tlrnad at. CHANDLEIl H20. 0 cyl., 7 paaa.; uaed S tnnnlha. Phnn. 7075 T a.i.i. V..r."u " ., niiBiiuu .ly. COITJ Arn R fnnrln. loin n ... j, Jl00 2!"'?! P"ft: open evenlna-a ond'Sun- ,-t ...n... ..w . nli, . uroaq m. "viniTi. ".ur, "."'":. lo: .ToJ: -piendid tKiDQC aedan. fully equipped nnd ready to. drive away. Call PopKr 111. ...u...u... ..... uru, 4z. i.tntr iirr IL,KCT1UC MUDAIM. Mllh..rn u.h. . j.J!$V 5,"irobl car 'JlTJy " doctor. Ad- ..w ... muner mncB FOnD SEDAN. 1020: white wire wheela: good paint and rubber; plenty ot extraa. What am I offered? M 120, Ledrer Office? . niANKLIN touring, model 0-4: wire wheela iooo down. bal. terme. Stanley Co.. AID N. nrnad at. Open evenlnrra and Sundava. ILf-YNES touring; run J8000 mllea; like new! 1300 caah. balance terma. Open evening! "." rmn.mvH. ninnirv i;o.. UIW N. llroad t. OLDSMOUILB H 7-paaa, tnnrlnir .h..n n quiox Bale a uuno xieirnunv U-IU.I. u.. - --V"S. -'""' -w STORAGE AND MOVING LANDE STORAGE CO. loan niDaii! avr Loral and long-dlatance moving by en refnl and exp. men: we go to and from N v for ISO. $40 and $30: our apeclaltlea , termedlate polnta. Hell phone. Poplar inoi Poplar vn?T CLIl'AN JLlt'AN aa jour heme; we make a apeclaltv of moving, packing, .hipping to nil paila r the world: atoraga In inur.!. r..tl7 roomai local ana long aiatance by VtciirX xana: eatlmatea free. Olenwood Storage and warper cioih.ik. vvu-i itiujre ave.i eafnhi 11.1,4 .Inrn lRHa. Ih til. .... 0,i..!lar. Park 1181. Logan office. Wynmln"B"nV ONE MONTH FREE. ESTAnLISHED 1880 me exenange storage Lo. 1420 N. 8TH ST. We have a few clean, separate tooma vacant for the Storage St Your Houaehold Oooda. Pit. DIAMOND 2471. PAQKINU MOVItJft. Dougherty & Sons Storage 1424 N. 20TII ST. Oet our apeclal late for moving by our r.M able and careful men. Call Pop. f.?.r " "ore. Park 1127: night phnne. DJamnnrt hV!.' iller, North Broad Storace To ,nVbbOrhagnepr?oynD.?.740 ' VICTORY STORAGE B200 Filbert. Phono Belmont 4870 for eetlmate. Plerco-Arrow:"'." FIDELITY FinEpnoOF WARRriOirsira 1811 TO 181 MARKET bt. TUB, J0J.IM RJJOADS COJIPANY ' Store 4107 MONARCH BTOnAOB CO., 8870 T mm. TER AVE. AUTO SEnVlOH HTonfnS- PaVltlNO. IA1NO.DiaTAN0B"MrvOrRAOH- WE HAUL gooda to All. City. V V . yjn. QuaC.r City gang.'S..yfntf: HATJUNQ " TO l"n?-rfrm,s nd liucka, atake ani dumP .toJI by hour, day or 5intrid Contract taken for all klnda if hauling-V., ua eetlmate. Apply Wm. J. Maahan 2 jlio!? Apply at., 1 448 Richmond ICerialnVtoa 1820 and E.. 43UU A. MOTORTRUCKS to hjra by day. week nV "houra: all alrea. Phila, Auto T?Snaferr 2B N. 20th. at. Call lop. 1704, raparer. MTJBIOAL INSTRDMENTB D.V- Plnu.r.P;n-. .1- . 1 1 luuud, -...- iuuus viciroias p,S.'.7V Vprl.rr.'iJS-.g!. pma"no; The usual Heppe aniarantees and free ei. change prlvllegea will be In force. "11 used Plsnos are rebutit aa near lilts new as possible. """ The following la a general summary; 48 Rebuilt Pfanos from $123 to $436. 78 Naw rianoa. price ranging up to 1880. New Pianola Pianos, the largest assort ment for years. "" Several used Player-Pianos at $47B, $380, 800 New Vlotrolas. 'all types, from tin irf $218 Used Talking Machines, other m.k... v.r. low prices. Parmenta to suit vour convenience. Call or write for large Illustrated cata loguea. , . 1 Heppes Uptown Stores COR. SIXTH AND THOMPSON 8TS. FOUNDED 1683 GASOLINE ALLEY It Isn't Such a Bad Little World ( nn? J- v , NEED AfrtN T, (WEED ANY J fCefXme, Aiotit) fkrm k , V(S) Kff) ru) vpiL JJ ivj (r) & f''"' '' : --i? "Vn - L bALb-UK KEJN1 j, DAYLIGrJT MILLS ii8 FRANKFORD AND ERIE AVENUES (TEXTILE CENTER) 30,000 and 23,000 tq. ft. respectively. Eleelrlo Elavatorer. Steam Heat, Sprinkler1 Sratema. etc. I LEVICK &' WOLDOW 707 WALNUT STREET .. .1.1.. Yt.l1..t.1..l.l. Hmml Ir..... n. j. itieniinrv -i.iimc.f.... MACHINERY AND TOOLS WE MAKE gray Iron caatlnr from 1 pound to 1 toni It you want caatlnga that can be eaally machined, write us. iteevea stove ana Foundry Co., 88 B. 2d at,, Philadelphia. rounnryi emnen. .r. J, ONB AbT.of watp drying cylinder! In rood .a, a tTanitlBMI rllflM lt.l.t.U rtj t 11)11 T. J, 1 - il aun IIPIHIUP1 H ELEUTUK) motora sold, rented and puren. up to B00 h.p. J. W. Adama. 180 N. 12th. ROOMS TOl; RENT ARCH BT..2125 LYRIC Newly turn, aln- gie a.npunie rooms; epotieaa clean; phone. CHESTNUT. 202 Room, wlthprlvata bath, eteetrlo Itahtl reference. CHK8TN.UT ST., 2000 Single and double roome. LOCUST ST., 1683 Atttactlve aecond-flonr aulte. tils bath and electricity: elngle 3823 N. lBTit ST. DESIIIAIILE APART MBNTS, FURNISHED OR UNFUR NlBHWn. PHONE TIOOA 0108 W "I"'"' CIIBBTNUT. 2043 Larire; wall-turnlahed i-anrrt and bath, elertrloltyi reference. DIAMOXD, 1007 Hingis, alio lilting room: rrl. fam.i gentleman; bath, shower; phone. WALNUT BT.. 6001 Very dea. f ront rrn. for gentlemin: onrner houae; modem! owner. uil n., lav, ii u t u u u K 1 u Beautifully turn, roomai spotlessly clean, eleetrlo throughout! dally and weekly ratei; conv. to national beat accommodations for traveling people! moderate. Ph. Bpruci 10B4,' wiwt rmt.Ai)r.i,riii CEDAR AVE & BOTH (vie), third floor hand, aomely turn. rma. In prlv. house for rent, to gentlemen with ret. Phone Wood. 1B1. OKTtMAXTOWN OBRMANTOWN 100 Maptewood ave.: de- nlrabla and convenient location for college student; rrlvnte family: references exchanged. Phone Oermantown 1B18 W. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, private houses. 2d' floor, next hath: adults only; meals In Immediate neighborhood; referenco ex changed. Phone Manhelm 3014 W. 1.QOAN NICELY furnished largo' second-story frorrt room, with porch: Prot. family, near train and trolley: $10 per week. 1200 Rockland at. PENNSYLVANIA SUHUKBAN LANSDOWNB For rent, furnished, bee room, sitting room and private bath on third floor front, for gentlemen. In refined family! owners; refa. exo.: within il ff.nt train, trolley at door. Lanadowno 1380 w. NlttV JF.IISEY SRARItORK ATLANTIC CITY ROOMS with bath: modern. Santa Maria. 11 8. Ntw Hampshire ave.. ear. Euclid ave. BOARDING BPItUCR BT., B081 Rooms and board; con venlent to ''L": desirable location. PKNNWYLVAN1A SUIItlltltAN OTN. The Qretnor, 102 E. Walnut lane Delightful second-floor corner room: excel lent tablet Individual service. Phone German town 6257. , APARTMENTS niunia!CTimiraimmiLiicT?;im,nwHmmiii5nn;nrra:nnnirainricMm MODERN APARTMENTS Centrally located: 4 rooms and bath: aiso 0 rooms ana bam. SUB TO $180 CALL WALNUT 2387 SMULLEN & BARRY Broad and Chestnut (Liberty Bldg.) UHllfflM Desirable apartments for rent unfur nished! central In location; prices $100 per month and upward, YARROW VAN PELT PENNA. BLDO. MODEHN APARTMENT and ofDc for rent or 3 ana 0 rooms, eteam neat ana eieotria light, at 220 S. 4th st. Inquire, between iz arq a a cioo k m. wear, on premises WALLACE, 1040 Two rooms, kltohen and bath apartment, with porch; first floor: electricity; sn conveniences. 320 S. 11TH ST. Desirable flrst-uoor apart " ment, S rooms and bath and kitchenette! vacant. TAUiiAnr.. mm wainm si. APARTMENTS, Prlham Court Annex. Car penter Station, B rooma and bath: full flnnr. bachelor quarters. S ROOMS, housekeeping. Jarre living room IUUI .1. ,.wu, vuv: .low Pl. vta, .. ... . Locust. Merton Orelm Harrlaon Bldg. 9018 fUKSTNUT ST. Bachelor n.,lm... 2 rooms snd bath; attractively furnished": elevator. APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS r-.nirfll anartmenta a snarlBltv. RhMnuii Anariment Asrnoy. .. r uroaa atreet. V" .--.'."- n. rf W, W"Z. . ": "-v lain ItlTTENHOUBE BQ. Unrurnliiho .n. n raems. 2 bathai Immediate ona...aiAn yearly lease Apply anperlntendeni. UNFURNISHED second and third floor apta.i only nmiur. n.n nratrr ave. SPRUCE ST.. 2110 Excellent corner turn. nouifHBipnn npi.: huhiii; yearly lease. BINOLB or ensulte; bua, people pref.; meala; n mm. ui .mimn. r xiiunn aieiroao laps v. WFST PUnADETJTnA ADULT FAMILY ot S will share their fur- nienea aparimema, aum ana Chestnut. with n business couple: 2 outside front rooms: uao of bath housekeeping f,o nu niIGiria llgnij utnt f desired. Phone Baring 1073 M. OERMANTOWN WAYNE AVE. APT.. MlB-la Wayne ave.i several vac: rental, J83-U00! open for In spection i see Janitor on premlaea. Olyndon Prlestman, BB07 Otn. ave. Qtn. 410. rrJiNRYLVANIA HOnURllAV CONSHOHOCKEN Up-to-date apartment 6 rooms, bath: all outalde rooma: hot water and heat, large closets and 3 nice Pflrchee. 411) Spring Mill ave. BINOLU. en suite; near station, trolley; i.0' light, h.-w. heat. Ph. Melrose 1334 W. FURNISHED APARTMENTS BACHELOR APARTMENTB, 1701 Wallace Bedroom alttlng room and private bath' well furnlahed. clean, comfortable: all aunnv outalde rooma; eteam heat, electrlcltyi mod erate; FURN. APTS.. central loo : by week It dea Bherwnnd Apt. Agency, 22B S. Broad 1". ' IrOR RENT, furnished, 7-roorr. apartment' Phons Narberth 1643 R. Hri-smsni. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Dealrabto furnished B nr 0-room apartmkent or house in city or suburb Overbrook preferred: lease to May It family of 8: full responsibility accepted: rent b tlBO par month; stale description and tale. phone number. P 831. Ledger' Of flee" WANTED iry young people, 3 or a' rooms bath, kitchenette- modern 1 in anCIS?"1.' Weat Philadelphia: atate prica and full oar. tlculara. A 483, f-dger Office. ' Par TWO young ladles dealre furnished, ui: , housekeeping apartment, 3 rooms, kltche ttte and lath: central location: $40,113 p mnnlh t 111 1... OMI.. - ' V ht a- per ""' "' -"" ".. 8823 NTTpTH 8T. APAIITMI'W. ." MlbllKU TENANTS 8108 W. OR UNFURNIBHEDl MANY WAITlNO. PltlONEl' t1o3a .. ua.B. uumu rj awLiiinisffiWikWHrwuu APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS CHELTEN AVE-'aNDMORRIB BT. GERMANT0WN 80 MINUTES TO BnOAD BT, STATION Furnished and unfurnished aultea THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE BTfl ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF IIOTML SU8SEX. 1312 Walnut at. A clean modern, well-conducted amall hotel, where (liatges are moderate. Phone Walnut 7401. EAL ESTATE EOR SALE CITY nm ZANE-BUILT Ilqmee, 8200 blk. N, 27th at.t only a taw left: 2-story porch front. 0 rma. I-and bath. h.-w. heat. eleo.. modern In every way; agent on premlaea. HUTZEL 28th and Someraet ata. MiMiraiw J. C FULLER CENTRAL REALTY 10 S. 18TH BT. Send for the' Hit of desirable resi dences we are offering In the most exclusive section, a number ot which particularly adapted for prof es- ......... .... .imululnl purposes. 2SvO.Svn3.StQUA,lE (42a "ntl Walnu"' 1028 Wallace st. J 838 Diamond at. 0tfl-08i Cuthbert at. jvao Araa ec, injMsrvlnest. 1010 fin Fllgwattr st. W' aL?X' nOIUNPON, 812 Liberty Uldg. spainiiiiniiiiiiin MS KENSINGTON AVE. vaiubiJ. iVu"lnM. loeatlon. wher purohaser lnor,"lni financed to ault LEVICK & WOLDOW 707 WALNUT ST. xmrtlpji. . . . XvVSa T .. . "narone front, 131B M. 13th at. hall ffe'f1" ""lirhborhood: a stiry: Dutch 2nt'libA1iroom;' 2 bh. elec: all papered Bai fwSil!. ., nun. w,,n Immediate pose.: VfntiS.JS!? on ""nlsea for sale, including Sili .( ??aL """Pi' "i cellar. App y lsiO N; 13th at. Owner, phone Poplar 1746 W 1733 CHESTNUT ST." JimJ wltVmr!ubn,.ll1!n't: Mlrable drat (loot :lVph.rmmI.ntn.!ne 0UW" floor8 for "'w'' C. F.SIMON, 112S. 16th St. joo? lyH08' vacant Oc'ob i?on Si01!?' ,von. 2 batha. innrfiiVaritave- 2 batn luau olive, 8 rooma JsJffJV0.- v?lu' Increasing. "fc9T Hamilton. 84x00 KLINE & FINK, 1122 Hnrln, n.,,1... .... .. . POSSESSION JSJ? ??i' J "". .financed $3000 4808 inc.?. o "SSI WS ". 2400. EDW. M. GRAHAM ;b'..? jji m.rr tut t I 28 N. Dirwrev t n . .. 1S.S nr.u-v.1"'.7 "- V .'I inane'.: $3400 EDW. M: GRAHAM ffKv 2300 VAiVuaiI'B,.? 'hlladelphla hotel property and brick dwelllnc adjoining: eaally cnnvertilri n'o lre apartment house" wondjfful buy; act quick. (That's all.) """ueriui IIARRY A. NICHOLS. nEAL ESTATE. - .mif.flVILl.K. TA APT. HOUSE. 0 family; 0 rms . bath each! financed: good Investment M 2B! Led" of?! 8B10 N. IinnAn Three etory. porch, modern home, sultabla wiUPsM,rfrice,.r apar,mcnt hou" nnincid SILBER. 2123 N Uth Diamond n4K 2010.31-23 N. WARNOCK ST. (around corner from Germantown ave. and Lehigh ave kl Two vacant-. 6 rooms and bath; handy noi'ghT borhood: prlM leasonahle. ""y noign- WSI. A. LECin.ER 3703 Oermantown .. ONLY $3830 Bargain: Immediate possession, very easy terma; 0 rooma and bathi eirai. lent condition: aide yard: 3323 AmUrrt near Frankford and Allegheny avea. Owb.V 622 Chestnut at., aeoond floor. vwner. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION i'383 E. Dakni st.. 0 rooms and bath; large lot to "ear ' sirrah, daviiu.iv vuiiui.m'iii vrice SaOOl vir. easy tsrms. Owner. 622 Chestnut. 3d floor CORNER properly: vacant: lQtn and Ftshera ave.j taras irlyllewi norcni price $7000: easy terms. E. F. McPeak. 2024 FrVnvi ak. 2021 Frank. fnra ave. HOME and Investment properties. North Thlls. and Oermantown: send for lis, WALTER V. ASItBY. 2840 N. 2lth. Him. br Phi a. Real Estate Beard. Mem 4304 N. 10TII BT.Threo story, porch front 11 rooms and bath: hot-water heat waih trays, coal rantetJSOOqi : easy terms: .mn'. Phone Chestnut Hill mi w ' yiy. irj;nu iuuw . uu. ot, ThrMi.iritia riurisllln-r. 0 roomi. hth. i..i2E! Ory -nr innn r A ir riv ling. 0 rooms, bath. lauSSryj n.w ng: all In fine condition: open or In! n. Phone Belmont 7017 r ,n plumbiniTi ipnoiion, 038 E. ONTARIO ST. Immediate posa.: Q r ... KntVi nnroni alt mn t.KTr." . ntrirea'rarravAT-ArKyuVye?'" 4130-44 N. 7Tlr ST. Six rooms, bath and .K.rf. nr . IKOnOt Imm.rfl... '-'.. anu rail 461S NT 7th st. "" "u,""'n. 1214 N, 80TH ST, Dealrnble dwelllniri v. cant: jANr.ce:o,o:iw, $& 1004 POPLAR ST. St.room houae: steam beat; financed: possession with deed. It. -1. iliuum-ivn, llta walnut ! 2821 OXFORD )XFORD ST. Three-story, porch cor", property: bath.ielectrlc. ' r lRLES RHEINBR, 373 Drexel Blda- ner CHARI COLORED buyers, attention 78 houses for sail! $100 down bal one. in rent. kENNEDt, 400 fy. Van Pelt .t, 300 HOTISES, all sections, different slies, I1VU IIUVTIH mi wis irtiuril, KENNfaPY, 406 B Van Pelt al 2318 ORATB FERRY RD. 0 rooms and bathi link diiiMRiiniTMic e .B'V!" '.''"I t-v-y. ,-------- -- . -.- "...i f uiwni.r. 160O-4m N, 24TH 0 rooms and bath: 140cm SltlNEI.OUBE, 22d and FtHwat.r. 616 8. 24TH. cor. Naudaln 3-atorv. Immed i... t ,... ...... .-..mw. rfq Jitawater. PROPERTIES for sale In all delpl parts of Phlla. 73 Drexel Blag. Ipnla. Charles Rhelner, Building Lota. Farforr Rite. i. BUI i,ySF5I8iw".h lncf "- kens nVton nd Ffankfordi Imn'v'd streets. Challsnder. stmont. N, J. Phone evea., Wyo. 1381 w! Si I at That M) Or.nMANTOWN OERMANTOWN IlKltMANTnwrn w'j, j II " H! A Charming Colonial House At Sedgwick J In the highest part of Germantown this new Colonial residence is adjacent to the Country Club nnd has a commanding and beautiful view of the surrounding country. J About three-quarters of an acre of ground. J This house is so planned that it will particularly appeal, to the woman of artistic taste who may desire to work out her own ideas for furnishing and decoration. fl The ideal center hall'plan, with 7 bed chambers, 4 baths (marble shower), hot-water heat, oak floors, electricity, inclosed heated porch, sun room, 3 open fireplaces. Q A modern stone garage for 2 cars, with chauffeur's -room and bath. S.C.T0URIS0N 7014 Boyer Street, Germantown PHONE GERMANTOWN 569 CITY nualnr-n Properties and Store. Warehouse or manufacturing building! B stores; lot I4xfi0 elevator: centrally located. YARROW & VAN PELT ' PENNA. BLDG. Fttctorlra.Wnrelieuaea. Manufnrtiirlng Floors FACTORIES & WAREHOUSES Walnut 303 TOMLINSON Lincoln Bide;, FACTORY building: boiler, engine, shafting, elevator, steam heat; light on a aldea; strongly built: 80x80! 3 stories; lot 30x110; l mile from City Hall: rotlrlng: bargain. I' 61)2, Ledger Oftlee. JNDU8TIUAL PLANTS, warehouaea, road and river frontage, JAMES L BTEVENSON & SON 82'i Land Title llldg. rail- Stores tiniwiiiiii.iiiiWsi,n 41 12-41 16-41 18-4120 LANCASTER AVENUE Storea and dwellings In beat business block of Lancaeter ave.) will be aold Individually or as entirety: financed; values constantly Inrreaslng. LEVICK & WOLDOW 707 WALNUT ST. "Mgnaifflnra;g Storea nnd Dwellings FOR BALE Store and dwelling, good for any business Apply 114 E. Wyoming ave. WEST PUH.AOKI.rHIA 8819 AI.T3R ST. Seven rooma. conven lencea: price $3800; can finance with $800 Immediate possession. OIIEENWELL A DOnNAN". 422 fl, B2I) ST SACRIFICE, to close account. 4308 Walnut st.. 8-story dwelling. 10 rooms. 2 baths; refined neighborhood, terma to ault: possra. aUn any time: FBLQEll & OOI.DEh. At tnrneyaFlnanc. Bids, fall floruce 372. WEBHTER ST.. B333 Nino rooms: In good condition, convenient to car: excellent l0",,0n' JOHN M. ENI.URO. ,1207 Baltimore ave. 40TH AND SPRUCE Three atory. It rooma and bath hot-water heat electric llghta. Ruud hut-i titer heater; flneat ponnlbU con dition: possession. IH7B0. HltOWN & FRENCH. 310 Lincoln Uldg. Fllberf 4670 BEST buy In et Philadelphia, paying 23 Tur r.nl net leaMng City, must sell nulrklv. little cash needed, worth Investigating." M 201 lnoeer i.ui.-r FINANCINO guaranteed Onlv $,1800 cash required: garage home. 0007 Huslehurat road brand-new. modern In overy reaptct: 4 bedroo.n.NBlLU S72 B821 ELLIOTT 8 1" hot water heat, Bharwood aectlon. 0 large rooma and bath, eleetrlo light beautiful poasesslon aoon; owner tVouan A llQKCKt.H. 72B H B2d at S. E. CORNER Market and Salford Promi nent corner a'.ore opposite three theatres, close to 00th at. eleatl station. $4200. JOHN M. finiiunu. J.,r."i.ir1iH-Iniiri ave. . . ..n ... -t.r,i,w . t-t.1 .... T" - 48TH AND BALTIMORE AVE Thre-story twin. 11 rooms and bain: lot 22x110, rood condition! possession, inmu iiltuw.-v IN780 BROW.' FRENCH. Hill Lincoln Uldg Filbert 4076. 228 B. 83D ST three-story, exteilent nelah borhood for room renting, la financed, poa. aaaslon In two weens- must i.h iiuick y OKOROI3 A. ROECKLE. 723 B 32d st VAOANT Flvs rma and bath, porch. Dutcft hall, laundry tubs, modern i plumbing noar DZd ana uirarui pnn- um? .na..u. KAURENE h CO 220 S 4lh si THREE-STORY corner house. Baraga pilv Ulges; Just remodeled eleetrlo light, hot water heat, hardwcod floors throughout, owner wilt flnance M 010 ldirer Office 8MB BPR1NO OARDFN (jT J sty. 11 rma. h,.w. heat, elec, light side yard, posa, Empire Trust Co.. 44th and Lancaster ave. 3910 CHESTNUT 8T. Splendid for opart- nenta or tmaraing; sao.uvu W. T HARRIS, owner Narberth, Pa. 714 S. FHAHIER ST. Six rooma and bath' food cond.: excel, loeatlon; bargain; price Aft Tnhn Xf Rnhl... R"nT ll.... '. v co rfww. Mm... - ..-., ..., .iniinora ava, COlDllED buyera, 3SI2.20.80A rr,h"a $48oO each: will flnance nlth $300 ciah' WILLIAM F. LAHNEB. 8710 Master .i ' tUl-rvn . rrtivow.j d. lira story, porch 7 rooms: price $3100 each, well financed Emplra Trust Co 44th and I.ancam.r S" TWO-STORY brlok houae. g?:Zh-J"t 23x18')" 6180 Glrard ae. xrame atuom in rear. owner On premiaea. 8841 ASHLAND AV. S-atory. porch-front ilwg.. hot-water heat, elec : acant will flnance' bargain. Taulane. 000 Walnut at WEST PHILA. nomea tor sale, already financed. SHEER. 0460 Pine st. ' By KING Vi:T rMH.AKl.VHl. OXFORD ST. (BETWEEN 00TII AND 01BT BT.) The Largest 2-Story House BBINO OFFERED TODAY Tour bedrooms, all-tile bath with stall shower: back stairway; plaa tered baaement laundry with toilet: prltate garage. SAMPLE HOUSE OrEtf DULY TILL 8 P. M. AND SUNDAYS OLER & SHAPIRO BUILDERS AND OWNERS S. E. COR. S7T1I AND MASTER ?Hai(iiiii!i!i'.iaiiMnraa'!i;r.!ii3iiiiiiiiirj;iffiiiiiiw!i!iiiiiiiyiia2 WEST PHILADELPHIA Beautiful Colonial home, with large garuge; lot 100x160 ft.: suitable also for apartments, aanatorlum or private hospital; bargain to clos. estate blaster st . Noa. 6202 nnd 0201; Immedlato possession: newly papered, new electric fixtures and wiring, porch front. .1 bedrooms and bath, steam heat, financed. McDEVITT & MULLIN (13D AND I.ANCA9TEII AVE. Phone Overbrook 4303 4 LARGE BEDROOMS 132S 8. BIST ST, Come out and inspect our newly reno vated homes, electric light. Butler allver fixtures and other modern Improvementai immeaiate nunrcaninn' tujuu KEIIBHAW A CROWL. 321S Chea atnut $800 CASH Immediate poaseaslon. monthlv cAmlnr chargea 131, modern. 6 rtioma and buth A. F. GALLAGHER .VU0 WAHREN BT H low IancftRter ftt BEAUTIFUL CORNER HOME WITH 4 BEDROOMS AND TILE BATH Dutch hall, dining room, breakfast room tiled kitchen, etc Hardwood floors, eleetrlo lights, Laundry. Hot-water heat, etc. Priced below value at $11,800. Caah required to pur chase $2800. Harry S. Miller US.' N. B2d st $2850 TO $5500 aga. Bl-re.'S; for Immediate occupancy, terms to eult pui rhasers; get keys, prloea, etc., send for Hat Camac Co., 62d and Woodland 4013 HAZEL AVE 3-sty semidetached home. Colonial finish, marble shower, par quetry floors lllng hall, excellent cumJIUun. Just reflnlahed at considerable expense EUGENE L. TQWNSEND,,, SMALL amount of (ash will buy one of m ucni-ivitnuituru ..u,i-- ,., ,unt 1'nilJiael- phla. newly papered and painted, eleetrlo Ctrl. nrlci IIKI11., ).iiinilf ..ww.n unlv n lAf. inouu. juii.-i .11 more ava O KNBUftO. CJ07 li.iii. VACANT 7010 and 23 Saybrook ave., 70th and Woodland ae 8 rooms nnd laundry newly renoated, desirable corner, Balto ara and Alden st ; strictly modern: vacant B. B. NOCK, 3th andjlaltlmore ave. VACANT ,n?i H J3 ' fooms and T b"J,.h cnl'rely modern, Inclosed porch, good condition, prlca $7000, Includlnc acreena and ahadea. .,.., I.IHN M ENIUinfl f.207 Baltlmnr v,. Btorea nnd Dwelllnrs IF YOU can see what I can aee you will buy the cor. of 60th end Larchwnod ave. from me. ault any business, modern throughout Remember "Cross" stands for all that's rood in real estate, COth and Lurchwood LHAVINO CITY Muat Bell. 6 rooma and bath: eleotr o light, hot-water heat, par- JOHN M. ENBURO. B207 Baltimore ave NEW HOMES PELHAM $17,500 $18,500 Financed Houses are constructed ot atone. heated by ateam from central plant, modern in every ; respeot, located Id one of Philadelphia's most desirable auburban sections, surrounded by ,.l?I,"8ra.1.,I"'0t'r,,j;' l square from Upaai Station, P. R. n . SAMPLE HOUSE 311 W. HORTTER ST. Open dally. 1 to B. Sunday, 10 to 3. Representative on premises, or Wdter V. Ashby 2610 N. 20TH BT. Memtx, Phlla. Real Estate Board '".IVrV.'fy'S or a-nHX apartment, IT aquare trom trolley, near P. R. ri. and and ILi full D-atory twin house, eleetrlo .S: " ."'. anl . na rooma. 3 baths, psntr: ,WVT. Iaundryi front and IT1, 827 W. 8-story dT5 o rear entrance! elsaa condition SEDOWICK. ST . 0x7 W S.ViVTj hatha. . ataani h.&l, nau.1 n..i.. f g!i-ii.n.miiiiiiigcninmng! New Homes Overlooking Lincoln Drive TTP tho -famous Wlssahlokon w Drive to your home vry cvenlriK through tin evorchani IriaT vista of rockks. water; etna tris a wonaer change from the built-up feerlsh city. Not only l your home In the mot wnnufl aectlon of Philadelphia, but It commands a. full view of Lincoln Drive, New homes of distinction befittlnc; the neighborhood, with' S bedrooms, 3 baths, built-in Khowers. plenty of closets, a 28 foot living- room sunehlno in every room Kara go. A model of completeness and beauty ready for you to move Into priced sU 316,000. with little down and terms to ault you. So conveniently located you reach your home In three wnys Just above Hortter Street Just oft Lincoln Drive. Auto, WIsaahlclton Drive to Lincoln Drive above Hortter Street. Klectrlc train, V. It. It , to Upsal Station, then block and a half walk. Wavne Avenue trolley on 13th to Wayne and Hortter half block walk. .Representative at Houses Dally and Sundu). John H. McClatchy Builder and Owner I 818 Land Title Bldff. SiraiiLTipjiiriiffl.iiiBmBL'Hrao!lmrj!imaii!;iiii(fjiiK'!!rj SEDGWICK Be sure to examine these properties flow it you are looking for a house In the falli they are modern, well lo cated and financed. ,Bn0?:8,m,deUc.n'1 "'one dwelling. 0 bedrooms and bath, electricity. $18,000 Sit bedrooms and bath. hardwood floors, electricity; space for earflrr. $12.300 Semidetached dwelling-. t bedroome and bath. $80.000 Detached dwelling-. 6 bed rooms ana 3 baths, electricity, hardwood floora. hat.w.i.r ha. s,Tr,r Erop.'",y' W,J sarage. $1(1.800 'Semidetached atone dwell- jus, vtiiu sarage; u ocurooma and 2 baths. electricity. hardwood floora. $31.(100 Detached atone dwelling. witrt garage! 7 bedrooms and 3 baths. eiectrlct(y. hardwood floors, hot-water heat; large lot, with old shade S. C. Tourison 7014 BOYER ST.' TEL. QTN. Ban em. SiSI nlIHIIIHII..II.OnilI1nErai!ll!mi! SIX ronma and bath: 8700 block Beechwood at . 2100 block Furioy at. i near railroad station, car line; price 18000-13200; neigh borhood nrat claaa Wit. A LHJCHLEPJ. 37U3 Oermantown ae Tioga RerT any, I7th st and Krle ave SIDE-YARD HOMES on beautiful shaded Street, lots extend to back atreet: garaaa Brlvlleges; wonderful possibilities, 80 to si eymoue. $0000 " ABERNETHY, 1338 Chestnut WORSTER 3604 Oermantown S1NOLE stone I ouse. 10 rooms, atram heaf electricity. 1 1-3 acrea. 3 street frontai several large ahade treea- truly rural hnma in nuiit-up section, near station! Dries 320w ri iiiiii ORAHAM Jr. 817 Land Title mn. 0221 TO 48 N 20TH New; vacant, modern! garage rrlvtlese: ,ampla houae open dlr and night. Wm A Lechler, 3705 German, town oe Also Tioga Realty Co.. 17lh J! and Erie ave . --- lot 18 8xil7 ft.: nice h.rili.V,i i.u"J rooms and bath, porch front, eleetrlo lights, near Reading It. R. Oermantown 1303 j. OAK LAMS EARLY POSSESSION PHOTO 12-room house: all cnnv.ni.mu., a ... garage: ahade; elevated; near trolley f P PETERS A SON. 608 CHESTNUT ST. MODERN 2-story detached houae near 13th and Che ton ave : Immediate ..... it.. must be aeen to be appreciated. Prion, locust 2320 Evening, oTk Lane 006 J OSld SYDENHAM ST. Kour-bedroom Imme'i" attractively flnanced. DALLAB - Haht. IJ...110' 700 N Broad at. WyomlZr 871-872. CHESTNUT lin.l. Attractive etpne house, eled: large stable and rsMsn(lif . abl nd About 1 aor Af bf.1 land: location moat dealrable In upper Chestnut Hill seotlon; price $30,000; (m. marl afa, finsistai stinai ' " mediate possession TJ ARHOW A VAN PELT I.H.1A, UU4JU. bath, large lot: el.otrlolty.' hSl.waU? heat, ?ci WOO. ' nr "'a,ion "a.teo! W ORAHAM. Jr.. 7 Land Title BMf OLNET 400B-10 N. 4Til UT. and bath, with lot adjoining 83 ft, by 104 ft i price reasonable, ' '' BTttAl ND RBALTY CO., 1300 iii.ina sun ave. rnANHironn pliA",Hl,i,.rs..?ri,."!'ftfl -!! o.ri- WW,,,, (,.n, w (WW,,, p,U,. all oonventenoest close .id com. newi o roomsi sione.porchl deep lsti 1 convenience! oloaa ,i . nM:'1 jiiaiiencer, tvcj Wyo. 1B31 W. Oliallender. '.Veatmoit, N. J. l;honi afiTlaS m , f a 'i il n s iti n UUNUAWWB, ail rOvWa-on first floor: iaaasl lltuj tbertood( iSiVi mfc v; w.iKrriisijS'.iw: ivur I. . .-r--- - -vv 1. JnitV f ?r -rf- ?ri.;. ?