r ' ; 1 1 ' ,? , - ,." ; sv . i i i - ----- -- j - - - - . - , mHP 1 The Golden-Plated Rule flVfiS&$ BOTlAtiLfeDGfeS-PfelibELHIA, FRIDAY', ,v j, SMfcJVIBEft '24, 1&20 . "i, Hi I was hinging In the subway. Sh-an-hftldliilr Un't riding. It's being dfagged shrieking. The shriek may b Inward. Hut It's theri all the same. Mr feet nehtd, I wad hot nnd tired. A day snopplujf uses mo up. you walk miles In one plot. What you want Is usually elsewhere. It's mostly the third nille over. Commuter's bundles filled my arm. Ewy turn Jerked my nrm-sockets, A Httlo "painted-lady" catrie Jn. Bhe was blondlnod and rouged. Skirt was Just below her knees. yet two men rose gallantly. They gave her two ca. A baby vamp smile regarded thcm Each man got It Impartially. One man sat down again. I shifted bundles and feet. Bore feet mako soreheads. Then I thought Crossly: "HoW I do Hate fatri I They're all allk. That painted kitten f eM two seats. Respectable wonien can stand. They hang by a strap till dead. Not a man care's 4 jot. Chivalry Is extremely moribund." Just then a man arosft. He made a courtly bdVr. Raising his hat, be said: "Take my seat, msdara. Condemned to Hang Allow me to help y6u." no toox my elbow. AlWi sorao of the bundles; Gently he eased ma down. Gratefully I thanked him. . I tucked my feet away back. My skirt hid them. They slipped out of my pumps. Oboyl What a blened Jailed. . What a grand and glorious feeling I Moon I was ashamed of myself. Felt aboiit thb Site of a peanut. For suddenly It dawned on ma. They glvo those women seats. HecJiUM they pity them. They know how hard their lives are. Thoe pronouns or mixed. Itut you know what I mean, Neither man followed tha babyvatilp. They got off rail afterward. Mnybn I was mistaken anyway. She might have been "In pictures." They havo to mako up that way. Glrla paint so nowadays. I mustn't bo uncharitable. Itemember the Golden Rule. 8d I Btopped.hatlAff anybddy. My heart softened toward all men. My feet wefe hippy, I loved tit whole world. Even tho unknown little sister. Isn't It odd? Nttaphangldg makes you hate all. I.ovo's easy only when you'r corny. claim the dogs. You can apply there afld esK foe the hind of dog you want, and if there Is such a dog there at that time you will be able to get It provided you will promise to give It good horn, as. of course, you would. AS no'one has written to this column seeking a pome for a. dog since your tetter came I am suggesting this as a QUloker way or get' ting one than waiting until .some one does write to me. I hopo you wljl.be ablo to get just the kind of dog you wish. Rembvlng Tobacco Qtalri re th Sitter trenion's rattt Tm "rarlam-Vnit fcfttrlfr trntnt HO many other people by your advice, I Ajn going to ask you, to try to help hi. If you possibly can. I would llke.to know If there la any possible way of getting tobaceo stains out of a Palm peach sut that has already been elianed, ahl how to get the tobacco stains out of a PAIm BeAch suit that has nOt bn cleaned as .vet. Maybe some Of your renders could help me. MISS II. . Try eoap and water 6n the tobacco stains and bleaoh the suit In tha aun If the soap and water do riot work. If It Is a white suit, lemon Jute will re move the stain more quickly, but It would not be wise to use this On a, Mn suit, for It would tske the color out, too. Try this on both suits, and If It Is not successful use javeile water, .You oan get this at the drug atoto and the'dl rectlons for use are on the bottle. The wholn nult should be placed in this liquid, oalt might chango the color ft little. Havo any of the readers any thing better to suggest? THE DAILY NOVELETTE Mollv'8 Choice of Envelopes ny ELiNon t. ArBixnv TtTOLI(Y picked up tho letter sho had just written and. with head on one side and lips pursed, read It through thoughtfully. Dear Peggy Prime I am In love with a very rstlmable young man am) I know that he Is In love with me, but Is too bashful to tell me so. Even, althouffh It Is leap year, I do not want to do the proposing, yet I fetl very sure that he would be glad to have me help him out. What shall I do? PBttPLEXED. Once more she perused It, Inserted a common then laid It aside and spread out Peter's brief note to answer. Dear Peter! Somehow, betweeh tha llnea she could read the affection he could not manage, even after several years of courting, to put Into words. "My dear Peter," ran her reply, "no, I haven't forgotten my prdmlse to ac company jou to the bankers' outing on June 20. I will bo roidy early. "Youro sincerely, "AfOLliY ENDICOTT." Then she folded the two letters care fully, slipped them Into envelopes, and went down to the postofflce. For some time now Molly had been very sura that Peter loved her, and she had been racking her brains for a meant of helping him overcome tho baBhfUlness which apparently Btood botween her and a proposal of marriage Then. Idly read ing one day In the dally paper a column where lovelorn maidens soupht the ad vice of older, wiser heads than their own, sho found lior Inspiration. At first, ehe hesitated about putting It to the test. If It worked, It would be wonder ful, but Molly was a retiring aoul with a thyntsa only a bit less than Peter's. Eventually, however, not without numerous misgivings, she had written her modo-it plea for advice. From tho moment that It had sltpped Irrevocably Into the letter slot she wos on tenter hooks. Nover before had she bared her heart so brazenly to another. But even ag she worried over the out come, ehe busied hersMf with prepara tions for the eultng which was the big event of the season In Medvlllea social calendar. She freshened tho bows on her pumps, finished a ruffly organdie dr'ss whose npple-blossmn plnlcness set off the ottthful bloom of her cheeks, and remoJtled a straw hat to tho Inst degree ef chlcness and allure. Oh. Molly was Dot leaving undone In the mr.antlme any of the customary things which Inspire a man to pour forth his heart in declara tions of undying devollon. Three daja before the outing Peter telephoned. "What time shall I call for you?" he wart ted to know. "Didn't didn't you get my note? Tou did?- .1 didn't mention the tlrno? 3 o'clock." Molly hung Up the re ceiver thoughtfully. On the morning of the outing Peter found waiting for him a girl whose youthful attractiveness made her seem to him very desirable, not only as a companloi for the day, but-as a corn rade throughout life. And aa he sat keslde her during tho ldrtg automobile ride and listened to her dear voice ho Inwardly berated himself for having feared these many months to risk all on the asking of the simple question, "Will jou marry me, Molly En4(cott?" Arrived at the sh6re, tha merry crowd took part In games and contests, a swim and a bountiful cjimbake. Molly eemtd to be enjoying It all to the ut most, although at times Peter fancied he caught her regarding him with an eje preeilon that was slightly quIiileM. Not until just before the start for home In the early twilight did ehe Vouchsafe him a quiet rmrnent apart .from .the others. Then, at Peter's Insistence, she The Woman's Exchange Wants a Watchdog To Iht. Editor nf ffomont't Paw Dear Madam Seeing what you havo done for others, I wondered If you could extend the Same kindness to up. We have just rfoved up hero to the country last week from Philadelphia and would like to have a good Watchdog. The dog would have good care and a good homo I have atwnya patronized the Evbnino Pudmc Lcnaun and enjoyed reading It, and got many helpful things from It, especially some of Mrs. Wilson's recipes. MRS. J. A. QUINTON. The Animal ltefunre, at 22 South Eighteenth atreet, will give away tho dors that have been taken to the pound after effort has been made to find tho rightful owners ana tney nave tailed to HUMAN CURIOS Jeremy Rentham's Strange Doquest Tjpon the death of Jeremy Denthatn, A well known and publlc-snlrlted resident of London, It was found that his will Included several unusual .clnus.ee. His hrtrtv wm hMitmiithed tn bin friend. DOC tof Fordyce, to be dissected nnd exam- inea, in oraer mat nil possmie nnaiomi cl leefons might be learned from It. But. after dissection, ncntham directed that the Skeleton should bo put together and kept entire, that the head and face Should be preserved and that the whole figure, arranged a naturally as possi ble, should be attired In the clothes ho naturally wore, seated In his own arm chair In the attitude nnd aspect most natnrol to him during life. The first pnrt of this strange wish Was carried out to the letter. Bentham o body was disserted by surge6ns In the nrs hc at n lnrc clnMi of medical students and several interesting nnd Important facts were deduced from the physical structure of the remains. But when It came to the preservation of the fftco and head It wat found that this could not b .mmnllklil wlthnilt thft URA Of llQUld nMiirvfillvM tfhlrh would Imnalr tho appearance of the body no a whole, for Bentnnm was noi in me nnou oi kiwh ,.,i Hi n lnrr hottle over his head. BO. carrying out tho spirit, though not the letter, of the will, Doctor Talrych modeled a wax faco on the skull of the dead man nnd the skeleton, dressed In the clothes which Bentham was aeous t nmed to weAr. may be seen to this day Irt the Anatomlcnl Museum of the Uni versity College Hospital, in London. Monday "Mother Goose" 'furriers and MWintrt ' Charge Accounts Solicited Liberty Bonds Accepted 1115 SHESTOUT ST. (OPPOSITE KEITH'S J For Saturday, Selling Only! A Remarkable Sale Trimmed Hats (182 Only) At the very special price of Regularly lt.SO to 15.60 Bolt Aqt turned tip, ioWp and Be. earning. Trimmed, viilh fancy pint and ornaments, burnt pooaa and OttAch. 8.50m con- on the beach tumoiea high tiqe. lMimmaiM,iimiiCTiM George Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Present Charming New Millinery Especially Designed for The Younger Women For Saturday w6 have scores of new dressy Hats for women arid misses from our own work rooms. For aiz.BO Soft Duvetyne Hats with soft Velvet rolling brims, wool ornament fbr trlmmiiiK. For 118,00 Soft Mirrored Velvet Iteis rolled brim, trimming of bands of wonted in Persian colorings. . For U.S0 Soft Velvet Turbans trimming of gold ribbon and fancy wool ornament For SU.S6 Alice niuo Veltet Sailor rolling brim, silver ribbon and ostrich feather on brim. Special for Saturday Pure Silk Hosiery, $2.95 Full-fashioned hosiery of the better kind, double lisle soles and garter tops a dependable grade for wear and serviceability. They come In buck, White, cordovan, navy and gray. We would advise liberal buying at this epeolal price. seniM to sit beside him on tt In the shelter of a huge boulder Dy Bflmh (riant hanT iltnVA h Tot several mlriutes they chatted easu- . ouiaemy, wun a vwinmo in nio eje that Molly did not see, Peter broke a temporary silence. "Molly." ha said, "what wo.ild you think of a young lady who mixed up rer letters In the wrong envelopes?" "I should think she waa extremely eareless." retorted Molly firmly, but her checks were very rosy and the hand with whlcli she waa tossing pebbles into the water was not very steady. Peter, all at once turning SertoUs, powsscd himself of the slim, restless hnd. ''Forgive me, darling," he whis pered, "i was just teasing. You must Know that I have loved ypu for years, put I never had th courage to suppose that such a wonderful person aa your self could cere for an ordinary fellow 'Ike me But when you made that mis fake with your letters nnd I recolved, jP'tead of Mies Peggy Prime, your dear little plea for Information as to how Jo make me propose. I know what on plot I lud been- Look at me, Molly QCftf I' iiP4, MHy UK t nil .hetvloye I'lhted eyes, he drew her gently into his arras and kissed her. A little later, Moll, from the depths or his shoulder, spoke In a muffled voioe. TUr." she eald."l don't want to bsirln our engaged and married life on a foun- "ion ot deceit. I am ashamed of it, jut l put that Jitter In the wrong en- "japs on purposer , For a, minute thei for the soft slan.el ThA vaM... mi..H ..rk. t. jiBi. ,... Peter, amlllng contentedly, looked out across the blue waters of the bay reflect ing the afterglow of the sunset "That was what 1 hoped l' he said. Vtvvrieht, Hit, hy PutUo Ufotr Co, k . Hex commute meteleMs, , Good Silk Petticoats at $10.00 Close;Htlng jerpey top Ptttlcoats with flounce of meesallne or taffeta. t there Is a qplendld selection of shades and these are excep tional value at the oricn. For ft minute there, waa silence excint the soft slan-slan of the water on Washable Doe Skin Gloves, $1.85 Practical Oiovea because so easily washed. And dressy for street or sDorts wear. Those comn In both white and yellow and are the usual J..E0 kind, Tha quantity is limited. Flesh Colored Dress Shields, 25c These are fine nainsook covered and Impervious to perspiration. Thev arn washable, of course, and made by our best manufactures 8tsen 2. 3 and 4. White covnred also at the same price. Very special value, Je pair. si- New Silk Veilings, 29c A new selection just received In dotted, scroll nnd novelty designs. These compare favprobiy with velllnga twioa tha price. There la a good selection of the wanted shades. Autumn Weight Shawlettes, $6,50 These are of wool, long sleeves, erurclloe front wth tie; comfortable worn as a epencer jacket Colors are while, black, una urovw. New Plaid Skirts at $1 3. 75' These are all-wool In new autumn plaids, attractively box.pita. This IS a very stynin moaei ana very inoucsuy priced. BSe.s 3. to sa-wan wiupc vary nivy mmmmmmm es are The Way You Wear It A Daily fashion Talk by Florence Rosa who are clever at Imitating these little tricks In donning their clotbea that give the stamp of smartness and youth, At one of tho very smart resorts the Mn nrlfffnntorl in wear the belt or girdle of the skirt over the sweater In the man ner Indicated for you In todays suctcu. Last summer there was "a fad for wear ing narorw leather belts with sweaters, but this hai rather gone by the bonrds. Sometimes the skirt Is of plain white, cotton or some sort of allk or woolen fabric. Itather more striking Is the ef fect produced when the skirt Is fash Idned from one of the tray skirt silks. In the skotch you may see one skirt of wldo striped silk and another of a silk with largo round design. Mmnrflmrk rati will S66 A light SWPatf and again a dark sweater matching the darker clement of the skirt design. For Instant, with a skirt of pearl and dark blue striped silk you will see a sweater of dark blue with the belt of pearl and dark bhto worn over It. At the right the skirt is of cream white and brown and the sweater of the Tuxedo typo Is of Drown wun cream white collar of angora. Making More Money Br Fllllnc Color Prescriptions you were to ask Misa Maynw of her business In life, she would proba bly reply! . "I'm, ft prescription special ist." But that'n only because the Quenlg ornee Is tucked away In the balcony of .Y. ... ...,.- .-.. ... -..--..- , - a san Diego drug store ana iookn i ko It ought to be part of the prescription department Miss Quenlg'n real business IV rroni placeoards fo battleships. She supplies hostesses with corsage bouquets, favors, menu cards, table dec or any otner variety or orig- they may Tnere' is la her nor. ii If Quonlg, of Han Diego, Calif, Use ; '., the nature Is tho thing that counts with your sweaters this Reason. These two models show the charming fashion of wearing the belt of the skirt over the sweater, thus making the sweater part of the dress. At the left Is a dark bluo one with a pearl and dark blue skirt, wlillo the other It brown with a cream collar of angora THE sweater is one thing nnd the way you wear it another. Strongly in evidence during the entire summer, sweaters are even more neces sary an adjunct to the smart woman's wardrobe, now that cooler days aro prevalent at seaehore and mountalu re sorts. Once we were Inclined to termi nate the summer season with Labor Day festivities, but now the tendency Is mora and more to remain at cottago and sum met hotels until October Is actually in sight. And this accounts for the fact that at present there Is a bis dcnlanu for sweaters. But it is not enough simply to have your supply of sweaters. You must know the smart way to wear them, nnd almost every large resort or summer col ony seems to have Its little trick. This Is especially true of tho younger women, ENROLL NOW DA AND VIfKmO.ClASM A.coursi It KMl COI1M wilt Kiln you develop, elt-oonn- , Athrt. V tommerci ""-' "V-U MTZ.kiM Dramttle Art, Authorship nd PUBLIC SPEAKING Cii or jfjvste tnstnietion. Ill HEAcn. wipiemx. t will add to your si, priwni mo wow rTAiirfc.Bi o r m 1 o r y BOTH dtsrtfs. Fell term opens Bp- BIllAfl'tncrr. Ph.D.. President. NEFF COLLEGE 1780 CHESTNUT, BT. Call, write or Phone. Bp tret Booklet, orat lie open pruee S2t8 for dally D.SO to B nrstlons Inal color effect wth which wish to impress tneir guests. no end to the rhedia eho use.-, thofft inv end to tha varit'V tasks, one minute sue may - taxing an order for a dollar bouton ) ana the next for the decoration of i. entire home. Not long ago she sptnt. three days aecorating yie cruiser ritisDurn In order that U plight be In ahape prop, erly to reoelvo the captain's "five hun dred" auehte. She may use crept tissue ttttier. colored by hand, to produce a use suion . uiuivu Her fingers fair1 produces Jhe decorations turn out in about three n ill that leaves nothing m. save Itn natural terfura.r?, centerpiece. sna rnrt jonnull that leaves nothing Birea save un imiurm ireuui.i.: -. "I can reproduce any floweryr. Miss Quenlg, "In almost Any r tissue, slllc. velvet, chiffon or "What my patrons wloh is thei tf I charge on the basis of tho ti ....,.! :nA V t,' . ' maiQIIHI. U"U vn, m . - business, as wen as an unuwyii' a .an tinthtnor nt hlllir one that We"' ' JuVW Tomorrow A. venture in avwmm, x eft , She may use sateen . dloryid Into various shades. ct ayt or sne may use sugar or salt or Ice for an effective rose, Let Cuticura M Your Beauty D 4VcVJtoofT&5 P. N. DegerLerg 1621 Chestnut Street Imported Scotch Tweed SUITS, TOP COATS, CAPES and SKIRTS $65 up for WOMEN and MISSES I Jfceso (Stop at the nearest canHy place: ,40 V crisp, pure sugar wafers in assorted Tcn, lavors.Buy them wherever, .you goi (2iS -ngWa Coniaclicmaiy CO & i ?A i Mfjal v i wm : t dH1 j i Trr & "Pilgrim" Plaid Blankets Pink Blue Tan 66x80 inches $9.00 -)'i 'M W !M mm Ao l ".:ta V , M1 1 '! tii ; i t i: i .:.,. esr isv rugrun now coniiuriintjiy ougycanvc. iww ' ' H- it "S i- , v -i r a Li. st v j Plymouth Rock Pilgrim fathers (and mothers') sturdiness purity vigorous simplicity of taste Surely you can trust the blanket called "Pilgrim." .V 4 V M f v fi nM 1008 Chestnut Afreet 4r P. A .lli V WeTwcre more anxious to show our Newest Styles, than to make sales. We wanted folks to see what a really fine, big stock we carry. The sales would come later. But they gob bled up so quickly our original creations in SUITS and DRESSES for Women, and our SUITS for Men, that we had to send in a hurry call to our New York Manufacturing Offi ces for more garments to fill the gaps! "Rush orders! always rush orders!" cried New York. Our .VALUES x are so great, they never hang long in stock. Smart Fall Models for Women 'DRESSES SUITS Ssurt neJdi Is UtieNtwIbUr- bis ill trfsalstt Sim e ti S3 $ '50 up! MEN! ( SUITS of the finest WOOL serge, cashmere and woi sleds at this price. BOYS' TWO-PANTS SUITS slGj LIBERAL, DIGNIFIED CREDIT WEEKLY TERMS !: I ' ' J " I ' x i slsBBl SBBsDl v X. 'i up VW :: ash a Y AU. II 1 W J :i kAiil Jiffi :: 1 i ft&Kjif$L ' w i mitl 1 S L736MARKEr$nm foi jj 1 -a -g Fj $Qf750 HFW 4YTTT T444444444-H-t Daltimer Standard Shoes 6m Ml J sssta V Tomorrow A WONDERFULLY SPECIAL PRICE FOR Autumn Tan BOOTS AND OXFORDS For Women'- Smartly in vogue is this model Boot for Autumn wear. Designed to meet the de mands of style, comfort and utility during the cool months. Slender and sturdy, simple and strong, its perforated tip but serves to enhance its natural beauty. In High arched Military Heel models, of Mahogany Tan Calf with Fawn Fabric Tops. A rare value at $7.90. Third Floor rNV 'X . njnriA 01 w v ilol 11 o 11 ol I 1 1 I l 1 I ol 1 j yfM Sister to the Autumn Boot above is this Oxford of Ma hogany Tan Calf. Its High arched Military Heel gives to it the practical, modish ap pearance so highly favored this season. Exceptionally low-priced at $7.90. THE newest originations of the cleverest Shoe Designers are present ed in our Autumn assem blies. Their creations include striking styles in High and Low Shoes for Street and Dre&s Wear. Women who seek distinc tion in Footwear will delight In choosing from a selection rich and varied altogether charming! Silk Hosiery of the quality, style and color that supremely emphasize Dal simer Standard of "Value!" In all sizes, shades and textures at prices most fair. - T" 1 ? i I Tts a Feat to Fit Feet 2fczfoimei The Big Shoe Store 06-08 Market - vev-v--mjr t 3Z ,. : !ZU4-ut)-U8 Market St. W llleeUUUWieM.l.llll..lU.Ul1tssfaiEBl. I i i n r v : n VI '3 Nl 1 w .... C).M Jrj. 'My. &'ZiA ite ,tMWaMUUK L. - ' iMis t '-'.i". -'- .wfl . j .'A .fi)v " '''iii r. ' iLd'k , viv' $iVY" r4 - . " Ammmm i i i i""" i ,- ' i vi U . . . u .r . A . .iU-v,-. ,-:v. AiiatsAt'aaJLiy..ttti.