'.TS'W'' -" r' Vf WViV. '. h : .. .1 .JU ', . i ! . " . TOR SALE v - WINTER BLANKETS! .. kunkats n8w anfl bo ready for cold 0,t your WnlY. Xayltght .tore, and see the "'fdM b mSoSi.. all priced much 2r,h,n yo could expect for such bit warm Wi blankets. RWkels From $2.95 to $19.00 i r,.ir with Pi""" of ,n betwn pr' , " "... ., all at price, maklns It Z .your while to buy your blanket, here. Unmatchabl. whit. Maspreaa- $2.50 to $10.75 Each W. H. SMITH & SONS DRY GOODS AT A SAVINO 914 Walnut Street, Phila. -BUILDING MATERIAL 8 000.000 feet lumber 2000 complete windows 3000 odd Piece" of ""X. "Ann new sash 10x14.8 llama 2000 panel nd sash door. J New garage doora 200,000 new brick" Hollow wall tiles Fire doora, hosi i and l"mi Vn nt olne and fitting. wffi!&m Via: i.x-nitti Rio Selection .,, mm. &b.i !!ttrVr?"-b00':c"es NATIONAL FURNITURE CO. ...... nnor4i.MtrrrtT. Walnut 281 Walnut 2828 Hln 6968 rain tiSBO 'v". -- yf IU JP .......- -r- -r im fine up-to-date overcoat-! soma tailor Etdf a wonderful assortment to select from. C'lfi'r-a iSan Office, H. 13. cor. 11th ft Arch. r..-. hi I I In ouo single ona uo"u' blinS, $JU UP barrel guns, rifles. umD guns, all makes and gauges: biggest EJJKins in town. Waller's Loan Ottloe. EXfir1;!. tllh ami Arch ats. 5 ITfFICL FURNITURE,, , time lot of desks, sates, flies cabinets and leneral office furniture, aters fixtures. We buv, sa and exchange, yWrir wirnviTiinR CO. enrtJST aQ70. 1127 Arch St. RACE 3000 t.0CU3T "'r "' "" "" ""- Office Partition, Railing, Furniture am fixtures: we sell, buy and. exchange. J? Walnut at. Wal. 4184. Mnln 639 A. '"ptvSa. office punNiTunn co. ton. SALE Three noiseless typewriters. 1 comptometer. Blllott-Flsher billing machine ana desk: 1 flllna cabinet tor addressograph r 1... .ni nnnra. Fimra. " GUNS GUNS GUNS in tnalrea n.t varv low nrlcea Ynrgyim'B' i-oan office, 44 n mh at, OUR Brunswlck-Balke pool tables; rood con- nr. Bth and Vln stw lRE3 brand new; rlza 32x4. 82x3' . tlO iinc " ... n rtMw.w TOR Wa nut mnn. Hit rnt; I. K,ttBtk uAutniw''. u. . tarn, o ur .uv. . wviuxtu... (.v hoim. tlrt't IIQH-CIABS office fixtures, mirror, dressing .Mas. IToovar electric aweeoer. rallllneiy eTtnrfS. etc.. second flnnr. 1710 Chestnut t. Wood for sale, loz and stove lenutli. de ll Ur?rollwtM!ck!d;PhJorJ07BW afes, fireproof; closing out Kin sllehtly iiBfl. moiTn mKrai ciii-hi) iz r rourtn.. klOL TABLES. 2d hand, bought, sold, rent tt. exchanged. Keafer. 320 W, Glrard ave. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS Pav mo to iinoo each. A place for refined people who BOUGHT PRIVATE they wish to turn Into money quickly. Office nours. in to 4 A. McCUTCHEN less. H31 RasI Rata. Trust Dldc., Uroid and Chestnut fits. ntllpiiH. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Poflllvely highest rash prices for your dia monds, any size from H to 10 carat" ; nono pay hlzher; Also old aold. plnttnum and silver mucM. rstates bought (private); est. 10 yrs. The Diamond Shop , j ,t DIAMONDS PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT FHOM PHIVATE PKOPLBi TRAVflArTinvn r,rMirrntnw'ptY . ULUD PAID. COLONIAL TIIU8T I1ANK L1JU.. I.1TJI AND JIAKKKT BTff. OFPICE. U. 2D FLOOR! 11 A. II TO 4:30 P. M. DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANT SIZE rniCR NO OBJKCT jgoltt 2I-2S. Ovr ChlldV Rfitaurant. Prlv HAVE THAT GAIGfBUilaf ti ",lia,,OVi, JU 'cr l"i" coenper. V lu.i.ii.t. nn . .. Write H"a. till '-IIIIIIHIW itlfcll M, gm m. ESTIMATES furnished on general bldir. or .iiu f"ur w-Mi we win flo rin plans free to clients Poplar 1040 W Olrsrd Realty Cont. Co.. l!Mm Wffu.' BUTTER, ejgs. poultry & general farm pro. .; Thoa. Dougan, 4B0-8 Farmers' Mnr- L, ioma iMuiin. qui. niia eves. Htall 40. iltniyunk Market. Main and Cotton ats. DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH. 717 BAN8QM AT. CEMENT riNlHlilJHH. practical; steps Hnd iroptr Ooriion.lM.67 D Iancqy at. Uel.37 13 J !W! J",V.i;":! " wmeurlwrn HOUSE and Indus, wiring, motor rnirin. itlmates alven. 1R48 N. nth ni. oioS ASHES and rubbish removed from cellars" hiullnt ilnns. 81 S lluttonwood. Mkt 441 RU,?.E-H 222i?m . ' .?eJPtlon. r y.u ....lcw. .. mmdru. oi; g, (j gjt MiJSICAIi INSTBTJMNTS Pianos, Player-Pianos, Victrolas ua Bica. sx in. i4l siaua OK JTlUlOs. Plnnnln nrbepVrtnYen: - m om. Tin usual ilsppe auarantaas and free, .,. gwi, privileges wlTt be ln"oros. An u4d Pltnos are rebuilt as near like new as P0.81MS Th following Is a general summary: 45 n.'oullt pranoa from $128 to 1430. 76 Now Pianos, price ranging up to I8S0. Bnt for years. 1450 i-iayer-nanoa at 1478, 18110, . 800 New Vlctrolaa. all types, from 423 to lTtu4 rPstllalora il.akl... .11... s tarc.;: .. r maiie., ,, rayments to suit vour convenience. Call cr write for large Illustrated cata- aucD Heppe's Uptovn Stores con BtXTH AND THOMPSON STS, luumjMJioun !S0 Siorv ft Clark player-piano, 88 notes! I In .nl.nrtM nnnltlnn. Hill. !...a.' .Tl!2 ; guaranteed. u. B. TODD. 1800 Aroh st. Open Saturdnv avanlnc. 1160 llandnome Lester mahogany upright rranil. guaranteed! cost IB007 TI n Tinn .Brta a l . Orn Haturdav avantnir PIANO J7B cash: J83, tl woekly for a tnnie..n. i.nnv.. .I..V. w.J""- 5or.a llJel-bafgun. " D "d. BB. TJoVih S" "n waturaav evening. PIANO TuifT ntfcinf... ...!.... ..... wiraMa,d. 'snlendld condition. " "Ui ri1 lr.L"J' liJUU Arch st rffi.FB J?. ?$. YER. mahog. mi riaturuay vonln IMO t;.' a?J,.DJ "V." i7'B'!?wi ! Ltcll at Onan Ki.,;.U..ii,.iul"J. 108 - -. - .. -..uni C V Dill lit ! 3NT SELL YOUR DIAMONDS IBtll -t BllVaat !.. 1 . V(U UUIU sssr EWSPAPKRS mag.zms.rfrr 813: pVprSSvhra;.'''i'o.JSi: iiiavint? n..aa ;--. vnr, iiaui. vVm lie V.o.ur ! 1181, Logan ofTlra Jors'xturrV omS. huolel furniture. . Why snotir, . a5y tt"a nlht, oa. Inchor n.5ur.,.ntw nd U!-to-date. 'iiiS. i ..'" l 2.1 Par inn i ' ""'J. nieiai "Turn.... 'r uo lbs, send nusisi Sk1'AIDairliia fs1"1 , Jf-'TW-nlKJua ' y Pi.lt inT, ik. -rr-r -" """," 1-IU- .eSiLSJt'onitV BSfp.,,, u"' ' WBED ATJTOMOBII.153 FRANKf.INI mi PR For aalej overhauled. and repalntedl m perfect condltloni only possible reason for selling because no present SST.I' wonderfully good winter can S'f( aubmlt price Franklin agency! InqulrlM nd Inspection Invited. HENRY LBROWN 435 Walnut Street ImbBSmM TIOGA AUTO TOP & BODY CO. 3332 N. BROAD ST. i-?'lr,t'S'a.".auto painting: monogram ing and lettering, upholstering, tops recovered and slipovers. Dnts taken out and bodies repaired PHONE TIOOA 80S4. A REBUILT VIM TRUCK tlftT 09 - .11 Dalanc a year to pay H Rebulie repaimoa ana ruara.ntfAfif haup urea VIMOTORTOUtKCO:' y,nAtm .- ri "-":." . nnOAD AND HUNTINGDON flTfl. Cadillac and Pilot Parts SCH0BER 84TH AND MAHKCT BT8. OVERLAND STUDEBAKER PARTS SCHOKRR mtpii AND MARKET flTTtEETB SPECIAL new eaey tlm-payment plan New and Used cars and trucks! all stand ard makes arrd models; stake, express, dump, bodies Installed to suit any business re quirements; buy direct through reliable finance company: sav exorbitant prices and charges, prompt Inquiries essential. COMMERCE MOTOR VEHICLE CO., 2110-2114 N. 6th at. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1020 moOel Ford sedan New tires and extras; used 8000 miles; 9B0 cashi no dealers. Phone Belmont 7085 W. after 0 p. m or write 8038 Chestnut. STORAGE batteries for sale for every mike of car, O-voIt. 38: 12-volt, $10! positively In good cond. Starr Storage Pat.. 260 N. 16th. 'BATTERIES. 0 volt, rebuilt for tlOs equal to new. Battery Specialties Co., 1B04 Vine at. ARE YOU looking for a used oar7 Let me know vour wants. P 821. Ledger Office. ADELPJUA Several now B-paei, touring cara nt a considerable reduction from orlg. price. Mr. Tyler B. W. cor. 20th and Erie. BRISCOE tnurtnir. HamnnstrAtnr at n m-aat ly reduced figure; flneit mechanical cond. GRIEB ft THOMAS. INC.. 30(1 N. BROAD BT. HUICKS We are overstocked on Ilulcks: large discount this week. Open nn. and Sin Stanley Auto Co . rtlfi N. Broad st. CHANDLER. 1020. tourlnc: like new; run SOOO miles. Open evenings and Sundays. Htanlcy Co. (110 N Ilrnnrt Ht. CHEVROLET, 1020; 2000 miles: fully equipped; cheap. M. U. Grcenwold, 28S4 N. 22d st. Phone. COLE Aero 8 touring. 1019, 0 passenger, run 8300 miles: perfect: open evenings and Sun. days. Stanley Co.. 010 N. Broad st. KOUD SEDAN for sale tor bent cash orter. Haflalgh ft Co . American and Cambria. FRANKLIN touring, model n-4: wire wheels; $800 down, bal. terms. Htanlev Co.. H10 N. Broad st Open eianlng and Sundays. GRANT touring, demonstrator, at a greatlv reduced figure: finest mrchan. condition. GRIEB ft THOMAS. INC. aon n. uroad st HAYNES touring; run $3000 miles; like now; $80(1 cash, balance terms. Open nvenlnga mm nunnn. nmnipv 1.-Q.. Ml!) I. HrOHC st KISSEL speedster, demonstrator, at a great lv ratlttrail flfrtira. flnaa. m.Ahan Anl.lnn QRIEB ft THOMAS. INC. o'. it. nronn at LEXINGTON. 4 passenger, sport model, -very nannve nnsti &arM nnl fJim,l. lh ... r.-" ". Vrf Vt -Ji.-.i"-"-. "' V""UJJA owniey yi.t ...w ... inwm ni, A uuiar inlf. LOCOMOBILE, practically as good as now; MOL1NE-ICNIGHT chummy roadster. $300 cash. bal. terms. Open eves, and Sundays. Stanley Co illli N. Broad st. I'oplsr 7820. OVERLAND Willys Knight 4-8-81 model: rrnflrl rnnn nir fnnrll.lAn A.M... notn 41. Somerset st. OVERLAND8. all models. 0 and 7 pass. tourlmr. 3 and 3 pass, roadsters. 4-pass. chummy roadster: all other makes and mod els: special basement bargains every day; time payments; open evenings. Overland Harper Co.. 280 N. Broad st. fACiCARD. model 3.26. touring: Ilka new tor. uiwjh avemngs ana Hunuays. Btan- lev Co.. BIB N. Broad st. Poplar 7820. 1010 PAIGE CABRIOLET: EXCELLENT CONDITION: RECENTLY OVERHAULED AND REUPHOLSTERED; LOOKS LIKE OFFICDNO DEALERb- A l0i- LEDQER PAIGE. 1020, 7 paaienger. touring, run 1800 TT1 IIaui f I II ssnalflaa tlf...11. nn -"t "i lavi ni,r . .VUIIU.nrU. uo v. STANLEY HTEASIER 8-passengcr roadster! ..run 0000 mUes; first-class condition thrpughouti bargain to quick buyer. Miller a. din... a. f a.w . ... . . .....aft, u. .i. om ii., ngmown. A'a. 1018 WINTON touring car. excellent me chanloal condition: very little mlleags; suit able for Private use or hackmen. The Win ton Co.. 1404 N. Hroad at., Philadelphia. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GASOLINE PLANT FOR SALE rnanufacturlmr gasoline from natural gas; located in the Pennsylvania oil Molds, where wolls have been producing for forty years and will produoo for forty more: gaa supplv Is fully protected by contracts and la col lected from, several hundred wells through approximately forty-flvo miles of pipe rang Ing from 2 Inohes to 6Vi Inches: plant la com pleto with tank cars, machinery, atorags, etc.; can be enlarged If desired; anexcellent opportunity to get Into a business that has Its best years ahead; prloo $100,000. M 817, ledger Offloft. NEED BUSINESS CAPITAL? We'll present your proposition by letter or prospeotus so forcefully and convincingly that you'll get quick, certain, positive re cults. Advertising Service Co., U02 Park way Bldg.. Spruce 1820. DO YOU NEED CAPITALT Responsible selling organization will finance any sound Industrial proposition at minimum coat; no oil or mining schemes considered: real estate security against results. A 118. Ledcar Office. Corporation Charters obtained under laws of all states: corporate handbook free. NATIONAL 1NCORPORA INO CO., 1827 Lnnd Title Bldg. FOR SALE Panta factory, fully equipped; aultablo for manufacturing men's and women's wear; situated West Point, Ps.; will sell at bar gain. M 1)24. Ledger Office. OARAGE and 8. story brick atom and dwell ing, well located; large business; quick sals required: $48,000 for buildings and busl- rtess uiu'ini rivrep. iuui Lincoln Iildg SOFT DRINK business specializing In krg birch beer, complete outilt with lease; will sell ut tcasonable Inventory; owner retiring Ceo null, .mu t. Qiii au PARTY with monoy to flnanoe mfg, of sub stantial child's vehlole: good opportunity, 78. Ledger Branch, Broad and Clearfield. MACHINERY AND TOOLS NMV York "'ty vertical engine. 23.88 CW lOfR, p-. cylinder 10x13 In. Autnmnllr horizontal engine: cylinders AUlOmaUC ioxl4 In.: flvwh.el pr.v.rnn. Towsley SJj Glue Spreader: doublo steel Mia. 211 in. wide; takes ma terial up to 8 in. tnicK! glue pot top and bottom: total height of machine 88 In. Each of above machines lir first-class cond. Writa to Lester Piano Co.. 1808 Chestnut at WE MAKE gray Iron casting from 1 pound to 1 torn If you want castings that can be easily machined, write ua. Reeves Stov. nd Foundry Co.. 38 H. 2d St.. Philadelphia. Foundry. Camden, N J DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold and rented YKAU'.I.I .. . av 'i at MODERN MACHINE SHOP Small or large orders; wo do mlllwrlBhtlng. 210 N, Front .. m.rl.. 50 at Market 2830. ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOL8 POWER EQUIPMENT nmnTTM rArniNnnY cct.. iin m or t VJ Ulin" .....w...... --.. ... M u TAIjKINO MACHINES; RECORDS OVER 10 000 records listed at II each at BOO! talking machines and accessories wholesale and retail. Central Musis Store, 137 N 11th, qbnva Arch. KOOIUR JrOJ RENT RCII ST.. 2123 LYRIC Newly turn, sin gle snij double rooms, spotless oleani phona CIIE3TNUT ST.. 2009 Single and double rooms. TOt3 CHESTNUT Ijirge well furnished room and nntni eiecmcnyi reierence. DIAMOND, 1007, deslrabla front or single rm. prlv family: gentleman; shower hath, phone . LOf'UBT ST., 1833 Attractive second-floor suite, tll bath and rlcctrlclty; single rooms . iijic RT . 1810 Nlcelv furnl.hed rooms. 1012 SPRUCE , iHoimenursu oouDle and .i..i. vaaanrlas! beautifully lir.l nrtvv UaUia, alto. -UbL jecoatlni)ii$..ivii' mntom& PUBLIC 'iflBD&ER- tolABEliPHIA', TUESDAY, ROOMS FOR RENT SPRUCE AND JBTII (vlo.), attrac .room, prlv. bath, also 1 other, elec.i gentlemtnt priv. ismny; references, locust Z74ti vr. 6PRUCE, 2022 Two furn. rms. with bath, aian., tipan nraniarat soutnern exp. i gem. 16T1I, N.. 180. HOTEL RURIO Beautifully furn. rooms! spotlessly cleani electric throughout! dally and weekly rates', conv.to stations! bast accommodations for traveling panplei moderate. Ph. Spruce 1054. 183B H 01TII ST. 2 furnished, for centle- men or nusiness women; eiae, WANTED, bv physician, with wife and In fnnt, l or 3 fumlsbed rooms with bath In good locntlnn. 1 B 10, Ledger Office. WKBT PHILAnr.LPni. 82D ST.. N 820 Third floor, 4 large rooms, unfurnished: corner house! suitable for nurse or Business women CEDAR AVE ft BOTH (vie.), third floor hand- somely furn. rms. In prlv. house for rent, to gentlemen with ref. Phone Wood. 181. . Or.BIIANTfVWW MAPLEWOOD AVE., 180 (Germantown) uesiramo ana convenient location aor su lfas student! nrlvato family! references ex changed. Phone Germantown 1313 W. PKNNS YIAWNIA 8 tJBURB AN LOGAN Well-furn. rms.. strictly private, for 1 or 2 gehtlemen! 1 block from Tork road trolley and Reading Ry. Wyo, 8.183, ATLANTIO CITT noOMS with bathl modern. 8anta Maria, 11 8. New Hampehlre ave.. cor. Euclid ave. BOARDING SPRUCE BT. venlent to 8031 Rooma and board! con L"i desirable location. PKNNBVLVANIA HUnimnAN J3XN. The Gretmore, 182 E, Walnut lane Delightful 2d floor front cor, rm avail able Sept. Ill excellent tablet Individual service. Phone Germantown 8237. APARTMENTS 222 8. 80TH BT. , ., Unfurnished apartments of 1 room and bath and a rooms and bath, beautifully laid out. Ixjcatlon Is unexcelled and easily accessible: can be seen only by appointment. C. O'CALLAGHAN 020 Chestnut at. Desirable apartments for rent unfur nished! central In location: prices $100 month nnd upward. YARROW ft VAN TELT PENNA. BLDG. NEWLY butit second ana third floor corner apartment. B outside rooms and tile bath, built-in tub, hot-water heat, electrto light: Lovekln hot-water supply: really the finest apartments In North Philadelphia: $123 per month! now ready fcr occupancy. HARRY j. FA8Y. 18th an-1 Btlles sts. -fclfV. D M 4303 Daltimore av. Most q I UU rer lVlO. attractive 8d Or. apt.. C rms. and bath: private porch. TAYLOR & SON b244Atn,?s5t BARTRAM APARTMENTS 83D AND CHESTNUT BT8. A few large, cool apartments with bath for ri-nt: dining-room s.rvlca upaxrnllad, TIOOA 2818 Hlgh-claes, modern, unfurn. apt.! 0 rms and bath, large kitchenette, h.w. heat, clec, gas and continuous hot water, WALNUT ST.. 8808 High-class modern apartment: first floor, 8 rooms nnd bath, $128: third floor. and bath. $12.1: third floor furnished. $178. Preston 2078 W. iXJ'.VJ.X iim.uvv. uiimiii, iiiwu, IIKJJS, HPIS., 3 to 6 rooms with bath; corner; appoint ments first class; no better value In Phlla. Call. ldu ppnna jaiupii. MODERN APARTMENT and office for rent 01 3 ana t rooms, meum n.vi ana eiectno light, at 220 S. 4th st. Inquire, between 12 and 3 otioc.k m, went, on rremisas APARTMENT8, Pelham Court Annex, Car penter Station. 8 rooms and bath; full ... h.rh.lnr ouarters. 2018 CHESTNUT BT, Bachelor apartment. 2 rooms ana amii. uucwviivoir aumisnea; flPY.VUI oAnTxfpMT irn!AnoiiAnTKnu -.....1 nnnrlminli a annlsttv. ilhKrwAh. Apartment Agency, saa a. liroaq street. HOTEL MARLYN. 40th and Walnut ats. Two rooms, bath: furnished; Apt. 70.1. BROOMB snd bath hkpg. apt., s. E. cor, B8th and Market sta.,3100 per mo. Walnut 1017. WEST riHIADKLPniA ADULT FAMILY of 3 will share their fur- nlshed npartmer.ts. 88th and Chestnut, with a business couple: 2 outside front rooms: naa of bath, caa and electrto Hunt: light housekeeping If desired. Phone Baring 1073 M. BARING, 4031 hnd 480 8. 40th st. Apart ments, 1 nnd 3 rooms and bath; also with kitchen: will furnish. Phona Preston 2270 W, CHOICE apartment! Immediate possession: act quickly, Cullen. 1B24 Chestnut st. OKKMANTOWN 188 E. GORGAS LA.. 8 r. ft bath, single rm., fur., and prlv. bath If des. Gin. 4247 J. PFJN8VI,VAN1A BTjntJltnAN B1NGI.E, an suite; near station, trolley; elec light. h..w. heat. Ph. Melrose 13.18 W. CAMDEN THREE-ROOM-AND-HATII and other desir able apartment, Incntod In attractive apartment hotel building. Cooper Square Tnt. 2d and Penn sts.. Camden. N. J. NEW .TEltBEY HKAHIIORK ATLANTIC CITY UNFURNISHED 4 roms, bath and porch apt.: $80 month: unfurnished Boardwalk 0 rooms, bath, apt.: $00 month. W. Ken nard. 401 Chestnut. HOUSEKEEPING? APARTMENTS 1001 CHESTNUT ST. Second-floor house keeping apartment for rent! B rooms and bath: rental $2000 a year. MABTBAUM TROB. ft FLEISHER 1424 S. Penn Square, APARTMENTS "WANTED YOU ARE INVITED to list your vacant or to-be-vacant apartments with the Bhsr wood Apartment Agency. 228 H. Broad Bt. I'honi Walnut 817; It Is quite impossible to fill the requirements of our many applicants without vour hearty co-operation. WANTED Furnished housekeeping apart ment or lurnianea nouse ror couple witn out children In Phils, or New Jersey, wlthlt commuting distance of N. Y. Bhlpbdg, Corp.; ref. given: state partlo. A 888, Ledger Office. APARTMENT LEADERS CONSULT U8 IF YOU HAVE AN APARTMENT FOR RENT; QUICK RESULTS: ANT SECTION. NEW ERA REALTY CO.. 813 LIBERTY I1LDO. WANTED Furn. hskp. apt for yar, Oct. 1 or 18th: In Phlla. or suburbs; married couple. Phone Oermartown 8123. THREE to 8 room housekeeping apartment, near Broad St. Sta. A 120, Ledger Off. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 7 ROOMS, housekeeping: central location; handsomely furnished: for 8 winter months isnui). nan, imager urnea. FURN. AITH., central loo.: by week If ilea. Sherwood Apt, Agfncv. 223 P. Broad st FOR RENT, furnished, 7-room apartment. Phone Narbtrth 1043 R. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND TINE ATI!. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE DELMAR-M0RRIS AMERICAN PLAN CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST. OERatANTOWN THE LITTLE HOTEL. 228 S Broad at A good place to live while In Philadelphia. GASOLINE ALLEY One i ni; niiiir uB 'llicnrr v... A I r"i rie I u.. . "V X" 'k IN -BCfidftrJ OABpt-JJDO.WO CGT- THAT I W" BieR HEARD Am rU jA I BIB0 tttXS A CAUCMT MG f" ,r J ' IF T"HE VCUOHA.RS ?ILmL JaT aR&rh9fti SIC I B rVNr-Tri UJS Jv l.vs I ,. V4i sssWi IV. v fisssssexf , V -V , t - L--' t T tAur .a v s 'jmxm. W-1 HMr,Ma. ssfja &. ivva'mu '".; 'jiIiyrU.yM-rf iMrrgjyrr .,..f,.,.-,, .v .wKLh.. ,,...., . ,X ,,.Zl BEAT, ESTATE TOR SAL- PITT' ZANE-BUILT nomes, 8200 blk, N. 27th at.) only a few leftl 2-story porch front, 6 rms. and bath. h.w. heat, elec. modern In every way: agent on premises. HUTZEL 28th and Somerset ats, mmmmmmmmmimmm . 3238 KENSINGTON AVE. Desirable business location, where values are Increasing; financed to suit purchaser. LEVICK & W0LD0W 707 WALNUT ST. Etrjis-iiininMia BiniiMiiitnim 426 S. 11THST. 32"a'-,!forir "tor nd dwelling! lot 20x82 ft.; price, Including good will in iw. cream panor ana tancy cage bakery. EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT ST. inlBllMBIM J. C. FULLER CENTRAL REALTY 10 S. 18TII BT. Send for tho list of desirable resi dences wo are offering In the most exclusive section, a number of which are particularly adapted for profes- aiuiiai auiu apariineni purposes. 2 HOMES LEFT OUT OF 30 In a delightful section In South W. Phlla,: brand new. all Improvements. 120-foot lots: big garages: lowest priced high-grade homes In the city: Immrdlata possesion. See I. JOS. MARCOVITZ 111 N. Broad st. Snruci 1881 or Wood land 3800 W. ,5i?M.TnTLEW00D. r and bath. $2,000 s9i3..Lfw.rence- B rooms and bath.. 2.100 2408 Nicholas, 8 rooms and bath 3.000 171 N. 20th. 8 rooms and bath 8.000 1830 N. ISth. 8 r.. bath. h.-w. heat.. R.OOO 1038 N. 13th 10 r. 2 baths, h.-w. ht.13.B0O HuPIl F Ollinn "to Columbia ave. nugn r. vuinn r,ell ph ropUr2628 2008 N, 13TH. 13 rooms. $8280: 2220-31-30-01 N. Bouvlor St., each. 7 rooms, whlto plumbing, each $2800: 2218 N, Bancroft St.. 1 rooms, whlto plunrblng, $2800. BCHRIVER & LAKE. 134S Diamond. CORNER property vacant: 10th and Fishers ave.: garage irlvllege; porch; prlco $7000: easy terms. E. F. McPcak. 2024 Frank ford qva. E. WESTMORELAND & G sts.. facing school Porch-front home, good condition; Immediate poaa; can finance: price $8000. Mann. Allegheny ae. and O st. IDEAL Spot Indiana av., facing McPherson Park ft Library, 2-sty brownstone homes; 8 rooms and bath $.1000: 0 rooms and bath, 14800. Mann. Allegheny ave. and O st 1811 N. 10TH ST 11 rooms. 8 batha. 2 pantries, hardwood floors, electricity. Reynolds heating system: lot 24x180 to Sydenham St.: gargo: 2-story living quarters: price $28,000: immedlato possession: terms to suit purchaser. Phone Owner. Locust 8848. 2040 WALLACE: vacant October 1. 2007 Mount Vernon. 2 baths. 1720 N, Park ave. 2 baths. 1030 Olive. 8 rooms. 1230 Wood, value Increasing. 1208-07 Hamilton. 84x80, KLINE ft FINK. 1122 Spring Garden. ONLY $3830 Bargain: Immediate posses. slon; very easy terma; o ruuuia ana oain; rXCeiiem couuiuun. mun jiu. wu.u nuiuci t near Franltford and Allegheny aves, 8323 Amber Owner. 2Z cnestnut at., second floor. PORCH-FRONT HOME, 0 rooms and bath: sample house. 1441 N. Corlles st.. near 30th and Jefferson: only $3000; financed. KOHLER ft BHISLER, 1807 Tioga st. Tioga 2203. 111B W. LEHIGH AVE. Desirable for a professional man or tor high-class apart ments; 3 story, side yard, 12 rooms and 3 baths: Immediate possession. WM. UNDER. 1828 Chestnut st. 3310 N. BROAD Three story, porch, modern house, suitable for physician or apartment house; financed; will sacrifice. SILBER. 2123 N. 11th. Dia mond 0848. VACANT 1200 block S. Peach at. : 0 roms. porch: prlco low; excellent location: only 1 left- act quickly If you want this bargain. IRA F. THOMAS. 2816 W. Lahlch ave. 1714 PINE BT. 14 rooms. 2 batha; hard- wood floors throughout: excellent order. n B. Chambers, 710 Commercial Tr. Bldg. 17TH bel. Columbia av. B apts. and baths, steam ht.: assessed $0400: total mo. rent 1213! prlco ia.uuu. vjuinn.iuiu uoiumpia av, HOME and Investment properties. North Thlla. and Germantown; send for list. WALTER V. ASHBY. 2840 N. 2Uth. Mem- bar Phlla. Real Estate Board. 2003 N. 110N8ALL ST. 0 rooms, modrri plumbing; prb-u. $3000. Small amount cash .amired, John P. Fletcher. 2802 Lehigh nve. IMMEDIATE possession. 2833 E. Dakota St.; 0 rooms and bath; large lot to rear street; axcetlent condition: Price $0200; verv easy ,arms. uwnnr. "-- viiramm. aecono noor. 4.101 N. 10TH BT. Three story, porch front. 11 rooms and bath: hot-water heat, waah- trays, coal range: $8000: easy terms; empty. Phoni Chestnut Hill 830 W. "'ior. 622 ANN8BURY ST. (1 rooms bath, porch, hot-water heat, hardwood floors through out, electrto light: $.1800. UNTERilEROER. 800 Real Est. Tr. Bldg f'OMINO HOME HDURf.niia. We have a variety of residences for quick disposal. Call .oj Phone. wr.gnimi n.vn A-iuony isiar. 2220 w, VliNANUt Dofltrablo dw ii T iVsWLLN0 i!i"D' 'a!. MS-8.-' .SMSr .r,.0.,S?ho"lr'h. Porch MnroH b7 WALKER7ino 8' n1;' .V0'"- 4180-44 N. 7TH ST. Six rooms, bath and r.a',,e40ll?r'N? JtTO lmm'iM !,0""" Call r-.vrriPTloNAL bargain, 78JaB.er at. well financed. Apply GEO, LlilDER- MAN. Frank, inaa. EXCEPTIONAL bargain. 1334-00 Harrison st.i wel financed. Apply qeo ?i T-J.Jiii-tjMAN. Frank. IRBa v 1-U. U. i.rj.--. -"".-' -w. m wahNOCK. raiar benign Two story 11 nut In ,li.."f '.. .'.::..-,.... ,,1 "".."" I ...Tl,. ran KninM. LIXlVn Ttl Vr"."'.1"1." prica; cgiiiiinn.ii wiu jiUl m ,0 ,., "-"' '- i.ainiir st 1601 FOTLAR ST. 21-room house; Ttolrn heat: financed: possession with deed. It, r. aiiLiuc.njf, iuu Wuinut t. 4U3D u ..".. asvsn rooms ai. trie, II. heat; $0780: terms: possess! . WESTNlY. 20a Liberty R'!-"""'' $10,000240(1 FRANK!. ORD AVE. Niv ror. Apply 1413 W. York. Bell, bla 5V S. E. CORNER UTH AND OXFORD ht OOxIfiOl three fronts Harrow, 130 N. V. 2103 PINI3 ht. Eignt rooms, l bath AIITIlua uuaiviibli, 233 N. 13th 318 S. 1BTH BT. Eleven rooms; good art.;" A. UOSWELL. 233 K. lath 121 N. 10TH Large house, lot 18x01 iT. rear at. A. HOHWELL. 233 N. lnih t0 1418 MASTER ST. IB rms.; suit apirtnTtT Win Hnrilar'n Rons. ! fl,,-Ir. '. " ' ' " ' w.uniuia. ave. 1007 MUSUMUNT AVK. 2 sty.. C r b. all convs.; poas. FASY. 18th and Bill". 227 N. ISTH Bur. loo.. B, ft D.."$T8"ootr Wm. Badler's Bona, 1820 Columbia. "v. ' $000 CASH, move right In: 7 rms . newlv ni'l pered. Apply 2310 Ridga ave ' ril" nia P SiX-HOOM porch house: $1(3 month: vearlv lease. Key 2630 N. 28th. yearly THREE story; near 17th and Venango sts" 1307 Tloi-a st, Tlona 22118 K ,l"' Itoo CASH: move right in; 7r.: newly na pered Apply 2818 Rldgu ave. Diamond BIB. on Webster III HEAL ESTATE JOB SALE CITY A NEW SCHULER CREATION Roosevelt Boulevard at Rising Sun Lane COLONIAL TYPE TWO AND A HALF BTORT SEMIDETACHED SPACIOUS GARAGE Surprising Features Arco vacuum system complete. House telephone system. , Instantaneous hot-water supply. Tiled Bath with Bhawer. Five chambers and two baths. Basement laundry. COMPLETELY FURNISHED SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAILY AND HUNDAT AOBNi ON PREMISES MAURICE LICHTMAN BROAD AND LOUDEN 8TS. Take Car No. 00 right to the door. bmircaiiiHntM r Tw-w-wvats- mJ Kw.lit 4alaawav lea Mesal1. chambers. 2 batha and 2 'no'0? porches. Situated on the finest high way in the olty. A guburban house within one square of school, atorea. Street car direct to center of city IRouts 60), and overlooking; open country, 120 feet above asa urea. $17,000: 6 per cent 1st and 2d mort- gagis. Mffifflr-mmff Main OfBeat Broad St. & Bomervillo A,to. STORE PROPERTIES N. XV. COR. Ridge and Glrard aves.. $80,000 N. XV. cor. RWge nnd Falrmount.. 10.800 8. XV. u)r. 10th st. and Ridge ave.... 40.000 B. E. cor. 24th and CallowblU ats... 80.000 2103-08-07-00 Columbia ave 27.800 2n0.1-07.0n.il Rldgo uve 22.8011 710.12 .V. 13th st 18.000 1832 Ridge ave 18.000 1828 Rldgo ave 12.000 486 H. CSth st 12,000 1237 Columbia ave 11.000 1823 Rldgo ave 11.000 821 XV OIney avo 10,000 N. E. cor, 31st and Glrard avo 0.000 2021 Ridge ave 8.60O N. B. cor. Bailey and Oxford at 8.000 B. XV. cor. Marvlne and Jefferson sts. fl.280 716 Falrmount ave 8,800 1222 N. 10th at 8.O0O 2234 Jefferson st 4.000 N. W. cor, Jasper and Albert ats,... 8,000 1121 Rldgo ae 2.230 , D. A. MINNICK REALTOR 1836 RIDGE AVENUE S. W. Cor. 19th & Cherry Sts. Three-story dwelling: lot 24x108: close to Parkway; possession If desired. AMES D. WINCHELL 17TH AND BAN8QM BTB. BiialncM, Properties nnd Store Warehouse or manufacturing building: 8 atores; lot 14x50; elevator: centrally located. YARROW & VAN PELT PENNA. BLDG. RACE, near 16th at.; lot 28x120. 242 N. 16th st. 1418 Vine at. 384 N. 18th St. 211 N. 17th at. ARTHUR BOSWELL . WAREHOUSE: wool, cotton nr general mar, chandlse: Immad. poas.: 120 Chestnut at.! tf aaa Hi AAA am 4 1 1ma.ma.$I k .. W if 0l,rs i a.l.VVV DM. . IIIIHIH.e;u W 9Ul, T. BECHER ANDERSON .. iM4 i cnestnut 218 N FRONT Excel, order; 1mm. small amt. cash: 2 st. fronts. poss.; J. BEECHER ANDERSON. 1824 Chestnut st. Htoroa giitmmmunmiFiniimiiiiruimiHnminninuiiisiiinimiiummimu'uiiinitiianmuiioijn 4112-4116-4118-4120 LANCASTER AVENUE Stores and dwellings In best business block of Lancaster ale.: will be sold Individually or as entirety: financed; vaiuna vuiminiiuy iiiiirariua. LEVICK & W0LD0W 707 WALNUT ST. amni 13 Fnetorlea. Warehouses. Manufartiirlnr Floors FACTORY FOR SALE. 82,000 eq. ft.: 3 story, new, modern; extra heavy, slow burning, brick construction: 123 h. P. Plant: site 100x800 ft.: railroad aldim. for 6 cars; excellent labor and shipping fa- cmues; nonnoasi sccuua. a u, Ledger Office. Industrial Plants, Warehouses Factory and Building Sites T LEE PATTON 404 T,1NCQI,N BLDQ. 70.000 SQ. rT. or over on first floor, with high celling, In modern concrete building with railroad siding, most desirable propel sltlon you may consider todav within Phlla J LEE PATTON. 404 Lincoln ldg" FACTORIES AND FACTORY RITEH Eterywhere In Philadelphia LOUIS B. OINSBURG, 1201 Chestnut at FACTORIES & WAREHOUSES Walnut .103 TOML1NSON Lincoln Bldg. FACTORY buUdlng; boiler, engine, shafting, elevator, steam heat; light on 8 sldaa: Ight on 8 sides irles: lot anriin onii 1 mlin from Cltv Hall: if. n retiring; bargain. I' IIP! Iilgar Office, INDUSTRIAL PLANTS, warehouses, road ar.d rlvor frontage. JAMES L. STEVENSON ft SON S22 lnd Title Hldg, rail- CORNER FACTORY. 11.000 sq. ft., Camden" J. V. LAWRENCE. .1320 Hazel i, va Stores and Dwellings 8012 N. 24TH ST , corner, olectrlo and hot water beat, good location for any business; Immediate possession ; will flt.ance. Schtvurta 20th al)OV l-ehluh 2000 DIAMOND BT Fine store and dwell Ing 10 rooms, bath. Thos W. K. Boyce $08001743 N hth at., 12 rooms! Apply 1416 W. York st. Hall. Diamond 286; lt31 RIDGE AVE.; atore and 10-room dwe: good location LLOYD. 714 Walnut at. SEPTEMBER 2t 1920 REAL ESTATE FOR SALS CITY WBIffilM CENTRAL BUILDING 1 00,000 square feet, steam heat, electric light, sprinkled, near Broad and Pine Streets. The price is much less than duplication cost, not including the ground. We will divide this property and sell it on unusually convenient terms, as cash is of secondary importance to the owner. Locust 295 faiinimiMM wraT iiin,APEi,ritiA wimfiirairam W $65 A Month Pays Taxes, Water Rent Interest on Mortgages New semidetached auburban type homes, with trolley nd elevated right at hand: living room i S3 Si feet wide, large bedrooms, .bath with shower: plenty closet room: modern up-to-date kitchen every room an outsldo room. Overhill Road, 66th & Market Sts. Only 10 minutes to City Hall one 8-cent fare no change of. cars. These, homed can be purchased for $1000 cash: $08 a month pays taxes, water rent and Interest on mort gage. In addition, a monthly pay ment must be made to reduce your mortgage. Get full particulars of these terms from our representative at furnished house. No. 82 Overhill road. 00th and. .Market etreets Take H Market street ""T'V btation, uoin anu ..., .u. . Overhill road. BEN L. CARROLL BUILDER AND OWNER to $5500 FINANCED Modern 2-story dwelling: 8 bedrooms and bath; hot-water heat, electric lighting- hardwood floors: convenient to car lines. MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO. N. E. Cor. Broad and Chestnut sts. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Prfoo $2000: 3 story. 5 rooms porch; located 8110 Reno st E. & T. DOYLE CO. 8818 Master street 100 HOUSES for home buyers in West Phlla. delphla: manv financed, some $.100 cash. CARPENTER & WILSON (1220 MARKET BT FOUR BEDROOMS NEW, CHEER. I'Ui, iiUMKS: all latest Improvements; sample house. 6R02 Larchwood ave ; will finance J03. OOETZ. on premises, or Woodland 108.1. 4818 CHESTER AVE. Large, desirable residence, 'i baths electricity, etc, 8237 Powelton ae in rms.. b.. porch ft. ARTHUR BOSWELL N ,& - VACANT 7010 nnd 23 Bnybrook ave., 70th and Woodland ave . 8 rooms and laundry: newly renovated: desirable corner, Ilalto. ave and Alden st.; strictly modern: vacant. E. E NOCK. BBth and Baltimore ave. HOME BUYERS 1400 block Wunamaker and Hobart sta.. be tween .Master and McdU sts.i will finance m ault the tiurchnaer. E & T. DOYLE r-O . 3810 Master St.. milartciphla j.. up... ....... - CORNER DWELLING NEAR 40TH AND most attractixo. convenient location. For S3.1 on easy terms. PEMBERTON ES n.iTirrt Owners. 1 S. 18th st. TATLO. v.. ..- .- - i: OWNER LEAVING CITY, will sell a dandy Dutch-hall house. 21 feet front: 4 b. r.i iJUicn,k" -. modern; t W?S: MOULDERprnemt & ESTATE will sell 3 modern H-room-nnd-bath houses near 01st and Elmwood; $3230: re quire $300 each; monthly exp. $20. A 303, HiraF I lltlt L'. 4022 CHESTNUT ST. Twelve rooms, Including 2 baths: lot. 23x 220 to Sansom sfT, possession. XV. XV. HAN- C'OCK. 40th und I.ancaater ave, B7TH ST. below Glrara ae . 2.s'ory dwell ing. 4 rooms and bath socond floor; early possession. , ,,.. ,.,... VJ1 l.ltUr.H ,..r. . UT-F-IHUt Si. $B00 CASH REQUIRED to purchase Main at. home. 0 rooms, sample house 0322 Race. FRIEB ft SON. ,H2i Market VACANT. 021 S. 80th st , 7 rooms, vacant 10 rooms. 12th st. 4003 spring uaruen m. QABELL. 133 S 8001 CHESTNUT HT Large corner brick residence, rS' i, suitable for apartment house i PATTON, 04 Lincoln Bldg. L.KH rWO-BTORY brick houao, oorcn; lot 23x160! frama stab e In rear. 01B0 Q Irani av. owner nn premises 890-800 N. FARSON ST 2 story, porch 7 rooms; price $3100 eabh. well financed Empire Trust Co . 44th and I.ancaater ave. 3418 SPRING CIAHDFN hT 1 stv 11 rms h.-w. heat, elec light sldo yard, poss Empire Truat Co.. 4th and Lancaster ave. 3718 XV, HARMER ST 7 roomi nnd bath porcn; conv to sunway. ;iiuu finance Woldow. 220 S 4th st. Lombard 4802' 8D0-8U0 N. FARSON hT -Two storj , porch 7 rooms, nrlco 131110 e.tt li wall Nnunnui' Emplro Trust Co 44th and Lancaster a.' 0418 HPUINO GARDEN BT 3 sty , 11 rms. noi-wairr naai, oiec. ugnt, euie yarn, ikjss Empire Trt Co., 14th and I.aneaiter ae' 4301 HAVERFORD AVE Porch. 11 rooms 30x83; $8800; vacant Sept 27 ' CLARK BROS,, 122S Louat HAZEL AVE, U218 Plv i,m,1i nlec light .nfaJ.nar',,v,0?', n?or" "u"1 lmproemcnts'. $0.1110 for quick sale, fl, Inimt 4441 w i it "J uiock wnestnui St.. garage rni.i iv. session, a. .u i.eijger Office. ., vrATn ,. r.Mi.ig J REAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITY CITY --k l I 'CHESTER D. ROTTNER 1421 CHESTNUT STREET fcjpiiraiiii SALE Two New Modern DAYLIGHT MILLS FRANKFORD AND ERIE AVENUES (TEXTILE CENTER) M 30,000 and 26.000 sq. tt. respectively. systems, etc. LEVICK & W0LD0W 707 WALNUT STREET Members Philadelphia Real Estate Board lailliilllM WEST PHILA rtrTT.rniA Buy a Home That Pays Its Own Lpfyeep Why pay rent or buy a home with heavy dragging expenses? One of these uplendld two-story "APARTMENT HOMES" can be arranged so that you will be also to rent one apartment for enough to pay carrying expenses of the wLole. Most Exclusive Residential Sections of West Philadelphia 52nd and Spruce Streets I 65th and Walnut Streets 54th and Walnut Streets I 65th and Chestnut Streets All apartments contain five large rooms and bath and all modern conveniences. SAMPLE APARTMENTS SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ROBERT PATRICK 615 REAL ESTATE TRUST BUILDING Phones Walnut 2034 and 2701 OXFORD ST. (BETWEEN BOTH AND 01ST BT.) The Largest 2-Story House BEING OFFERED TODAY Four bedrooms, all-tile bath with stall shower: back stairway; plas tered basement laundry with toilet: private garage. SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN DAILY TILL 8 P. M. AND SUNDAYS 0LER & SHAPIRO BUILDERS AND OWNERS S. E. COR. 37TH AND MASTER piiiiiraiiiiiTi!iirjr:aaiiE,iiiiii!rfia;i!iaiiiiEHiiH!iiii;,ira!iMa!a $4800 Immediate possession, excep. tlonnlly easy terms, there Is not another home In West Philadelphia at this price that can approach equal Ing these houses In so far as location und construction are concerned; they aro the answer to the long-sought Ideal home. Alden st (between Green way and Klng. 'lng aves., second street east of Ssthl, sample house. No. 2003, open dally and Sunday, ex cellent car service PHILIP N. AltNOLD. 1201 Chestnut. Member of Philadelphia Real Estate Board. Biinniaiiin pramraiM $3400 A very few left; another op portunlty of this kind will not rome within your grasp to secure a home as Ideal In every wav. rebuilt houses on Ptmberton at. (B7th and Cedar '"SSS1 VH" b-tween B8th st. .an.d ?0J.? 0reel! Boulevard, S-story porch flont1awelllni"'' w"h " bedchambers, par !.r;.dlnin5 room' ""Chen and outk tchen: n'S10.,"00.!:"' "'ectrlo light and gas light SSJi coniblnatlon flxturea, modern plumbing and MMSeS "fn31.", "y,,,m I.,BW'y Pln'd ..n7.ti?.pJrrdK,n,.th? center of a moat at i?.L0lelShbo!;hood w" "Chools, rhurchei. a charSSSt I,,rway' tfnnl club, e" a cnarmlng community center, the crota .TdlrVc l'. Th B,!.,n "' f;Ctnf "n Sr.,lanCJSS",,ntne.P"nna R R at AllgOrO g rl..R,B.Un,V;.'S?nn. I'nd w.?0. Ut PEpSN'-AT'Ssr. llarrlenn Rld t 4 h ,K,h..-t WALNUT ST. APARTMENTS" lletiveen BSth and B8th Ideal facilities IMMEDIATE POSSESSION n,.0.'!anlly roodern housekeeping apart, li!' s,room and. bath each lots 20x100 cSit'S? rirr0rminano flocr Practically defrays Ihome0111'' "" """' "n'lbl way to buy a ' lnvASlUat. J a.. . JACK KUTNER wslnut 8240 823 R E Trust TIM. 1155 MARLYN ROAD Finest location in Oerbrook. sur rounded by hlrh-class homes, will b crlflced for quick sale. $1000 cash will finance It now scant JOS. M. BAKER & SON B201 BALTIMORE AVE, TllREh'-STORY comer house gnrsae ni nisra juv remoocien. eiectr c Iisht hi I'-ftt no rqunoq ejoors tliroughmn Itl.Hnwn n Mn.10 ldrer Offl, .riui,i.;oiuni curnvr nous tftrftce i i"?f J"JI, remodeled elec light hot-water bfat hatfl'voe.1 fl-iors throughout, 0rti or will nhanca. M 030. Ledger Office, """Lr lll VVEST riULA. horq.g jor ..... .,.; for Til..- already m.- sanoK tiUEER.iB4 Pla ,t m . w ".? . ""f""'! "in convince ou: Immediate possession: attractive, terms. Nn. 8011 open dally and Sun. day PHILIP N. ARNOLD, 1201 Chestnut Member of Philadelphia iirui caiuio Aioara girtVwyVY&v. REAL ESTATE FOR BALM ?4jt.'t 1 uitWffltmLnirainrjiiaiiEiTiiasflrmirast-ffirM , ! OR RENT Two Story Buildings Electric Elevators. Steam Heat, Sprinkler WEST PHILADELPHIA Ifiniiiirain Locust St. 54th to 55th Sts. Artistic Homes with Garage3 2-story, 8 rooms, tile bath, hot- water heat, electric light, hardwood floors throughout, inclosed heated porch, spacious parage. Furnished Sample House 5430 Locust St., Open Daily Lifter & Kohn 442 LAND TITLE BUILDING PHONE: LOCUST 4011-4049 aiKW giWMIIIIMlllWilSIIM 69TH ST. SECTION 'IIOO Below market lue; 20 Over hill road, s-room modern detached home, with garaae; now vacant. 24 Kent road Semidetached dwelling. " rooma and tiled bath, with garage: well financed D. F. RYAN 8910 Market at Klrklyn. Pa Relmont 114T Llanerch 288 Skffl 5300 Block Willows Ave. Del Izht fill fl.rnom-nnrl.hjth hn - .... r.t Mrjs complflted, no modern feature him beenf -V- arafeSlNL'aat a. aa& aa .$.. t. ... .. .. .A.. West Phila. Homes, $3900 Hobart nnd Wanamaker stM , between Maatae and Media 1400 block North 2 story 8 rooms good londltlon. immediate possession to a few, we will flnanco. open Sunday and cenlngs E. & T. DOYLE CO. 3SI.1 Mmter street IMMEDIATE POSSESSION FAMILY nra. TURNING TO NEW YORK, inn" ivrt, BT (ABOVE CHESTER AVE ). a.STflnr DWELLING STANDS ALONI- a.i.ia"r. BATHS. HARDWOOD FLOORB. HOT. WATER HEAT DUTCH HAM.. -, KA" TRICITY. WHITE AND ENAMEL. I.AItrin ATTIC. VERY DEEP CELLAR. PliirS $12,300, TERMS TO SUIT $6000 Vacant $150 Cash 1(100 In 00 dais. 8 80th st , hardwood floors throughout nlei-tric lights Inclosed porth easy terms for balsnce KEIR REALTY CO. PENN SQ BLDG LOCUST 1228 $4200 2-story. 7 rms laundry tubs, mod , , em plumbing, good order; conven. lent location near Otlth and Callowhlll: large .rd 110 ft deep Immediate posses. ADOLPH B. CPARjg BEAUTIFUL CORNER HOME WITH 4 IIEDKOOMS AND TI1JI BATH Dutch hall, dining room breakfast room Hied kitchen etc Hardwood floors . lectffA lights Laundry Hot-water heat etc. Prtcid below jalue ut $11,800 Cash required to iurt hasa$2ftl)0 HarryB Miller 1482 N Badst 8730 WINDSOR AVE Six rooms and bathl first-rlaas condition. $4280 810 Otis Rm"' OKRMANTinVN YOU CAN FIND the house you are looking for by taking Reading Railway train to Htsnton Station or driving out Btenton ave to 0800 North Open for Inip.o Hon. dally and Uunday. MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO. N E. uor Ifroad and Chestnut sts. 111; l. DURHAM BT Three-story motUrr. w,a,.vvnt.u u. .iiiiiiu nuuae mat is tne es sence of perfection convenient transit fa cilities, finances arranged, we suggest in spection. " DALLAS & HARTLEY, Inc. "! N Broad at Wyoming 871-87J II XV Brown, agent on premises Phonn evenlnga Tioga 83211 XV vnTsssst r.T....u... i,in ui, inntt mum SINGLE atone 1 nuia. rooms, steam hsaL Miertrlyllv. 11-3 acres. 8 streat frc-utsi seeriil largs shads trees; truly rural homa i: i. ... -.-..- "aT" ' - . iiwrnn " ooo' ,U,"n, P"0 aU W. aRAJCAU. JtV, u. w sat aass" IWi i IQTlfJ fUi Mi-' beautiful and convenient looatlon 1 ' rquarr from uermantnwn ae. and Bsdaw'lrk htaitoii. key 117 Apply 801 lta Estita Tttat lilda I'hnne Walnut I20 ' ''"" &t VKtojiibi 141 .V, "i -ll Ah I i ifr; -tf. ! f. J. I i