WmtSIa L JK t&j ": JfgiH r BEAL ESTATE 0B BENT BEAL WTATE WOK mr nr '('sa i LU B-i m? u 'S!i ( I 121 m m ' 77&P V n -n", ;. ,v;i I tl :r:,Diw-.' T ' ' ' l ., -. " -vr-fso. sEr .if ., -rrfTTSir.Ajj4 - v 3fej- : Inspect ther Most Attractive. Meats' t xurnished Home in, Logan ' . .4712 North Warnock Street ' 4 .... ' i - -Between lOthJarid'-llth; Choice ar$8500 , icrms to ouir v; V . Bach' n&na contain 7 laraFe.'-cheerful roomi-and A. .. compigt) til bath with-'wiwrBW ttM hOfrrTr,'r)Morn ' tfoUn,inht&I,ir1ceTproprt)'. UnruVood floo'ia ihruuitv out Dent rtualltr Ilehtlnr and, heating nature. CH lnclo4 aridhratcd porch. Heated rnrnr eta, Mmt j complate homo At thli prlca-1 offered In thentlra aectlon, W want you to t Prove This to YouVown Satisfaction- J Examine Furnished -SatapleHoua iVsday , , Open Evenings , , - t Onr Representative on PreAiises'Will Give Yciu " Full Particulars" " .:SMUJ1EN & BARRY.-.. .. 1201M1 Liberty Bid,?., Broad & Chestnut m . rhonfn Branch ISxcnnnaT -Walnut IS3T ftWfw.. 'QJN-NEW H'aMES'V .$ BUST VALUES IN Af ,Wth' tjai raaa.. a ori Hoaroama ..vani nath on 11. Floor A n IJmlltr Aa.. uuncajinon ",5At,, Sydenham St. . fitowaen1 lSi'alnd lotti Eta) ttira aaua.rra.to Iavan Btatlonl 'VMitraln oerTtca: two.aiiuarBa , 'iarHhree- llnaa -o trollera . on lorlfi fload. direct ite centra at jetaf'wlot':n, jhop1na; entra.''acholarna, churcne of, l denoWloatloTia ronvanlenUy r at' hand, Locan la connedad to be,-nne of -the flnert realdentlal daveloamenta in rnuaaeivnia. Financed without coat K. H DOVNJlnilO . Mirtr.nsn om rnEi t to TOU. a ovan A -Jihone: romlna- 2728 Till - !! Will in llllip rwnW1 i jKT.' pmmMmit-Ayt, KoveriooMaar Wlda-nar- Memorial i.i fc. Htm -r ,, rSaxaajra with' all honraaw PVur' -eaV-Uncs flf. IS. f i anl 7a1.j faaAjth. RwwOf.fifM, jfiM.ii f -., eDooi.. parauc naiitoce,wunm J, BJaUWA, -ITI'll-IMrn) T 'leTTI.'- 1.U t.ltl.o":t7'.t U rats -- a nt - I" " Biituoew. ,,rTr-r--Ti -.?: bLDER TO HOME BUYER 4 QUALITT rtRST HOMES BEST BUT IN CITT HTH & S0MERVILLE AVE. i . EAST SIDE. 8400 BLOCK Hardwood floor throughout, rae and etaatiic llatita. hat-water heat that haata. L htra-a rooma and barn. Dutlt-ta tub. With . ahowar. Sample houa 841. at- warya apan far hupectlon. PRICE $7650 W.-J.BALTL Builder ar Jahn A. MeCarrorr Atmt an Prorataea Wrwmlna 28-2S o- u. V. feRbOSEVELT BOULEVARD 2 Eiahth to Ninth Street ;-vj.7tOilX OR Tlflt BOUI.BVARD AT 4m An aaltrshf new plan: reams. areata ana tunenia aim porta; a agraodallr attraettva earner nooses. -v uz. T? SAMTTJ5 HOVSB. OPJTN EVTI- . i mi NDTOS a-l R. R. ZANE Mlo UQaAlf New corner'hoae. Jus -completed. UOaAN NO' anTory Ittod uern m7vvisinvT; o rooma. aU11t awar huii private aaraaei Setter 'far 1100 leva- that sraai Scorning S IT, 7 (il raai Taiqe P n.. ar T- 17. aTIT arr.-Crawferd borne. r:srsst .rTTwTi.vA?n BnrmTtuy Exceptionally Attractive uountry estate 111 1 rwaeaMwUtliui ar ( aoroat Urge Calaotal . tharaaablr taadern. In toad 'raanewvoa. thai "taadltlern tha e other build Inge Include . aarajaa. rottaaaa. Warn and fana aanieonaa: taa arvunaa aratawrv at. , ataed lake: gardens, ahrabbarr asd xAaa old ahi 4e treaat tba ra r"alT,at too tttlabta land an raaad' afn. which hava a nmnrtur ateeam r aTWeTl aataa af woe-sa. This peaa .V aaar-i Is ma ef tee meat attractive -aaajiiMi' ear a taa within oamnrottM Matea'ar tawii. belna; 18 H miles tzeAratr'JIU.-.td 4a,eovanleotlT j aiiiiaiea.iaauuoaaFMauaeki goir clot, j aBeHJoa-huntlna club. The property ,,wwi,ni mn .wwim w .1. vwiier Tnarvtaa ta New Tork city and airerie .aa. aaaavtunlir for aaanar ana ta 1- .aaoure aa aaoallent eoantry estate far J, yearly raaldenoe. 'rHERKNESSot STETSON 181 LANDTtTUt BLOO, JV w HOME SEEKERS rill..bu4 Toa'hatna'on 1 ite 3 acre Plats. taii build vaar homo-en 1 ta a at nini. Inatser-mrawnmniu , our 1-uawaiertewo rd,; aslTrtfoirtes from .City If all: hvrnthty pay; Maarjtal-ila-eaah.wlll.ourt oui cwtna eut-te- cotne eu' ta naaty & c iaaaTxioino w- iT-ntaeina mmwwnmm: ilau. r CjaaCaSj nm i n i i i Mi y , ,i hi hi A REMONTvi'-HAMMOND 4Kt aga) ,'ta.fafelte, Wdg. ','rtewa La-mbard oto. . A KBAUTirux. cuurrrnx ituits , mSSSta. a a , w aartaatTVHkama. aaar ti-ala ana aJAaU'ebrrtlwjoea' abjut acrasi 3IOTF0Y- '.. "iA?,OWN' wj ' r '-'L 1 A. T. WSS:aerln?..rLrt.7., VIS mSZ2ZVlSjnli .SoUMLH-HOUBE fr7.lr 3 roomrThTs an of the .be, ro4uc.ng Um. - ln.PennA. I ;t .- tti r.TL"-.-. ii-.:aii. r.' .j.-..-.!--.a.r- iirrii-K liit-ir-'ikm'irr 'nnin." a i" i r,,.ir. from atmiort. nana iu weit atit Aiiarrea. vou it vawa wi, viMrfi., "-.";', t V P ajBBV,4 wvi.MiMTV'iivt lvvv"vlMtrVtr,l CJeVu I'WM, 1 i'V"l a"7.aa.H" jwaoa. " i i i"'hk" VrY jp "- s, jig 'ir S-" J, laBat MKIANl a: and "$0f rurciiaser. rm PHILADELPHIA lCTNHTLVAMA hi riCBHAV '.OVEPROOK' jHANptJOME'moderVj .uUt-to- j.fler home In tha Tarrvbeat part oi Overbrwiki ronta'lna'upon nhi Vee- LVS ,5'-'"'," W"t.flooirtTal fcaM,llytn4t' oom. Ilbrarr; Uraium ' k2 Vnl '''"Ina-roW-panlrrl" fi!52' '"dry. Senranta' quartera WP r?d"-nom andibath. ,,. .H'At'.?c,,ci'tn,, ' wtthotlfqueJlfci Wifjfarad' for tfr 'rat lima.- W oneo-IMr;tjptlpnM probity. Tjnmeiffofa J'e'eraaton . W.- Gdrrjon1 SmitKr OFFICE AT STATION TEI.BPHONK OVERBROOK 87,00 19 PICTURE THIS a half atone and ahlnala : . I. . JaaHaHHaMatiaaBaataaaal1 BlMflllall.i-.UlaalaalMrBMBBl . A UtallMtaaBaaBaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaMar'' '7? a Wrl SjUtdlRfllaarWaW'1 iWIHair ' nuinv. rcvwie. nrni. llgni Dam. Vtafer. i - VkI aT-t- -ZilrZniJ '""" ' iri a r nin v'i wrwt Vltliaj s U B PUS I I with ran: It sore Is a bargain and I know you win Ilka U. COOKE. Colllngdale. wrvvcnmn 23,000: also modem residence nnd -aragej1 o DranniDi, oains. large lot, win lease to a responsible tenant: 1173 per month. J E. DOUAN A CO. 128 Bala ave . Cynwyd, Pa. Phone CynwTrd..782 .or Overhrtyta: "438 lIUNOAJXJWS.tS and a roams, all convent. encea fireplace. 83300 and 7600; garag-e; semidetached, roottfa. MMO; splendid 2 story hoaea and. aarajrev aid shade, fruit and shrubbery; 17300 C. U. HILU Qlenslde. rm -saTrrnr isia . A NICE suburban homo; lot aoxiso: modern- aouae, laraa rooms; gurwerv ror 8 cara: ehrnblwiv. variety of fruit trees: I nrfir. '- OOlh Hi Terminal: prlca la, 000, W. S. MOULDER Ph.38nf &, 1 UL.KNOL.DKN Stone houae, larra Jou'Ioid ahade! anmraaret bararaln! na'iatni.. tiiu.. fiatnrdayand Sunday evening between 7and p nv. ffharon Hl"f 884 W. "" ,na EUlNB PARK Dealrable home ilir-naar train and trotleri era 30x110; ror oulek aala 11830 Write P. O. -Bag 124. Xjlcln, nirfc manaHn: coat'M,000l Basrea of rfound: 413.000: half caah. wSaTWBY. 203LVlK erty.Bldgt, DREXBL, HILX. SobatantUI atone and axacoa nnuae. at. cvnrvniencva: laraa rtiehe. lot: near aaf eajtrao. E. M. CKAKBMIlfi. fix T'!!'?!,. i - ebuNTRT erbRE Aaul.aa, ataiHal au mutt rrvm . pel l..l. i.oMtU .llUn. , NarfeTth BETllAThES Ten acree: near 2 ettjona. -ripe far development. Worrell. BBS N.lTik 00a n. MODERN home. 021 Deechwood: det.t n'iar troiier- ea. con., smwv, uoohe. ijoiunaqala , . Irollmng Lets st&AVTirOZ. CarnwylU Heights. Pa Wld-laa-lot aytesdld location train an-trofc-ly. Wrtla iar train tloSet-and further -ta-formation. 1 41. Ldger Oft Ice AWBuat; 7 ACRES rich land: lake; beautiful rur rouBdlnra; 'frut'i shade: Colonlalfhlataria dwel.tex. hot-water heat, batha. ' electrla llgbtst barn. Ideal country horns and,, farm combined i-laea than mile to atatlon. HENRT DIDDLE Ambler. AttDWOnK AKDMOnB Three-etory single brtclCdweir. Int. aa hall, llvtoe room, dining .rpom, pantnr, klrcr.on laundry. 7 bedroinna and bath, hot-air heat, gaa; lot 40x180: slate roof; price (8000. Wm. A McCrea, Art. more. Phone Ardmnre 37 j DWBL.L.INO 12 rcorne. 4 batha; lot 83x210. with" taraae. hot water; good condition; tnJtaaU'tor .apartment; reasonable. Ard mare 11 J. BALA IIL00O rlUBBTANTIALLT built atona land orVaMarto lot: enrmnlent location, r . WALTER S, SttTirERINP PaU. Ta. 4)iNHD CYNWYD ALLST0NE RESIDENCE .Two mtmitaa to Statlnn. 18 mlnutea ta Philadelphia, This ,4elrable proaertr Inst 7Isfsd. axceltanl constructlan with red slats reof.. Xlrtng roam. library, ball, eta. flrat fleer; second fleer. 4 re-ma, bath and steeping .porcL; Hhlrd floer.aanrant'a roam, Inspect Ian by a1nurn,t, Prtea, lt.84. ' .(Mia UnwrdBarwaa, )( op. twaad.,, . v 4 Mqm ' JAMES L.DbLAN.'cV CO. ' A tcwrvrTiJ- " r - , . -v6veWook'4tU t CTNWTTD Stone Cetanlal houae, acater hall; aoathsrn axpaaurei eaeea-ttaeia. ahnia bery; corner laf and 'billiard reom. 8 batha. t-adraanw. 8:,rirhaaiiatava -t2-aar.aWierl--aaM. at UM.aiaoUchAnn lot -pretarttea in 1 tha marhat. KERSHAW &CR0WL 1 7-. ,B2i8..caitrr3jtrT''gT. 1 fPHBHBsagHeBBryHlWa ft W-tirr- "bl:: 'hi? K'oiSSS BW.: TDM Si t. pike. ., fKjtynTLTAMiA-rpimBAW DHKXK1.rX JCOn.. DRBXBL AVE, 4 bl chambers. .ion HDatfiucnit iiin.vaiii, ipwto "'"""' nlce.leti.muet eell; will eacrlftce. .COOKE, Cplllardala. ' . ' ' , '- " "iqjtiNw rAJajf "' ' - - COLONIAL DUELLING, just cnft.eted:..10 room. -2-batha. hot-water heat.-harnweod floors; eonvtntent to train and trolley! lntj" Hat.Mlon McCOniltCK ' MCCOn-MICK,-l.lnoli BI4t,. or Klklna Tark. .14. TKXN HOCK roncil 1IOU8K8. mldftachwl! braln. ,Cmao .tC. r.A'wC,Ji(t;nf ." Mtrrlpt .it., B rmi h-wr hat! Wlda lot. I3th A Chamnlnit. wile enr lotl'Jr.l vao'ti Mtnrln it:. 7 rml-fciilvlr ehtap Mrrlhe it.," Ifit., I"t.Unel attl. bari. Nadro ar.. cortorf, dws.Acar.i to chtapl Spencar ave., nri T. rd., Mr. I la. lot! ! Fine bulldlnir IMii chfp and tilth, data. HOPK, tlt. 1ai 'Ntdro -Wyo 4H? Oprn Sun. rOX CHAHK- r IDR.HAUv Twatilr aul,-homM..rfc Ion,, lotatad Tir. rrt'liw, A.gm, Idyar'tWt rRAXICK UMIJkU&nA.'t n orunirj... Mry..T1jslac. contflnlnc. ac.. contflnlnc llln, i baUiaT. aa. alabla and -80 aciwa- larva atona dwal afaanr htat! arnr'" hou rtfaar: It mlnnira' wallr'rrnm atatlon: on ataOrtirahway.-C. ff i'oWflf ArOnrrTa: nt.matntc t)airahu iLnMin .atooa and 'tramftidetaehAd' MwelllnKt hot'waterTieat. taa-and eleetrlev1 near raln and trollerf termaj price IS300. "i J RENNINGER & RENNINGER OI.KNHIDK. VA UJDKRN a.rnom vutxaiow. eterr conrrti; '-nee; tot 7Sal21; aarare: prlca 1800. Call r&NNlNGER&-RENNINGER t- OINomB. PA. IJRANP-NKW" Colonial .'dweltlna', ererre -Tenlence: price 92O0.' caih" t200. Z. ni.natllai Ta . MfmAafilaa a(alflnfA ' 'iiAVKnyortn iifMED'tATH PQrfSflSlON Sle'nrf 'frame dwelllnc, IS rooma,. 2 hatha, newt liatnted and drcornted; taa and electrlcltr: loi U1200; tU.OOO. Thon vwftef. Dryn Mawr S W or Ixcuat 87o. ,1 i i ' - HlfllltaifD .rABaa WisESBION Modern dwrillnr. 8 roomTJ IBW)0 upward: -will finance, (1KOROB U. 1IAHNKM. 1201 rheitnnt.at, walnut- -tasa ATTRACTIVE STONE AND BRICK DWELLING In excellent coridttloriS 1 rooma. 2 batha: thorouihly moilttr.eonTeiUent , to atatlon and trolley; aarase. 'HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE I1LDO. IS 18200 Poaacraloh Octaber 1: Vrooma brtelt alaicroof rtwelllnr- 2 aquarea ta train of trolley. , A. M. THANK. Jenwntown. DETACHBD f( rooma' hot-water, heat. . hardwood floorarlat 7S3t204i for qulck'aata. AL111RD Hr-TnANK. Jehklnfwn, . - . IANOtJOTHfK NEAR G0LF-4GR0UND& "rollllASDINO VIEw"FOh 1' MH-H8. J 1-t-rm. hmiaei 2 baths: h.-w. heat. faa. elcc. .-, .aerei ahade 1n abundance j SO fruit treea. ! UTTRACTIV'JC LOCATION! MOD. PRICED J P.KTIIIH a box ana cneinBT,iriiiiiA iT ljNHnoVNE i THESE PROPiCRTIER ARE WELL. ar - I.OCATBD AND FINANCED ib,wv iwm nouar, aivio anq fincm M.B00 Twin houae, atone and ahlntie. '" I7.B00i-8tucco tiunxalowv44broomf. iiOO0 Stmldetachaddbrlck. 7 bedrooms-. 2;000 Stone and shlnate. hot-water h4at. ICOPO-CoIonlat, atorte -and "stucco. 'MUd 7.. bath. 4 beWroorn. hof-vater heat. tl7i00 Stone- and ahlmrte, corner houae, , hot-waUt heai aaraaei larae-lotS DAVID ,C. COOK gggygm nr.ieo Jn a beautiful- etacbad'-moaern, " home: lust completed; d.Mahiruwi- loeateo Ideal In apnolntmeota and'ctaae.to trlln and trolley: convenient to .stores, afncol and chorcnta: wlllflnance to a reasonable imount ... - Vli.lM. nnirkiifr. For further detklll ahdlnepictlon. addreaa W. H. JOHN KON. JR.. 75-.K. areenwooit ave Lant- itowne ta ; .annWirpk.1.nil.l dwe . alec, llaht: imm Tposs r80O.Ph : ownerIUna42; aae- ' v avwvnaTV IaAWNDAIX aah vaetl w a a aMhalaaai A aa anfl tifh low ui.r-iun .. !w.v .""?:-"" Aaimnnt t. biow verrr row o rwmi , rnribath rag. privilege. , 1112 ""J.rOLNET ' tin"Ctd- kN. E. cor. 4lh at. and Somervllle ave 8 I rowna ard bath, financed 1 , . ((. -t.a.s.Mwl . A rmi and hath. -.. M..-A lleltaii' at M1P nfTlra. n. Otn 11, l-nonw Jonuin am n . r MOORE NEW 7-room house, electric llghta. laundry. halt,, tAiioa. Real country nninu; iiy kiiq mntuiri lot 110x148; 10 rooma and bath: 1780, nHehr B rooma and bath, hot-water heat: lot 80x123: 1000. 14 rooma and bath, steam heat: fine loca- Hon: lot 100x128: 110.000. It H. ALLENi 81 Proepect-ave., Moore, Pa. "' Phona Ridley Park 41lW - NABBEKTB - ' $1,1,000 1 AtNarberth,Pa. ' A 12-room, 8-story, moderndetached house, ' let.SWlOO. electric llaht.- ateam heat, hard-i a.J"KLouti la tnV trom liroad St I HttW IIQURKS, all conTen1enea, (OSOO. l83.-i80O upwardvHARllIShaal E. tata. -opposite atatlon. Ifarbarth. I. OTBBBalOOK 0VERBRCJ0K Detached stone mansion; tlon of S main atraata: large and beautiful latr Snaaoaa. Vary desirable ttory aernldetached homo an Columbia Ave, r-deapioi. "Camtartabla .homo r- on-. wopdbrne ave near 84th at;: (-story, semi detached: rtaaonablo. Thraa-atory aeraldetacheu homes In tha ilOO block en Oxferd at., .2 batha. cantrat plant heat; perfect condition: bargain It aola at once. m llock N. ;.vlMJ0"'- T chambera. 2 batha, . hardwood flocra throughoot. incloaed porch; ' reason ably prlce4 Atwood road. 00 block. 8 rooms, bath and garaaa: Perfect- condtilon: Immediate possession: financed. McDEvrrr& mullin 0SD ST. AND leANCASTKIl AVE. Phana Overbrook 4808 FINS eauatrr ealn..Lopard road! Queen Anne rasloeoea, every confeoieaeai Ml. 000; Jerma, jarrantod; atUoInlna Ceates and Caa. tb,WgrTNICT. 203 tJbarty Bldg, bt. rtAvraw ST. DAVIDS Son?,ocSSd TISM'ZSIZS Tt Davldai hauso ha 7 bedrooms, 2 bathe! central plant ataaro heat- larwa lot With garage : Immediate posseirlon. Phona W" "HAS. .M. -DAVIS .WATNTB, PA. HVTATHMOr aWAnTItlOM)- .AV&-a-ty. Ideal aubur; ban hn: l,ro9Jfl Jt beea remo, Sox's.' SSaR-Skii11.! 15-lSL,a mtl.i. garatona. Darby 1. Joat beea remodelledl 1 aaia. Sharon wA.Tyg SALE WAYNE Near atatlon; brick boaae rooms) ali aonvaalanoaai ftaam toali In per ficl. conditions quick poaaeaaiont only (act conditions ivu. CHAS.'M. DAVIS bona (0 W. WATNTfl. PA. mmsmammmttmmm Vra-w i.i.,k hauaeat laraa lata; m fe!,.pUV,?..?,non.,,rgfta?,S TrwisrwoatrNO U.vnr MOUSE! lot 39x133: fruit: nawlr iaaored A painted! i?Tery easy terms. Tflillajeve-A Wlliiam; 1B TorreaAale ave. JTEW aTTsMBYclFBrTIBATf FOR SALE, for 8OO0, half Interest in ' ...ii., r left &eea of around near Cam den, about to bo developed Into building Iota which will sell -for profit of MS.ooo. or half Ihtii'-'st will amount to HT.auu immediate possession. Addre-is 1 owner. J. c. tKvVWfe 218 Wama ar Narborth. Pa. Hitunn: utm m..r. -v 1 - m-zz.. Phana Narberth 1278 Tt. . ' "" PAttfJf "T '' I ....-..-.r imirr nil raii.a irom i-iiita. -ri 1.11. .u .'iicii.i frKKmm.VANiA wtnt'itnAw WYNNEWOOD ' TN tha.haart of th. Maln.Llnr, upor1 a ahaOr, qultt road, atanda an nqnltlta 1IIIU. whlta hsuaa with a.rtd roof, built with treat ears. beautUullrTlnlahad. Tha front bwtroom facea South with Ara lara wlndowa, Yhera la room twin brda. bureau, dreaaer, labia, (beildra apaeeln plenlr fori chalae lonrue 1 eair chalra. frlrata ttlad bath and ahower. two larva clonta. On'tha aame far and eatr chalra. noor another larae n onini roomvrllh Iwdroom for a child. r And another tiled bath and a third room for aueit-room or nuraerrr- Twa-rooma vand bath on third floor. t ' xooma kano M a bla? Itvlmr re Downatalni a bit Itvlnc room, wall nreplara and frtneh oor;to jiorc! :n. 123,000. vrttt'yoitcMft'akifiti (rt . . , w. ;gordon smith . . 0rtiqe.at 'Station - Telephone, Ovcrbrook .a700 WAKttlOt 41. IMHIUalk .Liy lyCLTUCTth. PHILADELieHIA'S MOST CONVENIENT SUBURB ON THE MAIN LINE seventeen minutes from' Broad Street Station rrauent ' tram service all conveniences .churches, schools and stores A. FEW CHOICE OFFERINGS Elfht rooma and bath, aleeolna; porch, hat-water heat, electrla llM, encloaed porch) lot 801331)10300. Brand new, air rooma and 1alh. etec ' .trie llahl. hot-walar.heatl IMOO, Six roiuna and bath, aleetrlo llaht, team heat. 14000,' Six rooma and bath, aarajce) larara lotl 5000. WE HAVE-1D0 OTHER PROPERTIES LISTED JOHN A. CALDWELL , ' NARBERTH, PA. 'bpfoSlTE STATION OVnil nANK HOUSE rilONK I ' OFFICE PHONE NAnUKnTH 1087 KATIDERTII 1783 a new JiatnlBY WCTtmttAk RMonn . HADDONHELD, IMMEDIATE OCCLTANCT " ' Delached, well-deslaned country home; 7 chambers, 2 batha; 2. fire places: electricity; gas ranee; laun dry, atatlonary rubs; ample heatlnt plant; roomy porch; fine rustic euro mer house; arape arbor; hlehly-.devel-oped yard: beautiful shrubbery: "welt arown maplo and oak ahade; delight fully located In choice residential, district' A minutes from station; prlca 118.000: financed: property would cost at leasUtSS 000 1 replace. Phone 303 Haddonflel4 for, appoint ment. ' . THOMAS E. DUNN . TiHjnaavniHjt. ' J.G HXQ '8 SCI BShsaBsmgiroKfflBlfcTO'KJWIia IF TOU WANT something" different, see this rufnmer and winter home combined, cloae to elation: 7 miles to Philadelphia: complete In every detail: cost (38.000 tor build; will sacrifice at (10.SO0 and will finance: about 14300 required; this property la absolutely ealf-aupnorllna: all rUtt. veirttaMea.rallK, butter, rata and poultry raised onilha, prem laea Apply o owner. 810 Highland avo Wealvllla: N.'J. . " ...- MOOME8TUWN Fine modern, atonn property at pre-war (Uu.ra: 10 rooms, 2 bathg; a- rate: large gar krovo; bargain. , P C14. Ledger Office rjXlItWATKW rAatK DEUQHTFULX.T locaud rlvarfront property. la-rm. rcsldence.z pains; a resr eiciusivt location: 1I oo. wea.ner ..n.ny ...g. f itADooy HEionrw NINE ROOMS, bath, atoctrlo light, itotrn a..h h&da: linoleum on lower noorat cd . .7- - 7" ;:..- .... ...1. ait. -a a an. anaata; unoicum on lower inomi co "".,0 wK RtTCTIB Haddon HeWhta 1013 J, PRorERTT. 73x200: hot-water heat hard- wood floors; garage: old shade. 204 4th ivt. . ,t?."l.?ianl5a.ipri. .. wn.a Da m juaa m a a at liaa K ftltV Q(XyU U BIZ. l.aMirr tmcc, MKHCHANTVH.LJC TWO houses, all conveniences ono tile house, 10700; on frame houae. 10 rooma. 15000: all modern and up-to-date. Apply 80 Chapel I!.. Merchantvllle. N. J.. Oeorg. W. Davla. MOSTCT-AIR Montclair, N. J. New Colonial Home. (17.000. Center HallL sun parlor. 7 rooma. 2 batha: plot S&lofl Chile location, near railroad nd atorea Other ..restricted locations, 110,500. 112.000. (14.800. (30.000. Paul M. Fischer, Broker Theate' Dultdlnr. Tef. 2001 Montclair. P1TMAK EIOHT rooma. elec. light, all Impta. 80x180: (3000: fine lawn and garden: (100 cash required1 poaeesslcm. A 807, Lodarer Office NEW jERHEr WKASHrtWE ATtAKTtO'aTV COTTAOE. new. on Avalon ave, between Atlantic and Boardwalk, for sales bargain. APPlr M-UOAMPBELL, Real Estate and Law Pldg Atlantic City. Phone 4473. wnawoop il0 DAVIS AVE. Near beach- 34' r.; eleo. 'llehta, mod, ht. WORRELL, 838 N, 17th. rtoTPA 'it ACRES, house. B rooma; large porches: near Dial Highway: mils from railway depot: part with young oranaea, grapefiult. peralmmona. atc.1 flna. winter .Home: I2BO0 cash. Frank MeQowan, Frultland Park. Fla -- - j TEXAS PATVTT having ah optloh on 200 acrea of oil land, southeaet aectlon Brewster county. Texas, desires to sell a portion of aame at JlOO per section of B acrea: to purchaser a deed will ba gheDby oerner. For full par tlculara address 11 U4Q. .-MMP, ....V west vmoixiA 2800 ACRES of timber, near Capon Hpi w . Va WORREIJL. 683 North 17th rings. iKNNRyi.VAMU rAMM-S ipunLlC BALK---Frtllo 8fl-aero fapn for JohpT.Keysr.f' Saturday. Neptembar 33. at 2M WOllll - .-'".rr 1. nritll.m T.M K. w.w Javl n mile -.-.. ". , .n- and Philadelphia Trolley aj umnurai, between Collegovtlle and Pottstown: 30 miles Pblladilphla: -- ' ;,J7'- tleally new bam: 40 7ead: new farm build ings, stream, timber: heavily manured and limed eel), showing reaultes-'orope Included! money-maker at. ordinary, farmer prlca; detailed circular malted on request, with ah.toi. RBESB A tlNDERMAK, ant. 6 Alrr at . porri-jn ! owners raaiaenca; wieti.m ." -" Seat! oin nrtPlaeaa: baautlljil ..lawn ,and hade: exierwea ii.". "" Ci"" Ti wITi. riaaa house, raoaern cow bam. 48 head: :TI. ,n.l.- surest water In abundance: all necessary bolldlnt: macadam roads each ill) a and through farm! 180,000; less than coit of buildings. ujjtPUB TWP-. Delaware county, large bomeetead farm In fast oomlnjr location. WTrBTNBT. 33 Liberty Blda Wan JEjUIET WARMS NEARBY STOCKED FARM 9 acrea productive, loamy, fertile land: lee fields, brook-watered pasture- for '10 head. on atana tread, near taws. acooia. etc - apple orenoro. eisre ""'"!, "'" runa, lS-room atona bouse, etcalleot eond tlom lam porch, roaple shade and Phone: 2 large bama far 40 heaa, eorncriaa. waaon nouaea try nouaosa i Ttrr.M.. Near rTuladelphia 23 Acres. 2 Cows. 9 Pigs about 23 ehrekenp7 8' acres cornOOO late oabsaaa planU new arowlna. 8600 tomato Plants with umetees JuatirlpenlBir. all hay, Dtaohlaery and topis an place; flna 8-room houaa, oamentad cellar, bath, steam heat, running bet and cold watert.good barn and outbuildings; abundance of frult'of all kinds; oad water aupply. Everything- goes u (8300 with terms to suit all. Oct full At, tails and cataogug at nce. Reese A liind.rman, E, C. Airy at,. Norrlatown. Pa, poullry nouaea; ji b T.m '. V"""- " horaes. 10 chtekapa. automobile touring car wagona. all farm raaeninery ineauoeo. low price ii fis.OOO:-about i half, eaab accepted: tree llroafratad catalogs many other bar gams. HKW SkRSBtTJrM 1cWM6t. Ml C Real Estate Trust Blda., Philadelphia. Pa. I nJ. Sir WIFE won't atsy. win yourai ioi acres rmy"irt.VANiA-n;,HORAT rour winaowa. ana m eioeet an Ideal proportioned, aaar to f urnlah, iwlth lar uinina; room naa oar-winaow.- - - - ITAHnKhTR' and bath I elactrlo llaht, . hot-water heat) larro corner lot. 78xl23i one iquare from atatlon! IB. 000. Nice corner houaal lot ftxl00 elojlrlo llaht. hot-water heati"l7O00, M? r.'S,mJ! nd b,n' rfaailot BOx lnSl 18300, nururalowa from tOSOO to 114,000; all modern convenlenoea, MMMil B. E. SAXE OU EXCHA.VQE 180O0 CLEAR Attractive country place t,iiiSw0,o,! "!.? "Oftaaaed citJroSe' 110 000 clear 20.acro Jeraev r.tJf "8:i:: ouiioinga! take mortgaged Income nror-eTi II8.O0O Attractive country h?me vKii Forae; want dwelll-..:".1!?:..'!.0.'";-. .?"'?. S? rSltTSlJii! E?.'"- mc"1",n furnished hotel, nt, Petersburg, Fla, : want cltv lnv -,m-V.fiw 80.000 clear-Vnluabl' corner forP?rln, Into apt,; accept mortgaged 2:s,rv C aiu.uuu ciear Handsome nearby 1 seat: accept encumbered city property. 30.000 clear Cor. an,. 7 ..! saniA. 40,000 t I al f at sa A . country 1 S'.H!l.l..bu,lneM or A'"tlc City mortgaged I properiyi 173 000 rquttt -Central corner hulMln,. hi? accept Inrajj! tak less desirable clear. fo..uvu ciear uj acrea. zist ward accept central encumbered property. LA MR. A CO., -787 Walnut at. FARM. 2024 N. 10th Jrt.. PhtladelDhta. Pa. .....Kn . . ' ''I - aiiuuu .uiinern, main atr r., ft ,lu 1A-ka. house. West I'hlla.. 'paiiltv ilnn.'i... .. Atlantic nr Ocean Cltv cotlare, A 300 Led Off. COUNTRY aentletnen'a nl 28 0061 wani farm or small 'houses. Har- ,, ..,-, rmiri up,, ntation. warneMn fa. 14800 EQUITY In Philadelphia -aronertv fnr nutomohlle- state full particulars. B100 1 aoOD-PAYINQ Philadelphia property for seashore; state full particulars. 5100 Frankfnrd ave. BEAI, ESTATE SALE OB BENT FC-n IJENT OR FOR SALE Commercial . b?il?ln.! .lo"aslnn. first of November: 80 by 100: 8 stories and basement- about' 25 000 ""V.? Jf' "J'.m hM,t. electric elevator. wn'o''rN'i?' MOnnls FOR RENT or sale, hahdeome modern resl- I",.-, 8. foo"" hnd bath. Apply owner. ?,:5"J,W5"j!in!,0,n v-! "nt 8n month. Woodland 2338 J. 17-ROOM apartment houae, 10th and Rpruce; renovated- part of estate, n 1127 I.edg Off. fHEATNTlT niLL fltrnishep or itNriinvran"" JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. CHBrrrNtTT HILL. PHILA. CheatnutHIII 1337 Cheatnut Hill 2f)!T ATTRACTIVE STONE HOUSE 13 ROOMR. 3 IIATH3 1 4-10 ACR13B. OR 2H ACRES. S DP. HIRED. HIOH OROUND: ATTRACTIVB NEKHinORHOOD. FOR PRICE Pliv? POTOORAI'HS AND ANY KUnTlIKli PARTICULARS, APPLT TO. uur"Kn MEARS 5c BROWN 202 8 13TH ST, ROxnoRoufin POSUHUUIUM uoionia home: 4 acres- -... train. SJtrm. 133 Pt llr? i".' r BEAL ESTATE WANTED CITT cEUimS ,.m"lnJ tor non -n X!,u,?".la',lph.,! our " been S-l?Uft -u"y "'le- 'T' S. C. ABERNETHY 1328 CHESTNUT 'VVAN.T to ..buy .or room, porch-f ront house; city preferred: price not over Office' 'UU parllcu'"- A 220. Ledjer 1 Kh Pbff r0.Un'?,,",rl".for "roperllea In .N?ir,.i "" n1 Oermantown. and aollclt offiea Ur proprly tor ' with my WALTER V A8H1IY. 2840 If 28th. Member Phils Heal Kitale Board. fOUNO COUPLE wlah to rent small modern, furnished houso or apartment for 3 toll montha: no children, Chestnut Hill dlvlelom P. n. p.. preferred: 180 to (100; parttculara requested. Phone Walnut 1008 or write B01 ansa i a.inip H" aHUH,, JTniia MOHTUAQK loana and lira Inauranct pro! old and rtntfd. - ARTHUR BOSWELL ",.,. WANTED Within 10 miles of city Hall with a preference for Cermantown or vi cinity. 8 to 10-room residence m1jl.l or detached price (3300 to 7B00. accord' '"ar 40 cortaitloni state full particulars. M 108, Lcoaer Otl.ce WtMlTFftli!.",1; ' "".."?. '" Irooa rner preferred --', UMO A CO 787 Walnut at. - WANTED-To i rent modern house of e or 0 rooaos In Philadelphia auburb; wilt malti deposit to Insure safskeeplng. M 103 ajagaagteia yaae-jw aKHMANTOWN. Mount Airy and Oak Lena itivi-ii,,-- --..-, -T- .(q sum ouii aur Hat almost entirely depleted. Beck A rX 131B Cayuga st Wyoming 880 " WANT for client with (BOO house south of Ralnbrldge, west of rfrOad ol MARSHALL, 1824 Chestnut WANTED Suburban house for cash! not over IB mllea center of I'hlla,; state par- tlculara and alio of lot m 032. Ledger Off W WANT PROPERTIES for aala In Wait Ptilla WEST PHILADELPHIA nEAL B9TATE CO , 8000 Baltimore ave " VERT dea. amaii turn, apart, or house wanted oy roan ana witei n montha lease: north aectlon or euhurban A 23 I,ed Off. N. BnOAD BT. property! If right price Is quoted, wilt make quick settlement. at QI, !."!-' W...V- CLIENTS waiting for 8 I'hlla properties; Wnat nave twii wihimm, 1B3Q H 2d st. HAVE clients for store and dwelling north Ol mtmwmmi. .wi-nae Liu o. aq jrVaiartoa, Warehouse, Maaofaeturlng Tloora WAtrED factories warehouses floors. MAKUNLY 6t DILLON Iicust 2018 Flanders BM. WANTED TO HUT Factory building 1 or 3 Biunr ciiiiiaiiuna aooui OD.uull aq, ft with aiding and ava'labte ground for future axtenalona M IUH ledger Of Ore, WArTUD -Induatrlal plants, wnrrliouars. .. nJ... .... .'. V ,miw, iyt wncoin mag. j VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES CITY CUmalANTOWT WANTEI-To bur home with conranleneei bedroorna, 18000 or ltJ Oerrnantown Cheatnut Hill or .vicinity, with aotna around, not iieceaeartly modern, Addreaa, arlYlna lo eatlMi deaerlptlon and tcrma. M 314.-- Vtittr Of no. V " . ricNwavf,v.roA--ap'BtmrtAW I WANTED Medlum-alaed .apt, or houae to rent, unfnrni family of tadulta.-r 820 Ledaer wtnoe, nhw jrwwTiT-MjrAwnohr. WIUDWOOD CREST Two. adjalnlna lota wanted, totallnr about OOxlOOi atata exact locatloni payment to cover 72 montha it 881, Ledter Office. BgAL ZBTATE FOR BENT ' Cnt Immediate Possession Yearly'Leases HIX MOHT-.MODElnN, llOMEH. IKyf. .WATKn HEAT. EL.ECV7.10HTlUnD. riN' M. K IKlm.BVATin. APPI.T GEORGE E. KUNGLER 4420 N. 8TII ST. TIOOA 2217. 1 500 SPRUCE STREET Will leaae for' a term of yeara, aptendld corner lot, 28x110; 4 atorlea can be uaed either for bualneaa or apartmenta. J. C. FULLER 10 fl. lfith t.; miia. 1 WONDERS FOR RENT We are olterlnr aeveral dealrable aultea of phyalclana offices on Spruce 18th to 19th. J. C. FULLER 10 8. 18THBT. Desirable Floors for Rent ,1018-1020 Arch St Excellent light: 2800 aq. feet; best location on Arch at.; low rent; heat Included. Apply to owner, flrat floor, lino Arcn at. , , KWfflMWemmaiioi FURNISHED 11-room house, modern In V" aeiacnea; oes an1 orroundlntaiH "ouare 1 square from station. Phone eautltut grounds rrom trolleys, Wyoming 023. 218-40 N. FRONT, corner New st. About 4.1.1HHI square reet: tone-lease, W. BRUCE nARRRliW. 136 N. 12th NO 3 REAR. 2120 Wood St.. 4 rma . (Ii. Jno. J. Mlnnlck. a e. cor 10 A Olrard, Fqit RENT S. XV. cor. 21st and Market J!TU - 1 aa noor, woxiiu: oinces nr uant ima. llualneaa PropeTtlea and Htorra Ci llIffiBMimfflJinifKWaMHCIB Tire or Automobile Salesroom 1419 N. Broad St. a t Two-Story New Building Wonderful Location ' CHARLES KAHN 1421 CHESTNUT ST. Locust 2400 STORES AND aOORS for rent. Write for "information. B926, Ledger Office. STORE on Market at., east of 7th st. "Rental reasonable: possession: good for re tall purposes. Apply LANARD A AXIL BUND. 807 DoncklA Pldg. Walnut 2201. 211-18 N. WATER BT. 15.000 to 2S.000 aq ft.: suitable nnv business or storage. C GOLDMAN. 73S Walnut. 8. W. COR 21BT A MARKET ST8 3d floor. 0x20. ofllces or light Dullness. Taclorlea.VTarehouaea. Mannfacturlng Floors Parlnrv 23O.OO0 sq ft.: power; with 100 raciury ft De. river front; pier. Wnra-Viniice- 100. 000 'square feet, Dels- Pnrfrnrv 230.000 square feet; power; 800 I aiiuipr t(tt Delaware rl.er front; pier. Wnrrrini1i. IBO.OOO square feet with TTOICltUUSCS D,Uw,ro r)ver peri D 8 n Chew. 828 Commercial Trust Bldg. '4.000 SQ FT., KENSINGTON. 8,000 sq ft., Oermantown. e.OOOaq ft,. Kensington 10,000 sq, ft,, warehouse, Olrard ave, in. 00 J sq, ft,, new bldg,. Kens, 18.000 sq. ft., warehouse, Del, are. 23.000 aq. ft., central. 4 tnr. 23,000 sq. It , Ken-ilnirton ARTHUR II. rRASr.R. IOIO Sansom Racer 2330 Spruce 3.188 FLOORS AND FACTORIES 8000 SQ FT. 18,000 SQ 1T, 18.000 SQ. FT, NICHOLAS & THOMAS 012 LAND TITLE DLDO THIRD .FLOOR, new building, freight cleva - iot. e-Gciirni nam, neat, central location: Immediate possession, about 4700 square ft Apply Columbia Tool and Machine Co., 4th ana Brown 1214 ARCH ST., 2 modern floors, each con taining 6000 square feet. ALBERT M. (IRc,EMIK!.t A CO. 18th and Cheatnut sta. RENT, second and third floors, 2400 sq ft, each; 2217 Ranstr id st, MJaroney A Dillon. Flandara Pldg Locust 2018 WILL ERECT bulldlntr, 30,000 to 100,000 square ft. DE1TKHICH. 787 Walnut atT Oarnaea (18 MONTH Oar., rear of 3312 Race. Thos. II. Twlblll. 812 Liberty Rldg Wal. 2049. omCEH. BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. piUC-smMllll! FIRST aOOR BANKING OFFICES ABOUT 2800 SQUARE FEET EXCELLENO LOCATION IN UPTOWN FINANCIAL DISTRICT WILL SHORTLT BE AVAILABLE FOR RENT APPLT TO MEARS 6c BROWN 202 S. 1BTH ST. Wholesalers, Attention 1 I have 4000 square feet of dis-, play and showroom spaco on Mnfket' street near Broad. Ex-' cellent liglit. Suitable for ofllces. A Wonderful Opportunity Lionel Friedmann Land Title Building; CHESTNUT ST. OFFICE BETWEEN 6TH & 7TH STS. SECOND FLOOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION SEE MR nRED PUBLIC LEDOKhC nTrt AND CHK3TNUT CO STS OWCB SPACE. lOOO aq. ft.. In new cen tral bldg.. w sublet or sell pamtio?. at ooit price; lease expires August, 1021. " A, Ansler. 121 Chestnut st. VERT desirable outride office; use of wait-Ina- room and atenog-rapheri Wldjner Hldg, p SOW Ledger Office IJkND TITLE IILDO One or 2 rooma: de sirable lawyer's suite Apply 1203-12U4 Land Title Bldg. "" OFFIC3 for '"' or lultahle doctors den. I ; Jits. Cooper Sq. Apl. Hldg., 24 a x",tna' M lacsffina hi t -,.-- - -' A-i 12TH & CHESTNUT BUILDING (Formerly Acker's) Building being altered for offices, 'or. the. renting .of entire floors. Particularly v adapted for Cprporations, Law. rfirfn$,' Bankers, etc. : ; ..' 1 , First-class elevator service. Modern up-to-date appointments throughout. ' - Agent on Premises , - Or Through Your Broker - VON H- HERR ;V: ; Phone-Walnut.4979 ... QgW.CEgniLHJXKHSOOMHjJCTCi. VIGJ0RY BUILDING 1001-13 CHESTNUT ST. Several Desirable Ofllces for Rent Albert M. Greenfield &. Co. 1BTH AND CHESTNUT 8T8. OI1H1ILE I1LDO . 170S-10 Chestnut Doslr. studios rent. J. II Jar.lella. 1B13 Christian ProfeaalonrJ Office-. FRONT PARLORS, well equlpoed for phy sician: hot and colds water, e.ectrlc lights: excellent service 2013. Chestnut at. t.anniJ'. nnnfH in corner building for rent: sultaBlo for office, business or profeslonal purposes 1437 Spruce st Storm . STORE ON IrlARKET ST. EAST OF 7TH ST. Rental reasonable: possession: aood for any retail purposes Apply at once LANARD & AXILBUND LEA8INO SPECIALISTS 307 Denkla Bid. 11th A Market ata. Bell. Walnut 2J01 Key., Race 1414 1214 ARCH ST. STORE & BASEMENT Containing 1 0,000 Sq. Ft. Albert M. Greenfield & Co. 1BTH AND CHESTNUT STS. STREET FLOORS for rent' Write for Information. D 020. Ledger Office. WEST PHILADELPHIA ' RENT 229 SOUTH 52D ST. 3-STORT BTOUE AND DWni.I.INO Albert M. Greenfield & Co. 1BTH AND CHESTNUT HTS. BETTER THAN RENTING 142 a month for the 3-e-orv realdence 3030 Pine at. In the University section of West Philadelphia: the house haa 4 bedrooms alttlna room, bathroom, parlor, dining room and kitchen; all conveniences; the house Is for sale only hut the carrying charges are only (42 monthly, Plus a small payment to reduce he second mortgage l'EMHEUTON E3 TATEH owners Harrison Rldg ! WE HAVE FOR RENT NEAR 40TH AND PINE STS . AT 37S A MONTH, a 8-atorv houae with B bed chambera, now ready for occupancy. PEJIITERTON' ESTATES, 818 Harrison Bldg 221 8 B2D ST. Upper floora. 8 rooma and bath, suitable for professional offices or apartment. ALBERT M. OREKNFIELD A CO . 18th anil Cheatnut sts BB27 WARRINGTON AVE Six rooms bath; garage: wide street: rent 100. Phone Llanerch 184. Open for Inspection Sunday, 2 P m OFRMANTOWN NEW HOUSES PORCH AND TERRACED FRONT8 HARDWOOD FLOORS TIIOUOHOUT HOT-WATER HEAT - ANNUAL LEASES TO SELECT TENANTS ' NEAR BCHOOL AND STORES WOODSTOCK BTHUET AND OBTH AVE . NORTH Take car No, 4u on Erie or Wayne ave to Chelten ave. Limekiln pike or York road car to Chelten ave. WM. H.- LIEBRICH BUILDER 2840 HIDUE AVE. I.QGAN WB HAVE a few more homes to rent In 4000 BLOCK N. FRANKLIN ST. at (OB per month on 0 months' lease. ' MAURICE LICHTMAN B. W, COR, BROAD AND LOUDEN STS, PICNNS I.VAMA KIllUlnilAN iJiiiiiJiiiiiiirjiBiraiiiiiiajiiiiiiBiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiaiiiiiiitiijiiiiiiijniiii'jiii: THREE-RTORY semidetached home In Overbrook, A bedrooms and 2 baths, cintral heat and artesian water; yearly lease. Beautiful 3-room-and-bath apart ment on Woodbine ave,, central plant heat, good water; light and gaa for cooking Included, yearly lease,. McDEVITT & MULLIN 03D ST. AND LANCASTER AVE. Phone Overbrook 4DU3 I-LANHIiril FURNISHED. 10 modern home with aarnae large lot. RYAN, 6010 Market g", o? k1": NARsV ERTII FOR 'RENT Main Line P. R. R . near Phlla. handsome detached corner modern house beautiful lo cation; bet. school and stutlon- 0 bedrooms sleeping porch Hide clc fixtures, hardwood floors Apply A IUH U .liter Office "r,n""" OAKMONT FURNISHED. 10 and bath. 2 acres, with gurage, (130 jier niunth. RYAN, B810 Mirket st or.Klrkljn, !. i um m nn DMhn i cny "? -v 1 ? Ii . t. . , . I- t e. . - - .M. s .41 1 rENNvt.vA?fiA wuwfaaAN OTRXRRnaK i "DENT two apartmtnts at ",A0vrb.ro HMO and $ 1 60,00, including hia'tO'lisht. water, all conveniancea; imme-. diato possession, ' i W. GORDON SMp. Overbrook 8700-6,1.02 FOB BENT FURXS1SBXD- '" ' "'"' ' i i r i rF.NNHYI.VANlA StaUWIlAW 1UDN0R Twelve rooma, pstthg; llJS'elea trio light; spring water ani'taraaa COUNTRT residence. VilahedVifl, rooma, 4 batha: alec lUmtsMhpk water atable-garago with B-rm. apartraent ijlo XSSSLTRACTf. ?,Mt 'mwovem.M.:"." country or golf Club; -cloae to Mellon VILLANOVA Nine roonia,-2 piths: suMa rarace: (100. RADNoA hKALTI cal 828 Commercial Trust lUdg, ""? TO L'.52?HJ..B. t !:"!'tr jo& 61 houso. 8 rooms and balh. hot-witeV electric llaht. wa.h.e -i-.K.. .' neat. JlGp per mon.h; yearly leaae.' p, 6 if, W sdowne. Phona fiundav nr .m.i... f downe 497 XV. " """ FURNISHED. In OverbrooV beautiful new 8-room stone houae, with garage and run parlor: a sunshine home; 2 blacks 'from lid at. trolley; at 8138 Lebanon arS; rVfeit". required. Call Sunday and Monday M0RTOAOE3 WANTED FIRST MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT . FRANK H.CSS& CO. . BI8 WA7a?UT ST. ON- FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR FIRST MORTGAGES BURTON C, SIMON 20th 6t Passyunk Ave. $100 TO $5000 TO LOAN Real estate owners! note or mortgage! Imra dlate settlement if desired. Long er inert terms or Installments. Obligations tsken up ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD 303 Ballsy Bldg,. 1218 Chtalnct St. ft - . WE HAVE tunda for mortgages and will assist home buyers en our RENTAL-PURCHASE PLAN by personal application to MAURICE UCHTMAN BROAD AND LOUDEN STS. 130 NOTE ON MORTOA0B3 TO Immediate settlemiau (1000 Unsettled estate loan. Building association fund DEMPSKr A CO., 37 fl. lSlh at. - $50 Tn Rial estate aecuiity. Immrdlate settlement. Interest on tatti nouant. iaaa ac unce. $2000 EWD. M. MOLL &"., WE REPRE8ENT 0 of in, Urtfit bullafi and loan aisoelallon and alr appllei tlona for flrat. second and apllt mertnn In any section of the city or suburbs WILLIAM JAMKfl KteOOH, Lahd Title BKf Mortgages for Home Buyers B 326. LBPOCT OFFICE , s,vA,nnTnir.cs tAitno ekeh. for sals on stores worth (13.000 eachi a per cent lr- tereit and liberal bonul Thofnaa P. ? Mil SlS Llbirtv Bldg Phone Wal 7)4. ... FOR BALE ailt-edg flrat mnrlrt(. per cent, aecured on Philadelphia reeV M- tatei surns from (2300 to 18.000. Inlrs William West. Green's Hotel , . 100 000 FOR flrat and second morlji also B. A I. loans Ixiwl. J. Orubb. KOJ iReal Eatate Truit Bldf. Walnut 1M HAVE FUNDS FOR MOl .. H.,u m.iv-a ',i4 at I', A. iJBiy, .'rai a. - m. WORRELL & CO. jffft ,M a- aaa. a.. - . I I ' T ,.ft.ft tjvw 18300 homta. Wlllmfa Miiiv rtialtiencei oftii T.ib3rxy wj liAflK'""" " Rob D.jtjangfi!!". 5"" A''n (8 lnu ..-- UtMTKY TO:iV6A : j READY MQNE;Y- United States Loan Society iif iarurir nllOAD 230 Market, 284 -permanljijA. ,JH DIAMONDS'. WATaKSiBWU7J; """"" """"'"""ff I rrTTTS AAOfW-WIII 9T l jwr wh -": "iSWi&WSSVViCmS. - a anniLicw a- - - -Til a . r w i-r" ''" 'r1 A i 'S ,1 rr i V 1 ?T'V,i,r-t- i S't' ,Ug& K-j vAisV . ,, TVWf 4l vtfSir-4AV, jjrA ,; ,