4TP3? "TR.. "V V v kVZ J v w - ' 'if K.',' i - ., . I U I i ' . "J . i i f , . L ' "ill. I,, P. .Am J. .11 " ' v w : gw 4 ti l . V it 4?. 7j l i ' ;v A . " . v '---- T r i ,., . i" i t . i , -. .i. ,771 .. " " law i-... Am i m. m w V '---..J. 1L. . - -L. - 1 J WAKING, I rDEFEAT BOLSHEVIK! FoVco Russians Out of Eastern Oalioia Rghting to Con tinuo Ponding Peace continue to raalitaln, the rlewpolnt tbat Finnish interests arc"ao inter' VfOTCn with sovereignty over the Aland, Islands that Finland alone has the right to decido whether tliorc shall be ft plebiscite. Sweden, however, is urging the league to h'old a plebiscite. i - - ...- V - V- .1 - . . .1 .- T ,.T. I ., ITALIAN EMPLOYERS-OBJECT I !t IIVCJinniTf' ' . UlhmaUcCBR.- RIO WELCOMES ROYALTY REPORTS DIP ON MACSWINEY i LEAGUE HEARS 1 Warsaw, shevik fore J-Lw n Brazilian Capital King and Queen With Enthusiasm Itlo Janeiro, Sept. 20. (By A, P.) Oay crowds of merrymakers marched through tha utrrotn nf tho Tlrnxlllnn pun. Jltal Inst night in honor -of King Albert niCDIITPQlatul Queen Elizabeth of Belgium, who Ul&rUICO.innded hBre ln the Uornoon. All the ' thoroughfares were brilliantly illuml- , tinted and conspicuous among the decu the Associated Ties rations were the colors of tho allied and a A Tfrpaainn Ttnl associated tintlnn. Ah Mnhnrnrn nrn. forces have been driven out of l?ftm of entertainment for tho royal vis lorces nave dccu onven oui ltor. who th fl . k a d Mittrn naiipia bv a general rousu ... . iit b,i, a..t. I.. ...,... advance along the southern front I after thelr arrivni hcrc ' MtAtwlri,1, An tatewtln, feature of the last few lr rifehed the line of the lower ' U?T ' the'r voyage v.as the fact that 7aJu i. h. Xotlon fof the stress ! Albert, in the narao of Uruguay, t5 feo JiZtyiuT BoBtteriom w.U. The kfng 'made jjecled shortly. Unaccompanied by a guard of honor I Paris 8ept 20 (By A P 1 Po or other evidence of their official Iden- lind and Lithuania have agreed to sus- tity, King Albert and Queen Elizabeth, rfcnd nil hostilities, pending an inquiry , with President Pcssoa ant Scnhora Pes' ifeU decision of tho Issues at stako by ifoa, deviated from last night's propam tls Council of the Lcngue of Nations, by riding through the handsomely deco lf.tvs announced hcre this morning. rated and brilliantly lluminated Ave- I The Polish-Lithuanian accord came nida Ilio Brnnco, which was crowded atter the Council had adopted a rcso-1 with people. The throng quickly rccog lotion calling on the countries to cease nlzed the royal visitors and gave them liimifU. immpdlatplv The resolution I an ovation ed Lithuania to adopt the provisional Delegation Telia Premlar Qlollttl They Will 8ubmlt, However Home, Sept. 20. (By A. P.) Del egates of Italian employers informed Premier Qlollttl yesterday they were unable to ' approve his formula -for reaching a settlement of the controversy Greets Belgian1 Irish Loaguo Says He Is Worse, t0 lti Tbo premier rCpiied that he would assume full responsibility for im UNA GRAVE GR1SI While Jail Physicians Soo No Chango posing his plan, and later issued a it crco making formal announcement of his action. , Efforts were made early In the day to .. . ..ir-unn reconcile opposing points of view re GIVES MESSAGE TO FRIENDS gardlng the premier'., plan. This meet ing aajourncu anu,incn ucicgaiesoi fne Un Accordo Sarebbe Stato Rag giunto tra Industrial o I Rdpi prosentanti DegHOperal Motaljurgiol By Hie Associated Trcm lonrion, S,ept. 20. Terence Mac- Swlney, lord mayor of Cork, bad a bad night and was very weak this morning, according to a bulletin Issued by the Trial. aAl.TA.Aptn1nnf!nn Tjnncrllf Tho bulletin stated that Annie MncSwlney, ' Deputies during the first fortnight of sister of the lord mayor, had Just left , November, instead of at the end of that employers and the workmen held scdu rate conferences. Most of the time at tho joint conference was taken up with conilderatlon of the question of dis missing workers. it Premier Qlollttl expressed the hope - of being able to reopen the Chamber of PubllahM nnrt-DUtrlboUd Under PERMIT NO. 841.1 ' Authdrl'Kl by th net opOotDNr ISI7. on ftl At tho Poatortlca ef Thl Idphta Pa. . . -" rottmsiter CWnrt. t h i.- -f iv. m nt I or fliril br the .ftu jirsms Council In December lost nnd , Withdraw ber troops from tho territory tb, the west of the line, while Poland I 4 as askfd during Its var with Sot let, Butsla to respect the neutrality of the , territory occupied by Lithuania east of vtre line oi uciuuiauuu w. j Sjipreme Council HOLD BOMBING SUSPECT Man Arrested In Alleged Montreal Plot Carried Dynamite Montreal. Sent. 20. (Bv A. P.) ' With one suspect under arrest, police ,ntflnr nf thf Vflfflie a UrDUraUOn i nn nnnw..xt- ntAmnf Un..t.,U. (l,f a rlhie In a most dramatic manner attne),,,,,, iocal hotei ownej by yjj. Hone mcoung oi iuu v-uuuv.il wU.(rcd commicr. xne siue wans or tnc l)e delegates am spcciawrs seemeu hotcl nnd Ul0HC ot thc noynl nroom Ssimistic as to the probability of anjc.,, building adjoining were badly treement being reached, when lKnaccldamacd- .n PmWrvaVI. PollBhe delCISatC tO tOe I W-ltnn V C.- no,l lnlr T,,hn IJeague of Nations, arose ana maue r sftjj hc came ilero from tle TJnitcJ stirring speech in which he said 1 olanii i statcS) na(i jn his possession when or- tpirea 10 oe in munix bw """refted. tne ponce sav, a bcick nnu a itifhujinttt and had full confidence that JJithuanla also desired peace. JThe Lithuanian delegates, headed by foreign Minister Woldcmar, walked wer to the Polish delegates and warmly n look hands with them amid cheering by tic 'spectators and delegates marking tf e'first instance in which the league s ii sdlaUon has been accepted by coun t lea' virtually in a state of war. M. "vroldemar said ho had full confidence it, the spirit of fairness of the council 'tte league nnd would abide by its dc o slon. Finlnnd also ironed out her d faculties with the council by accept -i3g,with certain reservations, tho re lrt of the council on the Aland J ilabds question, which calls for nn in v 'Stigfition by three commissioners. TJeon Bourgeois, the French rcpre ntatlvo ln the counrll, spcaklns at the o ening of the session, asserted that lbmiSsion of the Lithuanian-Polish and .Viand Islands disputes to the council i Wis the best augury which had de Ioped for the future of the League of i Nations. , I n IThe council today approved the pur- cjiase of the Hotel National in Geneva I cfe the future home of the league. I ljefinlte transfer of the districts of I Hupen and Malmedy to the sovereignty if Belgium was recognized following an ' 56vBtrgatlon of the protests filed by ' (fermans against thc plebiscites IThe Finnish reservation on tae re port of the council on the Aland Ulands question, given out bv M. Rnchell. Finnish ministers in Paris, vrtis that Finland reserves the right to half of dynamite and three lengths oi fuse witn detonating caps ataencd. NAMED ON SARRE BOARD League Appoints Dr. A. Hector on Governing Commission Paris, Sept. 20. (By A P.) Thc Council of thc League of Nations to day ratified the appointment of Dr. A. Hector as member of tho Harre Basin governing commission, and accepted the resignation of Herr Alfred von Bock from the same position Von Bock resigned after the strikes and other difficulties in the Sarrc Basin last July Brixton prison, whero hc today began the thlrtv-nlnth day of his hunger strike, and declared his condition was unchanged, except for the weakness in cident to his long fast. In his report to tho. home office the physician at Brixton prison reported that thc lord mayor's condition was irtunlly unchanged. Lord Major MacSwlnoy last night wrote a message to Irishmen through out thc world on behalf of himself and tho hunger strikers In Cork jail. After thanking them for their sympathy nnd prayers, thc lord mayor said, nccordlnj to the London Times : "If this .jjold-blooded murder is pushed through It will leave a stain d the name of England which has no par allel (oven In her history) and which nothing will ever efface. It .will rise before the English people whencwr they offer .mother pcoplo frlendhlp. We feel singularly privileged nt being made in struments of God for evoking such worldwide cxpro'slons nf admiration and, support for the cause of Irish independ ence nnd recognition of the Irish repub lic. If we nre to die, vo nre called to that even greater privilege nnd happi ness of entering the company of those who died for Ireland "We forgive all tho,.e who are com passing our death This battle is being fought with clean hearts, purely for our countr. We have made our peace with God and bear ill will toward no man." After invoking God's blessing upon all who prayed for the prisoners, Mac Swlncy concluded by saying : "I believe God is watching over our country, and by His divine decree her resurrection is nt hand. I believe this is her last battle for liberty and that God will crown it with complete vic tory." ' ASK FOR and GET Horlick's The Original Malted Milk for Infanta and Invalids Avoid Imitations and Substitute! month, ns has been customary. A num bcr of Socialist deputies visited the premier, nnd Insisted on an' immediate reopening of Parliament in order to bring up n discussion of their bill on tho new stntus of workmen and tho re lations of the men and masters Inside manufactories. DENIES ROYAL GEM SALE Bolshevist Says Only Private Jewels Are Exported Stockholm, Sept. 20. Exportation from HusSia of diamonds and jewels In order to obtain foreign credit for the Soviet Government is defended In a s"tnte"ment by Leo Komcriev, head of the Ilusslan Bolshevist trade mission, printed in tho Social Demokraten. Although M. Kamcnev denies, personal participation in the exportation of precious stones, he declares It has never been n secret. Inasmuch as all goods have been nationalized. State and crown jewels, adds M. Kamencv. have not been offered fo'r sale because the. stock of diamond! on hand, which he admits wcro taken from shops nnd private sources, have proved ade quate for the purpose. mmy nEsoitTw ATlAyTIC TITY. N. 4. Coolot and Moat Attractive location Hotel Esplanade Whole block on ocean front. Doaton to Hoiertlcn avw. Exclusive Chelaen section. Ideal family hotel. Capacity SOO. Prl vatn ana publlo fresh and ata water batha. Orchestra. Uooklet. Ownership .direction. - W. P. hllAWt PRINCESS H. Carolina are., close to Dmeh & Steel rirr Best moaerate.ratf, hotel' hrlrlr ataj.1 A .t.na -...ii '. :r;: '.:.'".r.i-.i -:y -- construction; capacity ow: Dairul Lomlru, 20 1.etf'oiflhroTlJtl tiispuu da Itoma all'Exchangc Telegraph che i negozlati tra gll -industrial! r operai mctallurglcl in Milano si statl conclusl icrl, domenlc'a, e che nccordo c' stato rafalunto sopra og punto, ad eccezione .dlquclio riflcttiii' 11 llcenlamcnto dcgll opcral colpeu dl rrlmlnl ncll'lnterno dcsll stabil menti duranto il pcrlo'do della occupn fl rlonc da parte del predetti 'operai. Secondo il dlspnccio gll opcral mctnl lurglcl cvacuerannOjgll atablllmentl. London, iv settcmbrc Trc pcrsonc sono rlmasto uccjs e set fcrlte per un'esploRlono avvenuta nel polverlflclo Ionfolo a Manto,va, secorido un dl- lrftacdo'tiunto da'.Boma, Ii'esploslohe, clie dannegftlo' pai ccchle- case si crede che sla ' avvcniita dellberataments per bpcra dl scon6a!utl.v , Un dlspnccio da'Genova reca che la iiotlzla ha rlnvchdto In'inri stalls due lombe cnrlcho "adalto esploslvo: L6 due luinbe sarebbero' slmlll a'quella fatta esplodere venerdlVlnnanzl al palazzo della borsa. ItoniB, 10 settembre I delcgatl rap- icscntanti gll induntrlall drgll stsblll- tentl mctniluTglcl hanno oggl lnfor- mto 11 PresldciUe del Conslgllo del Inlstrl, On Glollttl, che essl sou6 1m- isIbilitatl ad aPDrovate la sua pro- win per. raggttiDgereuna slstdmazlono nn vcrimzu con kii operai meiauur 1 ma 'jChe, dovranno sOttomcttervlsl. ,ui Glolcttl ha rjsposto iche egll as ieva la plena rcsponbablllta' per 11 no da, luf impOHto e plu' tnrdl.emct- vn un decrcto' facendo formate, an nlo della. BUa nzlone. '" (Igni posslbllc, sfotzo c stato fatto nnane ntr rlconclllnrc gll oppostl nil dl vlstn'rlguardahti'll piano pro to dal PresIdcntcrOcl Conslgllo del .ilslrl. Una riunlpnc Al riguardo ngglomatai ed i .dolegnti dcgll Indus ,,ilt ed rnpprescntantl dcgll opcral lino tcnuto separate conferenze. Kama, 10 settembre. L'Ou. Gloilttl oggl esptesso 'la spyranza dl poter ,crc In grado dl rlaprire 11 Parla- Dl A M ON D S RAIIRUT .BOUGHT. Honse of Established Retlabllltr Hf heat, Prices Value Guaranteed 6 North 11th St t Door ah. MarWt LICHTEY'S l.jwiJ .. -Ji-I nij'JlAtB.'i rtni'nris- Dicutu ucim prima juiu.,.v -., i,-j V.i- slmb novembre' lnvece delU floe dl dettp mese, come era consueiuaine.' tf ..,.,, ,u enntnli nAelAlistl ha 6ggl avuto tin cslloqulo con l'On. Cld-, llttl ed ha irislstlto ner l'lmmediata riaperturn del Pnrlhmento alio sjorio dl lnlzlare sublto la dbJcusslone deua legKe proposta sul nuovp stato nlcgll tjSoral e la rclttzidnl tra iavoratori e padroni ncll'lnterno uegu RiaDiumenii. Li Un, uioiiui uovuoD -"3 " Qlscusslone d6veva aver luogo per 11 i. - ' ' 6r6gtto drletiee the iroovit'ner tera't al Parlifiiift& , fjrt&0l"". ?' 11 rappprto de)la comtnlsslohe dtsliTO dustrlali td operai trh 1 nuau VMl !?1 ln corso dcnegoziati,. a. Wall iooo ; Child FatsliU r......... Mahanoy City, Pa., Sept. 20'-.p, ' '1 ing with matches-at 'his hojne'hM 1 Place during, his parents' abjence tH 1 jrear-old. JohnIlopel was ,. VT.V M kmed that he died .thlThftJ J Mm flB M sfl W Stationery j i For Manufacturers! BLANK BOOKS Bound and Loose Lef LtTHOORAPHINO PBINTINO KNOIUVmo officb stationery AND surruES iVTT'p'IP.V' olnllnnion . J I T . V.t . -". .; ouppiica ' snouia do purcnaaecrwith the Bam regard for their quality, as is exercised in buying your raw rnaterjajs. Mann products offer youvthe Utrnost In effl. cicncy, uuraDiiuy,. quality 1 OomPjWe Looso Leaf,' Ledger . Outflf. liavos, binders and . lhdexes-Alank boST memofandum books,' columnar books 12, ft 80 w umna) pens., pencils. InksveHse?!2 ' card Index cablneU and niing devices Immediate delivery on any of the, above. WILLIAM MANN COMPANY 629 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. New York Offices: S61 Broadway. Founded in 1848 I " "MHMnBiakiaaiassBSjeBseBsasBBeBaeaeaseaeiisBsejajaaatM I .-- . I ..aaaSaaaaak. 1 ' mu' T ' -hT'BiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMaak bb - " HIS. 4 yfw jLmLmmJtmLm i . . I Hotel! table: acree r, runnlne water: crlv. orchestra: dancing: Jnar frnm baths: choice u winaona end, booklet nnd aiitp map mailed. All, C. BOSEritANH. Ofmer I rrop, SteWILrTvyHIRE v Irslnla Ae. and Beach. Cap. .ISO. Frhato hatha: run water: elevator, etc. Amer. rlan HAM CLI.I9 Oaner. N, J COLL.INH, Mgr. ItESQBTS STEAMSnirH iir.ionTS STn.MsitiPR J:B.Schnlke A(Keflstered) MODERN PLUMBING and HEATING Special low rates on team water and iJartr heatlns (or fbmidlate Installa. tlon Ok Oar Kotlmate 2631-33 W. Hunliaidon St. . rhone: Dfamond ISOJt J ? WJML ; I r ' 1 i Uii1 Iiii""- .rrrTM Special Yachting Cruise To WEST INDIES Leaving New York Nov. 6th, Returning Dec. S. S. FORT VICTORIA NEW BRITISH TWIN SCREW 1st TONH ACKMEN I Embraces English, French and American Possessions Old-World Scenes in A Setting of Azure Seas will make one of the most attractive and dellxhttul cruises ever planned calling; flr't at America's new Island possessions St Thomas and St Croix, only four daa from New Tork thence to St Kltts and 'Antlsua (English). Guadeloupe and Martlnaue (French). St Lucia. Barbados. Trinidad. Dotnfnlca (English) and San Juan 'Porto Rico (American), These Islands present the most exquisite, plctureaoue and ' arleirated scenery, full of History and Romance and Interesting ustoms of different nationalities The cruise, covorlnu mom than oooo miles, la a perfect sachtlng trip, mostly In th loiely Cnrlblvan Sea and with the Islands In sight of each i-assonsera win nave, time to see the- various points at nu laiunaa, inciuaine tne wonderful Ainhoi. othor of lnterem Lalte at Trinidad Hotel Rates The steamer la your hotel and haa many uppjr deck rooma fitted with heda and private bathe hot and cold runnlnir water and electric fans In all rooma. nnd tho cuisine la the ery best Tho promenade docl a are unusually apaclous Rates for th round crulae Including stateroom t'J73.O0 and upwards,, according to accommodation berth and meals, Early application is desirable to secure choice accommodation. For further particulars apply o Westminster JJ.en,uc.kr " n,r- b?"- Elev. to at. I prlv. baths: run water; ISO wkly. up dly. Q. Pqhre. Hotel Boscobel e.nt,uck'r vf-,h2 lfotel refurnished. Ex. cellent table. Phone 11T. A. B MARtQN. ASnrBY TABK N. J. AsnrnY park, n. . witrrri i in AM, YKAK RKHriRT INFORMATION nUHKAU TAPE MAY. N. J. KISS IIALI'IN annonneea that lirlTKf. VllNDSdlt will remain open during the entire month of September. Special Tall rates on ISO rooma; 00 baths. Excellent rnlalne. lAKP.WOOn. N, J. LAUREL HOUSE I.VKEWOOD. N. J. OPEN OCT. 1 Oiliest nnd moat exrlnaUe I.akewooil Hotel Finest Resort Oolf Course In tho World Juat think of lti Only 62 miles from Philadelphia nad yet truly a Tesort. Easllv ; reached by motor Modern, luxurious and i thorouahly abreast of the times. .1 Mnnhr. Mar. C V. Murphy. A sat. Mgr. ' WERNERSVII.LE. PA. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP CO., .14 Whitehall St. New York Cits. V Your EXECUTOR The burdens of an executor are too heavy to be imposed upon any one inexperienced in financial affairs. A modern trust company is superior to an individual, for it combines in itself all the qualities for the required duties and pro vides not only a representative whose hon esty is unquestionable, but also an organi zation capable of taking complete charge of property of every description. Philadelphia Trust Company GALEN HALL Wcrnersville, Pa, Acuialblt, bnUfnl and tboroughly com forUble Antumn ra oil. Ds7AJr.u0uja.al ceaarj Colf.Traali, Gang, Muitc. 1100 foot clavatloa. Vctt fine Bath, MiiMgf and nydrUtle Dtnart mtnl. Xlotldeat Pbyildaa. IPrfi: nrMTViU.Ba for prUealr sccamMeJibos la September tod October houbl aet be dtlijej. CL05FS DECEMBER FIRST. Tbrough Parlor Cars ISew Yerk sad rbllsdelpbla, R..JIng R. R. GALEN MOUNTAIN CO. HOWARD ii. WINC, Maosgcr The Hitrrilanrl Delightfully -- on ho' situated I on South Mountain. o e-Ioa!,lng the famous Lebanon VaUay. j heplember and uciouer inuk pm,iiu ni ir.ths In the year Moderato rate" Wrlto fur booklet Highland Motel Company. J Howard Fries. President. roCONO MOUNTA1NH Delaware Water flap THE GLENWOOD DelawareWater Gap, Pa. 1 Capacity 400. Modern brick hotel, has 1 ballroom, orchestra, three clay tennis r num golf, boating, bathing and all nmusementa: saraKO and aupplles, Rood mrommodatlona at moderate rates. For lioowlet. address P It .JOHNSON. Prop. K H. Albert. Mgr. 415 CHESTNUT ST. .. BROAD AND CHESTNUT STS. (Northeast Corner) CASTLE INN DELAWARE WATER OAF. PA. i jpaclty. 800 Hpeclal Sv-ptember and October rates. Fireproof Runnlnir water. Private bntis Bteam he t. Central if. itlon. Ilooklot. T. T DOLIIKY, for merly The Palmer, Lake oo1, N J Monnt PQl-ono, Pa. Hawtriorne Inn Nonhousekeeplng cot nawuiorao una ,agM t0 rent n cnnnr. linn with inn Booklet, V M DBNOLBR. Tlin OnHAnnrl Vn nU Vtat, Accom- table. Rklt. 13. L E V. ARTMAN, 1 rrL. Mnrmtaln Home. P. MONOMONOCK INN MountPilnhomr'H Iesidlng Hotel MVnintMnhume. Pa. ims steam-heated, running water, private hn honklet. excellent table An Opportunity Is yours If you desire to ob tain photographs -which ap pear in the Ledger or any v havo on file. The Ledger Photo Service was recently established (due to many requests for prints) and rates may be had by writing or phoning LEDGER PHOTO SERVICE Room 311 Independence Square SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES lBL I WS g I P-iO ong Women. and Cllrln . Tonne Women and Wita Young Women and 'olrle Schools fo the Education of Women For the Nursing Profession Believing that many young women would be giad to enter training schools in hos pitals throughbut the State of Pennsylvania as pupil nurses if they knew of the great opportunity for. service and to qualify in one of the greatest professions open to women, a Committee appointed to serve in the interests of the Nurses' Training Schools, whose names appear in these columns, are conducting a campaign for the purpose of securing enrollments in this noble profession. P7 :k --$'u&$'.' W 7y lift HVaHt sssssHssssssssssV RVi M-J lffT"'L" 7 id , JfcT ' laaHlsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssMsB In the Service of Humanity Message on the Ethics and Practice of Nursing Shnnat ihVinLt.O.,d2eW.i,th-ihoA,lvVr.b0,dX--th0 te?.Ple ot ,'B slrlt- " o'no of the fine arts. I had almost said the finest of the fin arts." (Florence ?slghtlnRalc). ' ' anrv n i ,!lu,V?!d who '"i1 di?ubt ,f:uW,Hlt n",cnt'rcly Batlsfactory work Is nurslnc. nnd yet how ncces- .t.iTi .... .. j J ru..ipsi "nu numi-uniiR mat requires not oniy our enerffy, our interest and our sUIU, but our deor reverence nnd highest thoughts ' ,s -" "i unu friend In oer: A younff pAet killed ln Prance. tti, t-'r, .f i.-v-. -Z.J' - . . w I" ..'. .....mw ..t. v ihk wc ,, miy IIUII ..piui iir. o. YYoir .iiiiunrii pnyo oi ine unys clan h trim nlui nf ihn nnra."Il ull .v,. i,i.v . Kh ntA .V.I. MA.. P.. . -.. . - . ' . -T" .-.. ..h n..t.i ,,v.. .wrote, 'Llko the st.ituo ln Michael Ankelb's. lump of.marble. there Is a there may bo a new Ghrlst." .andno there may be In any human helnt-. ra of the pTiyslclan Is truo also of tho nureeVHe sells that which men I flTH him OViP ll '1 npnfncialnnti an Ann. ti A 4fnm. -1 i j . m mere buslnea. What such a life mikes if a man largely -a quertlftn oV orVrtal' chA acte? but In no other fortn of occupation l? there'suoh constant food u etui t-.elop all tMaflWeit and lioWest " u, v. The hlchest type only of healthy youne womanhood should take up. this work.ifor.lt Is certainly the hlfc-hm e yen to any woman to do What can be greater than by skill and .knowl1 dRe to help fan the fecblo spark of life to tho brlBht flame of health : to make tho stiff arm supple and strone: to tide the Typhoid or tha Pneumonia patient past the dance- post: to BHe back to tho children, tho mother who n&t crossed the dark river; and to save tho baby with ail life's rond before him. " ' aarK Nothing cn adenuately 011 napi een iikj "sw eet ebooneoyf li'te?''0'' th Bkl" WM'Ch ''a'' bF0UBhtt to thd' bedsld8 renewed strenpth and per "If she have fought with death and dulled his sword'. ' . If she have given back our sick again, T it a little thing that she has wrought? Then Llfo and Death and Motherhood H.naugtvt I" PRESS AND PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. AIUNOTON Ablncton Memorial Hospital AIXENTOWN Allentown State Hospital Ednara llsrvey Memorial Nuraea Colleare Homeobatblo Btate HoBpltal Eacred Heart Hoapltal AIVTOONA Altoona Hoinltal ABin.ANt) Aahland state Oeneral Hoanltal nEAVEB FAI.I.B rrovldir.ee Hospital t HELUTFUE Suburban Oeneral Hospital m.ossnrjno Bloaiburg State HosolUI ' 11EKWICK Bemlcl. Hoapttal IIETin.KnEM Et Luke's Hospital iiiiAnnocit nraddocW Oeneral Hospital nB'ADrOBU Dradtoril nosplta! ' nrnnaKiixB. n. r. . No. s Pittsburgh City and Home Uoapltala CIIESTEB Cheater noapltal CLB..itFn:u Clearflald noapttai COATKSVIXI Coateavllle Hoapltal Danville State Hospital DIXMONT Dlirnont Hospital K.8TON Caaton Hoapltal ERIE ' Himot Hospital 8ti Vincent's Hospital nABKISUUEU H.rrlaburg , 6,.,. "o,plt.lioME8TEAI HUme.teaa JIAV. ' JOITNSTOWN Conemsnah Valley Memorial Hoaoltal. The Mercy Hoapltal . RANK The Kane Summit Hoan'tai IJVKCA8TEH ,St Joaech'a Hoapltal LATBOIIE ' Latrobe Hospital IJEWI8TOWN Lewlalown Hospital tOClt nAVE.N , Lock Haven Hoapltal UeadvDIe Cltr Hospital MentES noens Obto Valley Oeneral Hoapltal MrltEESrOBT alcKeeaport Hospital MEBCEB Mercer Sanitarium MONONOAHELA Mtmorp'al Hoapltal ' NEW llninilTON Beaver Valley General Hospital NEW KEN8INOTON Cltlrens' Oeneral Hospital NOBBISTOWN Montgomery Hoaoltal MOCNT PLEA8ANT Mount Pleasant Hospital l'UILAUEU'IIIA American Btomach Hoapltal Chlldien'e Homeopathlo Hospital Friends Hoapltal Oermantown Hospital (Oermantoifn) Hahnemann Hospital neth Reren BUSINESS Day Sehool COLLEGE N'sht school irs hie school ron Ton Typing, fiecretarlal Work, Business Administration, Commercial Teach ing, Uanker's Bualnesa. Ileal Estate, Credit Men's Law Courses. Salts, manahlp. C. P. A., Civil Service KII. lng. Hpantah, Eftectlre Publlo Speak. Ing, Penmanahln-coureta. 1200 WATJjUT RT. Friends' Central School System Central School Junior nnd Senior High School, including Preparatory, nt loth and I'.ace ts. Elementary Schools at 18th .ind Kace. 17th and Olrard ave.. 88th and I.an cester ave., and Greene et aboe KTiwI lane. Oermantown. Oet Tear Book and rates from Certral Schyol. 18th and IUce sts . Philadelphia. , Friends' Select School Jj ga. The Parkway. Cherry and 16th 81a All gradea, including Primary and High School. Stands tor thorough work and all" 4 round Chrlatlan character. Begtna Ninth I Month 20th. Open for Inspection and a ' rollment Walter W. navlland. Frlnelptl GRRnG-lntSV. HPEEnY BnOBTnAND Tou won t make any mistake If ou stu1? Oregg Shorthind. Slmplo to write. ea ti an. uara uy many or the beat etanoix phera Let ua tell you more about it ak. Tnr anil nlat.' ...... iT . " Ajmg mm MflaW l.itilBrB UellatlOal rnir.A. nusiNKss college t nnd College of Cnmrnp... U 1017 Chestnut 8t. rblladelshlal ra phera PALMS BUSINESS COLLEGE" 171M713 Chratnot Street Beat achool for Bookkeeping, Shorthiapti Secretarial, Touch Typewriting. English, ale. individual Mnatnic. Oay and Evg. Geulou. UUBRY-UP CALIJJ fon teachers Market Street ..'?.Hl,.,em,'i.,' '" enrollment UUOLBN TKACIIEBN' IIURHVU 1UU THE FRANkLIN INSTITUTE . SCHOOL OF MECHANIC ARTS Draughting. Mathematics Maehanlcs . NAVAL ABCIIJTJCCTVHE Reglstratln Dally. 18 H. 7lh ! ' Hiss Illman'a aebool rer KlnaergartnaraM i Junior, Senior and .Graduate Course,!, Primary methods. Praetlea ' klndergartasa v Address A. T. Illman. Prin.., Box L, lIMf Walnut BL. Plillaaelphla, Pa. ' PUBUC SPEAKING The National School of Elocution 4 Onlorr. i-,. tiuvn.lAKH,Jl, D 4012 Chesthut 8L- Sl'BINri OARJIEN INSTITUTE llroaii and Rprlng Oarden His,, 1'hlla. , Day and night claases In Art. Elretrlcltf. Mechanics and Auto. Opens Sept 20 WEST CHESTER . lITTpiTnpotp Allegheny Oeneral Hospital HiT.Wp:lh;"dIe' n" Surgical Has. wpii "'. .'pawriiB.ry fhlldren'a HoapTtal nipKvin! ppnpinfi j .r ri". --"-.-. Howard Hoapltal t. 6p.. IF...IP.I i.pp. Blimp ..wayiiKi Philadelphia Orthopedic Hoapltal Jewlah Maternity Hoapltal mercy Hospital tuoiored) Pfestyte'rlan Hoap tal Mercy Hosnitai ?i' ?r'lI:l' Hospital f-t l Jnhn'pi Oeneral Hnasltal WSeMVil S",r, ' C,,ri,' Wjuthslde Hosr'tal wtatern Pennsylvania TTnpltsl ... . - riTTSTON Plttaton noapltal , POTTSTOn'N Potlatown noapltal POTTS1HJ5 Pottsvllle Hospital ' READEVQ Reading Hospital Bt. Joseph's Hospital RIDLEV PAltU Taylor Hoapltal ' t ROCHESTER Bocheeter Oeneral Hoapltal BCBANTON fltate Hoapltal . Moaea Taylor Hoapltal Hahnemann Hoapltal 8EWICULEV Sewlckley Hoapltal BnAUON Christian n. Buhl Hospital SPANOLEB Miners' Hospital of Northern Cambria TARENTUSt Allegheny Valley Hospital Protestant Eptsoopal Hospital Tlmothr'a Hoapltal (Roxborougb) fit. Bt. ip. Scfi WARREN rr's Hoapltal or MurainB Hoapltal of Gradual UP 1UCU Medlrn-Chlruralcal Hospital School of Pennsylvania sing, Me edlclne, Unlveralty of a llosnltal Women' Hoapltal of Phlladtlnhla Behool of Nursing for Women. Pann. aylvanla Hospital. Department foV Mental and Nervous Diseases (West Pnlla.) pniLirsncno Cottag State Hospital PHOENIX VILLH Phoinlrvllle Hoapltal Warren State Hospital WASHINGTON Washington City Hoapltal WEST CIIESTEB Homeopathlo Hospital of Cheater Coonrs Cheater County Hoapltal " WH.KlNBUURa Columbia Hoapltal WILKEH-BARRE Wyoming Homeopathlo Hoapltal WILLIAMSrOBT Wllltamaport Hoapltal WINDBER Wlndber Hoaoltal YORK Tork Hoapltal and Dlaoenearr WTMT CHESTER (TATE NORMAL SCHOOL Both aexea. 28U. Andrew Thos. hrnllh, Prin. MUmrAL IXSTRITCTiny , ZECKWER-HAHN riULA. MUSICAL ACADEMV nnd branches. Main School. 1(117 Spruoe Street. School reopened September otb. Puplle may enter at any time. Stud (or prosperous BARITONE SOLOIST Thoroughly experienced, desires poaltloo la Cathollo choir. M 018. Ledger Qfnce. PHILADELPHIA MUSICAL ACABLMV nn Brunch nut Walnut Lane (lerinftntonn Ell Catalogue filth Heason Gin. 3(31 JOSEPH W. CLARKE. Director Till 1 MfSIC I HTERNIIERO SCHOOL OK MH 0 H. IHth Ht. (Puller Ilulldlnt) C. V. Sternberg. Director , OW Will It.nnrp Hepttemher 1 Ktfl inlce Open After September lib 1714 Chestnut Bt Phone Sprues OH ADVANCED VIOLIN INSTRUCTION L, SOBELMAN I Kllture School of Drnmttlc Art. Special ' C nsses in eiocuiinn orani. uri r... 'i;i. publlo apeak. 1714 Cheatnut St. Spruce 4S Indiana Hoapltal Address Public Ledger Educational Bureau for Detailed Information, or Communicate Directly With the Hospital in Which You Are Interested Where Shall I Send; My Child to School? That question can he n awered quickly and fi""?' torily by consulting the . Wtt catlonal Bureau, on rou"a floor at Publlo Ledger Office. Independence Square '"J! you may obtain oomplete ana reliable Information of Ml boarding school for boy ' drU, military icademy. M' ntaa college. special Bohootafor retarded children, conservator of music, college or unlvM, alty. Our Intimate knowledlj of the advantages of tne rtoua Institutions will you to make a fl" l. This servlca U free and avw ablo to avery onb-saven where. w a ir.. ijfpns rubUc Ledger """", CHESTNUT at SIXT fl Wlriu8000 Mam j. if.. vvgM i-.j j-uiZ . . z-v, l . . "S '