, - mtsanciAi. hareb: Lf te Central j. ..,., Wth the term of IrtWC." ...' securing the Bonds described, rLlis-Urei Fl.ty Dollar ($50.00) it """i.T.iAlment of interest on escnoi ein Phono. H r thi "" ending on tho flt,t dwr let 'ulr,i.?!?fit will be) paid by cheek to rli .'"''rS'I-Jir. f th. Bonds UDon the 1M RVTruft Company, of the City, of M'JI-hla These chucks will be mailed F? &b.VhvVo7Vr'Iny'aV.' fllAIi m- "A b. MAT. Treasurer. "ilAMU COAL COMPANY .'JrJ.V.f Company announce .Ixoed. anu - II ESSfe! at It offices. ??! EJif.Mniit .i and 1 Chestnut mnii, -niieaei- fcHiuE'tTT TnttRT COMPANY. Truste. Tiuf""- --w r, nest. President. fllenelpM. Aturaat 27. 1020. nlvldfnda The Barrett Company (N. J.) ..11 M a. iA .4a1I... th SOI IAA.re has been declared on the common '..I stock end a quarterly divided of One Si.1 VSS Seventy-five Cent (11.78) Per IK", on th. preferred capital stocK o. - i r-Amne. nv. ri .. 1. 1920. to common stockholder of SnM at the close of business September Ii li.O. and on uciooer in. ju-u, to no referred etockholdara of record ay at tho VU'lt buslnea September 30. 1020. ERNEST J. STEER. Treasurer. Homer D. Biery Lumber Co. Tt Board of Director of the Homer D. ilirr Lumber Co. ha declared the reirular yirUrly dlViaena OX per rem, pnyuuio to lec.holders of record September 27. Checks rii be mailed October 4. ' HARRY E. niF.nr. secretary. .,kl(Tt, Pa.. Btyt. .4. lite. icEOrnriin c. ii. okiht" company. i.ni title building. Philadelphia, pa. I Tha Directors of Indianapolis Water Works ecorltlea Company have this day declared tseptemner iu, jw.ii, XX semiannual u.viuriui ui wireu Kill r I1U) per cent (J3.no per share) oi preferred stock of said company, pavabln nf record on the books of tha comnany the clone oi ouainriB cepiemoer .ii, iVaH, .V. will be closed from Hentomber 20. A V - . , ..- t" AA AAA N20. a 0 cigc j. in., a viciouer i. lir.v. I tYCIOCK ' wi.vnn "in uo iiim.icUs v.t i iwni-! orviBtHi ,vt "PUIMDKI.nilA AND MESTEIIN IL,ILWA CO. INnrrii.iuwi'. . ... on.ii n, ii.aII. -trrrnuril HTOCK DtVlDRNn NO. IO IVi. itnard of Directors haa thla iliv rf. Iired a dividend or one and one-quarter W ' . I Ii A. AA ..A AAAAAA A. A... A. r CeiH U ,' wi n i "",ru iu-it ui fclil company, p""! ycuiiwr to, iv.u. 10 U..UI SeDtember .10. 1020. IC-ecxa will be mailed. HiiAiimr. iai.iwoixo.j41, ! reawurer. mf.AnnM'IlIA IlAKlMtlTF. rnvfpaw. lOt Finance Did.. Philadelphia. Pa. The mlar quarterly dividend of two per cent O has been declared on the. outstanding imulatlve preferred stock of the company. lyaoie iicioorr j. w. m eiocKnniners trully ,(4) of record Heptember 20. 11)20. Checks ill be mailed. Harold A. Ochs. Sec. & Treas. l'ropoasla nrnAT.t FOl. THE CnVRTIiririTinxr of two lladlal Brick Chimneys onico of 1. nfflnr In Charee of Conetrurtlon Vp.nv. Irj Ars.nal. rhiladelphfa. Pa, Healed pro tili ntll berecelved hero until (2 V. SI.. Kn. 9R. 1020. and then nnen.H fn- r.A. ruction as stated above. Plans and spocl anonn on iiiiAiiuu. I.F.OAL Al)T:nTIHraiENTH 'ESTAT1. OF CATHERINE HWRKNRY, deceased Lettars of administration ion the estate of Catherine Sweeney, de- ainl. having been granted to Fidelity Trust trpany, nil persons Indebted to the said ute are requested to mako payment, and oie halng claims against the same to .tent them, without delny, nt the oltlco of said company, Nos. 323.13. Chestnut at., uiaaeipnia. a. W, P. OE3T. Trealdent. ESTATE OP MAROARET J. PAR- hER, decensed Letters testamentary tre eatate of Maraaret J. Parker, do liKd. havlrg been granted to ridellty Trust frapany, Mary B. ueaman and Eleanor Y. 11. all persons Indebted to tho said estate la requested to mako payment, and tho.o vine claims against the same to present win. without d.luy. at tho olllco of tha lid company, Nos. 325-331 Chestnut St., Riiaaeipnia. Wf T nwqT Pr..M.nl ' FaSTATE OP KLI- HAMUEL. DC reaaed Letter testamentary unor eatate of Ella Sar-uel, deceased, having wn STantad tn Pldelltv Trust Co.. and bnford Samuel, all nersona Indebted to the lid estate are requested to make payment. a tno-e naving claims againat tne same prtHnt tnem, without delay, nt the olTlce I the eald comnany. S2S.3I11 Chestnut st.. puaaeipnia. or their attorney ALDERT I. MOISE. Esq.. 1IQ0 Land Title Bide., Phlla. 10ST AND POUND AOLost. Large canvas Lair rnntnin. Ilnr unbleached loco curtalna. between 4th nn iArnisn ave. una xioxDorougn: reward. piatr i.nc co . th st, nnd Ixihlgh ave 8EASTPlifAA.A breastnln found rhn. n.w In front of Delmar.Morrls Apartment. Chel- p . uermaniown. Lmner ca I at 033 lUhth st.. after 4 p. m this week. CKIN'OEAAUtolen nvrr TOO n.t.. k WW stockings. Fay Hosiery Mills l and Clearfield streets. Friday, Sen. nbtr 10. or Saturday. Hint.mh.. it nk rl...r.,1..'0nrA'n.f.0.r,'?atlon " value will ALoat. a Clraillnp Aimmnnii nln aa... Werford Court. Haverforrf H ", l7iV',' Es: :J ! ".?.jr.w,.s je.i mb w., w, iiniouuiu VUUrit PERSONALS K0VITZ IlOM ,ii. iibu.,, .iionoiaon nvej, ches ,;.,?,f r,.?8JJl" Jcoh Hpltatonnn. call 834 W. OI rard ave. until Sept. 21 p.r p,xi xlltors BELP WANTED FEMALE ASK ANY BELL TELEPHONE OPERATOR about her work She -will tell you to.-.,?1.? H3URS ARE SHORT WITH FREQUENT REST "pMiirnnq " VIlrVSN.Sl'KRMANUNT , S,HE WAS PAID A OOOD SALARY WHILE LEARNINO ,IEn COMPANIONS ARE WORTH. while YOUNd WOMEN I BKLL TBKPi.oSreo.,'Sp PENNA. ' t,A.A,,P 1 l; A . man lnTJ.ttS.mi"lny n,,Ad "veral men or StSm i(...bj??k?lns.department: expert- (ilnV .,'."""' DU.' Knowledge of boo t- FCItig anrl nnn,,.., Lh.m. a l"is tr.?iT;g,tfnol.se,''ACdu,lon nl . training, B 032. ijdiei- iiitiaa, iSitVr "ai"B' "P.- " Ine work; rv sh.ii.. w" ".' "'tner woeit or piece Bhall.nberger's. Front and Race sts CLERKS AND CASHIERS fcrkt Biel ll a . rkcr MtsVl- t"ine" wanted in tho "Wana-llmAtfi"'1""- 'tart foVth, Uta For iTn J. v.i" .' ,m rininir uhd UUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAilAKER'H CLERKS (PART TIME) .require the '?er 18 va.r. V ..' VI ." .!f"OD. servlres of high whool 0 80 dallw oA.. .. "?' ". wvrit iron, a 'l ern.ov.mn1 "" -ay Halurdav; con- y raornln-n'iA .'a ray' App'y Bat .floor rr4nuni,0"iy'.artment 0r person- HTIVI.'..,A.,iS" -mmuuuH & CLOTHIER gRlVAL WOItlf "v -1 ..' Zh0lsslmlilln7 .- ",,"'. '"."- w"n I at fUur. 8 if0-"1' raPIJ writ" " Ijj' ngures. tf-hn, Adler & Co., 72(1 ISfS" ..W'-'mor.t of K-ufaetorv ,.iV.V"mom 0I Progress PHent Xai.."?"'" ho services of a progressive services of a Hint AAA."'" "-perienceil nrererr..rth preferred,1- ex- AtftnAAAAAn. ..A l-lia. T "t-'.AA-L",. anremont f Tfcni " - -"c. iWar J?..."?. '.neloaers. experienced on dr. ,-.-.--a, ... v.. twt.fc nn RZ-ApWy ChS?iu.r"T?:? ? i aturday. 1 trrr , Cl'"r'- ""l-t Co.. 1137 Arch at rtLsTi....A- . .. ' "-- aiAnlt. ..ltl. 10 become Rtl.nilant.. t.o llL.BaV i?iS'..roo,m 'undry! steady poal- Irj. " '' "n at. I and r-c,!ar5e "" en room! board. 'AsiSTrnTliK IIOtnfcRH Otf GENERAL VSAfin incimh bonus or tiiE lflffil2V MKW KNOliSNU RAILWAY I wSXMv HEcrnicn iiy general " ' IH '- EiTPiArtW Ven that the Director ..,,, 'xrtut Company announce that It "lSJI aipolnl4. Truate under the Mort- 2l Ve Hale Coal Company dated April Wi'.Tn pVc of Logan Trust Company. L IBM' "Li X.i it will traniact anv anil .linn wlfh It. ..M "roanerit irV "?,r,8no",i aecurt f--o..Q.w'aa"' po"11'"'- Mr- Vpftstt-iS8 "ALESLADIEB " " SELP WANIED-JPTlWAT OPEIUTOnS S?nenrilo!hlrt opcrator"' "" u" w be nnUoCn.lJiini'n,a Power machine there, may ue nn openlnc for you. If you apply JIUIIEAU 'OP EMPLOYMENT WANAilAKEIX'S STENoonAntKn tlvl,tId'i.Ifri..lh" W'vla ""CO of an eaecu nnii'l...llrih.! ou8 woman who has poles ficlcncy. ' y M weU "tenograshlo pro. nUHEAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAifAKErt'B STn'NiVltltA,,,IK1f to ""l"t Purchaslmr arent nSi.,i?.?'.minu,c,ur,n' concern! aood op. Portunlty for ons who will take nterent In work. Addrees Hon p 434. I-edaer orfioe. .?JiSt,.l,A1',IKU w"h initiative rapid and ..S53f r5Je ellnt opportunity! consenlal :nroSiV5": - i- i. a " Cottman faTKNOUnAPitEIt and typist, experienced': nil" A'Jfvl.'f.O"' Art Service, third ..... .-wo.-M,)q nm.s tncnny, floor. (112 Chestnut St. OTENOmiAI'IIKR and typist wanted, who . ha,.k,n?w10 "' bookkeeping. Apply of. nee, znfi y, nrnad st. BTENoaHAPHBIl. with exp.. wanted. Ap- Piy u. w. itetcnam. Room 410 : 24 8. 7th. TYPIST, experienced, to addrean envelopes a."li.,15.57ic, ,a p,r 10nOi hou- ":' o! Haturdav. 1 n. m rh.,i.. n.i.. n. 027 Arch st. .... ... v. TYPIST, for nillns- In letters, . clean surroundings! rood I lr. M.28 fbr 100 od light. Acme Mul a Arch. tlgraphlng Co., lath and Arch, WOMEN WANTED, WOMEN TO MAHTC MTtnrnAM. 2D FLOoirMl'ArB HELP ANTED MALg nOOKKEEPER A lariro trust company needs several men or women in Its bookkeeping department, ex perience not essential but knowledge of book, keeping and. unquestionable references re quired, neply giving age. education and liuslnes training. B oai. Ledger Office. ROY One who desires a position with excellent op. portunlty for advancement. F.orAMb rJB,nt..b.y t.here ' "1 opening In one of Philadelphia's largest publishing houses" Duties to start will be mainly those of of. rice boy. combined with some clerical work. Salary $10. Answer In own handwriting. M 007, LEDQEn OFFICE ROY Onod opportunity for bright boy over 10 In newsoaper offices day work; 110 per week See Mr Joyce, third floor. 000 Chestnut at., BOY wanted In gnlley room of targe news, paper to run proof press: must be ener cetlo and willing; permanent position, with good chances of advancement! $10 rer week to start; no night work! half dav Saturday. Apply tc Mr. Kraft. Circulating Department. a-uu,iu lA-.mrr. m(l Bnn uneatnut sts. ROY over 18, for general office work! good chapce for advancement. Apply Mr. Ayre. naeder-Adamson Co.. Richmond st. and Al- IfHIITTiiy Itvp, BOY over 10 to run errands and make him. self useful In machine shop. Thos. If. '". v".. i.iuam nnu rrtipfA, BIS. BOY Errand boy In printing ofnee: chance tn lesrn trade. Apply to Ulddlo Press. 210 HOYS wanted to learn srlentlflo stock farm. in, bduu nuuie. mioa wages, excellent op portunity. Oreen Spring Farms. Rutler pike. Jarrettnwn road. Ambler. Pa. Phone Wal mil 2403. CHEF for camp: must underatand his work. See Nester. 1220 Arch st. CEMENT FINISHERS ON LAROB CON CRETE TUIILDINOl LONfl .ton. nnnn WAGES. APPLY TO T(WE & WKDSTER. UaAV.ii n..M . AAiiibi, gig, CEMENT FINNISHER: all winter work: 148 week. See Neater. 1220 Arch st. CHAUFFEUR to drive all makes of trucks: must be thoroughly competent: married man preferred. Apply 7:80 a. 4n., 1228 N. zntn st. CHIEF DRAITSMEN WANTED for established engineering office In connec tion with extensive construction program for sulphlto mill development: give full detailed information with references first letter! sin gle men preferred. Rtqrdon Co.. Ltd., Mat tawa, Ont., Can. V-t- CLERK Rilling department of a progressiva manufactory requires the services of a competent clerki experienced preferred! ex cellent opponuniiy. wi:n uuvancement as merited. HOT. Ledger Office. FI.OORMAN wanted. Apply to Mlea Smith. Housekeeper, Jefferson Hospital, 10th and Hansom sts. FOREMAN: state roid. Nester. 1220 Arch si. 1175 month. See INTERESTING TO YOUNO MEN who have lust completed courses In college or high school at least: a famous business organization can take In 2 high-grade men of 10 or thereabouts, to train them for credit work; If you poseess education, snap and good breeding, and If money atihe outset counts leas than a valuable business con nection and opportunity, write, asking for Interview, to M 014. LEDOER OrFICE. LABORERS WANTED ABLE-BODIED MEN TO HELP LOAD WAGONS. APPLY fATURDAY. 1120 RACE ST. LABORERS. 180.80 weekly: whit, or colored! steady position. See Nester. 720 Vine St. LABORERS, state road, IS day, 33 week ly. 720 Vine st. MAN and wife, whlto, to do housework for ramii) required. family of two! good wagei references I'none t;neatnut tun uoi, MECHANIC, ecter!enoed, wanted to opernle Scott & WIlKams circular rib and Mam lees hosiery machines In Australia: excellent opportunity. M 080, Ledger Office.' PAINTER, automobile truck. Apply at American Stores Co,,' Auto Maintenance Dept 20th and Montgomery aye. PHARMACIST, registered in Pennsylvania: no Sunday work! nine-hour day; norma nent position. Apply Georce II. Evans, 1100 Chentnut et. riioNoaiiAra repairman Experienced on all makes of machines, Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S PORTERS, colored, wanted. Apply to MT. Ilsss. 01 testnut st. PORTER wanted, white. ant, 130 N. 13th St. Casey's Restaur- ROLL TURNEBS WANTED Steady work Good wages Apply Employment Department HENRY DI8STON & SONS Tacony, Phlla. SALESMEN In men's clothing department) experienced; permanent prsltloni reference. Apply second floor. 632 Market st. IAI.ESMBN Limited number of managerial positions for men capable of producing re nits. Mr, Cougle, 000 Shub.rt Illdg. SALESMAN wanted to call on. eatabllahed trade In Philadelphia and vicinity with well-known line of men's neckweart only men with previous experience In wholesale haberdashery lines considered. Apply, stating qualification In detail, to Lev.' & Marcus, 28 W 23d st.. New York city. SALESMAN Goo.l. Jive salesman wanted. inquire lftl n. iirunn .t SALESMEN. security Attention If you have a clientele, wa can offer a proved .propoaltlnn, Apnly hMUWV .J. A. "" .-f. M, aaj-j,-;--,, sTT-iW lWmG'klt HELP WANTED MALB SALESMEN THIS ad haa no ax to grind thai won't cut wood for every man who Is willing to 'm roused out of mediocre performance Into the building of a permanently progresilyo -,V?.?.r wlth bJ "! b'gger earnings rs w'.n "...v!ry dii'' .work and a matfs-site .P-A,.uI.fy 'JV become a topnotcher In an 22n,J.,l.on that ' growing fast enough to keep moving every man In It continuously Pn..J1A,iup' .Whether you are experienced or LWI ?nol matters MttU. If you can walk i!-i-Mk ""-' '"I the truth and ambition I".... ,rl,'l "f discouraging laxlness. you re the man we want. BVH8 8"- VAN DAM P.LDO. 10TII AND MARKET 8T8. SA.t.E.MBN wanted ability can flnrf i, f.VJlll1. a01 ''Fi1 Interestlna proposition by III.I.A..I. AAAA, -All. calling at 412 Market st. B,i5J-T"MJTAI. WORKERS, tinsmiths, sol-.2rjrA?-5.,'H fteady Inside Job for men ISJRh."1.00!? 'J? "Bht "heet-metal work! tin Hall .1 h. " worked on soda fountain lESi'Itf1"" . ,."lr'l! want several experl iS. .5 .mttal olJ-rer for some line of 2.L-L "".J"" "l 00', "'at solderers: good JL.V p,,V'n ,hop n1 teady work tho ,-r, A..,u,,, y limy um vine st. 8TSBetNe,fl,e'rV.V.ir':HR'.tAT0"' '" w""' dMrJ' snh0rPrwj;i,iV'!' ;o?advancement. Re pen s Shoe Department, por,12th and Market, TsoWR,'!;' TO" ARE T.OOK WITlf COVAirv?.,T,0'V.WITH A FUTURE S.iKJL -?a.2LNIAI, WORKING CONDI Hrirvfin a iinri... . . . r r - ,SSt. Sll &vrN&2 ?2!ayun'.,nCv",ere ' no lUnlln'oo.i'aiM TU..r?."ff:..'.;.Ua.-- "'" ...lob-g. od 1 -r- -"- .....iMi-y 10 Tn t.uniow, gT53JTori WINDOW CLEANERS, office bldg.. whlt.l WM.;.rnM. 't1, wa"- Kooin 444. Wldener Rldg.. Juniper and Chestnut. YOUNO MEN to hlp In press room. Apply euparlntendsnt. 000 Chestnut st. Pen oral MEN WANTED he opportunity of a life time Is offered a fpw aml.tiin... . aaa. employed with proved record to enter tho ciiiA-iujrinani mAn-Kemeni Held; competent men earning S400O tn tftnnn n.A v.. a ai ..h. a. few hours' study during your snare time win prepare you for Interview without oblige, tlon. Write .Executive Servlco Bureau. SI ii.nigonaiion xiuuning. WANTED Men and ladles learn barnenngt be your own boss; big field! quickly learned! vday or night class. White Trl- City Barber School. 228 N. Oth st.. Phlla- Qtipnia. BITTJATIONB WANTED JEMALE TOUNO IaADY of keen Intelligence and pleasing personality desires position as recepttonlat at phone or assistant In down, town offlee of lawyer, doctor .etc. D Ts Ledger Office. '"' BITTJATIONB WANTED aLftXE CAPTAIN, construction division. U. S. army, about to be dNthnrcre.i ntt. An months' service, desires position: college graduate, with 12 years' arled technical and executlvo experience. M 021. Ledger wince. EXECUTIVE Mlddle-nged man. married collego education, seteral years' sales ex perience, at present res manager exclu sively In charge of sales, also credit and collections of largo concern, exnerlenced In various lines, desires connection with reliable concern; no objection to traellnR; can fur nish best of reference and bond: reasons for changing position will be given at Interview! HPlles strictly confidential. P 430. Lcdi'r umce. EXECUTIVE, experlnced In organization management factory and offloe Industrial relation production, desires responsible posi tion with substantial corporation, where results will lead to a permanent connection. P. O. Pox 7.1. William Penn. Pa. GARDENER, manager: lire practical experl. enco: working, executive ability, fifTm crons. livestock, greenhouses, landeeanin.. references boar strictest Investigation: Eu ropean tritium-, o.utuiii mttrnru, no ramlly: Interview preferred. Rnx 4 Ithsn. Pa. OFFICE EXECUTIVE, with miniir.rl.l ability and experience In handling larco ouaincBs, kuuu vu(i-a(ajiiuciia, uesirrs connec tion as sales manager with responsible con csrn, B 022 Ledger Office. SALESMAN, with broad experience In raw materials pertaining to textile, also wide acquaintance among wnrsieu. woolen, cotton and silk mills, eta. desires proposition for New England. Reply II. Mcany. 101 Boneflt at.. Providence. R. I. SECRETARIAL Young man, 0 years' exn , des. connection with prog, org , where BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GASOLINE PLANT FOR SALE manufacturing gasoline from natural gas: located In tho Pennsylvania oil fields, where wells have been producing for forty years and will produce for forty more; gas supply Is fully protected by contracts and Is col lected from several hundred wells through approximately forty-flyo mites of pipe rang ing from 2 Inches tn 6 VI Inches: plant la com plete with tank cars, machinery, storage, etc.; can be enlarged If desired: an excellent opportunity to get Into a business that has Its best years ahead! price 1100,000. M 017, Ledger Office. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR AN AI-TIVI1 YOUNO MAN WITH IR00O OR MORE TO INVEST IN AN ESTABLISHED corfohatiu.n; jviui.i nii.i. w iiuah ANTEED AND A LARGBl DIVIDEND AS SURED: THIS IS AN A-l PROPOSITION AND WILL PAY TO INVESTIGATE DAHDA MANUFACTURING CO., 008 ARCH BTP.KKT. NEED BUSINESS CAPITAL? We'll present your proposition by letter or prospectus so forcefully and convincingly that you'll get quick, certain, poaltlve re sults. Advertlalng Service Co., 002 Park way Bldl.. Spruce 1820. EXCELLENT opening In reliable, high-grade puainess tor mitn wun eouuu casn: must haw executtve ability and take active In terest at once: attractive returns; details of business at Interview only: unusual oppor tunity for right man. Address B 031, Ledger orcirs GARAGE, modern, well established, large capacity, repair shop, centrsl Oerman town: Sll.OOO neceaaary. 28 Church lane. ICE CREAM, bakery, excellent location: auto, modern property, quick poaaesalon: ,od oppor. Wm. V. Lahner. B710 JIaater good BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS ray 150 to IIBOO each. A placo for refined people who have a diamond -,...... nave a Ulll I Ml they wish to turn Into 1JVUU111 money quiclily. ou cklv. Office ID to 4 nnlv, PR TV A T P Offices. 031 Real Estate 1 IVl V-TLJLJ-. Truat Rldg.. Broad and , Chestnut Sis. Bell phs DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for your dia monds, any sue from M to 10 carats; nons pay higher! also old gold, platinum and sliver bought! estates bought (private): eat. lOyra, The Diamond Shop J'VA,,.. DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO OBJECT Pawn Tlrketa for ni.m.nn. tia...a o KKT4C0"JSa CHESTNUT ST. Suite 21-22. Over Chllds' Restaurant, Prl Prlv. BUTTER, eggs poultry and general farm piuuu.A, , m.'a.aii, iuu'o i armors jisr- ..'h "iW.. PV... ".. suii iw, .tmimjunr. "fir.Pl, --lin Una UOUOn 518, nErniOEIlATOns annxtures for ffrocefa iiu mm. iiivi nrm aDlllr1 1. aPHlrf fl. RANDALL -t CO.. 331 N 2d it . DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH. 717 OANSOM HT. ASHES and rubbish removed from cellars; naming iiuuw, oio Aiutionwooq. .MKt. 4 421. NICKEL Plating auto parts, etc.. hrasa beds reflnlshed, llerlnger. 2421 Frankford ate. ELECTRIC treatment; also manicuring, lo to B. 305 S. 11th st. UHI1BR OOODBof atl desorlptlons re paired, Andrew T. Blrchett, 303 B 22d st. WANTED WANTED 100 TEAMS TO HAUL ASHES APPLY 1120 RACE ST. -aoHtta. APPLY 1120 RACE ST. CARPETS, furniture, entire household gooda wanted I make sure that you gel all your goods ars worth! don't sell until you s. .. aa -.III mv vn.t imii, aha. aa. - . ? V. A ..... .A. fVA .VU. W. UflCtl, JtlAp tl H. 17th. Phone Dickinson 17nn. r' WE BUY women's and men's won uux woman's ana men's worn clothin shoes. Call or write 837 N.4th r.. oJ.I 'm-Ia.i.Wa EXPERIENCE. 'aKVU A-SJSh.' DRESS M 827. I.EDOER OFFICE! IPHIDAJ, .SEPTEMBER IT" 19,20 TJBED ATJT0M0BIT.E3 Used Oldsmobiles Wo havo a few opportunities in late model used Oldsmobiles which havo just como out of our mechanical department thor oughly overhauled, repainted and renovated, with a closed or open typo body nt a prlco to mako In terested parties buy. Wo also offer the following cars of other makes: 1920 Maxwell Touring 1919 Buick Touring 1919 Maxwell Coupe 1919 Overland Touring 1919 Maxwell Touring 1917 Overlnnd Roadster 1916 Colo Touring 1916 Reo Touring; winter top 1914 Ford Touring Deferred payments if desired. Larson Oldsmobile Co. 800 N. Broad st. Poplar 4697 Phones Park 1291 A STUTZ RAROAIN Tour-passenger. (Irst-class condition In every wsys paint good na new; 4 new .cord tlrest will sell at bargain to quick buyer. Phone Spruce 274 for full particulars. FORD Sedan. 1017 model. 1000. Apply 172 w. Moyamenaing ave. t-n. mcminnm iqau FORD SEDAN for sale for best cash offer. llaneluh v,o , American anu t,.iumi. MACHINERY AND TOOLS 123 11. P. A. C. 3 P 00-440 V. motor, 1200 it. P. it.: 123 K. W. Fort Wayne direct con. K. 4 V. engine. 2fl0 volt. 2 or 8 phases: 75 IC. W. and 80 K. W. 110 V. generators: 14 now G E. and Westlnghouse motors; 1 K W. 3' P. 850 V. generator: 4'4x4Wj Iron box; 12"xl5"xl5' tank: heavy sen inn .r,1 screw nr.i YEARBLEY CO. 224 N. 3d st. ONE fl-II.P. llsder gas engine, complete with belting, shafting, pulleys, hangers, gas bag and about 23 feet 2-ln tubing, an Ideal outfit for a email manufacturer; can be seen any time. i--" ". "" - WE MAKE grav Iron castlmr from 1 pound to 1 ton: if you want castings that can be easily machined, write us. Reeves Stove and Foundry Co.. 3H S. 2d St.. Philadelphia. Vnnmlrv. Camden. N J WOODWORKING machinery for sale, com prising planer. Joiner, molder, band saw. rlD saws, swing saw. Sanders, tenant ma chines, ate. Haflelgh & Co.. American and r.mhrla sts MODERN MACHINE SHOP Small or large orders, wo do mlUwrlghtlng. 210 N. Front st Market 28.10. ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE rvXILrt II"l'i POWER EQUIPMENT O'BRIEN MACHINERY CO.. 110 N. 3D ST. STORAGE AND MOVING ONE MONTH FREE. ESTABLISHED 1880 The Exchange Storage Co. 1420 N. 8TH ST. Wo have a few clean, separate AAAma vacant for the Storage nf Your Household Goods. iiAMOND 2171 PACKINQ, MOVING. PH Dl Dougherty & Sons Storage 14.4 IS. .U.J1 r. Get our special rate for moving by our rell. nhi. and careful men. Call Pplar 450.1; Key. Sinne Park 1127; night phone. Diamond 8852. Miller. North Broad Storage Co. Rroad above Lehigh. Phone Diamond 7400. Mnvlng. brick and fireproof storage, packing, VICTORY STORAGE B-00 Filbert. Phone Belmont 4670 a- estimate. Plerce-Arrow vans. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES F,Dl18.1 TO 1810 MARKET ST. -mm- iriHN RIIOADS COMPANV Sternge. Packing. Moving. Carpet Cleaning. ?.'ST.ffn'T.ANCABTEIt AVE., WEST PHILa! alOVARCH STORAGE CO . 8870 LANCAS- Tr.lt a v --'" '".."a"':,-,';'';,"'""'-., p q KINO, I.Otl'AilQl.tjrj i,iuvi,-vu, wn HAUL gnoda to Atl. Cltv. NY.. All.n tnwn Quaker City Trans. Co . Walnut 3820 HAULING MOTORTRUCK to ". oy aay, wees: or hours! all sixes. Phlla. Auto Transfer. MS N 2th st. Call Pop. 1784. MOVING and long-distance hauling II, Tur. ner. 2005 Rldeo ave, Poplar 3212. FOB SALE FURS FURS FURS Costs nd scarfs at very low prices, will pay vou to come In and look. DRESNER'S LOAN OFFICE 44 N 11TH ST. OFFICE FURNITURE Large lot of desks, safes, riles cabinets and eoneral office furniture, atoro fixtures. Wo huv, h"U and exchange, PATTEN FURNITURE CO. LOCURT 4070, 1127 Arch St RACE 3000 Office Partition, Railing, Furniture Btoro fixtures: we sell, buy and exchange. Oil Walnut st Wal. 1134 Mnln B8H0 A. PENNA. OFFICE PURNITUIU3 CO. PAINTINGS. Orlontal rugs, library sultea, lawn mower, gardening tools, etc. B212 Thompson st BTOCK and fixtures of trocar store: must be sold this week, owner leaving town. B887 Chew at.. Oermantown. ANTIQUE grandfather clonk, mahog, case. 8 liny, mm muu . ,rn.nn.,v, on. tv. Herns J20 Oent'a diamond rlnir; good value. Pawn- snnp nine, w-t. , -. ... mil st. t4S LADIES' Tiffany diamond ring! a no. rifles; value 31(10. 21 N 11th st. TRUNKS, suitcases and handbags at 1.8 vslue: bargains 21 N. 11th st. DINING-ROOM suite. 0 pes., quarter oak. IPr BBin- IIa .lemma, a.a.1 M, 1UH gt POOL TA1ILE3 2d hand, bought, sold, rent ed. exchanged. Keafer. 320 W. Olrard ave. HOBSEB GOOD WORK HORSES for sale, N. W. cor 18th and Oregon nye. vur' TALKING MAOHIN..S, BECOBDa Records, Talking Machines OVER 10 000 records listed at II ech Z7 boo: talking machltyss and acoessorlssL wholeaale and retail. Central Muslo HtorV 127 N 11th. abnte Arch. -"re. BTAMP3 AND COINW BTAJITS. ALBUMS AND SUPrUEa"' for stamp collectors rmLA,aTAikdo.. si o, iixa. ( rf V . ff to Pay for II Rebuilt y j4 Truck8 V GUARANTEED z All Havo Now Tire3 Freshly . I Painted 1 OPEN EXPRESS and EF i U PANEL BODIES 11 A VIM Motor Truck Co. jl y Brontl & HuntinedoR Sts. ZZJ I v J. W. M. OREEN, JR. Manager Used Cat - ' f y Department , f and muelo rolls B0 off. We bought out big phonograph dealer! 10,000 records listed i sach, wlfi sell at BOo. CENTRAL MUSIO STORE 127 N. 11th st, On.n evanln.. au TJ8ED ATJTOMOIIIIaES I -aaaaa-- Wo offer nearly all models In Marmons, with n choice of closed or open body. Fully overhauled, repainted nnd guaranteed; all prices at unusually low figures. Wo also have cars of other makes. 1920 -i-35 PnrVnt-,1 To,,-!-, 11919 Hupmobilo Touring 1318 Oldsmobile Cabriolet 1918 Dodge Coupe 1917 2-36 Packard Sedan 1917 Ford Cabriolet 1917 Standard 8 1916 Hudson 6-54 1916 Buick Touring 1916 Buick Roadster 44 1916 Chalmers Touring 1915 Hupmobilo Touring Ask for Mr. Francis Fanning. The Fanning Hatch Company 720-22 N. BROAD ST. Marmon and Hupmobile Distributors Phone Poplar 7670 WIlLBEFo"rr ,,?'J,?,I?T,SIl'.nucKs. BUITA 1120 RACE ST A8IIES- APPLY ad ,h. '.ea"y time-payment plan New make .n3 1" ,"nd trucks: all standard bndi.. in.?.i.rni,,.'"i ak(l- express, dump nuliem.nt.,.,,i'! ,0. a"y business re Snane? ?mn...y dlr,ct through reliable oharges- JK5J1X S?"i ""rbltant prices and m.rrl.i'vKr?? J.n9uli,l essentia . Com mercial Motor Vehirle Co., 2110-2114 N. 0th. overland-stupebAker 1 AIITS SCH0BER 84TH JlNn MARKET STREETS IARIEDIATE DELIVERY New ti-. iiir m.l" rrd sedan iaiVh. 'JaV"? xtra: usoJ (1000 miles: $030 ffiiV an ,,Ic" ,.hono H'lmont 7063 W. ' Her 0 p. m . or write 0038 Chestnut. ".dood6;',...- Rrvn Mr"A' "' MI-nSiur ave I iirtn .Mwr. Thone lrvn m.i.. esi """ ne .ryn Mawr B81 touring 2 .'naln mode"1' 5 nd 7 paw. time payment.r"Mr. ".V.'nV"l 0vf,r.v.-.aayj in v uy: Overland ilRTPriJO. 250 N Rroad ,t ' 1010 CONSfo1!., J55JSiFJ' WCBJ.J.FNT wigiK waSiS NO DEALERS. A OFFICE. 104, LEDGER BTORAUB batteries for sale for every make ?olt BOOMS FOB BENT RCH ST.. 2123 LYRIC N.-.I-. a. CHESTNUT ST.. 2O0-rnn7ie.nV' J- rooms. omeie ana double SssSSS furnished SPRUCE. ISIS Deslrahle v.-o-.; tlnuous' hot wat," "le'tH. Vi1!!?el"' " uniUlrtca urn satnn .. -. -- .-a .uv-. -a oi,, -u.. rum. rm .1.1. . .."" elec; open flre-p.; gouth! .fj i-'i!', .?' I WALNUT. 3003 Nicely turn room., i. bathsi bosrd optional, l',".'. "",.' "" ALNUT. 8300 blk.i 12r.7 vacant77A' . or nnt..: cheap, o'wn.r.' li.f'J. $$" 1STH ST.. N, 1B07 One furnish. V "r all contenlenres : for gentleman """"! 10TH. N.. 130. It n t m t. r. 4. i... ; Beautifully furn. rooms; spotleaalv V,ii... electrlo throughout! dally and weekly Jiff'"1 conv. to stations: best accommodatin-'.'"1 traveling people! moderate. Ph.y.l..'". .. 83 D ST., Rl!7 A n .M..!u i.a.. . - her home and living alone, win rent third1 dory front room, furn.; refs. riiini,.H lmM 1YKST l'IIITiDET.PHI4 8-D ST-N'.OaO Third floor. 4 large roomT unfurnished; corner house; suitable To, nurse or bualneas women. -io ioi GrRMANTOWN FOR RENT Furnished room with elderiS couple; roaannablei convenient location Germantown 3130 W. '--"-non. ATLANTIC CITY " ROOMS with bath; modem. Santa Mlrla ti S New Hampshire ave.. oor. Euclid !i U BOABDINQ MASTER ST. 8012 Two men or bus, c"5u. pie, nicely furn room A board. Uel. 874s APABTMENTS CTHi!jmiirai.irai!M I FOR RENT Very desirable unfurnished houackcep Ing apartment In the Touralne, 1820 Spruce, from Ortuher 1, by family leatlnc city; large double lltlng room. 3 largo chambers, - tiled bathrooms exceptionally large closet and storage rooms, kitchen, butler's pantry and dining room; maids' rooms In adjoin ing building, PHONE LOCUST 3103 Ji raiiai BROAD ST.. 200,5 N High-class modern unfurnished apartments of 4 rooms and bath and 2 room and bath: reference re quired. For par.iculars, phono Diamond eofl4. 288 fi. 88TH ST Eight rooms and bath. unfurnlahedi yearly leaee; immediate pos. 'f.!,l?ni 8 wr rnonth. family wanted who will board owner, terms to suit; reference ir)-iiir-n wait i' (ij J I6TH AND SPRUCH (N. H. cor. 3d floor 8 rms., bath, kitchenette; lease IB month or more; oocupancy Oct, 1, Apply Janitor' or phone Locust 1887 for further Information. CENTRAL furnta.ed apartment, a rooms, bath, no kitchenette, thoroughly modern. AH,... 11 tlll. t'-.. v.i n-.T.....V" uc'1 J..AA.. ... ......AJ T.A. ,,,m U., lllnS. 38T1I AND WALNUT STB., near Haml ion Court; flrst and third floor. 11.5 p.? iponth. App y 8704 Walnut st. qPMUCH BT.. 3U cor., bskpg.-apn furn. or -A-TU.U.S 4uxts.yedxjfiajieriib, 2.03,1 APARTMENTS kWHrmRWllTnlriWl Mr I f 1?iflWHfff MODERN APARTMENTS rentrallv IneSted 2310 Plna St. Four rooms and bath, also D rooms ana Dam. II IS AND UPWARD CALL WALNUT 28fl7 . SMULLEN & BARRY Tlrftnd .tirl rhtniil rr.lh.rt r -A-rr-.-A- .'.-iA.--.i .uunssnjU'iiiiiieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHjsjiiiitjiHifjj I'F.NNSri.VANIA HcnunnAN TJ-'AnTMI-MTM ... U..nln-r within 0 ftlln utes ooth St. Terminal! 4 rooms. 170: 5 rooms. 73 tiled baths, hot-water heat. Jani tor service! no children I corner West Chester and Falrvlew aves., Highland rark! ready "CI. 1. J..Ul.t.U.N UU.NUAW, OJ -UI". APARTMENTS WANTED APARTMENT wanted, from 4 to 6 rooms: furnished: reaponslble party. Addreaa P son I a,.aa rp.i BOO, ledger Office. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 2107 WALNUT HT. (the Ileth-Allyn) Hand somely appointed 2-room suites, with pri vate bath, garage. HPHUC'E ST. 2110 Excellent corner furn. housekeeping apt : adults! vearlv le.se. ."OH RENT, furnished, 7-room apartment. Phono Narbcrth 1012 n. FURN AITS , central loc: by week If des. Sherwood Apt, Agency, 225. ti. Broad St. HOUSEKEEPING APAP.TMENT8 SECOND-FLOOR housekeeping apartment for rent. A rnn enil tisth! rental 12000 a yoar. MASTIIAmi BROS ft FLEISHEU 1424 H. Penn Square APAP.TMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST. GERMANT0WN 20 MINUTES TO BROAD ST. 8TATI0N Furnished and unfurnished suites THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE KTm, ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF HOTEL SUSSEX. 1312 Walnut st. A clean, modern, well-conducted small hotel, where . aaa.Iaaa.a DhAti. Walni.t till cnarges are iii-"i"". ... ..-. ..... P.EAL ESTATE FOP. SAIiE CITY m mmummTMMMMmEm wmmmvft 3 All-Stone Colonial Houses 7100-02-04 McCallum St. Mt. Airy Facing on the new Park Drive, thesa houses will always hava an unob structed view and frontage on this ex. tension of tbe upper Wlsaahlckon. They contain 0 bedrooms, sleeping porch, 3 baths. Hying room, dining room pantry, kitchen, laundry, re frlgerator room, finished room In basement: 4 porches, garage; spe cially designed and surrounded by wonderful old trees; these houses are dlatlnctlte. Agent on premises, nr phono Chestnut Kill 013 J, inniii!iii.n ENOLISH BRICK HOUSES WITH TWO-CAR OARAGES and serlce driveway In rear, 3 cham bers. 2 baths and 2 Inclosed porches. Situated on the flneat highway In the city. A suburban liouao within one square of school, stares. Street cut direct to center of city (Route CO), and overlooking open country, 120 feet above sea level. 117.000. ROOSEVELT BOUL EVARD AT RISINO SUN AVE. ROBERT D. HAMILTON BUILDER Well secured 1st Mortgages for Sale O1. and Premium praiflfnxniniM DIAMOND NEAR BROAD Biggest bargain In city: suitable for apartments and dentist or physician's office on first floor; mortgage 14000; little cash needed; possession. M. GETZ & SON Inc. 1BTH AND YORK STS. fj Members Phlla. Real Estate Board. MiaiHDiMM SPECIAL TO HOME BUYERS Vacant Terms arranged to suit our- u-tiui chaser: 5 rooms and bath, oorch Dutch hall, laundry tubs and modern dumb ing: near 52d and Ulrard ave.: prlco only AllKaurene&Co.JiV 844 N. 19TH $5000 VACANT 3-story house, entirely ren ovated throughout, very little amount of money required. KEIR REALTY CO. LOCUST 1220 PENN SO. BLDG. 3238 KENSINGTON AVE. Desirable business location, where alues are Increasing; financed to ault purchaser LEVICK & W0LD0W 707 WALNUT ST. If You Wish to Buy or Sell See G. HOWARD MOORE 632 Commercial Trust Loc. 226 81S0O EACH! rent JIB: 11,1 -V)...?161 T Prch houses v-t Iso 31250 each, rent 13; 7 honlf. nd I1B0O each, rent V0 fl theaat; cheap enough for .nA',..i I'nua. , aiao uptown, and houses northeast; cheap enough for snecui.. tlen. LAMP & CO. 737 Walnut st. opecuu- 2019-21-23 N WARNOCK ST Around cor. from Germantown ate nnd Lehigh ave.- a tncant; rooms and hath, handy neighbor hood! price reasonable. Wm. A. Itchier 3703 Oermintottn ite 2700 OXFORD ST. Just rZTTTTT rooms and bath, with all modern conven- be nnancea t sun purchaser E. J. riiiSt. 1112 Chestnut st. filbert 38BH. " BERT0LET, 1619 N. 19th St. 4B04 N. 10T11 HT.a N. 10TH ST. Three story, porch front rooms and bathi hot-water heat if?ih . coal range: IBOOO; easy terms! empty 11 tray. Phone Chestnut Hill 839 W. empty. 488 N. FRANKLIN ST 3 story l room., possession 30 das; price .-,O0O roomsl BERTOLET. 1619 N. 19th St. CORNER property; tacant; 10th and m.k.. avo.; garage privilege; p0rCh? prl-o ijooo easy terms. B. F. McPeak. Star&iZftH i.ai TTtt.in faT n.-AAA. l- .v- iwi A.-.uwiH nouse: It-.n. heat; flnanced; posaeaslon with d.e,t "1 R. T, MIDDLUTON, 703 wi.W 2822 ALBERT, 2830 Harold, 7 rooms rw,. v" posaeaslon W. V. Ashby, .oju J SmD Diamond 244B, 0 th. 2010 .urn ..lAnoiv.. iiui.w.ur neat pin-..,, norchi occupied by owner. v v '?clrl:, 20.0 N. 20th. Diamond 244.1 Ashby, I WANT to aell 22-rouiu louae, Hroi,rt'r-. Diamond sts , adaptablu fur Kpurte?.,,', II 7n. Lodger Office. "I'artnicnts. lA,aA,AaUm ".'HA XT ...A .AB nlng water front rooms. M, qktV 2' JM' INC.. lBth and York ets ' M,i 4 SON. ",Wv-JA'0t7?oom newly papered ohyam 18100. M 'nP.n,sJ Bon, Inc . loiu anu KorK sts n a 10000 20th ab, Lehigh; J00O -win aw, j.riusn; IU r hnh ! gain W. V A.hbr. 2040 N.rA,Eor,g bar- TIVAWHKRRY MANSION 25sv it.".4 r.. poss. W.V.Ashby.'.'Qto N.Jbth n,-'.,1;, R. CORNER UTH AND OXFOItnRT-i;:, OOxlOO: three fronts HarrovT twn'v. S.T,.T HOME BUYERS Have, a few porrh.?-. nouses tor i; easy nnanced Tin... aiVn l".l..":,'.;?,i',!L1"' 7r ; newlva. p.r-n i,,i ...... ...u.- ate ni.m,.ni ,-jjj- 2518 GRAY'S FERRY RD. fl ronm7 i..r .8800 Sbln.houae. ..d and fi?'.,-'"- . M. oVus, Son? in1,., '1 K.6B gig. fflp 1.A.I1.M.T HTR era..... ....J:-. -jS- ... a UTatlT UT K - ' . ' 1 t (lot A Ron. Inc. mil. -T-fS"!-1 - i')0. 28BB N JUDSON BT.T roolnThoTvatTJ heat! poas. M.tleti A Son. InciatR Ynrt -.-.- ----.. 1 -;.. "" "rw SU1 N. CARLISLE 7 rooms: bTI-r UflBO. M. Uet a. Hon. Inc.. Kith ..,,rv.' S27 N, COLORADO T roomsi bargain V,,-? ..BOO M Qeti A Son Inc.. isthVWg.-fff t8B8 N. 01 H ST Porch b rms.! ba;'i 138-60. M. Gets , Hon. Ino . IMg arTd 9'g' 1721 N. 1BTII ST. Larua lot. J room ,"3 sts, M Gets 81 Bon, inc,. lMh"mjj.u? 1802 N. 2ITU Nli.e rooms and bath.MobiT Shln.biiuae. 2td and Fltswater .".' UUU' 138001 8148 and 48 N. Marston: 2 ,t7i HOLLYWuui; ao iiuniingiioti- a 77-,- w. plum. W V.Aehby.'.tno .v m'J,, ' , 14600 2740 N '.2di 7 r. porch"?"" m-i-5 W. V. Ashby. 2010 N. 2mh rD,m,,",' 2803 BAMHRUY ST. 3 r aiiirh-i ziii cgnd. W. V. Ashby. 2840 N 2Dth ni'. 55.J BEAIi ESTATE FOB.BAI.E CITY r lllftllllllllfcllWlll.WIMIMillll!l-i SEARS. ROEBUCK CO. Within. 15 minutes' walk ,- thf" propert est your choice of 30 noa" 2 year old; cheaper and better built than new: porch and terrace front I n room and bath, electrlo and gas; finished In mahogany and whlto. CAN RE PtTRCHAffED WITH A3 LITTLE AS 1-000 CASH Carrying charges only 133 per month, which pay 110 on the prlncl pal. Sample houso ready for Inspection. EDM0NDS0N & LEHR Mascher and Wyoming ave. Phono Wyoming 2084 Tako No. B0 or No. 71 car wwmmmmmmmmmwmMm& 1500 SPRUCE STREET win t... for a term of years, splen. did corner lot. 28xll0i 4 stores! can be used either for business or apart tnents. T. C. FULLER 10 S. 18TH ST.. I'HIIDELPHIA. ImaMfflii Fai-neWWarflionsfX. lanofeturJng1oor $133,000 MODERN 2-story factory. Bt I 000 sq; ft.1 P. II. K. siding! large yard! 118.0.. 000. large modo.-n foundry, P. ILIl. aiding. B cars, large yard .with traveling crane HIB.OOO, corner textile mill. o3.oor a. ft.! I7B.000, mo1ern factory, Frankford; 1 and 2-story buildings, 33,000 q. ft. I-.VMB a. CO. . 737 Walnut St. , FACTORIES Avn FACTCmY SITES Everywhere In rhlladelphla LOUIS a. uipmuitt, 1201 Chestnut st. Industrial Plants, Warehouses Factory and Building Sites 3, LEE I'ATTON. 401 LINCOLN BLDG INDUSTRIAL PI-ANTS, warehouses, rail road aril river frontage. JAMES L. STEVENSON HON s.j Land Tine mug. , FACTORY BUILDING, boiler, eng'nes and shafting! 3 stories; light on 3 sld'S! strongly built: 30x80; lot 30x110; 1 mile from City Hall; retiring from business! bar- gain, t- 4in, lA-ng.r lyiice, 70,000 HQ IT. or over on 1 floor, with high celling. In modern concr.te building with railroad elding, mort deslrnhle propoaltlon jou mav consider today within Philadelphia. J LEE I'ATTON 404 Lincoln Illdg. noslnees Properflea nnd Store Central Commercial Bldgs. $17.500 Second and Chestnut: 20x100; 4 story! easy terms. 123,000 Second near Walnut: 3-story build. ,nFi 17x100. with 8 dnelllngg In rear. $28.000 Second and Race; 35x120: 4 story; only $3000 cash required. $28.000 Third ana Market; 23x00: 4 story. $35.000 Ninth and Race; 30x144. to back street; 4 story, 20,000 so. ft., cheap. $42,800 Eighth and Chestnut; 18x90; 4 story; valuable retail location. $8B,000 Race st : corner building, 38x100, 4 story: only $10,000 cash. Many others send for list Lamb & Co., 737 Walnut St. MARKET ST. PROPERTIES $42.BO0 Markot near 2d, 4 story; 14x08, to rear street. $03,000 Market near 4th; 20x80; 4 story; only $10,000 cash required. $123,000 Market near Othi 22x130. to rear street: well flnanced Lamb & Co., 737 Walnut St. 1304-00 VINE ST. Three-story, modern building. 32 ft. front: splendid Investment: v.111 sell chenp tn rlose account: flnanced. ROBERT K OSBORN 801 Real Estate Trust Hldg. Walnut 4120, WAREHOUSE: wool, cotton or general mer chandise; Imm.d. poas. : 120 Chestnut it.: sty.; 24, nun en., it.; nnancea to suit. J. BECHER ANDERSON 1.124 Chestnut 218 N FRONT Excel, order: 1mm. poss small amt. cash: 2 at. fronts. J. IIEECHER ANDERSON. 1024 Chestnut st AVEST PHILADELPHIA 5846 ALTER ST. 7 rnomn nil conv ; modern; lmm poib. GREENWELL & D0RMAN 422 S B2D ST. 606 MARLYN ROAD : Six rooms and bath, metal wenthcr stripped, Including awnings, shades and screens; ready for occupancy. Apnlv J AMES N MITCHELL. 4 S Fqrragut t. 42 NORTH 50TH STREET Twelve rooma. port.h, Immcdtato posieaslon I'ltICK H 1K)0 OREENWELL & 1KWNAN. 422 fl. B2D ST. 8 ROOMS and bath, second floor, $7B month. S rooms and bath, flrst floor, $110 mouth. 7 rooms and 2 baths. 2d A 3d floors. $140 mo. 0 rooms and bath, 2d 3d floors. $123 mo. 3 rooms and 2 baths 2d floor. $14.0 month, Eugene L. Townsend. 40th ami Baltimore. OWNER will sacrifice corner property, va cant, B01S Catharine, cor. of Ithan, 4 bin bedrooms, steam heat. elec. nnd gas, Dutch hall, brick laundry. Incloaed porch, reno vated throughout, garage, prlco $87.10. Hob- Inaon, rwin ana tjatnitnne.- ttooaianu itiht. B020 HAZEL AVE side yard: lot 20x110, 12 rooms will give posaeaslon JOS. ALLEN POTTS B, 4005 altlmoro ave. LEAVING CITY, must sell. 0 rooms and hath electrlo light, hot-water heat. n... auetry floors throughout; In excellent condl- JOHN M. ENBURG. B207 Daltlmoro aw. An i v i ; n. iiotii ni. B042 THOMAS AVE. H-room reaidence. So ft ave.: h.-w. heat. elec. llghta, parquetry floor's, metal weather stripped; Immed. poss. Eugene L. lownsend balto " ave. SMALL AMOUNT of cash will buy one of the best constructed homes In West Phila delphia; newly papored and painted; electric, narnuetry floora: only 4 left: price $5000. J. M. C. KNHl'RO. B207 Baltimore ave. B.27 WARRINGTON AVE. Two story, thoroughly modern; near Cobba Creek boulevard; Immediate posseaalon. financed. ROIIERT 11. OSHORN 801 Reil Eatate Truat Illdg Walnut 4120. FINANCED 8500 block Spring t., 0 rooma and imth aample house B520: .,$800 .cash reaulrej. MARTIN McWILLIAMS. 530 S. B.'d st Wood I a nu taut 1025 S. FHAZIER ST. Six rooms, bath steam heat, electric, price $3300. J v MciflCHAEL REALTY CO.. 5Sth and Springfield ne Woodland 0008. 3448 CEDAR AVE Nine rooms, hot-wnter h.ftt. electric lights, good rnn.llu ""ti:r JOS. ALLEN POTTS D.,W 714 S. FUAZIUU ST II rooms ,,d .TT od condition, excellent, locution a hn?' price $4200 John M. Enburg ( gooi gain: JlaltV rc. 5207 VACANT-1104 S. , 53d .-t.trr7oTru.-aT5 Batn; entirely niouemi inclosed porch , condition. JOHN M. ENHUHG, .207 ' lum. 111.1.4 o n 'vi EUHTER ST. 3335 Nino room's ,Tncn condition, convenient to cars, Lxcellent lo- ration. JOHN M. F.NIIURG, 5207 Baltimore nv. -V4U .-mabhau ui!Ai, modern new home garage; 22-foot front: can be bought ehenn B..,mNontA-fiRT31,,,OMAS- 9 l 4022 CHESTNUT ST Twelte rooms, Including 2 butha. lot -i 220 to Sunsom st ; possession W, W. HANCOCK. 40th nd Lancaster avo 2033 S A1.IH.N bT Vacant . a.'i rti WnirfSntrain""' 8Wh M L"0"' "" VACANT Bfl.10 Relmsr st . entirely innSiST Inclosed porch, good condition, price li-nR' JOHN M. ENIIURO. B2U7 Baltimore -v.' $700 CASH Modern, "-room house T-iJa lights, hot-ttuter heat, rxcellin cond.M.fi BOOS block Addison st . conv tn T "let?P, n i Spruce at. curs l'hniu. Wondlaml niV' and steam heat, electric Hunt, tn,,,. UtoMlfllAlClA .IRth nn.t U..V". ,. Woodland BOOB. " ' v., 4000 BIX5CK SAYriROOK AVETw7-Tr II rooms bath, $27B0; m-t m,,,.,, ',v T '". McMICHAEL. BHth and Bnrln.'n.'iH a' " J910 CHESTNUT ST SpleTTd-ToTar mente or b.ardlng: $35,000 apart. ty. .. lutititio. owner, eNsrb.n. p. 1EAP. vacant, j-JBO .'ah. 'balaTTcVriT. rent B rooms bath, whit." plumb.ng. '? CI air heat. -. i-.ru..s. DU1 1, brtv ltl,, TWO-STORY brick house irsnie siaoie in rear. 01B0 Ulrard ave.. owner nn premise. BARGAIN; vacant; tl ron n and i.ih ' trio $3800. t ti, Schwars 80th .th,i-' Cheater Woodland 3(411 " at' Kw 145 H. MOTH HT StoreTand Tiwamn.. ' . aonable price, business $3c?tlSrf eSSfi ri'i, 3 OOtli st,, Prudential offlro. w " liv OVICKBIUKIK ii.fT7m ,,.,j,r. .. " VT.irt.-V., ,."i...l"-. '"""i""! M-room : z i v .a.'a.. "..esoionr -oooo rtnKi erl J. Nash, 1001 -Chestnut st. uvuu' "ob- 8U.' ! Lni- ".. r.-1.4rge d.i-r-h-. i IJ-.UB-", j 47 ma,, nucnen ojia la.jni1rtf fc nir room homos, bath, pl-ctrlc l1-ht's X h11. iT heat: especial bargain this Meek;: 14300 V.".ir J N. McMH-IIAKL. BSlh nd SprlS"e?.v.' 081(1 WINDSOR PLACE SlxroeTr.---A.-r? " BEAIJ ESTATE 1TOR SA1 WEST PHIt.AnKI.PHIA. $500 CASH Tho payment of this sum will start you on the purchaeo of soms of the, homes we havo on pur list. They comprise . largo variety, from 0 room with bath to 11 room with .8 .A-L. J'0Ht ' tnm a") thoroughly modern and some have garage. Nesrly all are located In thl alrloUy residential section of the rltyf Price range from $1100 to (20,000. See Us before making your selection. MICHAEL A MAL0NEY 1021 H. OOTH ST. ,UJmW:.WM-,''Wlt 6Vt'- b-e,n B8th sL e."n. 1 ... Creek "ouleVBnl; a-story poroh. . in?nlrfS.nri."nB' wl!h. " bedchambers, par- 4 0.l....l,.lA,.nS.roon''. kitchen and outkltoheni niw mi,ii..i"' ''".trie light and gas light. 4 2ondblr"'lon..fl,ur'J" modern plumblngt 5nd nti:?.5.hfRU.n5 "tcm: newly palnt5l aJl...patr,V. '" thfl center of a most t' iinw- .!,.nl,2ihooJ'. w,th "chools, churches. l 'phirSmi. "J?" parkway, tennis club, eto,: ' .iri.r'Jj;" 6h t. give transfer, in S..ii;"2i,il,,V..,,A!.pnr"1' " t Angor. HtMnn oni? i0 Jn'nutea' time to .rroad Ft. ir..a".?n' 'r l,al8 o" eur term and with- Ut vl?,HZy&Jt?,n't' tn nnTnoln?. Kii-'iS!iT-'V,.K8TTKBi Owner. Harrlann Illdg, 4 S, lffth at. 4 LARGE BEDROOMS 132S H. CIST ST. Come, out and Inspect our newly reno vated home; electrlo light. Butler Jir..Ju.ur"!. and other modern lm--!--.r,3a,r,M.".?-d Kn1 '""'dla' KERSHAW GROWL B21B CHESTNUT ST. N,iJ3.T -8T,' "" rooms, bath and fln'o'nUJo,.hn$"3V0l0ycraXrca ""a BaUncdi "S leiVVi?. ?f.h?r-h",riont "Jwelllng. Dutch halll 'lMu2Tl'Wl!g? and t,apered Martin McWilliams "oSvSSSW HOME BUYERS S-'-gV?. fta.,y"er,nsrmnnn1nche,a.9C- Can GALLAGHER' Belmont 4140 B331 Market st. "-., anniriP. g 4BTH and BALTIMORE AVE. 1. I'.f' Bt ! modern In every respect wide lot! large rooms; owner leavlmr rlt JOS. ALLEN POTTS JHU. 5300 spnnnio rt Corner property with garage;' Ideal tot doctor or dentist 'ueai ior GREENWELL 5c D0RNAN 4.a SOUTH B2D ST. COHNICH of 2 main atrceta In select and convenient neighborhood. 3-etory resldenc. 2 baths, living hall, hardwood fftor" iffi shower, hot-water heat, ejectrlc lights. Eugene L. Tcnvnsend .om Sd Baltimore. I"!V1"SeVCnr00m'iy"' 72var?nrfr.cee37l0ro""n'- n "novated: G. A. GAUL ,,. I Woodland avo. ONLY TWO LEFT ' B00O block Belmar terrac; "Enburg bullf't Inclosed porch, hardwood floors throua-hniit electricity, hot-water hent. Call Woodl.nd 0008 or J. N. ifcMICIUKI.: 38th anO Spring. IF A MAN wll empty his purse Into hi head and use It. no man can take It from him. An Investment ln any home I hi2 listed Is knowledge that nlway pay the lis. interest. Ho remember CROSS stand for 1 w'oaod'a'tve3. " CtaU' SUth ttnd iarch" 5000 CEDAR AVIL 12 rooms, comer, renovated; electric lights, hardwood floors, open hall; room for cariiira' .acant. " ""' JOS. ALLEN POTTS. 41)05 Baltimore av-. FOUR BEDROOMS Xew. cheerful homes, nil latest lmpror. menta. samDlo house. f.J.0.1 Tjirrhunn .... . njnanceOaOET-:. on preml.e.VoV TWO-STORY mod houso (1400 block N Al. Plumbing, etc., j urood repair. Agent at 1447, Martin McWilliams M0 S 52d St. Woodland 7308. 41 12-41 16-41 18-4120 LANCASTER AVENUE Store and dwelling In best business block of Lancaster ave,; will be sold Individually or aa entirety: flnanced: values constantly Increasing. LEVICK & W0LD0W 707 WALNUT ST. GERMAN-TOWN itisnmflA SEDGWICK Bo smre to examine these properties roiTi ". Y.ou ar looking for a house in the fall; they aro modern, well lo cated and flnanced. 7B0 Bemldetached atone dwelling. O bedroom and bath, electricity. $13,000 six bedrooms and bath, hardwood floor, electricity; space $12,500 Semidetached dwolllnc, 6 ,bedroom and bath. $30,000 Detached dwelling. 0 bed room and 3 baths, electricity, hardwood floor, hot-water heat; .0rrnar property, with garage. $10.500 Semidetached stono dwell- i .;-. wiin parage; o bedrooms nnd I J bath. electricity. hurdwood I '31-.0.?.0 -Detached stono dwelling. 1 with sarago: .7 bedrooms and a J baths, electricity, hardwood floors. 1 hot-water heat, lorge lot. with old shade. : S. C. Tourison 7014BOYERST. j TEL. GTN. BOO OR 4431 -ifflMIMIEMM GERMANTOWN $25,000 Two and one-half story entirely detached stone nnd lirlck dwelling; lot 00x201: old shade nnd shrubbery, ono of tho finest parte of the "west side." mm 1218 CHESTNUT ST 5010 NEWHALL ST. $8000 Three-story end houee, brick and rwbble .ri'l,c'ontructlon' wr'60' condition, pos- KlwAKmr kALTo U'lniFSTNlT ST GERMANTOWN vevattrac , t, , , T1VK MKW HOUSES Erl.nB'r 'l',.. "PPoalta Crlcset ClubT "J ..btwen Manhwlm and Clapler st t beoutlfu outlook over largo estate; Parle st ; 5 bedroomB, a bnihs. garage, near Oueon Lane star; take BS car on 18th It. i neceasar mortgage money supplied: 40 per cent rh.ap.r than apartments O. M. RANDLU. 21 S idtit 1II.M wlUf we know if only a. tew mnr left II rooms nnd bath, 5700 block. HeeoS. w.,u.l hi 2UI.I block. Furley st near Wl.teV t-tiilliei V and R It . and right Ht No 73 ar line, west of Old York road and Olney at- .prlco $300n.$;i.'00; Jium cash reiiulrirt nelghborhood flrst class Wm. A l ncnte? 5nd3!jJlH.?tCWn " Tl0'i!i 1Uai, th OWNER lcaUnK"lty"wlll.en'up-roTdVle ror nor house llnlaht',1 in whit and mahogany outhw, Mtern.expoaure close to WaVna T June tlon a car line. 4 large bedrooms, lit iS , room dining mum, l.r-akfast rdom, kitchen pantry b-somenl. litundi, hut-wuter heaL gas, elettrU' brl k garKue i, Phono Wyoming 4772 J SINGLE STONE lUJUHE "-Ten ri.nis.t.T. heat. eU-ctrlUty; 1 l-l, 'aSresTa' VtrtSt fronts, sejerttl largx shade trues; truly rural r'S'ofao bu,llu,, "uctll,- nr station m.. , j7 W, GRAHAM Jr., 337 Land Till. Bid. (1023 l.IMEKU-N l'IKK-7 rooms, "aTr-fite1' modern, occupied by owner, w. v A.hh- 2040 N Slllh. HUmonil-4n " Ashby. DlVmond 24..V "' ' "'"" -9" . -.lh- NICE 7-room porcii.'ensy Urm'""ja'ii .."' , 05(10 bio.! print ,30OO: ,,r""'' "" It, W. V. ASHIIY, 2040 N 2011. ..I...,,.... -. ' 1 " r; '" .'laninnn 34S WOnKRN two-atofy hgue. 4 l..romTTnTt !.- SsWS. m - 1 'i V 'M.' Tk. m ' 11'. 1 --. a4 ' na v.' a -. n Am M . n A 1(1 m J jLociuVvsfl'iv. " "r M,a " Citl I '.& i