Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 11, 1920, POSTSCRIPT CLOSING STOCK PRICES, Page 9, Image 9

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Pro&remBflt 9iUi 4:B0
TTT II 1 " "pm
Partly cloudy
Stpre Opens nt 9
Store Closes at 5
forecasting Notable Wanamaker Events lor Monday
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We Never Get Tired
in trying tp Do Our
Storekeeping Better
but it has never been bo difficult to
get assistants to think of what they
pre hprp for find to set tftpir inmis
fully upon their duties.
Some of our oldest workers are
very faithful, but there are many
other? who hurry in a.t nine amj
hurry put at five, not realising how
little and how artificial their service
seems to ppine qf pur life-long
patrons who haye gopd reason to
expect much from ns,
To he an acfcpunta.nt qr a cjprk in
ji good hW8nes8 hPUPe is to h&YP an
honorable ppsition, gppd pay qnd an
opportunity to make a good record.
We Know by the growth of thp
business through all thp yearp and
especially this yfcar, that the people
want to usp the peculiar advantages
of our large, carefully spnght and
well-bought assortments of merchan
dise, and now thht we havp had gpod
holidays, let us settle down to attend
to business strictly and justly.
September 11, 1020.
Stitching, Stitching
Everywhere on the
Loveliest Fall Gowns
Which means the, gowns that haye taken their
inspiration, from Paris models and arc now having
their first presentation in the Fashion Salons.
This stitching is pne of thai newest Paris
features and it is certainly one of the prettiest.
Little or no other trimming: is used, for none is
needed. Occasionally a hit of fur, chiefly on the
gowns of duvetyne, or bonds combined with stitch
ing on the more elaborate afternoon frocks this
is about the only exception.
A charming in-between-scason dress is of Royal
blue satin, stitched in largo squares. It is in the
loose chemise stylo, belted and finished with a deep
border of navy bjuo tricotine. Another form pf
stitching is a smart midnight blue tricotine with
bands of the brightest green satin stitched across
in dark blue.
Another, a street frock, is stitched in square
effect to give tho effoct of an Eton jacket, gold
and bright blue silk being used. Sometimes tho
entire upper part of the dress i3 stitched, somo
tirnes the hem also.
Theso are the most unusual and distinctive
gowns so far brought out for Fall, and every
woman has a special interest in seeing them. They
aro 5125 to $215.
(Flrat Floor, CentroJ)
New Wool Jersey Cloths
Special, $3.50 a Yard
And for her everyday frock, from which she
expects long and hard wear, a woman couldn't
choose more wisely than one of these good Jersoy
cloths. They are such favorites that it is a ques
tion whether women will ever bo willing to give
them up.
Tho new Autumn colors include navy, Copen
hagen and Pckin bluo, ton, putty, henna, beaver
and purple, 54 inches wide.
Frt Floor, Chestnut)
New Autumn Blouses
These Three
which wero taken from their boxes to get them
sehes into the news.
513.7(5 is tho first blouse, which is of white or
fleeh-colored crepe Georgette, with a collar and
estce of real filet and weo ruffles of Valenciennes
$16.50 for the next blouso, also of crepe Geor
Wtte, in a new ovcrblouso style with many fino
Pleats. It comes In navy blue, brown or black and
is lined with chiffon.
$25 for tho last blouso a handsome affair of
navy blue, blark or bisque-colored crepe, with much
Beautiful embroidery in the same color. It is also
an ovrtJouae, has three-quarter sleeves and a
narrow belt.
(Third I'loor, Centrul)
Women's Sheer and Snowy
Handkerchiefs $3 a Dozen
M spotless and of fine Irinh flax that is pure
nen, every thread.
UiSi lem aro nar"w. tho handkerchiefs are
Jrf """stitched, and they aro good values for
r Price, too,
E Ali v
Half q pozen New Novels
'Thq Bcait!?ql Mr8. Davpnont," by Viplot
Tweedalo. A story of lQVo( of thrlHJpg oplspdes,
Md a hauled house. $1.7G.
"Thp gaming Foreshore by Saml Alpxander
Whto. A vjvid stpry of a shipwreck imd a romance
on a strange shore. $.50,
Tho Door of the Unreal," by Gerald piss.
Werewpl.ves m mysterious disappearance mako
UP a thriln$r story. $1.90.
"When tho DIood Burns," by E. W. Savi, A
moving and, passionate stpry that transports, thp
reader's whole Pagination to tho interior of Hindu
stan. $2.
"Hip Mega Trail," by H. Bedford Jpnes, A
man's hand and & wopian'q heart and on ypfqrget
ablo desert romance. $1.50.
M.Jm!,,Ci0f PJn.M'1 ty T- Pflfl I.Qn?9trcth. A
thriJHnff lovo tale of the Adfrondaoks. IJ.pO.
(rln Floor, Thlrieenth)
Sale of Stockings
$50,000 Worth of Beautiful New
Goods to Be Sold at Once
for $30,000
Cotton, 50c a pair
Wle, $1 and $1,25
Men' cotton half hose, 50c
Men's tflk half hose, 05c
(A Notable Disposal on the
West Aisle)
We have just received ft fine European
Shipment of cotton an4 lisle stqck,ings con
tracted for a year ago, and a great domestic
ahipment of silk stockings, and because of
their desirable high qualities and amazingly
low prices will bring them into such great
demand, we will have them on the West
Aisle tables on Monday for quick action,
The stockings are notabjy good, they
are all freqh, seasonable and up to the min
ute; apd are in ji full range of sizes..
They are placed Pn sale now for the first
time, and you would look far and long
before you could find any others so good at
prices so low.
Best come at once, Monday morning,
and get a full Winter's supply.
Women's Cotton Stockings
At 50c n pair. Black and white full-fashioned,
imported cotton hqsc. Sis;es 8 to lOVi.
Women's Lisle Stockings
At $1 n pair. Black, white, navy, cordovan,
African brown, and smoke, full-fashioned imported
lisle hose. Sizes 8 to 10 H:.
At $1.J25 a pair. Beautiful open-work ankles,
full-fashioned Imported black, white, navy, cordo
van, African brown, and smoke lisle stockings.
Sizes 8 to 10.
Women's Silk Stockings
At $1.10 a pair. Black, white and cordovan, full
fashioned ajlk hose, "seconds," ,
At $2 a pair. Wonien's black, white, navy,
Africpn brown, and cordovan pure dye, full-fashioned
silk stockings.
At $2.50 a pair. Full-fashioned ingrain black
and colored cotton top silk stockings.
At 32.50 a pair. Black and colored silk tops, in
grain silk stockings, "seconds."
At ?4.50 a pair. Beautiful black, cordovan and
navy open-work ankle silk stockings.
For Men
At 50c a pair. Full-fashioned imported black
cotton half hose. Sizes 9 to 12.
At 75c a pair. Seamless black, navy and cordo
van silk half hose.
(West Aisle)
Furs Are a Large Feature
of New Bolivia Coats
Huge cape collars of fur, doep cuffs, pockets of
enormous proportions and sometimes even the hem
has deep fur bands.
One of the newest combinations is a navy bluo
Bolivia cloth coat combined with natural gray
squirrel. Tho collar is double, tho uppor one being
of tho squirrel, also tho cuffs and big pockets.
?3C0 is tho price.
Squirrel, by the way, Is much thought of for
Fall and Winter. Beaver is also and It trims somo
of the newest and loveliest of theso coats In henna
or beaver color. They aro $380 and ?3B0 respec
tively. On a black Bolivia coat, the fur Is a handsomo
black lynx. This Is $370, And among the new
arrivals thoro aro also capes In Bolivia with those
largo collars. Ono such with beaver is $282.50.
(First Floor, Central)
Young Women's Autumn
Fashions to the Fore
Very new, very distinctive and reflecting the
new Winter fashions are tho gowns and suits which
have just nrrived In the Young Women's Salons.
Usually thero is but one model of a kind and each
is charming.
NEW CLOTH GOWNS of uergo and tricotine,
chiefly In dark bluo, are $G3.50 to $97.60.
NEW AFTERNOON GOWNS of Georgette and
tnflfctas, $65 to $102.50.
NEW EVENING DRESSES of taffetas, of
Georgctto and of panno velvet and these aro ex
quisite aro $40 to $270.
NEW WINTER SUITS of beautiful fabrics,
many embroidered and fur trimmed, aro $70 to
In 14 to 20 year olzei.
(BteonA Vlaor, Chestnut)
The Authentic Forecast for
Autumn and Winter Millinery
Showing of the New Paris Hats at Wanamajcer's
"OARIS was of several minds, regarding some phases of millinery, we decided, this
year as we viewed the hats in the foremost ateliers. But all the modistes were
of one mind when it came to beauty of line, richness of fabric and lovely colorings,
we agreed !
These hat fashions are the last to come over the Atlantic rthey arrived just
in time to get into the news. They are the fashions Paris herself approves., and
will wear. And here, unboxed, are the newest creations of
Af . Lewis Marcelle Demay Jeanne Due
4-Hce and Nora Odette Verlaine
JSach hat represents some feature or dominating note of the' new fashions.
There are no two hats alike.
There Is a Furore Over Velvet
and rich velvets aro seen everywhere deep lustrous
blacks, wonderful browns (and Paris is showing a
gjea fondness for bjown), blues and other rich colors.
Next in favor como shaggy fabrics like soft wools,
Angora hats, plush hats, and hats of furry beaver
cloths. All these yon will see in the newest, smartest
Hats Are Large Quite targe, Often
nn4 Monsieur Lewis has quite a liking for Napojeonie
hats, broad of brim and turned sharply off tho face.
Brims are often very broad, sometimes turned up
at one side. And thero aro delightful hats with great
soft crowns, and others with crushablo brims. But
becoming they arc, and wearable always.
As to Trimmings
Paris Is smiling upon the ostrich. Ostrich plumes up
(Second Floor,
New Fabric Handbags With
Artistic Frames
These frames ore all in fancy designs and are
colored rroso, gray and brown ns well as ivory
and shell finishes. Wo bought them specially and
had tho bags made to order.
The fabrics aro all fino qualities and are silk, in
black and navy; velvet, in black, navy, brown und
taupe, and duvetyno, in fur shades.
Tho silk and velvet bags are $12 each and the
duvetyne bags are $15. Considering their beauty
and fashion tloy are very modoratoly priced.
(Main I'loor, Chestnut)
Dainty Camisoles and a
New Kimono
aro all of tho popular crepe do chine, and all so new
and dainty they are sure to have many admirers.
Tho kimono is of crepe do chino in that lovely
shell pink. Jt is shirrod over tho shoulders, is
generously cut, and tho price is $13.85,
A new camisole of flesh pink is trimmed with
lace and hemstitching, has ribbon shoulder straps
and is $8,
And another stylo of white crepe de chine is
trimmed with lace nnd hau lace shoulder straps.
It is $3.15.
(Third Floor, Central)
Wanamaker Special Corsets
New Styles Arrive
Although they do have such small pikes, thesu
corsets aro cut along excellent lines nnd nro well
boned. They aro mndo especially for us.
Notice the straight lines in tho new models, tho
low tops, and thero are both tho shorter and longer
sklrta for short and tall women.
In whito ami pink coutll at $3 and $3,75 and in
pink' brocho At $5.
(East yU.le)
right, ostrich feathprs curled and uncurled, flat on the
hat and facing the brims, covering the crowns and
used in any number of ways you will see what de
lightful ways they arc on the hats themselves.
Much lace, too, is used sweeping laco veils, Ineo
draperies charming when conibined with the beauti
ful velvets.
On the wide-bpmmed hats which have sweeping
lines and little trimming you will seo groat pins of
gleaming jet or rhipestones -theso aro stunning.
Tinsel ribbons and suporb embroideries that glow
with color and shpw tho gleam of gold, too these
ajso aro used.
Occasionally thoie is a fur-trimmed hat one of
soft taupe velvet faced with gray mole was lovely.
It Is a Beautiful Collection
and they are beautiful hats but jt will give you more
pleasure to see them than to read of them!
Women's Beautiful Plain Pumps
Women looking for dainty turned sole, LouiB
heel pumps in perfectly plain lines will find some
beauties in tho Exclusive Little Boot Shop. Somo
hae two-inch high Louis heols and others have
baby Louis heels.
In patent leather and dull black calfskin they
are $12.50 a pnir, and in tan Russia calfskin they
arc $13. Both styls have Louis heels.
(llrl I'loor, .Murket nnJ Juniper)
What a Wonderful Chance to Get a Whole
Winter's Supply of Shoes atv Low Prices
In the Wanamaker Extraordinary Sale
pdKXftJ'tRlSffil'rjSISi """ n's shoes at zigly low
clear dJtMo "bStaSfi" 3 WUM " Ut " """ kto" C
tw' 1.-,'!t, Z a'0c1k81'ou WW n'cr know they were diminished.
new Afssisei ftarfSJS fl-
Women 8 Low Shoes at $4
Oxfords and pumps in black and tan have bold
rapidly, but you con still get them in the morning.
Women's High Shoes at $5 and $7
aro meeting the greatest commendation. They are
really wonderful for tho money. They nro in various
good BtyleB, in patent leather, dull black calfskin and
tan calfskin; somo with cloth tops. There aro Cuban,
Louis and Military -heels, and button and lace styles.
Women's Fine High Shoes at $8,75
Mado by a famous Philadelphia factory and
among the frnest in tho country, include) patent
leather, brown kidskin, gray kidskin, dull mntt kid
skin and tan ami black calfskin, with various fash
lonable tops nnd mostly with Louis heels; somo with
Cuban heels.
. Women's Fine Low Shoes at $9,75
Includa black kidskin, tan and black colfekin Oxfcdb
usually sold for more than double this price. Thy
are likewise from Philadelphia's most famous factory.
Men's New Fall Suits
Are on Show
A small but djatinguisfopcj colltjon
ready in the IVfen's Clothing Store.
A little roomier than last year.
Much bettqr in tailoring.
And smarter in evory way.
(Thlfil Floor, Market)
Brown Suitings for Fall
London's Favorite
The beautiful new fabrics for Fall and
Winter have arrived in the Men's London
Tailoring Shop, and they show that the
dominant color note in England is brpwn.
Most noteworthy of all the goods are
the Scotch suitings in plaids and fancy
patterns in various shades of brown and,
heather mixtures.
Besides these there are the new West of
England tweeds, the beautiful angelas apd
the fine cassimeres.
Custom-made suits of these fine fabrics,
admirably tailored and in the best of fash
ion, are ?100 to $185.
We are also showing the new overcoat
ings in Shetlands, vicunas and lamb's-wool.
Overcoats made to your measure of
these materials are $105 to $135.
(The Onllerj-, Chestnut)
Mens Rich New English
Sweaters and Sports Coats
The Men's Wear Store is just jiow
showing a lot of new importations in men's
sports coats and vests and sweaters that
are unequaled in this city. They are the
Styles, the patterns and the colorings most ,
favored to-day on the golf courses and the
other fields' of sports in England.
Ono of the most notable garments is the English
pullover sweater in pure white worsted with bands
of gay regimental colors around tho V neck, the
wrists and the bottom of the sweater. Price $16.50.
Then there are Scotch wool vests in the moat
fascinating designs and a great variety of colors,
including the canary shado wheh is in such great
vogue, abroad. These are $15 and $20,
Tho sports coats are of many fabrics and a
remarkable range of designs and colors. The fab
rics include Australian wool, merino, cashmerps,
and Shetland-weave worsteds, and among the "
latter will be found tho ubiquitous canary coat In
all its glory. Prices of the coats are $18 to $35.
"(Uln Floor, market)
Housewares Sale Specials
Wanamaker lockstitch sewing machines
at ?85.
Sixteen-section dress forms, adjustable
at every necessary point, $18.75.
Matting-covered utility chests, with
swinging lid, $4.85.
(Fourth Floor, Central)
Cooking Sets for Domestic
Science Classes
are in request just now, since hool hau opened.
Tho 6ets most u&ed ore of white lawn, and
thero ii an apron, a cap and sleeves.
$1.25 complete.
(Third I'loor, Central)
Two Good New Room-Size
Seamless velvet rugs in beautiful designs and
colors, 9x12 ft. size, $75.50.
Tapebtry Brussels
9x12 ft. size, $01.50.
rugs of the better sort,
(heenlh Floor, Client not)
Women's High Shoes at $9,75
arc of a Philadelphia brand regarded by many pooplo
as tho finest in the woild. They include patent
leather, brown, gray and black kidskin, dark calfskin
and tan calfskin; nil with hijrh cloth or kidskin tons.
with about
equai cnotce among Cuban and Louis
(Writ Moor, Market)
Men's Heavy Walking Shoes
at $4,75
Theso aie plump black veal leather blucher mado
over an army last.
Men's Fine High Shoes at $7,75
Splendid choosing among black and cordovan and
w?.vuin,dult,l,la,ck cfllf skin, brown and black
Wdskln in straight lace and blucher styles and
many toe shapes.
(Main Floor, market)
V v