N "i JT I -. Vf'"r: V.' If " ' tetENlfe PBttO LED&ER-BmAJDiEriPHli:, SATUDA, . SEPTEMBER 11, 1920 .,' my iffiZtlZim From .. foojcrrims i . Screen to Patron T..n( nriodS 1860, 1890 IT""? 7h. " w ent dcR.lc-ar? "hown Un of -M". -iown at tho Stanley week ,r Ml"""": in irawns 01 ino reus"." UorhVr 'admirers, ""JX " ird her rn y'"orv , that of TM,lnVtJrori who in the main story "J M? an outcast, tho victim of finds hene i "" nerat0nsf 'Her nana; Wprd m-olher both flavins eloped Brtthor ??; that were scorned as ffSJi'Sme trait o Allowing tho 1m- ' pttlw- t, u taken Into the homo fit WJK?.S? kinswoman Lady Henry, nti Ur o,wnn,; iho tights to overcoma tho MmPjnlon. ! njni yWd t0 wtaknew- as veteran roue there cornea tl",ch1r.n denouement that sends her i,2E S'tlw "brink of destruction, but S""0" n tn hftDDlnCSS. WS.1,- I. ih first of Uio novels 01 Mrs. tfjrt Vreach the.scrcen. ..t . mmnnni Invests "Way 'A Dofrn East." tho Lottie Blair Par- f,y that, at first a failure, became, HTr. vls on by Joseph It. Orlsmer, 1 fltrAhoKreatcst popular successes on , JK 1 stag?, IMvId W. Grlf. irt appeal Biury nravn In tho tiro ?4,SnPJfM at he Chestnut Street dacUon en " already declared that ! SrdeaVe fliS aa Intensely human Jjd ?h iSuMtoM to bo of strength ; Mi"VrSnafcast of "Way Down East" " firarded as one of tho finest groups '".".S. assembled on art American tfjf rScawSSh so-well ftttod his or m a nyera wero SS? Mclr toih and Vlvla Ogdcn. who B..i the photoplay cast of today; How-,,!'?.-li. Sara Stevens, Loulso aallo Ui M !? SLitaki riavlir. Charles y.FrHiiu. --- Tho play Lk?m " compact in Its finished form. "" ?: nt,and bv Mr. Orlsmer until ffkid avtrythlhg Just right. ! i V EXCnPTlONAL cast has been A'choJcn by William S. Hart. Parft ftnt star, for "The Cradle of Cour-""'"-SSrwr.rJh h nlavs, the next two ...ki at the Palace, tho role of "Square" Situ? a crook who afterward Is re- fcrmrU through terr mo Btress oi circum ? .?a iiUmii a doIIco officer. InVinJ that his squareness waa Innate. rThomaV Santschi. himself astar in .MtroMprodoctlons, plays the "heavy." S Stile, a favorite with aim audi 2, has the leading feminine role of "".. -V ii,. i.njn-wnrlil. who comes ttttuih the fires unscathod. Oertrude CUlre, clever chamoUr womah, Is Mother; Kelly. , r SOME successful theatrical history has btn made hy "Civilian Clothes." tho SfeShan's first Paramount picture was w,n Hall and William Courtcnay uccosslcly tho stago stars. Th nhotoplay version, to be shown at it,. Arcadia next week. Is said to be m lau attractive than the stage veraion Thomas Melghan, well known for his Dtrancs In tuch pictures as "Male and Female," "Wliy i;nango rour Wife?" and "Tho Prlnco Chap," Is con- tli marries a society girl and returns horn In civilian clothes only to be wjlbed by his wife D( ,0nE DAVIDSON, who so artistically plays the role of Papa Kantor in unmnfonnue." wlilcn is now peing nhown at tho Academy of Music, won many friends In this city somo years in when ho was playing in local theo- ters. . . ...,., ...... In me aays wnon mo oiu- Diauumu waj running combination shown Mr. T)i1dson was ono of tho favorltos there, and he also played In the stock com pany Ultr estaDUsnea ax. mis nouie. Laitr no went. iu ilio uimiyi piuvr, md it Ilia sAmu time conducted a schocl f wlJny. In collaboration with "Frank iiHiixhv. then a dramatic critic of a oeal newsnaner. Mr. Davidson wrote the Tmelodramis, "Tho Test of Friendship" ua "ins aistcrs Hnarae. am pa, Wpn NEW OPERA SEASON at Lyric Federation to Give "Alda Its Opening Performance "Alda." It was announced yesterday. vtll be the work with which tho opera iMton of the Italian Lyric Federation it the Metropolitan Opera House will be Inaugurated on October 7. The an nouncement was made by Alfredo Sal- maw, director or tne company, wno left last nlsht for New York after spend ing eevtral days In Philadelphia. me opening perrormance, uignor tsai njfgl rdid, will bo as expensively and trtrnlfcentb- staged and will rank In iplendor with the greatest presentations oi mis opera at tne scaia, or Milan. ThU will be an InnOTutlon In tho presen Utlon of opera at tho popular prices, ac cording to the Impresario. aorno or the Best artists or tne ital Iw Lyrlo Federation will bo heard on the C-Denlner nleht " Hnlri Tr. ftftlmnircrl. "nd the spectacular opera will be given with all the Bhowlncss to which this work lends itself. A numerous chorus, fifty nesro supers, Impersonating Ethio pian DrlsonerH ! camMM. nn AlAnhant nnd horses will mark Itadamea'a trlumDhant entry Into thft c.itv of ThoViAn in tYiet n?e- ond let. T The artists who wltl participate in ttli production of 'Alda aro mostly American Blngers who have had careers If lf and Europe. Carlo Nor . L. tenor who will assume the part or uadames. Is a Phlladelphlan. The aim, win do another American singer, Merl will conduct" EVENTS OF MUSICAL SEASON m-- l, .""'. ""'" Ii,ilVJ Villi viiir VEHHi '"""hsiiMon on Sunday afternoon. isSSiiS T Llth a concert at th Bellevu.. SJt iA,?ill"?un,Iv afternoona. Novem 8TF.S..Sli.D,e"Jn6!r ,2- Jnuary 2 nnd til ii?1'?" ,ni,ttec are Flonialey Quar BoVimfi,1 i,iranc"i nlladlphla Orchietra uff Quirt0 ,,n,'ftt?.n5l'!,, ,Plch 0et. w? At,iP n.. nioa-KUioler-lUmann Trio StauV m.SJrlot ? Jacques Thlbaud In ""' mutlo tor 1UM unrt vlnlln !Han. X'fSirr.?' h Bthov,n leiMiii ,"'..."'"" ". "amarorr. with 12ft lKfc; ndon,da &t SiSESSr-fil: t ii k. .i..:uv."""" ii iu airae. uamarorr. jtritlord "hi, ?" HJi'oi"" the Bsllovuel ,J Uondr MuHc.lt. ni .,... . femb.r r in5" dtt'" re Novombar J3. n.h.?hTanW"' Sfi&Jasssa w,tai-,Lvs!5E PS?',," "WSJ .Unlni? T. . . - " i ItS kI." f!i;b nnounee that It will iu',,,h", w1I'hPi,r'hrral of th" fu 'Tu..J,;,Vnm..r15 Pine .treet! IhAwJtrro?olu.nflyub,,cri"on concerts at Rf" Euia,; vUv."'.? " September ao, W! I ifon :- am "le Ytava .d ... "weniDtr SO, -"" . Tltta Buffo: b,VT"'no an UNSEEN HANDS author of 'Ti,?c.,pper?eld' th t the fii,,ba,?e the reader EPHC LEDGER I' .ii.i.J'y your nim, J4.-n.. FEATURED HERE IN PHOTOPLAYS w.s. HART "THE CRADLE or-cxxiRAat' P1aco-..., .RPBBW 'ni !.';- -'IB iSic-: : ?jJ tfT3.' GRIFFITH FILMS 'WAY DOWN EAST' ORCHESTRA'REVEALS ITS SEASON'S PLANS Famous Names on Its List of Soloi3t3 for Philadelphia. N. Y. Season Increased The season's announcement of the Philadelphia Orchestra, has boen made public. Tho concerts at the Academy of Music will open on Frldny afternoon and Saturday evening, Octotfer 15 nnd 16, and as in previous years there will be twenty-five pairs. Mr. Stokowskl, who has spent the summer in Europe, has sent word that ho has eocured a number of Interesting novelties, somo of which will bo given tho flrst American hearing at these concerts. An Important feature of the season will bo the appearance as guo3t con ductor of Osslp GabrllowUsch, conductor of the Detroit Orchestra, who conducted one pair of concerts last season. The concerts of January 7 and 8 and thoso of January 21 and 22 at the Academy will bo conducted by Mr. Oabrllowltsch, who will also direct the concerts given In Wilmington. Washington, Baltimore, llarrlsburg and Pittsburgh, beginning on January 10. Three Choral Programs The Philadelphia Orchestra Chorus 'will again be maintained as an assisting organization, nnd Stephen Townsend, Who trained the chorus last year, has been again engaged for this work. An before, Mr. Stokowskl will give threo concerts with chorus and orchestra, and will present Mahler's Second Symphony, the Ninth of Beethhoven nnd the Brahm's Requiem. The last named will nl-w be glvon at ono of tho New York concerts. Thore will be twelve concorts this year without soloists or with members of tho orchestra, appearing as soloists. Among tho soloists engaged are Cyril Scott, tho English pianist and composer, who will probably appear in his own concerto for piano and orchestra, this being his American debut; Sergei TtachmanlnofT. Olga SamarofT and Mlscha Lvitskl, palnlsts; Frits Krelsler, Thaddcus Rich and Jacques Thlbnud, Alexander Schmul ler, a Russian, and Carlton Cooley. a Phlladelphlan and winner of tho Sto kowskl medal last year, vlollnlsta; Hans KIndlor, former nolo cellist of tho orchestra, who resigned to devote hlm uolf to solo work, and Michael Penha. tho new solo cellist, and Margaret Mat zenauer, Hulda Lashanska and David Blspham, vocalists. Tho poroonnol of the orchestra remains largely as It was last season, tho only changes among tho "firsts" being Michael Penha as solo cellist nnd Romatn Vcr ney. formerly flrst viola with the Chi cago Opora, as solo viola. The percent age of changes among the other mom bers of the organization are very small Carryinir Music to New York In the coming season the Orchestra Association haa decided to limit its out-of-town engagements to thoso places where a series of concerts Is given. In New York the number has been In creased from five concerts to eight, nnd the house has already been sold out for the entire number of subscription. Flv concerts each will bo given In Wilming ton. Washington, Baltimore and llar rlsburg and ten In Pittsburgh. Tho or chestra will appear four times In To rontn and the educational series will consist of five appearances at the Uni versity of Pennsylvania and one at Prirceton University. The season ticket salo Is now in prog ress at Heppe's. Present subscribers have until September 16 to secure their tickets, after which time tho unclaimed tickets will be assigned to new sub scribers. Orders placed with tho womon'a committee and through the business offlce will bo assigned from September 27 to September 30. nnd those who hnve not placed their orders have from Octobor 1 to October 7 to secure their tickets. The advanoe sale1 this yrar far exceeds that of any previous season. WILLIAM FARNUM.-IF I WERE. KING Stnlau"" Guide to Photoplays for the Week to Come Special Photoplay cnnsTNVT ar. opera house "Ww Down East," D. W. Qrimth's movie, made from Lottie Blair Parker's ono popular rural comedy drama. A flno production. ACADEMY OF MUSIC "Humoresquo" Is by Fannie Hurst and tells of tho love of a mother for her bos', who becomes a great violinist. In tho cast nre Alma Reubens, Vera Gordon and Gaston Glass, An augmented orches tra and special soloists give "Ell-Ell." Photoplays STiwrnv "if T Were Klnir" Is the Justin Huntlv McCarthy version of tho- Tifn'nfFrnnels Villon, and Wll Ham Farnum Interprets the rolo. A romantic story of the life of the French Doet. It Bhows his many e.tcapadca and lova affairs, b. Lloyu Sheldon directed the piece. PALACE "Tho Cradlo of Courage" has William a. wart in mo iouuuik " vr in ci tmllcfmnn. soldier and citizen in turn, and the thrilling things he does measure well up to his former roles Ann Little is tho leading lady and Lambert Hlllyer dlrecteu AHCADIA "Civilian Clothes" provides Thomas Melghan with a role that is nttinrr Hn renresents an A. E. V. officer who marries whllo In uniform and then becomes a butler in tho homo nf Ma wifA'fl dcodIo to teach them democracy. Thomas Buchanan wrote and Hugh Ford directed tho piece. VIOTOIUA "Go and Get It" is what the city editor tolls n. reporter, ami he discovers that tho Btory ho is after turns out to Do a mcioarajnauc onu. Marshnll Nellan mado tho production. JIEQENT "Tho Dark Lantern" shines upon Alice Brady. The story Is about nn EngllBh girl, who goes to a foreign country and Is asked to contract a morganatic marriage with a member of tho nobility. James L. Crane M in the cast CAPITOL "One Hour Before Dawn a pre-revtow commends as being the best melodramatic mystery story pre sented for some time. It deals with a hypnotist whoso influence is ro sponBlblo for a death. COLONIAL "Burning Daylight." with Mitchell Lewis, flrst half of week. "3lnrnM." Wlin AI1CO Jjruuy, lanci ORE AT NORTHERN "The Turning Point." with Kathorine MacDonald. nintiBrs." with Allco Brady, latter MARKET STREET "The Idol Dancer,' with Richard BarthelmcsB. "The Or phan," with William Farnum, latter ALHAMBRA "Below the Surface," with Hobart Bosworth. "Nothing But Llos," with Taylor Holmes, latter half. IMPERIAL "Jenny Bo Good," with Mary Miles Mlnter. "Tho Family Honor." with Charlotte Walker, latter BTRAND "Homer Comes Home," with Charles Ray. "The World and HH Wife." with Alma Rubens, latter half. LOCUST "Tho Fortune Toller." with Marjorlo Rambeau. BELMONT "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" with Mary Plokford. "What Happened to Jonos." with Brynnt Washburn, latter half. . RIVOLI "Crooked Streets," with Ethel Plavtnn. "-' 1 JUMRO "Lovo'h Protege," with Ora Carow, Mon. : "Cynthia of the Min ute," with Leah Balrd ; "Crimson Shoals,", Wed.; "Shepherd of tho Hills," latter half. LEADER "Awoy Goes rmdonco," with Bllllo Burke, Alon. and Tues. ; "Ho mer Comes Home," with Charles Ray, Wed. and Thurs. ; "Hnlrplns," with Enid Benriott, Frl. ind Sat. COLISEUM "'i't Sins of St An thony," with Bryant WiiBhburn. Mon. and Tues. ; "Away Goes Trudenco," with Bllllo Burke, Wed. and Thurs.; "Remodeling Her Husband," with Dorothy Glsh, Frl., and "Stnklnc His Claim," with W. S. Hart, Sat. CEDAR "Cynthia of tho Minute." with Leah Balrd, Mon. ; "Greon Flame." with J. W. Kerrigan, Tues.: "The SlnB of St. Anthony," Wod. and Thurs. ; "Homer Comes Home," with Charles Ray, Frl. and Sat. WEST ALLEGHENY "The Confes slon," with H. . Walthall, Mon. and Tues. ; "Tho Prince Chap," with Thomas Melghan. Wed.. Thurs. and Frl.: "Cynthia of the Minute," with Leah Balrd, Sat. Standard Rural Melodrama Rich in Romance and . Realism CheMnnt "Way Dwwn East,'' as Grlf flthlzed, Is another masterpiece to be hung In the movie gallery of pictures. There la no attempt at spectacle nor clash of race, as In other Grlfllth Alms, but just a straightforward plcturlzatlon of ono of tho standard American rural melodramas. Last evening's perform ance took on tho gulso of a "first night" for tho director, Lillian Glsh, Richard Barthlemens, Mary Hay, Kato Bruce nnd othors who participated in the making of tho picture appeared In person to re ceive tho plaudits of an cnthuslaotlc audience. Spectators were lifted to a high pitch of excitement In the last fifteen minutes. Tho sccno Is tho rescue of Lillian Glsh by Richard Barthelmess. The clrl la lying upon a enko of ice in a mad-rush ing river with tho falls Just a few yards below, whero tho bov saves her from going over with the jagged Ico floes. If the battlo in tho water does not bring the pulso to boat nt a rapla rate or Bet tho nerves in a high stato, then tho spec tator would better seo nothing but trav elogues or the making of a powder puff in an inuustnni movie. Tne rescue or the heroine will long be the topic of discussion wherever this picture Is ex hibited. It outdoes tho thrillers of tho sortal makers. Aside from tho surprising climax, other touches mako this picture a gom of direct tlon. Tho snowstorm Into which the heroine Is cast by tho man in whose homo she has been a servant is tho most realistic which has been shown on the screen nnd vies with the London fog In hlB "Broken Blossoms" for beauty of photography, ns do the many rustic scenes. A contrnst to tho pastoral beauty Is that In the home of the wealthy aunt, whero the girl goes nt the begin ning op tho story and whero sho mceti the man who marries her with a, mock ceremony. In this episode Mrs. Morgan Belmont has an Important role. Tho country store, which has its pro verbial round stove and tho poroh upon which lounge tho habltuos of the place, nre true to form; while the cat which dozes In tho wnrm summer day Is a gem of animal Introduction, The, coaxlnor of a horse up a hill with n. bit' of grass Is another diverting rural touch. The barn danco Is superb. Of the Individual players It must bo said that Lillian Glsh has mado a new placo for herself by her beautiful crea tion of the girl who reaches motherhood and then loses her baby. Tho scene where she christens her child is pathotla Richard Bartelmnns Is rather Blow get ting under way with his role, but ho nmehps dramatic- helorhtn with the rescue climax. Burr Mcintosh ns tho father trlvr-H a fine nortraval. as does Vlvia Ogden as tho gossiping mold : both were In tno original cast, ijoweii anennun ib tho polished villain without fault, whllo llttln Marv Hav nnd Edcnr Nelson sup ply minor roles. Crclghton Hale, the professor who loves Miss Hay, is do llghtful In his comedy way, as Is Porter Strong as tho constable. Announced sb a simple story for sim ple people, it Is really a good story for all classes of people without regard to mental attitudes toward art It was mado from tho play of Lottie Blair Par fcnr hv Antlmnv Paul Kelly. G. W. nttrm- and Henrtrlk SartOV were tho photographers. Tho scenes taken. nonr Whlto River Junction, vt, are ratiiirui to tho localo of tho original story. Pretty la as Pretty Does Tlrifi Bowdln. who nlays the mald-of- nil-work In "My Lady Friends." Is ono of tho few vounsr women on the staire who believe In going on for character work Instead or playing parts mat re nulrn benutv. She was last seen hero in 'Leave It to Jane," whero she had the part of tho "slavey." 7 Sfcfc PHILADELPHIA'S FOREMOST THEATRES GARRICK Chetnat Juniper St. HAifl.. NIXON-NIIinUNOBIt BuiInciJ Manlier Matinee Today Tontlht st BllO Dear Philadelphia:- I mm W T3B I8NT IT A (1KAND OLD NAMET " Thank You GEO. M. COHAN BROAD XHXT WEKK Broad Below I.oount PHANK NIBDLINOBn Dullness Manager MATINEE TODAY TOMOnT AT 8sl5 3rd WEEK Mot Delightful Comedy in Years "Babbling over with the Joy of Life and Lore's Young Dream." Pnbllo Ledger. "Ilelen Ilarea as 'Bah' the moat delertable and most tklllfa stage penonlooatlon of bubbling girlhood within memory." North American. ".MaKfe. iiiimii SZXWK " The Humorous Adventures of the Romantic Sub-Deb IIDWABD CI 1 1 LI) S CABI'ENTEIt'8 COMEDY 1TJOM MAJIY HOUEKTH IIINEIIART'S (iTOlUKS With HELEN HAYES and Cast of Unutuil Excellence I Direction of OEO. C. TYLEU riajr by Arrangement with AltTIIUK. HOPKINS CHESTNUT BELOW TWELFTH rlTUKET Another Superb Bill of Vaudeville's Best! 8-ECOND AND MNAI. WEEK OV THE WONDERFUL CHILD BTABBI JANE & KATHERINE LEE In the Comedy Bkrtth WILLIAM EBS Vaudeville's Newest Offering THE BABY GRANDS Amlated by WILLIAN I'HINNEY . tih. "THE NEW DIKECTOIt.'" Ilr Thomas J. Pray EMERSON & BALDWIN Present "SO, THIS 18 I'AUIS" Melissa-TEN EYCK & WEILY- Max And Companr In ClaMle n.nfw-irimi rrom n.r...y ...rar -- m iTrtv it rir AMinwa or HEKDkK 1 AOrlLJL I ROY DIETRICH Tn "AN BNrmtJAL CON'VKItHATION" SCANLON, UENNO BROS. & SCANLON SOMEWHAT mgjrmtKJiT HTitrrrenri TOMMY GORDON MAXINE BROS. & BOBBY EXTUA ADDED ATTUAU1IONI AND KXTUA ADDED ATTHAOTIONI N0NETTE THE FASCINATING GYPSY SINGING VIOLINSTE A Mnaleal Comedr and Vnmtoylllo Htnr In New Hetiertolre. FORREST Broad Si Sanson) 8ta. THOMAS M. LOVE Builneu Manager Wednesday Night. FIRST TIME ON ANY STAGE CITABLES DILLINOIIAM Treaents FRED STONE IN THE NEW MUSICAL COMEDY "TIP-TOP" Written by ANNE CALDWELL and B. II. BUHNSrDE Composed by IVAN OAUYLL GREATEST OF ALL FRED STONE SHOWS COMPANY OF 100 INCLUDES! DUNCAN SISTERS GLADYS CALDWELL BROWN BROS. SCOTT WELSH ANNA LUDMIIXA VIOLET ZELL I55E?AALEn, "ELEN IUCH PRINCESS WHITE DEER ROY HOYER MARIE SEVELL OSCAR HAGLAND STAR CHORUS AND THE LONDON PALACE GIRLS . STAGED BY R. II. BURNSIDE UEimmimjiwuitjiiaiyi; ' direction Stanley Company of America l a ,i ii ii ii n " - - "" ' " m ' ' " " "T ACADEMY OF MUSIC BROAD LOCUST STREETS i H U M O R E S Q U E TODAY & NEXT WEEK ComnfKtRt MMfy 3 SHOWS DAILY 20, 7 &9 P.M. PHOTOPLAY Veraion of FANNIE. HURST'S STORY OF LIFE IN NEW YORK'S GHETTO Th tong In a mother' tout mad viiibla; the dream of a mother' lit m com true. A melody of love and tear and laughter played silently on the screen. A Pirsmoual Plclort AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA VOCAL SOLOISTS Reinhola Schmidt Rita Hornstine & Chorus Excopt Sat. PRICES MATS. 25c 35c 50c Elf EC nd CVCd. Matlnoe 25c 50c 75c IMOT.TTTlIMrt TAXI TloktU in Adranct at Box Offioa and 1118 Ohaatnut Street. Qmm MARKET ST. AT JUNIFEB Viuv'erllle 11 A. M. to 11 P. Jf. NEXT WKKK BILLY HART and his CIRCUS GIRLS Tretentlnc Blti of CIRCUS AND VAUDEVILLE Extra Added Attraction THE MIRACLE Presented by Svengali OTHtR ACTS WOETH WHILE lruukfurd Ayr. m ltel. AllHthrny NTCXT WKKK ERNEST EVANS And AnscUts Artliti In a Smart Dl- veniiement of Entertainment Entitled "WEDDING BELLS" McLALLEN & CARSON In a nollloklnr Whatnot "Oh. flarah" FOX & BARTON from tha Lttnd of Nuti WATSON'S DOGS The Comedy Aot Different BABCOCK & DORILDA "The Boob and the Tarlatan" Tlrtt Kenilncton Bhowlnit of Clara Kimball Young In 'Tor tho Soul of Rafael." WMiiiiMWffi IIKOAI) AND SNVIJKIt AVENUK Monday. TurHdiiy nnd Wxlnmlny A DeUfhtful Uelance of Hannonr WILLMORRISEY ELIZABETH BRICE P reient "BUZZIN AROUND" A Tretentloui Muiloal Comedy A PEERLESS PHOTOPLAY MARSHALL NEILAN'S DON'T EVER MAREY Tint South Philadelphia Bimwlna BILL OHAKQED TllURSOAV flHSSii MARKET STREET BELOW 80TH 8.30, 7 AND 0 P. M. Monday, Tueiday and Wednesday HERMAN LIEB AND COMPANY In a Sketch of Dramatlo Intensity "THE DOPE" OTHER A0T8 WORTH WinLZ BILL CHANOED THURSDAY- "llj 1 jl 'ASffjirajtHlrrHTKBBTB Mondnir. TiieadBV ami Wfdiii-wluy MAUTY llHOOUH uresenta . .2,nt'r Mualcal Comedy THE SWEETEST GIRL" A ifaramount FhotODUv F Hohart " tin L"i""M! .."""'", Boiworth oeiow me aurtaco BILL CHANOED THURSDAY STANLEY onoitEdTnA Albert F. Wayne I jweocor MARKET STREET Ab. 16th Wr TODAY Waller RAH In "WBara. Yonr ilnmr7' TWO WEEKS COMMENCING MONDAY WILLIAM FOX Pre.enta WILLIAM FARNUM tot A MAONiriOENT flOBEEM VERBIOH Or JUfiTlM HUNTLT MoCAB "A O D1AVA gUVUbOB AilU JHVWJt4t m WERE THE MOST WIDELY READ ROMANCE THAT EYER ENTHRALLED A READINO WORLD. iait MARKET STREET T TODAY I "OOINO J I BOini" TWO WEEKS COMMENCING MONDAY PARAMOUNT, Present WMi S. HART VflaU!aaBK mVYrJ IN FIRST SHOWING OF THE CRADLE OF COURAGE CAST INCLUDES ANN LITTLE AND THOMAS SANTOHX Limited EngaRement1 Commencing Monday PARAMOUNT Pree.nte Flrat Showing of 'mJtriYfy p If III THOilAS EIGHAN With Beautiful MARTHA MANSFIELD In the Hugh Pord Production SLOTHES A Stlrrlne Pleturiiatlon of the Timely and By THOMPSON BUCHANAN, Famoua Play """"""''"""laaaaa.aamaB.mejaaaaMaaeaieBeaBmeaaB T Market Ab. 8th WS4frHffllI)l)il! TWO WEEKS COMMENCING MONDAY THE MOST ASTOUNDINC! AMAZINC1 FASCINATING AND EXTRAORDINARY PICTURE EVER FILMED MA mik MILE-A-MINUTE MELODRAMA OF NEWSPAPER LIFE iSri Ib we .,.Jk zlsm&Tmm 9 SnilaKK' tLy A Seniatlonal Photoplay of the Romance, Thrllli and Danrers In the Maklnr ef a Excitement, Oreat Dally MAUKKT ltflow 17TII m:vt wi:i:k ALICE BRADY In New Realart Photoplay THE DARK LANTERN MMaMKaMaenHnMi mMm Monday. Tuendny and Wedncsduy MITCHELL LEWIS In Jack I.ondon'a Htory BUBHIHG DAYLIGHT NKMAL1-' MARY MILES M INTER in' "JENNY BE OO0D" Til JHHIUiT STKEUT .JiXT win:u Oermanto-wnAr. Bel.Ohelten At. 2.16,015 ana htm. B. WARNER In a Myetery Play ONE HOUR BEFORE DAWN i j TODAY I I t "The Flxhtlnc I I J Chnnw" BROAD AND ERIE AVE. Mon,,Tuei.Wed KATHERINE Mac DONALD la ROBERT W. CHAMBERS' THE TURNING POINT MONDAY. SrWITTHUm WEDNESDAY D. W. GRIFFITH'S "THE IDOL DANOEtt" H I w M ct'- a 10 m W In meuli. Br5MV0 r 1 '"I i "iTZ ""qing- II 5tT7 ' i " V9j ry ftM" tYWxrFwybvM ;."tt it r i '0 , .i4.1iVL.V f uUkA&VuAlit&iXk ,&,