-, - .- 'TTT"-, l,rf'j i 1 1 - n IF f i ' ; '; ,, ,." - , ;". '. li ?z?r- "JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE . f ilancy Wynne Anticipates a St, (Martins yho I allcs of 1 wo Weddings m " ' Glcivdihning Family BBLIBVC we arc all going tennis rrnir for awhile You ought W have enZ7'..u nt the Phllailel I 'm!I Pricket Club yesterday afternodn Junior Tllden, the world's chara wi nir And nest week out there Im'A't open ng of the tournament for he championship o( the United ..tA among the women and glrU M, will bo , thlrty-thlrd tourna T . l ItS kind and it's all to start SfstondS and continue through the jte tournament comroittce Includes t Carpenter, who Is chairman ( Lyri inl dE Joe Crown, Linton Lan Sf.fh. Henry I'holps. Iri. Rowland, iinTd States Lawn Tennis Aasocla tioX repent that association at the matche. These four men are Craig jffijoo Jennlnn, George Warder and Edward Hooker. VnHB auxiliary commltteo 'for the I tournament Is composed of women, who arc attending to many of the dS ih arranging for accommoatlous for ffiptajen " U of the other Hit e tbloKs necessary for the comfort of tIM- M'rs. Arthur H. Lea Is chairman of lilt committee and the vice chairman is Mi's Ellen Hood. Other members In flade Mrs. Joo Carpenter, Jr., Mrs, nillam Harper. Mrs. Ned Krumbhanr, m Dick Nallc, Mrs. Clem Wain what, Mrs. Joseph Wear, Mrs. George Woodward. Miss Katherin Morrb, Miss Eliiabeth Chcston and Miss Mary Thayer, in other words our friend Molly. OF COUHHM, women uro vuivicu from all over the United States, but being a Phlladelohlan, I'm nat urally more Interested In those from Br own town who are to take part. And I think It Is very interesting to im how popular tennis is with the younger set, that Is, the girls who are Sixteen, seventeen and eighteen and Jn the' Junior entries for the tournament. Especially Is this true of the younger girls eboat Chestnut Hill. IUEAIt that Helen and Boatrice Sewell will play, and you know Helen Is quite a 'Viz." (She won lomethlng big in Cape May) j Virginia Carpenter, who with her father, won in the raised doubles at the Huntingdon Valley tournament a couplo of months iro; Louise Dixon, who is n cousin eJMolly Thayer and takes nftr her In In love of the game ; Marguerite Boylo, Jliry Geary. Caroline Graham, Evelyn Martin, Caroline Itcmhk and Katharine Porter, and I nm sure tliero are others vhoee names I have not heard. Among the Philadelphia women in the women's event will be Mrs. Gilbert Harvey, Mrs. Brooke Huff, I'cggy Fer- fmon, who Is to come out this year, I ear; Mary Porcher, Margaret Ilemak, Betty Strublng, Molly Thayer, Anne Townsend and Phyllis Walsh. I think Philadelphia is making a good showing and I only hope one comes off with the championship. I HAVEN'T seen Josephine McCul loh for the longest while, and sud denly met her yesterday looking so mart I must tell you of her frock. It vat ol white China silk made with n rather full, very short skirt and the Hoditfvras cut on surplice lines. Loose jinels were attached from below the wide girdle to cither; side of the skirt Cm) fluttered In the wind as she walked. The V-ahiped neck of the bodice was held together with a brooch. And her ties and stockings were white. Her hat wai a semllargo one in mushroom shape and purple in color. It was trimmed with a long plumed ostrich feather of purple and had a few French flowers, where the feather joined in front. THE Glendlnnlng girls are BtiU in Europe with their father and mother, and I doubt not that Ellen Is letting the most exquisite of troits eeaux. Think of It I All the lovely things to be had in Paris, because they are to be had even If the war held up tho sewing of lingerie and lovely frocks for awhile. And they nro to bo had for lees than on this side, in spite of all you near to the contrary, because I have seen things bought over there recently ind know. There are to be two weddings In the family just a week apart. That Is, Percy's marrlago to Virginia Roberts Jill be on October 0, nnd Ellen and Perilfor Frazer will be married on Oc tober 10. Percy Glendlnnlng and Ellen re not brother nnd sister, as many persons think, but they are first cousins ltd Percy has lived with his uncle for a number of years. His mother married train and lives In Europe most of tho tunc, though sho cornea to America now and again. VOU know school started up on Mon- 1 1 j1!7 for manr f our "ttle friends. And in a certain suburb I know of a certain young gentleman named Joe wis entered on the 11-ita for the first time. Joe Is five whole years of age, na he was very important as his name being taken. He sat on the side of n of the chairs, and said chair being folding one nnd not being very polite, Proceeded to double up and throw hlni out. .i ?n hMvny ,lome ho remarked to his Irter: "There's a rcd-hcaded boy that iMthed at me when I fell, and termor r I'm going' to biff him." NANCT WYNNE. r SOCIAL ACTIVITIES nl ,.marIlairo or MM EIIn Olendln ninp daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert nut ?fi?lnnl" of the Squirrels. Chwtt. Wll EL11, V"1 Ir- Plfor Frarer, 3d, will taho place on Saturday, October 16, SevinthannLMTrs- Chnrlton Varnall. of duce th.n2 Lofuat "feet", will Intro. Yarnan 1r(,aU.Bh,er MB" Anna Sophia Ver 2 '' "' ?s.tpn 1? Saturday, Septem and not arum "treek Fnrm' Dvn. SnoSnU? Soptember " a been Dover Xv!? w.hl?.h Mr- an Mrs. S. vetoing, ' ItaKdale, Pnoll, will te" $.ini2fe "oclety their dauBh tobVr is thi 51 a I?avls on Friday. Oc cel'lne?' Vh,?of0l'0WlnK will assist In re VlrVtrSa iri'l8 ane,J.r- Hepburn. MIm Knlgh Mikhep' m Catharine D. 5!!-biS ZSWS. .HKrtKn. u ctuel mi.. iT'. .;a koii y, .-ic-Eleanor fmMll,"lS. " Stowart. Miss CoxeTnd mE1?!;', Mlw Jane Gordon Jrs I)avg in? . f"80 d,u Po"t- Mr. and Carlton i in vh a l?nco at tho Ultr l"nrnof0Stls8Io?1nft4.neCember 20' ,n 'hllr-Jll?0- stPhns, of "ounce, , tn?.L 'et' armantown, an ,fr. Ml iTnm,rn?fmnt.or ,her dauRh Jlr' T ioSm" T-6 c,ath"rln6 Stephens, to town Mrs rI'm11"8' al of Oerman & 'BuksW?,! and, MlM Stephens v. wT:ftl!!i c,arenc9 Tour'aineT;1,?, "J" Cwrtl. of the y In honor o?mu? t n.?.hBOn on Mo" Roberts an,i i, X"?f Katharine Demlnir i'e "of U''nn-xlds The mir 1'obern. will ?ilr'B and Mr. Maurice Pnt thi .'ilU.' lnHt wek- Mrs. noberta Wain. tn,dren woro nt a camn In A"?? Coo-lock" ftJ'W anrt .Wedneadav f,. v BH Davids, returned Mr and I m Northaat HarboriW. Delightful Tennis Week at and ihelr family, of Chanticleer, St. Davids, who have been spendlnr a month at their camp In Canada, will return today. Miss Ellen W. Harrison, daughter of oir. ana rare, unaries uustis Harrison, will leave for fit. Timothy's School Oc tober 1. Mr. and Mm rtollln H. Wilbur, of Old Stone House, St. Davids, who have been spendlnr the summer at Ki.ipp.. mere, will not return until the last of ocpiemoer. The wedding of Mlsg Frances M. Itlgg, dauBhtcr of the Ilev. and Mrs. John Itlgs-. of Ktverton, N. J., nnd Mr. Ed mund Frederick Fisher will take place In Christ Church, niverton, N. J., to morrow at 12 o'clock. Tho brldo will he attended by hor sisters, Miss Dorothy Riga- and Miss Violet Rlgg. The bride jroorn will have as his beat man Mr. Paul Dever Pickens, of Clarksburg, W. Va, After tho wedding- trip Mr. and Mrs, Fisher will live In Cleveland, O. Mrs. Joseph N. Pew and her daugh ter, Miss Ethel Pew, of Olenmede. Dryn Mawr. returned last week from Wy oming, where they were the truesta of fjr. and Mrs. Hjalmar AlartK Myrln. Mrs. Myrln was Mlsa Mabel A. Pew. Miss Pew Is now In Maine for three weeks as the guest of Miss Catherine Adams. ? p"so" Deeter, of Dryn Mawr, with her father, Mr. Samuel Dlspham Bowen, of Germantown, left last week by way of Canada for Honolulu. Mr. eeter will Join them In San Francisco 0.n.MepJembor 20-. Thoy wl not return until November 1. tr?' nnd MrB'. ? w Pooiey. of Haver rord, are receiving coniiratulattons on tho birth of a eon on Septembor to be named Itlchard nandolph Pooley. Mr. and Mrs. n. E. Forster and their family, 0f RoadBlde. St. Davids, re tttrnod on Friday from an extended Mar Und throuBh Pennaylvania and l,?w8MinIe?vMc9r1t.h nnd Ml Ollsa oettt McOrath. of una vmt,nt n. P"L T'J'JSLW'".1 aoveral weeks In a Ur-ti?roUfh Canada, have returnea to their home In Melrose Park. NORTH PHILADELPHIA nrV.an.'i n: Alexander St.wers. of AtUntrrtA.,T.w."lh stre.et- havi Kone to AtUntlo City to remain through the h?? "turnn. Their son, Mr. Alexander TimJ fSi.v.r,tiWho has been "Pending some SS.r,tbi.h1' Parents at tho shore, will P?ur?l . hc?mi today to attend St Charles s Seminary at Overbrook. .itr" nn4 & George Young, of Twen ilS,tnrti?i;dii,Moun.t Vernon streets, a?e SftlUntPc City' X Part f th6 mo"th ln lauMi?ddf 'Vf of M'Ha, Sarah Stevenson, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Alexander C Stevenson, of 2008 Wallace, street, and Mr. Hclnr ck C. Werner, of Helmont avenue. West Philadelphia, wli take ?Lttcafn Wedneaday evenln?. Sep cmbe? ThV hAfe hV?. Sf the bride's parenti. SS,ve KWi'i' b0 "ttended by Mlsa A?n,i.r brld,eBroom's cousin, und Mr. man. Stevenson, Jr.. will be best MiM-r' ! Jv 1iyan and her daughter. Miss Gertrude Ryan, of North Twelfth sDendmiPtM, 0n Wednesday WaftJ? spending the late summer In Atlantic so"rofaniK2Mwii,yo.n r' Hl and their t! i!l n We8t Erl avenue, motorod to Lake George nnd Saratoga Springs "topping at places on the way to thi Delawater Water Gap, where they snent some t me. Mr. and Mrs Hill JJPti". talned as their gus?s on the tria ta frah HIII Mr. Hill's slste?, and Mr and Mrs. Charles B. Calllnan. q.T,J,8 entertainment committee of &&?,, of "5" Grand Mas' ehs1idc!arm.ee4, &'& jgZ Among those present were Ml'" Slvlra SBKffiS. JM?f ayYe-qg!.rrrice sny?e" " a WEST PHILADELPHIA FivSmnei f L"'y' of t Brighton, Flfty.lrst and Locust streets, and Mrs &," JIunter, of the Hnatlngs, 1217 South Broad street, who have been at the Marlborough-Blenhoim for the Inst nine weeks, will return to tho city the latter part of the week. AIr-n,nd Mrs- Roland Mowbray Morris of 287 South Flfty.nfth street, are being T0?tS.lated V,pon.tho birth of a son. M,raerToner """'a. on September S Si"'"'8 wa formerly Miss Agnes ?r TJrd?-i.Tn,2i. dauKhter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Toner, of this city. Miss Nellie A. Mars and Miss Sadlo A. Mara of 517 North Fifty-second 5v.m,- mik110 Ml8?es Fry- ' Sellers avenue, Mlllbourne, have returned from a ten days' visit at Lake Hopatcong. xs. J. 80UTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. James McGettlgan will leave to day for a trip to California, where he will remain until December . Mr. Drew Toland of 2S24 South Broad street, Is spending the month of Septem ber at his parents' cottage in Chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. J. Glacken, of 2422 Wharton street, announce the mnrrlage of their daughter, Miss Helen Glacken, to Mr. Thomas McOrath. The ceremony was performed In St Gabriel's Church, Twenty-ninth and Wharton streets. Miss Catherine Larklns acted as bridesmaid, while Mr. John Glacken attended his brother aa best man. A breakfast fol lowed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. McGrath left for a trip to Niagara Falls. They will return home Octo ber 15. Mr. and Mrs. James McShane are visiting at Sea Isle City for an extended period. Mrs. McShane Will be remem bered as Miss Eleanor Donnelly, Air. Benjamin Rush, of 2118 South Broad street, entertained Miss Katherlne Waxier, Mlsa Marlon Johnson and Miss Mann & Dilks UM2 CHESTNUT STREET "V tfr., y ftjlaw Hdif Wmsm ANN & DILKS S1Q2 CHESTNUT STREET AVEttESTG SUbIG aae ? " Ihoto l)y Vanity I'jlr Htultoo. Drew Cook. Allen MISS NULLA WETIIEIUHi, who lives nt Fourteenth and Totter streets, Chester, Pa. Llltlan Smith at his home In Atlantic City ovor tho week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley, of 1605 West Pasayunk avenue, are spending tho month of September ln Ventnor. Mrs. Bradley will be remembered as Miss Sue Haines. Mr. and Mrs. Jean White and their family, of 2308 Fltzwater street, havo returned home after spending the season at then summer homo In Chelsea, Mr. Edward Carroll, of 2534 South Colorado street. Is visiting friends ln Long-port for a few weeks. Mr. William Hutchinson, formerly of South Philadelphia, has returned home after spending tho season at the Chelsea Hotel, Atlantic City. Miss Jean Ralney, 5910 Cobbs Creek parkway, formerly of South Philadel phia, and Miss Marie McLoughlln have returned from a trip to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Detroit Mr. Benjamin Shrelber, Twenty-first and Oregon streets, will leave today for Fort Bliss, Tex., having completed his course at the training Bchool. TIOGA Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lo Roy Moyer, after spending the summer at Seaside Park, N. J., have zone to Pittsburgh to live. Mrs. Moyer, who was Miss Louise L. Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wallace, of 3839 North Nine teenth street, was a June bride. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace returned from Seaside Park early ln the week. Miss Betty Wallace Is spending the early autumn at Stone Harbor, N. J. Dr. and Mrs. John Davis Paul are at home at 3112 North Broad street, after an oxtended wedding tour. Tho bride, before her marrlago on May 20, was Miss Edith M. Gardner. Doctor Paul Rerved overseas two years with Base Hospital No. 34. Announcement Is made of the mar rlago Of Miss Edna Koch, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Koch, of 3104 North Ninth street, and Mr. Charles B. Flood, of 2417 Falrmount avenue, on Satur day. September 4, nt tho rectory of the Church of St. Francis, Twenty-fourth street and Falrmount, avenue, by tho Hev. Fathor Kccgan. Mr. and Mrs. Flood have gone to Atlantic City to remain a fortnight, and upon their re turn they will bo at homo during the winter at 3104 North Ninth street. The bridegroom served for two years ln the United States navy during the world war. WIS8AHICKON Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Rich are at home at 170 Kalos street, having re turned from thnlr wedding trip. The bride was Miss Ella Hudson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hudson, of 220 Jamestown Btreet, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ruseell Tolson aro spending the autumn at the Delaware Water Gap, and upon their return will bo at homo on Airy Btreet, Norrlstown. Mrs. Tolson before her marriage on August 28 was Miss Martha Meyers, of De Kalk street, Norrlstown. Mr. Tolson was formerly of Rochclle avenue. NORRI8TOWN Miss Catharine Gray was the guest of honor nt a surprlso linen shower which -pnso nnen suower wnicn MIbs Mary A. Ehllng, of was clven by M 624 Chain Btreet There wero fourteen guests present at the event The mar riage of Mlsa Gray and Mr. Henry B. Hopkins, of Langhorne, will tako place In tho Oak Street Church on Septem ber 15. Tho Gnrden Club held Us meeting for Septembor on Wednesday morning at tho Regar Museum. Mrs. Gilbert R, Fox was tho hostess of tho mornlne. whn an Interesting talk on "Hoses" was given by ur. uuiiii .j. iviuiams. xne magazine review was given by Miss Emma Beyer. Tho Garden Club, which will have a fall flower show at the Erslne Clubhouse on the afternoon of September 15, will be ln charge of Miss Mary M. Hlbbs and Miss Isabel Walker, head of the committees. aaaav'HV . E&W?aHl x&PWnwm&B&awi fisasikwsfcw :k z$mii nffi PTZ,?rf. ctKi.vV-v WmfmmmmtttmmimmmatmHmmimM SOLD HERE ONLY Fall and Winter New Styles New Colors Ladies' and Misses' Plain Tailored Suits 27.75 34.75 38.75 Motor and Street Coats 37.75 41.75 54.75 Junior Suits Th Practical School Suit New Fall Hata FRIDAY, gEJPTEMkEft 10, 1920 ,,,11 - . -''? "L MISS EDNA M. BEEBEE WEDS MR. R. C. KUGliR Protty Wedding of MF33 Annotto Motcalf and Mr. Wilson Leon Godohall . An Interesting wedding wilt take place this .evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Beebee, 3344 North Eight eenth street, when their daughter, Mlsa Edna M. Beebte, and Mr. Raymond Charles Kugler, of Germantown, will be married by Rev. C. T. laenberger, of. tho Gethsemane Methodist Church, Broad and Westmorland streets. The bride will wear a gown of soft white ellk. veiled . with georgette crepe, and wilt carry ft 1 shower of Brldo rosea. Mr. Beebee will give his daughter In marrlago, and Miss Clarissa Connor, who will bo her only ukiuiiuaiii, win wear a gown oi pinn taffeta and will carry pink roses ar ranged In a shower. Mr. Kugler will havo for best roan Mr. Walter Knaufo. The ceremony wilt be followed by a reception for the fam. Hies and close friends. The bridegroom and bride will spend tho month travel ing, and will be at home after October 1, at 442 East Tulpehocken Btreet, German town. GODSHALL METCALP Th weddlnar of Mini innatla nntranl Metealf, daughter of Mr. und Mrs. W. 1L aieicair, oi d AsnDV roau, Upper Darby, ana mr, wmon Loon Godshnll. tooK placo ut tho Episcopal Diocesan Church of St Mary at Draad nml Knilth trAtR on Wednesday ovenlng. Tho ceremony was performed by tho Rev. O. Woolslev I lodge. Tho bride, who worn n. rnvin nt whltn satin trimmed with pearls and a court train veil neia in place by orange bios- oma, wan given In marriage ty her rattier, miss Lydla Darrach, who wore a dress of pale green satin, was maid of honor, and the bridesmaids Included Miss Emma A. Smith and Minn Wlnnnn Beck, cousins of tho brldo, wearing buff BHun ; iuihb .uury uoaBnan, cousin or tne bridegroom, In pink satin : Mlsn Kath erlno Crook and Miss Marcella Henchell, In pale blue satin, nnd Miss Marguerite Zahn, of Lancaster, Pa., wearing pink satin. Tho bridesmaids carried starts decorated with tea buds. Mlsa Grace Schram, of Lancaster, was the flower gin. Mr. Joseph Sedengor noted aa best man and the ushers wero Mr. Charles 8techer, of New York; Mr. Andrew Al len, Dr. John Barron, Mr. Donald HII se, Mr. Coleman E. Hltner nnd Mr. Karl Retach. The church was beautifully decorated with palms and fall flowers. Many out-of-town gueata were present at the re ception and dance held ln the Gold Room of the Adelphla Hotel, which Imme diately followed the ceremony. WILENT FIELIS An Interesting wedding took placo ln niiinraissiM . WiYvTi aI. v. ivv m r- m -S M i 5SS If ' George Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 " Charming New Fall Hats For Immediate Wear Burnt Ostrich Turbans in Henna, Navy, Black, Brown $12.00. Soft Duvetyne and Velvet Hats, tucked brims $8.00 and $11.00. Fine Mirrored Velvet Hats. Some are ostrich trim med, others have gold and silver ribbon trimming1 $12.50, $15.00, $16.50. Girls' Gymnasium Bloomers,. $5.95 ,f Nicely tailored on full wido lines of flno grade sergo ln navy bluo or block. " Mtdd Mnuaes of white Jean, plain with tie or emblem 12 so and 18.00. Ages 10 to 20 years. T Smocks of Middy cloth In goo4 quality; white collar, cuffs nnd vest; hand embroidered, Iloeo or Copen Blue. Ages 10 to 14 years 18.00, Two Quire Box Stationery, 50c This la a good grade of linen-finish paper, and comes In white or an assorted box of four tints. One packago of envelopes ln each shade with paper to match. Duff, Lavender, Pink, Blue. " This paper Is now worth more than this wholesale. An unusual opportunity for gifts or personal use. Special Silk Hosiery, $2.25 pair This is the quality which w excellent valuo. They havo the hose are pure thread silk, of fine Notion Specials at 2 for 25c Knit Wash Cloths with edge crocheted ln pink, blue, lavender or yellow. Usually 20o, at S for XSc. r Enameled Garment Hangers In white, pink or blue, 2 for 28c. Voiding Nickeled Wire Coat Ilangera with extra skirt hooka. 2 for 25c fipariLh Caitlle Soap, 2 for 3 So, Jergen's Violet Caatlle Soap, 2 Cakes for 25c. White and Flesh Colored Dress Shields, Special, 25c pair Fine quality nainsook covered washable Dress Shields : guaran. teed Impervious to perspiration. Made by the best known ahUM byt'thfflSia," V thelr nam9 " w Allen's French Hair Nets 10c each, $1.00 a dozen ..oi '"r8hava very, V1?. "hj"1 1" b"h cap shape, our famous "Sllppon" brand, and straight shape, our "Import Special" brand! 'vyrB,r4 Bl9 Bta tor America for these guaranteed Frenoh aeh ""Jo rUoe"nlr ?,"t"' '" ISo f ' i HP aMmr,1nnmfflmWwm1pp)awMWH.1iM j j . Cntvarv PhiiMh TTnrtV.nmt and Par rlsh streets, on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, when Miss Harriet Fieiis, daurhtKP nt Mr nml Mm. Henry Ray Flells, bocamo the brldo of Mr, Albert L. WHent, of 2426 North Bixtn aireeu Tho Rev. Charles I Steel, rector of the church, performed the ceremony and Mr, Flella gave his daughter In mar riage. Miss May Flella attended her sla ter aa maid of honor and Mr. W. Henry Wllent acted as best man for hla brother. A reoeptloa followed the cere mony at tho home of the bride's parent. After a weeddlng trip Mr. and Mrs. WJIent will be at home In Akron, O. LYNCH DOYLE- An Interesting wedding took place on Wodnesday morning at 9 o'clock In St Monica's Church, Seventeenth and Rltner streets, when Mlsa Mary Doyle became the bride of Mr. Walter Lynch. Mr. John Dov1 ravn hla ulster in mar rlago nnd the Rev. Father Kelly per formed the ceremony. The bride wore a gown of white bridal satin trimmed In pearla and carried a shower bouquet of orchids and whltn aweet neaa. The brldesmald'a drean wan of Dink satin and she carried pink rosebuds. Mr, John Lynch acted as test man. After a wed ding breakfast riven nt this home of the brldo, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch left for a trip to Canada. They will be at home after November 1 at 2324 South Twentieth Btreet HUSS BAUM A quiot homo wedding too place last evening when Miss Hattto Baum. daugh ter of Mrs. Emma Baum, of 2942 North Twenty-ninth street, became the brldo of Mr. Herman Hubs. The ceremony was performed tiy the Rev. Dr. Ettle son. The brldo, who waa given ln mar riage by her brother, Mr. Morton Baum, wore a traveling costume of blue trlco tine and a blue duvetyne hat The best man was Mr. Mart n Pasternak, or New York. After a trip through the New England States, Mr. and Mrs. Huss will return to live, at 1010 North Sixteenth street, whero they will be at home after iNovcmDer l. HOLME8BURG Miss Edytho Rerrls la on a three weeks' visit In Cleveland, 0 aa the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Snyder. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Castor, of 8204 Frankford avenue, aro on a motor trip to New York. Mrs. Georgo Bolton, of Aahburner strott, has returned from a summer's trip to Ocean City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heard, of 2515 Rhawn street, ore on a short trip to Saratoga. Mrs. J. Metzer and her family, of Crispin street, will return next month from Atlantic City, where they have oeen spending mo summer at tneir cot tage, on Massachusetts avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Mahon Trumbaur, of snu TanKrora avenue, nave returned from a trip to Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas "Williams, of jioimesQurg, aro receiving congratuia tlons upon the birth of a eon. Gmehf 'Places' , i Crisp, fkvory sugar wafers make travel a pleasure D-tlirg-hf-vM ROLLS OT ASSORTED FLAVORS. ALSO AIL rHTERMINT.' AU CHOCOLATf. ALL VrNTCftORKN AND Aa OKNAMOH Xrvr fngjLmd Coniectkmarv CO havo sold for $3.60, so that thv doublo Halo soles and garter toDa- garter tops; weave. Brown only. b'h ap " B,ra'Bnt shPe, at N0RTHEA8T PHILADELPHIA A party was given by" a number of young people on Wednesday night at tlto home of Mr. Leon MoKeever, 243T East Somerset street, ln honor of Mr. Joseph Kane, Mr. Francis Conroy and Mr. Joseph Conroy, Those 'who gavo tho nf falr Included Mr. John Brennon, Mr, John Donahue, Mr, James Donahue, Mr. Jamen Camay, Mr. Cornelius Dugan, Mr. Clayton Cooper, Mr. John McKee, Mr. William O'Donnell, Mr. James Ham 111, Mr. Joaeph McVoy, Miss Marie Slavln, Miss Helen Foam. Mlsa Mary Connor, Miss Helen Pryor, Mra. Cahterlne Con way. Mlsa Mary Lavln, Mlsa Doretta Buckloy, Miss Agnea Buckley, Miss Catharine McKeever, Miss Anna Foot. Miss Gadle Ityan and Mlsa Eleanor Thomas. STRAWBERRY MANSION Mr. and Mrs. W. Oreenwald and Mr. and Mrs. A. Berllnberg, of the Norfolk Apartments, have returned home after an extended trip to Niagara, Buffalo, Canada and Detroit, Mrs. Fanny Wurzel, of S217 Berks street, has relumed from Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, of 1837 North Thirty-third street, returned homo after spending the summer In Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Solomon, of 2034 North Thirty-second street, havo re turned from Atlantic City, where tney spent the summer. Mrs. David Markovlte and Miss Kve lyn N. MarkovlU, of 2207 North Thirty third street, who had been touring the Adirondack mountains, have returned home. Mrs. Simon Bpllka, of 3152 Euclid nve nuo, and Mrs. Samuel Qourley and her eon, Mr. Charles Qourley, of 2932 Oxford street, havo returned after spending sev eral weeks In Atlahtlo City. Mrs. Matilda Rosenbaum, Miss Minnie Ilosenbaum and Mr. Samuel Boaenbaum, of 1733 North Thirty-second street, who were the guests of Mr. Leon Rosencaum In Chelsea for the lost two months, havo returned home. Mr. and 'Mrs, Julius Blanckensea, or 3124 Diamond-street, have returned from Atlantic city, where they spent the sum mer. , Mrs. B. Bancroft and family, of 1018 North Thirtieth street, havo returned homo after spendlnr the summer in At lantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Newmnyer and their family, of 3143 Diamond street, havo returned to their home after spend ing the summor ln Atlantic City. ROXBOROUQH Mrs. Samuel Mllltgan, of 4137 Lauria ton street, entertained on Tuesday eve ning at her home with the following wood, Mrs. Harry Price." Mrs. Mahala COUNTRY PUCE FOR SALE Penllyn-Cynwyd Valley district. About 11 acres; beautiful trees; exceptional view; 1 mile from station, mile from country club, mile from trolley. Six master's bedrooms, 3 baths, servants' rooms and bath, etc., etc. Artesian well; stable & garage. Immediate Occupancy Apply on Premitet or to HENRY C. BOYER Land Title Bldg. Spruce 3159 EMMETT WELCH liKreS Eamrhlng Hit "flBASHOnffl 'fLEKCERfl 1 . walnut Ab. sth Mat. To5a asmo H,p' HIp' aamu HOORAYI BIJOU cm & Mac, Mat. Tod GROWNUP BABIES People's Theatre K"inton av DAVK MARION'H OWN COMI'AN with KMii, (jazz) cAsrnri ANT gg3 WffiffiBSX cttMufog The Store of Personal Service 1310 Chestnut Street Special Sale New Autumn Frocks y VV HaKA NBv nrff ljTL iaOnaaMK tt llfaiM a Iff ' iL W If ZnKc2jr 'Si fi T iim, f -J VOL MmmmJiilEl DliEv ' f ff wW fflili 111 LU Bi B v fllilll 8IH1 50-oo Today's Values Are 89.50 Thi really extraordinary sale hnB been planned for vreeki past planned for in advance to introduce the Newest Modes at a most popular price. Twenty Individual StyUs AJ1 charminar, all expreasine the latest tendencies of the Toxue; Cvpt-back Satin Reed' Tricotine Charmeuse Poiret Twill Kitten's Ear Crape Duvet yn Duplane Satin Chinchilla Satin Navy blue and black predominate among the color tOTiei, but all new Autumn shades aire included. Two illus- fVo C. O. D.'a No Approval. All Sale, Final The Blum Store Spencer, Mrs. Charles riudson, Mrs. Krnnk Walker, Mr. Francis Klrwan, Mrs. Harry Wiley, Mrs. John Fotird. Mrs. Tremalne, Mrs. Frank Berry, Mrs. John Boone, Mrs. Robert amharrt and Mrs. William Wrlgley. .Mrs. Mllllgan entertained also on the same evening n number of young guests in honor of tho birthday anniversary of her daughter. Miss Dorothy Mllllgan. They' Included Mlsa Elizabeth Kcrler, Miss Edith Dahm, Mlsa Alice Dnhm. Miss Margaret Spen cer, Mlsa Elsie Hudson, Master Kobert Graham, Master Benjamin Graham and Mr. Elmer Mllllgan, Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dillman, of Monastery avenue, are receiving con gratulations on the birth of a daughter, Doris Iorralne Dillman, YARDLEY Miss Prettvman, of Philadelphia, has been visiting Mrs. If. Linn Bassett Mr. and Mrs. t. Sidney Cadwallader gavo a bargo party on Monday for a number of their friends. Mrs. Sherman South has boen enter taining Miss Eleanor McCllntock and Miss Blair, of Tyrone. Market St. ab. JOth 11 A.M. toll P.M. WALLACF RF1D " "wiiat-s wALj-Avri wliu T0Un irorUvrr Next Wek WIU.IAM FAJWUM In "IP I VKItE KINO" PAT Arc "I MAitinsT streets I-Lj-I1i 10 A. M.. 12, 2, S!45 6148,7 MB, 9130 P.M. SIr "GOING SOME" Next Week WILLIAM 8. 1IAHT In "TUB CTtADLH OP COURAOE" ADPA PiT A Chealnut flt. Dal. 16th rr.WUlA. 10 A. M., 12. 1, 3145 ETHEL CLAYTON "gSK. NEXT WEBJC THOMAS MEIOHAN In "CIVILIAN CLOTHES" FC'YCQ T A MarKet St. Ab. Btb itoric . 0 A. M. to 11 !10 P. M. ciiAslnERs "The Fighting Chance" Neat Week "CQ AND PET IT' CAPITOI " MARKET STREET -r-u x a ji MATJIUCB TOURNEUR'S m "THE WHITE CIRCLET' RPP.PMT MARKET ST. Dal. lTTTI 1X-,VJ-"N 1. "WHAT ILVrPENED TO JONES- GLOBE MARKET BTREET AT JUNIPER 11 A. M. TO 11 P. M. "rtirON37IfII5U?-vUDKVILL10. .. THE GARDEN OF LOVE" PRIMH08E MIN8TREI.31 OTHERS CROSS KEYS 00" maricbt stb. BILLY HART Clrcua Girli BROADWAY Drovl and Bnyaer Ave. -t.. . IT 3:80. 0i4S A n P. M. THE SAILORS' REVIEW CHAS'. RAY In "homer COMES HOME" ACADEMY OF MUSIC BROAD AND LOCU8T STREETS 3 Shows Daily, 2:30, 7 & 9 Photoplay Adaptation From Fannie Hurta HUM0RESQUE A,iPi,J5NJED0IlCTn,:ST'A. VOCAL SOLOISTS. REINHOLD 8CKM1DT and RITA HORNSTINE AND CHORUS MATINEES. 3.V.. nUi-. Bf)n EVENINOS A BATURDAT8. 35e. E0c. TSe KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE ALICE JOYCE in "The Prey" Comedy "YOU TELL 'njl. LION, I ROAR" ,SS. VAUDEVILLE- ftt E.ITH'S Jane and Katherine Lee In "THE NEW DIRECTOR" Laura Pierpont & Co. In "TTiri ni'inrvrs fi-rinn Vaughn Comfort & J. Weat Jonea Jamea Thornton: Jamea Conlln and Myrtla Olaaa: MaUta Honconl; Othera ORPHEUM Grraantown ft Chelten Ave. Ma tint Tomorrow, 35c A 85c MAE DESMOND "R players Tha Cmintrv rnuafn NKXT WEEK "TUB CROWDED HOUR'" mm rntLAnELrniA'S t.AiMo DIRECTION OF LEE J. J. I ToBSaPBr j i . K t "JrV BAM. SH( HRRT EVENINGS ?". ii -- . . . -i T I MATINEE JOMORROW,'; Vl The- goraeous and record-breaklna' revival. et'iV ' FLORODORri, with ELEANOR PAINTER t Star CastThe World's ' Beauty Sextet f LYRIC EVENINOS AT ll MatTomor. ;, A BABE RUTH HIT Galaxy of Glorious Girls ' "Such coryphwat They datnand tnentle4 even before tha atara of the ehow the audience eouM not gat enough of thww glrla." North Amarlcan. ', "A wealth of comedy." Inquirer. An array of young and beautiful glrla."'-' Record. 'A chorus which proven that tha real beauties hava not bain engaged by others."' Dulletln. Sf GEORGE LeMAIRE'S n BROADWAY O Brevities 1030 WITH DOROTHY JARDON' GEORGE LeMAIRE : AND 1 BERT WILLIAMS Nlahtal A TMT T1T TT I Matlosaa A un.-rin.i 3ur.." S 30 Bat.. g,30 "DIAIOOUE POINTED, CRISP. LAUait-l TER CONTINUOUS." Preae., j WITH f JACK NORWORTH ' MAT. TOMORROW "j $ 1.5ft CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE FIRST PRESENTATION IN PHILADELPHIA TONIGHT AT 8:15 D. W. GRIFFITH'S 3 Latest and Greatest Production "WAY DOWN EAST-1 " ? An amazing revelation of the posslC bllltles of a heart-Btlrrlng- drama (V The actual snowstorm scenes and.! the thrllllne rescue from an lce-fllled river are Mr. Grlnlth'a Breatesrt achievements ln photoffraph' and realism and havo never before been attempted In a motion picture. PRICRS: Cvenlnss, EOc to 2 Rat. Mat, 60o to J1.50 Pop. Mat. Dally DeBt Seats. 1 SEATS NOW SELLING PHILADELPHIA'S FOR32MUST THEATRES FORREST La"t 2 N1hts t ilB Last Mat. Tomorrow POSITIVELY LAST WEEK VICTOR HERBERT'S The Girl x1h. Spotlight BISTC't Musical Comtdy Hit ln Tears NEXT WEDNESDAY BE, HELLINQ FRED STONE , FIRST TIME ON ANT STAOn IN "TIP-TOP" GREATEST OF ALL FRED STONE SHOWS BROAD N1h' at 8:13 Matinee Tomorrow at 2ili " TJab' of the ataro la evcrr bit d harta atorlaa." Evening; Ledyar. "BAB" With HELEN HAYES AND A NOTABLE CAST SEATS 8ELUKQ FOR NEXT WEEK , GARRICK N1hta at 8U0 .u.unm lumornw at S119 civ.ci. at. nnw a Mvts "A rTT -COMEDIANS "tomT AT A OTtAWn rTrMiArRV SEATS SELLINO FAR NEXT WEEX WKTTDT SEPTEMBER 1 1 , 1 920 Navy Yard Opened for One Day Only From 12:30 to 6:30 Thrilling Stunts Submarine Dlvlmr, Air Bham Battlei. Trio Fltnir, Marathon Race, Klald nnd Track Sports, Raaaball Oimti, Btc. Dancing on Battleships Observation Toura or Mammoth Plant mil 120 War Veaaala Benefit Navy Relief Society ADMISSION BOo. CHILDREN, 25o Talio Citra on Routsa a and 20 PHILA. COUNTY FAIR RACES Byberry Runntnr and Motorcrcla Raeca Today AUTO EVENTS Saturday Also Aeroplane Events Spclal Nlaht Feature FIraworka. Vodtll. Hand Conrtrt. Mnvlaa and Ehlblta Special Tralna trom lUadlne Terminal ADiTISHION BO CENTS WILLOW GROVE PARK Only Three More Daya to Uttj' SOUSA'S BAND The flrt-nteat Band In tho World I'nrk now-. Sunday. Kent..! t m h&m rm J id e. i! u y t i 3 VI C a T Trocadcro Tb xwpu DSui lfcL. wit VVBk Panaa) JadrlMOrel m ' MiKwWiv. m,.,, ,.: jm A Xa jr.rt- ..yrtWfr Arv.v mtt)!uf MShW&fii&L'A