3 r. Ku T-ysrxv .' VW ,? &. i ii W. EVENING PUBLIC" LBfiaEK-PHinADEtiPHIA, FBIDAY, SEPTEMBER 0 1020 u Onran Programs at 9, 11, 4:50 WEAKER Cloudy WANAMAKER'S nrtif aelettlon at llfBo, n nime B InS Ktrok of the HttT t Store Opens at 9 WANAMAKER'S Store Closes at 5 WANAMAKER'S Some Reasons Why Many People Are Glad to Be Back in the City .M ' x 'r"m iV,-' MeaaMqaMfMHB -4 I rAti ' Hi ' 4. iH 'I To Meet the Expectations of Our Clients, Who Depend on Us we are obliged to be "en rapport" with every country on all sides of the globe in these times, when almost -every industry of the old world has to be re-established and assisted to "get on its feet again." We have tried to be open-eyed and large minded and without narrowness in resuming connections that existed, in many instances for over forty years, when we were the only retail store in Philadelphia to be directly represented there. 4 A. T. Stewart & Co., our New York house, was in foreign countries before us. Suffice it to say, we are availing ourselves by our old connections abroad to be constantly informed of everything going on, and we are bringing to our doors the most desirable merchandise to be found. Our long-time relations with manufac turers and our influences as users of large quantities of goods give us considerable importance in every market of the world. Signed September 10, 1920. The Mysterious Pearl Wliich Every Woman Loves Tho true Oriental pearl which has no equal In beauty and which is most beautiful of all in tho form of a necklace. Among tho finest Oriental pearl necklaces to be found any where are these in the collection of tho Wanamaker jewelry Store. They aro perfectly matched in color and regularity of shape and in luster they have few equals. All are mounted with diamond clasps and priced from $1160 to $7400. (Jewelry Store, Cheatnut and Thirteenth) M jhmafo. The People Are Carrying Away These Splendid Shoes, Two and Three Pair Apiece What wonder if they do when they are getting, in most cases, two pair for the usual price of one. And with Winter coming on and with shoe prices unlikely to change-much for six or eight months to come. "It seems that it is only at Wanamaker's," said a woman yester day," that prices really come down on desirable things." "On 4esirable things!" That is the very point of it. The shoes in this sale are not odd lots nor somebody's rejects; they are not shoes thai have been picked over and left behind. They are all new shoes, four-fifths of them before the public for the first time. They are fine shoes; every pair of them is a pair of fine shoes. They are "desirable" because they are the very shoes that most people want most. And they are good. It is-very important that they are good, because there are so many shoes on the market right now that are not good. If you saw your neighbor come home with a pair of them, ask her about this sale. Women's Low Shoes at $4 Oxfords and pumps in 'black and tan have sold rapidly, but you can still get them in the morning. Women's High Shoes at $5 and $7 aro meeting tho greatest commendation. They are really wonderful for tho money. Thoy aro in various good styles, in patent leather, dull calfskin and brown kidskin; some with cloth topB. Women's Fine High Shoes at $8.75 Made by a famous Philadelphia factory and among tho finest in the country, include patent leather, brown kidskin, gray kidskin, dull matt kid skin and ton and black calfskin, with various fash ionable tops and mostly with Louis heels; some with Cuban heels. Women'sFine Low Shoes at $9.75 include black kidskin, tan and black calfskin Oxfords usually sold for more than doublo this price. Thoy aro likewise from Philadelphia's most famous fac tory. Women's High Shoes at $9.75 ape of a Philadelphia brand regarded by many people a3 tho finest in tho world. They includo patent leather, brown, gray and black kidskin, dark calfskin and tan calfskin; all with high cloth or kidskin tops, with about equal choice among Cuban and Louis heels.- i (Flrat Floor, Market) Men's Heavy Walking Shoes at $4.75 Theso are plump black veal leather bluchers made over an army last Men's Fine High Shoes at $7.75 Splendid choosing among black and cordovan and tan calfskin, dull block calfskin, brown and black kidskin in straight lace and blucher styles and ' many too shapes. (Main Floor, Market) Rich Colors and Lustrous Velvets in New Millinery Starting at $10 Gleaming velvets in black, of course, and in the pretty brown shades, blues and other tones are the first thing you'll notice about this collection of smart new Autumn millinery. The shapes are new and becoming and most varied. There are smart little hats one of golden brown velvet is in a quite new shape with a saucy bow of tfie velvet at the side ; large hats tocas well as the soft hats that may be twisted and bent into the most becoming angle or shape for the wearer. Here and there is a glint of gold braid, some hats are trimmed with fancy orna ments, some with ribbons and some with feathers. And prices begin at $10. (Second Floor, Cheatnut) New Tailored Tricotine Coats Are Particularly Nice for Fall And for Spring, too, for that matter. They are one of the best coats for in-between Reasons that a woman could find. Of three new styles, all are full length and silk lined throughout. They are inclined to be rather conservative in their fashions, but their newness shows in both lines and little distinctive features, such as the new shoemaker stitching, pinch-tucking, narrow strap wits panel backs, silk arrowheads to finish seams and the exceedingly well-fitting collars which may be worn high or low. Four colors may be had in all of the three models, navy or Victory blue, fawn or black. $70, $75 and $80 are the prices. (Flrat Floor, Central) 100 Delightful New Dresses for Women $22.50 to $37.50 The prettiest new Fall fashions and just right for women who want "something to wear now" either with or without a coat. Q They aro "specials," of course, much less than such dresses would ordinarily cost and much less than most women could have 'hem made for. Altogether thoro are about fifteen styles, chiefly in dark blue or block. At $22.50 aro a number of pretty styles in bluo satin; plain or beaded. And for $85 and $37.50 there are tunic frocks of silk trlcolatte and wool tricotino, some of them beautifully embroidered. (Flrat Floor, Central) New Blouses for Better Wear 'I want a blouBo to wear with my new suit," women aro saying, nd here aro four new models that fill the need. A crepe Georgette blouse in whito, flesh or tan has collar, vest end juffa of embroidered cream net nnd strips of Valenciennes Insertion. t is $10.85. In white or. flesh color crepo Goorgetto Is another blouse trimmed Hh real filet on the collar, vest and cuffs, with tiny tucks for additional daintiness. $15. . Tho Bl'stonlng dofa that look llko metallic embroidory were put elth R,nchtne on nnoinor cropo blouse, and the dots will not come off, er. The o1(q la in navy, brown or bluck, has square neck and is unusually attractive. $16. Of crepe Gcorgetto In brown or navy blue is the last blouse, which is "J Pleasing style with collar of blscuit-colored cropo and real Jaqe nyeq tO match Min Tl. - 1l l - ,! ,.l .nil a .nfln i i ' " ....... nu,a iuu jJivuva fit tiuuv nuu jwv m -. im vne price if $18,76. The Juvenile Millinery Fashions Are Ready And so many kinds they go ull tho way. from furry beavers and fine velvets to tho daintiest silks and crepes, trimmed with real lace and silk rosebuds. There are caps and hats of grope de chino In whito and delicate colors, or crepo Geor gette, or tho practical silk poplins in whito or dark colors, of velvet, corduroy or beaver, and thoy are us simplo or as elaborate as you like. Some of the little hats, like the whito corduroy ones, have ear tabs for warmth, tho beavers aro in Bailor shapos and simply rib bon trimmed, and the silk hats and bonnets aro beautiful. $1.25 to $18.75 and they'll fit and suit small girls and boys, too. (Third Floor, Cheatnut) The Good Moderately Priced Piano Is the One Most in Demand And it is tho moderately priced piano that should be chosen with tho greatest care. When you get into the realms of expensive pianos you find comparatively few instruments, 'almost any of which is good. And people who buy cheap pianos usually haven't enough musical judgment to be disappointed in them. But tho thousands of musically Intelligent people who want fino pianos at reasonablo prices will like to hear any of theso throo m Schomacker Emerson Lindeman These aro three pianos whoso names have been household words in musical America for years. For oxcellence of tone, scien tific construction nnd long service wo know of no other pianos so good in thoir respective grades. Tho Schomacker, in fact, while moderately priced, is one of tho hull! dozen great pianos of tho country. We havo theso fino instruments in upright, grand and player- ? ilano form and will bo glad to demonstrate what any or nil of hem can do. Schomacker, $800 to $1850. Emerson, $650 to $1200. Lindeman, $515 to $1000. Any instrument may bo bought on convenient terms. (Egyptian Hall, Second Floor) iVbled vin. rnrn r The New Serge Skirts Are Beginning to Arrive In the two colors that every body wants, dark bluo and black, are three new styles. One is a full knifo-pleatod model at $0.75. Another a nlain-tailorod skirt with gathored back and shoe" maker-stitched pockets, at $15. And at $10.60 is the prbttiost of all a skirt with cluster of fin? knlfo pleats and, plain mate rial between. i (Flrat r, CMml) New English Velveteens, and the Finest We've Seen One particular quality has never been hero before and wo have never seen any velvoteon to equal it in softness nnd beauty of texture. It would make moBt wondorful gowns; in cordovan brown, navy or black, 44 Inches wide, $10 a yard. Another grade, a trifle heavier, is for suits, skirts nnd also dresses, two shados of brown, mole, plum, navy and black, $8 a yard. And at $6 is a fine, lighter weight 35 to 86 Inch width in dark and light colors and at $4 a 27-Inch width velveteen in dark colors only. (Flrat Floor, Chratmit) t A Home Is a House With Love and a Lamp in It Now, during tho Soptember Sale of Lamps, is the time to make it complete Somewhoro in your house a lamp can go a table lamp, a stately floor lamp, n dainty boudoir lamp, or a candlostick to make it moro and more a homo. Al pf our lamps and candlesticks ond fixtures are 83 1-3 per cent loss during this Sale. You wjll ireally enjoy looking among them. ak, I 4" (Fourth1 JFIoor, Oantral) v A J m Agjfij & IfpB Men's New Fall Suits Are Here and They Are Better Prices have not come down much a very little. But the clothes are better vastly better. The careless and don't-care sort of workmanship that you saw so much of during wartime and since is disappearing now. Men's new Fall suits in our stocks show evidence of good, painstaking tailoring as if somebody now took pride in hand craftsmanship. It is a most hopeful sign. They are bigger, too. Your military-fitting tight coat appears no more. There is a graceful roominess and freedom. You probably don't want to buy yet it is a little early. But you want to see what"the new things are like. We will take pleasure in showing you. (Third Floor Market) Fresh Shipment of the Men's $2.85 Special Shirts Made of printed colored madras in soft-cuff, neglige style, and the variety of designs is un usually large and unusually good. These shirts aro our own regular goods, made to our own generous specifications, and nrc much better than is generally sold at this price. (Main Floor, 'Mrkt) Men's Handkerchiefs $7 and $8 Dozen The $7 a dozen kind arc of sturdy Irish linen, of good size, and finished with a clear, easily read initial in one corner. $8 a dozen for an extra-size linen handker chief of pure Irish flax, of a better grade than this price ordinarily buys. (Wrat Alale) Men's Finest New Derby Hats From London and Paris The London hats are the famous Lincoln-Bennett derbies, all in the correct English shapes and lined with white satin They arc superb examples of hat making and will give splendid service. Price $15. Tho Paris hats are in an extremely smart shape that will appeal particularly to young men and are of an intense black. They also are white satin lined. Price $10. (Main Floor, Market) Men's New Autumn Neckties at 65c and $1 Practically every kind of tie hero that a man would want, and certainly a man docs want a new tie or two to greet the changing season with. Plain colors, stripes and figures and all of ex cellent silk in generous shape. (Main Floor, 'Market) A Dinner Set Is Not Expensive And It Means So Much! Much of the enjoyment of three meals a day is in the beauty and home heartfulness of, the dining-room table. Even people who don't realize it, get attached to certain pieces of china. Many a child will not eat except from her fa vorite plate. Yet dinner sets will pass away, somehow, and must be replaced. Fortunately they are not expensive in the Sep tember Sale of China. Very good American porcelain sets of 106 pieces as little as $16.50, French sets start at $37.60. (Fourth Floor, Cheatnut) Daring: New Fiction 'The Dovil'H Pow," by E. Phil lips Oppenheim. A poworful tale of a Gorman Socialist plan to cause a labor upheaval in England in the midst of the war. $l.po. "Returned Empty," by Florence I Barclay, author of "The Rosary." A dramatic story of re incarnation. $1.75. (Main Floor, Central) "In Again, Out Again, In Again," the Story of Boys' New Suits Like Finnegan of tho ballad, the boys' new Fall and Winter suits are constantly coming in and constantly going out, but the incoming stocks are coming so rapidly that selection is kept at the top notch. Beautiful Norfolk suits thoy are, of worsteds and cheviots in browns, grays and greens. All have knickers, and coats aro plain with belt, havo inverted pleat3 or box pleats with yoke. Sizes 8 to 18 years. Prices $20 to $38. (Second Floor, Central) Do Dogs Ever Raise a Row Over Your Garbage Can? In tho Housewares Sale you can got tho kind tho dogs and cats can t get into and that unsavory odors won't get out of. iuu uiu ijei, v- a saving. Also at a saving you can get the new ashcan you will neod this winter, just as you can get tho new kitchen utensils, the now bathroom fixtures, the new re frigerators, the new Eowing ma chines, tho new brooms and the new stepladders. It is safest to get these things at a store where tho quality iti undoubted. Sale Special 700 Folding Game Tables, leatherette top, each $3.25 j felt top, $3.50. (Fourth Floor, Market nnd Central) Specials in Comfortables for Cooler Nights an At 511,' whjc,n represents n saving of a third, we have some cotton filled comfortables covered with silk mull, with plain backs and borders and flowered centers. The colors are pink and dark blue. At $0 are some new cotton comfortables covered with silkoline, ton and back, with borders of brocaded silk mull. Colors are old rose nnd dark blue. (8llh Floor, Central) Vanilla Cream Almonds, 8Qc a Pound Fine flavored almonds in a ball of vanilla cream candy. Chocolate flllod straws are an old.tlmu favorite that everybody likes. These aro particularly good 80c a pound. Delicious chocolates gnd bon tauv$l,26 f pound. (Bow fltlr Stor. Chitnt) Now the Children Know Just What They Need in the Way of School Supplies They havo been to school throo days this week and have been assigned to their duties and have been informed Just what sta tionery and such things to bring with them on their return noxt Monday. Parents should know that it does not pay to buy cheap, trashy school supplies which will not glvo any actuol service, but will bo humiliating to the children who carry them. 4i. A ?ri!?,t muny yean experlcnco has taught us just what ure the best things to havo in tho way of pens, pencils, school bogs, rulers, companions, notebooks, composition books, etc. These goods nro all conveniently located In our Storo of Com- morclal Stationery on tho Third Floor, where the parents or tho Children thpTTllllVIa mn nlllcllw nnl An.JIlnn.l.. v.. .. I j-- . ,--,. - ., , .,-...., .v. vAj'u.wuuaijr vn Bvrvuu. V V"fM rt pf.mwu.tf - .J I ,' lift 43 M M 3 n m H 91 y-i t f i ;H "TO ji v& 31 ,M M ...... N 1 1 1 IHllf II I q , -. ikt:7tTliYWZ r.Hijr.r- 5rC4f. X ,v. ( .. . fa.: ""jutri"' -. a:t.' mi' .." i a t v i ILk-ii.' J. JKiW".V'-'Wa'JivuVMS..'HfcJv...M. mM&tek& L'.Vi.Vili"- .ijY,iiau