trsvza W.fW.! v;",-,1! - ''4. - i 4S " ' . T EVENING ?OTI)roEDvaERPMDEDPHIA, FBltiAY, SEPTEMBER -fo, i)20 ' a POLICE INVESTIGATE AUTO EXHIBITIONS'- iilbltlon trials, of. auto drivers to bo staged at the Chester fair grounds on Sunday. Home .of the best drivers. In tho ,World will bo nmong those who will be in the exhibitions. The exhibition's will be. In the form pt trials for the auto and motorcycle races, to bo staged at the fair grounds by the association on September. 23. Five Leading Batters in Two Major Leagues Trial Events to Be Stag.d at'.Chester , BASEBALL Fair Grounds Sunday; Chester, I'o., Hept. 10. Tho Dela ware County Itnolng Assoclatjon has announced that It had arranged for ex'. American leaou: rUxwr Clob O. All. R.' II. too 181 10 14H 101 re; .aos .tun .nat .870 .803 ; ro. .sss 843 .310 .330 .830 -i.irr, rji. lnis.. lni 030 108 Speaker. Cleveland 137 460 lto fnekaon. Chleno, 180 1504 SO Kuth. New York. 12 got Hi K. Colling, Chlcoito 1M StO 101 ??5r2ffl !,! icacnoc. NATIONAL LKAflUE Player Club O." An. R. Ilornsby, Hi. I,oiil 7 40 7 lloiiih, Cincinnati. U7 49 u youner.New York. 131 M7 Z J, Hmlth, St. JiOiiU Hl ."KHI M Uhest, llrvoktyn. 128 B07 7 5?fe II. 175 107 170 101 107 - cpa REPORT You Can Cut Down Cleveland Authorities Sock to Loarn Origin of Falso Story About Yankees" Cleveland. 0., Sept. O.-ProRccutor Fdward Stanton him directed the chlcj efth" detective bureau to tavestign o the orlsln of report mM to' hove been from here to New orlc loathe rfert S?t member. M the New Xork American LeaRtic club hoi! been Injured. The police believe this city Is the head quarters for men who seek o mnnlpu fate bets on big lcnfriic ball games by enrllnrr out false reports. . Reports such ns these, Stanton nys, come under the classification of an at tempt to defraud and are In violation "'The poHco'are of the opinion that this Air is also a bureau for a Pittsburgh' .rencr engaged In circulating falscrpi norts about baseball players for the Sur"oe ot Influencing betting. BIKE SEASON ENDS' j . Prevents Staging of Final Drome Races Bike racing In this city Is nib off for another season. The curtain dropped en the wheel sport last night, and it was a wet curtain at that, llnin prp' tented the stacing of the world cycling derby at the Point Breeze Aclodromo. The track was not very wet, but Pro mitt Chapman refused to allow the riders to take a chance, although they InTeSrt'ta bike racing In this city certainly has crown," said Harmon last night. "Wc have given the farm here an opportunity to are the best riders In the world. We have done; our w to treat them well, and we will do ShJ same thing next year. The weather. hL noVon will not be favorable 'for Ml? raring, and I will not allow 'my Jhlmo take a chapce on J. wet track Jr In a strong, cold wind." steelton Trims Parkesburg. illon Tn.. BePt- 0. Parkesbure ffisVd Xr Bm to flleflton. o Rain To drftpix-il today1" emS I on ,f thn 2iktihSm Steel Leauue. 'by-ths .score of ri.lS.lnd sW t the .end J, hiWt.neld fence after Hutts had . slnlod In the first InnUit. Eddie Barelss Suspended Ruiillnr. !'.. Sept. 10. For bin poor ntchln in th.i enmo aialn.t Jersey City. In Shlrh 'he vlltori scorml seven rum in be nrit Innlns. Eddie Harelss wis sus ISnJert ! Mnnaser Hummel, of the lorol international Leaeue club. Ilarelaa had reen PltrhtnK Indifferently for mine time. i"d hn not lasted a full sura; for morn thn a month. He has (rone to his home In rhlladetphta. Stetson Girls Victorious B.'fore a crqwil that well filled the Brand ttnd and bleachers of the Stetson Hall Pirk. the Stetson Olrls defeated the Schuyl kill Arsenal Olrla by the iicoro of 7 to, 4. Both pitchers played well, Xllss Mulvaney, for the Hchuylklll Arsenal, striking 'out seven rjtU nml allowlnB only three walks, while till. Pcale had to her credit eight strike out!, permitting six to walk. ' American Athletes Sail Antwrrp, Sept. 10. Forty American nth 111., who participated In the Olymplo games liM for homo on the steamship Lapland. Iliir were scheduled to stop two days :n Tuwrdum to pay nn official visit to th-j Dutch government. QUALIFYING MFDA I WON Y 11 YOUNG Complotes Lu Lu Course in 80 . Strokes, Two Better Than Clubmate J. J. Young, of the Fronkford Coun try Club, won the medal In the qualify ing round of the annual Invitation tour nament of the Lu Lu.Tcmplo Countr Club, yesterday afternoon, and In doing so perseverance had Its reward, for orie" of Young's fondest dreams was real ized. He completed the eighteen holes in 80 strokes, which was two bcitcr than M. P. Jones, a clubmntc. Unlike most players, Young reached the turn In less strokes than hu needed on the trip back, lie went out in'.ll) and made-the Jour ney back In 41 for his winning, total. Today's pairings -follow: .First Isteen Touns-Itovle. Cr....ii.n... aio. Clarey-Durban. If n. v.;. V.:"t" .Hnnt Tnl.-.v-i " " 'J. - "". ixiwis-nannett. Jenn !.:.":' Mncllean. Kindt-Jones. First pair tees off l'ntte?ai;Cl0Ck ucc"n Wlrrt.nR,a0l5 I Second sixteen Allen-Onlena Fi.v. Hpdley Najle-'CulVer. I..KeoV iia'm'rnf Donnelly. Wtbb-Av's. Wnlker-Delnir Kane. LSI!ard- lflftPlr tees oft at 10:40 Third sixteen Hlrslns-Tallent. Doeln-ltai voy.! Ne.Ne'wton O-Hanlon-Taylor? .Youell. hvim'' Ffh;runner. Bulllvan-IIIckl; ni ' KS!flrrV F1Cat Plr-tes olt at UiL'O.f 4 ' Fourth slxtc-en Morltx-Ilowman. .Davis- lQl2St VrflffK"1"""'!!' Oree'nwood H. Dennett. Hnlkett-Adams. Thornton-Shelby. nurna-JlBBBerty. SWcbottom-Stott. First- ialf icru tin hu t)i 'r V.!K!?1 ,lx'i!?0"""-S;hrt.. Smith- --..iQi, iiiiucTrmveri. 1'nrhf.lf ntrrh, I-ooks-nernard, Mathleu-Mehnn i r-iTJ. Kvans. Doylo-Jones. First pair tee; oftr at Hlvlh altj.n f n-T AH. ui.i ' .. CulloUKh-Uall. Adams-Myers. Iluiby-Nlce. Kendrlck-Uoberts Zlnk-Lon. Klrby-Lewls Walton-Squlbb. First pair tees orr n. 11 ' Ray and Vardon Win ChattunooEa, Tenn.. Sept. 10. Harry Jardon and Kdward Ray defeated DouBlas EdBor. of Atlanta, and Jim McKenxle. of ChattanooBa In a th rty-slx-hole Bolf match here. 1 up. A drlvlnc rain klowcd up the course and Inturfared with the play, but all cards were under 77. mornlns and after noon. Watervlew Swimmers Win Loulj Mals's Watervlew Flaysround swim. mers last night won h dual meet from pisston. tin to 31. The followlnc starred for the winners: Charles Smith. .MrKlnney. HolTman. O'Dbnnell and Itunlon. The slrls to feature were the Mlpses McKlnney, Dunkelbcrser. Woodward and Delaney. American Association Milwaukee. 3: St. Paul 1 Minneapolis. 3: Kansas City. 1. Louisville. 7: Indianapolis. S. Louisville. 1 j Indianapolis. 0 (second Bsme). Toledo. 3: Columbus. 2. Your Repair Bills v Every time you make a wrong guess on motor oil, your engine suffers. Don't guess know that yourfl'ubricajio'n is right. Let every moving part be thoroughly protected with - t MOT Ok OILS Every gallon has , the advantsrje of 61 years of. experience:, back of It. Test's in every make of cafprdve' that Atlantic, Oils prac tically eliminate' scored cylinders, worn bear ings, and -;ifnmmed; parts.'' Either Atlantic .Polarlne or Atlantic, JVfcdlum Isyour oil. THE ATLANTIC;REFININ6 COMPANY ffc, t 35rr l& J. (The Moat Beauiiful Car in Atnorica ' Uho Most SorviconW1 Truck m Amoriea TKis is bur commercial religion "Satisfied Paige owners are, and always will be, trie very life of our business. Upon them depends our existence, our prosperity." We en deavor tc preach it in both -word and deed. OUV A."UlilY Jmikat B!SIPW-WIUEY W?T9R 09 394 (kRTH BR9AD STR66T, PHUAOaPHIA 1 DESIGNED BY LOUIS MARK W $9.00 Moderately Priced THE SCOTCH BROGUE oi o new French laMt. Something entirely new but beautifully modeled. Thit thoe ha a rawhide double tole to make it waterproof. FIRST FALL SHOWING Our large purchaiing power, for our variout fores, enable u to tell at an average of $3 let on. all our thoe. 'Many of them are our own e ign, and every other new tyle i alwayt to be found here Hrt. " i illilliliiiiliiiililliiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH MEN! Here's Big News 10,000 Yards of All Year Round Suitings In An Extraordinary Advance Fall Sale! Save $10 to $15 By Giving Us Your Order Tomorrow for a SUIT TO MEASURE $ at These Remarkably Low Prices $OA $ 25 30 35 ' EXTRA TROUSERS Can Be Ordered at the Actual Cost of the1 Woolens 11 We allow this special discount to gain 500 new customers We want to keep our organization intact during an ordinary dull period. . Our lart;e purchases of woolens mokes it imperative for us to keep stocks .moving oriwe would, be. oyeoyejd' ,. Men,, thyse are the treasons for this, won4errulopporhnity7-y, :y. .' So come in tomorrow; give us your- ortjerr-i ; " ' ... r. You'll make a saving that will surprise and delight you. BLUE SERGE SUITS 1336 S. Penn, Sq. 1432 Chestnut St. S. E. Cor. 8th & Race and Branches . 34 Cbae. Blbame Co. 1617 CHESTNUT STREET Also 18 North Warren St., TRENTON, N. J. TJn w -. Isast Saturday my stores broke all records. Next Saturday they'll make new records. The 100,000 are coming fast. T. W. ' QL 'sr . dm rrice 85 The ReasonWhy IHE REASON why I decided to sell $5 hats for $3.85 and do business without profit this Fall is a simple, straightforward business proposition. I haven't anything up my sleeve there's no Joker in the pack there's no mystery about my policy, it's simple as A. B. C. Conditions in this country have'ehanged since I started last Spring to make hats for this Fall. At that time I couldn't see the end of high prices but now I can see the finish. This Fall the Public won't listen to any explanation why any article of merchan dise costs more: They won't buy and pay more and I want MORE business That's the rea-son in a nutshell why I'm not charging any more. My hats were not made to sell at $3.85. They were built to sell at $5 and a peek m the other windows-will convince you they represent unusual value at $5. I could have started the season with a $5 price andwhen the hrst rush was over-announced a drop when the market broke but I'd rather have 100,000 new Customers than 100,000 new Dollars. & & When this period of readjustment is over, and Prices and Profits are normal, every merchant will have to get out and hustle for business, and no one will accuse me at that time of being a philanthropist today because I'm willing to pay the price and get 100,000 new customers now. S: Mmalls teire onebice 85 1307 Market Street -m 1 'i A J 5iHUiHMiluilMiHlli;liilMiMMMiiHi0pefiowrfaiarfiMrrfar i;ennrs iiiiiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiliiilliiiMB '', . w .-, ": .r lMa. ... '. "" . ,x- ... J t I--: ,ii:vr.miA4ft;AVJtftV..i. aAfk..iM.sJtti4v... , . Womb "-'MuM w tii. iti-Ytift 1 W, 1 ' " v? :