Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 10, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 13, Image 13

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    If 4FVW
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Organ Programs at 9, 11, 4:50
Drlef Selection at lltdfl, with Chimes
and Stroke of the ltour nt Noon
pAt AND ' Collr wilt
A."u", ''asveloP. ..?-0'?,?;
&! "" "iir'.M ? js""
' i'.i Mfsonaland soela
imercl" ...F?"r Publlo Break-
ffrA','o?y.'Klocutlon. Batta-
Ready Tomorrow, 1600 Beautiful New Fall Suits for
Women in Wandmaker's Down Stairs Store
mtnihlP. """"'
tborshlp. . drrrei. Class er
Diplomas fr.,ruet(on. BOTH
F4E8 Wil wffiPwM S.P
i'lLAJNCFr. Ph.D . Present
r. .iumi .
uf MAuncain
Soft oSV W the bottlt-nover by doss.
..,,., 0f Old lil". "no.
in uuiiiiiitic"
Pcnn Paper & Stock Co.
206 N. Dclawaro Ave.
m ra
Know the Joy
of having n bright, cheerful
bedroom and bathroom. lake
olea.ure in painting them your-
" '.1. tUn. vrlient
telt wiui """
White Enamel
You will like the hard, glossy
finish o fresh, clean nnd
white In J4-pt. to I-gal. cans.
At All Progressive Dealers
Phoenix .
Paint and Varnish Co.
irAHiifiiHrir4 fi?l
it i ii fiii " n
IeE12I Market St, PhiladelphlaSHeJ
MASSES .,S rr 1
M " man Cmuim a
Rfll Fruit and otnera. v-ara
nifi (1117 Molds). Jackpot.
iMlf Card P'W'i:' l
hnt rum " "
Ka.ifrn unice
80S J., win ni. .
Phone, IMI. I'onlar 7ti '
Urlf or nhonf for snmDle nnd Drlrm
C. SCHMITT, Mfr. f ?."
Full Dress Suits
io nirr -i uoert ub
'S TOUR OUAIIANTI.B. Many diamonds
iMted it once to (III orders all sixes. V.
It carats- will pay from 111) to ISSoO
prautmi wo must nave mem ana or Mil
l's jour aismonas to us xuu wixL, AT
f FAST SAVE 10 to 40 FHn CENT. Estate
I nrht Eat tfl vnrN IPHvhIiiI hhnn. W.l
rll) AIo old cold, silver, platinum bouihL
ni n nnuc tm?
Juit r.rftliurl f I n m
Spain a 1wAUtlfnl inrltifv
.t t:.. ..r.'T-. ,..:-
Ul frftl Hir UOU WlKS.l
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H r own Ions and
nort rt I n b I o t a and
lOnS flirla nl r.marLalilu
W prltis tlutirnntpd unhrnakahlf
Rltldl for Inlntml dnllu 1R.lnh RHni , C.
ufiw 7' '-i ,n(-h' Imported kid u'ody.
nil one nf our unbroiiknblo heads, J2.
III iln l, mir i iii,wii,i. v
153 N. lilli S. (formprlj 10 N. jth Bt.
' mimi: MOMSV,
in... ....". . I OH AS 1
""rn.rHNsllOl' 004 VINK ST.
" MM (( t
$240 "1,1",,lN"m,, sl''' Skin r-asttni
J " Ilnk Scurf Mnrlli SSIO.
$240 """"Ifiil N-ir Suit Iolman. A
"iSiffirKr: '"' "" nUr lmn"" b
rridenberg's Loan Office
Cor. 9th and Buttonwood Sts.
Victor Vlctrola
IVPIihln.rs.w. snn i
pWa-North Front St. 2135
lri.KI' IU nnnn..
,,?h1.' Iii'ii,"!l.n? ILlr.cnc.
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,'"', " unnurun; and
'hi hnlr healthy Ah.i
. T'.l7mo,,fl- K,n,t,ia " '?y re:
' iiurii st,. Cuniden, N. j.
AN0THFP. tur . m "
I?-Army Woolen Shirts
"" shlru "'iT ' Purchwe .1
-n asr rhem siBla
. These reclalma
ahtrts aro made of
nu'iiiiiicnt atana.
nrl wool, well
made, with tv.
pocket Juat the
"iiiiB ror work,
camplnf; and any
rouph wear. Duy
a naif dozen of
theae excellent
'1SiL.I, i-r-r r,l"i1 wniie you
I"V. M.Ktlon St.. Phtln.
Wdh LiS
a.i: L' '
Dainty Hand-Made
Special at $4.25
(AH Sizes From 34 to 46, Inclusive)
As dainty and pretty as can be, tho blouses aro of
sheer white batiste and every tiny stitch ha3 been
put In by hand. Tho hemstitcninfr which adorns them
is exquisitely done, and tho tucks, also.
A Heap of Snowy Scarfs
$1 to $3.50 Each
Chiffonier, dresser, bureau and sidoboard scarfs
have fine, snowy centers of lineno that looks much
lik,o flno linen. Imitations of cluny and filet laces
aro used as edging and medallions, etc., and, as a
result, this is tho best group of scarfs we have
gathered together in quite a while.
There are, also, some scarfs with voile centers,
trimmed with pretty laces.
Sizes from 17xo6 inches to 17x60 inches.
Sweaters and Coats
,f or the Children
A flno new sweater for boys and girls o'f 2 to G
years is of tan wool with a brown collar and brown
cuffs. It has the added attraction of four prickets!
Other sweaters, mostly in green, tan, red and
cerise, nro in sizes to fit children of 8 to 14 years.
6, $6.60 and $7i50.
Weil-Tailored Coats, $6.50 to $14
(Sizes 2 to 6 Years)
At $6.50 a navy cheviot coat Is fully lined and
At $tj a gray chinchilla coat, double-breasted,
has a warm gray lining.
At $12 brown or navy corduroy coats are double
breasted and lined throughout.
At $14 well-tailored tweed coats arc smart
enough to bo cunning. The tweed Is in brown or
green mixture and the coats have linings to match.
Hats of corduroy, brushed wool, velvet and velour
arc $2.35 to $6.50.
Nine Women Out of
Ten Are Asking for
Pleated Skirts
Sometimes It's for box pleats, another
woman may prefer knife pleats, accordion
pleats, or sido pleats they aro all hero in a
great variety of materials and colorings.
Serges, velours, prunellas and novelty worsteds
are hero in stripes, plaids, checks and plain
navy blue and black. Tho Autumn plaids aro
particularly lovely In tho soft flannel-flnlsh
serges and in velours delightful ruddy browns
with a flash of bright orange; dark blue3 min
gled with green, or horo and there a dash of
rod truly thero's a fragranco of the heather
and the Highlands about them.
Prices start at $5.76 for navy blue or black
serges; there aro smart plaids and checks at
$7.60 to $12.76 and at $16.50 upward to $35 are
the finer plaids and stripes.
Soft Black Skirts
appeal particularly to elderly women. Silk-and-cotton
faille skirts are $3.75" and black
baronet skirts aro $12.75. Extra sizes in baro
net aro $16.50.
Hundreds and Hundreds of
Lovely Autumn Hats at $5
A whole room is filled with hats at this price, literally
hundreds of pretty things are gathered here. You'll be
amazed at the qualities of the materials and at the charm
and becomingness of the styles.
All the Fashionable Browns and Blues
as well as scores of black hats are here in velvet and in
panne velvet. Here is a glint of tinsel embroidery, there a
wide and striking bow of moire ribbon or a touch of ostrich.
In some of the hats duvetyne is used for crowns or for
brims, presenting, often, a contrast of color.
Every hat is fashionable and delightful, a hat to wear
and to enjoy.
A Good Winter Coat
Need Not Cost a Great Deal
if you buy It in tho Down
Stairs Store. Excellent
coats of good, warm ma
terials, fashionable of cut
and color, and lined
throughout with silk, can
be had for $25, $29, $32.50,
$35, $37.50 to $52.
.They're of velour, sil
vertone, goldtone, tinsel
tonq, polo cloth or Bolivia
In the fashionable browns,
reindeer shades, navy blue
and the brighter Pekin or
in black. Many of them
nro trimmed with fur.
The coat that is
sketched is of reindeer or
Pekin velour at $15.
Sports conts of tweed
or jersev can ho had for
$16.50, $25 to $35.
Among the Finer
aro soft and luxurious
things of duvetyne, ovora,
chameleon cord and Cale
donia cloth, beautifully
lined and trimmed with
squirrel, beaver, sable
dyed squirrel, Australian
opossum, moleskin or rac
coon. $59 to $285.
The Proper Veil
Is as important i.
costume as the right hat. She
will ha opportunity to choose
just tho right one from this big
collection of smart veils and veil
ings. French veilings with their ex
nuisitely fine meshes and che
nille dots are in white, flesh, tan
and brown with black dots and
castor with brown; also black,
brown, navy and taupe at $1 to
$1.75 a yard.
Other veilings in plain or
fancy meshes, dotted or scrolled,
are In black, brown, navy or taupe
at 35c to $1 a yard.
Special Veil Lengths
at 55c
They are yard and yard and a
quarter lengths of fashionable
Good Choosing Among
Foulard or Jersey
Petticoats at $3.85
Tho foulards arc in navy bluo
or taupe grounds with white or
colored figures, while tho jersey
petticoats (with jersey flounces,
too) are in iavy, black, taupe,
purple nnd emerald.
Men's and Women's
Umbrellas at $2.50
The covers aro of sturdy, tape
edged Ameriftin taffeta (cotton)
0VS5 strong paragon frames.
The handles for men are plain
or carved mission wood in opera
shape. The handles on the
women's umbrellas are straight
mission, plain or carved, with or
without wrist cords.
Smart New
Neckwear Whether it is a trim tailored
frock or a pretty silk one thero
is a collar or a set for it.
Piquo is trim and comes in the
prettiest collars, sets and ves
tees. Collars and sets nre 50c to
$1; vestees are $1.25 and $1.50.
Imitation Venise comes in col-
Ifi1! L.anv shnPes and sets at
$1 to $2.60.
Certain Fine New Gloves.
Recently Imported, Are Special at
Beautifully made gloves, are these new arrivals,
of tho typo that women wear now and all through
tne Winter. Two clasp and overseam sewn, they
have plain or Paris point stitching on the backs and
are in
all-whito or white with black stitching and
black clasps nnd hems;
clas 7.blnck scwn with white and whits hems and
gray sewn with white and white hems,
all-brown or tan with plain backs.
Thero arc all sizes, 6 to 7, in these cloves
and a round saving of a third on every pair.
&r k & w u ja tw u
7 s toe en vn rv in t na "ci 7R
. faaslt yUV y fVST LstE. ''
$32 $28.50 S2
(Many of these suits were specially purchased
and are marked at savings of $8 to $1"S)
All fashion authorities are predicting a vogue for tailored suits this winter and surely when women
see how pretty the suits are and how moderate the prices, they will readily understand why. There's a charm
of line, a sprightly youthf ulness, about them that is altogether fascinating.
Velour, silvertone, worsteds, serge and tricotine are the materials most favored for street suits, while
sports suits lean to jersey and tweed. Navy blue, Pekin and French blues, black and the fashionable browns
are the colors.
Nine of the suits from this gathering are sketched. Several of them have collars of sealene, nutria
' or Australian oppssum and every jacket is lined with silk. About their making are many little touches that
you will like well-tailored pockets, sleeves of the proper length and tightness, new collars and pretty
arrangements of tucking.
There are suits for women of all types and fittings in sizes 14 to 40. Prices range from $17.25 to
What a Fine Array of
Women's Autumn Dresses
Between $15 and $25!
Satins Tricotines
Serges Wool Jersey
Hundreds, of dresses in all the fashionable materials
are gathered here to wait your choosing.
For morning shopping, for college women, for business
women there are tailored frocks of navy serge, tricotine,
and jersey; or for afternoon, soft and charming frocks of
satin. Serges and tricotines in navy blue and black are
$16.50 to $25.
Jersey dresses in scores of models, in shades of brown,
tan, navy and Chinese blue, are $16.50 to $22.50.
Satin dresses are in brown, navy and black, embroid
ered with silk or wool, with accordion-pleated rufflts or
shirring to adorn them. $15 to $25.
New Autumn models, every one, and all prettily made,
of good materials.
1000 New Corsets at $2
In Eight Different Models
Among them nre corsets for the principal types of figure, from tho
topless corsets for slender young women to the heavily boned corsets
for heavy figures. Then, too, there are several models for women of
average build. The corsets arc of pink or white coutil and figured
materials, carefully cut and skillfully boned.
Dainty Hand-Made Lingerie Sets
for Girls Going Away to School
The material is sheer and fine, and dainty hemstitching is the
only trimming.
Nightgowns are made with square necks and aie $3.75.
Envelope chemises to match are $3.25 and straight chemises are
Women's Nightgowns, $2
A littio gathering of women's pink or whito ciepe nightgowns
is now marked at this price. Among them are also some nainsook
gowns, made with pointed shoulders and trimmed with embroidery
Children's Good Serviceable Shoes at
Moderate Prices
Black dull leather lace shoes with sen
sible, wide toes and sturdy soles in sizes
7 to 8 are $3.50; sizes 81. to 11, $4; sizes
11 to 2, $4.75, and girls' sizes 2V2 to 6,
Dark tan leather lace shoes in sizes
6 to 11, $4.65; sizes 11 to 2, $5.25.
Black dull leather or patent leather
button shoes in sizes 7 to 8, $8.25 ; sizes
8i2 to 11, $3.75; sizes 11 to 2, $4.50.
For the Tiny Tots
who wear sizes 2 to 8, there are black
kidskin, brown kidskin, tan calfskin,
black patent leather and champagne kid
skin shoes. All have light turned soles
and sizes 2 to 5 are $2 to $3 ; sizes 4 to 8,
with wedge heels, ai-e $2.75 to $8.50.
Boys' School Shoes
Black or tan, straight-lace or Blucher
shoes with wide toes and serviceably
welted soles are $4.75 to $5.50 a pair;
sizes 10 to 1312.
Black or tan leather, full-toe shape
Blucher cut shoes in sizes 1 to 6 are $6.90
a pair.
A splendid school shoe built on a last
like that used for army shoes is of heavy
tan leather. Sizes 2 to 5, $6.90 a
Clothes for a Man
To Be Proud Of
That's the kind of suits you'll find in the Down
Stairs Store for Men.
There's a fine stock for your choosing right now !
Examine the material, you'll find every thread
wool. Look at the tailoring, try the buttons, turn the
collar and see how it is felled.
There isn't a suit that can't stand every test put
to it.
All- Wool Suits at $35 to $50
offer a choice of conservative and semi-conservative
cheviots, cassimeres, flannels and worsteds in Autumn
patterns and colorings. There are fittings in all reg
ular sizes.
(Gallery, Market)
Thousands of Neckties Are
Special at 50c
Four-in-hands, principally, but some bat-wings
are among these good silks and silk mixtures. Pat
terns and colorings enough to please any man.
Madras and Percale Shirts
Materials of good quality in a great many pat
terns and colorings. All the shirts have soft cuffs.
(Gallery, Market)
Warm, Fleecy Outing Flannel
38c and 50c a Yard
27 inches wide, it is in scores of stripes and plaids in various colors
and combinations.
Nightgowns, pajamas, little petticoats, wurm bed jackets or dress
ing sacques can beTnade of it oh, outing flannel has many uses!
The Proper School Clothes
for Miss 7 to 16
Gingham dresses, regulations and middies in styles that will please
daughter, at prices that will please mothers.
Plain White Middies, $1.50, Special
Of sturdy linene, in 6 to 15 year sizes.
Regulation Dresses
of fine cadet bluo gingham, braided with
white, aro in 7 to 16 year sizes, at $6.75.
Hundreds of Pretty
Gingham Dresses
A plaid gingham dress with plain-color
collars and cuffs, generous pockets and a
long sash, is $3.75. 6 to 14 years.
Another pietty plaid gingham in brown
and green tones has a little jacket waist and
a ruffled organdie collnr hemstitched in color.
10 to 16 years, at $6.75.
Plain-color gingham of an excellent,
smooth quality in brown and cadet blue, hns
cream-color collars and cuffs It is a pretty
long-waist stylo, becoming to girls of 14 and
1U, III. $O.DU,
The Dress Sketched
is a fine dark blue gingham smocked in rose.
8 to 14 year sizes at $8.50.
Altogether Charming j
peach-color Japanese crone hlminn with ''
Is a peach-color Japanese crone lilminn with
a dotachable sorgo skirt, 12 to 10 year sizes nt
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