1 -s , , ...' ' ' -'.ft ' T ' -& ' ti : r '' ..; : ' . . aatjaa-a- ' ' ,- i . . . r . .... .. - - - .. mm, imni n jmix -H .r. ' -" ' iV b J fct'i J tfl- Hssfc MSHK -t'Klit f. IttViW till fiff ft GALVANIZED CONFER AND ZINC SHEETS L; D. Bergcr Co., 59 N. 2d" St fit)), ilarktt BM. JTrttlone, Ualn 400 DIAMONDS BOUGHT: f Hout. of E.tablUhed Reliability ; Hlshett rrieee Value Guaranteed A I IPUTCV'Q 6 North 11th LlUniCI 0 i Dr ah. M.rt St rW- HHi riTtt-. .r. . Kfctf 5EE rRIE-MUR SHIRT CO. ttt t i ni iih nyr yu unesinui. ou fk w.t.t.r Rumple fleol Uion,r4Mnel gftVlw .411.35385 our STORE ORDERS ARE AS GOOD AS CASH ... nahU Vnll frt IlllV Hi thfl de partment nd .peclalty etoree ou frripr, uur l-rni Hr. dhpfu un mo enstn of crrdlt ar fftlr unci mod -t prefer. Our trm a iniKii' w - "'. '...... " crate, writ mr iuu ueiauw, eraic wriif mr tun uiuw. MAKKIOTT IIUOS.,1118 Chestnut Safe Milk For Infants & Invalids No CtoIoBJ rA Nutritious Diet for All Ages Quick Lunch at Home or Office Avoid Imitation) and Subititatcji Young Women und Olrla 500 RUGS Samples, Mill Ends Wiltons Axminsters Velvets Brussels All Sizes 4rO SAVING FEINSTEIN STORAGE 00. House of Bargains S.E. Cor. 9th & Spring Garden Sts. Open Eti. Crutlnt S. I'm Delleery Hilborn Hats FOR MEN Fall Styles Ready You can't ask your dollars to do more than they will in pur chasing your FALL HAT at D. S. HILBORN'S 218 MARKET ST. Store Hours, 9 to 5:30 Gimbels the standnrd store. Nothing dear because beautiful. Nothing at mere little )price to "catch-penny" tho thoughtless. Gim bel Brothers MARKET 'CHESTNUT EIGHTH NINTH FOR SATURDAY ' "lj Friday, September 10, l&V First in Fashions. First in Value-Giving. '"" Women's Fall Suits at $46.75, $49.75, $55, $59 and $69 Heaping Measure For Every Dollar Invested U. S. serges, silvertones, wool-velours, yalamas, duvet delaines, broadcloths, tricotines every yard tailor-grade. In the Variety That Gimbels Are Famous For and Variety For Sizes 34 all the Way up to Size 48 Variety in style variety in color. And a wonderful example of the skillful collecting of tho "flattering shades." Coats snugly interlined. Collars becoming any way you wear them high, low or half-way. The Popularity of the Gimbel "F!ex-o-Tex" Suit Means That Announcing New Arrivals at $29.75 is going to be mighty grateful news to many A woman. And the only bad feature of a "Flex-o-Tex' Suit is that it won't wear outl Besides yesterday's newcomers, hundreds of other Autumn-new Flex-o-Tex Suits at $26.75 and $33.75. And These Wonders at $21.75 Pin-fittings' free if even pin-fittings are needed. (ilinMs, Salons of Urns, Tblnl floor. High School Girls' Dresses $26 Miphty smart models of trusty serge at $10.05, $15 and $19.75. "Regulations" or dressier models with a bit of gay embroidery. Blue, of course. And lovely Bilks taffetas and satins smart enough for high days and holidays, for class parties at 319.75, $25, $27.50 and $29.75. As many browns as blues, 12, 14 and 10 year sizes. Misses' New Fall Dresses Specials at $25, $29.75 and $35 Serges practical enough for school or college: smart enough for all daytime us: at $25, $29.75 and $35. llluc. Jerseys in odd colorings and with embroidery touches at $25 and $29.75. Tricotlnes man-tailored at $29.75 and $35. Blue, too. Satins and Taffetas browns and blues and black at $25, $29.75 and $35. fllmtifl, Hnton of DrrM, Third floor. Women's Chaimoisette Gloves at $1 and $2.50 Are just the weight for twbet cold and warm weather wear. They're washable, too. lfi.riutton (Elbow-length) Gloves, at $2.50. White and mastic. 2-Clnsp Gloves, at $1. Drab and gray. lilnibela, lint floor. Women's Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs, Half Price At 12V2C Each White "bordered" with adorable colors. Women's Fine Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, Thrco for SI. Hemstitched and with dainty, durable tape borders. Or hemstitched with embroidered "corners." filiiilieU, llnndkerrlilrf S(ori. Vtrnl floor. Men Are Slipping Into Great Clothing Values at Gimbels Your appreciation of a store's goods is measured by the amount of purchases stores have standing, reputation and even vogue, but the man buys this season's suit on fit, quality, make and designing for the pi-ice. They buy a real value. And Gimbel clothing sales are nearly doubling last year's "Kuppenheimer" and "Society Brand" Suits and Overcoats $35 to $75 standard - setting clothes. Other Gimbel lines worthy to be with the leaders $27.50 to $60. Very special 1200 Men's Suits at $27.50 A few are two-piece prices cut deeply. Mostly fall-weight three-piece suits medium and dark colors; single- and double-breasted. The price is a third better than you had dared to hope. tllmliHH, Sreond floor. r; iWeS Store sHOrden o easy to use imy everything for the milv at ant stum you , I i r f r, riothin. KurnlV a I inn in r tl Aler ihiimlirft I'ay ut your r n n"r llea at It ti h i on t rieiiinui 51 r t I 'Til VtHTB ( HI rhmin up Write s.r. WEAVER Especially Featuring Millinery at $8.50 to $18.50 Soft, drape-y hats come first. Then, off-the-face and ip-turned brim models saucy ; petite. i But medium-brims and broad-brims, too. And new-crown treatments in either small or large. Oftenest Blacks, Browns, Blues or the Brilliant New Tones A new blue a new "oriole" a new "redwood." At $8.50, $10.50, $12.50, $15 and $18.50 ttlmbeU, Third floor. f '' Afilv Men's Perfection Shoes at $8 and $10 In dark brown and gunmeUl calf. Medium narrow toe or round toe, blucher style. Solid leather soles and heels. Men's New Brogue Oxfords $11 Dark brown leather, heavy single sole, wide shank and low heels. At $11. Special Lot pf Men's Shoes $9.85 Should sell for $12 to $15. Short lines from stock Cordovan, gunmetal calf and patent colt. At S9.85. llrnbrl. Second floor. 1 IL 1200 Sample Hats Men's and Boys' $8 Perfection In Dark llrown Shade Ready to Wear Very Beautiful Hats at $10.50 IIIZ Chestnut St. ,1 PQOMW KSLLtVATO ' MM www OPEN EVGS. SHAPIRO'S The smart est dressed people in town use our Charge Account Plan because it enable them to get the season's choicest styles and pay just a little each week. Clothing for the Entire Family SHAPIRO'S 44 So. 8th St. '? 0 About H alf Price Because They Were Samples. And of such rich, fashionable fabrics us velvets and duvetynes. Mostly in gorgeous color - combinations, with many, many browns and some black. Olmlirli. Third floor. Women's Fall Boots $7.90 Tan Russia calf, suede tops. Patent leather, beaver - color k i d tops. Patent leather, light gray suede tops. Black kidskin. Think of these as ?10 to $12 shoes it's just the price that we've forced down to $7.90. . Olmbtla, Second floor. Men's New Bath Robes A, $7.75, $10 and $12 Blanket cloth in color-combinations that will please "real" men. Finished with cord at neck and girdle at waist. Pockets, too! Choice of shawl collars or notch collars. $10 and $12. (ilmlirln, Firnt floor. Old-Fashioned Molasses ) Ai yin ... "Yellow Jack" f At 4C lb-" Chocolate Straws at 60c a lb. Box Whipped Cream Chocolates ) Ai. eo Orated cocoanut flavoring. J L OOCU. box filinlirlh, Chrnlnut html Aiinri, Oruud Al.lr, Klrxt floor nml Sutmnv Store. Alle. Unit floor und hutmuy Storr. m From one of Philadelphia's foremost makers. And men's caps-from England. Average half prict; worst choice you could make would show a saving of a third. Men's Cloth Hats strictly correct and in high favor, $3.85. English Caps and Sample Caps arc $2. Boys' and Children's Hats a , few in styles for little girls. Velvet, plush, beaver, velour, cloth and tweed. Distinct and fetch ing styles for boys of different ages. $2.93, S3.45 and $4.85. (llmbrls. Ninth und Market Cornrr. rirnt floor. J3l " ;;j&vi "v VT ' J y We u Picked" Only "Double-Strength" Suits for This School Sale of BOYS' SUITS eSTtS- At $10, $12.50, $15, $20 and $25 Saving $5 to $15 Tweeds and cassimercs with a surface that won't "wear down" easily. Reinff.rced double-stitched seams. Plenty of double-seat, double-knee suits. Mohair-lined coats. Full-lined knickers. All-round belted Norfolks. Ages 8 to 18, at $10, $12.50 to $25. Little Boys' Tub Suits at $2.65 Sale Savings Are $1 to $2.35 Oliver Twist, middy and junior Norfo'k styles. Glmbela, Third floor. (r xqJrSmJr ' j&i( '' " ' Wi7- TA -DO SUNDAYS I iSf U September 12, 2C H ' V J .,.. October 10. 24 B tTTp dr 5!1Jna November 7, 21 1 M II lilV I Trip Decembers, 19. JU U I 1 tt il New York! IHiiJ " W arTJX 21 CU Additional H fl , ''il SPECIAL TRAIN P ( i V IF Direct to Penmylvania Station, H 141 ' J 'jjfjf 7th Avenue nnd 32d Street, New H 'JHI . I fl York, leaves H ' 'l ' 1 I Pi Broad Street Station - 7 42 Ai M I hM West Philadelphia 7 47 K fM IJI' North Philadelphia 7 57 aJ H U J ' See Flyere Coneult Atente H l Tickets on i ale commencing KrlJiy M It preceding cicumlun. Hj fill Pennsylvania I. W Subway Store Sale of Women's Of TfTQ f and Misses' uUl 1 O dX This Price Means a Saving of $7 to $12 Brand-new arrivals. Of lovely fabrics that are destined to become favorites this Fall and Winter. And every coat lined with the "silkiest" Bilk. Materials Silvertones. Velours. Tweeds. Fashionable Colors Navy. Pekin blue. Sizes for women and misses. $23. 300 Women's and Misses' Dresses-Clearance $14.75 Mostly tricotlnes and satin but some serges and some charmeuses. And just a georgette or taffeta here and there. Models for every use business, school or dress 14 styles in all. Sizes 14 to 20 for misses and 34 to 44 for women. Save $6 to $10 at $14.75. Olmbeli, Habwj- Ktorv. $23 MM Subway Store Boys' Corduroy School Suits at $9.75 Norfolk Styles Excellent wearing ouits just made for "hard knocks." Knickerbockers are full lined. In sizes for boys of 8 to 17 years, at $9.75. Clearance of Boys' Suits, special at $4.95. Junior models and Norfolk styles; 3 to 17 years. fllinbele, Hubway Htore, -N Men's and Women's Fall Shoes, $5.95. Worth $2 to $4 More High Shoes : All Leathers : Smart Styles : All Sizes A Shoo Sale that means something to every man and woman who wants stylo and quality at a "within-reason" price. Women's High Shoes at 35.95 Tan kid, tan c&lfi-kin, black kid, gunmetal calf, brown kidskin, patent leather (same with colored leather tops); plain black shoeB and combinations of black and color. "Welted and turned soles; high curved and military heels. Shoes for growing girls are Included in the sale. Men's Fall Shoes at $5.95 Saving as a rule is $2.00 a pair. Tan cordo (cordovan-finish); black gun metal calf; glazed kidskin, Uroad and narrow too. Goodyear welted soles on every pair. n'mhel, fiubwnv Store. l I . .1 m 17 h Clearance of Men's and Young Men's Sammer Suits at $7.505$10,$1 1.25 Just Half Price on account of a faulty sprinkler. Take your "pick." Cool Cloth : Palm Beach : Mohair At $7.50, $10 and $11.25. Odd Coats and Vests at $3 to $7. Worth double. Odd Trousers at $3 Palm Beach and mohair. Overalls and Junipers at $1.15 and $1.50. Men's Raincoats at $7.50. Half price. . ,..., 1 Glmbela, Subway Store. System p 'HP V su uJ'iiufe'aisiii h.'-jny...,ym..lL!:Atl