A r vv " t V v,- a l Si iV u .V AJ ? ? i it y,. 'vi .' t '' V. r ft '... If . IC1 ,J 1 U.M M i ll IV - fi a- i.ji "SCI A m m m m hi i ! , j . l bet X r 4WJ k24 If There's No Base Like Home ByH.CmTWER Kd IJarmon. oho admit he has Douglas Fairbanks looking Me a fwr, ieua trtcna joe aooui ne m ha motile- lit th InUiwntnn letter. In' ttaUmnts from II. a. Wltwer's latest . -j4 tntlt hm nf-i.rf itnlltl J ' " " J rt thti Banks of the Hudson Far Awav. V?AM Jm. Tas lftt lAMAnli nIA Ann i I'BJld nil ttlAt tnrt nf rnt. ttjl Mr rATYlArlC B'j1 in London, I itm :h hipplest guv In the i worm noi cnuntin nox Avenuo, oo- fr. !! 1-M .11. 1 k & 1 !.- .(.11.1,1 i w iiijt muni, iiiiiir-int. iihs yum... J wt lh stnkrs nnd depnrttd for Europo I. and I Am once nioro the ralenln' man 's arch In tny own home. My charmtn Wife's lenirua of relation Ini ludln' tht I Mlm (le doi; found that a fmr dayi tit i- Harmony Hall was about alt they could ;i:i uun una now tney come in ieav maius ll a delightfully story full of human Inter- ' Mt and (ha etc. which would be worthy of the typewriter of a minor Gtvnn. t will endeavour to tell you the thing In my own Inlmlcnl wny, because Joe, thin la the lait lotter you will gat from mc for a Ion; apace of time In the lust twr rears I nave wrote vou more letters than the HtAte Department sent Mexico anu initcna ?t ireatin- tnem in conn donee ou havo none to work und had them printed so'h all the world can set them and read nbout my moat Intimately 4oln's and the like. Also, Jo;, uhllst wo art on tho sub ject, who Is this Arthur William & Drown which vou havo allowed to draw linns Jnery pictures of mo nnd Jcnnno and my baby. Where docs that i?uy Ret off to leave nut the dimple In m chin nnd how much Jack is sou and this Ilrown party pllttln' for thene letters of mlno, hey? It looks like to mo ns If I am liclr.' trimmed nil around nnd nmde to llko It It you only had brains enough to let mo know ou had to have pictures to pu with my letters, why I could of hupplled 11 of them at n price which I feel cer tain would be loner than ou must of , aid for caliln' In a strnnser Tou may not be nuare of the 'acU that I am looked on ns Komcthln' of the Jialnter, msr'f, Joe, nnd they Is at tho east a dozen corpuscles of artists' blood couisln' through my velrs. My first courln Jules TIMi swune v menu white wash brush In his day nnd my uncle made his llvln' by beln' handy with a pleci of chalk. Of course he did moM of his drawln" on the sldct of fr"lht cars nn'l he wns down in tho paroll tinder tho hetdln "f a "checker ' but he would of no doubt made a name for hlmelf If It vinni't for tie cai"ltv ot models for the plctular stuff he ilraued The majority of his works Joe. vni called "80 X4S Scaled O IC ' .ind It la hard to get models to pose for that, Jiey7 But to Ket lmck to the point, Joe, I havo taken tho liberty of drnnln' a Il lustration for this letter to show, lr my wife's family leavln' Harmon Hsll to go back to thoe dear France. This Is a rlniT-slrte sketch, Joe, and whMit It might be a trltle rough In spots, ox must remember thnt I had but two scart weeks to devote to It and toward tho end I had to dtDend entirely on memory, You oughl to bo able to get Jils Arthur William & Drown to retouch It up a llttli and If ou can use It I will let ynu havo It for exactly what the materials I used cost me. I enn have this done In olive oil or the watery colors whlchevor yctt prefer at n slightly additional cost and whilst the nnlntln may bo K little roucll. as I say, you can see that the talent Is there Well. Jos. herd ll the naln'ln'. You cart see from my drawln' thnt It would only bo a matter of a few days of hard study, Joe, before I wouidst Do able to make theso guys llko Arthur William & IJrown, nuoe Goldberg and mis pronunin recruu, .uiko uia jingein. look like, n mcrelv nortce but why should I take the bread nnd butter out of their mouth? I bcllev a man should stick to )ih own game and live and let live, hey joer Uut to iret nwny from tno arts for n secend, I will tell you about the reign in terror wnicn i nau to put up with at my home durln' the epidemic of mv wife's relations and also how the scourge i ' mm out oy ute simple use of dl piomacy. v , l used to think a diplomat wnk i rich guy which tho President snt to South Algeria so's to get the pest out of ear shot, but now I know different since I tried my hand at dtplomattin myself. A diplomat, Joe, Is a guy which let us take for the example, le, he Is at a ball and he sees n woman g'st which from her looks wouidst be safe anywheres and he turns to his male tetr-a-tete and remnrks, "What a ter- riDio looker that damo is, hey7 and his Ms-n-is men snys. xnais my sister I' Well, the aerago guy would be rtum founded, Joe, but the diplomat lots forth a pleasantly smile nnd says, "Pardon me, old man I thought It was my wife '" Thus castn' the strains of a dellcito situation Well lennno and mo went down to the pier and welaomed her family after they got through nttendln' the Informal re ception which tho customs guys gle them nnd then thev nil nlled Into thj car. First they was a klssln' bee and the only one which didn't osculate mo was tno cnien (le dog ) He gimme n longln' look at that, but I would of brained the Intelligent animal If It had tn k a step toward mo so he content himself with a couple of lnoultln' barks Jeinne refused to grnnt mc the boon of rldln' out-Ode with tho chauffeur, with the result that all th-1 was up I had to undergo the torture of a barrage o' French which would make the Tower of Babel sound like a deaf and dumb class asleep. I dooted my time on tho trip UP. Joe, to thlnkln' of was and means to get rid of my charmtn' brldo's relntlvcs without havln' to face no Jury as a ro sult of my endeavors, but I guoss beln' In the moles hns deadened mv allow ance of brains and by the tlmo we reiched the portals of my home I was still In whit Is known a a quandry 1 had plenty of time, though, to loott over the layout and I sea th followln' ; First, my wlfo'a father Is a aged man whtoh must of made a solemn vow In child hood that he would never undtr no cir cumstances allow a razor to be piled over his chin and up to the time I met him h had successfully resisted all at tempts to wean htm away from his oath ; second, mv mother-tn-law has evi dently fell In loo with Fatty Arbucklc's figure and Is determined to duplicate It como what may,' third, my brother-ln-the-tnw la filled with tho Idea that the subject o the war has been let drop tno au ck and thereroro ne wears a unsy form to remind the Innocent bystander of it and not content with that he Is all dfeorated up with medals like Soma's Dand or the eta, and fourth, my slstcr-ln-the-law Is one of tho pret tiest girls you, me or anybody olso ever soen outside of Jeanne. As for chlen (lo dog), the less said the better. It Is what Is Itnowed to tho trade as u French poodle, Joe. and apart from that It Is tho weirdest lookln animal I ever seen In my llfo since tho tlmo I got gassed and delerloua. Well, we fln'ly arrived at tho mansion and first we hao a slght-seoln' trip oer Harmony Hall with Jeanno as lec turer and me as deputy guide. As result of tho Jaunt nround the plnco l seen two rooms 1 never knowed we had beforo and then comes blow number one. The minute I come In tho room, m mother-ln-thc-law presented mo with one terrible look and then commenco to holler murder In French about tho way I am holdln tho child. To the ac companiment of some shoulder nhakln' which would make Heo Palmor and Ollda Gray go out and take carbolic. Joe, my own legally child Is snatched away from mo nnd whilst I am still bollln' with tho honeBt rago I harpen to glanco around and sea my brother-In-thc-ltw grabbln' off a handful of some lmporttd Turkish clgnrettes (advt) which come to mo by the !a of a Xmitb present from Stevo Eller, the last ot the bartenders Joe, by this time I am tho logical candidate for the straight Jaokat ana Jeanno U payln' tha samo amount of at tention to ma that a elophant lavishes on a flea. Then comes tno last straws which bust the camel's hump. My ols-ter-ln-the-law, which has been evdtln the majority of hr tlma to pattln the chlen, grants me tho boon of a critical gat and then turns to Jeanne and Uars nft n nnimla vnnti of ITrfnCh. ThlS IS translated to me practically Immediate ly, Joe, and tho gist of tha thing Is that I have got to lane iwo, "i for a afrln'. ... . . . , Bofor 1 know what I am doln' Jeanne has throwed my fur's coat around mo and pushed me out Into the snow with this Infernally omen on a siring aim " instructions not to come bock for a hour. I am so frantically mad that 1 would of been wlllln' to take on a mountain's Hon at catchwelghts and stoke tho lion to tho first coupla falls. I drag this chlen hlthors and yon oft In tho stilly night and tho first time It started to bark I growled at It so fero ciously that It quit cold and devoted Itself to whlnln and tryln' to hide In the snow. Well, Joe, 1 nm walkln' along keepln' ray lonely vigil, as Iam let was often heard to remark, and thlnkln' of my cruel fato when I all but bump Into another guy which Is likewise nt tho ono end of n chain that has a dog at the other end. Of course from that I can Immediately see that he Is a husband, Joe, and wo both size each other up without sayln' nothln , but each hopln' tho other would break up tho Ico and sp.'ak. Fln'ly he looks at me nnd gives vent to a cough. "Fine animal you got there," ho says, "French poodle, hey?" "Ych," I says. "And I'll make you a gift of It right now If you are In clined to dogs I" Well. Joe, he laughs. "I know just how yo'i feel," he says, "and you ain't got nolhln' on me I havo got to take this hero Pomeranian out twice a (lay eo's wo can havo a little peace In tho family. I bon doln' this for a year, but bellevo me. tonight Is tho last night 1 I am gettln' oleic und tired of bain' a governess for a dog and when I bring this beagle In this cvenln' I'm gonna deolara myself. Either me or tha frankfurter goes I Am I right or wrong?" Well, Joe, that was Just what I was lookln' for and in another minute m nnd this guy Is as thick as glue on account ot our havln' the, common bond of beln' exercise boys for a coupla dogs. Mario, tho Imported maid, meets me at the door, I am pale and cool, Joe, with the most deadly calm. 1 remem ber feclln' the soma way tho first tlm we went up to tha front a coupla yearf nim. f!omn what ma.v T hfLVA made UP my mind that tha league of relations must go I I Immediately adopt my sec- ona lieutenant's manner. "Send Mrs. Harmon here at onoc snap Into It I" I barkB at Mario, She gtmmo a startled lock and beat It- Joe, I havo made up my mind Just what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna hurl Jeanne's family out In the snow for a starter ana men And then, Joe, Jeanno comes out. I miittf nf nmianrinrfil more ttmn than i thought with this other dog guy, be cause she Is tn oVenlh's clothes and they Is sounds of revelry wlthlnj She gimme on Castings Machine Molding Our Specialty. Limited capacity for prompt delivery. Fleet of Motor Trucks make daily deliveries to Philadelphia and vicinity. Cnll, write or phone T.ansdale 4S0 Lansdale Foundry Co., Lansdale, Pa. Gray Ir X WLmd fay Service First! Every Prest-O-Lltc serv ice, station is equipped to render Picst-O-Lite Service- the service which has been tho recognized symbol of courtesy, efficiency and despatch, from the earliest days.of the motor industry. Obvg5 4XuJGr "sU!pj7)(it CV 1343-45-47 Brandywino St. Offlclnl I'rrnt-n-Mte DIntrltiutoM at jfour service Auoc'ialt Stations Evtrywhtrt Norwnod Unttery Bheo Norwood. Pa. Ilnttfrr flerylee Co. gll 8, ?! Ht. r,. 1. Cornell flSSA OieMnnt Ht. UnUrrn! Anto Rnpplr Co. 310 X. Btd fit. Sonthwnrk Isnltton Co. 1812-14 Wnjder Ave. American Motor Service tm N. nronil Ht. DamMy-Welker lath nnd Tlogn Hts. John W. Thfirkara BI 4 S Oernmntown Ave. U'nfthlneton Lane, (Inrnse end Mnrhlne Miop. JenUlntown. 1'n. Dnvlf e-tonn Auto Supply Co. 28 8. Mnln St.. DoTlmtown TCorrlMonn Motor Co.. Mnln A Hnrhmlocw Htw.. NorrUtown Comntnn-Ilutlrr Co.. Inc. nain Are. A Cltr I.tne. IHIn Centril Oarnce I.onrio-nc. 1'n. AJillMin 1'oMer. Jr.. Dnrlu. i'n. Co. 500 RUGS Samples, Mill Ends Wiltons Axminsters Velvets Brussels All Shea 40 SAVING FEINSTEIN STORAGE CO. House of Bargains S .E. Cor. 9th & Spring Garden Sts. Open Ktcs. Crating Free Dtllrerr "FREEZONE" Lift Off Corns! No Pain! FmMmmmmmmmmm Omofike (Zuntryb largest pmdueexs andmSnGisofcd asmmswsiswmswitnrgfswjSf,stimmmmmmasBmmmaA "" " " ' ii "Til jjjP iii ' 1 rlr Ask Your Workmen How Long Oil Lasts on Their Machines Bearing friction causes heat and heat burn9 up both bearing surfaces the process is called wear. It's a pretty expensive job to replace a bearing in ma chinery and so we cushion both bearing surfaces with an oil Him. Instead of burning each other they combine forces to burn the oil. The whole test of oil quality is how long it will last against this wear, or fric tion, or heat. Crew Levick oils are quality oils. Test them this way and make it a comparative test make them compete with the best oils you know of. It's rather an important test, for it affects your pocketbook. Your workmen will be in terested in the test, too, for quality oils make efficient workmen. i.iiui&iisiiWiiuiihnramtawutfw mmuxm lj Crew Levidk Compaoiy New York Philadelphia Boiton Syracuie Chicago Tl rWUiMQti Sane CJt fS3Kfc8iUiJiJ4T I St. Paul XWlSMHli V K W Doesn't hurt a bit I Drop a little "Fnezone" on an aching corn. Instantly that corn stops hurtlnu, then shortly vou lift It rlBht oft with lingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tln bottle of Treezone" for a few cents, HUlllctent to remove every hard corn, soft com, or corn between the toes, nnd tho calluses, lthout sorcneca or Irritation. .,.!.... . . 1 .. .- L- . one eearcmn iook ana men, jor, ins us innB n rhdstflv aalutB on my rorehe&a. standln' on her toes and with her face Ycry nucnea ana me iiko. - iVMnitatvl aJ. IftVH. atllf With hir arms around me and why not. "I have the aemniim surDrieea ior you, ji "Hey, listen 1" l says, "i am roa up Willi Ultiii uviiiniiM,, nwiimi. .w and this last one you pulled will do me ior soino iiiiio. nvn tiittfc AiMiiii w yours has " ., . , Thev leave, on the very next steam er," says Jeanne. 'They will not stay hero now because because Edouara, you will never guess ' , , "Shoot 1" I nays. "I can't stand no more suiinenso." i, "Viola I" says Jeanne, with a glBBle. "They have Just learn of this what you call prohibit-on and-well t hey cannot havo thoso wlno with the-dlnnr, t hen poof they go back to Franco I Nest "joe? I como near swponln1 with Blmple loy. Three rousln- cheers for prohlbl- tl0"Kliieme whilst I'm happy I" I hollers. "Now what's the other surprise? t J ' - ' sMtA aOlAfai L. . JJST. 1VLtr'"$: - i0S ;l v (, ft Joe; Jeanne uavvi acDi'L rm ,Ai..- v htr mouth clo ta"" A ear. ' w ir7' alSJHSfc"? oon-t , another father! "m WntiA v, Yours Truly, ED. HARMON t hm. i.l. bocauM that will Just makVupt1 THE END OopyrigM, lttO, Doulltdau . . " " "w 4 ft I BSSSSSSSSSBHSSSSSSBBSBSSSBnlsBHBBlSSBHQBBH4BiBBBaBBn9!BKSSSSsT P jKSffa BSaBSSSSSSBSSS BBBBBBBBSBBBBBSBBSBBBBSBBBBSSBnDSBBBBBSBBDSBBBBBBBSBBSBSBBKjOpT BsfliisilllHBSsBHIBBwHilsssssHHaaSllBssssslsssssH People PMtii throuth Droid Street Scstloa r make five thouund ultphone calu a day. How many times a day do you imagine the telephone directory is consulted? Wouldn't it help your busi ness to have your message displayed in the Fall issue of the Bell Telephone Directory which goes to press September 20th v Advertising Forms close September 15th oArrange now for advertising space by calling 'Directory cAdvertising Manager "Filbert 2790" THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA1 v.inr-y ,.! , , Knij,, IU11.. f HTKAMHHIP NOTICES STr.WIMlIP NOTICIW bTKAMHIIIf NOTICES 8TKAMBH1P NOTICES ft aJ-EfSK?f-l3feK rjMwWs flffrtft r Mmi 1 2 E 1 WiBmiWJIM m- wwmrAwm mm. iSf jcjIUV 4rj ' i .iJj .t! . ' .L7s -x i m m W0-T If' 1 at 'hL SEPTEMBER is to be n hot month this year, and the city dweller will feel the cnervatiner effect of thf He. layed summer unless he is wise enough to disregard tne caienaar anu take a late vaca tion when the weather kettle boils over. The monthof September will show the Canyon of the Saguenay at its best, and the gorgeous St. Lawrence with its Thousand Island gems will be a picture of beauty unsurpassed. It i3 the wonder trip from "Niagara to the Sea" to which we invite you for September, the ideal holiday month across Lake Ontario', down the St. Lawrence and through the' Rapids to the old, old city of Montreal, and the still older Quebec, and then up the glori ous Saguenay. f i -LW 11 ""sstssdB MsT a isV sIH S5v -Sl. ---. '- - ,; MM 2w - ' MJ !j Shooting the Rapxda of the jBr I i 'frv . Mjawrence y 3BKKKtSfiKt sH in September 1 &- iJ)- Take Your Vacation To suit thedelayed season we have arranged an extra schedule for late vacationists on the splendidly appointed boats that skirt the shore lines of Canada's most picturesque water ways, from "Niagara to the Sea." Come and fortify yourself for the long winter days with a week's vacation in the season's most beautiful month. No Reduction in Service and No Increase in Passenger, Meal or Stateroom Rate For full information call or telephone J. J. Daly, STqS gCM' Canada StcamBhip Lines, 17 West 42d Street, New York, (Telephone Vanderbllt 1517) or wnte John F. Pierce, Paasenger Traffic Manager Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd., 116 U S. L. Buildlntr. WTnr, I ri , a, ...-.mwi, unaaa. CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES r. & MONTnEA! n Ea c OTTbi-vSSSS axAxiiKs-?, waBsH TWTtfi x Rk at m uuebee c h ixw&mNmtiyr . t IMI III I HI ssl I -aS.Jt NCSTOM.vUHOCKVILLCi D . "'Hliii lff'..--c-!SaJ o S;S3eSgS--f';-a'-1'''"- VW---. 1 Toronto" rvsS. vi: I '&rS B. AKB3 I -iNIAGAnA FALLS I - BUFFALO -rrrrTmn I ninininn T7TTfinHJ tiry" """tltllllU tlUlivl ll III! 1 1 I lliltlltll lfU IliHlllllH IliiltL HIMllMtyffllM SAQUCNAY W.S.I-HOTII.J "s,3iJiJUw"i'i'''''mHiiiiijii e.wT.i.L?sJS35r- fSSC ,BUftA - -."- 1 I rw sT .--SSOtC lsr" Rifite -"!rri, '.- 1 1 iu-i' Ss s&3;r c. 'c-O.. 2. .-i "eft d .- '- k A thousand miles of travel-A thousand thrills of pleasure ,SUL 'iii A, ,.f,' eh. l f A if " . J!i- SL , ," ". , dl, y&yiv-,itim