"X ,.", (. V w V .V '' . , .r o Mr, r ? ' J 'mIHB' f JKII . llTj l?lMifi aft i mmtflwEv r nr mm . iz HibVIvSu V . aKKiftf' 8;i 4 ' H vVfc Wh ... iHK tiL , 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHHH Mr k III, V ' jL .- -V f V IFINITE VARIETY . ; IN WEEK'S MOVIES Beach, Bob Chambers and iff R. L. Stevenson Among Authors Filmed Stanley "What's Your Hurry?" waa wwwered In nn adequate way by Vfal- lce Raid, who BHtni to be tha hero of Vtha duto raced of the cinema ear. In j fact, his last few productions have been based upon his fleet rubberized speed- sier, in tnis case uyron Morgan wrote thA storv. whlrh wna rilrentnrl bv Sam TVood. who knows his business. Movie . Lffi,' fn , r , JBVEKIHa PUBLIC LEDaER-PHIIlADEEPHIA, TUBgDAYr' JriMJB.E'(, auzu , v , y , $ARLY THEATRICAL SEASON SHOWS TREND TO LIGHT, AMUSING ENTERTAINMENT J ' jcti'"8 who PQ-y strict attention to the 1 .y course of their stars will notice In this ti S picture that Mr. rield begins his work In Y- h", tlMllnt nrtAnrlv manner hut !iftr the l Introduction he rets clown to real buei- Li w f hla rihnrnnfer In n nerlnun wav. & u'nfin. una met rpnu i in h. imp nonrnvu Ky, Jf tola 'Wilson Is the leading lady, and w 53 rier work is of such a nature that it win i T. t?10' Da 'onK beforo there Is shining In v Saelectrlcs tho name of another luminary. A ivSCharles Ogle does excellent work, and ?ChnrlB Durton gives able assistance. , it The story Is rather unutual and dra frmntlc toward Its close, telling as It does of the meeting ofa speed king with the v, daughter of n man who makes heavy nuto trucks. If tho youth will gain pub licity for the truck he may win the daughter for his wife, Of course, ho accepts the challenge, but mlshapB occur until the "big moment" nrrles, when n drives the truck Into a dam and stops the flow of water for a time. After that all Is easy. Palace "Going Some" Is a Hex Beach production which contains comedy, Tjathos. athletic stunts nnd love Interest These Ingredients nre sufficient for nnv formula of entertainment, but the Oold- wyn company has also selected a cast of piayers wnosn work is or such excellent ' nature that the product ranki verv high. Cullen Lnndls, who will be recalled for Ills wonderful work In 'The Olrl From Outside" and who was made a featured player after his local admirers praised i him so hlghlv. has the role of J. W. Speed, the college boy. who pretends he can run In order to win his girl. Harry Beaumont directed the piece, and he has given It the right tempo for this sort of piny The n'ay uas acted more on the farcical order, but In this silent form It seems to take on the guise of a comedy drama and that Is much t better. The story "herolies" a young man who meets n girl She thinks him a great runner, slthough he has no track jxperlence nt all Out on a ranch where he visits Is a sort of rlvalrv with an other outfit which possees an "un known" runner. A race Is arranged. The real runner does not show up. and the young man has to take up the task all the tlmo feeling he Is to be beaten. The i opponent from the other ranch Is the champion of the A. n F, hut he falls purposely, and thp winner gets tho girl and the wl'hes of the crowd. Helen FergURon. Lillian Hall nnd Snlt" TMwnrds are In the caat. with the latter supplying most of the fun. Arcadia ' Crooked Streets" Is the name riven to China's narrow thorouch fares by the heroine of Samuel Menvln's thrilling storv In which Kthel Hayton nag tne leading roll- r:llth Kennedy prepared the scenario which had the able work of Paul Powell Jn Its dlrec ton. Miss Clavton has a large following, and her work In this piece will no doubt Bain more admirers. Mystery surrounds the purchase In China of some nntlquo vases which a professor and his son obtnln. Their secretary Is a girl, plaved by Miss Clay ton! who ventures forth to see the de lightful sights of tho cltv In a Jlnrlcka aho. She meets a man who works In one of the shops whore the vases were pur chased and he proteots her when she yets Into the native ouarter of the town, when a crowd of drunken sailors go through the Btreets tho girl Is lost, but the watchful guardian, self appointed, keeps her In view even against the ad vances of a mandarin A -nVhf ta tu . -staged between her new protector and a Bailor in nn opium cien ' The big punch of the storv comes when It develops that the secretary Is a I secret service ngent in search of hidden opium, ns Is her protector In'the sup i Portinr cast are Jack Holt. Josephine Crowe!. Clyde Fllmore, Frederick Starr and Clarence Geldart ( Victor). -The Fighting Chance" brings a new personality to the screen l In Conrad Narel, who was seen In this . city in "The Man Who Came Back." Hla performance Is tho outstanding bit In the whole production, while his visa-vis, Anna Q. N'llsson. made her char- 2tvf- tf ysf3L6 '&& &&. Wo are actually taking an average 30 off our regular moderate prices an action made possible by volume of business. We get a very small profit on each order but the great number of orders compensates us satisfactorily. Not to share in this opportunity is to miss obtaining your clothes at prices lower than have been possible since 1914. Victor Distinctive TA1LLEUR SUITS To Measure $ 85 Guaranteed 1130 Value ; The Shop of Distinctive HPIME saving in securing Title Insurance is such a vital matter that we figured this important department of our business very largely in our new building plans. Half-a-dozen well-lighted, comfortable, private rooms with up-to-date equipment have been provided and a staff of realty specialists assures the utmost in speed and security. And there is always an official here to advise with you. Open Monday and Friday evenings until 9 o'clock ENSINGTON TRUST CO. Kensington &AlleghenjtAves rnuaaeiRhio Photoplays Elsewhere ACADEMY OF MUSIO "Humor esque," by Knnnle Hurst, tells of the love of a mother for her boy, who becomes a great violinist In the cast are Alma Ileubens, vera Gordon and Gaston Glass. An aug mented orchestra, and speclnl tolo ists give "Ell, Ell." . . , COLONIAL "nouert Steele, bari tone, Is the vocal star. "The Turn ing Point." with Katherlno Mac Donald. tilPKniAL "The Idol Dancer," with Richard Barthelmess. OIIBAT SOKTIIEKN "The Slim Princess," with Mabel Normand MAttKRT STREET "Sinners," with Allco Brady, .... ALII A UHKA -"The Sea. Wolf," with Noah Been'. . 8TIIAND "Below the Surface," with Hobart Uosworth. Exciting. LOCUST "Tho World and His Wife," with Alma Iloubeni. RIVOLI "Away Goes Prudence," with Blllle Burke, BELMONT "Sins of St. Anthony," with Bryant Washburn. WEST ALLE011ENY "Treasuro Island." with Shirley Mason. JUMBO "Dr. Jckyll und Mr. Hyde." CEDAlt Shirley Mason in "Treasure Island." COLISEUM "Homer Comes Home,'' Charles Hay. LEADER "Tho Prince Chap," Thomas Melghan. acter as convlnc'ng as Is posslblo with a Ilobert W. Chambers's heroine, Will M lllrhev nrrnared tho scenario and In doing bo 'ho had a difficult task, because tho book proves much better reading than -does the spectacle of the characters on tho sllversheot. Charlos Malgno directed tho piece, which re quires monv "titles" to explain what the author has done so well In his book descriptions. Somehow they do not seem to enrrv the Idea that Is Intended In showing the subtleties and tbp meanings of characters and episodes. A young girl Is engarcd to marry a wealthy man, and she Is also In love with another man who Is a heavy drinker. In fact, this latter person Is one of a long family of Inebriates, and It Is a question whether the girl will marry for money or to reform the drunk, ard. A battle of self nnd mind Is en gaged In and finally the latter Is chosen, although it must bo satd that the choos Inp was not done until tho former was killed In a right. In tho support arc Dorothy Davenport, who Is Mrs, Wallace Held ; Huth Helms and Clarence Burton. Itegent "What Happened tb Jones?" Is the question that Is solved on the screen In n way that makes George Broadhurst's story and play seem real istic Klmer Harris scenarlzed It and James Cruze. the former actor, directed. In Bryant Washbum Is seen an unusual comed'on, because he can develop tho right sort of comedy rrom tne Bmauest parts. He has Injected Just the right amount of "slapstick" Into the role to make It ludicrous. A central figure Is a man who Is mar ried for money nut ills wire does not like to havo her "hubby" drink, nnd w hen he -eeks the aid of a friend a. num. ber of complications ensue. First, the bottles ure lost: then a reformer comes to tho town, who preaches against all things sinful, Including cigarettes. There Is a large meeting. In which the friend, Jones, becomes Involved, but things are straightened out wnen tne reiorrper is shown to be an impostor. The lovo motif Is not lost sight of and triumphs In the end , . ... Margaret 'Loomls. a dancer of note. Is the leading woman while J. M. Foster, Frank Jonasson and Richard Cummlngs havo good parts. Capitol "The White Clrclo" will no doubt bring out a lot of Robert Louis Stevenson admirers to see the way Maurice Tourneur has handled this play. They will not be disappointed, because tho film version Is vividly portrayed by a competent cast of players, whose names are not of tho stardom rank, but whose work Is worthy. Spottlawoode Altkcn. Harry Northrup. Jack Mac. Donald and, of course, Wesley Barry are woll knwn, while the work of Janice Wilson and Jack Gilbert Is of the best "The Pavilion on the Links" waa the ficttonnl title of the author. Tho story tells in brief of an old lawjer who Is respected and trusted even to the keep. Ing of moneys for an Italian societ. Gambling with this fund results In Its loss He flees the country, taking with him his daughter and another man who knows of the theft To n deserted place on the Scottish coast the party make their wav, but tiro found out and tho vengeance of the Italians brings death to tho old attorney, who has abused his trust. I.8S WALNUT ST. Clothes for Women- "Vr Or fir time f 3BJvknaSf0 PUBLIC - LEE KIDS IN CLEVER PLAYLET AT KEITH'S Laura Plorpont Pleasing In Sketch Other Vaudevillo Theatros Entertaining Kelth'i To those who havo pre cocious youngsters In tholr own homes, the entertainment of tho Leo sisters, Jane nnd Katherlne, nt Keith's this week. Is not so noteworthy ns to merit the honor position which tho manage ment gives them, oven conceding, ns the program Is bold to announce, they are the "beet known children In tho world," Tho sisters display cleverness to a re markable deeree for children so young, but tho hand of a patient drlllmaster la ever obvious The kids, who have been screened many tlmB, appear In a playlet testing the patience of a movie director. The feature position In the bill, ex cellent throughout, might well be given to Laura Pierpont and her players In ft one-act comedy-drama, "Tho Guid ing Star," written by Edgar Allan Woolf. Mother love Is Its dominant theme. The portrayal by Miss Pierpont of a series of characters Including a Broadway "flapper," Salvation Army lassie, drug addict ana piain. ordinary sweet daughter Is unusually meritorious. mts or music, rarce ana poetry ore uied bv MvTtle Glass nnd James P. Conlln In their versatile offering, which has engagement, marriage, the first nuarrel and reconciliation as a plot, Mr. Conlln Is nn Inimitable "cut up." Tha couple Introduce a doll baby at the end of their act and threaten to get a Hv one "If the act goes good," Wfclch bids fair to do, Maleta Bonconl Is a pleasing violin ist. Her selections Include "Carmen, "Hungarian Ilhapsody" and "Mlghtl Lak' a nose." Harry Simpson ccom ponies on tho piano. Vaughn Comfort Is a Philadelphia tenor who Is good to lis ten to. espectnllv when ho sings the ongs John McCormack has popularUed. J. West Jones assists Mr. Comfort nt the piano. A funny chap, who plays the Pled Piper to a well-trained live duck, provokes rales of laughter In an serial novelty by the Flour On tons. The Thornton sisters are sweet singers. The joke book has been thoroughly culled by ferlng. Ilessyc Clifford Is seen In "Artl impressions. scenes ot tne recent archery tournament at Wayne and ehown In a topical film. Olobe Up-to-date melodies nnd .many novelties are Introduced In Primrose's Minstrel', one of tho fentures. Albert Perry and company won approval In a playlet, and "The Garden of Love," a tabloid, Introduced some of the follies of the day. Other clever entertainers In cluded the Jack George Duo, Joseph iean. icnor; t-aimer nisiers. janie Tan ner, Mnbel Whitman and Doya und Lan der nnd nyman Allegheny "Still Putting It Over," headlining the show. Is one of tho best of musical tabloids. Marshall Montgomery, exceptional ventriloquist, won laughs with his talented dummy Miller and Lyles followed the comedy pace with an act full of fun. The Hlares thrilled with gymnastic feats. Constance Talmadge, In "The Search for a Mnner," Is the Interesting photoplay attraction. William Venn There Is something to jnXAMINE the scam on Spur Cigarettes. Notice it's crimp ed, not pasted. That means easier drawing, slower burning and bet ter taste. And don't forget, Spur is America's only crimpedagarcttc. Spur is the kind of old-timey, home-to-family-dinner sort of a smoke that makes you feel you've been away from good old-time tobacco just about long enough. Liooett St Myers Tobacco Co. Cigarettes m LEDGBR-PmiIAl)Ep&A, 'OTDfifibAI ' suit all tastes In tho bill. Foster, Ball and company offer a, delightful comedy sketch which held Interest Joe noma and At Grant showed new effects In tho way of dancing, while minor Faro and company and the McCarthy Slaters soored hits In entertaining acts. "Tea or No." with Norma Talmadge, Is tho clever film attraction. Broadway No end of laughs greeted Hilly Hart and his Circus Girls, who head tho bill. Hart offered a big store of surprises, canes uroiners ana uea trice won approval In comedy singing an a dancing, uoou acts were presented dancing. Good acts were presents bv HOD Mllliiien ana tsvengaii. xnomao :en ana Bvenrail. Tnoma Melghan. In 'The Prlnco Chap," Is tho movlo feature, Crois Keys "The Sailor Ileview." a musical novelty, offered a number of tuneful melodies. Ash and Hymans, comedians, proved a really funny tenm. Other acts Included Ray nnd Cavanaugh, skit: dancing net featuring Regal and Mack ; Downey antl Sunning, comedy songs, nnd Howell Lester, wire artist. Knleberboeker "The Girl In Ihe Dark," a sketch that has plenty of both eomedy and drama. Is the headllner. Harriet Craig and a capable company are Instrumental In tho playlet's success. The Two Immigrants, Italian singers, have a high -class musical not. Others Include Allaire and Sheldon, jugglers ot ability; the Musical Lunds, novelty tum; Hardson and Hannley, pleasing song act: Mlnnettl nnd Sldellt, knock about comedy, nnd "The Proy," photo play witn Alice joyao. Walton Iloof Gorham's Ileview Is a full-course affair, with new music, danoes and specialties. Huth Hale, as the added attraction, gave a. unique ex hibition of novel nnd difficult dancing that wa well received. Tho othor en tertainers won much applause. Grand Noblo Slssls and Euble Blake, colored musicians, furnished the catchy headllner. Klutlng'a Entertainers are Intelligent animal performers. Joseph nyron Totten and company, In "Just a Thief," absorb Interest. Nick Hufford, comedian : Walter Manthey and com pany, dancers, and movies round out the entertainment. Nixon Wroe's Buds, a company of Juvenile dancers, present an act that has the maximum of youth and vitality. Hector, tho Intell'gent dog. Is another entertaining feature. Other clever nets Include Clayton and Lennle, unusual comedians: nice and Clark, novel skit; the Three Bohemians, talented vocalists, and "The Little Wanderer," n photo play with Shirley Mason. Dumont's Is Open Turnout's Old favorites returned to open the season and were greeted with delighted applauso by their admirers. The excellent blackface company, headed by Emmet Welch, presented the usual quota of skits and funmaklng devices, which Include this Week "Seashoro Fleecers" and gems from 'The Chimes of Normandy." The company Includes such popular comedians and singers as Chnrlea l.oyden, John Lemuels, Alfred Gibson, Denny Franklin and Tllchard L-e. SEPTUAGENARIANS TO WED West Chester, Pa., Sept. 7. A mar rlsce licence lias been issued to James H. Culllpp, seventy-three years old, of Baltimore, und Mrs. Mnry Williams fJarrett, weed seventy-two, oj West Chester. Tho pair, each of whom hm grown up children, have been friends for years. JACK NORWORTH NOW A COMEDIAN Vaudevillo and Rovuo Star Pla tonic; Philanderer In Straight Play Adelphl Jack Norworth, platonlc philander, seeking to "spread a tit tle sunshine," brightens quite n famil iar framework for n play with timely humor In "My Lady Friends," hla first enterprise In straight comedy, Mr. Norworth, backed by the popu larity gained In vaudeville nnd musical comedies, "puta It over big," ns his lady friends would any. His wife wouldn't 8ho la too plain nnd Innocent nnd proper. Later she lenrns better, outdresses the dressiest of her husband's lady friends and begins to spend money thereby pleasing Friend Husband. All of which forms the familiar framework. But good, wholesome comedy does muoh to make all three nets pleasing. There are times when It appears that things are not to be exactly Platonic, but tho philanderer stays platonlc, ns u good umu iuius uunuanu snouiu. . S?J7rrth., "Jim"' Smith, pub- nsnes umies anu trots mtn tii nnr. millionaire class by the time the play ope.ns. And he wents it spent But his wile who is Lucy Weston, Is saving. Everett llytterfleld. as his counsel and friend Edward .Early, hears the "con fession" which brings Into tho play the lady friends, Clara Vadera, Frances Blrhards nnd Janet Horton, spending Jim's stage money so fast It really pleases him. But when they begin to talk of love Jim thinks he's It and not his money. Eddie decides to help Jim out of his trouble nnd finds much of it for himself. Jessie Nagel, as his wlfo Lucille, becomes suspicious nn.d tells urn. annul. They Investigate and find the platonlc soul at his ihoro cottage with Eva Jones. a niece of the Earlys, being given by Jim her first chance to be extravagant. The lady friends appear. They say Eddie Is the man In their case, but Mrs. Eddie knows better. Finally things nre straightened out when the Indy friends tnke some stnge money home with them. Gerald Brlnkman, as Tom Trnlnor, be comes engaged to marry Eva, a char acter mad very attractive by Mar guerite McNulty. Eddie nnd Mrs. Eddie cry a bit nnd mnko up. And the Smiths decide to spend the rest of their lives nnd his money together. Rae Bowdln, a Hilda, Is humorous In her part of the Independent domestic with a tcurlng car nnd other llttlo In exnenslve things. The nlay. taken from tho novel bv May Edlngton, is by Emily Nyltray and Frank Mandel. Orpheum Starts 8eaaon Wall Orpheiim "Tho Country Cousin" was well received by a big Labor Day crowd. The ever-popular Mao Desmond and Frnnk Fielder have the leads again this year nnd a number of tho old favorites are In the popular suburban stock com pany Wlllard Deshlell, the new utago director at the Orpheum, has been con nected In a similar capacity with some big productions. Tho cntlro theatre has been renovated nnd new scenery met the eyes of the regulars. Miss Desmond gave a bewitching characterization of her role nnd Mr. Fielder's methods were highly effective Come arunning! FIRST off, notice Spur's good-looking brown -and -silver packet. Isn't it just O. K.? Next, open it up and sec the three wrappings to keep those twenty Spurs just right for you. Now then, get a whiff of Spur's blend of choice Turkish, fine Burley and other home-grown tobaccos. How about it? Tsn't it refreshing and new and different? Light one, folks, light one. Get that good old-time tobacco taste you've been hankering to have hitched up with mildness. J3EJK3 AIA J' 2 'BROADWAY BREVITIES' IS BRISK AND BREEZY George Lomalre Has tho Right Idea About tho Rovuo Type of Show Lytic George Lemalre, who brcexes Into "the managerial" with "Broadway Brevities." has tho correct Idea about the revue type of entertainment a little of a lot of things, but not a lot of any little thing, even costumes nnd they were little enough, but not offensively or obtrusively "naked." Variety and speed marked hla entry Into the ranks of revue producers together with taato and discernment In Betting tho scenes, two doxen In all, and In dresslne the clever cast and good-looking chorus. In keeping with tho namo, the episodes, like tho costumes, were abbreviated, but not too much so, only enough to prevent tiresomeness or monotony. Jack Mason, who stared the production, deserves Credit for ar exceinjnt pteca of wort. comedian, single nnd a& part of a team, paired with Bert Williams In a piece of foolery In which the patter of tho duo was clever, especially as accompanied by tho patter of a pair of celluloid cubes. For the first tlmo in recent seasons Bert has n chanco to display fully his varied talents nnd characteristic humor. Ho won a big welcome. From blackface to grand opera was ono of tho several transitions made In the revue. Dorothy Jardon, late of the Chicago Opera, In addition to several songs which sho sane In n fine, well managed voice, gave tho "Habanera' from "Carmen" with n full chorus. Miss Jardon dressed the rolo according to her own conception nnd played the cigarette girl of ficvlllo with a verv modern vnmplsh touch. Sho omitted the routine red rose over tho left ear, together with other conventions. Exquisite In Its woodland back ground nnd exquisitely done was the classic ballet dancing of nn admirably drilled chorus with nolo dancing by Nat alio Kingston and Ula Sharon, both very young nnd beautiful premiere danseuses and both expertly schooled Tho latter for an encore hit on a nov elty In some jazzed toe dancing that was brief, but fetching. Hazel Washburn and Jay Dillon had two pretty song numbers, handsomely set, one In n woodland glade nnd the other in the Swiss mountains. In which their vocallsm was beyond the nverngo for this typo of entertainment. Teck Murdock, a The High Cost of Books Can Be Avoided Bu Renting New Popular Fiction From WOMRATH'S CIRCULATING LIBRARY 15 South 13th St., Phila. Clean Copies Hunpllrd rromptty f hJfK O) PPM if i) I if 1 It IrL irr sJfaJWrri 111 wHjlif) W '" i..- i-r ,v Attractions That Remain SIIUBEtlT "Florodora," elaborate revival of a musical comedy classic of a former generation. Among the admirable principals are Llcn nor Painter, William Danforth nnil Ilobert Pitkin. "Replacements" for tho colebrated sextet match their predecessors In vocallsm and looks. GAnWCK "Mary," George Cohan's hit Tho original company, headed by Janet Velio, Jack McGowen, Georgia Calno, Charles Judela. Florrlo Mlllership and Alfred Gcr rard. reappear, Notnblo for refine ment at comedy nnd many good songs. BROAD "Bab," delightful comedy made by a well-known Philadel phia playwright nnd novelist, Ed ward Chllds Carpenter, from tho .Saturday Evening Post stories ot Mary Roberts Rlnehart Relates tho humorous adventures of a ro mantic subdeb, deftly played by Helen Hayes. FORREST "The Girl In tho Spot light," Victor Herbert-George Le derer musical comedy, Mr. Her bert has contributed somo of his mos: fetching melodies nnd Mr, Lodrer surpassed himself In tho production. Eddie Dowllng, Hal Skelly and Juno Elvldgo and Mary Mllburn are in the cast clever contorttonlstto and eccentric dnncer; Eddie Buzzell and Peggy Parker, comedians, and Mary Haynes, Imitator, all contributed Interestingly. So did the versatile chorus, which scored one of the genuine hits, "The Stage Door Blues," with Its satiric lyrics on the eighteenth amendment The music, bv a numerous syndicate of composers, had nn that account plenty of Individ uality. New Griffith Film Friday Many details in connection with the production of D. W. Grlfflth'fl "Way Down Eaat" have made It necessary to postpone tho opening until Friday eve ning at the Chestnu Mtroot Opera House Mr. Griffith will bo In this city with a staff of assistants to complete arrange ments for the proper presentation of his latest creation A special and elaborate musical score has been prepared nnd will be Interpre ted by a symphonic orchestra under tho direction of Sidney Lowcnsteln. Proposals for Cravats Office of the Depot Quarter master, U. S. Army, Philadelphia, Pa. Sealed proposals will be received here until 1.30 P. M., September 13, 1920, for furnish ing all or any part of 760,000 black silk cravats. ' Information on request EDUCATIONAL Iloth Hee E PEIRCE SCHOOL Courses for young men: Business Ad ministration, two year Commercial Training, Salesman ship. Courses for young women ; Sec retarial, Shorthand and Typewriting. America's Foremost Business School ; , f WANAMAKER INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIES N. W. Corner 23d and Walnut Btrt.U. Begin September 0. Tuition Cost for tho Period Drawing or Painting 117.00 English, French or Spanish 20.00 Piano or Violin 32.00 Stenography with Typewriting, . 27,00 Typewriting Only 18.00 Bookkeeping 27.00 Bookkeeping, Stenography and Typewriting combined 35.00 Filing and Indexing 15.00 Butinesa Arithmetic , 20.00 Penmanship 12.00 Correspondence 12.00 Public School Branches 20.00 Public School foreigners 20.00 Printing 20.00 Real Estate and Conveyancing. . 20.00 Public Speaking (for men) 20.00 Art Needlework or Crocheting... 15.00 Cookery and Domestic Science. .23.00 Dressmaking or Millinery 22.00 Architectural Drawing and Speci fications 24.00 Mechanical Drawing 20.00 Blue Print Reading for mechanics 15.00 Engraving or Watch Making. .. . 30.00 Telegraphy 20.00 Cutting Mens Clothing 24.00 Advertising and Salesmanship . . 25.00 Elocution 20.00 Plan Reading and Estimating , . 20.00 Vocol (9 lessons) 18.00 Proofreading 12.00 Also Morning, Afternoon and Saturday Send for Catalog Make Yourself Worth More Money Tou can make ourlf worth more money by attending Rtrajor'n Ilualneea College. Day and Night Senslons. Call, write or phone for particulars. Strayer's Business College 807 Chestnut St. Walnut 384 A f.t)()U TOSITION AWAITS YOU fltudy to be a atenosrupher or a bookkeeper. pur courses are complete In every detail IncludlnB onlec training Indlldual Instruct tton. Day and night classes. Our refer- l.nlT" ure. exropuonai. Catalox. I all Term Wins Sept. 7. vuw"ul 1'IIII-A. llllhlNKSft COLI.KQK .. W f.4,,L,A ' Commerce inn riietnut St. riilladelnhln FVionrla' fJiAr-f QnUr.nl Tor Doya ... Th' rarkwaJ. Cherry and lOth's'tV"'' All grades between Kindergarten and College. Standi for thorough work and alLrounii Chrlstlnn character llegins Ninth Month 20th Open for Inspection and en?nllm.n. vuuter V. lliullnnd. 1'rlnclmil Philadelphia Turngemcinde jchool reopen Sept, Dili, Oymnnstlcs Nnlmmlng, l'hys! Course" In awlmmlnr begin' Oet. ii iieni fl'..itvA .-- begin Oct Enroll now. Ilooklet HItOAn I COt.lTMMA AVK The Taylor School vAnU$ RT Oregg Shorthand, nookkeeplnr. Touch TvSln AcrounilnK. Commercial Teachers' rSSKS "aV-Nlgbt W.ltn or ohon. Av.i?utt" Miss Hills' .School ... . . 'IP.'1!" n'Ptember 27th rrinrlnnl will be iitarliool ;," Hen mo Hpmce lilreetl'hii.i.,7.h'y nroad und flnrlnr Harden MS . pi . ,ny nd night classea In Art. ijleci Hechnnles and Auto Open. a.Ut .in' Vounc Women and fllrl. The Gordon-Ronev 5wrni an'cX'; freSate8 . Oensra. Qftrdftn nnr! flvm im.. ."?." ,rS toney. 1'rl'n Hoot tiik HcrnrtKn n Rrmmi .77 . 1 II.IMI,,,. i'vSVr'j:,or.?l"n Women. fJTOmeiVicAn.,l.rffi: . miimiinuy Herv a, ' ... W'.V tirare and All MaH Al It. N....l.'- MUSICAL INSTHtlflTIONH HYPERION fcnooi. or musio I ', -. ' -.! .it. i . . n -rr ' COMEbV AT CASINO "Hip, Hip, Hooray" Good Vehlcl r.ilnn JThrtm rnrnsrlL. best, nnd they succeed in makin .J,l'-'l Hip, Hooray f" a good laigh frC"Ml gnnlng to end, Geor 'W-."?'" tx- 1 Plorce nnd Pat Carney nre the tu.rn 1 nnd they nre abundantly aupn?a,!lr.'fJ "eV.t"e7"Br?":. Homo car, -V" of the newest vnrletv. Th. ...-.""Wi Ml k'l zinnia nn.l h ki. ......"n BMn. ,i and their looks are plsb an nttra0c&. ' People's Davo Marlon, nlwavn '. vorlte In burlesquo houses, heV fr own company In a two-act musics .nh cdy called "Tho Land of the Imp?ffi?; ' Tho show was written by thmSrS,,Ifc .t , h.a ii,.n t.i.--.',-", product. part. inltho 'cast are Em 1 (Ja&CeJ!. ' per, Roso Barnard, Will II. wttrdC."A-i omers, HlJon Blllv Snellman. TM.1.. ci... ' nnd Oeorge Shclton head tho eiii.M 1 cast In "Grown Up Babies." Other. hM ciucie uoiieito uauste, Fred Roves .... Sift funTh "'e Cllft Troendero "The Girl Next Door" . Ab You Like It" nro tho two acts th ' en to make ud narrv lTnntin'- '."' ? tAT'SP'" clver chief comedians "licwpie ijous snow, Frank Penny nre tho v.Zm .- - -.. -. :. "" tlRIENTM-KUiJS T Bold. Boncht and Exchui.bt Also CUan.d and llep.lrtd H. TERZIAN & CO. SRr J. JT. .CflrlBth JL WalnatJtt. A paint job is no better than the painter's skill Good materials count In a paint Job, but unless they are applied by skilled men, the work un never stand the test of time Wo use the best materla's, and only Bkllled men with a syj. tern of supervision that Insures top-notch painting. That'? why wo can point to G9 ear' experience. Willstandthelestofiiim KnirOATIONAl, Both 8rxr 9! Business Administration wA' Busy Executives prefer to employ Peirce-trained men rather than ttach subordinates the fundamentals of busi ness. Men and women who have thorough training essentials are in demand. No matter how sound a general education you have, a course at Peirce School will fit you better for a business career. School Opens Sept. 7. Night School, Sept. 20. WRITE FOR 56TH YEAR BOOK PINE STREET WEST OF BROAD Yoong Men und Doyg MEADOWBROOK SCHOOL Daynschooi For Boys Meadowbrook, Pa. Primary School (Boys under 81 Lower School, Upper School A acheol that Kites a boy a com- pleto elementary schooling and pre narsn for entrance to anv boardlnc par; for entrance to any boardlnc school or college without taking him away from lit home nnd It" tltal Influences during; hla Imnresslonabls years. A achool In which open-air tralntng, basoball, etc., handwork and Intellectual study ore combined with Christian example and precept to develop full manhood and fV elency, Pchonl ground havo I!i seres: high elevation Located 3 mllM north of Jenklntown Reading IlilN road to Meadowbrook. Autobus serv ice for nearby places rtegli'ratlnni and assignment "f claa September 18. Tor prospectus terms, tie,, ad dres the Hend Master Rev. John White Walker, M. A. Meadowbrook, Pcnna. THE EPISCOPAL ACADEMY (FOUNDED 178S) 1324 Locuit St.. Phila. pRETAltES boys 'for all Colleges ass Technical School. a Junior Seheel under teachers, of experience affordl i.'fful tinlnlng for little boja Tin next session openR September 23d for me upper ami anacue schools; Hep tember 27th for the Junior School. Tho neglster, together with nn an nouncement of the Board of Trusters) giving details of the proposed remoel 01 mo scnooi to uverproolt. Bent on c plication. The onico Is open for tho enrollment' oi pupiis. Robert Anderson Acting Headmaster The William Penn Charter School No. 8 South 12th St., Philadelphia cor classification ot pupils HeptemWr 71. Richard M, Gammere. Fh, D.. Hrndmtr, THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE SCHOOL OF MECHANIC ARTS Drauihtlnr, Mathematics. UacbaalM Registration Dally. 15 0. TU " AU.KNTOWN. PA. AUentown Prennrntnrv School Prepares for college or technical seres'; I Smalt classes Individual instruction. Studtni aoTernmtni, aii atnieuca. Bpienaia ,"-, buildings, l.irgo campus and eymnasliifj- BpcUl car for younner boyn, r" v ""? ,,v jtii""iM. unic. " killtui! PEKKHKILI.. N. V. .. . TB9TCIIB8TritMIUTABir A"CAnEU. ' 1 '.unary training in a iiomsuae ";:', , Tha academto year 1020-21 begins Tun day, September 21, lDl'O, and tha rro PectUa mav bn obtained nn anDttcattO' 11,IMIKB H.II. i. inu'rr. &&&M&4lteMiJte f.ut.tJ Jarasai J'" V..-Vf t'mKva,1.iJgt!?'i l&i&g&yi