Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 04, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 5, Image 5

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    Ufct ,&.'j,ft,7'
V liriifnUhhll ik PAH I
Beautiful Scohery Offorod
Motorist for Run Up Hudson
Ovor Labor Day
Tho motorist who is planning an ex
tended run over Labor Day will find
the trip to Ncwburgh. N. Y by wny
of Dclnwr.re Water Gap a journey of
singular beauty. The good highways
that lead to Ncwburgh aro lined with
old trees which still hold their gorgcoua
summer foliage, and tho bordering
countrysldo of farms has not yet begun
to rfiow tho brllllanco of autumn.
It It approximately ICO miles from
this city to the upper Hudson. If tho
driver is willing to take a chanco on
the type of roads ho will encounter in
northern New .Tcrsoy, tho return trip,
which cuts off fifteen miles, ctn bo mado
by way of Tarrytown, Newark and
Trenton. Hut whoever takes this route
must do so with the likelihood of running
Into bad roads, which hnvo been under
going repairs nil summer. Late reports
pay Hint the Improvements nre not yet
Tho motorist has a choice of good
hotel in nnston, Port Jcrvls, New
burgh, Tarrytown and Nyack and any
of these old towns will prove interest
ing for tho vlsltori.
The roads from hero to Dclawaro
Water (Jap by way of Willow Grove,
Doylestown, Knston nnd Bangor nro
good. From the Gap good time can bo
made ovor the well-repaired highways
that connect the fainoin Delaware river
beauty spot with BuBhklll, Dingmans
Ferry, Mllford. Port .Tcrvis. Middle
town. Gorficn, Little Britain and Ncw-
On arriving at Ncwburgh it Is up
to the motorM to dccldo whether ho
wishes to leturn as ho came or go back
by way of Beacon, N. Y., iviildi is
reached by ferry from Ncwburgh.
The towering Hudson Fnllfcides are
passed through on the er.st nido of the
liver until famous old Tnrrtown Is
gained. Another ferry is neressary to
recross to Nyack. In tfils way New
York city is avoided, but tho beautiful
suburbs nre enjoyed.
Uncertain roads from Nyac'-t on must
be expected. Newark Is tho flwt city
passed through, then Elizabeth, Rah
wnv, Mctuchcn. New Brunswick, Cran
berry, Hightstown, Trenton, Lang
home and Bustlcton follow In close cue
cession until Philadelphia is reached.
Letters to the Editor on Cur
rent Topics
Making a Good Thing Better
To tha iMItor of the Kvenina PutiHo Ledoer:
Sir Whllo tho general set-up and
about everything elso concerning your
afternoon newspaper seems good, why
not make It better by more accurate
statements? First. Why, for Instance, nt top of
third column of ftrBt page today, sav
"Persons Who Do Not Own Real Estato
Must Pay a 'Poll Tax?' Suppose,
(like my ulster) 0110 has paid a "por
onnl property" tnx (somotlmes called ft
ttato tax) for 1020, and Is otherwise
qualified, cannot ho or Bhe register Sep
tember 2 or 14, or October 2. and can
not he or she vote? Surely, Mr. Editor,
you must answer "yes" If you answer
at nil.
Second. Why, for Instance, In edi
torial, pago S, column 1', today, sav
(Wnr On tho Ferry Ootige) "percentage
uf Increase S3 1-3?" How about former
ten-strip tickets for twenty.flvo cents,
which most day-by-day Delaware river'
fenyboat passengers bought? In that
ease It exceeds H3 1-3 per cent.
August 27.
Mr Macomb refers to an explanation
offered to lit a specific case, that of a
woman who, owning no real estate, in
quired whether 3he would have to pay an
occupation tnx The nnswer was that
persons owning no real estate do not
pay an occupation tax, but Instead, pay
a poll tax, which Is the same for all,
fifty cents. Mr. Macomb Is, of course,
entirely right In saying that a person
can register upon proscntlng a personal
property tax receipt.
Ejectment of Tenants
To tho Editor of tha Evening Publlo Ledger:
Ptr In the administration of practical Jus
tice and In nrcordlnc a milium deal to both
property nnd human sights serious problems
now confront the courts and the Mherlff with
the dally Increasing number of Judgments In
ejectment entered hy landlords ngalnst ten
nnts unablo to meet exorbitant demands (or
Increases In rentals and also unablo to find
other homes.
The entry of these Judgments, which la
the first legal step taken by property owners
to evict famine, la an automatic process ,
Customers and
American Weolen Company
The American Woolen Company will show Its Spring 1921
line to the trade on Thursday, September 9th.
The American Woolen Company mills will start preparatory
departments on Monday, September 13th, and other depart
ments thereafter as soon as possible
The wage scale will be the same as when the mills' were
forced to shut down in July.
American Woolen- Company
JSfy WM. M. WOOD, President
. ,,,
NF-wmioru n
f.fw.vrr A&neArrki
KmRvd tarpoowl
. WREHim
A beautiful'trlp for over tho Labor
Day week-end Is offered by this run
to Ncwburgh, N. Y by way of tho
Delaware Water Gap, Tho return
trip can bo made by n different
route, but the roads are ont so good
accorded under tho antiquated lodlord and
tenant lawn. Anr unless tho unfortunate
tenant can procure a rule to have the Judg
ment opened and temporarily net aside, ho
has no "day In court." aa supposedly vouch
safed to him under the bill of rights.
Unlike other actions or suits at law. the
"amicable" action, so-called, Is fortified
with a Judgment of ouster as soon as It is
entered of record, followed by a writ of pos
session for the premises lmolvcd. These
actions by landlords are permitted In the
Ironclad form of lease exacted hy the owner
tho tenant waiving all his rights, even. In
some cases, the right to ask to have the
?aWo7aJUd 0M"ed '
The Judges apparently feci obliged to fol
low precedents established long before the
profiteering tnrae started with the home, and
to tho extent of only exercising th.lr preroga.
tlves of chancellors where there aro evi
dences of noncompliance by the landlord
with all the requirements of the act ns to
the form of procedure. But such Instances
of neglect on the part of landlords are rare!
ns by a lonir-tlmo usage the leases aaddini
on the unfortunate tenants have been made
almost impervious to successful legal attack
and the predominance of property rlchts
under the present conditions at least, deny
hi.tlce and equity to the sorely pressed ten'
Philadelphia. M i1, Tl
Snobs and Nobility
To the r.Mor 0 the Evening PuhUe Lcitoer:
Sir Thank common sense that there
nro some that can remember their dur-Imc-wnr
principles! Your short, tmnnpy
editorial, entitled, "Aro Wo Snobs7" doos
credit to a sans, thinking paper.
After all, what Is tho Idea in feting
nnd scrapping bofore a stupid human
with a high sounding name? Why this
kowtowing and fawning at tho feet of
a so-called crown prince? Wo did It
onco to nnother, and at least he had
somo honor and was willing to renounce
his titles nnd llneairo for an American
Blrl whom he loved.
Tho Rumanian scion Is utterly devoid
of prlnclplo. Ho became ottached to a girl
of ordinary birth and then, when pleased
to fullness with his "common" toy. ho
deserts and abandons her. Such a man
the "cream" of New York seek to bow
and cater to. Whero Is our much
flaunted lofty mlndedness? Same place
whero somo of our "100 per centers"
aro when truth robs fiction of Its hy
pocrisy. Isn't It queer and sfipld when you
figure It out? What makes somo of tho
scum tell tho dregs that they aro
"nobIe"7 Merely because they, tho scum,
nro above tho dregs docs not mnko them
less claimant to tho same stock. Wo
aro born nil alike and we die all alike
and wo rot all alike, yet some call them
selves "noble" because they can trace
hack their nncestors (many times to
their shame 1). For that matter a com
mon cur has nobility, for did not he, too,
have ancestry? Thero Is only one no
bility that of the mind. Tho polished
boot llckers possess It not.
When all tho world wants freedom
for which they fought so hard, along
comes a. man representing absolutism,
terrorism, direct slavery and tho "di
vine right," and where nro our hlRh
mtnded freedom lovers and Idealists?
oh, they aro making ready to fete and
honor him. Shades of noble Lincoln,
how much longer must this mouth woik
Philadelphia, August 2S.
8wedlsh Press Angered by "Prus
sian Spirit" In Aland Settlement
Stockholm, Sept. 4. The two mem
bers of the Swedish mission to the
Aland Islands, Svndblom and Bjoerk
man, wjio rcccutly were arrested by the
Finns on tho charge of treason, hnve
been sentenced to Imprisonment for
eighteen months at hard labor, with tho
loss of civic rights for three years, by
the Court of Appeals at Abo, Finland,
nccordiug to advices received yesterday
Employees of tk
ll inTTl 111 ITHH ll
A I II A IM 1 1 A I I A
La Crlsl Industrial si Aggrava
pel Movimento Sovletista
elegit Oporai
Published nnd Distributed Cndsr
. ... . PEHMIT NO. li.
Aulhorlied by the act of October 0,
1917, on nie at t
tho , Fostofllce 01 rnua-
ciyui, ri,
Postmaster General,
Roma, 3 scttembrc La crlsl Indu
strial In segulto niragitazlono cd
ftH'occupaziono degll stablllmontl da
parte del metnllurglcl va nssumendo
proporzloni allnrmantl. II movlracnto
sovletista da Mllano e Torino si c'
cstcso a Roma, Napoll, Vcnczla cd
nltri ImportantI ccntrl Industrlall dclla
A Mllano sono awcnutl snnguinosl
confllttl trn. la truppa Invlnta per
guardnro gll stnblllmcntl e gll opcral.
H stoto proclamato lo nclopcro
generalc o la sltuazlono c divenuta
gravi8sima. Anchc n Gcnova o' av
venuto tin conflltto tra gll operal 0 la
Guardia Begin, durante il quale un
borghese rimasc ucclso 0 pnrccchl nl
tri fcrltl.
A Vcnczla gll opcral dcll'Arscnnlo,
seguendo Tcscmplo dl quell! dl ftltro
cltta', hnnno oecupato 1 canticrl senza
incontrare nlcuna reslstcnza da parte
dclle nutorltn' e pcrclo' non si ebbcro
a doplornre incldentl.
A Torino gll opcral si sono nppro
priatl dl tutto le offielne dello stablli
mento Ansnldo 0 dl quelle della Fiat
(Fnbbrlca Itnllnna Autoinoblll).
In Roma 1 mctallurglci hnnno prcso
posscsso di drca !!80 stnbilimcntl In
dustrial! della cittn', iosandovl la bnn
dlera rossa. Cio' dlinostra che 11 movi
mento ha un carnttcrc chiaramontc
II Govcrnd e' rontrarlo nd un Intcr
vento nrmnto nclln cruenta lotta trn
rapltalo c lavoro, ed infntti fino ad orn
le Guardie Regie cd I Carablnlcri sono
Intcrvcnutl soltanto per Impcdlre sac
chcggl e violcnze.
II Minlstro del Lavoro, On. Labrloln,
hn convocato c rirevuto tuttl i rnp
prcscntantl delle orgnnizzozlonl degll
operal mctallurglci. proponendo loro
una formuln concltiativa secondo la
quale sarebbo istltuita la gestlonc
dlrcttn degll xtabillmcntl col slstpmn
cooncrazionlHtn, mediante conslgli dl
faburica 0 previa corrcsponsiono ni
proprlctari deU'affitto e degll tttlll la
cul mlMira dovra' esscre stabillta da
appositi collegl arbitral!.
I5all'altro canto sembra cho la mng
gioranza degll industrlall sla contrarla
nd accettare la formula proposta
diiH'On. Lahrlola c si annunzla che la
Confcderazlone Gcnerale dcll'Industrla,
punto dlspostn n sublrc imposizioni da
parte degll opcral, ha dcllbcrato di op
porre nH'invnslonc degll stabilimcnti
la .serrnta gcnerale.
L'On. Glollttl si o posto in dlretto
contatto con i can! delln Confcderazlone
prcdetta, conslgliando gll Industrlall dl
uar prova ui spirito concillatlvo.
Trenton Raises Amusement Fees
Tronton, Sept. -1. Llccnso fees for
all amusement enterprises conducted
for private gain nro Increased in un
ordinance adopted by the city com
mission. The increase averages about
20 per cent nnd the additional revenue
which tho new ordinance will furnish
Is to provide in a measure for the losses
occasioned by discontinued liquor
An Opportunity
for a Man
possessing personality backed
by executive ability, zeal,
knack in handling subordinates
and high ideals of servico to
tho public, is open in a largo
business organizntiqn. Ma
turity of experience and judg
ment needed. Age, say, under
50. Compensation, worthy of
the qualifications required.
Write in confidence, giving full
details. Address
mt 9 't ti .
There's No Base Like Home
By H. C
Bit Ttarmon, who admtts he hat
Dnuptas Fairbanks looMng like a
Piker, tolls Friend Jos about Hfs in
the movies it the follotolna letter, n
stallments from it. O. wftioer' latest
uccom will be printed daily.
n luil1iKoftrny as to got In with
us and His manager grabs his arm.
i-ldn JLIn8'' tupld ! ha grunts. "You
to talk " chauffeur us guys wants
WroIi!iii8Py'1 tho "PorUn.' editor, as
vn lil?llln JlW0'- Whey's no doubt
nn Jfim.mo hat 1 ordered. We'a a bum,
fh IfPM Vhy' 'e don't soem to have
l? h?'Vof a female fawn. How d'yo
W'ni'.mi..,n a rl"K dopo him?"
h ??yu' 8ftyn Dunn. "That kid oughta
S2. weltcrweiKht champion right now
ho can" 8 g0t a klok llke TNT and
n'.8ftc11".b.ults ,n 'h sportln editor.
."I'stwt to fill me full hop about
;?,!. mp of yours, simply becauso I'm
thnlnl y.0 '? do th's 'or me, I'll sen
that you both get duo credit for holpln'
; . ?,d C but If you are gettln' set
J? u" any stuff about how Young
Kearny Is a" '
"tWS,U .au minute 1" says Dunn.
n.J??mo.ftnlR,h' wl11 yu' I don'1 claim
tho mnkln's of what you guys calls copy
an '.', ,y?u gimme a chanca I'll toll you
somcthln' thnt might help fill that rotton
IXL " ul yun some mornin .
Tho sportln' editor irrlna ncain.
.T0?r ". oftl" he says. "Any time It
you, iUU lougn to take, mo ana my
friend can always throw you outa this
cab !"
.. "WJll" said Dunn. "In one word,
tho thing la thathere's a kid which
nccordln to nil tho Marquis of Hoylcs's
rules oughta bo welterweight champion
of tho wholo place. He'B knocked out
heavies heavies, mind you In tho
gym, with tho caso thnt you knock out
your wnues every Saturday. He Btrlps
llko I'yslko or ono of them Italian gods
and ho could box ten rounds under a
rainstorm and never git hit by a drop
of water. If no's yellah, so was Bel
glum. Yet ho don't git nowheros I Why?"
"Tho other guys Is allowed to como
In with a ax In each hand I" guesses tho
sportln' editor.
"I thought they wouldn't let rough
tho comic patrc," snarls Dunn, "or the
first thing you knowod you'd havo to go
to work. I'll tell you why Kearny ain't
a champ he's been chaaln' a dream for
two years I"
" Ithought they wouldn't let rough
necks In tho Kollles," says tho sportln'
editor, lookln' Interested. "So thoy'B a
girl In the caso, hoy? Let'u Beo now
whero havo I read anything llko that
before lately?"
"Aw, shut up I" says Dunn. "Say,
wlso ,guy lemmo tell you this In my
own way nnd then you can print It In
your way tomorrow like you always do,
leavln out tho best of tho stuff that's
sllppod you. They ain't no damo mixed
up In this nt nil the only woman
Kearny's stuck on Is his mother. So
that's one you loso!"
"I still got some money," says the
sportln editor. "Shoot tho plecol"
".Right!" says Dunn; and Joe, their
sportln' expressions Is all Roman to mo
because renlly, you know, them rough
necks has a language of their own.
"Now here's tho low down on Kcnrny
take It or Rive It to the A. P. This kid
is absolutely crary about Kid Bronnan.
Accordln' to him, Urtfmian Is the only
box fighter that ever rubbed his feet In"
resin. I admit, and so do you, that
when Brennan was right they was no
seven boys In his class which could
even muss his hair. 1 concede that, this
Brennan baby will go down In history
ts one of tho greatest scrappers that
over hung another guy over the ropes,
but he's throuRh now and has been for
three years I Ho don't mean nothln' no
Edwin j.saiomiBai
v535N0iJ?IH:li. STREET
An Opporturaty
Is yours if you desire to ob
tain photographs which ap
pear in the Ledger or any wo
havo on file.
The Ledger Photo Service
vv a s recently established
(due to many requests for
prints) and rates may be had
by writing or phoning
Room 311
Independence Square
and Branches
Under tho direction of Pamllle
Zeckwer, Frederick Rahn Jid
Charlton Lewis Murphy
Eminent Faculty, composed of
leading artists In every branch
of music. The prospectus gives
full parjlcularo.
Courses of Study aro complete
nnd thorough, they Include a
full Theoretical Course, Solfege,
Harmony, Composition, Aurui
Theory Elocution and Teachers'
Training courses.
Ju iifor nnd Senior Orclicstras
composed of pupils of tho btrlng
and Instrumental departments as
well as those of tho Piano and
Organ aro organized.
For prosprcjus address
Managing Director
J. W. F. Lemon T,acher.0'
... . .. . Violin
W. Palmer Hoxie Tcll,p '
After Bepttmbor 1st will occupy thc?rCnew
atudlon. I'llO Walnut ttrent. Philadelphia.
10 l?11?'- .U'Hller lli.ll.llnj) "
. ( V. Htrmlit-r; IUrrctor
Villi iteoprn NrplPinUrr 13th
onifi Open Aftrr Srnti'inlifr 7th
Violin. Piano, Organ. Vrankltn K. Cran
Dlr. T1 fnmtnut at BT K l.iw l oil
riiiijv. coNsnnvATOitY or musio
D. llendrlk Kzjrman. II. Van dn IlecmL
JDlrectera. (Formerly JO Ho, Jgth BU
iiw aitt Ha. sou at.
1020- r-
" I! want you guya to tell hliA trho ho'a beAtus
r . rr hw-" box for the .Knights of, the ry- cAim.-Bept. 8, iBABbi t w. ..
more. He's (tone where the woodbine
twlnoth nnd tho like, get me? That's
why this flRht of his tonight with
Knockout Hodker is a, outrage.
"It oughta bo stopped I Why poor old
Brennan will bo lucky to last a round
you know thnt, don't youV" , ,
"I ought to," says the sportln' editor.
"I wrote a two column roast of It yes
terday I" ...
"Sure I" says Dunn, "nnd I don't blame
you. But tho point I'm gettln' at Is this
Kid Brennan Is ft a well, one of
them Idol things to Young Kearny. That
boy has got the lies of the Bportln
annuals for fifteen years back and he
knows by heart every fight Brennnn was
In. Every fight? Why, he can tell you
every punch Brennan missed since the
old master first climbed through the
ropes 1 He's got a million pictures of
Brennan In his room. I've seen him be
fore a lookln' glass the same number
of times tryln' to poso In thnt old stylo
vltward way which they all did In the
days when Brennan was a world beater.
Young Kearny eata, sleeps, talks,
whistles, hums, thinks, and dances Kid
Brennan I Ho gets In tho rlnc and tries
to poso In front of theso tough kids tho
way Brennan did when boxin was never
thought of In a prize ring. Tho result
1? that somo third rate bum beats him
up whero If ho'd ever out looso he a
knock tho other guy, tho refcreo and the
ticket taker with the one wallop! The
fact that Brennan has como and gone
means nothln' In Kearny's young life.
Tn him. tf 1,1 Tti-nnnnn tnrlnv la the KTCat-
est flshter thn world's over seen. If
you don't bellevo It, mention Brennan to
him. He'll never give you no chance to
talk, because ho'll butt right In with
some fight Brennan had in 1905 with
Cyclono Williams or somebody and give
u every round, punch by punch I Why
ho sworo to mo that the only reason he
over took up box flghtln' himself was
so's he could bo a guy like Kid Bren
nnn. that poor old battered up has
been I"
"What's Young Kearny dono for hlm
Belf so far?" asks tho sportln editor,
nfter a minute.
"I can't even He about It," jrranta
Dunn. "Nothln' I And say hero'o an
other laugh Ho ducked me a coupla
weeks ngo when Brennnn wns trnlnln'
for hln nwn nflqnnfllniLtlon tonlsrht. Sure 1
Young Kearny went over to Brennan'a
camp nnd nuked to be took on as n
Hpnrrln' partner so's ho could for onco
pet a close up of Brennnn, he told me.
Well, they give him a chance. Tho mln
uto ho stood up beforo Brennan for the
first time, tho guy he'd been born nnd
raised on you might say, ho went into a
trance and Brennan knocked him
klckln' with a punch my flvo-ycar-old
baby could of blocked. Then they
throwed h'm out on his oar and Brennan
himself told him he'd rtover mako a
fighter becauso ho was yellah 1 Can
vou Imagine that? That's why I don't
Roth Benea
mLL? lU
School Re-Opens September 8th
Gymnastics, Swimming, Drawing, Needlework and German
School of Gymnastics is divided into 12 classes, for men, women and
children. Each class has two lessons a week.
NATATORIUM (Open Throughout the Year)
Every man, woman and child should know how to swim, both for
protection nnd health. Everyone con learn.
Safe and commodious tiled pool is 40 feet wide by 60 feet long and
holds 140,000 gallons of water. Water is changing continually, being
kept at an oven temperature, 78 degrees, both winter and summer.
Admission to the Pool
Yearly tickets) for members, Juniors nnd ladles $0.00
Yearly tickets for children under 10 years of use 3,30
Strip tickets, 10 roupona , 1,23
Soap and Towel, 10 coupons 50
.Male udult membership 11.50
Women and children " g'oo
Tuition fees fort swimming, 7 lesaon tickets '.'.'.'. 3.00
Aorntal Courte in Stclmmtug Begins October lit
For Application Blanks Apply at Office
N. W. Corner 23d and Walnut Streets.
Begin September O.
Tuition Cost for tho Period
Drawing or Painting , $17.00
English, French or Spanish 20.00
Piano or Violin 32.00
Stenography with Typewriting. . 27.00
Typewriting Only 18.00
Bookkeeping 27.00
Bookkeeping, Stenography and
Typewriting combined 33.00
Filing and Indexing 13.00
Business Arithmetic 20.00
Penmanship 12.00
Correspondence 12.00
Public School Branches 20.00
Public School foreigner ..... 20.00
Printing 20.00
Real Cstate and Conveyancing.. 20.00
Public Speaking (for men) 20.00
Art Needlework or Crocheting,.. 15.00
Cookery and Domestto Science. .23.00
Dressmaking or Millinery 22.00
Architectural Drawing and Sped
ficatlone , 24.00
Mechanical Drawing 20.00
Blue Print Reading for mechanics 13,00
Engraving or Watch Making.,,. 30,00
Telegraphy 20 00
Cutting Men's Clothing 24.00
Advertising and Salesmanship . . 25.00
Elocution 20.00
Plan Reading and Estimating , , 20.00
Vocal (9 lessons) 18.00
Proofreading 12.00
Also Morning, Afternoon and Saturday
Send for Catalog
You con iwt 7u(cfc relief if vou
Illustrated UOO page book pn Stammering at
lour request Til II LllWia SCHOOL loo
M" aide Ht Detroit. Mich, "l-"UUJ" luu
S .s
" ' ""
OiMna a.ni
1700 Walnut St., Pkil.d.lpH.
iu.i.i:itHvii.i.ie. iA.
tainpus, ooramod. dorin'a, blgh.grad InstrTi
p,lirrv,i.r, iiniii..iir vu,, 1.14. UeaUltiUl
tuition frea.
oanrssa t.-. u. oordlnlar. fdm.
l'El'.KRIUIX, N. Y,
Military training in Homslika School.
tt,Utlonl8' Vrfts fur cat"" Individual
Ma ilcidira. Consult 1'ubllo LadxrSry, jju,"
mim . .,l,nA,Aw It la tnntrrm.
"It ho thought no was gonna fight
Knockout Hooker he'd never go near tha
bulldln' I I wanna tako him over to
Newark first and let him seo Kid Uren
nan. whloh u hln rellslon you mlsht say.
get murdored and that will kill that part
of It forovcr. Then I'll rush him up
and let him box the champ. I don't care
whether he gets plastered or not, bey
cnunn I'm nbnut net to turn him loose
anyways, i'vo blowed a lotta jack on
that guy and I'm through!''
Well, Joe, wo rodo along for quite a
whllo without no remark from nobody.
Then tho sportln' editor borrchs a pen
cil from me and commences wrltln" on
tho backs of some lotters ho chanced tt
havo In his pocket Fln'ly he says to
Young Koarny's amiable manager.
"MimnnKA Kearny refuses to jto on at
this Red Cross benefit when he finds
he's up against KnocKoui iiooKerr;
"If ho don't go on." snarls Dunn,
"you'll Kit a real story becauso I'll
Drain mm -win. mo ""Y-"-"' . . ,
Wo mill- our way Into tho fight clut
at Newark, Joe, lust as tha main bout
Is beln announced. Immediately a guy
In a box back of us -whispers, "Three to
ono Urennan don't stay tho limit."
"I irot Itl" hollors Younp Kearny,
draEKln' out a J10 bill which could of
easily stood a trip to any good laundry
"You're crazy, you boobl" hisses his
manager, . ,
"Forgot ltr remarks Kearny, "I only
wlsht I hart a million to bet at tho samo
odds. Kid Brennan will murder this
guy I"
Then tho bell rung.
Copyright, it 10, Doxioleday, Page d Co.
Stato Guard to Get Trucks
Harriubnrg, Sept. 4. (By A. P.)
Each Infantry unit of the new Pennsyl
vania National Guard will bo allotted
ono three -ton truck for its use by the
war department, according to word just
received hero by Adjutant General
Frank D. Beary. Tho trucks will be
stored nt tho Mount Gretna camp
ground, where the motor vehicles of
other brnnches of tho service will bo
placed. Buildings for tho storage of
these trucKS'wlH be finished this fall, n,
number being now In place, nnd It is
tho plan to maintain a force of watch
men. )catl)3
DIDDLE. At Trenton, N. J Ninth
month 8d. WILLIAM L. HIDDLL. aped 77.
Tuneral aervlces, at his late rejldenc.
Columbui, N. J.. Hfcond-day, Ninth-month
0th 2 P. m. Int. private. ..,, .
HIlCTHEniCK. Sept. a, MABEL, wife of
ncnjamln Bretherlck (ne tiOckwood). In her
L'Oth jenr. Funeral Mon.. 2 p. m.. residence,
i!24 9. 3d at.. Colwyn, I'd. Int. Mt. Mortal).
HURIIIS In Iluluth. Minn. .Sept. 1. lUiiO.
Mrs. CATHAItlNIJ II. IlUIlhlH. atrert M
leara. formerly of Philadelphia. Pa. Daugh
ter of Ilobert and Kllsa. (Wayne) Tcmpiln
Jarden. Ilurial In Signal Hill Cemetery, at
Trnf T1l(H Pffllf
noth Hnm
Increase Your Salary
To Incmiia your earning power, make
yourself expirt In somo one thing. Con
centrate all our effort on ono thing and
occomo an exreri in u. it you need type'
urltlni.'. Ilgurlng, writing or bookkeeplm
tn Ret an increase, come to Stra
all o
rial .ini :m npoi nnu spenu
i your
time un une subject until vou cnt a mine
Then talcs another subject and siend all
of lour time on It until you get another
raise. You will le surprised how Quickly
ou can work ouraelf up that way. Send
tor particulars . i ..
Strayer's Special Night School
807 Che.tnut St. Walnut 384
College (iruilimteH need a epecltlo
training In business Administration
In or,Ur to tit them far1 exenutlvn
positions, A l'eirce training Is an
aclmlrauio supplement to n. general
education, bend for 80th year book.
Ouenu hint 7 night school. Sept. 20,
l'liif Mt. weal or iirouu, 1'iiiio.dclpltla
Iluslness men know that our courses turn
out well-trnlned orflcn assistants. Stenog
raphy, Uoolikeeplng and Secretarial Courses,
ll.iy and oenlng classes Call
or write tor caiaiog. rail Term
rne-n UCB.il" iioiriiiuri ,.
klTfSi IH1IT A tll'UfWUU rATrmv
"Ji unit rnlle.n ,)f rfunin,i,n
1017 I'lieetnut t. VrilladrlpMa
Friends' Select School VoltU
The Parkway, Cherry and lath Sts
All grades between Kindergarten and College
Htunda for thorough work and all-round
Christian character Deulns Ninth Month
20th. Open for Inspection and enrollment.
WalterJVjIImllanil. l'rlnclpal
Itroad nnd Spring (lardtn Hts., 1'hlla.
Pay and night classes In Art, Kleotrlclty.
Merhinlra and Antn Orens Bert. 50.
Young Women and (llrls
K," f3
sciioni. rnn mul.:
n the heart of tho
Drcen Spring Valley,
'he moat beautiful sac-
ion at Maryland, leas
han an hour from Hal
tlmnre Offers unusutl
possibilities to the girl de
airing outdoor life, thor
ling and Pest
molntmenta. Tn.
residence nppolntmenta
termedlate Colieg Pre.
laraiory. upeciai roursea
.Itiate. and Art Ttliltnir anA
all sports. Hoarding De.
partment limited to 8(1,
Catalog, views on request
Oarrlson Vorest School
MHry Moncrlette Livingston
linn i.. uarriaon Mfl
CAIIK. Sept. 8, ISABELLA T,. wir Ji
Bernard II. Carr (nes lllckey), fed 04
yeara, HeUtTvea and friends lnv'l1..;?
tuneral 'iuea o:au a. m.. ""'"V
realdenee, 71 Bumrt.ltt Terrace, Itojemont,
Pa. Solemn requiem maea at St. Thomaa
Church, Vlllanova, 10 a. m. Int. Ht, Denla
CHAHMAN. Sept. 2. 1920. SAItAII B.,
widow of Henry Charman. Funeral Sun.,
10 a. m., from the residence of her eon,
Albert II. Charman, Magnolia, N. J. Frlende
may call Sat, eve.
CITTI. Sept, 3, 102(1. yTLOnENCB St..
wife of James L. Clttl 'and daughter of
Oconto II. and Elizabeth Lreleaton. Itela
tlvea and friends are Invited to attend fu
neral services, at her Into residence, E.
Willow drove ave Wyndmoor, Tuea., 2
P. m. Int. private
CLAHKR. Sept. 2. LILLIE MAY. wife of
Wlllla-m Clarke. Funeral services Mon.. 2
p. m., late residence. 8344 I st. Int. private.
Bristol Cem., Pa. Viewing Sun. eve.
DE LEON. Suddenly.' at Wlldwood. N.
J Sept. 2, 1020, JENNIE, wife of Oeorse
W, C. De Leon. Relatives, friends and Leah
Lodge. Invited to funeral services, late resi
dence, 2028 N. 22d St.. Plilla.. Sun., 2 p, m.
in ni Mint!
liVEULY, Bepi. x, llUMn.in, winow oi
Miller Evenly. Ilelatlvea and frlenda Invited
to attend funernl, Mon,, 2 p m,. late real
denee. OltlS Chester ave. .Int. LyurH IIIIK
FETTEIIS. husband of Loretto Lomey, son
of Oarrett II. a.ml Marsaret A. Fetters.
Service Sunday, at IV p. m at Oklahoma
Farms Cara will meet Allentown Limited
at Perkaalo at 12 noon. Military funeral.
FltOMMEIl. Of 21110 N. 29th at., on Sent.
2. AI.HEKT FHOMMER. aged 42 yeara.
Relatives and frlenda aro Invited to the jery
lea on Sunday afternoon at B o'clock, at the
Oliver 11. Hair lllda-.. 1820 Chesthut st. In
terment at Bclvldere, N. J. . ....
OAIIHKTT. Ninth-month 8d, 1020, re.
VIItOINIA, widow of J. Klnsey Oarrett.
Relatives and friends nro Invited to attend
funeral services. Third-day 7th. 1 p m..
Penn Widow Asylum. Int. Friends' Burial
Orounds Haddonfleld, N, J.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
funeral services. Tucs., 1 p. m.. late resi
dence. 2524 E. N'orrta at. Int. private. North
Cedar Hill Cem. . ..,., n
nTlAVtcfV nn nn. 2. IjATTHENCH O.
DRAFFIN. Hervices Sunday, 8 p. m.. at
parlors nt fl, p. Frankenfleld Sons, 30th and
Kprinit oaruen. inurmeni, -iionaay morning!
Bethlehem, Pa,
OWILLIAM. Sept. 2. ANNIE E. (nee
Oordon), aged 84, widow of late Charl-s M.
(Iwllllam. I-uneral from her late residence,
Paulsboro. N. J.. Sun.. 1:30 p. m. Int. at
EcllnKton Cem., Clarlistoro, N J, ...
(formerly of Haddonfleld. N. J.), In his 83d
year. Funeral from residence of his nephew,
.T. Element ltnnklnn. 10 W. Main at.. Moores-
town, N. J.. Mon., 11 a. m. Int. Baptist
LINK. I. WILEHEMiNA, dauatiter of the
late Martin ana wuenemina i.inK. ageu
service on Tuenday. 1 p. m., from resldcnco
of her niece, Mrs, I, Morris. Fellowship and
Mill rd.. Mapleshapo. N. J. Interment, west-
mlnpter Cemetery. PhlladelDhla.
MAIX5NKY. Suddenly. Sept. 2, JOHN T
son of Mary A. and tho late Patrick Ma
loney, Ilelatlvea n,nd friends Invited to fu
neral, Mon., 8:30 a, m., residence, 0037 Car
penter st. Solemn requiem mass at St.
Carthage's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy
Cross Cem.
McNICHOL. Sept. 2. ELLA E.. daughter
of the late Patrick and Mary McNIchol. Rela
tives and friends Invited to funeral, Mon,,
8:30 a. m., residence, 8321 Race st. Solemn
high reaulem mass at Lady of Victory
Churrh 10 a. m. Int. Old Cathedral Cem.
Young Men nnd Iloya
EaV daPVEK mMfy:N5S5.-as?iil3sSIHn! fiSdSNTWal aaTaal
aaaWTaft I rktaFWnmmTvntFy lai I
Country Day School for Boys
Primary School (Boys Under
a ecncoi mat gives a avy u coiupieio eieineiiiAry
schooling nnd prepares for entrance to any
bnnrdlnR nchool or collepe, without takltiar him
away from hln home ard Its vital influences dur
ing IiIh trnpreislotinblo yc.trs. A pchonl In which
open-air training, baseball, etc. handwork, and
Intellectual study aro combined with Christian
cxamplo and preennt to develop full manhood
nnd efficiency. School arounds have 1C acres;
hleh elovBtlon. Located 3 miles north of Jen
klntown Rendtmr Railroad to Meadowbruofc.
Autobus serMce for nearby places. Registration
nnd npslgnm.'nt of cIos'pm, Sent 2 I-Vr proa
pectun, term-. Mo. address tho Head MnKter.
Mendnwhrnnk. P.
The William Pcne Charter School )
No. 8 South 12th Street, Philadelphia
Founded 1G89 Chartered 1701
Aa a Eohool of tho highest American Btnndarda and Ideals, Penn Charter
in eminently fitted for tho all-nround development of tho modern boy.
Itu graduates are prepared to enter tho sarlous colleges and pro
fesstonal and technical BChoolu of the country.
Tho academic year 1920-21 begins Tuesday, September 21. 1020, and
tho Prospectus may bo obtained on application. IJulldlngs will bo open
for inspection and for classification of pupils September 7th. ,
1324 Locuit St., Phila. ,
nRE3AnES boys for all Colleges nnd1
Technical School.. A Junior Srhnnl I
under teachers of expeiienco affords
cnreful ttalnlng for little boys Tha,
next session opens September 23d for
tho Upper and Middle Schools ; Sep.
tcmber 27th for the Junior School.
Thn neglster, together with an nn-l
nouncement of the Hoard of Trustees, I
gtlng details of tho proposed removal i
or me scnooi to uvcrnrooK, sent on ap.
plication. '
The oitlce Is open for tho enrollment
of pupils
Robert Anderson
Acting Headmaster
Yonng Women nnd (llrls
PPINKSS at Highland
teirhera will studs- and
Her companion
oyer i- i-niieq nisris iitir
.4xjiZ y. .k
j&2 A non-
y un a vt
aims nnu reiiuiremvnta Her surroundings In tho dormitories tha
class rooms, nnd on the tamnua will b beautiful and wholesoms.
All flrades. Liberal Arts. College Preparator Post araifuate!
Uomestlo hclence, Interior Decoration, eto "u""'-
Tor booklet write Miltn 31 i:, u West KlSd rt., New York City '
2301 Walnut Nt.
for glrla and small boy. will open for Ha
21st year September 23, 1020 Kindergarten
through College Preparatory. Strong general
courae Domestic Silence. Hockey. Ilaskct
bull i:sthetlo Dancing, School buaeea call In
West Philadelphia, Ilala, Iterlon and Over
brook, -"
k'-' 1
"ftftTJfa, j V tAi-Jl
lonTprfAt h.r mssMJMm
of George CI. Morton. Ilelatlvea
may view remains on Sunday va.)
to 10 o'clock, at tho Oliver II. Vt
18-'U Chestnut at. interment sitrcuj.p
vate. ft, I'
POLLITZ. Suddenly, Sept. S, 1D3f, jt.tite
resilience, ai'J Townsnip line, jjiwinwira,
rnWAllD hn.tinn.l of rilnra it. PctlMts ogeal
DO. Due nctlco of funeral will be lven :.i
SCHAFEIl. on Sept. 2. JOHN li-,, non oi
Margaret King nnd the late John Rchafar
and grandson of the late Qeorga and Mary
Schafer Ilelatlvea and frlenda. alan em
ployes of Penna. n. It.. 4tM and walnut
sts. office, are Invited to the service on
Tuea at 2 n m.. at the residence dt Charlaa'
llana.r. 2148 H. lnth at. Interment orlvltOi
Tl'vL na it n u uIaiu Amnlaa fnnatt aarln aa ,i I
fllARO. MIMh Month. Second, 'MKWW1T
, PIIARO, aged BD years. FuneraJ.etn .
tl-day. Ninth Month. Sixth, at law v.jmi.
Kings Highway. East HaddimlTeldrW,
SETTLE. Buddenly, Sept. 1, OBOROBfl
c. setti.k aged 7(i. Relatives ana triena:.i
invuea 10 Kunerai aervicea, nai., ix .. vn., '
late residence. f54 N. 10th st. Int. private.
j.ieut, a h , k. u. . il., son oi joaean
W. and Lulu Eadle Shank. Ilelatlvea 'Mt !
frlenda Invited to services. 2 p, m.
Rent fl. resldenco nf his uncle. C.
Shank Rosemnnt. Pa. Int. Private. rrienAa
may call Sun evening;, 7 to 0. ' , i-ff
widow of Andrew M. 'Slmon'det, aged Ta5.:
Relatives and friends Invited td fnneral,",
Mon.. 2 P m late residence, 013 LevloKV
st . Lnwnda.le Philadelphia. Int. Qreenii
mount Cem, i
stijl,ii. At venmor. n. j.. oept. ii
Irea Sat.. 11 a. m., realdenee. 48 Allen lanV7
Mt. Airy, I'll 11 a. Int. private. Please emit
THOMAS. Suddenly In
Sent. 1. ISAAC RIDDLE, husband of
of J
heth tltlev Thomas and Son of Cleorg Ilrfni
ton ThomnB, of West Chester, Pa,, In hlajV
4Uin year, oervicQB ,n vnicngo, a p. ni:
Thursday, Interment private. Pittsburgh
papers Please copy ' ,
WATT, On September 8. 1020, WILLIAM;
TAYI.on. ton of the late William r and'
Mary T. Watt. Relatives and frltndsi,
also Southwestern Assembly No. 18, A. Of
M. P., and Brotherhood of Carpenters, "ar;
invited to tno service on lueaatr axiernoon,f.
at 2 o'clock, at tho residence of his sister,,.
1420 N, Alden street. Int. private. Friend
may call Monday evenins irom 7 to
o'clock. . '',
wn.flOM. Sent. 2. VICTORIA danhlei
of the late Samuel and Arma "Vvllaon tnaaV
Langdon). Relatives nnd friends are Invited ,
to attend funeral, Mon., 8.-30 a. m., from thai
residence of her brother. 2020 N. Palethonj1
st. Solemn requiem maas at the Church of'
the Visitation, lu a. m. int. uoir Hepuicnr'
WOLF. On Sent. 3. RUDOLnr It. bu-i
band of Kettle M Wolf, aged 80 .yeara.
Rclattvea and frlenda, nleo Penna. Lod-,f
No. 380. F. and A, r. , Phils Lodge, No. 3.5
B. P. O. E : Helmont Driving Club and all')
..., nrennlcatlona of which ha vraa eh
member, are Invited to the service on Tuea-!
nay at i " hhla huuii. tu mm lam real"
ri.nrn. u tt. iiii-ihiimii ,uau. utciuiuuk. k
'"--' . , . -, -ij-.
Interment nriym" v.l
Young Men nnd Iloya
8), Lower School, Upper School
Charles Tj. Borlo. Jr.
Georpo W. Elklna, Jr.
J. Smylle Herkneoa
Vayno Herlcness
Anderson MacPhea
Charles E. Mclnnea
John C. Martin
Gcorgo Sattorthwalt
Robert Sewall
30Bay' Business College
Now Address
Susquehanna, near Broad
Wa luue purchased tho above splendid
building as u premanent home for our
college. Diamond RiOt,
Mine time mid monry, and secure tha
best position Id the elty.
''The Mlinol that Is pructleaUr perfee
and lii-rfwtl prnrtlrul."
Contruct or montlily rates.
urauvnting, Mathematics. Mechanic, jr
Registration Dally. IS S. 7th flta
Young fen nnd Ilorg
Young Women and fllrla
Hidhland Manor
Jvr Girls
sectarian baurillng mul miintrv day aehonl
oodril estate In Ttirrytovtii-un-Iludavn, N. Y,
Manor Is assure! everv iri ir.-
und. ratnnd her lu lunlual personality.
... .-w .'.iiMinut un m irom r m a or culture nit
course r study will he ndantert m her
The Gordon-Roney School "isi
"or OlrlH. 4U2 Spruce street. Ckmaraij
And Culleue
Qarden and flvm
Anss Honey,
Hill M I lllirit SrilllOI, for Young YTamtm
,1 lluldliig.. W 1S.1 Hi t II VersWSsf'
tJnusunl prucilctt Icalureai (1) HewiurfTj
(2) Domestic Hclmco () SoclaY wSlter ? I
. .Jinuimmy nrrr Jn JIISS HI. a,
UUa lllinan's School lor Klnaerci
Junior, Senior and Uraduata
Srimary meuioas. Practice kind,
ddresa A, T. Illman, PrTn., Bex
rinui at.. muMaku. vi.
1 w
teAtM - fc'. tll.